tiktok ads agency services

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TikTok Ad Agency - Warning Before You Build A Doomed Agency

what's up guys in this video we'll be,talking about how to start a tick tock,agency that's actually going to be built,to last and we are down here i don't,even know what the name of the beach is,for those of you guys who don't know me,my name is frankie finn and i'm the,author of the book beyond the agency box,since about 2007 i've built three,different agencies of my own to 100 plus,simultaneous clients and i've helped,hundreds of people,around the world to build this whole,agency beach laptop lifestyle so let's,get into the magic of tick tock,all right you find tick-tock,i have,a little bit of bad news which is,tick tock is red hot right now,and it can seem really really exciting,there is something that i call the one,year hero run,and i've seen this by the way now two,different times in my life first by the,way when google ads first came out i had,friends who got clicks for five cents,and they would sell like 47 ebooks and,97 ebooks and they basically uh just,crushed it like absolutely,crushed it because at five cents people,looking for the thing you sell,you almost can't lose like you really,literally almost can't lose and so they,were doing a little bit of ric flair woo,action,by the way my dog is just going,mental for the ocean over here that is,banana,okay so that sounds amazing right but,guess what happened give it a year give,it two years marketers ruin everything,thousands of competitors all of a sudden,google adwords got hard and most of,those people were gone i saw the same,thing with facebook ads my actually one,of my friends built the largest facebook,ad agency in europe and he started as,the first one to guarantee return on ad,spend now i have people now in our,mastermind that come in and they say i'm,guaranteeing return on ad spend and,people won't listen to me because,they're now the thousands person person,to say that,and i tell you this because rest assured,that will happen to tick tock,and it will happen to you so if you,still want to be in business in two,years by the way,i'm not saying not to do tick tock ads i,understand it's red hot i understand,there's demand for it but in two years,give it two years max maybe even sooner,and i promise marketers will make it,difficult and hard and it'll be again an,uphill boulder the key is,think about the results that you want to,produce for your clients using tick tock,so there is a huge difference between,saying we're a tick-tock ads agency,for dentists and saying we use tick-tock,ads to generate,veneer patients or we use tick-tock ads,to generate implant patients it's really,the veneer patients the implants the,result that they really want i'm doing a,lot of karate chop action here by the,way that's a beautiful island called the,spiritual santu i know it's a little,windy i hope it's not too hard to hear,me on the,audio,so,if you're selling tick tock ads you'll,probably have like a year of openness,where you'll be able to sell it it'll be,really really easy but i promise what,seems like downhill will eventually,become uphill and if you still want to,be in that,uh where people are paying you,focus on the result that you're creating,for your niche and focus on building a,system and the the best thing you can do,by the way,is ask your clients what their highest,value,type of clients or patients are or,customers or whatever and focus on using,tick tock to generate that and what,you'll find is your tick tock journey,will get a ton a lot easier you'll,get it's like easy squared because,you'll be selling something that's new,and exciting and you'll be producing a,result with it so everybody will want,that and it'll be hot and it'll be sexy,and you'll crush it so hope that's,helpful to you guys i don't mean to,on your parade but i've seen this now,two full times where,it's it sounds really good and exciting,and on the way up everybody's getting,money and then a year later it's hard,and we're all out of business and it's,because they focused on,the tool the tick tock instead of or the,facebook ads or the the google ads which,in the beginning was really exciting but,give it a couple of years and the tool,won't be so exciting and they didn't,know how to sell it after that point so,i hope that's helpful to you guys who,want to do this for like not just like,build an agency for like a year but,actually want to get paid for like the,next 10 20 30 years so hope that's,helpful if you guys aren't already,subscribed make sure to subscribe and,quick question by the way for you before,i let you guys go i would like to to,know are you guys currently offering,tick tock ads in your agency have you,thought about doing or is it for you,just like a shiny object would love to,hear your own experience that's all i,got for you guys in this video like i,said make sure to subscribe and may the,force be with you,you

