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Million Dollar TikTok Ads (Copy These)

good artist copy great artist steel,you've probably heard that quote before,and it's partly true so in today's video,we're going to be going through some,million dollar Tick Tock ads so the goal,here is just to show you basically what,ads are working so that you can modify,your videos to fit what's already,working out there so we're gonna be,using a tool here called mine EA or,minia whatever you guys want to call it,this is my favorite ad spy tool out,there so what's cool about this tool is,that we can look at Facebook ads,Pinterest ads and even Tick Tock ads so,we're gonna go to The Tick Tock ads tab,now before we begin here I do want to,say something real quick when we make,these videos or any video just try to,remember to expand your mind a bit like,try to think in a more abstract way when,you look at this stuff like try to use,your creativity to see how you can apply,these things to your business to your,life because honestly e-commerce is not,the only pathway that you can take in,order to make an income online right,like you could become an influencer you,could create a theme page you could use,these methods or these Trends and apply,them to really anything so so just,remember like the power of the internet,is insane and you can apply it in many,different ways not just the,self-physical products however most of,these ads are going to be physical,products and e-commerce and physical,products are an amazing business to,start but I just wanted to mention that,real quick so let's begin now again,we're on the tick tock ads tab here,let's filter by ads that already have a,lot of likes because you know we don't,want to see ads that are just starting,to get likes because that doesn't really,tell us anything right like we want to,make sure that these ads are working,like they're actually getting a lot of,Engagement because if they are getting a,lot of Engagement it means a lot of,people are spending money on them and,nobody in their right mind would spend,money on an ad if it's not performing,well at least you'd think so a lot of,e-commerce brands do do that nowadays so,here we have the first one what do you,want for dinner,Mortadella Pizza,she wants Pizza,and this guy is about to make it in a,really easy way so a few things we can,learn from this I mean you see the Fast,Cuts it's like not wasting any time here,it's just like good hook like oh I want,pizza and then it's just like making it,right away right like super quick,let's skip around here oh okay so look,at that that this is what the ad is for,is this pizza oven super smart ad here,because it doesn't look like an ad so,that's kind of the biggest thing that,you need to take away from this damn,that looks good I'm hungry and look at,the follow for more is placed right on,the profile pic so this is if you've,ever used Tick Tock which I suggest you,do make sure you start using it,regularly obviously not to just like,mindlessly scroll but to get inspiration,this is exactly where your profile pic,is shown so anyways that was honestly a,really good ad keep in mind again that,the ads that do the best are the ones,that don't look like ads let's check,this one out,foreign,do you want a cupcake no I'm allergic,take it from me,so as you see this is a really quick ad,like five seconds not even long at all,and see this is a great example of how,you can use tick tock ads in a different,way because this girl is just driving,traffic to her beacons page where she,has a bunch of different links and she's,trying to funnel people into her private,Community around people that have,allergies and eczema so super,interesting right and she's driving,traffic to this ad I'm guessing what,happened here is she had a viral video,on Tick Tock or a tick tock that was,starting to do well and then she,Amplified it with Tick Tock ads so,that's a super powerful strategy it's,actually called spark ads when you do,that so if you didn't know about that,now you know and that's definitely,something you can do to really increase,your reach so this dog is just like,being bougie,me that's funny people are so funny on,Tick Tock so Something That We're,noticing here is that quick videos are,starting to do better it's so much,easier to get someone to watch like a,five or seven second video than a 30,second video and if they watch it twice,that does a lot for the algorithm that,tells the algorithm that this video is,really good and then it pushes it to,more people so that's definitely,something you should be testing out like,really quick ads do you and Alex break,up what why he just walked into the,party I'm at with another girl om this,is an interesting sure it's him 100 wait,does the girl have red hair wait so this,tells a story go friend hold on I'm,going to kill him and what okay this is,my pretty long install hook to read the,rest wow so this is an app ad right here,so that's another thing getting app,downloads on Tick Tock is crazy right,now the reason why I like to show you,these things guys is

