tiktok ads code

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How to get the AD AUTHORIZATION code in TikTok | TikTok Ads & Sponsored Content

if you're watching this video there's a,very good chance that you're working,with a brand,a client,or a fantastic partnership where you,have been asked for an ad authorization,code or the ad code for your tick tock,videos i'm going to show you exactly how,to do it today and after i share exactly,how to do it step by step i'm going to,share with you a few things that are,really helpful to know about,partnerships sponsorships and working,with clients who pay you for your,content especially on tick tock so the,first thing you're going to do is pull,up your tick tock profile,you're going to go to the three little,lines in the upper right hand corner,and you're going to click on creator,tools,from there you're going to go ahead and,scroll on down and you're going to,select ad settings so at the very bottom,you see how there's that thing that says,setting add settings make sure it is,turned on because this is going to give,you account access to being able to,generate those codes,then you're going to select the video,that you want to authorize for ads now,keep this in mind and i'll talk more,about this in just a moment but if there,is copyrighted music,in your video it may be difficult or,even impossible to run an ad to it don't,try to skirt that rule so if this,doesn't work there's a very good chance,that particular video is not being,approved for running ads all right,so what you're gonna do is you're gonna,pick the video that you wanna run ads to,i just pumped out a ton of videos this,week so i'm going to scroll on down to,one that has done better for me,i'm going to scroll on down and let's,pull it up beautiful,so i'm selecting this particular video,as a tick tock that could have an ad now,keep in mind there is copyrighted music,in this so this one i wouldn't actually,run as a true tried and true ad as a,sponsored piece unless i had purchased,the rights to run it as an ad so i'm,gonna go ahead and select those three,little dots underneath uh on the on the,right hand side the three little dots so,as if you were gonna pin the video save,the video duet the video or copy the,link,i'm gonna scroll all the way on over,to add settings right before delete just,be careful here that you don't,accidentally hit delete alright,so i'm going to go ahead and turn on the,add settings,you can decide whether or not you want,to show this only as an ad so it never,shows up on the for you page i probably,don't recommend that unless you're in a,special contract for that but i'm going,to go ahead and select add authorization,and turn it on once i have,agreed to the advertising content terms,of service i'm going to turn on that,you're going to see the video status,change it says the video status will,change from private of or friends to,available for ads so that the authorized,ad teams can view your video super,important note,do not use this if you don't want your,video to be public unless it only shows,up as an ad but keep in mind it's still,going to show up to people so you can't,prevent your friends or family from,seeing it or the high school bullies all,right so i'm going to hit okay,and then from there i'm going to click,or click generate code i get to,determine the length of time that that,is uh generated for so you can authorize,it for seven days 30 days 60 days or 365,i'm really glad they added the 365,option,so i'm going to do seven days and i'm,going to click authorize now i'm going,to blur out my my specific code for this,because i don't want you guys to see it,actually you're not able to see it here,which is kind of nice you can delete the,code you can copy the code or you can,extend the authorization period so if,the period runs out for the,authorization to use it as an ad and,your client or sponsorship wants to,extend it this is where you would extend,that length of time so i'm going to go,ahead and hit copy code and then it is,going to be good to rock and roll for,the next seven days,give that code to whoever it is that,wants to run ads and you are all set to,go but here are a few more things that,you need to know about running ads,especially if you're being sponsored if,you have been looking for sponsorships,so number one you don't want to use,copyright and copyrighted music in,videos that are going to ultimately be,ads we've actually come up against this,many times this being a recurring issue,even with some of the audio that tic toc,has said is approved for ads we've,actually had issues with it so i,personally use a tool that's i think,like 200 bucks for the year called art,list you can go to artless.io,and pay for the annual subscription so,you can get unlimited access to,copyright free royalty-free music that,you can use potentially depending on the,song's terms in your tick tocks with no,issues for ads the second thing i want,to share with you is that if something,is going to be an advertisement it's,according to the ftc's regulations you,actually have to disclose that it is an,ad even if you're not being paid for