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Are TikTok Ads Agencies the Future of SMMA in 2022? (URGENT)

Are TikTok Ads Agencies the Future of SMMA in 2022? (URGENT)

welcome to a brand new video and today,we're going to be answering one of the,juiciest,questions and that i'm getting uh quite,a bit uh and that is absolutely vital,for your success if you are looking to,start a digital marketing agency in 2022,if you're looking to either scale your,digital marketing agency or you're,looking to pivot into this incredible,business model and that is,the big big question facebook ads,or tick tock ads,what is better for 2022,it's a it's a really big question um you,know what makes more money what what do,clients actually want and we are going,to be answering we've got my ceo my,right hand man uh our head supporting,coach that's cool vcom tao,and myself and uh yeah this is what,we're seeing uh you know,we're back,okay so we had a little accident but,camera is good uh and uh yeah without,further ado let's get right into it this,is what we're seeing from actively,running our agencies to this day my,agency doesn't run 200k per month hey uh,he went ahead and uh skills agency don't,went completely broke so he's currently,sleeping on my couch uh here in miami,but uh uh no he uh he went from zero to,six figure plus in record breaking time,and um,the first thing that we've noticed is,you know yes tick tock ads is an,incredible opportunity especially,because facebook ads just has not been,performing amazingly well i do think,that um,the people that are struggling with,facebook ads are the people that don't,know about tracking don't know about,conversion apis the fact that we're,moving into,essentially you know long story short,we're moving into a server-based,tracking instead of browser based,tracking which is great because we own,more data as a client,but um the people that are not having us,as much success with facebook ads are,the people that don't really know how to,navigate the new tracking system or the,new tracking methods uh but having said,that right i think one of the reasons,why uh there's a big argument for,techdog is simply because where the,content is heading right um you know i i,know the platform quite well i've been,able to to build up a pretty large,following uh uh in tech talk and i think,short form content is here to stay and,that is why i think tick tock ads is a,great offering because,that's really where the content is,heading right and so if you're able to,create organic um native content on that,platform i think you can have a lot of,success uh with it right um,obviously we're gonna talk about the,pros and cons but that is one pro which,is the fact that it plays to,the uh you know the sort of content that,is popping right now which is the short,form vertical content,yeah no you i think you're you're right,you hit it on the head with the,the people struggling with facebook,maybe don't understand the tracking but,also like,i think they just the ones that are,really struggling just don't understand,creatives and you're right like tick,tock the short form vertical style,that's why they came out with facebook,reels they're pushing that really hard,i think facebook is still you can still,succeed on it again it um you just gotta,have the content strategy right content,the copy the offer itself like if you,have,i think a lot of there's a lot of noise,in the space i think,um by just a lot of you know agencies,out there people that,you know maybe have worked with a client,or two and didn't see success because,again they didn't have those things,dialed in and then they just they start,screaming after oh this ship is sinking,but then there's the,you know the i won't name drop anyone,from mentorship but there's the mentees,just out there killing it because they,they do have that fundamental,understanding yeah yeah and i think that,that's that's the catch here right like,the pro is the fact that tick tock has,you know placed to the the content that,is working right now but if you're able,to,take inspiration from that content and,apply it to facebook ads facebook,inevitably has a more mature a more,seasoned platf platform right they have,more targeting methods right uh whereas,stick talk is a little bit on if on that,at least that front the media buying,front the data front is a little bit on,its um infancy right,so if you're able to take the learnings,from the content that is working on tick,tock right and apply it to facebook,that's really where you hit the nail on,the head right and that's what we've,been doing for not only our clients but,my brands as well right a lot of the the,ads that we actually like to run are,obviously vertical real ads but we also,take the exact same formatting literally,the tick tock font right the short you,know short form kind of like quick paced,um style and we do that for horizontal,videos and we put that on the feed as,you know our top of the funnel strategy,right and so if you can match the pro of,of tiktok which is the content right,and then you know the know-how of the,tracking methods and understand that,facebook at the end of the day is goi