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This 2023 TikTok Ads Strategy Breaks All the Rules - But Works 10x BETTER

This 2023 TikTok Ads Strategy Breaks All the Rules - But Works 10x BETTER

in this video you'll see for yourself,how to get your Tick Tock ad results to,go from this to more like this by,following a simple to execute five part,formula and breaking one common rule,that most gurus out there are spreading,that actually holds most Tick Tock ads,back there's this misconception out,there but it's total garbage this is,Matt Johnston and he knows what works,with Tick Tock ads he's produced and,overseen over 2 000 video ads that have,generated well over 10 billion video,views and millions of dollars in sales,according to Matt and his data he's,cracked The Tick Tock ad code with this,exact strategy and that's not fluff he,literally 10x disc click-through rates,going from one half a percent all the,way up to five percent and an overall,five times return on ad spend as a,direct result of the strategy and in,under 15 minutes you'll have all the,pieces in place to be able to replicate,his results for yourself so Matt why get,in on Tick Tock ads right now why not,stick with Facebook ads or Instagram or,YouTube Facebook ads definitely still,work but they're getting tougher and,they're really expensive the data is,obviously awful because of iOS 14 and,then the aftermath but also people are,just sort of vacating the platform,Google ads have always been expensive,and YouTube ads are getting quite,expensive so it's cheaper and more,effective when you get in on it earlier,right because Tick Tock will eventually,be there as well but that makes this,moment and probably for the next 18,months or so the moment to get there and,it's sort of like a land grab at this,time but it's a profitable landcraft and,because I know some of you are thinking,it no Tick Tock is not just a way to,advertise to teenagers and people who,still know who the musical guest on SNL,is ladies and gentlemen Megan the,stallion,what the point is tick tocks users are,aging up it might have been true if,people were like it's just the kids but,that's crap now everybody is on it I,just got off a sales call that I booked,through Tick Tock ads and this guy was,50 years old and ready to rock and roll,most of the people that I have closed,from Tick Tock have been over the age of,40. and that's not just Matt's,experience the data backs him up here so,53 percent of tick tock's users are over,30 and that's just going to continue,maturing over time so how can we get,results like you get from ads on Tick,Tock like what's your secret I think,that there's this misconception out,there that the best ad creative should,be native to the platform you know,that's some sort of like general rule,but it's total garbage in fact it needs,to be the opposite if you want to make a,YouTube ad that has the best chance of,converting you probably should shoot it,like a selfie video because the rest of,the content is extremely well shot with,great depth of field and amazing cameras,because that's what everybody's doing on,YouTube so you get the opportunity to,pattern out which is the most important,thing you're going to hear that term a,lot in the rest of this video so let's,just Define it real quick so pattern,interrupts are a scientific concept that,come from neuro-linguistic programming,and it just involves switching up a,repetitive pattern to basically snap,someone out of the days they're in since,most people consume social media,completely zoned out you need to shake,them awake so to speak because it,doesn't matter what you say in your ad,if you don't pattern interrupt nobody,will ever see it so on Tick Tock,everybody came in that was trying out,Tick-Tock ads at the beginning and we're,still at the beginning saying that you,got to make tick tocks you know the best,thing is native so selfie type videos,that look like,ugc for lack of a better term and that's,how you did Tick Tock ads but man that,does not work I mean it may work for,some but in my testing when I was first,trying that regular tick tocks that,simply had Direct response bent edited,in tick tocks shot like tick tocks I was,getting you know like 0.5.6,click-through rates and I could not,break through as soon as I started using,this scripting methodology and some of,the production stuff around it I'm,looking at five percent click-through,rates and I feel so confident in it like,I feel like I've totally corrected at,this point so how do you recommend,shooting these ads if if not like,standard organic tick tocks high,production values not like you'll spend,a bunch of money I'm saying use a good,camera and have like the YouTube,aesthetic you got to think like YouTuber,like get a nice camera or figure out how,to shoot with cinematic mode you know,and like make it look good do stuff like,depth of field lighting and stuff like,that so it's clearly like like a normal,Tick Tock it sticks out in the feed now,to be clear here Matt isn't saying make,it look like an ad either making,something that looks like this or this,is probably the worst thing you could do,so he's only saying that you need to,bump up the qualit

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Want Sales? Copy These HIGH CONVERTING TikTok Dropshipping Ads!

