what is going on guys norbury here back,again with another quarter four spark,Series this will be number five in the,entire series we're halfway through and,this one is going to be about this,insane testing strategy that I've been,using to find winning products nearly,every single week for the last like,three to four months testing products,with Tick Tock ads is very very simple,but I want to make sure that you do it,in the right way so in this video I'm,gonna be actually making a campaign live,inside of the tick tock ads manager so,that you can just follow along and see,everything that we do every single,question that you may have about making,a test campaign or whatever what,settings should you do the age ranges,targeting what whatever questions you,have are going to be answered in here so,let's hop right into it alright guys so,we are now in The Tick Tock ads manager,at least a dummy ads manager so that I,can make a test campaign and show you,guys how to do this when we make it to,this point you already found a product,we just covered that in the last four,videos of the series you already built,your store you already found the ads,that you're going to run now you're,ready to create your actual test,Campaign which is what we're going to go,ahead and do here after you set up your,ad account and set up your pixel and,stuff this is what you're going to be,looking at so very very simple all,you're going to want to do is go ahead,and click create I'm going to click,Start over and the first thing that you,want to do is click on website,conversions this is basically telling,Tick Tock that we want sales which is of,course what we want and then usually,what I'll do is I will name the campaign,the name of the product so for the sake,of this example I'm just going to put,product name and we'll go ahead and,click continue this will bring us to the,ad group because the campaign is already,created and don't worry about any of the,settings on the campaign level when,we're just testing products we're not,going to be messing with any of those,things so I usually just call my ad,groups open or you could say no,targeting or whatever and then when it,comes to selecting your pixel just click,the pixel that you want to do and then,we're going to optimize for complete,payment out the gate now a lot of people,have brought up like what if I don't,have any purchases on my pixel am I,going to run into spend issues whatever,you might but you can deal with those,down the road I don't think optimizing,for view content or add to car is going,to help with spending issues at all I,actually don't really think that that's,a strategy that works anymore for fixing,spending issues so what I would probably,recommend that you do is optimize for,complete payment from the get-go and,just let it run until it does spend so,if it doesn't spend for a day or two,don't worry about it just let it go let,it spend at its own pace because we,always want to optimize for what our,goal is at the end of the day and our,goal is complete payments now when it,comes to placements I have split tested,automatic placements versus you know,Tick Tock only and in my experience this,platform right here pangle it does spend,money on this platform I'm not 100,certain what it is but I do know that,the majority of the spend will probably,go towards this platform and for that,reason also I haven't seen that many,good results I usually just do select,placement and just select Tick Tock only,for the placements in terms of user,comments and video downloads does,doesn't matter you can do whatever you,want there if you want to manage,comments if you don't want to manage,comments just make your mind up I don't,think it affects performance that well,but what I will say is,um you know Tick Tock has voiced that if,you do leave comments on that you could,get more Impressions and more,conversions so usually I'll just leave,them on automated creative optimization,so we are 100 gonna do this especially,when testing and this basically allows,us to put multiple video ads under this,single ad group or under a single ad,really so we're not going to need,multiple ads even though we have three,videos we're going to use in this,example we can just put them all into,one ad now I'm always going to do custom,targeting I don't necessarily recommend,doing automatic targeting and I'll tell,you why inside of the countries you're,just going to want to put in the,countries that you want to Target so,we're just going to do United States and,Canada languages you could do English,you don't have to though genders we're,always always going to leave this on all,unless you have like a very specific,product where only females would buy it,and don't look at me and say that you,know because you're selling makeup that,only females will buy makeup because,boys will buy makeup for their,girlfriends right or for their sisters,or mothers or whatever so don't be so,quick to make assumptions,um and you know that's the re
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This Secret TikTok Ads Testing Strategy Is Changing Lives
This Secret TikTok Ads Testing Strategy Is Changing Lives
