tiktok ads comments

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How To See And Manage Your TikTok Ads Comments

whether or not you're new to tick tock,advertising one of the things you,definitely want to know is how to see,and manage your ad comments to be quite,honest it's very easy if you're running,a spark ad because you'll see them under,your post but if you're running a,regular tick tock ad you may have to do,a little bit of digging to be able to,see those comments and you definitely,want to monitor all those nasty comments,you may get when advertising my name is,justin and i'm the founder of voiceover,media an e-commerce marketing agency,specializing in elevating thriving,brands by simplifying e-commerce growth,before we get started make sure to leave,a like subscribe as well as turn on post,notifications to be one of the first to,know about these cutting edge e-commerce,marketing tips post on the channel every,week,so first and foremost what you're going,to want to do is head over to,ads.ticktalk.com or tiktok.com forward,slash business,and then you'll want to log into your,ads manager which you can do so by,clicking the button create now at the,top rights and then logging into your,ads manager once you're logged in you'll,want to go to your ads manager when when,you do so this is pretty much the screen,you're going to be greeted with this is,the tick tock ads manager dashboard so,the first part which is how to access,your comments is going to be very simple,you simply want to hover around assets,and when you're on assets you're going,to see a drop down with comments so,click on that now once you click on that,you're going to be able to see all of,your tick tock comments and then this is,where it get interesting you'd be able,to see the replies that you've made to,any of these comments the block users,the block words etc so what i also want,to spend some time on is not to simply,show you where to access these comments,because that's the easy part that's what,i just,showed you right here even though it,requires a little bit of digging,nonetheless it's pretty easy to get to,it so what else can you do with these,tick tock comments and how can you,monitor and make sure you can almost,automate the process of managing your,comments because the truth is if you,have been advertising for a while or not,you may or may not know that,you'll get a lot of nasty comments,whenever running ads would it be on tech,talk or on facebook so you want to make,sure that you can,moderate these comments and make sure,you only showcase the comments that are,either positive or genuine questions,that you can then use as an opportunity,to reply to that so if you're doing tick,tock then you could reply to these,comments as you know a separate video or,simply reply to them text wise if you're,on facebook and instagram it would be,the same thing essentially you just want,to reply down below under their comment,it shows that not only you're active but,you also care about your audience and,that you're there to answer and respond,back to them so block words is a very,interesting place where it's pretty,straightforward you can just go and add,now and add any words which would be,automatically blocked so any of these,words that would be found below one of,your ads would automatically get flagged,to tick talk and get deleted off of the,comment section at least hidden so that,way nobody else than you would be able,to see that comment so they will not,show publicly and then if you see,somebody repeatedly commenting some bad,stuff on your ads then you can,definitely block a single user so that,way they can never see your ads again or,see any of your posts whatsoever and,lastly is replies which if you find,yourself repeating the same thing over,and over again which some people you,know may ask the same questions about as,an example you know what sizes do you,guys offer with your products or what,models or what colors are available so,then you can add preset replies in this,section so that way you can just pull,from these templates whenever responding,back to any of your comments so let's,send back the tick tock comments right,there and then let's see as an example,there is a comment right here that has,not been addressed so far and that,happened within the past seven days now,the tick tock algorithm is honestly,miles ahead of the facebooks so on,facebook it's much harder to find your,comments it's also much different when,you want to answer your comments because,facebook doesn't really tell you is this,a good or a bad comment you don't really,know right,whereas here first of all it tells you,what is your response so far so okay so,far nobody else basically if you have,multiple team members i can see that,nobody else on my team replied to that,comment or pins or nobody took action on,that comments so okay that's the first,thing then tick tock says is this you,know is the sentiment positive or,negative for that comment it says the,positive comment so okay cool let's take,a look at that in a second then it tells,you does that comment contains a,question no

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok ads comments

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Comment lancer une publicité Tik tok de A-Z (partage d’écran)

