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Aggressive ADHD Advertisements On TikTok

all right,so for those of you who don't know,i have adhd i've had it for a long time,all right i was diagnosed when i was,really young,uh i took medication when i was younger,um,came off my meds at around 16.,it was it was a bit of i just decided to,stop taking them is what happened it was,quite it was a bit intense i got it was,it was difficult to manage myself,um,you know i ended up uh,it's difficult to manage myself it took,a long time to finally get to a place,where i have control over it i don't,take medication,um it would have been better if i weaned,myself off instead of going off cold,turkey but you know that's,neither here nor there,somehow though tic toc knows i have adhd,i don't know how the they found out,because they,they've sent me five they've sent me,more than this these are all,advertisements that i have over there's,five of them,for adhd medication,um,and i find it to be incredibly predatory,honestly i find it to be very predatory,so here's my problem there's a lot here,but basically,everyone on tick tock thinks they have, adhd every one of tick tocks,thinks they have autism they think they,have adhd they think that they have like,some kind of disorder it's a bunch of,young kids,who don't know that think that they,self-diagnose themselves with something,and i find it really predatory to try to,harness that as a business,and make money off of it i find it to be,shitty,right now,if you went up and looked let's just go,look up the adhd symptoms,let's go look up adhd symptoms right,um,let's see the dsm hi uh let's see let's,see,all right so there's a lot of shitty i,want to get something that's like really,simple because i don't need to get into,a whole yeah like 14 signs that your kid,is adhd so if we read through if you,went and you looked into something,right,you could probably identify with every,single symptom of adhd,something that people need to understand,is that just because you have markers of,something doesn't mean you need a,diagnosis,the only people who need a diagnosis are,people who can't manage themselves,without medication or some kind of,therapy or some kind of treatment method,um most people don't have that a lot of,people especially now have problems with,just being a person and part of that is,social media i want to explain for one,of the things is like i hyper focus,sometimes i feel like i always need to,be stimulated so i'm always on my phone,well a lot of kids are also almost,always on their phones too and so if you,heard that one of the symptoms of adhd,is that you always have to feel like you,need to be stimulated you'd be like oh,my god maybe i have adhd the reality is,though is that even now the way that i,deal with it is when i've recognized the,behavior i put it down mostly it takes,my fiance to be like hey you,need to stop doing i've always i'm on my,phone i'm tapping,right you need to be aware of your,behavior and you can stop it and this is,coming from somebody that has diagnosed,adhd now i'm an adult so i think it's,easier to manage as an adult,um,but you could easily identify with these,things,right interrupting oh self-focused,behavior like i was just saying,interrupting trouble waiting your turn,impulsivity basically,all these kids are like oh my god those,are my things well no it's because we,also have we're in the generation of,instant gratification where people oh i,want something and here it is you want,something you can go buy it on amazon,it'll be there tomorrow,i know that sounds like a boomer take,but it's really true um we don't we,don't learn to wait in line you guys buy,everything online people don't cook,their own food anymore people just want,to pop something in the microwave or go,out to mcdonald's and buy a bunch of, we have a problem with,uh people wanting instant gratification,and getting whatever they want,instantaneously and i honestly think,that online behavior between that and,anti-social behavior is causing people,to show signs of things like adhd and,autism where they really don't have them,i think that social media or just,internet access,is,creating a generation,of kids,wanting instant gratification,um and having a lot of mental health,problems because of the way that social,media presents itself i mean you could,show the best of yourself and then hide,the worst of yourself,but i think that that's mimicking actual,diagnosable disorders,trouble waiting your turn emotional,turmoil you know what that's from your,dad leaving you okay fidgeting again,these are all look at this,everyone in the chat could be like yeah,problems playing quietly like i on for,instance i have to always have my phone,on the volume when i play a game,right it's unfinished tasks does this,sound like every single teenager,nowadays lack of focus avoidance of,tasks needed,a needing extended mental effort,does this sound like most children,mistakes, mistakes hey if you make a,mistake you have adhd,daydreaming wow trouble getting,organized forgetfulness so do you see,

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ASMR - no ads - Tiktok live compilation from August 💖 Tapping, personal attention & ADHD Doctor

