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How To Run TikTok Ads in 2022 - Beginners Tutorial (Complete Guide)
How To Run TikTok Ads in 2022 - Beginners Tutorial (Complete Guide)
today we're going to cover everything tick-tock
ads we're going to go into shopify we're going ,to link our store we're going to make sure the
pixel is set up properly we're going to make ,sure that you can get amazing tick-tock results
for those that are new to the channel i'm davey ,foggerty my shopify stores have done over 400
million dollars in sales in just four years tick ,tock ads is the new kid on the blog usually we're
heavily reliant on facebook because it's such an ,incredible marketing tool but lots of people are
getting heaps of success with the new entertaining ,nature of tick tock ads so it might be perfect
for your brand this video is perfect for beginners ,we're not going to skip any steps but i'm also
going to go into some advanced things around ,content because that is so important to make sure
that you make tick tock ads work the first step ,you're going to want to do is set up your shopify
store if you haven't set up your shopify store ,just pause the video click the link in my bio and
set it up now we've got one set up through our ,lemon scrub series so it's got most of the things
ready we're just going to make sure that we set up ,tiktok properly so the pixel is firing once you're
in shopify the best way to go is go into apps and ,just write in tiktok simply download the official
tiktok app and click add sales channel this is the ,exact same as facebook nowadays this will bring
up this little tick tock section down on the left ,hand store of your shopify store if you don't have
shopify still carry on watching we're going to get ,into the nitty gritty in a second once this is set
up we can click this section here setting up the ,pixel the next step you can see that it's saying
connect tick tock for business this is where you ,need a new tick tock account already have a tick
tock business account you can just click connect ,but today we're gonna have to create a brand new
one so i'm just gonna click create new at the top ,enter my email address get the verification code
sent into the verification code here agree to ,terms and conditions and just click sign up you
can click connect down the bottom right and that's ,now created an ads manager business manager under
that email we can click create new ad account and ,we can select the country and the currency that we
want to be built in this is generally the region ,that you want to be targeting change the business
name to something a little bit simpler click sign ,up and connect you'll come to this data sharing
section which we've touched on a few times in my ,previous episodes just click enhanced or maximum
providing you've got the terms and conditions set ,up for something and then click confirm maximum
is obviously preferred this is how shopify shares ,data with ticktock this is referred to as capi
which is a partnership between shopify and the ,advertising platform click set up enter your final
details make sure you connect automatic payment ,click confirm and you should be ready to go now
to create tick-tock ads we're actually going to ,have to go back to the tick-tock ads manager so
we can go ads.tichtalk.com you can see that our ,ad account has already been created to make sure
that we do have the pixel set up properly what i ,do recommend is going to your website and just
like facebook there's something called tic toc ,pixel helper and it's a chrome extension that you
can download and check if your pixel is firing ,on your website if it's not you may need to go
and fix that initially just download the chrome ,extension and you can see that our tick tock pixel
is set up here shopify set it up for us and it ,should be firing this is a page view because we're
on a page when you add a product to cart it should ,fire the add to cart pixel or if someone purchases
you can test a purchase and it will also fire that ,pixel in the exact right way so now we're in
the tiktok ads account we can go ahead and ,create our first campaign campaign structures
are really important to talk about it's what ,separates good advertisers from bad advertisers
that alongside really effective marketing content ,the basic structure is you have a campaign which
is what objective you are striving for if you've ,got something like a real estate business
it might be leads you're trying to collect ,leads but we've got a e-commerce business
so we want to get purchases then you've ,got the ad set level which is basically the
targeting that you're setting up to complete ,that campaign objective then finally you've got
your ads that live within each of those ad sets ,these ads are different creative types that
you think are going to convert your customer ,so head to campaign when you're in campaign all
you need to do is click create here and you'll set ,up your first campaign you'll get prompted with
two options you've got simplified mode and custom ,mode we're going to w
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How to Use TikTok Ads to Get Leads For Your Business
How to Use TikTok Ads to Get Leads For Your Business