Comment lancer une publicité Tik tok de A-Z (partage d’écran)

bonjour à tous et bienvenue dans cette,vidéo aujourd'hui je vais vous partagez,mon écran afin de vous montrer,concrètement comment on va pouvoir,lancer une campagne tik tok à 2 2 0 je,vais également vous montrer sur mon,téléphone de trois éléments afin de vous,montrer comment vous allez pouvoir le,lancer est également j'aimerais vous,dire si c'est bon pour votre business,est ce qu'aujourd'hui vous avez besoin,de tik tok trad alors ce qu'il faut,savoir c'est que ça fait déjà plusieurs,années que je suis sur internet j'ai pu,dépenser des centaines de milliers,d'euros en publicité en ligne facebook,youtube google print et reste également,et en fait quand j'ai découvert tik tok,at je me suis dit ok il faut que j'aille,voix il faut que je il faut que j'aille,tester il faut que je lance des,publicités est aujourd'hui dans cette,vidéo je vais vous montrer comment vous,allez pouvoir à présent vous lancer sur,tik tok a depuis ce que bien entendu il,ya un réel besoin aujourd'hui de,diversifier son trafic parce que de plus,en plus de gens se font bloquer de,facebook de plus en plus de gens ne,comprennent pas youtube google etc et,donc des nouvelles plateformes arrive,comme bin thérèse tik tok etc j'ai déjà,fait des vidéos sur piles intéresse mais,aujourd'hui tic tocade c'est l'avenir,est encore une fois l'avenir est,incertain par rapport à facebook etc,donc regardez bien cette vidéo et vous,verrez si vous en avez besoin et au cas,où vous saurez comment vous lancer sur,cette nouvelle plateforme alors est-ce,que tik tok adse pour votre business et,comment vous lancer alors ce que vous,devez savoir c'est que peu importe la,plateforme publicitaire en fait sur,laquelle vous allez vous lancer tik tok,mines terrestres etc la toute première,chose en fait à faire c'est d'aller sur,la plateforme et de consommer en tant,que consommateur la plate forme quand on,fait des publicités on est producteur,lorsqu'on utilise la plateforme à titre,perso on est consommateur la première,chose à faire en fait et devoir est d'y,aller par vous même de regarder un peu,les codes de la plate forme de voir,qu'est ce que les gens regardent sur la,plateforme as as afin de savoir si une,publicité pour votre business pourrait,en fait s'y prêtait c'est à dire que si,aujourd'hui vous êtes dans la minceur si,vous êtes dans le sport si vous êtes,dans des produits physiques dans des,produits ménagers etc est ce que c'est,pour vous la meilleure manière de le,savoir en fait c'est d'aller sur la,plateforme de regarder de mettre un mot,clé et de consommer tout simplement le,contenu est de voir un petit peu qu est,ce qui se fait déjà et qu'est ce qui,marche déjà donc ce qu'on va faire c'est,qu'on va prendre le téléphone tout,simplement je vais lancer,l'enregistrement de mon écran et je vais,vous montrer donc ce qu'on va faire on,va aller ensemble sur l'application tik,tok had tout simplement voilà donc là je,suis sur l'application tik tok celle que,tout le monde 10 et donc voyez ici c'est,l'accueil ce qu'on va aller faire c'est,que on va aller dans découvrir et moi ce,qui m'intéresse c'est de savoir par,exemple dans mon domaine est-ce que les,gens sur tik tok consomment du contenu,dans mon domaine on va partir du,principe que j'ai envie de lancer un,truc dans le golfe pour l'exemple de,cette vidéo je vais donc ici dans le,tictoc et je vais mettre le mot clé qui,se prêtent à mon business je vais donc,mettre golf juste ici et je vais taper,ici à partir de là en fait vous pouvez,voir déjà si dans votre domaine il y à,beaucoup de vus est ce qu'il y a,beaucoup de demandes des laïques etc et,s'il y en a quels sont les vidéos les,les postes qui fonctionne le mieux ceux,qui ont le plus de vues et c'est donc,ici on peut voir qu'il y en a plusieurs,donc par exemple celle là qu'à 1,4,million de laïcs donc on peut pas voir,les bulles mais on peut voir les laïcs,les partages 28,9 nil et 25500,commentaire,ok donc on peut regarder un petit peu,comment ça à quoi ça ressemble on a,également celle là cinq cent mille cinq,cent mille nike celle ci qui en a 180,12000 etc etc bref en fait on a tout un,tas d'éléments ici qui peuvent nous,donner des informations maintenant ici,on peut voir qu'il y a deux choses qui,sont communs par rapport à ces,différentes publicités enfin ces,différentes vidéos qui ont marché dans,le golfe on voit que celles qui marchent,le mieux c'est celle où il ya une fille,bon on connaît tous tik tok en tout cas,peut-être mais la majorité du temps,quand il ya des filles extra ça marche,mais on voit qu'ici il ya une fille ici,ici également quand tu es une fille ou,alors quand il ya quelque chose de drôle,c'est à dire que là le gars probablement,que ici il fait quelque chose de drôle,et de marans peut-être que ici également,il y a quelque chose de drôle et c est,donc en fait c'est là où vous rendez,compte que par rapport à votre business,déjà regardé si il y à du contenu qui,est proposée sur votre business dans,votre thématique et l'autre chose en,fait qui permet d

