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My TikTok Interview Experience in Singapore (and why I accepted their offer)

today's video is going to be a little,different,i want to share with you about an,experience i had recently,and i hope that it will be useful to you,a couple of weeks ago i was on linkedin,searching for a new job,and then i came across this role that,was posted by ticktop,talent acquisition specialist,i wasn't too sure if i wanted to join a,china-based company due to several,factors,one,cultural differences as i'm currently,working in a local company,and two,stability of operations as they had just,set up their office in singapore despite,these factors i also knew that i wanted,to,one work in a regional role,two,do tech recruitment,and three to find a job in the internet,industry,so i applied for the job,anyway,besides i found on glassdoor that they,paid pretty good money,about a week later i received a whatsapp,message from their recruitment,coordinator in china she scheduled the,interview with me over whatsapp and i,attended the first round of interview,the interviewer was a talent acquisition,lead based in singapore many of the,questions she asked were situational,testing for my problem solving skills,examples would be,if you had to hire 100 developers in one,year what are some of the metrics you,will use,if at the end of one year you have only,managed to hire 30 of your recruitment,targets what will you do next,what are some sourcing avenues you use,to higher niche positions,how will you roll out a staff referral,program,if your quantity or referral,applications are too high what will you,do to streamline the search to improve,the quality of applications,after the first interview,they contacted me again in about two,days,to arrange a second interview but the,thing is,they wanted to offer me a 12-month,contract role instead if i were to pass,the second interview,usually when companies do this,the likely explanation is that they did,not find my experience good enough for,their permanent recruiter role and they,have some doubts about hiring me for,that position,by offering a contract they can observe,my performance for a year,before converting me to a permanent role,this is a great solution for companies,if they have a candidate they are unsure,of,but they believe have potential to be,groomed,i was quite hesitant to say yes to the,contract role mainly because i didn't,want to leave my comfy government job,for something so unstable,but i actually went ahead with the,second interview in the end as i wanted,to find out more about the potential,renumeration they can offer,the second interview was pretty much the,same as the first and they asked similar,questions,a couple of days later i received,another message from their recruitment,coordinator in china saying they wanted,to offer me i waited two days for them,to get back to me and then to my,nightmare they wanted to arrange me for,a third interview with another one of,their talent acquisition lead they told,me the reason is that they have an,overwhelming number of candidates for,this role and we need one more round of,interview to decide,at the end all three interviews i,attended had lasted around 50 minutes,each,they were really thorough in their,questioning,one week later i received a phone call,from their partner recruitment agency,offering me the role,it was a one-year contract with plans to,convert me full time at the end of it,the salary it was a 20,increment from what i was currently,getting,i quickly jotted down the pros and cons,of taking up the row,the cons,it was a contract rule therefore dropped,instability,the benefits such as annual leave and,medical were way less than what i was,currently getting,i knew that this role would be a lot,harder and more hectic as the company,was expanding really quickly in,singapore,but what eventually led me to accept the,job and leave my permanent position,would be,one my boss said tick-tock she was,patient and kind throughout the process,when i voiced out my concerns regarding,it being a contract role and i'm pretty,confident that i would have a lot to,learn from her,number two it's an amazing opportunity,for me to step into the internet,industry,many of the fan companies i applied to,previously were not open to my,background as i did not have the,experience they wanted,and three of course the high salary,increment,it was a really hard decision for me,but eventually i decided that the pros,did outweigh the cons and i knew that it,was a step closer to achieving my career,goals,changing jobs is never an easy decision,to make,lay down your pros and cons like i did,and focus on your personal goals for,your career as cliche as it sounds ask,yourself where do you see yourself in 5,or 10 years time,overall i had an extremely pleasant,interview experience with tiktok and i,hope that this video will help you to,make your decision if you're currently,in a dilemma about changing jobs,you

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🔥Why You Should (NOT) Join TikTok, or ByteDance 字节跳动, Management Career in Tech By Yolanda Yu

🔥Why You Should (NOT) Join TikTok, or ByteDance 字节跳动, Management Career in Tech By Yolanda Yu