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok ads code

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james come and smell me,little spoiler,and then i realized that,i never pressed record so i'm going to,use this first oh my god it's really,hairy,hello everyone welcome back to my,channel or if you've never been here,before hi my name is sophie and today,i'm going to be testing some more,products that i have seen lots of ads,for on instagram tik tok the general,internet i think this might be my fourth,one of this stuller video where i,basically see somebody do an ad for a,product and then buy that product and,test it out and let you guys know what i,think of it in today's video i've got a,couple like more lifestyle bits and i've,got a couple makeup products as well so,it's sort of like a mixture and also i,just want to say if you're not following,me on my social media my instagram is,just outside if my tick tock is sofas,live my twitter is soft as life and,that's about it so i think we should,just get into it so the first brand that,i'm going to talk about is wild,deodorant hear me out okay this part of,the video is actually sponsored by wild,deodorant but there is a very good,reason that i'm doing a sponsorship for,this particular branding product so not,only have i seen ads of wild deodorant,everywhere i was getting so many ads on,my instagram i then started getting ads,from my family my dad my brother use it,and they were like so if you should try,this i've been testing out for a couple,of months now just so that i really like,know that i like the product i did post,a little instagram story when i was on,holiday of just like a random,recommendation which wasn't sponsored,that was just me giving you guys a,random recommendation from a fellow,sweaty person and so because i've been,using it and really enjoying it when,they offered to sponsor me i was like,okay sure if you didn't know it is a,natural deodorant it is cruelty free and,vegan it has a subscription service,option so you can do that for,convenience or if you don't want to sign,up for a subscription and you just want,to try it you can do it as a one-off,thing as well this is what one of the,standard ones look like so this is the,one that i've been using since august,now actually one of the main reasons,actually why i started using this is,because i was using a new spray-on,deodorant and i'd had a reaction to it,and my armpits were really itchy and so,i started using this because i knew that,it was more natural and just in general,like it's a lot the scents are a lot,less strong so i thought okay it might,not be as irritating it and that is one,of the main reasons why i actually,started using it and it was absolutely,amazing for that this has not caused me,any irritation whatsoever which is,obviously quite important because you,don't want irritated armpits this is,just speaking from my personal,experience obviously oh and i do also,just want to mention i do have a,discount code before i forget my,discount code is soft as life i will,leave it on the screen and i'll leave,the link down below it gets you 20 off,of all wild products so if you did want,to try them there is the code there for,you guys and like i said the link will,be down below i've just dropped one on,the floor this is actually their limited,edition pride case and it has my name on,it you can get your name engraved but i,think it's an extra two pounds but then,obviously once you have the cases you,just keep getting the refills and the,little refills are actually in,compostable packaging so just a little,bit of information about the pride cases,i'm just gonna read it off the screen so,i don't get any of the information wrong,they're selling these to celebrate and,make space for lgbtq plus voices for,every case sold they're donating 50p to,switchboard which is an organization,dedicated to providing a listening,service for lgbtq plus people on the,phone by email and instant messaging and,it says we're working with this charity,to help boost the exposure of the,wonderful work that they do so not only,does it look like a really cute case,it's also raising money and also raising,awareness for pride in general and,switchboard so i thought that was a,pretty great thing and i really like the,case as well so let me just show you how,you actually put this together quickly,so it's got these little like buttons on,the side so you just squeeze those and,then the bottom bit pops out like this,you take one of your refills i don't,actually know which one to go for my,favorite one i think is actually the,coconut and vanilla because it's a very,sort of subtle smell but i just need to,say as well on the actual effectiveness,of the deodorant i took this on holiday,with me to grease where it was like hot,and i kept this is true live guys i kept,making james smell me because i was like,i kept sniffing my armpits and being,like why don't i smell i don't smell and,then if you're like james come and smell,me so romantic honestly i was so,impressed with how well it works and,like i said i've been using it for,arou

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$100k/mo on Tiktok ads with Affiliate Marketing Walkthrough