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Best Low Budget TikTok Ads Strategy | Shopify 2022

Best Low Budget TikTok Ads Strategy | Shopify 2022

hello everyone it's chase chapel here,and i'm going to be showing you exactly,how to recognize if your campaign is,performing or not on tick tock how to,set up a campaign and how to do it if,you have a low budget for testing so by,the end of this video not only will you,be able to learn how to set up tick tock,ads for 100 or less per day but be able,to truly understand exactly what,strategy works how to get actual,conversions from the get go and be able,to successfully identify winning,creative styles that actually convert so,without wasting any time today let's get,into the training,so with tick-tock ads during the testing,phase if you have under a hundred,dollars per day as a testing budget we,like to actually test three to five,audiences at most so that way you can,truly understand and identify if your,actual ads are going to convert and not,only that we like to actually have only,one or two tick-tock ad creatives for,those campaigns so that way they can,optimize effectively and distribute,budget to one or the other ads that are,actually converting better that way you,don't have to spend a lot of money,trying to figure everything out and you,can have earlier success without having,to spend a lot of money and in fact we,literally do this so many times that,most of our clients actually launch,their campaigns and start seeing,immediate results and in fact right here,what we're looking at is,a few audiences here and literally,within launching this campaign on the,26th within three days this campaign had,already gotten 19 conversions and was,averaging a 2.28 x row s now while that,roads might not sound a lot to you but,this is literally within three days of,launch on tick tock ads getting 19,conversions for less than 100 dollars,per day and immediately it was already,roi positive and very profitable and in,fact once we actually optimize this,campaign over time we're going to be,able to raise that overall return and ad,spend to a three to four to five x roads,and be able to get really consistent,results at scale so we're actually,creating our own budget for ourselves,through this campaign and you can see,here we have audience breakdowns where,we're using an actual open audience,which is just a wide open audience with,no actual targeting and we're allowing,the tiktok algorithm to identify who to,go after for us and then we have other,audiences that we're more specific and,actually guiding the algorithm by giving,it a little bit of data that i can test,with that way it can optimize and get,efficient results and we do that with,interest hashtag audiences where we're,targeting specific hashtags around,videos people are watching on tick tock,and then we have actual interest,categories where that could be you know,actual brands like target or walmart,where we're targeting actual retail,stores where you know other similar,products are located,and then we have another open audience,which is you know actually in a,different country and then we have,interest in hashtag audiences once again,so i'm gonna go ahead and break this,down for you so you can see exactly how,to get results because literally within,launch of this campaign we're paying,less than you know 20 cents an actual,click we're getting cpms for around two,dollars around a cpm and even launching,these actual campaigns and being able to,get conversions within the first three,days so let's actually go through how to,set this up so that way you can launch,this campaign for yourself all right,we're in a brand new ads manager and,what we're gonna do is we're gonna hit,create,and this is actually how you set up the,actual testing campaign and what you're,going to do is you're going to actually,choose conversions if you're optimizing,for purchases if you have an e-commerce,store if you set up the actual tick tock,pixel you're going to want to optimize,for ultimate conversion objective and if,that is purchases then you're going to,want to optimize for purchases so let's,go ahead and name our campaign and we,can name it conversions testing and this,is the conversions testing campaign,where you can literally spend less than,100 per day and start making your money,back immediately that way you can,recycle that cash to actually grow your,overall results and achieve success so,once we have our campaign here what,we're going to do is we're going to,choose placements we're going to choose,tick tock specifically because that's,what our video is optimizing for and,that's where the actual attention is,we're going to choose our location in,our case it's going to be united states,and we have an age limit 18 plus for us,so we're going to choose that age range,so what we're actually going to do is,we're going to choose a specific,audience in the interest initially,we're going to start with going after,the clothing space,men's clothing and then what we're going,to do is we're going to find another,audience in here it could be apparel,pair on clothing,we can choose streetwear where

