how to scale tiktok ads

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How To Scale Your Ecommerce TikTok Ads To $10k/Day

if you want to put a dollar into your,ecommerce business and predictably have,hundreds of dollars fly out at your face,so that you can buy 40 wish replicas of,your favorite watch then you need to,master one important skill,media buying if you want a team of,experts to help you find winning,products build your website create your,ads and manage your ads until we scale,to one grand a day or more then book a,call in the link in description with my,agency blue ocean digital just in the,past week one of our media buyers took a,brand new store from zero to 15 grand a,day so if anyone tells you that,dropshipping aren't tank talk ads is,dead they're probably a hater or your,parents so click the link in the,description if you're interested,oof that is an absolute stunner and i,know that lowers my credibility but as,you can see by my stripe your boy does,make a little bit of money on fourteen,thousand dollars yesterday i know gotta,flex my giga chad bank account real,quick because people just don't believe,people that are broke so now that we're,getting into media buying it doesn't,matter what platform you're using if,it's facebook tick tock ads i personally,like tick tock ads but when you're,trying to scale an e-commerce brand you,need to understand one platform and,really master it because they're all so,different and they're so niche in the,ways that you can scale on one platform,bid caps might work better or on one,platform certain creatives might only,work on that platform especially with,tick-tock so you really need to,understand and focus down on one main,platform to master because if you can,master it you will make millions of,dollars so pick a platform it can be,facebook it can be tick-tock they all,definitely work with e-commerce you just,need to figure out the different nuances,now after testing hundreds of products,and in the last month alone on tick tock,one of the main things i realized is,that creatives are so incredibly vital,especially in the beginning i would,recommend never testing a product unless,you have three to five creatives minimum,so when you have three creatives which,is our bare minimum here this is how i,would set up the first campaign so we're,gonna select conversions and when we go,down here to naming our campaign i,always do the product name breakeven,point so let's say i'm selling a,necklace so we just do the name of the,necklace bep and bep basically stands,for breakeven point so if i'm selling a,product for 25 and it cost me 10 then my,breakeven point is 15. that's where i,don't lose any money but i don't make,any money so that's a good metric i like,to keep track of there's other things i,like to keep track of like whether this,is a testing campaign or a scaling,campaign but just to keep it basic we'll,just have this framework now for cbo's i,do not do cbo's when testing i know that,works better on facebook and again this,is where you have to learn the nuances,but for tick tock after doing a ton of,testing i feel like cbo is better for,scaling so once you connect the pixel to,your shopify store make sure you're,selecting that and also that you have,the optimization event as complete,purchase this is a brand new ad account,so nothing's on it now for placement,we're going to do tick tock and for the,advanced settings i do recommend having,the comments on we have done a ton of,split tests and you can manage your,comments by going to assets then,comments and you can see all the,comments so if you do want to delete,comments because typically 90 of,comments will be positive but around 10,will say oh you can get this product on,amazon for five dollars then you can go,to assets and comments to easily shut,them down because we don't need anyone,going rogue and taking food from our,plates so you can easily monitor that,but i would recommend it because we,noticed more people were sharing our ads,and more people were clicking and it was,just noticing that our purchases went up,when we had that feature on now for aco,this is something we've also split,tested a lot this is great for scaling,too when you have a ton of creatives i,would not recommend it in the beginning,you typically want to have a good amount,of spend for each one of your creatives,so you can see which one is the best and,when you're doing aco a lot of your,creatives are going to get neglected,they're only going to get maybe 5 cents,10 cents spent on them and you can't,properly evaluate if they are a winner,so i'd recommend turning that off and,then for targeting locations this is up,to you i would recommend getting an,agency account if you're international,so that you can have us targeting us is,still the best country on tick tock by,far however the cpms can get pretty,competitive so if you are in europe it,actually is very favorable to do uk,targeting to australia targeting to do,france targeting there are specific,countries that work very well because,they don't get a whole lot of ads shown,to them so the cpms are so freaking

The above is a brief introduction to how to scale tiktok ads

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How To SCALE TikTok Ads (Horizontal Scaling Method)

