Snapchat Ads Vs. TikTok Ads: Which Is Better For eCommerce Advertising?!
hey there it's savannah sanchez from the,social savannah,today i'm going to be talking about what,platform is better for your ecommerce,business,snap or tick tock so a bit of background,i've been working with both these,platforms for,many years now so for snapchat i used to,work in an agency,where i led the facebook and snapchat,media buying teams,so i've been working with snapchat for,over two years,for e-commerce ad clients and at the,social savannah where i consult,e-commerce businesses,for the last year and a few months now,it's been,um a lot of my clients have tested and,seen snapchat work really well,and then for tick-tock it's definitely a,newer platform,but i've started with tick tock ads to,my clients back last april,and i've seen some great results for my,clients on tick tock as well,for clients including kitsch our place,thrive market blend jet,sugar bear hair so lots of experience,with both platforms,and a common question i get is if i was,to start brand new,whether on snap or tick tock which one,should i test first,and which one is getting the lowest cpas,so i'm going to go through the pros and,cons of both platforms and ultimately,what my suggestion is for e-commerce,brands,that are looking to expand away from,facebook and google and are wondering,what's the best next platform to test,so the first platform i'm going to talk,about is snapchat so if you guys are no,stranger to my youtube,channel i have plenty of tutorials and,videos about how to set up your snapchat,ad campaigns,so make sure to check those out but i'm,going to go first and say that one of,the best things about snapchat,is the low barrier to entry to start,advertising on that platform,the ads manager is extremely simple to,navigate,and it's really hard to screw up and for,lack of a better word,in terms of if you choose broad,targeting you upload your creatives,and you can easily sync the pixel with,the snapchat shopify app,it's really easy to set up your first,campaign and get launched right away,there's a lot of basic best practices,with snapchat in terms of using,ugc or user generated ad creatives using,target cost bidding,as well as leveraging broad audiences,but ultimately,snapchat is a very simple to use,platform with very,low barriers to entry to get started or,as composed of tick tock can be a bit,more complex,especially if you are trying to get an,agency managed account so if you were to,be one of my clients,the way that we set up with tick tock is,that we have to go through,a tick tock representative so that they,set up the ad account internally,they have to set up a line of credit,often and it often could take a couple,of days to get started to get the pixels,set up,or snapchat if you decide that you want,to start advertising on snapchat today,you can get started in the matter of,minutes upload your credit card,have your campaign and get ready to go i,would say one of the biggest benefits of,snapchat over tick tock is just the low,barrier to entry to get started another,one of the main advantages of snapchat,over tick tock is that they have more,placement opportunities,on snapchat so they have the regular,video story ads,but you can also advertise in the,discover feed and buy a discovered feed,tile with,which i've seen those ad placements have,been extremely successful for my clients,you can also run dpa or dynamic product,ads,as well as collection ads on snapchat so,these are all,placements that i know tick tock is,either developing or is currently,testing,but as of now snapchat has more,placements,which means more opportunities to show,your ads to the people who care about,your business,another great thing about snapchat is,that it's really easy to get started in,terms of just taking your existing,facebook ad creatives especially your,ugc ad creatives,that you've tested on instagram stories,and pop them over to snapchat,i've seen that even though ugc of course,is going to be the best,creative content for snap and it is,ideal to make content specific for,snapchat that is very ugc focused,i still had a lot of success with my,clients where we take their instagram,stories,and test them on snapchat and again,that's just gonna make the setup on,snapchat so much easier,if you can already leverage your 9x16,facebook ad creatives right on snapchat,alternatively on tick tock,i would highly recommend against running,your instagram,story or facebook creatives on tick tock,because they will not work,when i first started with a few tick,tock clients i tried the same strategy,of i would take what was working on,facebook,instagram stories and snapchat and try,to test it on tick tock and it was a,complete,flop it is so important to make specific,creatives for tick tock,leveraging tick tick-tock influencer,styles transitions,trending text it's so important with,tick-tock ads that you make it look like,an organic tick-tock,and stay current with the trends if,someone senses that it's an ad and,you're just putting your instagram story,ad