Following the ban by US government and also India,  Bytedance is now coming to singapore and looking to  ,hire over hundreds of people for the next three  years, and singapore seems to be the next headquarters  ,outside china for their global expansion. Also on  linkedin alone i found over 53 jobs. I think the  ,latest was actually just one day ago. So okay now  let's discuss why you should join bytedance and  ,also why you should not. Let's start with why you  should. Number one, you may not know bytedance as  ,a company but surely you have heard of tiktok or  you might have used them which is a high chance  ,um so bytedance is the company behind tiktok and it's the currently the most valuable  ,startup in the world. Today it's backed by a  few big names including softbank and sequoia  ,so based on the information from cb insights  that was in april 2020 and they were valued at  ,140 billion. Of course that was before the u.s ban  but even if considering that impact it will still  ,be definitely the number one given that number  two are still far away ,they have a very strong competitive  edge in terms of technical capabilities  ,so again in the cb insights version the company  is categorized under artificial intelligence which  ,was to my surprise, because it could have been  categorized as online content entertainment social  ,media or even into you know conglomerates with education and all that so however on  ,the second thought this makes a lot of sense  because everything the company does is thriving  ,on its superior recommendation algorithms  and that makes the engagement sky high  ,number three bytedance says many of their products  are born with global audience in mind and they  ,have indeed also launched or acquired products in  many countries including the us brazil japan india  ,and also southeast asia so this young company  was founded in 2020 headquartered in beijing  ,the founder zhang yiming was saying he aspires to  have a company as borderless as google so indeed  ,as google has proven to be technology seems to  be crossing borders much easier without having  ,to stumble through the cultural barriers and  just like tiktok today is actually available  ,in more than 150 markets and 75 languages and even  2 billion downloads of course if you compare that  ,with facebook's 16 billion downloads they're  still shy but consider how fast the company  ,is growing recently and also how young it  is it's not surprising that many people say  ,tiktok has the potential to rival facebook in  the future number four so this is not what i say  ,but on glassdoor almost everybody is  saying that the company has great culture  ,smart people and a flat structure um very  good space scope for learning as well  ,so one thing i observed interestingly though is  that a lot of these people are actually from their  ,indian operations i'm just wondering i don't  know how many of those operations are still in  ,force today lastly i think this is a very good  timing to to join from organizational structure  ,perspective it looks like bytedance is trying to  formalize a kind of global organization outside  ,china so which means they are also trying  to build an international talent reserve  ,um that is what alibaba tencent have  been working on in recent years as well  ,so uh given many chinese companies  main field is still in china the kind of  ,overseas ventures are usually just a lot of  times they're just ventures without official  ,or significant organization dedicated to the  international business then the overseas staff can  ,be a bit sidelined in the sense that it's hard to  get resource or because of the location it's hard  ,to get the trust and sometimes the headquarter  might just decide to terminate the entire mission  ,pull out the operations because they don't  really have a long-term strategy in mind  ,but in bytedance's case i think the hiring of  kevin mayer was already a good sign that they  ,do have good commitment in the overseas business  on the other hand also my guess is their current  ,structure might be more of a product centric  um and also a bit of a patchwork with all those  ,independent acquisitions around the world so it  will be a time where the company is going through  ,a lot of sort of restructuring effort and then  it would be a good time to join them now let's  ,look at why you should not join them first of all  there is always a risk related to every move and  ,obviously many things have happened in the past  few months with new CEO joined new CEO resigned  ,in the u.s the entity was forced to be closed and  sold new suitors emerged and then refused to sell  ,all this right and now oracle has come up to say  there will be a partnership that happens although  ,i won't be buying the key algorithm so it's almost  like a drama every day there's a new development  ,so you see when the com a company is caught in  between a world of sort of political cold war  ,between two mega powers eve

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PHOTOSHOOT VLOG | behind the scenes of launching my new clothing brand! | Esmé Dublin

PHOTOSHOOT VLOG | behind the scenes of launching my new clothing brand! | Esmé Dublin