$100k/mo on Tiktok ads with Affiliate Marketing Walkthrough

hey guys welcome to my discord and in,this video i'm going to show you exactly,how to make money on tick tock ads guys,tick tock ads to be honest is the,easiest way to make money online right,now this is ridiculous and this is guys,it's not drop shipping this is not,e-commerce i don't know if you ever,heard of it but it's affiliate marketing,all you do is set up ads put a link in,there somebody follows the link fills,out a form and you get paid 10 bucks,easiest money you will probably ever,make and that i've made online if you,follow my tutorial this will be like 35,30 minutes 45 minutes if you follow it,step by step literally the next day you,can start making 50 and that's just the,start i literally show this to my,friends how to do it and they are now,making two grand three grand i'm gonna,show you screenshots and how much their,accounts and how much they're making,buckle up strap up there's gonna be a,walkthrough and we're gonna get it right,into it but right before that i wanna,clear some things i know i'm giving out,free information and a lot of people,think oh this is the course this is drop,shipping this is e-commerce this is none,of that i'm literally giving you free,information on how to make money right,before getting into the nitty gritty let,me just show you my buddies that made,money and i literally just showed them,what i'm gonna show you now and they,started making money right away so so,i'm recording this on sunday right as,you can see here this is thursday,never ran ads,like first day made 420 second day made,what 1400 and so today he made 1.3 k,um total he already made 3k guys and he,started thursday so was this thursday,friday saturday sunday in four days he,made 3k in revenue i think about,a thousand dollars of that is profit,somewhere around there like come on bro,four days and he's never ran ads and he,just started so this is another friend,of mine that's been running ads um he,kind of has more experience so you could,see the growth but so he started back in,uh february 18th so he started 30 bucks,right here's the growth and check this,out,bam bam bam bam so right now he made,today he made 4.1 k this is again sunday,um,and i mean march 1st he made 200 so he,went from 200 to 4 grand guys and like i,mean he knew the ads world a little bit,more than the other person but this is,just stupid it's stupid all i could say,here let me show you somebody that i,showed how to run it and he ran it today,okay so here's my other buddy i,literally showed him how to do this,yesterday,um so this is sunday right,let me show you this so all right,saturday he launched the ads,and um,look at this,65,never ran as before it's gonna be split,into seven sections let's hit section,one is first we need to do is create a,tick tock ads account now i'm gonna do,it here,you can speed up this part if you,already know how to do it but i'm gonna,walk through everything because i wanna,show you how easy it is to start making,money online so you just wanna go to,ads.talk.com,create an account google search it i'll,post a link in the description so,you want to enter email here,all right now once you're here again,enter some basic information business,name you could kind of enter whatever,you can enter your name you know,again it doesn't matter you could just,do whatever just do other um do your,time zone and then you enter your phone,number,all right now you're going to be here,then ask you some basic information just,be like,running ads for,um,affiliate,um so they're going to want you to do,so you could set up the payment later,i guess you can't so pretty much enter,your,address here,okay agency again this stuff doesn't,really matter all right now when you're,here it's telling you to create an ad,that away but we don't want to do that,we created we want to create a pixel so,on to section two of the video,all right so section two is creating a,pixel what a pixel is it pretty much,tracks when somebody converts,and it tells tik tok hey the person that,clicked this ad converted right you know,submitted the form and so now tick tock,understands you know which ad had a,conversion that way you know which ad,works best so in simplified terms so,we're going to go to assets and then hit,events,and then web events manage,and then create pixel,so this is going to be a little bit more,technical so i want you guys to follow,closely um but again it's still pretty,simple so select tick tock pixel next,um,you want to do manual install code now,we can do you know,sam's pixel,next,next you wanna do standard mode,create,all right,so copying the pixel code we'll get to,this later in another section so right,now we just want to create the pixel,right,so,you know we'll have advanced matching,so verify,you can kind of skip this step so just,honestly just enter something random,again we'll kind of get back to this,step,we'll make more sense down the road so,right now we just want to set up the,pixel and that's what we're here to do,so once it ver

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This is why Mundo is the best tank in season 13 (10,000 HP Raid Boss with 1000 AD)