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Snapchat Ads VS Tiktok Ads
Snapchat Ads VS Tiktok Ads
nous allons comparer ensemble slap shade,et tik tok quelle est la meilleure,plateforme pour faire de la publicité,c'est maintenant,je rappelle juste qu'on est une agence,et que l'on peut être accompagné sur,cette athlète à ce que tu sois un simple,commerçant ou très grosses marques,e-commerce voilà je te remettra plus et,on commence la vidéo maintenant,premièrement il ya plus de stabilité au,niveau de slap shade pourquoi car c'est,un réseau social qui existe depuis plus,longtemps que tic toc toc toc c'est,assez récent malgré que son expansion,soit fulgurante et beaucoup beaucoup,mais beaucoup plus jeune que cela flatte,sa date d'il ya dix ans ça fait dix ans,qu'ils sont au top il est beaucoup plus,facile de faire de gros chiffres et de,façon stable sur snapshot pourquoi parce,que l'application est beaucoup plus,vieilles et son algorithme est beaucoup,plus pointu tik tok du fait que ce soit,assez récent a beaucoup moins de données,dans son algorithme et avoir un petit,peu plus de mal à trouver vos clients,attention je ne crache pas du tout sur,titeuf c'est une très bonne cette forme,pour faire de la publicité néanmoins je,vous conseille en premier plan d'aller,sur sa pochette où on va pouvoir faire,premièrement les plus gros chiffres et,deux de façon très très stable en ce qui,concerne les deux applications les coûts,publicitaires sont vraiment très très,très faible car il n'y a quasiment,aucune concurrence même s'il ya de plus,en plus de concurrence sur tik tok,snapshot est toujours délaissées je ne,sais pas pourquoi je pense que c'est,clairement due à un manque d'information,parce que ça reste une personne parfaite,pour faire de la publicité deuxièmement,le business manager lorsque vous allez,commencer si vous ne faites vous voyez,ce que c'est un business manager c'est,là on va paramétrer on va gérer la vie,de nos campagnes le vitesse le business,manager est beaucoup plus simple sur ce,match at que sur clinton qui n'est pas,non plus super confessions tik tok mais,il est bien plus simple sur snapshot,pareil pour le pixel le pixel on,installe en deux secondes sur snapshot,tandis que sur tik tok c'est un peu plus,complexe il faut aller voter faire des,petits bouts de code et en plus tu vas,devoir paramétrer un événement le late,to cart le tueur chaise la paix je veux,que tu vas devoir tout paramètre à la,main que sur snapshot tout est,directement pré paramétrées donc c'est,beaucoup plus simple troisièmement en,termes d'audience i à 14 millions,d'utilisateurs actifs sur titeuf en,france avec 70% qui ont plus de 18 ans,sur ce live chat on a on a 17 millions,d'utilisateurs actifs donc dans les deux,cas c'est les utilisateurs qui utilisent,des applications chaque jour donc sur ce,match on est à 17 milles d'utilisateurs,actifs avec 85% de la population sur ce,chat qui est majeur en termes de ça on,va bien qu'encore une fois on a un,avantage du côté de snapshot même si je,répète c'est cool de faire la publicité,sur tik tok on va toucher beaucoup plus,de personnes et beaucoup plus de,personnes majeures sur sa chatte est ce,que l'on recherche en ce qu'on fait de,la publicité c'est de trouver des,personnes qui achètent qui ont des,cartes bleues donc voilà on est sûrs en,étant majeur qu'ils ont des cartes,bleues quatrième fois un tick tock est,vu comme le nouvel eldorado tout le,monde va les faire du tort tout le monde,se lance sur tik tok donc il ya un petit,peu plus de concurrence est de plus en,plus surtout de concurrence la chatte la,concurrence reste quasiment inexistante,et je ne sais toujours pas pourquoi on,faisait tous et totalement délaissé il,ya encore seulement trois jours avec,l'un de nos clients on a eu des cpm à,moins de 80 100e don c'est totalement,dingue sur le marché français je tiens à,le souligner et avec une autre campagne,on a obtenu plus de 5 de héros est donc,c'est tout simplement parfait pour faire,de la publicité s'est totalement,délaissé de plus sur snapshot les,personnes ont l'habitude de consommer ça,fait dix ans que l'application existe ça,fait dix ans que les personnes achètent,via l'application s'est fait dix ans où,l'on sait où on va trouver de la,publicité centre story c'est lorsque,vous êtes dans le discover petit top on,est encore en plus en face de mettre de,la publicité un petit peu partout on,sait pas forcément consommer la,publicité sur tik tok second set moins,intuitif pour l'achat je tiens à vous,souligner quand même que sur tik tok la,concurrence reste assez faible c'est pas,comme sur facebook mais en tout cas elle,est de plus en plus présentes essieux et,nous sur snapshot elle est toujours,aussi inexistante alors n'hésite pas à,prendre un petit rendez vous dans la,barre de l'inscription et on va,s'occuper de toi cinquième point il est,compliqué de performer sur tictoc avec,des produits pour les plus de 30 ans il,faut savoir que 50 % de l'audience tik,tok est comprise entre 13 et 24 heures,donc c'est très très jeune même si voilà,la tranche 18-24 va nous intéresser pour,dupont