i've been talking a lot in my videos,recently about how i'm finding facebook,ads a lot less reliable when it comes to,lead generation and reliable in general,when it comes to advertising,but advertising helps fuel the fire if,you watch my video subscribe to go and,get that if you if you watch my video,the other day where i talked about my,new campfire methodology,which talks about the new way to grow,with video in 2022 and beyond and you,can get the blueprint for that by the,way at mattjohnsononline.com,free blueprint um i talk a lot about how,instead of ads being the major,structure that drives everything it's,going to be i believe and what i'm,seeing in testing you're going to have,to spend a little bit of money on ads,and using organic to sort of blow,everything up there's a whole,methodology and training on that in that,blueprint if you grab it there,and what i'm using lately and having,success with is tick tock and,i've been testing facebook ads right,alongside it just to make sure that i,wasn't seeing the wrong numbers or,whatever it might be and while my tick,tock ad numbers are not exactly,mind-blowing,they are massively better than facebook,and they also are much more in line with,what i was willing to pay for similar,ads on facebook before so what i'm going,to show you in this video today is how,to run a lead generation campaign on,tiktok to build your email list i'm,going to show you exactly what i'm doing,all right okay so let's jump right into,it um so basically what i'm doing is i'm,driving leads to a very specific offer,it's just a download just a regular lead,magnus lead magnet thing and they're,going into my crm i use drip and then,they're going into an email sequence,to book a call with me obviously you,know to help join my ignite program to,help people build their videos their,build their business with video,and so what i'm doing on tik tok is,that's where i'm drawing like driving my,cold traffic here and i'm going to take,you inside of that,right now and then we'll go through um,after i show you the what what it looks,like here i'm gonna take you inside and,give you an exact process that you can,copy and paste and follow for yourself,so that you can start driving leads,through,uh through through tick tock ads so let,me show you what i'm seeing here,so this is my tick tock ads account,and,um i've been that's the ad level let's,go to the campaign level and i've been,doing a lot of testing and i'm still,testing to be honest with you,but here are the numbers that i am,looking at,so,fourteen thousand impressions on this so,far point four five percent clicks your,rate i'm actually seeing that tick tock,click-through rates are much lower than,the sort of regular one percent,benchmark that we're used to looking,used to looking uh used to looking at,used to be looking at what's wrong with,my what's wrong with the way that i'm,speaking,um,and you see it's a 11 cpa that's,relatively normal in business to,business um and i'm i'm not i'm not in,love with it i'd rather it was somewhere,close to seven or eight,but,on facebook you're lucky to get 20 21 22,these days because of the cpm and look,at my cpm number for b2b here,12.51 usd in all of my tests on facebook,and instagram ads over the past month i,have struggled so much to get cpms which,is the cost of advertising costs to,reach a thousand people,under,literally 60 70,and we're talking about 12 on tick tock,and i actually think this could be quite,improved and it probably it's better as,you drill down so this is the camp this,is the uh this is the campaign and i'm,running this to my you guys can get it,for free here if you just if you just,click the link this is what i'm running,a lead magnet to,but um,you can see here i tried a few different,audiences wasn't loving what i was,seeing and some of the other stuff tick,tock is very touchy about things getting,approved or not and what they like to do,is this,they like to half approve things it's,really weird but i don't see any impact,myself i'll let you know if i do see,impact but i'm actually not seeing any,impact from this partial,it's very strange it's very strange,um so you can see for this,um i spent 138 dollars here two dollar,cost per click or 267 cost per click,12 cpms 52 clicks point four six percent,ctr,uh 13 conversions at 10 68 right and,it's actually more than that because,data and ios 14 and all this stuff um,which is a 25 conversion rate et cetera,et cetera i'm also split testing landing,pages on the back end as well because i,always do that usually very different,landing pages and again as i said we're,sort of early on in this,and the numbers are not blowing you away,i'm sure but they are,really good compared to it's similar to,what you used to be able to get running,facebook and instagram ads,um and you just like you can't do that,now,um 2.40 costs so now as we drill down in,the creative so i tested a very short,creative,um,can i pre i can preview here i tested a,very very short creat
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$1000+ Adsense earnings monthly traffic arbitrage with Tiktok ads
$1000+ Adsense earnings monthly traffic arbitrage with Tiktok ads
hello guys,i'm sharing with you my google adsense,earnings for this month guys since we,are the point where google adsense has,been releasing,earnings guys i also shared with you a,video later on today which i showed you,my adsense earnings from another website,and another adsense account guys,also,i'll tell you how i am using,tick tock as my source of traffic,tick tock ads not the tick tock,uh the tick tock ads,it's paid ads right here,as you can see on my dashboard right,here where i,get tick-tock ads at a good rate and it,brings me,a lot a lot of traffic as you can see,from my statistics right here also you,will see that,it allows me to have as many ad units as,possible as i have told you guys and as,you can see,the results right here are very,impressive these are my google adsense,sign earnings like you can see 22 euros,today so far yesterday,52.62,last seven days 136 and more and more,guys and i'm planning to continue,running not since i'm planning to pull,off over a thousand plus in adsense,earnings,monthly guys,that is the amount,i'm planning to pull off each and every,time,with google adsense earnings guys while,doing adsense are betrayed guys,as you can see tiktok is offering me,very good rate and very good rate of cpc,since,i'm getting very good traffic at almost,they they are ranging at almost,0.23 to,0.24 