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How I would Grow a TikTok Agency

How I would Grow a TikTok Agency

hey,lampham in this video we're gonna see,how exactly to grow a tick-tock agency,with kane lewandowski who reached out to,me on linkedin saying that he was,struggling to find new customers for his,tick-tock agency i asked him for his,website to look at it so that's the,first thing we're gonna review the first,thing is i like the video the video is,quite interesting because it looks very,human and kane is describing you know,what he's doing how he's helping,customers i think this is great the only,thing i could say is be careful with the,glasses whenever you're using like a,ring light or a phone or something that,could reflect on your glasses because,that's a bit disturbing for someone,looking at it but the rest is really,great the energy is great i like it in,my opinion what could be improved is the,targeting here it's like we craft and,optimize tick-tock ads the question i,want to say is who do you craft,tick-tock ads for and what is the result,so for example it could be we craft,tick-tock ads for e-commerce website to,drive more sales if i have an e-commerce,and i'm on your website then i'd feel,like i'm the right fit the idea is not,to pick e-commerce it's just to pick a,niche you're passionate about and really,focus on that niche so whenever people,are on your website they will convert,much higher also always make sure to,answer the question what's in it for,them we craft an optimizing talk ads yes,that's fine but what is the end results,what am i getting from it focusing on,the benefit is really really important,then here you have tons of logos walmart,sculptor record etc so like really like,big names and then i started like to,scroll down scroll down i was waiting to,get like some testimonial from the big,brand because obviously they're great,and here samuel demon generation another,guy here rita et cetera so when i was,looking at the photos i was like it,looks a bit weird you should always be,careful with it because for example here,i'm just opening the image in a new tab,and as you can see here we can see that,the image is actually coming from,shorter stock which means it's like,three images and this is a stock photo,so technically in one click i can tell,that the testimonial is not the right,one no offense it's not like a huge,issue i know what you do whenever you're,a startup sometimes you fake it etc etc,but in my opinion it's always best not,to fake it and be honest about like,those type of things because directly if,i were on the website and i would think,about working with you and i see a,testimonial that is wrong i kind of lose,the trust and the trust to me is,basically like the foundation of the,relationship so if you lose this trust,you lose a relationship and you lose the,business i'm sure that kane didn't do it,on purpose it's kind of like the startup,mindset of faking it but it's something,that i believe could be changed and i'm,sure that kane will get in the coming,months tons of new testimonials so that,would be fine let's look at kane's,linkedin profile so here automating and,optimizing tick-tock ads on the bio i,would say who i'm targeting and what i'm,doing this for and what's the benefit,from it so it can be like creating,tick-tock ads for b2b sas companies so,it drives more sales or more signups or,whatever just focus on one niche and,focus on one benefit in the about,section it's all about what spark ads is,doing which feels a bit weird to me like,the about section should be about the,person you're talking to so it should be,about your audience in that case once,you found your niche you should just,focus on that so for example let's say,you are talking to b2b sauce funders or,let's say like traffic managers in,startups i would say something like if,you're on my profile it means that,you're a traffic manager in a startup,and you're trying to increase your,return on ad spends on tick tock well,that's what i've been doing for the last,five years and usually the results i get,is,then you can share like a bit of,successes that you've got and numbers,and all the numbers that you have shared,actually like cocaine are like really,great but i would go even deeper and i,would try to really like talk to my,audience rather than just saying what my,company does so once you've got that i,think the goal is to provide value and,here kane is doing something great he's,giving a lot of tips on how to improve,and increase your tic toc ads i've been,looking at the last months of content,that he wrote and i can see that the,engagement keeps increasing so really,this is the best strategy initially when,i had my agency i was really scared to,give the best tips you know about how to,do cold emails that convert how to do,sales etc because i was afraid that,people will steal my secret sauce but,actually as an agency owner the thing,you should do is give away for free all,your knowledge about a specific industry,one it will allow you to build trust two,most people actually never implement,what you are talki