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I Spent $600,000 On TikTok Ads In 90 Days (WHAT I LEARNED)
I Spent $600,000 On TikTok Ads In 90 Days (WHAT I LEARNED)
in the last 90 days i've spent over 600,000,on tick tock ads with our clients and,every day we're migrating more and more,budget over from facebook to tick tock,and in today's video i'm going to be,covering the top five ways you can learn,from the lessons that i have after,spending six hundred thousand dollars on,tick tock ads,hello everyone my name is chase chapel,your favorite digital marketer here,let's get into this video so these are,the lessons from spending 600 000,dollars in tick tock ads and i would,have been far better off if i had,already learned these lessons in advance,or had somebody to really guide me,through the process of understanding,what it is that make tick tock ads,convert how to structure the audiences,and all of the learnings that we've had,from other platforms to be able to be,successful on tick tock ads and that's,exactly what i'm going to be doing today,is i'm going to be walking you through,the top five things that are going to,allow you to be successful with tick,tock ads from the things that we've done,after spending 600 000 on tick tock ads,so let's go ahead and jump into the,first thing and start covering some of,the things you can do to actually,increase your overall conversions and as,you can see here we spent a little over,six hundred thousand dollars on testing,this far just in the last 90 days that's,about 148 million impressions from that,amount of spending about 2 million,clicks overall and so let's go ahead and,go over the tick tock adds creative best,practices so number one is videos with a,duration of 21 seconds to 34 seconds,have a 280 percent lift and conversion,yes you heard that right 21 seconds to,34 seconds if you literally just have,tick tock ads that are at least 21 to 34,seconds long,you automatically have a competitive,advantage over other tick tock,advertisers and the reason for this lift,and conversions is because that's enough,time for you to deliver information in a,concise way to the actual consumer that,might be purchasing your product or the,business that might actually be you know,choosing to work with your service and,you want to time it between 21 to 34,seconds you don't want it to be overly,long you don't want it to be overly,short,so definitely try to be within this,range because you are going to see much,better conversions by doing so and this,is data that ticktalk actually has from,you know hundreds of thousands of,advertisers that are actually already on,the platform and we're seeing this with,our results too videos that are between,21 to 34 seconds do actually convert,better,and we also see that the 9 16 aspect,ratio does help with lifting conversions,that is vertical video y'all you'll want,to make sure you have vertical video you,don't want to try to apply square video,and have these black spaces in between,the actual video you want to make sure,that these videos are actually vertical,tick tock is a vertical placement so you,want to make sure your content actually,fits for tick tock so make sure you have,a 9x16 aspect ratio in your actual,videos that is simply filming on your,phone that's the best way to do it to,actually keep the vertical video in,check and that resolution is actually,going to be higher and that actually,leads us to the next point if your video,is actually above 720p you're going to,see a 312 lifting conversion so if you,just apply these three things you're,going to see you know 280 lift and 91,left and even up to a 312 percent lift,in conversions by having hd video if you,upload a very low quality video the back,door is this you're likely going to get,much less conversions than other,accounts would and if you have ads that,are actually converting now with a low,quality video well if you just upgrade,the quality you could be seeing much,better conversions at the exact same,cost the next thing is number two and,that's tick tock user generated content,this is very big because you have,branded ads and you have spark ads,branded ads are essentially what you see,here this is an ad by go clove and you,know their shoe brand and they have,these actual you know branded outline,where it has the colors of their blue,they're green and the actual ad and it's,very branded and when you come across it,looks very much so like an ad these,types of ads do work to some degree and,you know do have good conversion rates,depending on you know how they're,actually flexing their brand and,actually driving you know consideration,and actually having people make the,conversion based off of what's actually,in the actual ad and you can see has 57,likes you know people are commenting,that they are interested in the product,which is a good thing but overall we're,seeing much better results with tiktok,spark ads and ugc content where we're,actually using user generated content in,the ads and that is a form of raw video,and user generated content is,essentially content that is created by,people or users instead of brands or,businesses now you can have pe