hello guys i can't quite believe i'm,saying this but welcome to my youtube,channel i feel like it's every girl's,dream when they're younger to have their,own youtube channel but i just never,thought that i would do it i always told,myself that i wasn't confident enough i,didn't have the right personality but,here i am i'm gonna do it today i have a,really exciting vlog i'm actually going,on a photo shoot,with my best friends if you don't know i,have my own brand i have a accessories,business called secured the label wow,was an accessories business that's what,the shoots for today so yeah today we're,doing a photo shoot for the clothes i'm,bringing out i'm so excited this has,been,such a long journey i've literally been,in this process for,the whole year basically um if you're,into clothing or fashion or you have,your own business you'll know it takes a,long time,so it's been a whole lengthy process but,we're finally at the stage where i can,shoot it and hopefully it'll be out,really really soon i've got my,chia seed and lemon water if you know,you know um i'm just gonna start getting,ready now i need to do my hair and make,up make sure that i'm fully ready,because,the shoot's only four hours which isn't,that long considering the amount of,content that i need to get so,yeah i need to make sure i'm fully ready,then i'm gonna go and pick up my friend,because she is modeling for me well my,two friends are modeling for me and,you'll meet them later so yeah i'm so,grateful for them too i'll see you when,i'm ready i'll probably look very,different sorry for,this whole,whatever this is in a minute probably,shouldn't be starting my first youtube,video with no makeup on just lashes but,here we are i'm gonna get ready and then,i'll see you guys in a bit,hello guys i'm back looking very,different,waved my hair done my makeup and i was,wearing the same thing before but,obviously,gotta wrap the brand this is one of the,new things so this is a little,sneak peek for you all um i'm just gonna,get the rest of my stuff together then,go and pick up my friend,and,head up to manchester,we're in the studio it's so so nice i'm,literally obsessed with the,the whole vibe is just,lovely,let's give a little tour all right so,here's just the white white backdrop,we've got a little sofa here for some,more casual shots we've got a little,makeup station which we won't be using,because we're already doing our makeup,and then,a little upstairs as well which is so,cute these are my lovely models for,today certainly look amazing in their,their new tops,that actually looks so good,bye we're going to take some pics,me,all of us,so,hey miss boss lady,hello,um,um,this is very nice,more,can we take a minute,to look at these look at them,in my clothes,i love it,that is a wrap that is a wrap how was it,girly is amazing,so good it's so so good esme is a,visionary queen she's a visionary,creative director,ladies,i'm so grateful to my model what would i,do with that are you a model in yourself,i was but you really bought it right,food this is how i pay my models,thank you and food,my favorite type of payment it's the,only way that's feasible at the minute,so,hello guys so it's now about two weeks,after the shoot,i completely forgot to end there i,promise i will get better at vlogging,but i just keep forgetting to do little,things like that it's,30 degrees at the minute so if you can,hear my fan in the background that is,why because i am sweating so much i've,now released the whole collection and it,went so so well the pictures from the,shoot look absolutely amazing and yeah i,just wanted to say thank you to everyone,that supported me so far the response,has just been so nice i have so many,lovely messages so many new followers if,you've supported me then i really really,appreciate it if you haven't checked out,already the instagram of my brand is at,secure the label the website is www,so,go check out um the next vlog is gonna,be,me and my girls going to paris and that,is a really really fun vlog i'm just,going through all the clips now,hopefully that will be up really really,soon thank you so much for watching and,if you've gotten all the way to the end,i love you,bye

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12 Moments You Wouldn’t Believe If Not Filmed