This is why Mundo is the best tank in season 13 (10,000 HP Raid Boss with 1000 AD)

hey guys what is going on it's Patrick,what the,oh Juke come here,come here,I give up you win,hey guys what is going on I'm gonna,recall,wait,what,hey guys I'm playing the first uh the,most god-like Highway win rate the top,laner which is now um Mundo Mando is the,best top laner in the universe he is so,good let me show you the one right here,53 win rate Jesus Christ as you can see,that was pretty weird I would say that,myself I think it has to do with all the,chain I don't even know,items I guess they must have done,something different in the mid patch but,you know,see about that then we got Fiddlesticks,helping me out and we're gonna press Q,on this guy press Q on this guy,boom,ah ain't taking it yeah I'll take it,yeah let's go,oh,I can heal off my Q right hey,I don't actually it's not good if I heal,off that,this is not good is it,I have to I have to literally press Q,and see us with it,I'm not your level two yet,and I don't even know if I want to kill,him okay here we go,I'm actually gonna press it,press W restore the health,second win yeah I do,I just hit the Cs,foreign,I did a lot of damage frick frickity,frack,good known yeah he's dead,this is Dada what is the skin,just kidding what is this,winter bus to Anna,yeah he did a lot more than I thought,I'm coming,this guy's got dark Harvest too,oh okay,all right now this this matchup can get,a little bit better because we have some,stuff,that's the max so cute correct okay,ouch,oh man that's I'm not getting these Keys,am I,all right let's land these Keys boom,second wind,actually nice,I can land it when he's under pressure,that's the best part,not when I'm under pressure,just get a lot easier okay I can't even,CC me if it's all looks candy,there we go all right we're going to war,for Nunu I have a suspicion he's coming,okay,almost hit him,if he alts and I don't have,I actually need my ALT here don't I,oh he's dead,wow Mundo don't need level six that's,why he's the best Top Lane in the world,and that makes my case,he cooked the books,that's pretty funny I bet Ryan does that,they know all about it,oh bam okay okay we can win now,we should actually go to Mr but you know,I'm gonna Rush this,God is ignite let's go,oh I got his kill I killed him too,wow,The champ is broken,oh my God this cat can't see wait,I miss Cannon I'm so sad,I want to demolish let's do it,it's probably because of heart steel I'm,pretty sure that's why it's when they're,so high,there we go let's get one more,oh he's gonna alt for sure,oh can I I don't think I'm gonna get it,I'm not gonna get it he has ultimate I,can't even get that,you know he's gonna do it,I'm kind of I'm gonna risk it for the,biscuit actually I can't even win though,frick,I want to heal I could actually bait him,so hard,he's coming to look at me,actually I'm gonna sell this for you uh,what this called,now this is gonna get very very very,interesting a passive heels for,well it doesn't tell me but it heals me,I actually got the goddamn plating,which I didn't want him to,he's not in there pretty sure I've keep,my friend the burst,ing okay,I'm gonna wave clear and just kill him,why not,he's trying to dodge,he dodged it,lots of damage,that doesn't lie down Edge by the way,okay,oh I got a plating oh we actually got it,however the ultimate I guess the cat,what was that,I get I get 80 off my passive it's nice,and then I'm gonna kill him I guess to,explore,I want to kill him that's just so bad,I want my passive on him the heart's,still,so good,oh,you can do it,I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it,it's gonna walk away underneath,oh,I was like yeah my e did not do lunch,Derek did it,damn I even did that much damage,I thought I'd be doing more,oh they also thought he walked away,so I I assumed he would do that,oh I don't have Sunfire this sucks,and then I can uh,maybe this will work is it alt I think,foreign,oh he can kill me now,oh,oh,hey narrow okay okay I wanted to go for,this I'm like oh I did it went in the,worst probably possible because if he,ultimately I can grab it but then it's,like oh the tower's there,so what do I do,I'm actually that was actually so,depressing I'm like oh I can live this,if he else I get my passive and then,it's under Tower and then it gets,awkward oh I'm just like what do I do so,I live there,if the Pod if I would actually killed,him there too if the Pod drops here it,dropped over here in the tower and that,makes me very depressed,interesting instead of losing four,percent Health okay otherwise pretty,well where is he come back to me,all right let's go get that Tower we can,ignore him now I do have some Bonnie's,in there though,yeah Vault I want him to fight me come,on,okay,what that mist okay let's do this let's,do jungle,that mouth like a,you think I can bait him I think I can,bait him here watch this,that was an easy bait,there we go,financially yes awesome that was good,okay let's go here oh Fiddle In The,Middle,fellow in the middle,here,oh they're coming I'm out I hit someone,I'm out now we get Sunfire