hey buddy,yeah you what are you a damn headlights,come over here real quick don't be shy i,hear you're looking for that ecom gushy,gushy that underground black hat ad,strategy that will leave your bank,account impregnated maybe even,afterwards after your mrs sees it she'll,want to get impregnated too oh hey yosh,keep your voice done keep your voice,down geez always because this stuff,doesn't come cheap my friend a lot of,media buyers on my team on my team were,sacrificed to get these strategies,so it's gonna cost you,let's say,a million dollars,you know what my friend actually for you,if you like this video down below,i'll give these to you right now i,really don't wear hoodies that much,because i live in florida and it makes,me look like a giant penis but let's,actually talk about tik-tok product,testing strategies and how do people,even come up with these strategies in,the first place because you're gonna see,these videos all the time from a bunch,of different gurus and a lot of times i,feel like they're just blowing smoke out,of their rear end but for me because i,run a ad agency where we're literally,testing hundreds of products every,single month and we're testing on,thousands of different accounts this is,actually the way that we come up with,strategies that work for us we have a,sheet that looks like this and you can,easily come up with a spreadsheet where,you have a base control testing strategy,like this one right here where you have,five ad groups three of them with,interest two no targeting and how you,can develop your strategy over time,especially when you're doing a lot of,tests is you can introduce a little bit,of chaos with having an independent,variable so for us when we're doing,split testing we always will do one,variable changing from our original,control group so in this instance with,this top column we did us with australia,for the targeting instead of us and,canada and then what we would do is,measure the results these are all fake,numbers by the way we would do this over,and over and over again over the course,of multiple months and this is how i,actually came up with this exact,strategy this isn't just me oh well i,think this is what's gonna work no this,is proven how you can actually develop a,strategy that works over time and you,can also do other split tests like doing,a combination of number one number five,so that would be us with australia while,also doing a cbo on to mark all of the,data because at the end of the day,you're gonna be biased and if you don't,have the numbers guiding your decisions,you're not gonna make good decisions,when it comes to media buying because,it's all based on numbers and not your,emotions so this has helped us scale,brands like this one right here from,zero to 1.7 k a day like this brand,right here to zero to 1.8 k a day so,again this is proven to work and if you,do want to work with my team before we,start this video i do have an automation,agency where we have a team of experts,who will find products for you build,custom coded one product stores and even,film custom ads so if you're interested,in finding your first or next winning,product and help you scale to one grand,a day or more in the fastest amount of,time you can click the link down below,and book a call with my team so without,further ado let's get on to tick tock,ads and i'll show you how we test,products so the first thing you're going,to do obviously you're going to click on,conversions because we're not trying to,get no dang video views i can't deposit,that to my bank account so for me this,is how i name all my campaigns so i'm,going to be testing this product the,frost ball how i name all my campaigns,is the name of the product whether it's,a testing or scaling campaign and then,the break-even point because when you're,testing on multiple ad accounts it is,good to know first off what's the,product and what's my bep because when i,first analyze ad accounts and this will,be talked about a little later on i look,at cpa more than i actually look at,roads and i'll explain a little later on,because i know everyone's obsessed with,roes but for us and this is after i've,talked to senior media buyers who have,scaled accounts to the millions they,don't really look at roads as much as,you would think it is somewhat of an,important metric but i would say cpa is,more important your cost per purchase,but let's get into the actual ad group,settings now i do five ad groups,whenever i'm testing a new product one,campaign,five ad groups and all the ad groups are,identical i don't change anything about,either of them we're not split testing,anything and i get some people saying,ethan if you're not split testing then,what's the point of just creating five,that are identical well the thing is and,if you are someone who does media buying,you'll notice that even if you create,two ad groups that are exactly alike,they're never gonna perform the same way,the cpms will be different the cpcs will,be different
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I bought things from *TIKTOK ADS*... LET'S TEST THEM
I bought things from *TIKTOK ADS*... LET'S TEST THEM