12 Moments You Wouldn’t Believe If Not Filmed

12 moments you wouldn't believe if not,filmed,when you think of the world of fighting,strength endurance blows being thrown,faster than the eye can see and,grappling that turn your days into night,what doesn't normally come to mind,however is busting a gut from laughing,at the fighters,hey there everyone and welcome back to,the best channel for all things fighting,funny and brutal if you're new here go,ahead and give a right jab to the,subscribe button and stay tuned for all,that we have in store for you,the things that we are about to show you,are going to leave you pretty shocked,here are 12 moments that you wouldn't,have ever believed if they were not,caught on camera,number one dance battle,we don't know if this was truly indeed,the plan but we have to admit there are,some pretty well choreographed movements,going on here,would you just look at the grace the,speed at which the hips and feet move,back and forth all in hopes of maybe,just maybe landing a blow,eventually,even the ref gets confused at this well,dance party let's just assume that their,pregame must have included a few odd,colored mushrooms or so and leave it at,that,number two i'm not done you can never,say it's over until the fat lady sings,and here you will find out that she,stood up took the mic and right before,bellowing out her first note she was,immediately sat right back down because,this man refused to accept his knockout,he literally takes blow after blow,straight to the head and manages to even,make a nice comeback with some heavy,jabs,it was right in the midst of it all that,you can see him take the shots straight,to the face like a night out in miami,this man did not want to go down,who would have ever been able to keep,standing up against something like this,number three,this is not what we practiced,it's all fun and games until someone's,foot is in your face,and it's all fair in love and war but,what's not fair is this,let's look at that again,can anyone just anyone tell us how a,person can miss so terribly,i guess we'll never know,number four,two of a kind,this match looks like it was pretty,interesting right you see both guys,looking a little winded and then boom,what are the odds of this happening we,don't know but we are happy to show you,this over and over and over,number five did he just do that,when you are happy with a fight you can,become excited that's exactly what you,see here with these two competitors just,two guys in a ring enjoying their time,they might kiss,no really that's not a joke,you see the other opponent come out of,the ring and he climbs up rather close,to the other fighter the fighter in the,white and black shorts decides to share,some smooches,talk about too close for comfort,number six frequent flyer miles,you know that you've been knocked down,beaten battered and torn when you start,forgetting who you are in a fight with,this guy gets his head knocked around so,much that after going down his world,turns against him as he turns against,the ref,completely out of it the ref finds good,ground and helps bring the fighter back,down from the clouds,he racked up at least 300 frequent flyer,miles with that trip,number seven glass jaw,what happens when you cross an alligator,with a gorilla,we don't know either just like we have,absolutely no clue as to how and why,this guy is taking these blows straight,to the face,if anyone had told you that they saw,something like this you know that you,wouldn't believe them at all but here's,the proof during this fight you see the,opponent just throwing punches and kicks,left and right and this guy just eats,them up like a taco tuesday and his,belly is full,he even taunts his opponent with some,little dancy dances,number eight ready player one,they say that if you do what you enjoy,every day you'll never work a day in,your life,this fighter has truly embodied that,notion,he even went as far as to add to it and,decides to not take a break after the,round was over,talk about dedication talk about,sportsmanship,talk about death stare,this man has ice in his veins and has no,need to cool down,number nine,wait what,the main attraction at most fights are,the fights,the brawling,seeing the opponents go hand to hand,fist to fist toe to toe head to well you,get it,but during this bout there seems to be a,half show,it goes on for some time and we can all,see that it was rather dry,even the crowd is in the background,scratching their heads wondering what in,the world is going on,they dance their whole routine and have,some interesting movements to say the,least but if you think that was strange,wait till you see what's at number,eleven,number ten lost in space,take a gander at this one most of the,time we see confusion come when a,fighter is knocked up against the head,with a knee a foot and elbow we never,see confusion come so,effortlessly,as this ring girl takes to the ring in,her moment to shine and announce the,third round she ends up confusing,herself after taking an extra half l

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They Didn't Know That CCTV Camera Was Watching Them and Did This !

They Didn't Know That CCTV Camera Was Watching Them and Did This !