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How To Get US TikTok Ad Account - Target Any Location In the World

How To Get US TikTok Ad Account - Target Any Location In the World

what's up guys welcome to another video,in this video i'm going to share with,you how you can create tick-tock ads for,any country in the world so if you are,based in europe and you want to start,advertising on tech talk to people in,the us i'm going to show you exactly how,to get account and surprisingly enough,you do not even need,u.s phone number like more most gurus,tell you to actually get that done on,the other hand if you are based in the,us and you want to start advertising to,uk australia new zealand or wherever,else that video is going to help you get,the accounts you need to do that stay,tuned,welcome back guys welcome to the channel,if you're new here my name is jacob,wikowski and in this channel i document,my journey of starting new dropshipping,stores basically to see if dropshipping,is still alive in 20 and 22. so on the,beginning of this year i decided to,devote most of my time and most of my,money into creating new stores to see,again if it's possible to make money,with drop shipping and to be honest with,you for the first seven months of my,journey i didn't win anything i've lost,over 18 000,probably tested 20 25 different products,nothing worked for me until about four,weeks ago i found first true winning,product that actually brings me,consistent profit and right now i'm,averaging between two to even 500 profit,every single day so this changed a lot,for me now i'm in the phase where i'm,transitioning or scaling,and not only running ads to us-based,customers but now i moved a couple days,ago to uk as well which is doing great,for me but this basically begs the,question,how did i create multiple different,accounts to be able to target multiple,different countries with tiktok because,as you know tick tock only allows you to,target the countries where you are based,or the surrounding countries if you like,however if you're based in europe you,will not be able,by the default to target us-based,customers and vice versa so in this,video i'm going to share with you,exactly how i was able to create,my first us-based account now it's worth,to mention that my very first us-based,account,i didn't create it myself i've actually,paid 50 for it on app work i found one,person who were was basically creating,those accounts and after he created that,account he didn't even needed my,telephone number or he didn't need us,telephone number for to create my,account so,that was pretty interesting to me,because most of gurus on youtube tell,you that you need to have us-based,telephone number and all those different,things to be able to create your account,all i needed to do is to have a vpn and,change my ip to us,and then,basically,go ahead with an email i had and i used,my uk uh telephone number and that,seemed to do the trick so,we're in my computer right now like i,said all you need is vpn and email,address that have not been used with,tiktok yet so,when it comes to vpn i'm using nordvpn,and fun fact you only need it when,creating an account now,after i create the account i've never,used this vpn to login into my account i,logged in from my normal usual,ip address from my internet provider and,i never had any issues so,even if you have to buy a paid version,of nordvpn i think it will cost you,under 10 dollars per month and you only,really need it once you don't need to,keep this subscription to keep logging,into your account so that's what i did,vpn is nord,vpn i'm connected to united states right,now so go ahead and create a new account,so what you need to do is to go to,ticktalk.com forward slash business it,will redirect you to us,page,but you have to have vpn,active and then basically click click on,create new account so this will take you,to a form that you need to fill out with,your details,and again make sure that you have an,email address that have not been used,with tick tock yet,okay so we're on the sign up page so,what you need to do is to just use your,email 123,gmail.com and then from here obviously,choose your password,and then click on send code and this,will send a verification code to this,email address that you have provided so,let's see,all right there's one more step the,verification to see if you're not a,robot,and that's it so let's go ahead,move on to my email and see if we will,received,email from tiktok there it is,go back here,paste,agree to their terms and conditions and,sign up,okay so us is where we want to target,the country that we want to target,industry obviously e-commerce you can,choose any sub-category in here i think,because you will be testing multiple,products anyway so,choose anything business name if you,don't have a business and then i,probably assume that you would be using,your own name,uh right here,okay time zone and telephone number now,i personally left it as a us plus one,code um just to not give tick tock any,i don't know doubt that i'm based in the,uk and then what i did is i simply put,in my,normal uk telephone number here,three oh,there you go and i left th