teeny tiny little they look like pills,oh boy oh boy oh boy oh my God,this on their boobs it's just not gonna,work,well this makeup is a little bit,dramatic this is a lot for me if you're,new to my channel I don't wear my makeup,like this all the time I just filmed a,real slash Tick Tock of me recreating,Megan the stallions Grammy's makeup look,which I absolutely was in love with and,I just did this on there and then I,thought you know what while I've got,this makeup on I'm gonna sit down and,film a video I mean it does look pretty,cool if I do say so myself but I would,not leave the house with this one anyway,in today's video I'm going to be testing,some things that I bought because of,tick tock these things that I've,purchased came up as an ad on my Tick,Tock feed you know every so often when,you're scrolling you keep going you keep,going and then an ad will pop up for a,random thing it seems to be the most,random things for me sometimes it's,beauty stuff and other stuff is like,cookie dough or a mattress or something,and these are some of the things that I,was genuinely curious in and so I,ordered them I think I've done something,like this before where I bought stuff,that was on Tick Tock lives I can't,remember if I've done an ads one but,here it is today let's just get into it,by the way if you want the details about,if you want the details this makeup it's,on my Instagram I listed all of the,products that I used okay so this first,Tick Tock ad that came up I actually had,a few different brands or accounts,posting the same product and basically,what I have generally found is that a,lot of the products that come up on Tick,Tock ads are sort of like Drop Shipping,type things so the company will purchase,a load of a particular product that's,just like a wholesale type product that,buy loads of them and then like Mark up,the price loads and sell them on their,website and I mean loads of stuff is,done by Drop Shipping anyway but just a,little hack here if you click on a,product on Tick Tock it comes up say,it's like 20 quid look at the sort of,brand name that's actually written on,that product in this example it is a lip,Plumping product and type that in on,Amazon or Ebay and it will probably come,up with loads of Cheaper things because,it's all the same brand and it's just,like bulk bought and then marked up for,higher prices on people's Tick Tock,shops but the brand in particular I,ended up seeing is called at syrup,cosmetics and in this ad it looks very,extreme there is a woman testing this,and this is no more lip fillers watch,till they end she's put this on half her,lips and the side that she's put it on I,mean to be fair it looks like she's had,an allergic reaction it's definitely,very plump on the side that she put it,on but it does look a little bit,dangerous so I clicked through to their,website it was a us-based website I,believe and it said it was the syrup day,and night lip plumper reduced from 50.95,to 28.95 lies it was never 50.95 in the,first place I can guarantee you sorry I,really feel like I'm going in on this,particular company like so many other,companies do this but they'll put like,was 50 now 28 dollars to sort of entice,you and be like oh it's a good deal it's,on sale when in reality I went on Amazon,typed in the roll lip plumper because,that's what's actually written on it and,I got the exact same thing for nine,pounds this one seems to be the daytime,one this one seems to be the nighttime,one but I don't know what the difference,is I think honestly I'm just gonna put,both of them on and hope for the best I,might actually try it on one half of my,lips they're very small teeny tiny,little they look like pills in the,information it just says daytime use,ginger Essence lips plump use at night,mint Night Repair moist lips double,effect unification collocation is used,for plump lips,I'm confused let's try the daytime one,so these are my lips before,well I mean I guess you'll see if it,does anything because I'm just gonna put,it on half,oh Christ,guys it's already starting to tingle,okay it's mildly tingling right now,should I put some more on,oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh God okay,it's starting to burn it's really,starting to burn it's starting to burn,ow oh you know what I've done my,lips are uneven anyway and I've just put,it on the bigger side does anyone else,have ever slightly uneven lips oh crap I,got it on my tongue I got it on my,tongue I got on my tongue why does this,happen every time I've got to say this,does not feel Pleasant it feels not nice,like it's really tingling it feels like,it's burning a bit it feels like I've,like rubbed hot chilies on my lips it's,getting worse like it actually it really,is uncomfortable okay it's been a few,minutes I just had to go and answer the,door oh my God I felt like,you I feel like I've got loads of saliva,in my mouth oh wow you know what guys it,is actually working my lips are becoming,more red on that side and I can,definitely see it's Pl
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I Bought The First 5 Things TikTok Ads Recommended To Me
I Bought The First 5 Things TikTok Ads Recommended To Me