How To SCALE TikTok Ads (Horizontal Scaling Method)

so you might be getting less conversions,here at only seven conversions but your,cost per action is significantly lower,on cost cap campaigns compared to up,here on lowest cost okay so we're in our,Tick Tock ads manager now and I'm pretty,much just going to go through and show,you the exact process of scaling so come,over here click create none,and once we get in here we're going to,go ahead and click on website,conversions,and we're going to call this scaling,and there's,let's just build that wrong so there's,two ways you can scale you can scale,horizontally and you can scale,vertically,I'll show you both both ways to do it,um to put it really simply horizontally,scaling is better if you have an ad,creative an ad that might get um might,get restricted or not approved as often,and scaling vertically is better if you,have a really clean ad account and brand,uh you don't have spinning issues you,don't have an issue with your ads,getting approved or anything like that,that's pretty much when you would use,each method,both work but generally I would say,vertically scaling will give you better,results faster,but I think for a large majority,especially for drop shippers,horizontally scaling is going to be,their way to go to get spend on ads that,might get disapproved elsewhere,so we'll call this scaling,I'll show you the horizontally version,first as well and basically for,horizontally you're going to want to do, for this,one,the reason you do Avo for scaling on,horizontal horizontally scaling is,because with cbo's if you go high budget,cbos work really well but they do,trigger re-reviews a lot of times in ad,creatives and stuff like that so going,with above very low budget abos it's a,lot less likely to get that uh you know,re-trigger of review and ads or get your,ad account you know,disabled or shut down or anything like,that so we're going to skip the CBO skip,these three go ahead and click continue,and one other thing I don't know if I,mentioned this in my other video with,the cloaking but if you have you know a,terrible product and a bad ad,there's no method that's gonna like make,you magically profitable you have to,have a good ad and a good you know a,good ad a good product and a good,landing page to uh to be able to scale,so that's just quickly saying that but,uh for tick tock pixel horizontally,scaling you can do a connected pixel or,cloaked pixel it doesn't really matter,but generally for uh scaling you do want,to have you you cannot do vertically,scaling without a connected pixel and,the reason for that is because you're,going to be doing bit caps which will,help maximize return on ad spend you,know considerably better than,horizontally but horizontally also not,that bad,so we're going to click cloak number one,row complete payment whether you're,doing horizontally or vertically scaling,you're always going to want to optimize,your complete payment,select placement we'll go to tick tock,United States 18 and up,if you have,so for interest in general when scaling,I'd say your best bet is for,horizontally scaling at least,if you don't have you know some amazing,interest that when you did in the,testing phase you saw you know sub five,dollars complete payments then I would,say you know open targeting is not a bad,idea and you know it really is not the,end of the world the more control you,can give to tick tock and the less of a,box that you put the actual parameters,in for scaling the more likely I think,you will succeed so adding interest I'm,going to keep this broad daily budget so,this is this is important,for scaling horizontally,especially with you want to have the,lowest possible daily budget that you,can,so that's twenty dollars and you can't,go below twenty dollars I don't think so,where do you just go like 10 yeah so you,have to go at least 20.,and the reason you want to go as low as,possible is to put it like it simply put,the lower the spend you have the less,likely your ads are going to get,re-reviewed and re-triggered through the,system if you have a CBO a high budget,CBO or a really high budget,um,uh even with bid caps and you're not,getting a ton of spin if your results,are really really good really really,quickly on one specific ad set or CPO,basically everything in the accounts can,get like re-reviewed all at once and,it's really really likely that's they're,going to find something wrong with an ad,or a landing page or a policy and you,know your whole thing might get shut,down your ads might get disapproved,spending issues it can be like a really,really annoying process to actually try,and scale so the reason why you have low,budgets is basically to bypass all that,and when you have low budgets for some,reason even if you have a ton of abos if,you have a ton of avos with low budgets,it doesn't really trigger that re-review,process in my experience so we have,twenty dollars for this and that's why,we're doing twenty dollars on this,horizontally scaling,for the date we will do tomorrow at,mid

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My $300k TikTok Ads Scaling Strategy (Step by Step Tutorial 2023)

My $300k TikTok Ads Scaling Strategy (Step by Step Tutorial 2023)