Want Sales? Copy These HIGH CONVERTING TikTok Dropshipping Ads!

if your Tick Tock ads aren't converting,and you want to go from zero sales to,one of the top performing ads for,conversions then keep watching because,I'm going to show you five examples of,Dropship product videos that have landed,themselves among the best in tick tock's,top performing ads not just for clicks,or for views but for actual sales,before we get into the video if you like,videos about winning products Drop,Shipping Shopify themes apps and,tutorials do us a favor and hit that,subscribe button and turn notifications,on now let's get into the video alright,so when I show you these keep an eye on,this graph here this shows us at what,points in the videos people are clicking,to buy the product so make sure to pay,close attention to those but also to the,dips because ideally for your videos if,you were to remake something similar you,can cut out the scenes or the text that,didn't convert well and stick to the,high converting moments instead alright,video number one is for this AliExpress,product here let's take a look,foreign,let's break this video down a little so,right off the bat I think the text here,is probably generating a lot of buzz in,the comments which tells Tick Tock this,is a highly engaged video which gets it,pushed out to more people second thing,it's identifying a problem bad car,smells and then the solution is this,product which they demonstrate,video number two is for this AliExpress,product let's take a look foreign,these types of lighting projectors are a,product that I consistently see go viral,on Tick Tock why because they have wow,factor this video has no text no voice,over just shots of the product and music,playing behind it when you have a really,aesthetic product like this in a sense,it sells itself this next video features,this AliExpress product let's watch,foreign,this video is another great problem,solution example problem hearing your,partner snore when they sleep solution,noise canceling earphones problem other,products are uncomfortable to sleep in,solution flat earphones for side,sleepers you'll also notice a huge,increase in conversions at the end this,is where they put the 50 off time,sensitive offer,this next video features this product,it's a Bluetooth remote for your phone,this is another problem solution video,the problem is you have to keep your,hands on your phone on Tick Tock to,scroll to the next video this product,allows you to be more hands-free while,scrolling video number five features a,privacy cell phone case let's take a,look,this is another problem solution video,Problem people can see what you're doing,on your phone solution this product,provides privacy by blacking out your,phone screen from certain angles you are,likely noticing a trend by now problem,solution videos tend to convert really,well I've put the links to each of these,ads as well as the AliExpress products,in a Google doc this is available to our,channel members so if you wanted to,click the join button to get instant,access if you like this video do me a,favor and give it a thumbs up or leave,me a comment down below and if you,haven't already make sure to subscribe,we post a lot of time sensitive content,such as winning products on this channel,so make sure you have notifications,turned on so that you can be one of the,first to Market when we post those,videos

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Build and Deploy a Full Stack TikTok Clone Application and Master TypeScript | Full Course (Part 1)

Build and Deploy a Full Stack TikTok Clone Application and Master TypeScript | Full Course (Part 1)