(upbeat music),♪ This is Safiya's new intro song! ♪,- Hello friends, and
welcome to another video.,This week, I'm gonna be
buying the first five things,that TikTok ads recommend to me.,That's right, I'm gonna be giving TikTok,even more of my personal
information, a questionable move.,So, over the past few years,,we've done a few experiments
that involve buying products,from targeted ads across
social media platforms,,like Facebook, Instagram,
YouTube, and Snapchat,to see if their ad
algorithms and analytics,could match me to things I might like.,And a few months ago,,I finally relented and downloaded TikTok,,and lo and behold, there were
ads and abs, but mostly ads.,Now in general, TikTok has
actually become an environment,where companies and people interact a lot,,so I think a lot of businesses see TikTok,as a good marketing opportunity.,- Thank you Little Caesars,for the life size plush replica of me!,- And in terms
of the ads I've seen,,there's quite a wide variety.,(dramatic music),- I have been dreaming of
marriage with a rich girl.,- I've gotten ads for parks,,ads for like fake veneers and
ads for working for TikTok.,Some are for super small Etsy shops.,Some are for larger corporations.,Some play into TikTok trends,,or try to mimic the normal videos,you might see on your for you page,,and some are incredibly
low effort and confusing.,Like, what is this product,
and why is it so pixelated?,And I also know that other
people notice these ads as well,and can relate to getting blasted,by the same one for weeks on end.,- This is a plea to the
marketing people at HALARA.,Please, stop targeting me to
buy your mini tennis dress.,- Every time they open the app.,- Wow, I sure love my HALARA dress.,(sobs) It's, it's really cute!,- But TikTok does have a
very targeted algorithm.,I should know. I've been on
Edgar Allen Poe Tok before,,so maybe they do know best,,and maybe I will like
the things they show me.,So that's what we're gonna
do, buy the first five things,that TikTok ads recommend
to me and see how they do.,All right, so a couple of
quick disclaimers here.,One is that I'm gonna be
pretty much just ignoring,the first ad that comes up
right when you open the app,,because I usually find that
those are for movies, TV shows,or big companies like Credit Karma,,and I'm more interested in
their normal ad inventory,rather than the big banner ones,,which feel less targeted overall.,The other disclaimer is that
rather than just sitting,in one spot and just scrolling,until I get to all of the ads,,I'm gonna open the app up multiple times,throughout the day and
get my five ads that way,,just because that more closely replicates,the way I use TikTok on the daily,,compulsively opening the app,,scrolling through a few videos,,feeling guilty about wasting
time and then closing the app.,Alright, and with that,
let's ruin my algorithm.,Alright, so I've been scrolling,,and TikTok gave me a pretty good ad here.,This is an ad for Pizza
Hut's new limited edition,,streetwear line, Tastewear.,- They don't just sell pizza
anymore. They make streetwear.,And it's called Tastewear,
so let's get into it.,- Yes, that's right, Pizza
Hut made a track suit,,and they're advertising it to
me, which is weirdly targeted.,I am not necessarily the
world's biggest Pizza Hut fan,,but I am a huge fan of companies,doing weird PR things, including clothing.,KFC Crocs, sign me up.
Peeps Crocs, I'm there.,Pizza Hut parka, I mean, I have that.,I don't actually follow a
lot of brands on TikTok,,but I have posted a fair amount of videos,with weird clothing, including
the aforementioned Crocs,,so maybe that's what tipped them off.,So I am gonna get all of this
stuff, or as much as I can.,They have a jumpsuit that's inspired,by the plaid tablecloths
at Pizza Hut restaurants.,Then I'm gonna get their
T-shirt that is inspired,by their stained glass chandeliers,,and I'm also gonna get the slides.,They do also have a necklace,
which I'm gonna grab.,The pizza chain, oh I just
got that...pizza chain.,It's a pizza chain about the pizza chain,,Pizza Hut, pizza chain.,Two notes here, one is
that the iconic red cup,was sadly already sold out,,and also that this is not that cheap,,specifically, the track
suit is kind of expensive,,which I wouldn't really
expect from Pizza Hut,,but we're gonna get it anyways.,Dude, we're definitely gonna have to go,to Pizza Hut in this.,- You're gonna
be drippin' in Pizza Hut.,- I'm going to be as greasy
(laughing) as a Pizza Hut pizza,,sorry for the slander.,Alright, so I just got another ad,for what seems to be an
electronics mystery box.,It's from this account
called, What the Boxio,,and it's sort of cryptic.,It's almost like a cliffhanger.,This dude is just like, "Hey,
you need a box, go get one!",- So you guys know we've got
boxes, boxes, and more boxes.,I can't show you guys what's in there,,but I can tell you guys,,you guys need to go buy
one as soon as possible.,- He also does a nice sheesh at the end.,Wow, I felt so weird doin
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My TikTok Ads Testing Strategy ($0-$1000 in 4 DAYS!) | Jandy Cerezo