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How To Create High Converting TikTok Ad Creatives (FREE COURSE)

How To Create High Converting TikTok Ad Creatives (FREE COURSE)

tick tock ads are starting to become,really popular in the digital marketing,community and it only makes sense as to,why so many brands are literally,switching over from facebook ads,snapchat ads youtube ads and literally,going to tick-tock because there's so,many conversions happening on the,platform and with all of that attention,gives you lots of opportunities to be,able to get sales with tick tock and,that's exactly what we're going to be,covering but most brands and businesses,are missing this one key mistake that,they continuously make and i want to be,able to show you exactly what you can do,to be able to get high converting tick,tock ads,what's up y'all it's chase chapel here,your favorite digital marketer and we,literally cover content online and help,some of the biggest brands and creators,in the world that you know and follow be,able to generate successful results,using facebook ads and tick talk ads and,even google ads online,and we literally have hundreds of,students taking our online trainings and,programs where we have 600 plus six and,seven figure earners who have literally,taken our trainings and been able to,scale their actual brand or business,using these platforms and by the way if,you haven't already make sure to like,and subscribe because it truly does help,the algorithm so let's go ahead and get,into this video,all right so we're going to be covering,high converting tick tock ads and we've,literally spent 600 000,on tick tock through testing this far in,the last 90 days on the platform and,literally all of our insights in today's,video are recommendations we're making,purely based off of data none of our,personal opinion is in this video it's,100 backed by the actual science and,data that we see with the testing that,we're actually doing on tick-tock with,our platform and being able to,understand what makes the most sense for,our clients business and being able to,generate them results and through that,we're able to identify what tick-tock,ads are really converting best and be,able to give those insights to you so,that way you can be successful as well,you can quite literally see that the 600,000 that we've spent in this amount of,time has literally generated over 147,million impressions 2 million clicks and,we're literally getting cost per clicks,of 30 cents a click these days that is,far and few between on other platforms,so you can definitely see the,opportunities that you have on tick tock,alone so let's go ahead and go through,some of the ads that actually don't work,on tick tock and what we're seeing so,these are just some examples of tick,tock ads that don't work there's a,common misconception that people have,it's that they're running facebook ads,they're getting good results and then,they want to use the similar content,that they have there on tik-tok because,they think it's just copy and paste and,to be honest with you it's not like that,using images or gifs on your actual,tik-tok ads are not going to increase,your conversions if anything it's,actually going to decrease your,conversion rates and actually raise your,overall cost per cpm,and you know you don't want your actual,tick tocks to look like ads and a big,motto that ticktock has is make tick,tocks not ads and that's the main,premise here you don't want to be,creating content that looks like this,where you have these overlays or these,big call outs of the you know specific,offer and like red you know these red,circles here or having you know the,branding on the side of this those types,of ads just don't work on tick tock,people scroll right past those you want,the content to look native you want it,to feel like user generated content in,fact i'm actually going to be covering,ways you can get ugc later in this video,but specifically right here you want to,make sure to avoid you know templated,content even some of the biggest brands,in the world have fault prone to this,where they actually you know use the,branding and they use these basic videos,and while they get engagements they're,not really resulting in conversions so,if you're really looking to drive actual,sales and increase your actual,conversion rate and get more people to,actually convert from seeing your videos,and feel that they're actually a part of,the brand then you're going to want to,create tick-tock ads that are actually,native on the platform and have these,key conversion metrics driven behind,them and so these are just some examples,of tick-tock ads that do convert you,want to focus on actual vertical video,and fast cut you know jump cut videos,that are you know no longer than one to,three seconds per clip maybe,six seconds at the absolute most we're,actually clipping throughout the video,so that way you can keep people's,attention throughout the actual tick,tock tick tock is very fast-paced and,you want to keep that you know flow,going so people stay engaged and this,allows you to deliver way more,information about your product or,service in a much s