ASMR - no ads - Tiktok live compilation from August 💖 Tapping, personal attention & ADHD Doctor

foreign,how is the Audio I have new microphones,and,I just haven't used them in a while do,they sound okay,audio's great really it doesn't sound,like off,hello hello,thank you,I think I know I'm glad you were able to,join me on a live,copying,being the sweet,Kitty audio too low should it be higher,yes let me figure this out testing,testing is this better is this better is,this better,it's just better should I go lower,hi Olivia hi Olivia,is super cute,hairbrush that I want to show you today,it has a little,abandon a little bend a little cloudy,happy life,Annie has really nice bristles,they're not too um stiff stiff so it's,nice,hi to everybody,communist,early,earlier so that you would still be awake,hello Frederick,thank you so much did y'all see two,videos today,double figure double feature Sunday,but the slumber party one which thank,you so much to everybody who voted on,what to call it,and the other video that I got was a,collab with Deja ASMR where we do your,makeup and more mean girls,so much fun editing that video because,it's so like Jinky,it's so tricky hi Skyler,I thought I played dead by daylight,I'm Laurie Strode I'm dead by daylight,I'm gonna edit it out and it was just so,like,I don't know how to describe it but just,like put together by spit,and I try to edit it as much as I could,but you know,you know it's not supposed to be,professional or the perfect you know,where,I thought it was fun,someone asked what part of Mexico am I,from I'm from the north,I kind of do want to do an ADHD test,today so I'll do one a little bit later,I'm in the mood,ASMR AC doctor,so like like,a child more people so they,can open it,foreign,this Crystal points I,be completely at ease and,this and Okay so,all the negative,you'll be all for you,all for you because you,shoot yourself,it's so hard to be to be better and,the crystal,foreign,did you guys watch it what did you think,about it,did you followed Deja before she's,amazing she's,a,is,hello,you are dying classic,she's such a wonderful person and we,have so much in common and she's just,absolute an absolute Joy so,I'm glad yeah we're able to enjoy it,so so if I'm not mistaken,wait did I mess up my lipstick oh,no,oh no,if I'm not mistaken,this,should be your left and this ear should,be your right is that right is that,right,left left left,is that right,or vice versa I don't know okay okay,good good good good it's really,complicated,microphones that are not USB microphones,or XLR cable microphone so I have to,adopt it,um audio interface and then two up,power USB brake,through the lightning to the iPhone,so there's a lot of cables in front of,me and I just want to make sure that I,got him right,liquid fat,why,is that like a trigger word it's a,fetish mining,I heard that before it sounds like,fitting,there's so many crazy people,I shouldn't say crazy there's so many,inappropriate people out there that,convince young ASM artists I'm not young,but they're convinced young ASM artist,especially if they don't speak English,and they'll say something like,um calm like c-a-l-m say calm on me calm,on me please please say that and the,girls are naive and they're like you,like you disgusting people,telling them to say because they get all,from it so,absolutely,disgraceful and We Know Who You Are,we know we know,anyway,s,I always,Facebook,everything is okay,foreign,like diminutive like um,because things like,like,the eyes your little,mom in Spanish it just sounds so tingly,to me,can you see,too,I even want to,order some random words,Cheeto,fluffy,Cheeto,my hand sounds with our hands sound like,this,for sure,foreign,am I going to post this,of all my lives,on that on the YouTube app,roach the month of April and the month,of May I,that you did June for July,obviously,live and all my life,lives are you on my YouTube channel,stop asking what time is it for me I,know what you do,you do did I redo my hair no,actually I have a lot of roots right now,actual hair colors coming out which is,really black but,I have a surprise for you,well it's not that much of a surprise,here's what I want to do okay,I have,one of the gross ASMR sorry gross slime,that I haven't opened yet so I figured I,could open it with you,face,so I have grow slime and then I want to,do,eggplant test with you guys and you tell,me what you think those implantas are,and then we do 80,is that sound like a good plan,okay,okay let's start let's start,let's open this now okay,I wanna open it here because it's gonna,be loud,I'm gonna open it with these um,instrument but I can't show you because,then I dim the lights,I just the the lights are in front of me,and they're pretty far away and I have,to go to that wall to change them,sorry about that but please take your,phone,100k,y'all do you remember last weekend last,Sunday when we got to 2 million,we got to 2 million last Sunday and I,was,flabbergasted,I had never seen 2 million likes on,anybody's,anybody's ASMR channel before and I,might not,know but I think that was insane insane

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TikTok Blamed For ADHD Medication Shortage