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Facebook Vs TikTok Ads - Best Platform For Dropshipping In 2022
Facebook Vs TikTok Ads - Best Platform For Dropshipping In 2022
should you start with facebook google,ads or tick tock ads that's one of those,questions which i constantly get asked,and i want to address this this video so,i know that there's a lot of confusion,in the drop shipping space about how,these platforms actually perform a lot,of people say that tick tock is the new,facebook a lot of people say that,facebook is saturated and basically a,lot of people actually don't even talk,about google so we're going to clear up,everything about those three platforms,and let's start with the first one so,the first platform i want to talk about,is google and there you have three,things which are actually very important,which are completely different than on,any other platform number one is it's,people who actively search for your,product all right so it's not like,facebook where you just throw a product,in their face and they like you you want,them to buy it it's very very different,for example a person google is just,something like,white table,they're gonna find a bunch of white,tables okay and that's a product which,you could actually sell if you're,basically on the very top and on the,first ranked products you're gonna be,able to generate just sales from active,people who want exactly your product so,it's actually pretty simple to get,people to buy because it's literally,them searching for it okay so they,actively search for your thing and then,we need to consider two things number,one,high ticket stuff works better on google,okay i wouldn't recommend going for,super low tickets obviously it works but,i wouldn't recommend going super low,ticket on google ads because anyways you,just pay for the click so basically the,person coming to your website,and there it's just way more sustainable,to actually make everything more high,ticket okay so the example of like like,literally a table which is huge and way,more expensive is actually a pretty good,one and i would never recommend selling,something like that on facebook however,on on google it actually makes sense and,those people who wear on your website,then you can retarget them on facebook,and start showing them the white table,on facebook then it makes sense but only,as a retargeting okay because it's again,people who search for a white table so,they want one and the last thing which,is very different from google to all the,other platforms is it's all about the,pictures okay the pictures here are so,much more important than on facebook or,on tiktok because you're not going to,have a video which explains everything,you're just going to have the person,searching for it seeing the product,clicking on it and then buying,immediately okay so there's no video ad,or no explanation and there it's also,very important to understand that you,don't have to re-explain the product,itself if it's a general one if it's,just if it's a logical product which it,does need like a lot of explanation,that's the product you want to sell,because if a person searching for a,white table and then they see some crazy,thing which is like added on like onto,the table and it has like those 25 extra,features they're not going to understand,what this table all can do because you,don't have the video yet and it's not,shown primarily you just see that it's,for whatever reason more expensive and,most people do then just click away and,don't understand that this table,actually has something more to offer so,that's google and now let's talk about,tiktok so the first very big positive,about tiktok is you're gonna get a lot,of cheap traffic okay so to get a person,from tick tock to face to to your store,is so much cheaper than actually getting,a person from facebook to your store,however and this is a big issue,traffic is not equal to sales 100 people,on your store doesn't mean that you're,going to make x amount of money it's not,that the conversion rate from tick tock,leads are is the same as the conversion,rate of facebook leads and that's the,issue here you need to understand that,the soft metrics don't really count if,you don't make money so you have cheaper,traffic but it's also shittier traffic,okay so it's lower quality traffic which,doesn't really work which you just need,to keep in mind okay so there is a,trade-off you're gonna have way lower,cpms and way lower conversion rates okay,those two things will happen for sure,now am i saying that tick tock is bad no,tick tock works for sure now i'm going,to give you a couple of niches which you,actually should use and which ones you,should avoid so really good one is,jewelry beauty fitness and some like,satisfying product so like those four,types of products are good all the other,things i would probably not start out,with i've just seen that the success,ratio is so much higher with jewelry,beauty,fitness and satisfying products okay,those four niches are the way to go,that's just what you start out with with,for whatever reason you don't have to,question it it just is proven to work,better for for whatever reason