I'm going to show you the same exact,Tick Tock as campaign strategy that I,use to go from 30k a month to over a,hundred thousand dollars per month with,a simple online store this is the same,exact ad strategy that I use and many,other students are using to get an Roa,as high as 4.62 as you can see right,here some of my best performing,campaigns were getting a 4.62 row as,which means for every dollar that I put,into Tick Tock ads I'm getting 4.62,cents back now I'm going to show you,everything here step by step we're,actually going to set up the campaigns,go over what the ad creative should look,like what your ad sets should have but I,need you to enter the giveaway if you're,interested in winning that one-on-one,coaching call with me we've been doing,this for the last three weeks you guys,been really loving it so I'm gonna do,one yet again all you got to do to enter,is comment like And subscribe to the,channel I'm gonna pick one lucky,commenter by the end of next week to win,a free one-on-one coaching call with,myself now let's get into this Tick Tock,ad stuff man look it's very simple but I,want y'all to know that the way you win,with Tick Tock ads is not going to be,from just setting up a crazy campaign or,crazy profitable campaign it's actually,going to come from your ad creative Tick,Tock only cares about ad creatives,whether you're running paid ads or,whether you're running ads organically,your ad creative needs to be tip top,shape so if you want to watch a video on,how to get your ad creatives to be good,and make sure they go viral I'm going to,link a video up here that I posted about,two days ago and you guys should really,enjoy that make sure you check that out,before we get into this now if you're,ready for the paid ads the first thing,we need to do is make sure that our ad,account is set up to give us the most,likelihood of just being able to run,smoothly to do that you need to go to,your Shopify store and you need to go to,the App Store and actually download The,Tick Tock app it's gonna look like this,as you can see I already have it,installed right here but once you,download that app you're gonna end up on,your store and you're going to have a,few settings to set that up so walk,through this process set it up it's very,simple it's just a click of buttons you,set up your ads manager account you add,a payment method and then you choose,your targeting locations one extra step,that I want you to take note of which is,going to help you be profitable is,coming here into the data sharing area,and make sure you have yours selected to,maximum and that's where it's going to,hook up to your pixel to make sure you,get the most amount of data collected on,your Tick Tock pistol this is going to,help you later now once you have your ad,account set up we need to actually go to,tick tock ads and we need to start,launching our campaign so this is what,you're going to be presented with when,you create your first campaign but what,I need you to do is do another step that,a lot of drop shippers aren't doing I,want you to hook up your Tick Tock,profile to your ad account this is going,to allow you to select the best ad,creative that you already have going,while you have the social proof and the,engagement because that's going to play,a big part in whether your campaigns are,going to be profitable or not to do that,all we have to do is come into this,little logo of your user profile and,then you want to come into user settings,and then you'll see a screen that looks,like this from here we want to link our,Tick Tock account and that's where it's,going to ask me to log in I've already,been pre-logged in on this uh this,laptop here so I'm just going to,authorize,and as you can see right here I have my,Tick Tock account for my business hooked,up to the ad account now we're ready to,go and run ads there's just one more,thing I need you to take note of before,we actually go and run our ads and spend,money and that is to know your ro8 you,guys heard me refer to this in the,beginning your Roa basically means,return on ad spend it's not your return,on investment this is just how much,you're putting into the ad platform and,how much you're getting back this is,important because it's going to let us,know what metrics we should look for in,our ad campaigns to know whether we're,profitable or not just for example,purposes I had a product that cost about,15 and I was selling it for about 45.,well the average order value ended up,being 45 but the product itself was,about 30. if I know that these two,numbers I can get my projected roas,what's gonna happen is I'm going to link,this sheet Down Below in the description,area but what you can do is take a look,at the the Roa calculated and punching,your numbers because everybody's Roa is,going to be different depending on your,product the cost and the actual profit,so once you plug in your numbers you can,change the numbers here for example I'll,show you here if I change it to that,these

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How To Analyze & Scale Your TikTok Ads Like A Pro