My TikTok Ads Testing Strategy ($0-$1000 in 4 DAYS!) | Jandy Cerezo
have you ever wondered how these,agencies are setting up their campaigns,and new creatives for testing new,products in tiktok ads well today i'm,going to be showing you just that there,is definitely a systematic approach to,it and we have proven strategies that,generated us over seven figures using it,this way today i'm going to be sharing,with you guys how we set up new ad,creatives or test new products using,tiktok ads at the end of this video i'll,show you guys a quick case study on how,we tested this new product and also the,result that we got from it if you don't,know who i am my name is jandy cerezo,i'm a successful eight-figure e-commerce,owner i own a digital marketing agency,and most importantly a dad i drop weekly,videos on e-commerce drop shipping and,paid marketing so let's get started on,how you can create your own tech talk,campaigns using this proven strategy so,let's start with our setup how do we set,up our campaign ad groups and how many,ads should we be testing if you're,testing a new product especially if,you're a drop shipper or maybe you're uh,an e-commerce brand that is just,starting out with tick tock ads this is,definitely how i would start and this is,what we do in our agency we would create,one campaign and if you have at least,four to six creatives that's gonna be,one created per ad group which means,you're gonna have four to six ad groups,depending on how many creatives you have,if you're testing a new product at least,have four different creatives that you,can test and you're gonna attach each ad,creative to,that particular ad group so it's gonna,look like this one campaign,four to six ad groups and one ad group,will have,one creative now there's an extra step,that i do here there's one more thing,that we do in here each ad group would,be 25 budget and remember each ad group,would have one ad attached to it so,you're gonna copy that ad so meaning,it's gonna be the exact same creative,within that ad group and the reason why,we test a lot of creatives compared to,facebook where you just test two to four,creatives per product here tik tok is,definitely,a creative intensive platform which,means you're gonna need a lot of,different creatives now this can be,subtle changes within your creative,maybe you just have to change the first,three seconds of the video or maybe you,can change the music of the video or,even just slide changes in the text,within the video the one ad created that,is duplicated once per ad group ensures,that you are doing proper testing a lot,of media buyers out there especially,dropshippers are testing multiple ad,creatives within an ad group and the,reason why i think that's wrong is,because you're letting the algorithm do,the work you don't want to do that you,don't want to rely heavily on the,algorithm until you are scaling,especially if you are in the creative,space you want to have the chance for,each creative to shine so that means if,you're testing one ad group and you have,multiple,different ad creators within that ad,group the algorithm will most likely,choose just one to two ads and it will,only spend on that ad creative and you,don't want that you want to split each,creatives that you're testing into,different ad groups so each of them will,have the chance to gather data and spend,individually which means you'll be able,to make better decisions this is the,single most important factor in this,setup now with each ad group you can,have at least 25 you don't want to do 20,because most of the time you will,typically see that it won't spend on the,first day you want at least 25,and this is what we found the sweet spot,is you can get up to 40 dollars per ad,group but that gets too expensive,straight away you want 25 to get it,spending and to gather as much data as,you can on the first and second date,this is very important all right this is,your ticktock ad manager and most of you,guys have seen this already so you know,how it goes the first thing we want to,do is click create,and click conversions i always 100 do,conversions and the next thing you want,to do is you want a proper naming,convention for your campaigns your ad,groups and your ad creatives and you,want to keep this consistent because,this is going to help you scale in the,future and allow you to have a better,understanding,once you start seeing more data so the,way we set up our campaign name is,pretty much for example is we do brand,name,and then we do product name,and then the country and the age that,we're targeting,so for example usa we're targeting 18,plus and lastly you want to put in here,if you're testing a new product uh your,break even point so for example if you,have a fifty dollar product and the,product cost is twenty dollars your,break even point is thirty dollars this,will allow you to determine,with how much you are willing to spend,uh per ad group,so you just wanna hit continue we use, which is adset budget only we don't,use cbo when testing again it's very,important that each a
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BEST TikTok Ads Testing Strategy For Q4 (Step-By-Step) | Shopify Dropshipping