to 0.18,cpc that's the cpc rate and you will,find that,i can pay for that i can pay for 0.23,per click,and on adsense it brings me over,one dollar per click,and that's a return on my investment,guys and as you can see,t-talk is really bringing me a lot of,traffic guys it's really bringing me a,lot of traffic,since tick tock is where most people are,right now guys and that's,this is very revolutional,video platform and if you can tap into,by using paid ads you can really earn a,lot of money since people on cpa,marketing affiliate marketing adsense,arbitrage are all using tick tock ads,guys i also use tik tok paid ads for my,cpa marketing campaigns and i'll share,with you more results guys,so,as i have said if you want me to help,you with google adsense arbitrage,just reach me out check the links at the,description area below and i can help,you,run,i can run google adsense a bitrate on,your behalf i will use my tiktok ads,account or facebook ads account or quora,ads account and i will make profits for,you on your own adsense account this is,if you have an approved google adsense,website already guys also if you don't,don't worry,since,i can sell you one guys check the link,at the description area below and for,anyone who wants a monetized youtube,channel too guys so,main essence of this video is to show,you my adsense arbitrage results and,also to let you know that i can do,adsense arbitrage on your behalf,thanks for watching and i will see you,right in the next video
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TikTok Ads For Beginners: How To Get Followers On TikTok Fast!
TikTok Ads For Beginners: How To Get Followers On TikTok Fast!
so i don't know if you guys can see that,but in the last seven days i've grown my,account to,5682 followers using just tick tock ads,so in this video i'm going to show you,how to set up tick tock ads to get more,followers if you want to grow your,account hey guys welcome back to the,channel this is lester diaz and in this,channel we talk about making money,online making money with social media,affiliate marketing and so much more so,if you're into that consider subscribing,so if you guys have been following my,channel for a while then you know that i,mainly focus on facebook monetization,and just growing facebook pages to,hundreds of thousands of followers but,tick tock has grown so much over the,last uh two years and i wanted to try to,see if the process of growing uh,followers on tech talk was pretty much,the same as on facebook so that's,exactly what i did i went in and i,tested multiple ads to see if i could,get followers and how much would it cost,to get followers for my personal profile,and basically what's the process of,setting up tick tock ads to get more,followers so i'm going to show you the,entire process step by step so if you,guys appreciate content like this let me,know by just hitting the like button,below it's really going to help me out,with this video and by the way if you,haven't downloaded my free affiliate,marketing guide on how to make money,with affiliate marketing what are you,waiting for click the link in the,description below you can download it,100 free and learn how to make money,promoting other people's products okay,so what i'm gonna do is i'm going to,jump into my tick tock ads manager i'm,going to show you exactly how to set up,a brand new campaign to get more,followers and you can follow along in,this video all right guys so the first,thing you need to do is of course if you,don't have a tick tock ads account you,got to go to ads.techtalk.com,and you got to sign up for an account,now this is fairly simple to do you,simply need to enter your email address,password and if you already have a tech,talk account which i'm going to assume,that you already do then you can simply,sign up using your tech talk account and,then from there you're going to complete,a series of,simple little forms that they're going,to ask you in order to complete the,process of signing up takes two minutes,it's fairly simple to just sign up,okay so this is what the tick tock ads,manager actually looks like and as you,can see it looks fairly similar to what,the facebook ads manager looks like and,this is a campaign that i did for my,personal tic tac account this was just a,quick test that i wanted to do basically,how much it would cost me to get one,follower on tech talk so i'm gonna break,down those numbers for you,before i show you how to create your own,campaign and as you can see the budget,for these uh ads were just twenty,dollars per day and i actually did two,of them to kind of test exactly you know,what type of costs i would get based on,uh what countries or hashtags i was,targeting with my tick tock ads so for,example this one i was only targeting,people in the us so we're going to,scroll a little bit down so you can see,that the cpm for this was a little bit,higher and this is quite uh common,because of course i'm talking in the us,it's always going to be a little bit,higher so you can see here that the cost,per result for this was basically 21,cents per follower,and this was just followers from the us,now if you compare that to,this one right here where i got five,cents per follower you can see that it,says tier one and i actually targeted,people outside of the united states not,just in the united states because i,wanted to get those numbers as well but,as you can see even though i had 491,followers,basically the quality of those followers,was better,for the,people in the united states because the,result rate was basically,23.73 percent more people were following,from the ad that they were seeing in the,united states than those people who were,following me from outside the united,states so in a nutshell even though this,one was a little bit cheaper this one,being a little bit more expensive was,actually getting me more followers now,was i selling something no i wasn't,selling anything i was just telling,people to follow me in fact i'm going to,show you the actual video ads that i use,for both campaigns,so this was basically a tech talk that i,already uploaded to my page did pretty,well and i thought if it did well,organically then most likely is going to,do well also as a paid ad and i was,right it actually did quite well and as,you can see um the format for these uh,tick tock ads it's quite simple to,follow so that's exactly what i'm going,to show you how to do in this video from,beginning to end how to set up a,campaign to get more followers for your,tic tac account so the first thing we're,going to do is click on create,okay so now tech talk is going to ask,you okay what type of campaign do
