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I Spent $600,000 On TikTok Ads In 90 Days (WHAT I LEARNED)

in the last 90 days i've spent over 600,000,on tick tock ads with our clients and,every day we're migrating more and more,budget over from facebook to tick tock,and in today's video i'm going to be,covering the top five ways you can learn,from the lessons that i have after,spending six hundred thousand dollars on,tick tock ads,hello everyone my name is chase chapel,your favorite digital marketer here,let's get into this video so these are,the lessons from spending 600 000,dollars in tick tock ads and i would,have been far better off if i had,already learned these lessons in advance,or had somebody to really guide me,through the process of understanding,what it is that make tick tock ads,convert how to structure the audiences,and all of the learnings that we've had,from other platforms to be able to be,successful on tick tock ads and that's,exactly what i'm going to be doing today,is i'm going to be walking you through,the top five things that are going to,allow you to be successful with tick,tock ads from the things that we've done,after spending 600 000 on tick tock ads,so let's go ahead and jump into the,first thing and start covering some of,the things you can do to actually,increase your overall conversions and as,you can see here we spent a little over,six hundred thousand dollars on testing,this far just in the last 90 days that's,about 148 million impressions from that,amount of spending about 2 million,clicks overall and so let's go ahead and,go over the tick tock adds creative best,practices so number one is videos with a,duration of 21 seconds to 34 seconds,have a 280 percent lift and conversion,yes you heard that right 21 seconds to,34 seconds if you literally just have,tick tock ads that are at least 21 to 34,seconds long,you automatically have a competitive,advantage over other tick tock,advertisers and the reason for this lift,and conversions is because that's enough,time for you to deliver information in a,concise way to the actual consumer that,might be purchasing your product or the,business that might actually be you know,choosing to work with your service and,you want to time it between 21 to 34,seconds you don't want it to be overly,long you don't want it to be overly,short,so definitely try to be within this,range because you are going to see much,better conversions by doing so and this,is data that ticktalk actually has from,you know hundreds of thousands of,advertisers that are actually already on,the platform and we're seeing this with,our results too videos that are between,21 to 34 seconds do actually convert,better,and we also see that the 9 16 aspect,ratio does help with lifting conversions,that is vertical video y'all you'll want,to make sure you have vertical video you,don't want to try to apply square video,and have these black spaces in between,the actual video you want to make sure,that these videos are actually vertical,tick tock is a vertical placement so you,want to make sure your content actually,fits for tick tock so make sure you have,a 9x16 aspect ratio in your actual,videos that is simply filming on your,phone that's the best way to do it to,actually keep the vertical video in,check and that resolution is actually,going to be higher and that actually,leads us to the next point if your video,is actually above 720p you're going to,see a 312 lifting conversion so if you,just apply these three things you're,going to see you know 280 lift and 91,left and even up to a 312 percent lift,in conversions by having hd video if you,upload a very low quality video the back,door is this you're likely going to get,much less conversions than other,accounts would and if you have ads that,are actually converting now with a low,quality video well if you just upgrade,the quality you could be seeing much,better conversions at the exact same,cost the next thing is number two and,that's tick tock user generated content,this is very big because you have,branded ads and you have spark ads,branded ads are essentially what you see,here this is an ad by go clove and you,know their shoe brand and they have,these actual you know branded outline,where it has the colors of their blue,they're green and the actual ad and it's,very branded and when you come across it,looks very much so like an ad these,types of ads do work to some degree and,you know do have good conversion rates,depending on you know how they're,actually flexing their brand and,actually driving you know consideration,and actually having people make the,conversion based off of what's actually,in the actual ad and you can see has 57,likes you know people are commenting,that they are interested in the product,which is a good thing but overall we're,seeing much better results with tiktok,spark ads and ugc content where we're,actually using user generated content in,the ads and that is a form of raw video,and user generated content is,essentially content that is created by,people or users instead of brands or,businesses now you can have pe

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How To Use TikTok To Sell Low Content Books On Amazon KDP - Make Money Selling Books Online