you're about to see something that no,one should ever see no not your icloud,videos we're talking about the weirdest,things caught on security cameras and,after that you're definitely going to,want to tape the webcam on your laptop,someone once said that park is immortal,well they were wrong,think you still have time to swim this,summer i mean the pool's not going,anywhere right well i have some bad news,for you,here's what happens when your friends,buy a boat but there's no river in the,city,if you've ever wondered where all the,humans in zootopia went here's some,sensational footage of a goat covering,its tracks,these two policemen came here to deal,with a criminal,but now they have to deal with their,ptsd with a therapist,here's how instant karma works for,street thieves,just how far will a mother go to feed,her children,all the way to the next stage of,evolution apparently,so they already know how to open car,doors what's next,while everyone else is still settling,disputes the old-fashioned way in china,they've moved on to non-contact combat,no one was hurt well except for the guy,in red's feelings,they say that hard work brings happiness,but no one mentioned that it would only,last for three seconds,this is the level of chill i'd like to,achieve in my life someday,never play hide and seek with your son,if you have something to hide from your,wife otherwise she'll hide you where,you'll never be surprised,this white cat decided to use naruto's,technique and cloned himself to defeat,his opponent,how long does it take to figure out how,the entryway door works in about three,hours if you're this guy,come on dude even that rat found its way,through the door just do it you're so,close,do it,just do it,hallelujah,you'll never guess what this guy does,next,is love in the air or something,the only way i'm not gonna cry watching,this video is if that was pineapple,pizza,thank god it definitely was,the head of this family can definitely,protect his wife from everyone except,zeus,and,this guy be like i am the dog master,meanwhile the dogs let's get out of here,this guy's crazy,after this video you'll never fall for,your cat's request to open the door,again,they can literally walk through walls,tip of the day if you feel like your,life is too hard try to see yourself,from an outside perspective you could,look like this guy,it's coming a wild aggressive,unstoppable,goose,all swans in england fall under the,protection of the crown but this rascal,has landed on u.s soil,this barrier be like you shall not pass,and the girl is like well then you're,fired,if this horse was finally able to take,its life into its own hands then you can,too believe me,place your bets folks how many minutes,will it take this guy to find what he's,looking for,i meant his mop,do you know why life is less realistic,than gta well because in gta this bus,driver would have already been under,fire by other players for pulling this,stun,now you're about to find out where dogs,come from,99 of people have never dropped their,phone down the drain there's always that,one,the cons of being clumsy this man just,lost a bunch of fish the pros the fish,will remember him as a hero,breaking news for harry potter fans the,portal to hogwarts has been moved from,king's cross station to this,intersection,please hold a minute as we're,experiencing some technical difficulties,this gentleman will now clean the cctv,camera and we will continue,what does it mean to be an adult dog it,means being able to get your own,snickers without having to ask your,parents for money,seems like now love is climbing on the,roof of someone else's car to take a,photo together on instagram,i hope the owner can find him through,the likes it gets,looks like this little rat has come up,with the fastest and most effective way,to pick up girls,this guy just left a dumb comment and,regretted it instantly,and here's why that girl never texted,you back,this is what happens when ladies get,tired of waiting for their night on a,white horse and decide to change the,rules of the game,now you have plus one reason to work,from the office again,nothing motivates you to follow your,path like fresh concrete no god please,no,but some of us just want to make our,mark on history,when you're on a diet for more than a,day you suddenly catch a glimpse of,no,this emo guy survived 2007 and you're,about to find out why,overcome adapt survive hi do you have a,minute to talk about our camel god,okay i got it i'm going,this man knows exactly what it's like to,be forever young i want to be,forever young,when problems run me over i want to be,just like these cars totally invincible,i just hope this worker watches this,video to find out what really happened,on that fateful day,warning you're about to see the most,arrogant person in the world,they didn't even buy anything,if you find that all the road signs have,vanished well here's your answer they're,on vacation,this horse is so smart that it can get,rid of a man in th

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British wife gets caught cheating

British wife gets caught cheating

this bloke is trying to make a quick,getaway,after his lover's husband came home from,work early,he's been,all right there pal,dude,oh,where is he,where are you,oh,oh my god,that's stupid,before,oh my,is,where is,he there,you,yeah,god get him come on,this is gold,he's off go on forest

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ADTECH SUMMIT - Workshop - Brand Safety & UGC by TikTok

ADTECH SUMMIT - Workshop - Brand Safety & UGC by TikTok

hi folks i'm amit shetty with the ib,tech lab and i run the programmatic,anti-fraud and brand safety efforts at,the tech lab,i'm very excited about this workshop,because it's very timely and relevant uh,in these days,and we have a great speaker lined up for,this discussion uh so we'll be covering,uh brand safety challenges with ugc,content user-generated content and we,have arnaut cabanas the managing,director of global business,solutions from tick tock uh so uh and i,will start the presentation and then,we'll have a fireside chat afterwards a,virtual fireside chat if you will,on the topic so around the stage viewers,thank you so much i mean it's lovely to,be with you guys tonight so i'm gonna,share my screen i hope it's okay,give me one second um,right so welcome to the world of brand,safety um,oh sorry,the world of brand safety for t talk um,i think um we're very delighted to be,with you tonight this is our um sort of,new narrative that we're going to the,market with and this is the first time,that we get a chance to expose it to the,ib community so thank you so much for,having us tonight um and i guess before,i start the content it's very important,to realize that although we're a young,company,we are building now a function of the,future of our company it is very,important to realize that tick tock,has been um in market for most european,countries since august,2018 so it's a little less than two,years across europe and so we think,about our growth in the future without,safety we think about transparency and,we think about accountability across the,market where we operate,um and as i just said we're just getting,started the company is really young we,grew to up to 2 000 employees across,europe in the past 12 months we have now,six offices across europe all in,continental europe plus dublin and,london we have 100 million users across,across europe which is an absolutely,tremendous growth we've had six times,more six-time growth in 2020 which is,obviously a fabulous number and likewise,in the us we have more than 100 million,users in that region also so we're only,getting started that's the message it's,a young company two years old,and obviously our number one priority is,to make the to make this place safe for,for users but also for brands and so,when we speak about talk we say that,don't make asthma tick top which is very,much our marketing campaign and the main,reason that we say that is because,people come to the platform with a very,specific agenda talk is very unique in,the way you interact with the content,it's a feel-good platform um tic toc is,made for everyone it's embracing the new,pop culture we're setting trends on the,platform,and also tick tock is very inclusive i,think the number one key message that,you need to remember as brian is you,need to be authentic whether you're a,user whether you're a brand you need to,show a new side of your brand,and i think we're here as a team across,the market across the european market to,help you make that,also as you know music is super,important on the platform which is why,we also have a very strong say when it,comes to music and helping brands build,build formats which we have which have,the right music and making sure it,engage the user with the right content,and the right music,so don't make ads make tick tock this is,our tagline and i will go straight into,sort of how we make brands safe for for,the brands that we work with i think the,number one messaging is our number one,priority as a stick talk across europe,and the rest of the world is to make,sure their community is feeling safe on,the platform,the second aspect is making sure that we,build brand safe solutions across the,world for advertisers and for our,partners,we also want to be the one brand that,champion transparency and accountability,across the board,and also last but not least we're,present in 150,different market 75 languages covered we,need to partner with um with obviously,global institutions like garn but also,local institutions in each other market,where we operate so super importantly,important for us too,moving to the first pillar of our brand,safety environment we want to keep our,communities safe and how we do that is,through a set of policies that we make,in place best practices and also product,release so we'll go into the details on,each and every one each and every,feature but um the authenticity and and,and that just explains super important,for us and we need to make sure that we,provide a safe environment that is,positive across the board for our users,but also for brands it is highly,important for us to promote an,environment that is feeling vibrant but,also an environment that is feeling safe,and positive,the first bits that we look into when we,think about,our policies and we think about age,restrictions and i think it's really,important to know that,our users are welcome to join tiktok at,the age of 13 and above this is really,important um we have 12 different,rat