TikTok Blamed For ADHD Medication Shortage

therapists and their patients are,dealing with a nationwide shortage of,Adderall one of the best known,treatments for ADHD according to,National Data Adderall prescriptions for,adults jumped 15 from 2020 to 2021. some,extrovers blame the shortage on the,explosion of online mental health,providers that diagnose cases and,prescribe a lot of medication,it's true there has been a pretty,devastating shortage of medication for,ADHD patients and while Adderall tends,to get most of the news coverage it,certainly impacts other drugs that are,attend that tend to be prescribed to,people suffering from ADHD now before I,get to the details of the story and why,it is that we're experiencing the kind,of shortage we are experiencing I just,want to note that even prior to the,pandemic there was a problem with the,over diagnosis and over prescription of,these drugs these are stimulants they,are highly addictive they're often,abused which is why they are considered,um you know,they're they're the kind of prescription,drugs Controlled Substances they're cons,they're considered controlled substances,and they undergo certain regulations,that other prescription drugs do not,undergo because of the high likelihood,of abuse while using these drugs now,with that said though the problem has,actually gotten much worse during the,coronavirus pandemic and it has a lot to,do with social media and looser,restrictions on telemedicine now just to,give you a sense of how much the,prescriptions for these stimulants have,gone up in recent years the number of,ADHD diagnoses in 2010 were almost five,times that or five times what they were,in 1999 and between 2007 and 2016 the,number of diagnoses of ADHD in adults,actually more than doubled,and now we have this emergence of social,media where there is both user generated,content on ADHD and the symptoms they're,experiencing and what they're doing to,cope with that and also ads coming from,telemedicine companies that make it seem,as though ADHD includes all these,symptoms that honestly anyone can relate,to right even if you do not have ADHD,you've certainly experienced days where,you're struggling to focus,where your your attention span just,feels shorter than usual we all have,days like that it doesn't mean that you,have ADHD but the way these ads are put,together would make you think that,you're definitely experiencing the,symptoms of ADHD and you need to talk to,your doctor about potentially getting,treatment for it and usually these ads,direct you to use a telemedicine service,that they're advocating for in the ad,now what's really going on is once the,pandemic started,people are less comfortable going to the,hospital to visit their doctor for,annual checkups or if they notice that,there's something they're experiencing,there's something wrong they're less,likely to feel comfortable going over to,a hospital that is completely,overwhelmed with coronavirus patients,and that's totally understandable so in,the beginning of the pandemic one of the,things that the Trump Administration did,was loosen the regulations on,telemedicine and when you're dealing,with Controlled Substances like Adderall,there are certain regulations in place,that essentially Force the patient to go,meet with a doctor face to face you have,to have regular you know meetings and,checkups with your doctor in order to,get that prescription refilled but with,the looser regulations on telemedicine,suddenly you have people who can connect,with a doctor online through the comfort,of their own homes and not have to go,through the extra trouble of meeting a,doctor face to face so that was one of,the restrictions that was really,loosened pertaining to these Controlled,Substances like Adderall at the same,time though you have these ads that you,see on places like Tick Tock I've,certainly come across these ads and,again the ads make it seem like you,definitely have ADHD because you're,experiencing all of these symptoms,now I want to go to this video that,talks a little bit about the user,generated content that you might come,across if you're on Tick Tock or,Instagram let's take a look one media,analysis of popular Tick Tock videos,found that talking about mental illness,on social media can be tricky about half,of the videos I would get sampled,contained misleading or potential,misinformation and most of these videos,that we found were that they were,uploaded typically by users of the,platform not a lot of healthcare,professionals are on the platform and,typically it was mostly user generated,content,and look we're seeing that this same,issue when it comes to randos giving,Financial advice on social media they're,not fiduciaries they're not professional,financial advisors they're just random,people telling you you should do X Y and,Z to earn money or you should invest in,X Y or Z to increase your money or your,wealth and you should not be taking,advice from random people on social,media whether it has to do with your,health or your financia

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The Best Examples of TikTok Ads Creative