How To Analyze & Scale Your TikTok Ads Like A Pro

oh man that really hits us,oh geez louise guys none of the middle,of my wii sessions uh i mean how badly,do you guys really want to learn how to,analyze your tick tock ads i mean,understand the data the the kpis the,metrics you really want to understand,how to react to your data so you can,scale your ecommerce brands that badly,well if that's the case then kudos to,you i tip my fedora and let's get right,into it so first off how do you even,test products with tech talk now for me,personally i always do one campaign five,ad groups 25 a day not 20 not 30 because,for me when we did 20 budgets the bare,minimum tick tock tends to not spend,that often so 25 dollars seems to be,that golden mark and then once you set,that up go down to your ad groups i have,my five ad groups identical from always,being united states always doing all,broad for the ages and the demographics,unless it's specifically for a gender,and then when we scroll on down i never,do interest i have not done interest in,months for me personally going broad,just works better for my cpms and my,results overall and then i always will,depart from 7 to 11 pm so that's pretty,much what i like to do very simple,lowest cost also i don't really do cost,caps anything else until i get some,purchase data and then when it comes to,the creatives i usually like to have,three creatives in each ad group and,it's the exact same creatives i like to,give my creators five chances of being,successful compared to only having one,ad in each ad group and sure yes that ad,gets 20 of ad spend but if that audience,sucks and the cpm maybe is inflated then,that ad could be a winner but it was the,audience's fault so i like to give each,creative five chances all right it's,time to get serious so after you've set,up your campaign you really need to know,one important metric what is your,breakeven cpa that is the most important,thing that you will be using to analyze,all of your ads and if you're not using,it to analyze your ads right now,frankly i think you're an absolute idiot,so when we go down to this specific,brand we can see that buying one is 34,for this product and let's say,hypothetically it costs four dollars to,fulfill so that means our breakeven cpa,is 30 so if an ad group is under 30 25,20 that means you are profitable and,that is the main thing i'm always,looking at and when evaluating a,campaign so when we go down here and we,look at our columns we can see right,here i got cost cpc one of the ads were,scheduled all these other things are,extraneous they are not the most,important things so i would get straight,into the meat and potatoes whenever,analyzing a campaign after a day and i,would say all right which one of my ad,groups are profitable which ones are not,and as we see right here this ad group,is absolutely going off three complete,payments eight dollars we are looking,good and this is the most important,thing you should be focusing your,attention right in this space but when,we look at the other ad groups we can,see another one is profitable perfect,then when we go to the other three i,would say would i turn off something,that's not profitable after the first,day,sometimes yes and that's typically if it,has very little add to carts so from,this first one i would see okay this one,has one add to cart i'm gonna kill it,but this one at the bottom that has,seven add to carts it just didn't get a,purchase because hey sometimes it can be,unlucky i would definitely leave it on,and see after one more day if it can get,a purchase now if it doesn't get a,purchase after another day yes we're,gonna turn it off it's probably just bad,traffic and with this one that has three,add to carts i would say in general,usually three after cards will lead to,one purchase and that would have made,this somewhat profitable so i actually,would have left this on as well and,getting into day two of the data we can,see that if we left the bottom one on,that had some add to carts it actually,was our best performing ad group on the,second day so for me yes if it shows,some signs of life i do let ad groups,spend for two days now let's say if this,campaign after one day had no purchases,whatsoever but a ton of adds to carts,i'm still gonna let it run for another,day i know with tick tock it sometimes,takes an extra day to optimize it's not,as fast as facebook some people need a,little bit of time and with tick tock,it's a brand new platform it's still,figuring out a lot of things and that's,why we like to keep it very broad so,that tick tock has a large audience that,he can eventually narrow down on and we,can also see on day two that our best,performing ad group is still performing,very well this one right here is still,getting one conversion still a ton of,ads cards but how would i break down,this data and try to scale next now when,it comes to scaling with take tock ads,it's really easy to over complicate and,focus on bid caps and surf scaling and,all this crap but for me the most,consist

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Quick $2k/Day TikTok Ads Scaling Strategy Breakdown