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How to Spy on TikTok Ads - Free Tiktok Ads Spy Tool (Pipiads Coupon Code: DAYJOBHACKS)

How to Spy on TikTok Ads - Free Tiktok Ads Spy Tool (Pipiads Coupon Code: DAYJOBHACKS)

if you are a digital marketer and you're,running Tick Tock ads today I want to,show you a super easy way to find the,most profitable ads running on Tick Tock,today in any Niche or category and no,we're not going to be using the free,Tick Tock creative library because we,all know that is kind of meh I'm going,to show you a better tool that is free,to use and try and it's going to show,you precisely how to find the best ads,running on Tick Tock and much more,detail about these ads and where they're,leading to and how people are making,money with Tick Tock ads so stay tuned,we're going to go into my computer right,now and I'm going to show you exactly,how to do this,foreign,advertisers today I want to go through,how to find winning ads for a tick tock,ads campaign I started running Tick Tock,ads recently I am an affiliate marketer,I've been running affiliate offers and,you can see I am getting conversions and,I'm really liking the results,so I wanted to find a way to spy but the,problem was is I could not find any,really good ads by using this tick,tock's creative Center as you can see,here they do have a tool that you can,use but the problem is when you view,these top ads they don't give you any,real data about the ads all they show,you is kind of the CTR but really not,really giving you any info you can see,here there's nothing helpful other than,the video itself and the other problem,with Tick Tock creative Center is that,advertisers can opt out of having their,ads shown here so you're only seeing,some ads that luckily made through the,filters for the ones that are really,making a lot of money the smart thing to,do is to hide your ads from everyone,else so they can't see them when they're,doing competitive intelligence so how do,we find Those ads we use a tool like,this called pippy ads you can get a 20,discount at pippy ads using the promo,code day job hacks they reached out to,me and told me about this because I,actually didn't even know about it,recently and so I decided I would give,it a try and I love the tool I didn't,realize how much data they had until I,started using it and it has changed the,game in finding ads that really convert,so I want to show you how it works and,quickly go through it and again there's,a link in the description if you want to,use that link you get a 20 discount and,you can try it for free today I am,running a a campaign now as an affiliate,let's have a look if I'm running,something in diet I can now search the,keyword diet in the keyword ads but I,can also change the filter here to,change who I want to maybe spy on if I,find something good now I'm also,targeting a country so I want to choose,the country I'm targeting because if I,don't I'm going to have literally,hundreds of pages of results here on ads,and then we're going to click on,something here and show you something,really cool here but first let's select,the United States just for fun and now,we can start to scroll down and see more,details about ads,about diet in the United States so now,let's have a look at what we see when we,click on one of these ads and what we,can actually do here to see what's,happening I'm going to pause this you,can watch the video which is a great,thing but what's what else you get to,see here is now you can actually see the,landing page you can download the video,If you're looking to maybe edit some,some video and pull some parts I'm not,saying you should because that'll,probably get you banned you need to just,make your own videos but what I'm saying,is you can pull it down and maybe send,it to one of your your staff or,whoever's managing creating your ads and,saying look this is the video can you,please make something similar or you,know take some of the the things out of,this video and add it into ours so this,is what I like about that now if you,want to click on detail you can see more,details about the ads and what's really,cool that I like about this is you can,start seeing when they're running their,ads all of their ad text and you don't,get this with any other spy tool I've,tried big ad spy and some other one,power ad spy they don't work like this,this is actually a very in-depth tool,and the another cool thing here is you,can actually click ads from the same,Advertiser and now it's just going to,pull up a whole filter on just this guy,probably all under the same account I,don't know how they do it exactly but,I've gone through here and now you can,see all the people that they have doing,their ads and there's multiple pages so,when you start when you start seeing,multiple pages of ads you obviously know,this uh this company is doing well and,you can see ads from the same product,name,as well and again it's going to filter,down and you're going to find all the,ads let's go back to the tick tock ad,search what I've discovered on Tick Tock,ads especially running my own campaigns,is that the use of a landing page isn't,as effective on some of the campaigns,I'm running especially when I

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What Are TIKTOK SPARK Ads? And How To Set Them Up!