The Best Examples of TikTok Ads Creative

what's up marketers today we're going to,be looking over some great examples of,tick tock ads now I know what you're,thinking how do we know these are great,Tick Tock ads how does she know that,they perform well maybe just maybe I,have access to some of these accounts,and I actually know the performance,therefore I am showing you ads that are,performing well,maybe or maybe I'm just showing you the,ads that I found in Tick Tock top ads,Library which actually shows the ads,that are getting the top percentage of,conversions for the industry maybe and,maybe at this point I just know a good,ad when I see one so let's go ahead and,dive into these 10 or so ads and we'll,do a little analysis together so I,actually just saw this ad on Tick Tock,top at library,and number one I love this hook the,Smashing of the egg I actually think it,wasn't super clear what it was at first,and I was wait no is that an egg is it,nine egg I don't know,this I feel like could have been a,little bit better done I always love a,green screen effect but if you actually,listen to his script for this I'm like,not convinced that nectar actually sent,him this mattress I kind of think that,they just had someone in a showroom do,all of this and he just like,filmed like some part of it as like a,ugc Creator uh maybe not but I'm,skeptical anyways I still think it's a,good ad it has like all the Hallmark so,gonna add good hook,they could change up the framings a,little bit but you know this is a fun,one also you support green screens I,just see that working a lot right now,this ad by done this is kind of,interesting,and this isn't like super traditional,you know this isn't like the standard,ugc single testimonial format that we,always see,and I kind of like that,it's cool let's watch that again I feel,like it could the coloring could have,been a little more obvious because when,I see this I'm not immediately seeing,which one is right which one is wrong,but that's maybe why people are watching,it because they're a little confused I,wouldn't opt for the confusion method,but this is something that's so simple I,don't know this is a fun one to try,maybe you should try it too,ah this ad right here,let's take a look do you have a lot of,random messes,now what's so crazy this is an excellent,hook but what amazes me about this ad is,like Hoover is doing Tick Tock ads now,like,I mean she looks great and this is very,oddly assassin I like this I wish they,would just would have made an ad that is,them cleaning up all this random stuff,that would have made it I would have,watched like 20 seconds of that but I,think this is so funny her like a little,setup with like the Hoover and like all,the cleaning products like you can just,tell some like creative directors like,oh and you have to set it up like this,and do it like this and,this screams corporate meddling but I,mean it's still a pretty good Tick Tock,ad right but this little setup no one's,gonna do that I don't like that I'm not,gonna show this Daily Harvest ad you,guys have seen it in my videos add,nauseam we all know it's a good,performing app,let's watch this Issa ad,ah so a few things I really like about,this hook number one love this like,split screen ugc effect and one second,and it immediately changes she's inside,then she's outside and we also have,really engaging text want to become a,personal trainer this is immediately,calling out to people who want to be a,personal trainer so those people are,going to sit through and watch this now,this is really standard modular type of,ugc format what I mean by that is we,have a single testimonial that is then,overlaid with tons of really engaging,b-roll this is a super solid ad 10 out,of 10.,10 out of 10.,okay let's watch this other Issa ad now,I really love the use of these Tick Tock,response bubbles I find this to be,really really good on Tick Tock ads and,it's especially good if you are working,with a brand or product that maybe some,people aren't super familiar with so,this is a really good way to be like hey,like what is your product and like why,should I sign up why should it work for,me,um this is definitely one of their top,performing ads and I also just think the,Creator here Sonia she is super talented,we've worked with her on a number of,Brands before and her content is always,top-notch so way to go Sonia she's also,just super engaging in this ad she has a,lot of energy I think one of the things,that I have problems with the most with,working with creators is they don't,bring the energy it feels like they're,reading from a script they're not really,invested in what they're doing Sonia,brings the heat every single time we,love that,this bag right here this is interesting,now this ad has been running for Thrive,Cosmetics forever I just assume it's a,talk performing ad and right like you've,seen this on the channel before if,you've watched my channel this is a,really great example of a before and,after ad and you can just see the value,that you're get

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ADHD Ads on TikTok are Driving Me INSANE!

ADHD Ads on TikTok are Driving Me INSANE!