hi there and welcome to a project video,where you'll build and deploy a full,stack tick tock clone application with,modern design google auth the ability to,upload publish share comment on and like,the videos filtering by categories and,advanced search functionalities profile,pages suggested accounts custom response,design and much more tiktik is the best,video social media platform that you can,currently find on youtube alongside,building this phenomenal application in,this video you'll learn typescript yep,you heard that right in this project,we'll be using one of the most in-demand,languages today typescript and don't,worry no typescript knowledge is needed,to watch this video you'll learn it as,we go you'll also learn advanced react,best practices such as folder and file,structure hooks and refs on top of that,you'll learn advanced next.js best,practices such as file based routing,data fetching that allows server side,rendering and static generation which,makes your websites incredibly optimized,and you'll learn how to use nexjs as a,backend endpoint in this app we'll also,play with the advanced state management,of the entire application but this time,we won't be using redux we won't be,using react context we'll be using a,small library called do stand it is a,simpler alternative to redux and,definitely a great tool to add to the,list of your skills you'll also learn,how to integrate oauth to log in and,register users using google and most,importantly you'll learn how to manage,the entire content of your app using,sanity sanity is the unified content,platform that will make the making of,our entire application possible through,sanity your users will be able to upload,new content instantly and on the go,sanity allows us to focus on developing,the application without having to worry,about the content file storage and,databases they'll cover all the dirty,work for us and allow us to build,scalable and modern video social media,applications incredibly easily if this,video reaches 20 000 likes i'll create,more videos just like this one so,subscribe like and let me know what,you'd like to see in the next one in the,comments,with that said let's roll the intro and,let's get started with building our,phenomenal application,before we dive straight into the,development let me give you a really,quick demo of the entire application,this is our home page,here we have a sidebar with the top,categories and suggested accounts and in,the middle we can see all the recent,videos,we can log in using google which allows,us to upload new videos,we can add a video file choose a caption,and a topic and post it,and everyone here will instantly be able,to see our new video and that is only,possible because of sanity we can now,check out the sanity dashboard and there,you can see our newly created profile as,well as the video we just uploaded isn't,that cool in this course you'll learn,how to use sanity from scratch so that,you can use it in any of your future,projects,going back to our app clicking on a,video will open its details page here we,can like the video as well as leave a,comment,and of course the entire website is,completely mobile responsive as we,scroll you can notice that it feels like,a native mobile application,that's it how do you like it it's a,phenomenal full-fledged social media,application in the end we'll also deploy,the app so that you can share it with,your friends put it on your portfolio,and get a job you can also turn it into,a real social media network that you or,your friends will use or even better,start building different social media,platforms for your clients and while,we're on the topic of using your,development skills to their fullest,potential do you want to travel the,world by using your programming skills,to earn a high income with no,limitations,freelancing is gaining in popularity as,it enables developers to have more,freedom and control over their earning,potential,so why am i even telling you this,well my good friends chad and rochelle,created the no matter what project to,guide you on your freelance career as we,know remote opportunities can be highly,competitive but using the remote freedom,system chad and rochelle will show you,how you can remove that competition and,get high paying clients quickly plus,they can help you take things a step,further with their in-depth coaching,program where they will personally work,with you until you're making a,six-figure annual income,this is a huge outcome but i know chad,personally and i have seen firsthand how,he is able to provide support help and,guidance to those he works with the no,matter what project will help you choose,your income choose your clients and best,of all choose your location,so if you want to skip the job,interviews and start making good money,as a freelance developer click the link,in the description and use the code,javascript to receive a special discount,and get ready to freelance your way to,freedom,as we always do on java

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How To Write High Converting Product Descriptions & Ad Copy | TikTok Ads & Shopify

How To Write High Converting Product Descriptions & Ad Copy | TikTok Ads & Shopify