What Are TIKTOK SPARK Ads? And How To Set Them Up!

how's it going everybody today in this,video we're going to be talking about,everything tick tock spark ads,now this is a new format that tick tock,just announced as you see july 20th 2021,um and in this video we're going to be,talking about what spark ads are how to,set them up because i know there's a lot,of confusion when they first came out on,how to set these up,and then also i'm going to talk about,why i think everybody should be using,this ad format,right now in your digital marketing,campaigns so let's jump right in into,what exactly a tick tock spark add is,so tick tock defines a spark ad as a,spark ad enables brands to amplify,existing organic videos,that fit into their campaign objectives,okay that's great but what does that,mean,essentially it's taking an organic post,and kind of promoting it in a way that,makes it look even more organic,and not like an ad and here's an example,of what that looks like so i created,this on this demo account on the back,end,i basically took one of my tick tocks,and i made it into a tick tock,spark ad now what makes this different,from a normal tick tock ad,is you'll notice here in this right hand,column that it still is showing,organically from my profile it looks,like it comes from there it's not,showing the logo of the advertiser it's,showing my profile inside of there so,zoco marketing and there's still a,little plus follow button,so if somebody sees this ad they can,still follow me as an influencer even if,another brand is promoting the video,also another benefit is it just looks,completely organic right,um there's a small little ad logo right,here and then a learn more button,where the advertiser can kind of control,where they send the traffic to,but besides that this is a very native,experience and goes right in with the,saying of tick tock's kind of business,model of,don't create ads create tick tocks so,this is the this this is a huge benefit,for any advertiser and,influencer out there because it's a it's,a win-win situation right you can run an,ad that also gets the the influencer,more follows and comes from their,profile but at the same time is,promoting the advertiser's product,so now that we kind of have a lay of the,land of what a tick tock spark ad is,i want to go through how to set that up,now there's two type there's two steps,to setting up a tick tock spark ad,the first one is on the creator's end,they have to go through and authorize,the video,and then give the code over to the,advertiser and then on the advertiser's,end they need to go into the tick tock,business manager and apply that code so,i'm going to show you both those steps,right now here are the steps you take to,create that authorization code if you're,the influencer click the top,right there then you're going to go to,privacy you need to make sure that ad,authorization is turned on after that's,turned on you're going to head back,over to your actual videos select the,video that you want to give,ad authorization to and then you're,going to select the click the three,little dots,and you're going to scroll over till you,see the add settings button,once inside the add settings button,agree to the terms and then turn on add,authorization,this is going to tell you that you can't,delete the video after you've authorized,it as an ad hit ok,and then you want to generate your code,and you can give it a certain,authorization period,and then the last thing is to copy that,code and send it over to whatever,advertiser might be running the app,so now once you have that code whether,it's sent over to email or however you,get it from the influencer now it's the,job of the advertiser to take that code,go into tick tock business manager and,actually set up the ad and here's how,you go about doing that so the first,step is you are going to need a tick,tock business manager account,if you need to just google tick tock,business manager and create that account,there,and then from there you're going to,notice you're going to come to a,dashboard that looks something like,this what we're seeing right now as this,loads over just give me a second here,and inside of this dashboard you're,going to see this assets,tab you're going to come over there and,you're going to go to creative you're,going to assets and then creative,and then once you land on this tab right,here you're going to notice there's a,few different tabs up here and one with,this new little feature for tick tock,spark ads so we're going to click on,spark ads here,and then you'll notice this will show,you all of the authorization codes that,you currently have for your account so,say you're working with 10 different,influencers,and they all sent you over,authorizations code this is where you,would plug all those in,and you could run you could run tests,against which influencer is giving you,the more,most return on ads pen so from here,we're then going to click for you it,might look a little bit different if,it's your first time applying a code but,you