all right so here's the big issue,everyone on tiktok thinks that they have,adhd it's very very popular on tick-tock,to speculate on whether you have some,kind of disorder you name it someone on,tik-tok wants to diagnose you with it if,you look up adhd on tick tock the topic,alone has over 9 billion views,so i have adhd i was diagnosed with adhd,when i was really really young,apparently tick-tock knows that i have,adhd they've cracked the case and,they've been non-stop feeding me ads for,adhd medication ever since put a finger,down adult adhd edition put a finger,down if you're constantly running late,put a finger down if you find the main,problem with these ads is that they're,making these big generalizations about,adhd they use catchy things like are you,forgetful or chatty basically if you are,feeling any way other than normal it,could be adhd according to these ads,today i want to take a look at a couple,of the companies that are advertising,adhd medicine on tick tock when i went,to research for this video the first,thing i did was just google these,companies that have been advertising to,me and that's when i saw,the organization media matters went,after tick tock for allowing cerebral,and dunn to use predatory advertisements,to swindle young kids into thinking they,might have adhd the first thing that i,notice when i go to cerebral's website,has nothing to do with adhd the biggest,thing on their website is,a picture of simone biles,one of the weirdest things that they,have on this website is the quotes,bloomberg news said it's as simple as,ordering a taxi to the airport on your,phone the main issue with these,companies is that they treat themselves,as a one-stop shop for adhd,so typically the way it works is you,would get tested for adhd by a,psychiatrist or a psychologist,then you would either have them send,that record of your test to your primary,care doctor or you would continue seeing,that psychiatrist or psychologist and,they would prescribe you the medicine,with these companies like cerebral and,dunn they connect you to the doctor they,prescribe the medication and they even,act as the pharmacy to send you the,medication it just feels very fishy and,it reeks of vertical integration they,control every single process of your,adhd experience if you will usually,there's all these different people you,go to that build your adhd diagnosis,and build your treatment plan,something very shady that i notice about,them,is that they don't call their doctors,providers they call them prescribers,they're definitely a pill mill if you go,to the cerebral website,they have a list of their prescribers,right off the bat you notice that they,list,all of the mds at the top it seems like,they have six actual doctors as,prescribers and after that there are,just hundreds and hundreds of nurse,practitioners having your entire,workforce basically being nurse,practitioners is a huge red flag if,they're the only doctors,they're the ones who are supervising all,of the other nurse practitioners there's,very very little oversight when it comes,to these companies and it really is,looking like a huge pill mill cash grab,especially since nurse practitioners,have a bad reputation when it comes to,prescribing medicine to patients i just,can't get over the fact that they call,their health care providers prescribers,instead of providers when you go to a,doctor a doctor is not a prescriber,they're providing you with a service,another thing i noticed that's pretty,weird about the cerebral website in,particular,is that when you try to look into the,bios of their prescribers the website,becomes incredibly slow whereas when,you're trying to check out or when,you're trying to purchase services on,their website,the website moves incredibly fast so it,seems like they really don't want you,looking into the bios of their,prescribers,another big issue with these companies,is their price,since done and cerebral they control,their whole process,the price is incredibly inflated one of,the main things that these companies are,advertising on is saying that their,services are much cheaper,than going to an actual doctor or,getting prescribed medication in a,conventional way but the issue is it's,actually not cheaper than going to a,doctor instead of paying like 30 a month,you're paying more like 325 dollars a,month and the weirdest part about the,whole thing is that even if you do pay,these companies 300 a month there's,still no guarantee that you would even,be prescribed medication,all of this is obviously very bad and,alarming now would be the part in the,video normally where i would get a,membership and i would record everything,for you guys but i think,that,that would be dangerous so instead,i figure it makes sense for us to bring,things all the way back to the beginning,to tick-tock,and make fun of their stupid,ads put a finger down adult adhd edition,put a finger down if you love going on,shopping sprees put a finger down if,some days it's hard to