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the water slide was shut down after this...

the water slide was shut down after this...

like and subscribe and you'll have,amazing luck for the rest of the week,hey what's up guys and welcome back to,trinspot today we're looking at water,slides that should not exist,this is a crazy water slide you ride,down in a raft the water slides design,makes it seem like the raft could just,fly off the edge and apparently if your,raft is close to the weight limit you,get really close to the edges but still,this looks very fun so let's get into,the clip,this part of the slide has a really low,wall and it looks a bit too low for me,oh yeah,this water slide drops you into a huge,area where you slide back and forth as,strange as it sounds some people don't,want to go on the slide because they,think they might fly into the trees,this is a trap door water slide that,drops you straight down and then the,slide continues into a curve because of,this it is one of the fastest water,slides in the world it looks like a lot,of fun as long as it's a smooth ride but,if there was a bump in the slide you,would really feel it since you're going,so fast now let's get into the clip,three,two,one,all these people are breaking the rules,on this water slide and just staying in,this one spot this is not a good idea,because there will be more people coming,down the slide that'll run into them and,this one guy actually ends up knocking,all of them into the hole so let's get,into the clip,the lifeguards apparently can't see this,part of the slide or else you can,imagine they would be pretty quick to,whistle or yell at these people but,let's see what happens next,wow,this guy just went through full speed,and knocked all of them in i'm sure he,wasn't expecting like 10 people to be in,his way,here is a very long water slide in,switzerland the slide has a lot of,curves and fast turns some people,actually get really close to the edges,on the slide so i wouldn't want to go,too fast on this but other than that it,looks like so much fun to go on let's,get into the clip,oh,wow,ah,this large water slide spins you around,in a bowl but these people decide to,break the rules and go on the water,slide while other people are already on,it they start bumping into each other,and this gets crazy this is definitely,not allowed but anyways let's see what,ends up happening,oh,awesome,so they continue bumping into each other,and you can hear a lifeguard whistle but,they just keep going on like this,this is a very long water slide in japan,even though it's so long it only takes,40 seconds to complete because it's a,very fast water slide and these lights,on the slide make it a wild experience,that makes some people go crazy anyways,let's get into the clip,so,wow,there may be other water slides that are,slightly faster but this one is so,incredibly long it feels like he's,traveled a full kilometer,this water slide was shut down because,it was way too steep and people that,went on this had issues with it it drops,nearly straight down and obviously it's,incredibly fast many people would never,go on this because it looks like you,could just fly off it but anyways let's,get into the clip,just tell us when,here we go,are you ready,ready,if you enjoyed leave a like as well as,subscribe to the channel and tap one of,the videos on screen whichever looks,best to you and i will see you there,peace

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