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What is the BEST Ad Platform FOR YOU? TikTok vs. Snapchat vs. FB
What is the BEST Ad Platform FOR YOU? TikTok vs. Snapchat vs. FB
hi how are you doing in today's video,i'm going to compare facebook,textbook and snapchats so if you're,wondering why these exact three,so first of all facebook and instagram,com combined,in facebook ads is pretty obvious it's,the big player in e-commerce in,social media marketing but then we have,snapchat ads,which is known to generate pretty good,results at a pretty low cost,especially when targeting the us and,then of course we have tick tock which,is the sexy new player,not a lot of people utilize it but it's,also known for,ridiculous good results so let's compare,these let's compare stats,demographics and in the end what ad,platform you should be using,so without further ado let's hop into it,but before i do that make sure to like,the video and to smash the subscribe,button,including the notification bell you,don't miss out on any future videos i do,about e-commerce,dropshipping and social media marketing,in general so do that right now and,let's hop into it so as you can see on,the screen,facebook versus tick tock voices,snapchat ads so let's just get started,with the general stats,so i'm going to start with take talk,then go with snapchat into facebook,and instagram so as you can see facebook,and instagram,is combined because obviously the,facebook ad manager instagram is in,there,as well so i'm going to talk about both,of them more or less combined here,so let's get started with tiktok first,of all we as we can see,one billion monthly active users which,is,quite a lot to be honest a lot of people,say it's not as big as facebook,which is true facebook with its with its,2.8,billion monthly active users is a bit,bigger,but to be honest with one billion,monthly active users you can easily,scale to multiple seven figures,so this should be more than enough,honestly then on snapchat we have 400,million active users,which is still a lot of people of course,it's,definitely smaller than the other ones,but let's just be honest with,400 million monthly active users you can,easily scale to multiple seven figures,as well so this is going to be true for,the entire video,i first of all i'm going to share a lot,of stats and later my personal opinion,but we have to be careful with these,stats because it's easy to say ah,400 million monthly active uses is not,enough,which in reality it's more than enough,so next,tiktuk has average users spent,52 minutes each day on app on snapchat,it's roughly 30 and a bit,more the data was here wasn't as,accurate and on facebook it's,5 58 minutes and a tick tock 53,so pretty comparable and shouldn't make,too much of a difference,and tick tock which is really really,really interesting and a key benefit and,a key takeaway of this video is that,only five percent of marketers,are using tick tocks right now and 74,of marketers do not plan on using the,platform in the next year,some people might think well the,majority has to be right if so many,marketers don't utilize ticket against,probably a bad advertising platform or,you can see if so little marketers,actually utilize tik tok,that the price and cpms etc will be,insanely cheap,and there will be a lot less competition,on any other ad platform and this is,what we personally believe,tick tock is insanely powerful and,the reason in my opinion why so little,marketers actually utilize tick tock and,tick tock ads,is because it's new and we human in,general,always are a bit scared of new things,and obviously take is very new,it hasn't been rolled out yet for very,long there was this battle,axis for quite some time and now it's,roller to everybody,and it has some limitations of course,because it's new we will get into these,later on but overall i think this is a,major major benefit for tick to gets,so let's continue here with the,demographics so tick tock,has 100 million active users in the us,and here is the percentage of us-based,tick-tock,users by age so this is pretty important,because a,big misconception misconception is that,only very young people aren't,tick-to-man,while it's true that the average age is,a bit younger than from facebook for,example,we can clearly see that 16.4 percent of,ticking users are between 