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ADHD in Women

ADHD in Women

Hallo Brains.,Als je het nog niet gemerkt zou hebben, ik ben een vrouw met ADHD,Dat betekent dat ik dezelfde mentale ontwikkelingsstoornis heb,dan een man met ADHD,Maar het beïnvloed mij anders.,♪ ♪,Voor ik begin wil ik even opmerken dat,op mijn aflevering over ADHD bij meisjes,veel reacties kwamen van mannen die zeiden,"Wacht... heb ik de MEISJES-versie?",Er bestaat geen "meisjes-versie" van ADHD.,Het is gewoon zo dat we uit onderzoek zien dat,vrouwen — of minstens cisgender vrouwen, we hebben,nog niet genoeg onderzoek over wie zowel neurodivers,als genderdivers is — anders voorkomen dan,cismannen door een combinatie van,biologische en sociale factoren,,en dat verschil kan betekenen dat onze ADHD,niet wordt erkend of effectief behandeld.,Dit kan ook van toepassing zijn onafhankelijk van gender,want iedereen is anders.,Iedereen kan de meer geïnternaliseerde variant,van neurodiversiteit hebben die soms over het hoofd wordt gezien,Als iets hiervan bekend overkomt,blijft de conclusie dezelfde,Laat je testen.,Zoek de ondersteuning die je nodig hebt.,OK. Laten we in de onderzoeken duiken.,ADHD is dezelfde stoornis, onafhankelijk van je gender.,Dezelfde regio's in je brein,en neurotransmissie-systemen zijn aangetast,en dezelfde kern-afwijkingen zijn aanwezig.,Maar de symptomen — wat anderen zien,kunnen wel verschillen,door de biologische verschillen,tussen mannen en vrouwen,en ook door de sociale verschillen,in de ervaringen van mannen en vrouwen,Als gevolg van gender en geslachts-verschillen,zal ADHD zich anders manifesteren.,Bijvoorbeeld:,Er wordt van vrouwen verwacht dat ze goed zijn in,plannen, organiseren, en andere uitvoerende functies,en de maatschappij is in het algemeen minder vergevingsgezind,voor vrouwen als ze fouten maken.,We werken meestal harder om "er bij te horen",en "goed" te zijn door de sociale druk.,Vrouwen met ADHD vertonen vaak,meer onoplettendheid,dan hyperactiviteit of impulsiviteit,,en ontwikkelen vaker dan mannen,angststoornissen, problemen met zelfvertrouwen,en andere interne problemen,Terwijl mannen met ADHD vaak,meer externe problemen ontwikkelen,zoals regels breken en agressie, dan vrouwen.,Wat niet wil zeggen dat meisje en vrouwen,met ADHD niet,kampen met hyperactiviteit en impulsiviteits-symptomen,Dat doen we wel.,De symptomen zijn gewoon een beetje minder opvallend,Ze kunnen de vorm aannemen van,op hol geslagen gedachten, iets zeggen voor je nadenkt,,heel snel praten,Riskant seksueel gedrag,of relatieproblemen,Trouwens, voor wie er menstrueert,kunnen onze ADHD-symptomen,veranderen of erger worden,tijdens bepaalde fases van onze cyclus,en tijdens bepaalde levensfases zoals puberteit,,zwangerschap, post-partum en menopauze,,wanneer we die grote hormonale veranderingen ervaren.,Dus onze ADHD symptomen,en behandelings behoeften,kunnen ook veranderen.,Cool. Ok. Maar mijn dokter weet dat allemaal wel... niet?,Waarschijnlijk niet.,Het meeste ADHD-onderzoek is gedaan bij mannen,en de DSM-criteria voor ADHD,passen niet zo goed bij de,vrouwelijke presentatie als de mannelijke,Als gevolg daarvan,worden veel vrouwen met ADHD,foutief gediagnosticeerd met depressie of bipolaire stoornis,en krijgen dan de foute medicatie,of een minder effectieve.,Zij onder ons die onze symptomen internaliseren,worden veel minder vaak doorverwezen voor diagnose,,krijgen minder vaak een diagnose,als we toch worden doorverwezen,,en worden minder vaak behandeld,met stimulerende medicatie zelfs als we,toch een correcte diagnose krijgen.,Ondanks het feit dat,stimulerende medicatie de eerste keuze is,voor behandeling van ADHD,en even goed werkt,voor vrouwen als voor mannen,Zelfs als we een diagnose krijgen,en behandeld worden met stimulantia,is het heel onwaarschijnlijk dat er rekening,wordt gehouden met onze hormonen.,Persoonlijk, niemand vermoedde dat ik ADHD had,als kind,want ik was een "braaf kind",en omdat ik "slim" was.,Maar de waarheid is,dat ik extreem veel moeite deed,om te verbergen dat ik het moeilijk had,en ik haatte mezelf als dat niet lukte,Elke keer ik thuis kwam zonder mijn jas,of ik mijn mooie oorbel, die ik voor mijn verjaardag kreeg,,kwijt was,of wanneer ik niet werd uitgenodigd voor een feestje,of de vraag niet meer wist,die de leraar net had gesteld.,Ondanks al mijn inzet,kreeg ik toch verschillende, niet zo leuke, labels,Verstrooid, rommelig, onhandig, raar,,vergeetachtig, grillig, lui, onbetrouwbaar.,Maar ik praatte er met niemand over.,Ik was beschaamd.,Ik trachtte het te verbergen.,Het was pas wanneer mijn symptomen,duidelijk en problematischer werden voor anderen,— meer geëxternaliseerd —,wanneer ik in mijn puberteit zat,,hormonale veranderingen,,en startte met boos weglopen van een gesprekken,wanneer mijn overlevingsmechanismes niet meer werkten,omdat de vereisten voor mijn uitvoerende functies veranderden,en ik begon te falen op school —,dat mijn familie zelfs maar merkte dat er een probleem was. —,Zelfs toen, de eerste dokter waar mijn moeder me mee naartoe nam,zei haar dat ik geen