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I Spent $600,000 On TikTok Ads In 90 Days (WHAT I LEARNED)

I Spent $600,000 On TikTok Ads In 90 Days (WHAT I LEARNED)

in the last 90 days i've spent over 600,000,on tick tock ads with our clients and,every day we're migrating more and more,budget over from facebook to tick tock,and in today's video i'm going to be,covering the top five ways you can learn,from the lessons that i have after,spending six hundred thousand dollars on,tick tock ads,hello everyone my name is chase chapel,your favorite digital marketer here,let's get into this video so these are,the lessons from spending 600 000,dollars in tick tock ads and i would,have been far better off if i had,already learned these lessons in advance,or had somebody to really guide me,through the process of understanding,what it is that make tick tock ads,convert how to structure the audiences,and all of the learnings that we've had,from other platforms to be able to be,successful on tick tock ads and that's,exactly what i'm going to be doing today,is i'm going to be walking you through,the top five things that are going to,allow you to be successful with tick,tock ads from the things that we've done,after spending 600 000 on tick tock ads,so let's go ahead and jump into the,first thing and start covering some of,the things you can do to actually,increase your overall conversions and as,you can see here we spent a little over,six hundred thousand dollars on testing,this far just in the last 90 days that's,about 148 million impressions from that,amount of spending about 2 million,clicks overall and so let's go ahead and,go over the tick tock adds creative best,practices so number one is videos with a,duration of 21 seconds to 34 seconds,have a 280 percent lift and conversion,yes you heard that right 21 seconds to,34 seconds if you literally just have,tick tock ads that are at least 21 to 34,seconds long,you automatically have a competitive,advantage over other tick tock,advertisers and the reason for this lift,and conversions is because that's enough,time for you to deliver information in a,concise way to the actual consumer that,might be purchasing your product or the,business that might actually be you know,choosing to work with your service and,you want to time it between 21 to 34,seconds you don't want it to be overly,long you don't want it to be overly,short,so definitely try to be within this,range because you are going to see much,better conversions by doing so and this,is data that ticktalk actually has from,you know hundreds of thousands of,advertisers that are actually already on,the platform and we're seeing this with,our results too videos that are between,21 to 34 seconds do actually convert,better,and we also see that the 9 16 aspect,ratio does help with lifting conversions,that is vertical video y'all you'll want,to make sure you have vertical video you,don't want to try to apply square video,and have these black spaces in between,the actual video you want to make sure,that these videos are actually vertical,tick tock is a vertical placement so you,want to make sure your content actually,fits for tick tock so make sure you have,a 9x16 aspect ratio in your actual,videos that is simply filming on your,phone that's the best way to do it to,actually keep the vertical video in,check and that resolution is actually,going to be higher and that actually,leads us to the next point if your video,is actually above 720p you're going to,see a 312 lifting conversion so if you,just apply these three things you're,going to see you know 280 lift and 91,left and even up to a 312 percent lift,in conversions by having hd video if you,upload a very low quality video the back,door is this you're likely going to get,much less conversions than other,accounts would and if you have ads that,are actually converting now with a low,quality video well if you just upgrade,the quality you could be seeing much,better conversions at the exact same,cost the next thing is number two and,that's tick tock user generated content,this is very big because you have,branded ads and you have spark ads,branded ads are essentially what you see,here this is an ad by go clove and you,know their shoe brand and they have,these actual you know branded outline,where it has the colors of their blue,they're green and the actual ad and it's,very branded and when you come across it,looks very much so like an ad these,types of ads do work to some degree and,you know do have good conversion rates,depending on you know how they're,actually flexing their brand and,actually driving you know consideration,and actually having people make the,conversion based off of what's actually,in the actual ad and you can see has 57,likes you know people are commenting,that they are interested in the product,which is a good thing but overall we're,seeing much better results with tiktok,spark ads and ugc content where we're,actually using user generated content in,the ads and that is a form of raw video,and user generated content is,essentially content that is created by,people or users instead of brands or,businesses now you can have pe