How To Use TikTok To Sell Low Content Books On Amazon KDP - Make Money Selling Books Online

in this video i'm going to show you how,we can use tiktok to make more sales of,our low content books published on,amazon kdp welcome to my channel my name,is caroline and i don't know about you,but i've been pretty much ignoring,tiktok since it came out because i think,i just can't get my head around having,to learn another social media platform,just something else that i had to add to,my list of things to do to make sales,and especially when something is new i'm,a bit hesitant to put a lot of effort,into something that that just may not,pay off but i think at this point tick,tock cannot be ignored any longer it has,become one of the most popular social,media platforms out there and the,results that people are getting by using,it to promote their products is insane,another thing that has held me back from,tick tock is that it seemed like it was,a social media platform really geared at,millennials which i am certainly not and,all i knew about it was the dancing,videos that it is known for and to be,honest if i have to dance,i'm not doing it and maybe it did start,off as a social media platform really,aimed or picked up by the younger crowd,but people of all ages and with all,different types of businesses have found,a place there then maybe around,mid last year i'd say i started hearing,about lots of authors building a huge,following on tick tock and their books,becoming,best sellers from the traffic that they,were able to send from their tick tock,to their books on amazon but of course,that is high content books that i was,hearing about so,novel types of books and i still wasn't,sure how or whether it could even help,with low content books so from the,beginning of this year,i have just been doing some research on,tick tock on the types of videos that,people make there,can i,make it work for a low content business,model and basically procrastinating,because i would have to learn a whole,new platform i have to,do things that are maybe a little bit,uncomfortable i have to put myself out,there and what if it doesn't work,sound familiar but i have been able to,find some people who have had success,using tiktok to make more sales on their,low content books and that is what i'm,going to show you in this video today,first of all i do just want to say that,the accounts that i'm going to be,showing you are not my accounts the,books that i'm going to be showing you,are not my books i have not started,using tiktok myself yet but i have now,made the decision after the research,i've done in the last month or two that,i am going to be putting some time and,effort into tick tock but the purpose of,this video is to show you what i have,found in my research of using this,platform and using it to promote low,content books that it is possible to,make sales on your books through tick,tock and the kinds of videos that you,can make to promote your books i did a,video about a month or so ago where i,revealed 10 niches low content book,niches that i thought might be worth,looking into further,and one of those books so one of those,niches that i came across in that video,was a book talk journal i came across,this niche during my niche research for,that video and thought it was a really,great,new low competition niche okay so i'm,just over here on amazon i've done a,quick search for book talk journal the,niche for book talk channel is still,relatively low competition i can see,that there are a few people who have,uploaded books into this niche but at,the moment it's still quite low,competition and the original book talk,journal book that i showed in my niche,video a little while ago is still the,most popular book in this niche this is,the book talk journal i guess but there,are a few of them so the the person has,created ones with different amounts of,books that you can record in so this,one's got 100 books that one has 25.,they are hardcovers i'm gonna just find,the most popular one which i think is,this one here it's the hardcover 100,books so you can record 100 books within,this journal now we can see here that it,has 142 reviews it was uploaded in,october of last year so at this point,it's been on amazon for maybe around six,months and the hardcover version selling,for 19.99 and it currently has a best,seller rank of 25052 which is very,similar to what we looked at when i did,that niche video a little while ago so,we can see that that best seller rank is,staying consistent so it's going to be,selling consistent amounts of books each,day or each month something i just,noticed here was in the frequently,bought together section so this is the,book talk journal obviously now this,book here the love hypothesis this book,the love hypothesis went crazy on book,talk and i heard so much about this book,across all platforms after it had been,made absolutely,so popular on tick tock so this is a,book that has seen massive success,because it just took off on books on,tick tock and became a book talk book a,book that you basically have to read

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FREE TikTok Ads Course | COMPLETE A - Z BLUEPRINT 2021