what is going on guys no brewer here,back again with another video and here,we are again sitting here about to write,some product descriptions and ad copy,for a product so i'm kind of chilling,i've been extremely busy all week,talking to you guys uh believe it or not,i offered free coaching calls and i just,been kind of talking to you guys seeing,how i can help some really amazing,things have happened over the last week,but obviously i was too busy to film a,youtube video so here i am,thursday night at 9 40 p.m i have to,upload this video tomorrow at 10 am so,i'm just gonna bang this video out i,wanted to put out a video that was super,valuable for you guys and one of the,things that crossed my mind was creating,product descriptions and ad copy now not,just any product description and not,just any ad copy a lot of people out,there send me their websites obviously,since i've been reviewing your guys's,sites and stuff like that over the last,week on the calls i've built up somewhat,of an understanding that a lot of you,guys have no idea what you're doing with,your product descriptions and your ad,copies so in this video i figured that,you know we just hang out just me and,you you know maybe just for like 10 15,minutes and i'm gonna pick out a product,on aliexpress and let's write out a good,product description let's keep things,very simple i really don't like complex,things and let's just write out a simple,high converting product description and,then let's follow it up with some,beautiful sexy native ad copies that you,can use in your advertisements so i,picked out a pretty fun product for us,to look at today it is fuzzy sweatpants,so essentially all we're going to be,doing is picking out a name for this,product we're going to be writing out a,product description and then what we're,going to be doing is creating three fun,ad copies or maybe only two of them will,be fun but i like to do fun things on,tiktok because it's kind of native to,the platform i feel like a lot of people,go on there for entertainment so you,kind of want to get to their level um,when you're trying to sell to them and i,think it helps create like that brand to,consumer experience where it's super,difficult to do that like on facebook or,with google whereas with tick tock you,can kind of relate to them make a joke,you know you can be funny and have fun,with it so it's one of the things that i,love about tick tock ads and you'll see,that come out as we're writing this,product description and as we're writing,these copies so obviously as you can see,this product is pretty damn cool i was,literally just scrolling through,aliexpress i just found it it's all,right i wouldn't say it's a winning,product or anything but it'll do the,trick for today's video so we got to,come up with a fun name so usually for,all the products that i like to test i,like to come up with a cool name now if,you saw my 24 hour challenge or my 48,hour challenge videos that i've done you,would know that i came up with a pretty,fun and cool name for each of them for,the hundred movies poster i called it,the hundred things for the uh the lucid,dreaming mask i called it sleepy dreams,you know whatever i always like to come,up with a fun name that kind of ties,into the product and it's almost like a,brand name tied to the product so,i kind of thought of one for this,product already and what i thought was,uh fuzzings,so i know it's stupid hahaha whatever,make fun of me in the comments section,below but,essentially it's fuzzy leggings right so,it's fuzzings so i mean one way that i,come up with product names is i,basically take what it is and i try to,merge the names so if it's fuzzy,leggings fuzzings you know it,whatever but i think it'll be cool it'll,be fun to kind of reference this name,when we're making our copy and when,we're making our website so one very,important thing that will increase your,conversion rate by a lot it's super,simple and it will increase your,conversion rate so make sure that if you,can put in that little bit of extra,effort to make a custom name for every,product you test i believe it's worth it,and i've proven that out through split,tests and that's why i do it every,single time so now let's talk about,making the actual product description so,there's a couple ways that you can do,this i know a lot of your guys this,strategy is basically to willy,nilly and do whatever you want to do on,your shopify account but for me i like,to have a lot of structure and i like to,do things in a very similar way each,time that way i know if something works,i can just keep on doing it and if it,stops working i can make iterations and,whatever so i'm showing on screen right,now let me zoom out a little bit so that,you guys can kind of see it all in one,go now of course you can screenshot take,a picture whatever you need to do to get,this for yourself however this is the,product description template that we,give all of our script writers and i,also use for myself now it

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Reviewing 10 Best TikTok UGC Ads in 5 Minutes! (Copy THESE Ads!)