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How I Grew My TikTok Ad Agency From 0 – 7 Figures | Full TikTok Agency Roadmap | Ammar Sulthan

How I Grew My TikTok Ad Agency From 0 – 7 Figures | Full TikTok Agency Roadmap | Ammar Sulthan

so what's up guys,I thought I'd create this little video,here just to go through the roadmap that,I created how we took our agency from,zero to seven figures and this is the,world map that you guys can follow,now let's go through all of this here,together let's start with pre-launch,now,with pre-launch,cool look,although the barrier of Entry is quite,low right now,I still suggest acquiring some sort of,skill set first before you start scaling,your agency or at least make an effort,to improve your existing skill sets,because you're going to be competing,with other people in the marketplace or,even though it's still a blue blue ocean,okay,sales is the most important skill set,you can have you will always need to,know how to negotiate you'll always need,to be able to communicate what you're,offering to the clients make it resonate,to them,and yeah that's essentially the most,important skill set in order to make,money right cool,media buying you don't have to know a,lot of media buying in order to make,this successful but at least the basics,of it of how the ads work how their,creatives work would would suffice so I,recommend watching some YouTube videos,or purchase a course so that you have,the necessary understanding in order to,close the deals because conviction is,the number one thing that's going to,help you land clients when you're in the,sales calls right cool let's talk about,their niches or niches still I'm not,certain which one's the right way to,to pronounce now in terms of the niches,most people focus on e-commerce and,there's nothing wrong with it but why,not explore other niches like high,ticket Legion solar Insurance health,care right those kind of niches are,often neglected and especially with Tick,Tock it's a blue ocean right now so yeah,another one I can recommend would be,coaches and Consulting,so coaches and Consultants are uh very,very high ticket as well and you can get,good results for them through Tick Tock,ads in fact we have one of our clients,uh one of our former clients wealth,assistants we've helped them scale,um massively through Tick Tock ads in,fact there's a case study on my on my,Twitter profile that you can have a look,at cool,Tech setup now this is the boring stuff,and unfortunately this is stuff that,most people focus the most time on when,they start the agency you don't need,more than a day our website took us 30,minutes to create on leadpages okay so,don't over complicate it just create a,normal landing page simple vsl talking,about what the offer is what you can do,in the marketplace and then a simple,call to action to book a call with you,all right cool next let's go to the,offers,okay I've divided this into four,different kind of offers now the last,one is more it doesn't really count,because it's like an individual,kind of one-off thing but let's talk,about Tick Tock ads so,in our experience like when I when I,sell Tick Tock ads to clients,is oftentimes we study together with the,creatives because you can't run Tick,Tock ads unless you had the creatives,sometimes you have clients that just,come for media buying by most cases we,just upsell them to the creators as well,okay so,yeah Tick Tock ad is the best kind of,tick tock offer that you could that,could sell sell to clients because it's,measurable for the clients and,um yeah if you do it the right way you,can make a lot of money from it based on,like the ad spend for example right we,make most of our money through ad spend,deals when we manage your clients so we,have a base retainer for the creatives,and then we take a percentage of the ad,spend as as a fee right you can go,anywhere between five percent to 15 you,can negotiate those terms with your,client but we recommend typically,anywhere upwards of 10 and and set a cap,because obviously you don't want to be,managing 500k and then you know demand,what 50k or something,um they probably won't they probably,will fire the next week right so yeah,you need to be reasonable with that cool,ugc,it's one of the most important Services,right now more sought after service and,the best part about selling ugc is that,clients are not necessarily bound to one,agency like with ads because only one,agency one agency can manage the ad,account at a time whereas the creatives,there's always an evil creative so they,can always look for more agencies to,supply them with more creative split,system XYZ so,yeah,we recommend selling it together with ad,management but if you're just selling,UDC like we do at times you can sell it,for anywhere between 2K to 16k really,depends on what your offer is and how,you package it okay,and then a guarantee,um look stay away from from giving too,many guarantees like oh we'll give you,if we don't hit the 3x row as in in a,month or t we'll give you a full refund,and a thousand dollars just ignore that,you've been seeing all of those ads all,over social media right of of of,agencies promising,um uh a return or else they'll go,they'll refund you like ignore th