FREE TikTok Ads Course | COMPLETE A - Z BLUEPRINT 2021

hey everyone we're going to cover,everything about making tick tock ads,today,how to create an actual account how to,make a business manager,ad account pixel how to set up your,first campaign what the best,actual you know targeting methods are,and then how to actually launch the ad,so that way you can start getting,conversions because we all know with you,know ios stuff happening with facebook,and all these other platforms tick tock,is definitely,you know a contender in the making right,now especially with the results we're,seeing online we're seeing really good,conversions with tick tock,now that doesn't go without saying that,we know what we're doing but that's what,we're here for so that way you can learn,as well,so let's go ahead and get started if you,go ahead and go to,ticktalk.com business what you're going,to do is you're going to hit the button,get started and i'll have links below so,that way you can access all of these,things on the video so you can follow,along,and next thing you're going to do is,you're going to enter in your email make,a password,or you can sign up with your phone,either way you'll end up completing this,information,get the verification code and you're,going to sign up and that's going to,create a tick tock,business account for you so that way you,can start running actual ads,once you do that you're going to see a,page that looks similar to this,and you've probably created an ads,manager but,you can launch a business manager just,by once you actually have access you can,set up a business manager and that's,essentially for managing other pages,but once you have access just go ahead,and click on your ad account,once you actually have it and what's,going to happen is you're going to be,directed to a page similar to this,and if you aren't all you need to do is,just click business center,or business settings in the top right,and that's going to take you to this,page and you just need to make sure that,you fill out all this information as you,go through those steps which is,actually making sure you named your,account choosing the currency type,making sure that you actually have your,time zone,and just completing the rest of this,information so that way you actually,have all of that implemented here,and then for the payment type what's,going to end up happening is you're,going to have to make manual payments so,essentially,instead of it automatically charging you,you have to upload a balance and then,eventually once,tick-tock trusts everything you'll be,able to switch to recurring payments,later on,which allows you to automatically be,built which is much easier,and then the other things are just,making sure you have the card connected,with payment and then,you just go to payment summary add,balance and you can do that,if you have a promotion code you can add,that i don't know if tick tock is still,running those right now but you can,always check and see,after that what you're gonna end up,doing is you're gonna go to assets,right here and you're going to click,event this is going to allow you to,create a pixel because you're going to,need a pixel to track individuals on,your site so that way you can actually,get,you know conversions get data teach the,algorithm on tick tock,and if you're running a website the,easiest thing to do is just go ahead and,click manage,and then what you're going to do is hit,create pixel i've already created one,but i'll show you essentially how you,can run through this process,essentially all you do is just name your,pixel and then if you have a shopify,site what you need to do is just go to,shopify,app store we'll just go find it real,quick and then we'll go to,tick tock and make sure it's by tick,tock,these right here that are running ads,don't don't click on any of those those,are just going to end up charging you or,something,just always go with the actual source,itself which is tick-tock inc,that is tick-tock's app so click on that,one you'll install it and what's gonna,happen is once you install it you can,actually go to the sales channel in your,shopify account and you'll be able to,set up your pixel,automatically and it'll map all the,events for you it's super simple,so just go to this page i'll have it,linked below and you can add their free,app,now if you don't have a shopify what you,do is you just go to manually install,code and this method isn't as hard,um well it's a little harder but you,have to,place the events yourself and,essentially what you do is once you do,that,you hit next and you know you do,standard mode if you don't know how to,uh,you know place everything as a developer,and what you do is you just end up,clicking standard mode you copy this,pixel,and you go and place it in your head,script on your website,i won't be able to show you this method,because i won't be able to have back-end,access to one of your websites but if,you just go to your website find out,where the head script is just paste it,in there,and then download tiktok

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Full Course | $60,345 In 1 Month With Tik Tok Ads (Shopify Dropshipping)