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what's up everybody i'm very happy to,share our five top tik tok ads hacks,that we use in our own business uh to,improve performance this can be applied,to any ads any ad account any product,that you're running and i'm very very,happy to share this with you because um,yeah we generate multiple six figures a,month just from tick tock alone,so um i'm very sure that this can be,helpful to you let's dive right in to,the first hack so the first tag is,called the profile hack you might be,familiar with it but those who are not,familiar with it remember tick tock,doesn't require you to have an organic,page or profile this means that at this,stage this will change in the future but,at this stage you can pretty much set,any name and any profile image that you,like and have your ads run with it,it makes a huge difference in,performance or you can make uh sometimes,it doesn't like sometimes there's no no,real performance difference but,sometimes there's a big like 23 increase,in ctr uh just because you play around,with your profile name and your profile,image here's a couple things that you,can do for example you can use,aberrations if you have a long name you,can make that short just takes up,way less display space and,your creative will show more and also it,kind of looks a little weird because not,many people have short profile names so,it's kind of nice to um to get them,catch my surprise there use real names,like,act like a real user by saying julia 99,i don't know like so many teresa,underscore underscore something like,that this looks extremely real this,looks like a real ticket profile and,will make your ad look,give that more organic look,you can do the product names of course,and also you can do a,main benefit like longer hair now,you know no more back pain stuff like,that um also you can play around with,your profile image this is probably the,bigger impact of the two uh like use an,attractive lady you will be surprised,how much your in performance can,increase by just posting a very,attractive lady as your profile image,instead of your logo because,to be honest nobody cares about your,logo nobody cares about your brand at,that stage um it's just about you know,getting that attention and you know,attractive ladies can do that quite well,so um you can use a related benefit or,problem for example uh if you are,selling a back pain product you can kind,of have a person go like this or these,like animated versions of of like a,skeleton where there's like a red,thing that that's kind of pulsating,or just use a funny meme use something,that's trendy,um something like that it can also,depend on the niche um a quick note for,the profile hack this is like strictly,speaking this is against policies,because um you'll need to like your,display name needs to match to the,product you're selling,but,uh like 95 of the time when we're using,this it gets approved we just get,rejected a couple times we've never been,banned before we're using it a lot of,times and uh,we're not really having any issues with,it that's why i'm mentioning it but of,course like if you're having,let's say 10 20 30 outcomes running like,let's start with one or two ad groups,where you implement or two creatives,where you're doing this with and then,if it works like increase it check,performance but be careful with it don't,be don't just launch like 100 apps like,that,okay the next one is use real music i,see so many people so many ad accounts,using,like the the copyright free music,and,you will be so surprised when you're,using real music how much your,performance can increase um because it's,a sound on platform and especially if,you can hit that nerf with a trendy song,um,your ad will automatically get like way,more attention than maybe what it,deserves you know people check it out,they like the song it's currently a,trending song you're like oh that's cool,um so i've written down that quote do,you know that one tick tock song,because tick tock is so famous for its,music like um i know some of you might,who might be watching aren't familiar,with the actual uh,app itself and how to use it and how it,looks like but,songs are just,at the core like you have to think about,tik tok was created out of the app,musically so,it's it's such a music and song based,platform so uh it's it's amazing to use,real music um the way to do this is use,it like,edit your creatives on the actual tick,tock app meaning on your phone,and,um,use the suggested,songs that get pulled up by tick tock,when you want to add songs because not,only are they trendy not only uh does,tik tok want you to use songs that,actually users will like and therefore,they give you great song but also they,detect cuts in your in your video and it,will automatically fit those cuts at,least like 90 of the time so um it will,like it will give it the,creative such an amazing quality without,you needing to do anything you just need,to press a button there you go you have,the most trendy song the song that w
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