Quick $2k/Day TikTok Ads Scaling Strategy Breakdown

what's going on guys noah brewer here,back again with another video and today,we're going to be talking about how to,quickly scale your winning product with,tick tock ads and shopify to 2 000 per,day in around a week now people have,been going crazy in my discord if you,haven't popped in my discord yet,definitely check it out the link will be,in the description about tick tock ad,scaling strategies and people that are,struggling to get past you know two to,three hundred dollars a day in revenue,and i just wanted to make a quick video,basically running down my exact strategy,on what i do after i actually find a,winning product because we talk a lot on,this channel about how to find a winning,product but we don't talk enough i feel,about what to do after you actually find,that winning product so this is a very,quick and easy strategy i don't think,scaling tick tock ads is that,complicated here's what i would like you,to do watch this video save it for your,next winning product on the next winning,product you find if you're following my,methods follow this scaling strategy,i've done it many many times over the,last one or two months and scaled,numerous stores past a thousand bucks a,day even in even a few past two thousand,dollars a day with these exact,strategies so let's have no more delays,and get right into the strategy itself,so i'm going to break this down by day,one step one however you want to look at,it the first thing that i want to say is,that how you launch your initial test,campaign matters which is why i said,that this video is great if you're,following all of my other strategies,because my testing strategy perfectly,lines you up to be able to scale using,this method so if you're testing,products using any other person's method,i don't know if transitioning into this,method is going to work but if you are,using my testing method which you can go,back and watch one of my previous videos,and learn what it is,then you can definitely follow this,strategy but i did want to say that that,you can't just start implementing this,you know mid wherever you are with your,campaigns if you're doing cbo's or you,know anything that i don't normally do,you can't really jump into this so,ideally you want to start with a,campaign a test campaign of five ad,groups at twenty five dollars per day or,five ad groups at forty dollars per day,now if you've been following this,channel you know that i was testing,products with 25 daily budgets on the ad,group level like i said if you want to,know more about my strategies i have,other videos on my channel that go in,depth on how i test products but more,recently i've been saying that testing,with 40 daily budgets is a little bit,better i think it allows you to make a,decision quicker if an ad group is,winning or not and you can turn them off,you know basically on the first day and,end up with multiple successful winning,ad groups halfway through your campaign,so this is a strategy that i really like,doing and this is what i recommend uh to,use to actually test your products um so,let's say that you ran your initial test,5x25 right let's just assume that you,did 25 daily budgets if you did 40 daily,budgets on day one you can just skip to,uh step two or day two of the scaling,strategy but if you started with 25,daily budgets the first thing that i,would probably do is make a new campaign,and try a five by forty dollar so same,exact thing the only thing different is,you're going to start with 40 budgets as,opposed to 25. honestly if it works with,25 budgets it's probably also going to,work with 40 budgets but i still think,that you should do it as an initial test,or an initial proof of proof of concept,to basically prove that 40 daily budgets,are actually going to work before you,try to scale them now how do you,actually analyze your 40 budget campaign,when an ad group hits 20 with no sales,so this is going to be about halfway,through uh the first day,just turn it off and just let the ones,that do have sales run,and the reason i make decisions so fast,is because usually in the past i've seen,winning products uh usually like two or,three of the ad groups will pop a sale,within the first 10 to 15 spent so in my,eyes if there's an ad group that has 20,spent without sales it's probably best,to just turn that off the only exception,that i would make to this role is if,you're halfway through your campaign and,your your average row as for the whole,campaign is really really good,then it might be smart to just let,everything run for a full day but most,of the times you're gonna have two to,three good ad groups and two two bad,ones no big deal just cut them and let,your good ones run for the rest of the,day now let's go into day two or step,two by the time you get to this point,you should have at least one five by,forty campaign that was successful and,profitable in some way and ideally you,have maybe one or two ad groups that are,actually profitable and remaining,profitable but i would

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DROPSHIPPING CHALLENGE: $1,000 in 72 hours with TikTok Ads 2023