Full Course | $60,345 In 1 Month With Tik Tok Ads (Shopify Dropshipping)

sixty one thousand dollars in 30 days,using tick tock ads,with a 41 percent profit margin and i'm,gonna be showing you guys,all the proof hey guys welcome to the,youtube channel my name is camille simon,is the econ king and in today's video,i'm gonna be giving you guys a,completely free tick tock ads drop,shipping course on how me and my,business partner jeremy were able to,achieve,sixty one thousand dollars in 30 days,using this tick tock,drop shipping ad tutorial now when you,hear a drop shipping you hear a lot of,people saying that the profit margins,ain't very good,but here you go guys 41 and i'll be,showing you all the proof,so you guys can see this in full,transparency now what this free drop,shipping tick tock ads course is going,to cover is it's going to go over the,complete case study,how my business partner jeremy was able,to build this door and actually scale it,to this scale,we're also going to be going through the,complete tick-tock ad strategy,how we found the products how we do,product research we're going to be going,over the actual scaling strategy,in the most detail that i've ever seen,on youtube before,and we're going to be showing you all,the ad accounts and everything so this,is going to be able to be followed,by you directly so you can try this with,one of your products,and at the end of the video i'm actually,going to be interviewing my business,partner jeremy and asking him the most,common questions about tick tock,for people that want to get involved in,it so you guys can learn from the most,frequently asked questions as well,now this is going to be a long video,because it is a free course but i will,leave timestamps in the description,and in the slide bar now if you,appreciate this content because i have,also created,a free google slidesheet that will be in,the description,once we hit 5000 likes because this is a,very valuable video so i think it's well,deserved that we hit 5 000 likes,that will be in the description and in,the pin comment now what i'm going to be,doing as well is i'm going to be leaving,a link in the description so you can,book a call with jeremy who's one of the,mentors in the company,and this is his store case study so you,can actually potentially get mentored by,him as well so again i will leave all,that information in the description,so these were the results from the case,study we were able to achieve,sixty one thousand three hundred and two,dollars we spent,twenty six almost twenty seven thousand,dollars in canadian ad spend on tick,tock,and the profit margin was twenty,000 almost 25 000 usd in net profit,which leaves us with a 41 profit margin,now for a lot of people that's gonna,sound a bit insane because of the drop,shipping uh profit margins but i'm gonna,be showing you all the proof,right now so you guys can see we're on,the shopify dashboard and you can see,this is from,last month and you can see all the,analytics here now what i'm going to be,doing is reloading the page you guys,know this is completely real,and as you guys can see the page did,successfully reload,now what i'm going to be doing is i'm,going to be showing you the sales source,so you can see this directly,all from tick tock ads so as you guys,can see i've scrolled down and i've gone,to the cells by social source and you,can see,the main indicator for this one was tick,tocks you know this is a legit case,study,now i don't know why but it didn't track,the accurate amount it should be 61 but,it's just missed out on a couple of,a thousand right there but it is what it,is guys you can see the main source,right here so these are the apps that we,had downloaded on the store now i don't,want to go into too much of these apps,because there's not much significance,because i've already gone over a lot of,these apps before,in a lot of my other videos but what i,want to do quickly cover is i want to,quickly cover,this website that i've created with all,the apps that i actually use on our,stores,day in day out and these links actually,have extended trials,uh actually money off some of these,websites that we use so,do check that out it will be in the,description it's called the econ king,deals on all the apps that we actually,use on some of our shopify stores,ourselves,now something that i do want to quickly,show you though is the lifetime the app,because this will show you,the profit margins that we exactly made,because live timely is an app where,you import your ad costs and you it,already,automatically syncs in with your store,and it will work out the ads costs,the shipping costs it works out,everything it's basically a profit,margin app,and i've talked about this for years and,years and years and as you guys can see,the revenue,matches the revenue that i showed you,before and the product cost and you can,see here the net profit,is slightly under and that's just,because it's missing out a few days and,you can see that 23 000,and again i am going to reload this page,you guys can see this is completel

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$329,825 From TikTok Ads And Clickbank