30 and 39,and roughly 14 are between 40 and 49.,so it's 100 wrong that only young people,are on tick tock but obviously,only seven percent are 50 plus for,example if you go on facebook,55 plus year olds are 31 so if your,target demographic is,older people so 50 plus then tick tock,also snapchat is probably not a good fit,for you but for everybody else,who doesn't sell products for elderly,people so who,for everybody who sells to young people,to middle aged 40,50 year olds tick tock and snapchat,works perfectly fine,if you continue to snapchat to 82,percent of snapchat users,are ages 34 or younger so snapchat is,generally,a bit younger than tiktok so snapchat is,the youngest platform,of all of these here and,also what's pretty interesting is on,facebook and instagram on tik tok,man and females of male and female are,kind of equal
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Snapchat Ads Creative That Converts (DIFFERENT Than Facebook Ads!)
Snapchat Ads Creative That Converts (DIFFERENT Than Facebook Ads!)
what's up marketers entrepreneurs my,name is dara and i am the director of,paid social at a leading advertising,agency and my channel is all about,social media advertising so that you can,grow your business without wasting your,money,for today's video i'm going to show you,the kind of ad creatives that are,killing it on snapchat right now there,are three main strategies that i'm going,to show you that have been working,really well for me on the platform and,to be honest i have not been seeing,these same strategies,on facebook ads so you'll definitely,want to try these to get better returns,on snapchat,specifically but i think you'll also,want to give them a try on facebook ads,you're also going to want to stick,around to the end where i'm going to,show you a super easy hack so that you,can develop all this creative,for free lastly i want to mention that i,have partnered with snapchat ads to get,you,free credits to try out the platform,essentially it's a spend a thousand,get a thousand deal and if you are a,business owner or a media buyer you,already know what a massive value that,is,so i'm going to have that in the link in,the description below so the first,creative type that i want to talk about,is what i call,in-ad web browsing now this is something,i have been seeing on tick-tock as well,as snapchat lately but when i actually,tried this out in one of my snapchat ads,accounts recently,it beat out everything else that we were,using in the entire account,now this ad is commonly divided into two,halves,one is more of the traditional ugc that,you see a lot on these type of social,media ads,and the second half of the ad actually,sews some web browsing of the website,now the reason why this works so well is,because with almost all,types of ads except the boring catalog,product picture ad,you're not going to be able to show more,than one to two products in the ad at,any given time,in most cases which means you're not,going to be able to grab most people's,attention with this method you're not,only going to showcase more product but,you're actually going to be showing your,website and since it's commonly,layered with a voiceover it's going to,feel like a more authentic,experience now the second type of,creative i see nail it on snapchat ads,lately are what i like to call,tick-tock shorts and what's funny is i,haven't seen these pop up really on,facebook or instagram ads but i think,they would do,really really well on those platforms,too this is something i've been testing,out on a few snap accounts and the,results are a lot better than just your,traditional,ugc so essentially for these you want,your ads to be 10 seconds or shorter,maybe even something like,5 seconds they have to be really quick,and like i said it's not your,traditional ugc so they're not going to,be in selfie position,it's a lot more like showcasing one,benefit from the view of a third party,but still you're gonna want that ugc,feel so you're still gonna be filming,this with your iphone you don't need any,special equipment for this,so i think flo did an awesome job at,this and they actually tested out,several different versions,of different hooks and copy that they,were using so what i would suggest for,you is to,test out several different benefits and,their hooks and also try testing out a,few different sounds that have an,emotional connection to your user i,think flow nailed it on both accounts,with this specific ad,so the third type of creative i'm,starting to test out on snapchat ads is,what i like to call the platform,specific call out and before i,even talk about it i just want to show,you because i think you're going to,understand what i mean,hey snap fam let me tell you about my,new favorite boutique touch dolls,i just ordered some stuff from them and,it all came in so fast,make sure you follow them because they,have the cutest stuff for summer now as,you can see the woman is directly,calling out the platform