DROPSHIPPING CHALLENGE: $1,000 in 72 hours with TikTok Ads 2023

imagine having a special ATM machine,where if you put a dollar in it'll give,you thirty dollars back I'm gonna show,you that exact machine today now last,week I made a video where I documented,how to take a store from scratch to,generating over 218 dollars within the,first 24 hours of its launch in this,video I'm going to show you how I took,that exact same store and it's generated,its first one thousand dollars in sales,within the first 72 hours which is just,three days now I'm gonna reveal to you,the profit I'm gonna show you the ads,and most importantly I'm gonna give you,that exact ATM machine so you could go,and replicate this and have a very,profitable start to your Drop Shipping,business but before we lock in all I ask,is that you hit the like button on this,video and make sure you subscribe so you,stay tuned with more videos and AD,strategies like this and also make sure,you watch this video in full because,towards the end I'm gonna give you,instructions on how you can win this,store absolutely free yes I'm gonna be,doing a giveaway where I give away this,store or absolutely free to one lucky,subscriber so make sure you stay tuned,for the whole video step one create a,base campaign to start off what we gotta,do for this special ad strategy is,coming to you as dashboard okay we're,gonna start off with just a regular,regular campaign and this is how you do,it you want to start off with,conversions I want to come down here and,I want to set the campaign budget to a,lifetime budget of fifty dollars okay,that way we're not going to spend more,than fifty dollars in a Lifetime on this,budget supposedly but what I'm gonna do,is come into the ad group settings and,just like any other campaign you know,I'm going to select my pixel here okay,we're going to optimize for purchases,this is on a test pixel over here so I'm,going to select placements just Tick,Tock and we're going to select our,targeting to be 25 to 55 year olds and,we're also going to select our interest,to be purchase intention and we want to,sell let's say it's a household product,I'll pick something like Home,Improvement I would also do household,products I would also do something like,baby kids in maternity and appliances,but most importantly you want to make,sure that your audience is large if it's,not large enough like over 50 million,what you want to do is come down here,into targeting expansion and you want to,allow interest and behavior and what,that'll do is open up the audience size,to over 50 million that's what we need,for this to work now I'm going to come,down here into the daily budget and I'm,going to set that to over a hundred on,each but don't worry because we do have,our campaign limit limit limit limiting,us to fifty dollars so it's not going to,spend that much in a single day this is,just to set up the campaigns and then we,also want to set the start time to the,next day at midnight so I'm going to,come here and change that to 0-0,military time and that's going to start,at midnight we're going to select,specific times for this campaign to run,which is between 6 a.m and midnight and,we're going to select that for every,single day and and now I'm gonna just go,into next now this is just a base,campaign but it's Gonna Get Us set up to,the next step so what I'm gonna do is,come here into my custom identity you,can upload your logo uh you don't have,to hook up your ads account put your,brand name but then you want to upload,the ad that you have okay so you want to,upload your ad creative right here and,then you want to put some text in here,like you know maybe put your caption,which is best gift for holidays and as,you can see that's just a sample video,of me all right so right here I'm gonna,put the URL of the store so I'm going to,come right here and grab that paste that,real quick and it should grab that and,we should be all set to go so then I'm,going to submit this so once your,campaign is created you're ready to move,on to step two multiply and this is,where we want to grab that one campaign,so I'm going to select the one that we,just launched and I'm gonna go with here,bulk edit and I'm gonna export the ad,okay so I'm gonna click export and with,that to do it'll download the ad into an,Excel file where we can actually go and,edit the settings so we can multiply,over hundreds and hundreds of campaigns,in this one ad account and that's how,we're going to be able to unleash this,ad strategy so this is where things can,get tricky but just follow along here,once you open that Excel file it's going,to look something like this and the,first thing I need you to do is delete,the campaign ID you want to also delete,the ad group ID and then you want to,also find the ad ID and that's going to,be somewhere over here after that what,you want to do is you want to create,501 rows of this same campaign okay so,what we need to do is grab this over,here you might be using Excel on Windows,I'm using a Mac so it's like numbers but,same concept

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Scaling Tik Tok Ads [LIVE] | $1,700/Day Dropshipping Tutorial Strategy