BEST TikTok Ads Testing Strategy For Q4 (Step-By-Step) | Shopify Dropshipping
so you found a potential product you,want to go ahead and sell for your,Shopify Drop Shipping Store well now,what I don't know obviously you want to,go ahead and make some money with it,you're goddamn right in this video,ladies and gents I'll be sharing my,exact step-by-step Tick Tock ads launch,strategy in which you can utilize to,successfully and efficiently test any,product this is the most updated,strategy that has producing results like,this and we all know that Q4 is a great,time to make money when it comes to,e-commerce and selling products online,so make sure you guys do follow along,the entire video and use this to your,advantage in order to maximize your,results for not only Q4 but beyond 2023,and onwards oh and the most important,thing the product the product that we'll,be utilizing for the purpose of this,video is this initial anklet bracelet,this did very well last year so I know,it'll do very well again this year hint,hint this makes a great product for,women you know people can also give this,as gifts to their family members friends,so on and so forth without any further,Ado ladies and gents let's hop behind,the computer and start launching some,ads for the initial anklet bracelet,alright so let's continue keeping this,short and concise there's two,housekeeping things to get out the way,first and foremost being payment so once,you click on this username there should,be a drop down called payments click on,that Tab and you should see this screen,right here now with most tech talk,accounts you will see automatic payments,where you can add your debit or credit,card and it will deduct from there if,you've ever ran Facebook ads you exactly,know what I'm talking about but with,some accounts you know you got stuck,with this where you have manual payments,so you have to go ahead and add a,balance each time in this case we did,get stuck with that all good make sure,you have at least 150 to 300 load it up,depending on the frequency of your,testing if you're very aggressively,testing you may want to have you know,500 or 750 dollars loaded but the,purpose of this video our balance is,only 150 bucks the second housekeeping,thing is go-to assets and click on,events once you click on events um here,you already see I have a pixel installed,but what you're essentially going to do,is press setup web events name it so we,can just say text pixel in all caps,beautiful go to tick tock pixel click,next uh automatically set up web events,via partner platforms and then you'll,see Shopify right here so this will,basically go ahead and you know make the,pixel for you and just follow the steps,I usually like to turn these guys on and,then just click next about two or three,times and on the back end of Shopify you,should see the pixel already created so,afterwards go to your Shopify and this,is just to double check that everything,is synced up in the back end very very,important go to sales channels click on,Tick Tock and let's start from the top,actually and we'll click on marketing so,make sure your ads manage your name and,your targeting locations is proper this,is obviously whatever you have name,drags manager and on the bottom I,usually like to put United States if,that is your primary country data,sharing pixel will be maximum and you,have to also make sure that the pixel,here matches in your events manager so,this ends in 2971 that one also ends in,um 2971. there you go this is the pixel,that we had already created so now both,of the housekeeping banks are done and,out the way but make sure you guys do,these two things properly as you know,they can definitely make or break,potentially the results that you do,attain on Tick Tock alright people,follow along with me keep going so we're,gonna make sure we're at the campaign,level right here and now get to the fun,part testing the product so press on,create right over there let it load,sometimes guys this can be very slow,depending on your internet connection,FYI we're going to do custom mode right,afterwards,um our campaign objective or our,advertising objective will be,conversions right because we have an,e-commerce website now our campaign name,I like to personally put the date of the,next day so for example right now it's,night and I'm setting up the ads for the,following day right once it's 12 so,we'll put 9 14 or September 14 the name,of the product anklet as long as you can,remember that's all that matters and,then we'll do one hundred dollar, which stands for ad set budget,optimization once we have that do not,touch any of these four options and just,click on continue again people are,keeping it short simple to the point,click on website that is where we are,driving traffic to in other words that,is what we are promoting right we're,promoting a website we have our pixel,that I already created before,optimization event we are optimizing for,complete payment right that is the end,result we want people to go through with,that is the end result we want people to,co
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Best Low Budget TikTok Ads Strategy | Shopify 2022