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How To Run TikTok Ads in 2022 - Beginners Tutorial (Complete Guide)

How To Run TikTok Ads in 2022 - Beginners Tutorial (Complete Guide)

today we're going to cover everything tick-tock  ads we're going to go into shopify we're going  ,to link our store we're going to make sure the  pixel is set up properly we're going to make  ,sure that you can get amazing tick-tock results  for those that are new to the channel i'm davey  ,foggerty my shopify stores have done over 400  million dollars in sales in just four years tick  ,tock ads is the new kid on the blog usually we're  heavily reliant on facebook because it's such an  ,incredible marketing tool but lots of people are  getting heaps of success with the new entertaining  ,nature of tick tock ads so it might be perfect  for your brand this video is perfect for beginners  ,we're not going to skip any steps but i'm also  going to go into some advanced things around  ,content because that is so important to make sure  that you make tick tock ads work the first step  ,you're going to want to do is set up your shopify  store if you haven't set up your shopify store  ,just pause the video click the link in my bio and  set it up now we've got one set up through our  ,lemon scrub series so it's got most of the things  ready we're just going to make sure that we set up  ,tiktok properly so the pixel is firing once you're  in shopify the best way to go is go into apps and  ,just write in tiktok simply download the official  tiktok app and click add sales channel this is the  ,exact same as facebook nowadays this will bring  up this little tick tock section down on the left  ,hand store of your shopify store if you don't have  shopify still carry on watching we're going to get  ,into the nitty gritty in a second once this is set  up we can click this section here setting up the  ,pixel the next step you can see that it's saying  connect tick tock for business this is where you  ,need a new tick tock account already have a tick  tock business account you can just click connect  ,but today we're gonna have to create a brand new  one so i'm just gonna click create new at the top  ,enter my email address get the verification code  sent into the verification code here agree to  ,terms and conditions and just click sign up you  can click connect down the bottom right and that's  ,now created an ads manager business manager under  that email we can click create new ad account and  ,we can select the country and the currency that we  want to be built in this is generally the region  ,that you want to be targeting change the business  name to something a little bit simpler click sign  ,up and connect you'll come to this data sharing  section which we've touched on a few times in my  ,previous episodes just click enhanced or maximum  providing you've got the terms and conditions set  ,up for something and then click confirm maximum  is obviously preferred this is how shopify shares  ,data with ticktock this is referred to as capi  which is a partnership between shopify and the  ,advertising platform click set up enter your final  details make sure you connect automatic payment  ,click confirm and you should be ready to go now  to create tick-tock ads we're actually going to  ,have to go back to the tick-tock ads manager so  we can go ads.tichtalk.com you can see that our  ,ad account has already been created to make sure  that we do have the pixel set up properly what i  ,do recommend is going to your website and just  like facebook there's something called tic toc  ,pixel helper and it's a chrome extension that you  can download and check if your pixel is firing  ,on your website if it's not you may need to go  and fix that initially just download the chrome  ,extension and you can see that our tick tock pixel  is set up here shopify set it up for us and it  ,should be firing this is a page view because we're  on a page when you add a product to cart it should  ,fire the add to cart pixel or if someone purchases  you can test a purchase and it will also fire that  ,pixel in the exact right way so now we're in  the tiktok ads account we can go ahead and  ,create our first campaign campaign structures  are really important to talk about it's what  ,separates good advertisers from bad advertisers  that alongside really effective marketing content  ,the basic structure is you have a campaign which  is what objective you are striving for if you've  ,got something like a real estate business  it might be leads you're trying to collect  ,leads but we've got a e-commerce business  so we want to get purchases then you've  ,got the ad set level which is basically the  targeting that you're setting up to complete  ,that campaign objective then finally you've got  your ads that live within each of those ad sets  ,these ads are different creative types that  you think are going to convert your customer  ,so head to campaign when you're in campaign all  you need to do is click create here and you'll set  ,up your first campaign you'll get prompted with  two options you've got simplified mode and custom  ,mode we're going to w