Scaling Tik Tok Ads [LIVE] | $1,700/Day Dropshipping Tutorial Strategy

- It's how I'm able to scale up to 1700 a day,with 30% profit margins.,(upbeat music),Yo, what's going on everybody?,It's your man, Mohamed Camara,and welcome back to the channel.,You already know what time it is, man.,And this is one, I got a very interesting one,,highly, highly requested video.,Everybody wanted to know exactly how I'm scaling,TikTok ads in 2021 going into 2022.,So I want to give you all closer look.,We're going to dive right behind my dashboard real quick.,I'm going to show you the exact process,scaling these ad campaigns live.,Okay, so, it's almost 12 o'clock going into the next day.,It's 11:40 PM right now,so this is a perfect time to start configuring our ad sets,before the next day.,And I'm going to set all my changes to take place,at 12:00 AM.,If you haven't seen my previous video,on testing TikTok ads,,go ahead and check that out up here.,Very, very necessary for you to know,what kind of language you're going to be using here,,because we need to have a minimum,return on ad spend of 1.87,and that's described in the previous video.,If you don't know what I'm talking about,,go check it out,,but that's going to be my criteria here,for scaling these ads.,So, let's dive behind the dashboard.,I want to show you all what winning ad sets look like,and what scaling looks like in TikTok ads.,So here's my dashboard real quick.,This is in one campaign,that I've been testing a few different audiences in,and before we get into the ad sets,,I just want to show you all the real numbers over here.,So, here's the Shopify store.,I'm going to refresh this,,just so y'all know it's no funny stuff as always.,Hundred percent transparency here.,This is on this month.,So as you can see, we've been steady climbing.,You know, a big goal of ours was to be able to do,up to 50K,,and we wanted to do it in the first month.,So I'll show you all the journey of this store real quick,,because it started,,first day of advertising was July 28th,and it is now September 3rd.,So I want to show you all what scaling actually looks like.,Okay, so, here you can see that the store,on the first day of testing, it was,,we did about one or two sales, right?,These first five days right here, as you can see,,as we're climbing up on the scale ladder,,the first five days was just testing out some products,and we saw an uptrend.,Our ad spend stayed the same.,We saw an uptrend in the ads.,And after that fifth day,,we started trimming out bad ads,and that's why you see a dip here.,So this is normal.,A product with good potential,is gonna look like this.,You're gonna scale a little bit for the five days,,and then you're gonna trim the bad ads,and it's going to drop a little,and then you're gonna scale that,,getting a trim,,scale, trim,,scale, trim,,scale, trim.,Okay.,You're going to keep doing that,until you get enough data in your ad account.,And these are just going to be $20 ad sets on TikTok, okay?,So we're gonna keep going,and as you can see,,we got to a point where we got enough data,to where we could create look alike audiences here.,You know, besides the last three days,,just look at this right here.,This is just collecting data.,We spent a whole month collecting data,and we made close to $25,000 in sales,,just from testing.,Gathering testing data.,So that's great.,30% profit margins.,Now, when we decide to scale,,what's gonna happen is,our profit margins are going to drop a little bit,because that's just what happens when you scale, okay?,The logic here becomes,,do you want 30% of a $1000 a day?,Or do you want 20% of $3,000 a day?,And that's the logic here.,You're going to take less margin,,but more net profit home.,So, now we've got a good sense of, okay,,this is the type of ad set that needs to scale.,So, let me show you all what this looks like in profit.,I'm just going to go back to this month,just so you can see.,Here's the last three days of me,actually pushing this store to its limits.,We got a lot of campaigns that's--,We got about 10 other campaigns right now,,but I'm zoomed into one.,'Cause I want you all to really focus in on this one.,Check out this campaign here.,So these are all testing ads.,We've been letting it run for about two days now.,As you can see, the cost is approaching $40 on each ad set,,$20 a day.,So after about the second day,,you want to come in and you want to,,again, sort everything by ROA.,The scaling should be the easiest part, Okay?,You should spend no more than 30 minutes scaling the store.,As You can see right here,,our top ad sets is up to 3.4 ROA,and our worst add set is at 0.52.,So, anything below a 1.87,is below a 30% profit margin for me,so I want to cut those out.,So these two ads right here, I'm going to go ahead and trim.,I'm going to take these ones out,because we're not profitable there.,As you can see, spent 39 made $24,,spent 39 made $20,so, not such a profitable audience there.,But let's go into these.,Everything else,,we have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 other ad sets,that are doing very, very wel