when she says,hey snapchat which feels super organic,and not at all like an ad this is,something i haven't seen on facebook or,instagram yet but i have noticed that,when using this strategy in snapchat,it's starting to extend my watch times a,lot longer so to be honest i'm still,testing this one out,but i'm really excited about it and i'm,actually going to start running some,tests for it on facebook ads as well,because i think it would be a slam dunk,on instagram,now the last thing i want to address is,my hack for getting all this creative,made,and you can actually get all this,content made for free,just by using snapchat's create video in,ads manager so this used to be called,snap publisher so if you've seen some of,my previous videos that's what i was,referring to then but let's go ahead and,hop into the platform so that i can show,you exactly how to get this creative,made once you're inside your snap ad,manager you're going to go to your menu,in the top,left hand corner and what we're going to,look for is under the creative sectio
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Which Ad Platform Should I Use? (Facebook vs Google vs Snapchat vs Pinterest vs TikTok)
Which Ad Platform Should I Use? (Facebook vs Google vs Snapchat vs Pinterest vs TikTok)
what's up marketers today i'm going to,be tackling facebook ads versus google,ads,versus snapchat tick tock pinterest and,the age-old question,which ad platform should you use for,your business,so this is going to be a high level,conversation about what kind of ad,platform you should be running for your,business,which platforms are best at what which,to avoid,and how to start off a quick test with,each platform,again the ad platforms that we're going,to be talking about today include,facebook ads this is going to also,include instagram ads,google ads which will include branded,versus non-branded sem,shopping in youtube then we have,snapchat ads tick tock ads and,pinterest ads now i'm going to start off,first with,facebook ads and then google ads and the,reason why,is because if it's your first time,advertising you're likely going to be,starting off with one or both of these,advertising platforms,so for facebook ads facebook and,instagram is still where i would,recommend almost every single business,start,off when they want to explore paid,advertising,with one big exception which i'll,mention,in a minute now the reason why is,because your audience is,on facebook in fact there are 2.7,billion people on facebook so if you are,selling to people,those people are definitely going to be,on facebook additionally,facebook's machine learning targeting,capabilities,and ability to guide the user through,the journey make it one of the best,advertising platforms in the world sure,it has,a lot to improve in yes facebook,can be expensive for some industries,and there are constant updates to ad,manager that make the platform,less than user friendly but i still,recommend almost every business to,start off with facebook because of its,abilities to convert,users for new and seasoned businesses,alike,and compared to other advertising,platforms facebook is the best in terms,of customer acquisition,which is prospecting and to me even,retargeting in some aspects,so if you want to try out facebook ads,for the first time the easiest way to do,this is probably just to start off with,a retargeting campaign and measure how,that impacts your conversion rates,and next i would test a prospecting,campaign to measure,how many of those users end up becoming,your customers,now the next app performance i want to,talk about is google so whenever i'm,introduced to a new business or doing an,audit on their facebook ads account i,always ask to also,take a peek at their google ads now a,majority of the brands that i work with,in the e-comm and d2c space generally,start off with both facebook,and google and that's for good reason,just like facebook for social media,google dominates the search engine,market so there are almost 4.4 billion,internet users and the number of google,users worldwide,is nearly 4 billion so google's search,engine market share is more than 90,which is massive so again if your users,are on the internet,they're likely on google so remember,that exception i said i had for using,facebook ads as your first advertising,platform,in the way that facebook targets people,based on interest and the actions that,they take on their website network,google's targeting is based on when,someone actively types in a keyword,that is related to your business which,means that the intent on google,is way higher on facebook where your,customers are actually just trying to,check out what their friends are up to,not actively looking for a solution now,there are many different types of ads,that you can run,on google number one probably the most,common is,search ads so these are the ads that pop,up after you search for something,on google and there are two main types,of search