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Dear Tik Tok: ADHD is NOT Cute

Dear Tik Tok: ADHD is NOT Cute

you guys really seem to like the funny,boy here you guys really seem to like,him,he's really nice isn't he have you guys,seen the vast variety of fake disorder,cringe tick tock compilations if not,then i'm very sorry cause you're about,to be introduced to those today so um,i'm deciding to make an altar intro,video why,who knows maybe i just like the idea of,getting attention,i'm 10k,i am an introject from z nation,i use he him pronouns i'm,20 something early 20s i think,i've been around for,a while since our early teens i think,there's this strange phenomenon on,ticktop for like younger teens and like,young adults to hop onto social media,specifically tick tock to vocalize their,supposed mental dysfunctions oftentimes,they claim themselves to be like,undiagnosed and in even rare cases we,can find some of these guys to be faking,their mental disorders for example the,main reason i got onto this topic was,due to a recent large tick tock star,named ticks and roses that rose to fame,pretending to have tourettes and then,later being outed as a total fraud wow,what a surprise someone posting,unfactual information on the internet,wow that is quite the shocker whoa,oh god,if this were happening to me and like i,were having such severe ticks while,trying to package something i would not,be happy like she is,i would be pissed the off geez it's,almost like people with tourette's don't,actually act like the way that she was,acting and then you know she's out here,glorifying and personifying this very,annoying devastating human condition for,attention good for you bro are you are,you proud of pretending to be a,dysfunctional human being while other,people out here are like actually, dysfunctional i mean despite the,fact this stuff delivers me you know,second hand embarrassing aka le cringe,um it's just overall not something i,advocate for as a whole because it kind,of just perpetuates this ever-increasing,misunderstanding with a lot of mental,disorders um for the longest time i,thought tourette's was just this really,quirky little thing that people do,because their brains wired to act that,way until up to maybe a few years ago,that i learned this condition's actually,quite devastating for a lot of people,you know incentives from other people,exclaimed that their tics tend to send,them to hospitals because of their neck,injuries and maybe because of,hyperventilation issues it's not really,a cute thing and i don't see why you'd,be laughing while having zero control,over your own goddamn body i think i'd,find that quite aggravating and it seems,like someone with actual tourette's,agrees with me on that but today isn't,about disorders as a whole today's about,a disorder that i have very personal,experience with a disorder called adhd,attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,it's a very large mouthful whatever in,the past adhd was mildly misunderstood,as some sort of simple and attentive,hyperactive disorder um years ago,clinicians had a very limited,understanding of what the disorder does,to the brain and the development of,children and recently due to tick-tock,and due to the people being stuck inside,during covid and being introduced to,short-form media now everyone's talking,about adhd because it seems like,everyone and their mother thinks they,have it just like how there's a,correlation between kids who grew up on,ipads having shorter attention spans,than kids who watch 30-minute tv shows,there will be a correlation with people,who lessen their attention span being,stuck on a computer all day because of,kovid than someone who hasn't been stuck,at home all day because i coped luckily,for us everyone was stuck home,all day during covet so everyone's had a,little bit of an inattentive increase i,was diagnosed with adhd around the age,of five a few years later when i started,um you know having better mental,function i started listening to a doctor,called dr russell barkley he's an adhd,clinician for kids adults and the,likewise and he really opened my eyes to,like a lot of the many intricacies that,follow behind adhd and a lot of the back,end development issues that can arise if,not properly treated and cared for like,for example did you know that anxiety,disorders are very very common among,people with adhd adhd predisposes you,to anxiety over time the longer your,disorder goes untreated the greater the,risk for an anxiety disorder so for,instance kids with adhd about 15 to 20,percent have an anxiety disorder that,figure by the time you're in your 30s to,40 45 it's more than doubled there's a,lot of videos on tick tock that center,around adhd and the individuals who have,it or you know at least claim to have it,i've had it since i was a kid and as i,grow into adulthood i find the more,mature late aspects of adhd not as,prevalent but still jarring to my,workflow as a kid i was usually kind of,able to fixate on video games and the,little things that interested me however,as free time cuts shorter and shorter,into adulthood i