Best Low Budget TikTok Ads Strategy | Shopify 2022
hello everyone it's chase chapel here,and i'm going to be showing you exactly,how to recognize if your campaign is,performing or not on tick tock how to,set up a campaign and how to do it if,you have a low budget for testing so by,the end of this video not only will you,be able to learn how to set up tick tock,ads for 100 or less per day but be able,to truly understand exactly what,strategy works how to get actual,conversions from the get go and be able,to successfully identify winning,creative styles that actually convert so,without wasting any time today let's get,into the training,so with tick-tock ads during the testing,phase if you have under a hundred,dollars per day as a testing budget we,like to actually test three to five,audiences at most so that way you can,truly understand and identify if your,actual ads are going to convert and not,only that we like to actually have only,one or two tick-tock ad creatives for,those campaigns so that way they can,optimize effectively and distribute,budget to one or the other ads that are,actually converting better that way you,don't have to spend a lot of money,trying to figure everything out and you,can have earlier success without having,to spend a lot of money and in fact we,literally do this so many times that,most of our clients actually launch,their campaigns and start seeing,immediate results and in fact right here,what we're looking at is,a few audiences here and literally,within launching this campaign on the,26th within three days this campaign had,already gotten 19 conversions and was,averaging a 2.28 x row s now while that,roads might not sound a lot to you but,this is literally within three days of,launch on tick tock ads getting 19,conversions for less than 100 dollars,per day and immediately it was already,roi positive and very profitable and in,fact once we actually optimize this,campaign over time we're going to be,able to raise that overall return and ad,spend to a three to four to five x roads,and be able to get really consistent,results at scale so we're actually,creating our own budget for ourselves,through this campaign and you can see,here we have audience breakdowns where,we're using an actual open audience,which is just a wide open audience with,no actual targeting and we're allowing,the tiktok algorithm to identify who to,go after for us and then we have other,audiences that we're more specific and,actually guiding the algorithm by giving,it a little bit of data that i can test,with that way it can optimize and get,efficient results and we do that with,interest hashtag audiences where we're,targeting specific hashtags around,videos people are watching on tick tock,and then we have actual interest,categories where that could be you know,actual brands like target or walmart,where we're targeting actual retail,stores where you know other similar,products are located,and then we have another open audience,which is you know actually in a,different country and then we have,interest in hashtag audiences once again,so i'm gonna go ahead and break this,down for you so you can see exactly how,to get results because literally within,launch of this campaign we're paying,less than you know 20 cents an actual,click we're getting cpms for around two,dollars around a cpm and even launching,these actual campaigns and being able to,get conversions within the first three,days so let's actually go through how to,set this up so that way you can launch,this campaign for yourself all right,we're in a brand new ads manager and,what we're gonna do is we're gonna hit,create,and this is actually how you set up the,actual testing campaign and what you're,going to do is you're going to actually,choose conversions if you're optimizing,for purchases if you have an e-commerce,store if you set up the actual tick tock,pixel you're going to want to optimize,for ultimate conversion objective and if,that is purchases then you're going to,want to optimize for purchases so let's,go ahead and name our campaign and we,can name it conversions testing and this,is the conversions testing campaign,where you can literally spend less than,100 per day and start making your money,back immediately that way you can,recycle that cash to actually grow your,overall results and achieve success so,once we have our campaign here what,we're going to do is we're going to,choose placements we're going to choose,tick tock specifically because that's,what our video is optimizing for and,that's where the actual attention is,we're going to choose our location in,our case it's going to be united states,and we have an age limit 18 plus for us,so we're going to choose that age range,so what we're actually going to do is,we're going to choose a specific,audience in the interest initially,we're going to start with going after,the clothing space,men's clothing and then what we're going,to do is we're going to find another,audience in here it could be apparel,pair on clothing,we can choose streetwear where
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[TOO EASY] My TikTok Ads *TESTING* Strategy! - Shopify Dropshipping