$329,825 From TikTok Ads And Clickbank

okay how's it going guys it's johnny g,here and,i'll give you the chance to turn on the,volume before we even,start talking okay so,last month,it was about three weeks ago i shot a,video um,on on here on facebook or wherever,you're watching this to show a login of,around four hundred and two thousand,dollars which was made from,tiktok ads promoting,affiliate offers on clickbank and that,video went viral this is an update video,to show you the current result since,that video and it's still blowing up the,results are consistent they're crazy and,if you haven't jumped on tik tok ads,even if you've got no experience you can,get,low cost clicks that turn into,high profits thousands and thousands of,dollars it's a formula that i've figured,out how to do so i'm going to log in,right now,again to show you some more proof and,update video and the reason i'm showing,this is just to show you what is,possible i'm not even trying to sell you,anything in this video so let me just,quickly share this with you okay cool so,we are on clickbank okay i'm gonna,log in here so,i won't like obviously show you the um,okay let's just quickly,do that,okay so you want to sit,paste the password there because,it's a long one,okay it is logging in,okay so give me one sec okay so,what you can see here,is first of all,on the top,what that is is around,three that's a total since the last,video okay you can go back and watch the,last video the last video,uh the the the current that i shot that,where uh it was around the second of,august,okay it's the sixth of september now so,i ran a month later and the total,results here is just over,three hundred thousand dollars in,affiliate commissions,today we've currently made three,thousand six hundred yesterday we made,twenty two thousand the day before that,we made thirty four thousand,day before that we made only 1 000,because,with our ad account we had to,some,there was a little problem with the ad,account so that's why the numbers are,low there but as you can see,before that it was still massive right,ten four thousand ten thousand dollars,thirty one thousand forty one thousand,you know these results are,i mean it's like someone's yearly salary,in one day right can you believe that so,i'm not sure how,making this kind of money would change,your life so,why am i making this video well since i,made the last video so that's a total of,five six seven it's about seven hundred,thousand dollars,seven hundred thousand dollars in,affiliate commissions and it is,affiliate just to show you that this is,look,it's the affiliate panel uh tab selected,okay it's not seller okay it's affiliate,meaning this is pure i'm promote i'm,with promoting,a product in a weird niche a weird niche,it's not so it's not in the make money,space it's not in,it's not in a,space that you may have heard before but,it's a product on a network it's an,affiliate network called clickbank where,they pay you a commission,every time you make a sale and,me and my current students in this 30,day ticked ads rapid profit challenge,which we've just started which you still,have a chance to,get access to and join,we're using tick tock ads to promote,clickbank products as well as something,called paid on action where you get paid,for someone taking an action i don't,have i'm,i haven't logged in here,to show you the paid on action profits,which are also crazy um i'll do that in,another video,however,it,tick tock ads is a goal mine right now,okay if you're,if you've been trying to make money,online,and uh it is a little bit late here so i,look a little bit tired,if you if you've been trying to make,money on the internet,the simple formula for making money is,this,traffic plus conversion,equals,money,and freedom,right targeted traffic,to a product that they are interested in,that helps them solve a problem,or right gives them a solution to their,problem,and which converts into a sale and as an,affiliate you get a commission every,time someone takes an action such as buy,something or feels out of form,and,for traffic we're using tiktok ads,if you're if you,have been trying to use other ad,platforms like facebook,google youtube,snapchat,you know go ahead and try them,and then come back and try tik tok ads,but it might be too late,so i would recommend that you don't miss,the boat on,tick tock ads right now tick tock ads is,at the stage where,facebook ads were back in around 2009 10,11,and i in the i made around a million,dollars with facebook ads in 2011,because it was a gold mine it was just,it was brand new back then,and you could run,ads and get super cheap traffic that's,where tick tock is right now and it's,booming like crazy faster than facebook,did more than 10 years ago,so,that's basically,like i don't even know what else to tell,you i could show you the entire formula,however,i've just started something,called,the rapid profit tick-tock ads,30-day challenge and case study where,over the next 30 days we've literally,it's we're cut only a couple