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How to Run TikTok Ads 2022 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)

How to Run TikTok Ads 2022 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)

what's up guys jordan here today we're going to  be going through tiktok ads step by step the a to  ,z everything you need to know to launch your first  ad on the platform today now we're currently using  ,tick tock in our marketing agency the affluent  agency and we're generating a ridiculous amount  ,of new revenue for our clients at the moment using  the platform i cannot wait to bring this to you  ,guys today it's been a long time coming i've got  a presentation ready for you we're going to jump  ,onto it in a second but before we do i want  to announce a quick competition on this video  ,now for every one in 100 people that comment down  below with their goals for running tik tok ads  ,right now i'm going to give you the chance to  win a completely free strategy call with me for  ,an hour where we'll run through anything you want  to run through we break down your strategy how you  ,can increase your revenue how you can increase  your roads on whatever platform you're using  ,we're gonna jump on that call we're gonna make  that happen for you so enter that competition  ,let's get started with this no bs implementable  training but do me a favor stop what you're doing  ,right now whatever it is shut down your tabs take  some notes and pay attention and take action on  ,what you learned today let's get started okay  so tick-tock ads training first of all let's  ,start off with some data we need to understand  the opportunity here now tik tok was the most  ,downloaded app in 2020 with 850 million downloads  okay tiktok has 1.1 billion active users worldwide  ,with 90 of users using the app multiple times per  day so we can get ourselves in front of our ideal  ,customer multiple times a day on average now as  of january 2021 tick tock raked in 128 million in  ,user spending marking an increase of 380 from its  january 2020 revenue so it's growing year on year  ,almost 4x in user revenue now take top ranks  as the second biggest app in consumer spend  ,above youtube disney plus and netflix this  is probably the uh the biggest stat on this  ,screen ranking above youtube and netflix in  consumer spend is absolutely ridiculous so  ,it's a monumental opportunity for people and  businesses to sell their products on the platform  ,how many times have you spoken to someone they've  said ah i found that product on tick tock it's  ,happening a lot these days so let's jump on to how  you can actually make the most of that so this is  ,the tick tock ad structure so at the top we have  tick tocks ad manager then we have ad campaigns  ,we have ad groups we have ad creative and then  landing pages to break these down one by one tick  ,doc ads manager is where you manage your ticktock  advertising account similar to the facebook  ,ad manager now a ad campaign is the foundation  of your ad so we're setting up our advertising  ,objectives and formats we then have ad group which  is target audiences ad placements budget and the  ,bidding then we have the ad creative which is  the text and the video that will appear on our  ,apps what we're physically seeing then finally our  landing page and this is the destination url that  ,we are driving our potential customers too this  is the place where they will actually buy our  ,products or service so when you actually have your  tick tock ad account up and running this is kind  ,of what the format will look like we have our ad  manager at the top we have campaigns beneath that  ,then inside an ad campaign we would have multiple  ad groups so we'll be testing out multiple  ,audiences and inside those audiences we may even  be testing out multiple different ad creatives  ,as well so what are the actual creative the the  creative formats that we can use on tick tock well  ,we have top view on the left hand side here which  is like a full-size video which shows up when we  ,launch the app we don't have brand tank takeover  now these are the most expensive tic toc ads and  ,very large brands use these and again these come  up right at the start of launching the app and it  ,takes over the entire screen then have in feed ads  this is what we're going to be going through today  ,and what most businesses are actually using  to generate the most revenue from tick tock  ,we have branded hashtag challenges so if we  want to launch a challenge on the platform and  ,then finally branded event so we want to have our  own branded stickers on uh on tick tock itself so  ,people can use them when they're creating their  own content but as i said in feed ads it's the  ,ad format we use for our tiktok ad clients  at the affluent agency and we're literally  ,generating hundreds of thousands in new revenue  from infeed ads alone so that's what i'm going to  ,show you today so without further ado let's jump  straight on to the tick tock advertising platform  ,okay so the first thing we're going to do is  go over to ticktock.com forward slash business  ,i'm just going to zoom in here so you can see  every

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This 2023 TikTok Ads Strategy Breaks All the Rules - But Works 10x BETTER