[TOO EASY] My TikTok Ads *TESTING* Strategy! - Shopify Dropshipping
listen,in the first two days if after i've used,my product testing strategy to validate,the product and simply scaling up the,budget that is what we're left with 32,000.48 hours using this exact strategy,that's current time but here's the,kicker on a brand new store for this,video i basically am going to be showing,you guys my bulletproof product testing,strategy that i've been using for a year,now at any time you see you know me,doing big numbers i mean today you know,we did 17 000 and i wanted to show you,guys this example just to prove to you,that it's still working in current time,and it's a great foundation for people,starting out to spend,the most minimum budget possible and,know how and when to scale if you're,looking for everything everything,completely unleashed there will there is,a pdf as well as all of my other,strategies for tick tock ads and scaling,between 25 and 50 000 per day,consistently you guys can get that all,my black hat discord group down below,it's the best investment you'll ever,make and i can guarantee you there's,nothing like it in the space i've,literally made millions of dollars using,this foundation so um yeah you're,welcome all right guys so it's just past,midnight and as you guys can see in the,last two days on this store with the,store is brand new here you see,congratulations on your thousandth order,store is brand new in the last two days,um you know we've done about thirty two,thousand dollars in sales and all but,yeah so as that being said you can see,here the month today um you know this is,fully brand new store this is literally,putting myself into your shoes i did it,for the video um and just showing you,guys how easy it is because there's so,many complications people are asking how,do i breathe what do i drink what do i,eat um and,you know i'm pretty much gonna give you,guys all of that my average day what's,going on inside of my head uh you know,when i'm running ads drop shipping,stores etc i know a lot of you guys are,really asking all about that so anything,i can do to help i'm here but yeah so,pretty much but yeah so pretty much this,all goes into tick tock ads and now tick,tock ads has been killing it lately um,this is something i recommend to use for,your drop shipping store it's what i use,um and this is ultimately where i'm,gonna be holding down the ad strategy,mainly because i believe it's the best,opportunity it's what's making me crazy,money uh and why not share with you guys,but yeah so tick tock ads as we know and,i only use agency accounts right now,agency accounts have problems sometimes,but lately they've been rocking you know,this is april 22nd they are rocking i,love the agency accounts these are what,the more blue chip advertisers such as,you know amazon doordash um this is the,the accounts that they use they're more,favored and you basically buy into that,relationship but they don't agency,accounts don't cost anything linked down,below but other than that guys um you're,gonna need to understand the basic,fundamentals because i'm guessing a lot,of the guys and gals here watching this,video,you know they're testing they don't know,much about actually running it and then,some people are very advanced and some,intermediate so i'm trying to hit,everything here guys bear with me but,yeah so we're going to go ahead and,create campaign um and then our,advertising objective obviously is going,to be conversions we're going for,conversions here um you know tick tock,has its own list of people who buy,and then we're going to go to cbo i,always turn it on and this is my test,strat so with this i'm going to set the,budget here to 50,uh we're just going to start with 50,bucks again guys i'm going to be showing,you for the most minimal amount that you,can spend and we're not even going to,need to spend the full 50 bucks to where,you know,you can hike that price up and scale it,and this is pretty much how you can take,it from 50 bucks to,whatever you'd like is what i'd say i,say a nice range to play with is 5 to,10k if you're new um you know there's a,lot more processing complications that,come into it when you go a bit higher,and yes if you are wondering about all,that stuff uh you know subscription,based business everything like that,where you make the wealth in ecom hop in,my black hat discord i have everything,that you need to know with processing,chargebacks uh this this one's always a,big debate um,for pixel,again i recommend personally what i do,is i create a pixel,um that's not actually attached to store,how do i do it i simply hit create,set up web events,um tick tock pixel next i just give it,any name automatically set up shopify oh,dope,dope dude okay shopify um and then click,next,super excited to be bringing you guys,this this is like going to change lives,this is one of those ones that changes,the lives the product testing strat uh,this is what i do again,next next,complete setup,and yeah so now we can simply go back to,our campaign hit the refresh
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