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hey my bunnies here is the honest,step-by-step process,of how i made over 22 000 in exactly,two weeks because of posting on tick,tock,no i did not pay for ads no i did not,have a million followers and no i did,not open an only fan's page,so listen up here are the two weeks,of last year where i launched my first,product,and i received all my payments on paypal,at that time,and i made over twenty two thousand two,hundred,fifty dollars right in those two weeks i,started my tick tock,at the beginning of the covid pandemic,when i had lost my city job the,the job that was supposed to be there,for me no matter what,i got let go because of covid and i was,left to,collect unemployment checks and i was,waiting for the stimulus check to arrive,at that time i started to slowly post on,tik tok,not knowing where it would take me just,using it for fun,and then when i started posting four,times a day very seriously,around may of 2020 i noticed that,i was gaining more traction and i was,getting boosts of views,here's just a quick view of my tick tock,right now with 357,356 000 followers and yes this is very,true,make sure you read the community,guidelines within tick tock so that this,never happens to you,it's because i showed a little bit too,much skin and this is what i got,um yo be consistent four times a day,is what i recommend garyvee will say up,to like 12 or 20 something crazy like,that tick tock ai,is so advanced it knows exactly,where your followers are it's pretty,shocking,at how good it was at attracting these,people,so i have a fitness background i used to,work at equinox and,i thought well how about i start,teaching people workouts in these like,17 to 30 second videos,after i was listening to everyone's,comments and dms,i realized i needed to create a better,product,that uh people can actually follow a,complete workout,right instead of these short mini,workouts how about i give them a,complete workout that they can do,and that's when i thought i could create,my first product in a very cheap way,which is ebook,i used all my unemployment check money,it was a gamble it was a risk that i,took but i had,a good feeling that this is gonna do,well because,i had gained a bunch of email,subscribers that were interested in,getting notified about my ebook,so that's something that i really,recommend you do before you even,create your first product start building,an email list,now because those are going to be your,most hardcore fans that really do,want to know when you release your first,product or your next products,so this is a great way to keep in touch,build an email list,right now so that you can have your,customers information in one spot,and it's easy to reach out to them,whenever you need to,because you don't know if they're going,to watch your videos at the time that,you,release it or if they'll ever see it you,know i want you to set out to create a,brand,you're not gonna just be a model that,dances,or does cutesy things you're gonna have,a voice,and you're gonna have a style you're,gonna be a character stand out,okay i didn't just set out to be another,fitness model,i set out to be a workout,mama bunny and you better freaking do it,or else i'm going to come get you,that kind of attitude with a lot of,pastel colors,with a sexy asmr voice when i choose to,use,it etc so i want you to also see,yourself as a brand,please watch gary vaynerchuk for,more information about how to create,content,how to be aggressive with creating,content and,how to do it even when you don't feel,like it and you feel like,you know you don't have any ideas gary,vee said,to watch tick tock for three to four,hours a day,this is the only way you're gonna,understand what videos get pushed out,what videos do well,especially within your niche so whatever,niche you pick,so like fitness i would watch hours of,other fitness girls showing,their workout routines what they eat in,a day and you know,health advice etc but i after watching,that,i got ideas of like okay i see what,tick-tock likes i think i could play,this game uh-huh,but i'm gonna put my spin on it i'm,gonna add my voice on it i'm gonna add,my attitude on it i'm gonna add,my pop of colors i'm going to do my own,i'm going to do it my way,but within that game the more you watch,the more you're going to get it,don't pay someone else to do it for you,they can never have,your perspective your spice your,personality,that only you can bring to your videos,when i,went to create my ebook i was like okay,i need a photo of me,on the cover i want it to look,professional so that people know that,i'm legit,i called my mom to take a picture of me,in my living room,that was free then i sent that photo,to a guy on fiverr.com who for like 15,bucks,edited my photo onto a different,background that looked,way prettier and blurred it out so that,it looked more,real and not cheesy fiber tends to be,like quick easy dirty,dirty work and then upwork tends to be,very,like talented people that normally,charge a lot of

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Create a High Converting TikTok Ad in Under 5 Minutes!