This 2023 TikTok Ads Strategy Breaks All the Rules - But Works 10x BETTER

in this video you'll see for yourself,how to get your Tick Tock ad results to,go from this to more like this by,following a simple to execute five part,formula and breaking one common rule,that most gurus out there are spreading,that actually holds most Tick Tock ads,back there's this misconception out,there but it's total garbage this is,Matt Johnston and he knows what works,with Tick Tock ads he's produced and,overseen over 2 000 video ads that have,generated well over 10 billion video,views and millions of dollars in sales,according to Matt and his data he's,cracked The Tick Tock ad code with this,exact strategy and that's not fluff he,literally 10x disc click-through rates,going from one half a percent all the,way up to five percent and an overall,five times return on ad spend as a,direct result of the strategy and in,under 15 minutes you'll have all the,pieces in place to be able to replicate,his results for yourself so Matt why get,in on Tick Tock ads right now why not,stick with Facebook ads or Instagram or,YouTube Facebook ads definitely still,work but they're getting tougher and,they're really expensive the data is,obviously awful because of iOS 14 and,then the aftermath but also people are,just sort of vacating the platform,Google ads have always been expensive,and YouTube ads are getting quite,expensive so it's cheaper and more,effective when you get in on it earlier,right because Tick Tock will eventually,be there as well but that makes this,moment and probably for the next 18,months or so the moment to get there and,it's sort of like a land grab at this,time but it's a profitable landcraft and,because I know some of you are thinking,it no Tick Tock is not just a way to,advertise to teenagers and people who,still know who the musical guest on SNL,is ladies and gentlemen Megan the,stallion,what the point is tick tocks users are,aging up it might have been true if,people were like it's just the kids but,that's crap now everybody is on it I,just got off a sales call that I booked,through Tick Tock ads and this guy was,50 years old and ready to rock and roll,most of the people that I have closed,from Tick Tock have been over the age of,40. and that's not just Matt's,experience the data backs him up here so,53 percent of tick tock's users are over,30 and that's just going to continue,maturing over time so how can we get,results like you get from ads on Tick,Tock like what's your secret I think,that there's this misconception out,there that the best ad creative should,be native to the platform you know,that's some sort of like general rule,but it's total garbage in fact it needs,to be the opposite if you want to make a,YouTube ad that has the best chance of,converting you probably should shoot it,like a selfie video because the rest of,the content is extremely well shot with,great depth of field and amazing cameras,because that's what everybody's doing on,YouTube so you get the opportunity to,pattern out which is the most important,thing you're going to hear that term a,lot in the rest of this video so let's,just Define it real quick so pattern,interrupts are a scientific concept that,come from neuro-linguistic programming,and it just involves switching up a,repetitive pattern to basically snap,someone out of the days they're in since,most people consume social media,completely zoned out you need to shake,them awake so to speak because it,doesn't matter what you say in your ad,if you don't pattern interrupt nobody,will ever see it so on Tick Tock,everybody came in that was trying out,Tick-Tock ads at the beginning and we're,still at the beginning saying that you,got to make tick tocks you know the best,thing is native so selfie type videos,that look like,ugc for lack of a better term and that's,how you did Tick Tock ads but man that,does not work I mean it may work for,some but in my testing when I was first,trying that regular tick tocks that,simply had Direct response bent edited,in tick tocks shot like tick tocks I was,getting you know like 0.5.6,click-through rates and I could not,break through as soon as I started using,this scripting methodology and some of,the production stuff around it I'm,looking at five percent click-through,rates and I feel so confident in it like,I feel like I've totally corrected at,this point so how do you recommend,shooting these ads if if not like,standard organic tick tocks high,production values not like you'll spend,a bunch of money I'm saying use a good,camera and have like the YouTube,aesthetic you got to think like YouTuber,like get a nice camera or figure out how,to shoot with cinematic mode you know,and like make it look good do stuff like,depth of field lighting and stuff like,that so it's clearly like like a normal,Tick Tock it sticks out in the feed now,to be clear here Matt isn't saying make,it look like an ad either making,something that looks like this or this,is probably the worst thing you could do,so he's only saying that you need to,bump up the qualit