ads,one is going to be branded and this is,going to contain the name of your,business so,if you are typing for a specific brand,name,and you put it on google that is called,a branded search and,to me this is a form of retargeting,because they have had to have heard of,your business before,typing in your name to google right so,be careful here because actually many,agencies will say,they are giving you great results on,google when really it's just,branded search so always ask your agency,if it's branded or non-branded when they,talk about their search results,which leads me to the second type of,search that you can do on google which,is non-branded and these are keywords,that are related to your product or,business but don't actually have your,business name,the other three types of ads that you,can run on google are display ads,shopping ads and youtube ads so the ones,that are going to get you the quickest,and most reliable,roi are search ads because again that is,where the intention,is you have to just be sure to do your,keyword research which is no small feat,so a good place for you to start off,with google would be your branded search,especially if you haven't invested so,much in your seo,because that's definitely going to help,now display ads don't generally,have a great roi esp
After seeing the sixth section, I believe you have a general understanding of snapchat ads vs tiktok ads
Continue the next seventh section about snapchat ads vs tiktok ads
TikTok VS Instagram Ads | Which is Better for your Business?
TikTok VS Instagram Ads | Which is Better for your Business?
i know you want to earn money online so,why the don't you sell products on,social media if you have an online,presence chances are that eventually,you'll have to sell something either you,will become a successful travel,influencer and you want to sell those,branded coconuts from bali all you will,inherit the boxer swords business from,your baby boomer daddy and you will want,to finally turn a profit in that,business so which platform is better for,your business instagram or tick tock let,me investigate hello this is stefanos,with your weekly update on social media,economy hit that subscribe button so you,will not be left out from this amazing,world of creator economy so last week,app annie reported that tiktok is set to,surpass 1.5 billion users in the next 12,months to put things into perspective,instagram has one billion users and,tiktok is getting these numbers while,being banned in india so from a straight,up numbers perspective tiktok has taken,the world by storm so naturally this is,where you want to put your ad or do you,i want to know because these balinese,coconuts are not going to sell,themselves in order to answer this,question i will need the research from,creator which i will link in the,description below for this research they,run with a thousand dollars the same 15,second ad on both tick tock and,instagram reels now if we take,ticktock's popularity as a factor,probably tiktok would crash instagram,but,pay attention because i need you to,understand this it turns out that,instagram crash tiktok with almost,double the reach and much less cpm and,cost per click so does this mean that,instagram is a clear ad winner i wish it,was that simple that's the reason i'm,making this video because i need you to,understand how to read the research so,the enthusiastic person will immediately,jump on the instagram train without,realizing that this research is showing,us how different the two platforms are,you see instagram has the technology and,the experience when it comes to ads but,tikto will soon figure it out themselves,also users on instagram are more used to,seeing ads so that might drive more,clicks from their site tiktok on the,other hand is a platform that celebrates,uniqueness and creativity so if you want,to put an ad you need to be much more,creative if you want your ad to be,successful inside the platform's,environment and in the end tick tock is,where everybody is nowadays so you,definitely want to be there so in,summary depending on your goals you can,choose either platform when reading a,research don't just stop when you read,the numbers understand what the numbers,mean and take into consideration the,environment you cannot be making choices,about social media unless you yourself,are using this social media and,understand how the users think so go in,both platforms make an ad for your dad's,business and for your coconut business,but make sure that you respect the,environment that you put them in now i,might have lied to you about one thing i,don't have coconuts but i do have a,subscribe and a like button so push both,and you will be the first one to receive,stefano's nuts the coconuts when they,come out let me know in the comments,below if you have tried instagram or tik,tok ads and how was this experience for,you and i will see you again next week
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