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What You Need To Know Before Launching A Tiktok Agency

What You Need To Know Before Launching A Tiktok Agency

guys hope you're doing good so in a,short video i just want to give you a,quick update on the tick tock offer and,you know share what's what's new uh some,of our customer wins and some new,updates on the process okay so we have,not personally launched the tick tock,offer what we've done at cloud,acquisition.io is that we've built a,mechanism to help,people who want to introduce tick tock,as a service as a mechanism to help,their brands do it without having to,build,as the operation needed to actually,fulfill the service okay uh the reason,why i launched it for those who haven't,seen my previous videos i've launched it,because i have over 200 customers most,of them are agencies and uh you know,after seeing how hard it is to actually,scale,an agency with,like say like an offer like facebook ad,or google or even worse seo um,i've realized that hey guys like you,guys should stop selling this instead of,sell tick tock because if you guys,haven't seen the case study that i just,shared one of our customers amar just,went from zero to sixty thousand dollars,per month in seven weeks okay,for me as a business owner as someone,who's been paid by people to help them,achieve success when i see something,like that i'm like how can we duplicate,it and have it have every customer sell,the thing that's working right now okay,so,yeah uh and uh yeah the first update is,that due to the ridiculous amount of,interest we've been generating for this,offer lately,i've decided that we're actually going,to be limiting the number of agencies,who will be accessing the solution okay,why because,um,i want to make sure that this is still,quality service i don't just want to,like pump people through like if this,was a course we don't have a course we,don't sell courses we sell an actual,service it's a done-for-you service that,we do for people okay so we have a,certain bandwidth that we can't really,um you know go over right so uh only two,agencies will be onboarded on the tick,tock offer of course,we can onboard more customers a week but,for this tick tock thing uh we can only,do two people a week okay,and by the way if you want to see,how this crazy demand and see what i'm,talking about let me actually show you,um my top advisors uh calendar what it,looks like okay so if we go on gohan,level,we go to calendar,and we select hassan's calendar,look at how many calls he has every,single week,like this is insane this is like i'm,actually starting to be like,oh maybe i should not be filling up his,calendar like this right i'm actually,starting to be worried for his health,because this is too much and this is,just one week let's look at last week,same thing let's look at the week before,right so this is not some like,some you know some fake scarcity tactics,i'm actually trying to reduce the amount,of calls we're getting every week,because at this point getting 50 calls,consistently every week is just madness,right,um so we will prioritize those who have,a good foundations already so if you're,interested in our service uh you better,have your foundations ready,and you better if you don't have your,foundations ready then at least you,better have your life together because i,don't have time to be dealing with like,uh people who aren't motivated or people,who aren't sure if they actually want to,grow big right it's like you you pay us,and we get to work and you better be,ready for what comes once you actually,do the work because you know you may,want to be making a lot of money but,like a lot of money comes with a lot of,responsibilities right so make sure,you're ready for that uh when it comes,to um to new updates in the actual,process that we're doing so we've,actually figured out a way to um,we've automated the sharing of the,resources that you need to sell tick,tock okay so,in my mind i just want people to pay,to have the offer given to them,to get the resources that they need to,actually sell the offer to book meetings,and to sell the offer and then once you,have that customer that was ready to pay,all you have to do is just send it to,our uh,white label uh partners who is ammar,who's actually a customer we also have,other partners that we are actually,working with right now so uh you have,the tick tock offer creation so you go,here you have the tick tock offer,already laid out okay we share there is,a video in there going over exactly the,offer that is being sold with other,customers who are winning i've just,built a new outreach workflow to book,meetings i actually didn't build it uh,we got an insight from a customer who,was winning and we've actually built a,process around it to make sure that um,that you know customers can scale their,outreach their acquisition okay so we've,built a completely new different angle,that we're using to get brands uh on,meetings okay,a lot of our customers are introducing,tick tock are in the e-commerce niche,okay so uh we haven't really had a lot,of customers who are targeting local,businesses like real estat