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How To Make Viral Video Ads to Promote Your Products (TikTok Ad Breakdown)

How To Make Viral Video Ads to Promote Your Products (TikTok Ad Breakdown)

today we're going to bring you another,tick tock ad breakdown this time we're,going to look at athletic greens so this,is uh in the ecom health slash fitness,niche and we're going to see how this,econ biz was able to get thousands of,tick tock views and most likely sales,from just a 50 to 53 second video ad so,we're gonna dive right in here before we,actually show the video uh first want to,make some observations all right so just,looking at the video itself okay even,the the copy right so i look at the copy,first and and see,what it is the page identity is doing,here so first of all it looks like nicky,unplugged this is a person that,has two million followers she's a ceo of,hotmom summer 22,so that you know you can tell right away,that you know they've used they went,with the influencer approach i'm not,really sure if this is actually her,particular business it may be just a,partnership that she did with this,company but you can see here this is the,the url we can take a look at it free,one year supply of vitamin d plus five,travel pick packs there you go nice uh,big cta here cta button pretty clear,straight to the point the site loaded,fast so that is the url so yeah it looks,like she just partners up with them but,let's let's go back and take a look at,the video uh so the first thing i see,here is the text so right away that's,the cta get your free immunity bundle,from ag1 by athletic greens okay so it,looks like they're offering some sort of,free bundle that is the synopsis for now,let's take a look at the video first few,seconds and see what what's what it's,all about so ask for here it is a day in,the life of a content mom i start off,every morning with my athletic greens,it's a way for me to get all my vitamins,nutrients antioxidants probiotics into,one drink okay so that was the first 10,seconds of the video right away it seems,that she's,the her hook is hey you asked for it,here it is day in the life of a content,mom uh so right away you can tell that,the target audience who is it going to,be probably moms right like moms who are,staying busy and and they want to get,fit okay so that is the first hook and,that's how uh,they went with that approach now in,terms of the visual right not,necessarily what she was saying the,visual is she's making a green drink and,she goes with i start every morning with,my athletic greens a way to get all my,nutrients antioxidants,probiotics into one drink notice that at,the beginning of the video there's some,overlay where where it says you know ag,one equals seven minor vitamins minerals,whole foods source superfoods to support,your energy plus health no matter what,the day holds this is a very strong,offer so right away we can tell that hey,it's you know a subtle way of showing,that product the the specific the,specific green athletic greens uh,product right so it's a mix that you can,mix into,into water and you can now you have,yourself a green drink that you can do,every single day you can drink it every,day but it looks like it's geared,towards moms right so let's continue,watching the video and and see what um,what else we have coffee of course then,mom mode packing lunches getting clothes,out making sure i don't forget anything,begging my son to get dressed a thousand,times seriously a thousand trying to not,trigger my daughter by brushing her hair,too hard and then she's off to the bus,okay so i'm gonna pause it right here,midway through the video so notice that,the copy and we'll go back to,before she gets into the person,so right here when she ends it she says,then grab my coffee of course right so,notice the copy being displayed here you,know get a one year supply of vitamin d,plus five travel packs free with your,first purchase so that is what's on the,website what we saw earlier that is the,the cta it was very subtle right and she,ended you know she's not really straight,out saying hey you know go buy this,right so her messaging is very subtle,she does go on and talk about her life,in the day of a busy working mom so,she's right there connecting with the,audience right in a very you know,nonchalant type of way so you can feel,that that's the connection that she's,trying to make she's like hey i'm just,showing you my day-to-day you know this,is what i do notice a tone of voice so,all these little things play a role into,the messaging and the way that she's,portraying herself she's not saying hey,guys you need to try out the athletic,greens like you know there are moments,for that uh in this particular video ad,it's the messaging is very subtle and,and you know the background music it's,kind of like you know,nice and happy right upbeat and she's,just subtly introducing the product to,her target audience let's let's continue,with with this year okay then my coffee,of course then mom mode packing lunches,getting clothes out making sure i don't,forget anything begging my son to get,dressed a thousand times seriously a,thousand trying to not trigger my,daughter

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