Reviewing 10 Best TikTok UGC Ads in 5 Minutes! (Copy THESE Ads!)

so in today's video i'll be reviewing,the 10 best tick tock ugc ads in under,five minutes so let's start the timer,right now my name is justin and i'm the,founder of voiceover media an e-commerce,marketing agency specializing in,elevating thriving brands by simplifying,e-commerce growth before we get started,make sure to leave a like subscribe as,well as turn on post notifications to be,one of the first to know about these,cutting edge e-commerce marketing tips,posting on our channel every week,so in today's video i'll be utilizing,the addison software which is great been,loving that app in the past couple of,days been using it a lot when it comes,to advertising and making sure that i,couldn't create swap files so let's get,started with the first ad i'm just gonna,put that on mute real quick and let that,play right here so this is a very,interesting ad i mean anything that,talks about sex on facebook or on tech,talk i mean always converts you know sex,is sort of the old the oldest form of,creating desire essentially within a,audience so that one first of all is a,little bit you know my parents left me,this fancy chocolate is is pretty,interesting and again keep in mind that,is a six,second video so it's a super super quick,video right there that gets straight to,the point and what is nice about,utilizing under seven second videos on,tick tock is that usually people don't,get the points within six seconds but if,you can make it very interesting they'll,probably rewatch the second time which,increases watch time a lot which for the,algorithm they like that that kind of,flags to the algorithm that this is a,great video so it'll push it to more,people so essentially just playing that,one right there as soon as he says you,know my parents left me this chocolate,you seen eggplant emoji you see like a,little water emoji you see a peach emoji,so again kind of instant sex so it is a,bit of a funny angle like my parents,left me this but it talks about you know,it's some sex stuff you then see a kid,or you know young adult at least you,know presenting that product and you,know it's reminded to read ingredients,before you eat stuff guys so anyways it,just leaves you with a little bit of a,smirk in the face and wants you to,actually go ahead and check it out and,second one right there it's just a meme,right it starts with the meme starts,with something that's been pretty you,know accurate in the past couple of days,the meme of you know again will smith,sort of slapping chris rock and tells,you know this is better than that and,here's a quick switch over to the actual,main point of the video where he talks,about you know getting money essentially,those proof shows again it uses a green,screen effect so it actually looks like,it was a real organic tick dock and not,just an ad looking at this one right,there that's an a minute and eight,second ad that i really recommend that,to anybody to go to that length when it,comes to ad but that one was a,masterpiece i mean that guy basically,did a skit it was a pretty interesting,and funny skit and you know you can kind,of see at this point here that there is,a big focus on a specific product so it,does you know you know it's an ad but,the fact that it's funny and the fact,that it's well placed i would personally,want to keep watching that so he,basically did a skit with that and made,something relatable essentially for this,his type of audience of you know just a,kid working during the weekend with his,dad on you know constructing something,and i want to quickly go over it this is,you know it has the text-to-speech audio,in the background which you cannot hear,right now text-to-speech works great,just shows you know fast cuts every,second shows how quick it is shows a,quick way for you to try out you know a,bit of a tattoo first that is within 60,minutes you know ready and looks pretty,real so love how fast-paced this is,again they're using text-to-speech which,is great that one right there again it,kind of looks like it was just somebody,recording a regular video setting up you,know drinking furniture kind of looks,like a vlog a lot of people are doing,these style of videos on tiktok where,they kind of showcase themselves doing,something around the house it kind of,shows like she's doing chores,essentially but at the end of the day,they're actually selling the furniture,that is being showed in the video but it,just is a pretty satisfying video to,watch and it's also a very nice house so,kind of has this lifestyle aspect to it,that essentially helps create some value,and desire out of that video darwin is a,very nice thing that i see quite a lot,there's a second one of those in the,next couple of seconds but it's more,about the style of ad he responds to a,comment and makes an ad out of that so,that is a spark ad right there but again,it just looks real it looks like a,regular organic post because he is,responding to an actual comment and you,would see the same thing here with that

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FULL TikTok Ads Strategy (COPY THIS)