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[TOO EASY] My $15k+ Per Day TikTok Ads Strategy For 2023! - Shopify Dropshipping

[TOO EASY] My $15k+ Per Day TikTok Ads Strategy For 2023! - Shopify Dropshipping

all right guys just gonna do a real,quick refresh check right here,it's too easy,yo what is going on guys this is Boy,Soldier back in the game with a brand,new video 15K plus per day Tick Tock ad,strategy and it is simply too easy now,last year I made another video very,similar to this but this is going on in,current time and exactly what I'm doing,to scale my ads with ease in a,three-step plan so you guys can do this,too so guys make sure to stick around to,the end of the video I'll be doing a,full kind of walk through campaign setup,here,to kick off the New Year I'm going to be,doing a giveaway in the black hat,Discord group I'm gonna be taking one,student I'm gonna be scaling their store,alongside with them setting everything,up as I would my own store so if you,guys are interested in that mentorship,it is going to be absolutely free all,you have to do is be in black hat that's,where we have all the sauce anything,goes and I hope to see you in there soon,so I'm not gonna waste any time here and,we're gonna drop into a Google Docs I'm,pretty much gonna walk you through it,and then I'm actually going to walk you,through the full setup uh and we're,physically going to set up a campaign,together just so you guys can see but,yes so this is the 0 to 15K plus per day,Tick Tock ad strategy things people,always ask me about that I don't cover,too often in my videos let's go over,that one your store set up in back end I,don't pay too much attention to the,store I think what really comes first is,going to be the ads and the ad strategy,that's where I spend most of my time and,what I focus on so three Stepping Stones,before we get into the side do you want,to add on to this document is the,product the store and the creative so I,just want to go over it really fast,these are kind of requirements that you,guys really need to have in order to,have this backbone this consistent,scalability uh and as you will see as,you guys saw in my previous video I was,able to use this backbone and actually,scale it to 100K a day which is very,Advanced it's very extreme over the last,couple weeks I've spent about 500 000 in,ads and I plan on doubling that tripling,that so just these are some things you,can do to your store as well so product,I definitely always will recommend a,saturated product with a lower undercut,offer something where you can uh you,know price out your opponents using such,an offer like free plus shipping on a,very saturated process product that,doesn't cost a lot to supply places you,can find these products where you can,kind of see all the backing costs it's,not PP ads the only spy tool I currently,use and most likely will ever use just,because I like the analysis that it,actually does in current time again we,work in current time now I'm going to be,getting into some free game this is,Mania and it is absolutely free no,credit card required okay I don't think,it's like in my opinion this product,research tool is the best and it's,currently what I've been using a lot,lately and obviously you know the price,factor is huge uh if you guys want you,can go check that down below I do have,an affiliate code if you do plan on,getting like some upgraded features and,things like that but yes you can,literally go and get your first launch,launch you can find winning products,that are generated by AI you get an,analysis of all the ads on the shop how,these ads are performing um and just,different things like that it's,absolutely free go check it out so if,you guys need a link for that is down,below and you guys can get you know a,discount on that as well now when it,comes to the store the SMS bump I,typically use the five minute,abandonment flow and the 45 minute,abandonment flow I don't use emails I,think they're very cost um inefficient I,mean 100 of the traffic is on their,mobile phone along with Tick Tock so it,makes sense it adds up simplify ocu I,just keep re-up selling the same product,after the customer purchases um there's,you're gonna have a guaranteed 15 hit,rate on that so free money free free aov,increase why not and quantity breaks,bundle bear things like that um you know,those are just to wear on the front you,know before they get into checkout,they're able to increase the average,order value as well so these I believe,are Essentials to have on the store and,if I didn't have them I doubt I'd be,profitable in fact I wouldn't be so when,it comes to the creative now you're,going to need a very controlled ugc what,I mean by controlled ugc is something,that focuses directly on the product the,function the offer you can scale it,indefinitely without hitting the wrong,audience in Tick Tock everything does,come down to creative and you are,leveraging that again I don't run pixel,we're fully and only leveraging the,creative so it needs to be good and it,needs to check off all the right boxes,really quick I do want to give a huge,shout out to Celebration as well for the,New Year's you guys are able to get ugc,this is ac

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