Create a High Converting TikTok Ad in Under 5 Minutes!

it's no secret that tick-tock videos can,go viral overnight and take your,business from zero dollars in sales to,hundreds a day or even more in today's,video i'm going to teach you how to,create a simple tick-tock video that,converts using video from aliexpress,this is super easy and will only take,you about 5 minutes before we get into,the video if you like videos about,winning products drop shipping shopify,themes apps and tutorials do us a favor,and hit that subscribe button and turn,notifications on now let's get into the,video alright so our first step is to,get some video footage of the product,i'm going to use this video from,aliexpress for the purpose of this,example but if you're doing this i do,recommend reaching out to the supplier,first before using the video just to,make sure you don't get your video taken,down for copyright violations to save it,play the video,and then expand it,then click these three dots at the top,and click save,now open your ticktock app and upload,the video you just saved,now tiktok recommends a video length,between 21 to 34 seconds so we are going,to crop ours down a little bit to do,that click adjust clips,there was a part of the beginning with,the shoes and the umbrella that i felt,was unnecessary so i'm going to go ahead,and move this up to where i want my,video to start,and then at the end i noticed there was,some text that i want to get rid of so,i'm going to move this to just before,the text appears,once you're happy click save,next we need to do a voiceover if you do,not want to use your real voice you can,use the text-to-speech option that,tiktok offers either way i definitely,recommend adding a voiceover because,tick-tock says it gives you an 87 lift,in conversions and a 9 lift in,impressions,the voice-over is likely the most,important part that you need to add to,your video it's your chance to really,sell the product to create a high,converting voiceover write down a script,on either a piece of paper or in a,google doc,your script should include three main,components one a hook right at the,beginning to grab their attention so,something like,if your shoes stink you need this and,then you want to expand on your hook,if you're able to highlight a pain point,and offer a solution that would be best,and the third thing you need to include,is your call to action mine is if you,guys have shoes that you absolutely,cannot get the stench out of you have to,try this click the link in my bio to get,yours,once your script is complete it's time,to add it to your video,click on the voiceover icon,unselect keep original sound this way if,the original video has audio or music it,will disappear,and then tap the record button to start,this might take several takes if you,mess up or if the audio ends up being,too long for the video you may need to,go back and adjust your script but,that's okay just click the undo button,if you make a mistake and take your time,until you've got it right,the next thing we're going to do now is,turn on closed captioning because tick,tock says this will give us an 80 lift,in conversions and a 16 lift in,impressions,once tick tock has auto generated your,captions listen through and edit any,mistakes in the text,and then when you're finished click save,the last thing we're going to add is,music this is optional but i feel that,adding music just adds that little extra,something that makes your video look and,sound more professional to do this click,on the sounds icon and then choose your,favorite track,then what you want to do is adjust the,volume so that it's not drowning out,your voiceover,once you're happy click save,all right so here's the finished product,unfortunately i can't show you the,actual music i use from tiktok because,of copyright reasons but here it is with,a different track behind it,if your shoes stink you need this i,thought i was going to need to throw out,my favorite pair of shoes because no,matter what i did i couldn't get rid of,the smell i tried washing them spraying,them i even used bleach but no matter,what i couldn't get rid of the musty,sweaty smell a friend recommended i try,this product that kills the bacteria,that causes these smells and within 30,minutes of using it you guys i was,shocked and the smell was completely,gone if you guys have shoes that you,absolutely cannot get the stench out of,you have to try this click the link in,my bio to get yours,there are a lot more things you can do,and add if you want me to go more in,depth leave me a comment down below if,this video helped you do me a favor and,give it a thumbs up and make sure to,subscribe for more videos like this

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Spend $100 To Make $1000 Per Week With Tiktok Ads | Affiliate Marketing