FULL TikTok Ads Strategy (COPY THIS)

in the past 30 days i've brought this,e-commerce store to well over 10,thousand dollars per day using only,tick-tock ads now i think i've only said,this once in my youtube career which is,this is a video you need to watch all,the way through because it's basically,going to serve as a mini course giving,you a framework for any sort of,e-commerce business if you want to run,tick tock ads the right way i'm,currently spending about 200 000 a month,between two of my main brands and i've,been doing that for a while so if you,want the full breakdown at scale a level,that most people who teach on youtube,are not at themselves this is gonna give,you some of those strategies and a,little bit of insight into the ad,account i'm gonna actually show you,inside of it now if you stick through,this video i'm also gonna give you two,winning products and all the targeting,for it the pricing options the sourcing,costs the offer style everything that,you can do to launch it today but first,a quick story my tick tock ad account,was hacked somehow we're still trying to,work it out with tic toc somebody,scheduled 100 000 per day worth of ads,to run to their store some separate,random chinese store selling a t-shirt i,know now it's a little weird to say but,thankfully it only spent forty two,thousand dollars it could have been much,worse and that was in a six hour block,where a surprise surprise i wasn't at my,computer i don't know what i was,thinking golfing on a thursday but it,costed me 42 grand so i've definitely,got a crazy story coming for that once,it's resolved but that's not going to,stop me from moving forward in the,meantime so before i jump in and screen,record through here i just want to let,you know about the giveaway we do in,every video all you got to do is like,subscribe and comment below get entered,to win a free e-commerce course a free,custom built shopify store as well as,some cash in every single video let's,jump in so again this is one of those,must-watch videos i'm not saying that is,click bait or some weird stuff this is,just so much value took me a long time,to put this together so please drop a,like below and a pro tip play this at,1.5 x speed or 1.75 i know i talk fast,but i listen all my stuff on a faster,pace alright so my ad just on this one,main brand this is the one that got,hacked spending about five thousand,dollars per day this ad account is 47,roughly under tracking so about half so,for example if you see a cost per,purchase for you know 36 dollars in,reality it's about 18 because right half,of that so everything is doubled and,that's just because of some mistracking,issues we got a lot of different stuff,running here there's a lot of money,scheduled to be spent it just depends on,what's going on this kind of like the,last week timeline that you're looking,at here with probably 20 something,thousand dollars spent now to give you a,visual on top of that i know i already,showed you this is the month so far,built it from it's like 1500 a day kind,of hanging out towards the end of last,month and now it's consistently over 10,000 really between ten and thirteen,thousand dollars a day um it hasn't been,below about twelve thousand in the last,like week so that's great we'll ship,over four thousand orders this month and,probably about ten thousand next month,at least that's assuming no scale and,i'm continuing to scale so i'd like to,see this at about twenty thousand,dollars a day by the end of next month,and again that's only using tick tock,ads with the exact strategies that we,teach inside of our tick tock ad,blueprint which you can find links below,the test group for that just opened up,depending on when you watch us it might,be closed but we'll be opening to the,public shortly so here's three things,you absolutely need if you want to start,this and i'm just gonna give them to you,in this video okay number one is having,the right product i'm gonna give you two,full examples breakdowns of everything,the right ad strategy this is my,favorite topic so you know we're gonna,talk about it again our tick tock ad,blueprint just opened absolutely epic,the feedback's been incredible so far,thank you to everybody in the test group,number three the framework for your mind,this is arguably more important because,it is the groundwork that you have to,lay it sounds a little cliche but oh my,gosh this will make the world of,difference once you nail this down and,again more to come at the end of this,video i will talk about that in the last,slide product number one this thing is,so cool for a lot of reasons i'm going,to talk about the pricing that's why i,really like it but it's a digital lock,and it looks like a normal door handle,most locks that go on like a bedroom,door or something they're all big and,bulky and they got like a keypad and,stuff this you slide your thumb across,the digital screen and the numbers,appear or you can use the thumbprint so,super cool it's unique like that it's a,little more modern and

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Copy and Paste This TikTok Ad Launch Strategy (5 Min)