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hey are you an agency owner uh who's,been in the game selling facebook ad for,the last six months 12 months or even uh,over a year right i know a lot of our,customers have been in the game for at,least two years or more,but uh you have yet to hit that at that,moment where you're like yes right,like oh my god this is working this is,the business that will actually change,my life,not just my life but also the uh,the life of the people that i love if,you have yet to have that moment and i,personally believe that that moment,happens when you're you can confidently,and repeatedly add an extra 50 grand,every few months to your monthly,recurring revenue,if you have yet to be able to do that,it's probably because facebook has been, you right the results are much,harder to achieve now right and a lot of,the brands especially this video will,really be uh for people who are selling,to e-commerce right,e-commerce if you've been selling to,e-commerce uh founders right store,owners you've probably gotten that,friction right there is a kind of like,um not resentment but it's much harder,to actually sell them on facebook ad,it's like you're not just need to sell,them on the,service but you also have to sell them,on trusting facebook again okay,so a lot of our customers have been do,sell a lot of facebook ad so the point,of me making this video is because i,want to actually be able to help our,customers see results much faster okay,and the only way to do that is by,selling something that the market is,actually screaming for okay,and one of the mechanisms that,is currently you know trending and a lot,of founders are literally jumping on it,like crazy,is tick tock,advertising okay,so uh if you're interested in learning,how you can uh implement tick tock ads,and uh how you can literally change your,life then please keep watching this,video okay so i'll just jump on my,screen and then show you so i made this,video a few days ago right titled don't,sell facebook ad as a service in 2022,okay and the whole reason behind making,this video was to simply let people know,uh agencies or anyone who's currently,selling facebook ad that as much as,facebook is an amazing mechanism to,deliver results to your customers,it's not the best in the vehicle to be,using to get rich fast okay,and um you know you get a lot of people,telling you or people trying to sell you,stuff and telling you that oh if you,want to get rich quick then this is not,for you but,i think that that's because,the whole reason behind building a,business is so that you can achieve,freedom right but nobody starts a,business because they want to achieve,freedom,in 50 years right like i don't want to,be driving porsches when i'm 60 right,i want to drive porsches this summer,okay so,whenever i'm i'm i'm thinking about,growing whenever i'm setting goals,whenever i'm thinking about my customer,wins i'm not thinking in,you know of course it's a great to,extend your time horizon and think long,term but when it comes to winning i,promise you you don't have to wait,a decade before you can make a few,millions right,but anyway so um and you know another,thing is that this video got 500 views,uh in less than 505 days right most of,our you know the average video gets a,few hundred views um so you know the,fact that this got you know over 500,people to watch it means that there is,that there is a problem right so,as an entrepreneur you know i have to,solve the problem right so,uh what i've decided to do okay and i,made this i built this solution the the,main reason why i wanted to build a,solution is because,as a service provider,the thing that i care the most or the,thing that i care the most about is,customer results okay and if my,customers aren't seeing results then i,need to change something or i need to,introduce something new right so um you,know our headline is we make it,unreasonable for people not to add an,extra 50 grand per month so,um sometimes you know in order for us to,actually help you get there we need to,stop you from selling that the,market doesn't actually want okay so,uh for those who didn't see the video,i'd suggest you watch it it's an amazing,30 minutes and i think a lot of people,liked it right,um we got 32 likes nobody disliked it so,that's good,that's a new one by the way can you,please drop a like on this video or,subscribe please please please please,and uh yeah let's just get these videos,more views okay so check this out the,reason why let me just summarize a bit,from what i covered in the video right,so um,the reason why facebook is you know the,it's much harder to get results for your,customers is because with all the,attribution issues with all the tracking,stuff coming up um you can make you you,have a hard time making data driven,decisions and if you can't make it,data-driven decisions,you can't really predictably get the,right outcomes consistently right so,that makes it a bit more of a shittier,platform okay it's still better than a,lot of platforms