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[ADVANCED] My $100k/Day TikTok Ads Scaling Strategy (Shopify Dropshipping)

[ADVANCED] My $100k/Day TikTok Ads Scaling Strategy (Shopify Dropshipping)

so I get DMS and YouTube comments all,the time from people who are stuck at a,couple hundred dollars a day with their,Drop Shipping Store and can't scale,their ads surprisingly from my,experience scaling a store from one to,five to even 50k days is usually the,easiest part in e-commerce so what are,the ad strategies that we are using the,Scalia Source hey everyone Dylan here in,this video I'll be revealing many of the,ad strategies we've used to hit multiple,100K days with Tick Tock ads only the,store I'm using as an example for this,video was ran with a partner of mine,named Ben Harvey his Instagram is down,in the description below also if this,video hits 2 000 likes I'll be doing a,in-depth Tick Tock ad creative video,where I'm even going to be showing,multiple of my winning creative angles,that I've used in the past so from my,experience the reason why most people,can't scale with Tick Tock ads is,because the product is not good enough,in the first place so this is usually,because the product is too saturated or,maybe your offer is just not structured,right at all another reason why products,can't scale is because you haven't been,testing enough creatives where you're,not even using custom content in the,first place so it's really important,that you're aware enough to not get,attached to your product and to know,when it's time to stop and start testing,other products so let's say you have a,winning product there's still a lot of,things you want to put into place before,you actually start scaling your ads you,want to get quotes from multiple,different suppliers and then proceed to,pen them against each other to really,get the lowest price for your products,this is something we haven't really done,a good job of in the past where we could,have been saving like even a dollar or,more on some of the products that we've,scaled because we didn't do a good,enough job of pressuring our supplier,also make sure your supplier is actually,sending you real tracking numbers for,your orders and make sure they're,sourcing the product that you're,actually selling on your site for,example we've sourced products in the,past when our supplier will actually be,sending a much cheaper version of the,product that we originally sent her and,then we would have no clue about it so,just make sure you really know the exact,product that your supplier is actually,sending out to your customers before you,start scaling up I'd be kind contacting,at least four or five suppliers saying,hey we're doing a couple hundred dollars,a day right now but we're about to start,scaling up to thousands of dollars per,day what's the best price you can give,us this isn't necessarily something you,have to do before you scale you can,definitely do it while you're scaling,but just make sure it's something that's,always top of mind that you're testing,your upsells and constantly testing,different offer structures as well if,you're running a shorter term trending,product I really wouldn't worry much,about this I would just scale it as,quick as possible so another mistake I,made when I first started scaling with,Tick Tock was I used to do all of the,customer support emails myself now not,only is this a very low leverage task it,also is extremely time consuming so make,sure before you start scaling that you,hire some sort of va to handle your,customer support emails make sure that,VA has direct communication with your,supplier as well and this can be done,through upwork and then you can hook,them up on a software like zendesk once,you have that system in place you really,don't need to worry about customer,support anymore at all so for longevity,purposes you want to be constantly,refreshing creatives on your ad account,you can get away with less creatives if,this is like a really short-term scale,but if this is a long-term product that,you're running you're going to need to,constantly be refreshing them now we've,had a few creatives that have lasted,literally over a year now however most,don't and you still want more fresh,creatives constantly coming in at scale,you shouldn't be stealing content,anymore I think that's okay to test,products I still don't recommend it but,you'll be missing out on a lot of,Revenue if you're still stealing,creatives at scale so whether you make,them yourself which is what you find,I've done that in the past or if you're,working with a Creator I'd recommend at,least two to three creatives per week,and that's fresh creatives that's not,just repurposing old content also,overall just make sure you have a good,amount of cash on hand and good cash,flow most of the time when you scale,Shopify payments and PayPal they're,gonna put reserves on your account,they're gonna hold at least 25 of your,money a good way to hedge against this,would be to have a credit card I rest,recommend the AMX gold you can get,hundreds of thousands of dollars of,credit limit with that cord and you,won't really run into cash flow of,issues so one issue a lot of peopl

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