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How To Make Money On TikTok Using ClickBank | Underground Strategy

How To Make Money On TikTok Using ClickBank | Underground Strategy

hey what's going on guys ross mitchell,in the house and today we're going to,see the fastest way to make money on the,clickbank platform this is going to be a,step-by-step video tutorial in which i'm,going to share with you how to make 50,to 100 or more per day in affiliate,commissions on the clickbank platform,this is going to be possible because,we're going to use an underground yet a,very powerful strategy that no one else,is using on tick tock and tick tock for,those of you who are not familiar with,the platform is a video streaming,platform that is trendy right now and,it's getting millions and even billions,of views so this strategy is still in,the blue ocean and the market is not,saturated so there is a huge opportunity,to jump on this right now and this is,how it works we're going to be creating,our videos with a free software or free,website called canva then you copy these,clips and paste them onto tiktok and,finally you collect your money from,clickbank on top of that i'm going to,share with you how to double and even,triple your money on tick tock using qr,codes this is a very underground,strategy no one else is using it so it's,going to be very interesting and if you,see someone else on youtube showing you,this without giving me a credit it means,he or she is a charlatan and it's trying,to scam you so without further ado let's,go ahead i'm going to share my screen,and let's try to make some banks shall,we let's do it all right welcome back,and for those of you who are new to tick,tock just a quick info tick tock is a,video streaming platform where people,upload a short video clips sometimes 10,seconds no more than 60 seconds so,10 15 20 second videos uh in our case,we're going to be uploading 20 second,videos and in here you can see i have,found some videos related to food salads,as you can see this video,this person is just steering their salad,and it has,12.3 million views huge opportunity this,video is just a video of a refrigerator,7.2 million views insane this one is,just someone is chopping broccoli and,boiling them,three point there we go 3.7 million,views and as you can see if i open this,video clip here at the bottom you can,see this video is 10 seconds in length,absolutely perfect for us very easy job,to do now let's start with setting up,the entire system so you can see how we,make money from tick tock first we go to,clickbank this is the place where you're,going to source your affiliate offers if,you're new to clickbank go over to the,right side where it says start here,click start here you're going to see a,survey this is the survey before you,sign up and actually helps clickbank to,determine who you are and how to best uh,help you and provide you with different,marketing materials so fill out this,quiz follow the instructions,fill out the que the questions scroll,down click ok like i said you have to,fill it in,and then,once you sign up once you create your,account you're going to login into your,dashboard and from your dashboard right,here go over to the,upper menu and click marketplace this is,where you're going to find all the,different affiliate offers that you can,promote and make money with them for,today's example i'm going to use an,offer related to keto diet so i have,typed here in the search bar keto diet i,hit the search icon so we can find,offers related to kiro and if i scroll,down we're going to be using this offer,for this example called custom key to,diet it pays us 58 dollars about 60,bucks per conversion meaning today if,you make one conversion you're going to,make 60 bucks so in reality you just,need one person to buy this product and,you're going to be making 60 bucks if i,open this on a new tab let me open it so,we can see how it looks like,there we go a sales page with a video,explaining why people need to go on a,keto diet or if they want to lose weight,or get fit why keto diet is best for,them and then people buy the product and,you get paid is that simple so let's go,back to clickbank like i said,58 dollars per conversion and if we do,the math let's do the math if let's say,0.0001,of let's see these people 900 views 900,000 views click your links and buy the,product how much money you're going to,be making so if i uh pull up my,calculator,let's say from this video of a pizza,this is a pizza video 900 000 people,have seen this video so let's type 900,000 let's say just,one percent or zero point zero zero zero,one percent of these viewers ha click,your links and buy the product how much,money you're going to make so 900 000,views like here,times zero point zero zero zero,one percent,equals ninety,ninety times how much money we're,getting paid fifty,fifty eight so,times,58,equals 5 000 dollars from just one,single video of course this is not going,to happen overnight or in one day it's,going to happen across multiple days and,even weeks but this is the huge,possibility and as you saw i'm very not,generous i'm like 0.0001,of people if they buy in reality a lot

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