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TikTok Marketing Strategy For Small Businesses That Need More Leads

TikTok Marketing Strategy For Small Businesses That Need More Leads

could tick-tock lead ads be a good,avenue for your business,hey guys welcome back to another episode,i'm darren cabral i'm the ceo of suit,social we're a digital marketing agency,that helps businesses build their brand,generate leads and make more sales,online today we're talking about tick,tick-tock ads but not just any tick-tock,ads tick-tock lead ads for those who,that don't know first of all tik-tok is,the video sharing platform so very much,like instagram reels it's a platform,where you can share short clips of,videos often times overlaid with music,it's blowing up it is exploding the user,base every week gets bigger and bigger,and bigger and it's not just kids doing,funny dances anymore there is legit,business happening this platform because,it's getting a lot of attention but,beyond tick-tock there's another,component of it and that's tick-tock ads,so just like every other social media,platform has an advertising system,facebook has facebook ads google has,google ads linkedin has linked in ads,well take talk also has a platform,called tick tock ads and this allows us,to actually buy advertising space on the,tick tock platform and actually place,our ads in different areas and different,streams and it is really really,effective we've been testing it now for,the last three or four months i've done,it with our own agency first and we,started rolling it out with certain,clients that we thought would make sense,for,and it's a very powerful system but it,really started to interest me lately,when tick tock ads released their lead,ads format this is just like the,facebook lead ads or lead formats that,you've seen probably in the past where,you click on the ad and instead of,taking you somewhere it just kind of,flips around and the customer can,instantly fill their information and,that gets submitted to the advertiser as,a lead those kinds of ads are really,good they've for a long time been the,most profitable most successful types of,ads on facebook especially for service,type companies um as well as google and,linkedin so now that tick tock allows,the same feature um we're getting really,excited it's something that you as a,business should start thinking about of,could tick-tock lead ads be a good,avenue for your business especially like,i said if you're a service company,especially b2c,you're selling services to actual you,know people homeowners local customers,that's something you're going to want to,consider and the real reason why these,lead ads are so effective is there's,such little resistance you don't have to,worry about the customer going back to,your website and your page not loading,or navigating to the wrong area these,lead ads are literally like they can see,an ad they see what you're up to they,click it and they they basically fill,out a form in many cases it autofills,based on their account information so,they have to do nothing click submit and,boom you've got to leave to follow up,with right the only thing that's,different with tick tock ads in general,not just delete ads you can't just film,highly produced ads the way you would on,youtube or facebook the challenge with,tick tock ads is you have to make your,ads look like content that actually,falls in the feed and tick tock does a,very good job of kind of enforcing this,and they actually work really well i'm,glad they do it because when you're,scrolling tick tock if you've never been,on tech talk or you're not a big tick,tock fan that's okay but if you've been,on tickets as you're scrolling half the,time you don't even realize something's,an ad that's intentional they film tick,tock ads like a tick tock it's on a,phone it's vertical it has subtitles it,has music so if you got to figure out a,way to make an ad that looks like that,and you can place it as a lead ad you're,going to do really well because i,guarantee you 99.9 percent of service,companies are not running lead ads on,tick tock you can be the first and,there's a huge first movers advantage in,doing that so if you want to learn more,about how you can use tick tock ads,definitely feel free to reach out to us,in food social dot com check us out,online at,www.suitsocial.com or just check the uh,show notes or in the description there,for the links back to our website and,all the other stuff that we can do for,you but we'd love to have a chat about,your business talk marketing strategy,and see if tick tock might even be a,good fit for your business along with,other stuff like facebook ads google ads,and all that but we'll leave it there,for today hopefully that's helpful,hopefully you go home thinking about,tick tock ads if you have any questions,drop a comment below

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