Copy and Paste This TikTok Ad Launch Strategy (5 Min)

yo guys welcome to the video what's,going on to get straight to the point i,know that a lot of you know,that my partner and i are really skilled,at talking going viral organically,we want to show you exactly how to set,up a campaign,for any single niche in ecommerce on,talk ads to get results,asap,right guys welcome to the video we are,now inside of my computer first steps,that i'm not going to show in this video,but are ones that you must do,is go ahead make your business account,set up your pixel make sure everything's,firing correctly it's pretty,straightforward how to do it they have a,whole integration with shopify,um once that's all set up you're good to,go ready to launch ads,let's go into that strategy right now,all right so now we're inside,the com we're inside my computer from,one of my side brands that i don't pay,too much attention to,the strategy applies to any single niche,like i said so no matter what you're,selling pretty much this is going to,work for you and i'll explain why as we,go on,but first thing you're going to want to,do is create a campaign,make sure you choose conversions this is,very very similar to facebook snapchat,all that kind of stuff make sure you're,choosing conversions give your campaign,a name we're going to call it test,and we're going to keep going here now,we're in the ad set level so this is,very,similar to facebook guys a lot of you,shouldn't be confused about it i just,want to go through the strategy and why,we find it work so well after trying a,few things,so first thing you're going to do is,select a pixel once it's created i'm not,going to choose mine because it will,show the brand name,so after you choose your pixel you want,to choose um the conversion event and,the one that you're going to choose is,called complete payment,there's a few ones there but complete,payment is just what tick tock calls,purchase,so we're gonna go for a complete payment,placements we're gonna select placements,and only run it on tick tock,as you guys probably know ted talks a,big company i think they're owned by,bike dance is what they're called,and they own a few other like weird,platforms but we don't want to be on,there we want to be just on tick tock,and so that's where we're going to show,up,after that you want to leave all this,stuff alone it's very very quick,two minute setup all we're going to do,is leave everything empty,makes your location is set to only us,for genders unless you're selling,something that's,very gender specific you want to leave,it alone um if you sell,women's jewelry obviously choose female,or if you sell,men's gym wear or something like that,obviously,choose that gender but keep it,straightforward guys keep it broad,this is almost exactly like facebook you,want tik tok to do the targeting at,first,what's more important than anything is,the creative which i'm going to talk,about right now for age limit we found,that sometimes doing,18 to 55 plus is the best it's kind of,up to you to test around you can leave,it completely blank as well it's up to,you,i just don't want 13 year olds who have,no credit card to buy our stuff,you know most people even lie about,their ages so like even if you're,targeting these 18 year olds a lot of,them are probably 16,but don't worry about that too much we,just do 18 to 55 plus,languages no limit like they know like,if you're ad copies in english,and stuff ted talk is not going to show,yourself to someone in spanish like,they they know that much interest leave,alone behaviors leave alone,time period all this stuff leave empty,the only thing that matters is setting a,budget,we typically recommend going somewhere,between 50 to 100 so for this case we're,just gonna go with a hundred,i think that's quite common i think most,people can afford that kind of budget,schedule of course you want to do it for,the next following day,at midnight we find that if you were to,do it midday,they would just jam-pack your budget and,send you a ton of traffic for those,remaining hours in the day,and i don't know i kind of wanna just,keep it clean and fresh so we started,with the next day at midnight,we run continuously optimization goal,always conversion,and then you're gonna want to choose a,bid now they're gonna show you this,suggestion and then,leave that alone and don't worry about,it either like that is complete, they even say that it's beta so,you want to choose somewhere between an,8 to 15 bid depending on the ticket,of the item you're selling you know i,feel like most dropshippers are probably,selling an item somewhere between,and eighty dollars maybe so assume that,you sell a fifty dollar product and your,break even,kind of cost per purchase on that is,like twenty five or thirty,you're gonna wanna put a bid at,somewhere between ten to fifteen dollars,per conversion in my opinion okay this,is all up to you and like bidding works,differently in each platform but,let's just say 15 for now because even,if you don't get any conversions from,the

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