Spend $100 To Make $1000 Per Week With Tiktok Ads | Affiliate Marketing

I'm going to show you how to make 20K,per month as an affiliate marketer,easily simply without wasting much time,without doing organic stuff by setting,up simple Tick Tock ads that you can,check in once or twice a week make sure,they're running properly and sleep easy,at night okay twenty thousand dollars a,month and just to show you I know what,I'm talking about I'm going to show you,a screenshot here of my own account,where I've made about 30 to 35 000 a,month just from May up until the end of,September at the time of this video,right now it's October 6th and that's,about what five months four or five,months something like that and it's,super super simple right now if you're,not advertising on Tick Tock if you're,not spending money to get your affiliate,offers out there on Tick Tock you're,missing a huge opportunity Tick Tock,adds to put it simply are super super,cheap right now and super super easy,tick tock ads right now is how Facebook,ads used to be back in 2015-16 when,everybody was jumping on the Facebook,ads bandwagon everybody seemed like they,were just making money falling out of,the sky and it was super simple right,now that's how Tick Tock ads are so,don't miss this opportunity and I'm,going to show you how to set up your,Tick Tock ad account exactly how to set,up your affiliate offer exactly how to,set up your ads right here in this video,I'm the infamous Joel and your boss,hates me because I show you how to live,a life for Freedom passion and,fulfillment and if you're Infamous 2,make sure you subscribe to the channel,now let's go now the first thing I want,to do for you here is show you inside of,my stripe account and you can actually,see the dates right here from May 1st to,September 30th and my my math is not,always the best that's one two three,four five about five months yeah I was,right the first time okay so in five,months I already crossed six figures now,I want to make sure that now this is,like the third or fourth offer now that,I've scaled the six figures okay this is,for the affiliate franchise but I can,tell you after repeatedly scaling an,offer to six figures for the last four,years now over and over again I can tell,you look I don't have a doctorate I,don't have a bachelor's degree I'm not,special I didn't go to school I barely,know how to read okay all there is about,me is I spent seven years in prison I,came home and then I dedicated myself to,learning how to do digital marketing how,to do affiliate marketing I made no,excuses and now here I am I can just set,up some ads just like I'm about to show,you and have them run and make money in,the background while I go around the,world and you know hang out with my,family and do a bunch of fun stuff,that's what life should really be about,life should not be about pounding away,at a time clock and making somebody else,Rich I'm sorry I can't get behind that,idea okay it just it's crazy to me so,then just to show you this is real this,isn't like some weird fake screenshot,out or anything I can just refresh this,and you can see it reverted back to 300,because that's what I've made in the,last week or so I haven't really been,doing much and we can change the dates,back here to May 1st,up to,September 30th you can see the dates,resetted right back you can see the,different months 35 19 21 22. you can,see I know what I'm talking about okay,you can make easily anywhere from,fifteen to twenty thousand dollars a,month depending on how much you spend,depending on how much time and effort,you put into it but realistically if you,just set up your ad account and check in,on it once or twice a week just make,sure that everything is optimized,everything is is scaling and you're,running things properly you can legit do,this even as a beginner and at least be,making five to tenk I don't know what,your ad spend is I don't know what your,budget is but at a minimum five to ten K,and those of you who really put the time,in and really get good at this stuff 20,to 25k is super super simple it's in,your future just put the time and effort,in and if you're a beginner watch the,rest of this videos because I'm going to,take you step by step setting up your,Tick Tock ad account showing you how to,do your actual ads showing you what I,think the best offers for this kind of,stuff is and how to make the commissions,just as an affiliate don't even have to,have your own products for this okay now,let's go now the first thing I want you,to do is you're going to come over here,to ads dot tick tock.com now there are,different types of tick tock ads that's,right there's a there's different types,of tick tock ads and I don't want you to,get super confused right now I'm running,my ads through what's called a business,account so I'm at,business.ticktock.com it's a little,different okay I want you to stay away,from that for now since you're a,beginner and the reason that I use a,business account versus a normal regular,personal ad account is because I have a,team right now

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