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Grafana Explained in Under 5 Minutes ⏲

hey what's up everybody my name is moss,norman and in today's video we're going,to talk about,grafana grafana is an open source web,application for,visualizing data grafana allows you to,build charts graphs and dashboards of,data that you want to visualize,and to understand how grifana works,let's take a look at the typical,architecture,of grafana infrastructure this is a,simple example of how the infrastructure,for grafana might be configured it could,be a lot more complex than that but for,the purposes of explaining,grafana this is sufficient so the first,item in this diagram is the data,producer,and the data producer actually produces,the data that you want to visualize,so it could be something like a jenkins,ci server,it could be a raspberry pi it could be a,virtual machine,in a data center uh or it could be,kubernetes pods,or it could even be something like,sensors uh like sensors,uh around your your house like iot,sensors,any kind of like weather instrumentation,that has sensors on them so you want to,track like weather data as well,that is what the data producer is in,this diagram,and the data source in this diagram is a,database such as prometheus or,influxdb or another database like mysql,for instance,and that database is connected to the,data producer,and depending on the type of database it,will either,pull data from the data producer maybe,it's sensor data so it's,pulling like temperature data or weather,data or the data producer is configured,to,push data to the database so,it depends really on the on the data,source the type of data source in the,case of prometheus for instance,prometheus actually reaches out to the,data producer,and there is a dedicated endpoint for,prometheus to pull data from so,the data producer will aggregate data,and provide it on a particular like http,endpoint url endpoint that prometheus,then scrapes,for uh for data and collects and,stores in its database so depending on,the database the data source may,pull data from the data producer or the,data producer may,push data to the data source now the,grafana server is the front end that,actually visualizes the data,and in order to get the data grafana,queries the data source,and the data source returns the,requested data based on the query,and that data is then displayed on a,grafana dashboard as you can see here,there's really two main categories of,data that's,that's visualized in grafana the first,category is metrics,and the second category is logs an,example of a metric might be,cpu load or current memory usage or the,temperature of,the outside temperature or even the,temperature of like the cpu,or the video card something like that in,contrast logs would look something more,like this where you have a time stamp,logging level whether it's error info,warning or debug,and then more detailed information and,if we look at an example,grafana dashboard this is what grafana,dashboards look like you can,uh they're interactive dashboards of the,data from the data source,and they include things like i mentioned,before it includes memory,cpu the requests,over time so it's a time series uh time,series database here,where we see the the data over time and,it's a very interactive,dashboard if i wanted to zoom in on a,particular time frame i could just,click and drag and it will zoom in on,into that time frame,and it updates all of the dashboard,accordingly this dashboard is an example,of,metrics data but if we wanted to look at,logs we can take a look at a sample,logs panel and then you can see similar,to what i showed you in the,in the previous diagram some sample logs,some sample logs and log entries and a,graph,of a histogram showing the uh,the logging levels so air level logs,warning level and info level grafana has,a lot of features and i'm only showing a,handful of them here,but this video is to just give you a,short overview on what graffana is and,how it works,and if you'd like to see more videos,i'll be producing uh some additional,grafana,videos in the near future if you like,this video please consider throwing a,like on it and subscribing to the,channel for,more grifana related videos and if you,have any questions comments or feedback,please leave them in the comments below,thanks for watching

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Server Monitoring // Prometheus and Grafana Tutorial

Server Monitoring // Prometheus and Grafana Tutorial

hey everyone christian here and in this,video i want to show you my new,monitoring solution with precious and,grafana that i've recently deployed on,my home server you can monitor several,different systems and components with,that like showing cpu memory disk or,network utilization create an excellent,dashboard you can fully customize to,your needs and collect all your server,or application metrics as well it's,incredible and i'm going to show you how,to set up this but first if you're,managing some service in your home lab,or production environments and you want,to authenticate to them securely then,take a look at the sponsor of this video,teleport teleport is an open source,access proxy to securely manage ssh,sessions web applications databases and,even kubernetes clusters and every login,is protected with the two-factor,authentication in an audit logging to,record user sessions and you log users,actions you can install the free,community edition completely self-hosted,at no cost so don't let it try it out,and suppose you want to use teleport,within your business environment in that,case they also offer an enterprise,version with 24 7 support or active,directory integration and much more,features so just reach out to the,teleport team so if you are like me and,you're hosting a lot of stuff in your,own home lab or maybe you have some,production servers running somewhere and,you want to monitor them you know that,this is often a big challenge because,when you have many different,applications services and components you,want to monitor you often need to log,into multiple different web uis where,you need to switch around other systems,and having a centralized monitoring,system is so much better because you can,quickly identify the health of all of,your systems in servers and get notified,when certain thresholds are reached or,track any errors and you have everything,accessible in one single ui that you can,fully customize and you get the overall,visibility of the entire environment and,that's important for every assist or,cloud admin and even in your homeland,because how should you know when,something is going wrong if you're not,monitoring it,so that's really what server monitoring,is all about knowing what's going on and,identify bottlenecks in resources it's,also important to understand that we,have two different monitoring techniques,because we differentiate between locks,and metrics unlocks come in various,forms on linux server for example you,will find many records primarily located,in the var log directory applications,will write their events and output to,log files there for example when you are,running a web server and someone sends a,new web request to it the application,will write in your entry in a log file,with the ip address the url and so on so,logs are tracking events with specific,details about the nature and type of it,so if something suspicious happens on,your system it's always a good idea to,take a look at the log file to recap,what's happening in that particular time,metrics are a bit different and they,also come in different variations so one,metric for example is a counter so every,time someone sends a new web request we,would increase a counter for that and,then we can calculate for example how,many web requests we get in a specific,time frame so metrics are more about,thresholds numbers and statistics such,as cpu and memory utilization or a,counter for the disk read and write,operations for example if you see a low,performance within your server's hard,disk you might just take a look at the,metrics and see if it gets too many,requests in a short time and you might,need to upgrade your hard drive because,you've reached a bottleneck there,without metrics so how should you know,that as i said in the beginning you,probably don't want to do that all,manually for every single application or,every server you're running having a,centralized server where you're,collecting and aggregating all this,information this is exactly what we're,going to do with prometheus,so prometheus is an open source,monitoring system that stores all these,metrics in a giant database and you can,use it to scrape different systems and,collect server or application metrics,but let's take a closer look at its,architecture and how the system really,works first we need to deploy the,prometheus server which pulls the,metrics from different targets so you're,configuring all systems and services you,want to collect metrics from inside the,prometheus configuration file and then,prometheus will initiate the connection,to all configure targets and scrape the,metrics in a specific interval and these,targets are not necessarily physical or,virtual servers because you might want,to collect different metrics for,different applications running on the,same server so therefore a target can,represent a physical device a virtual,server like a linux machine for example,or also just docker daemons kubernetes,clusters and much more promet

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Statistics in Home Assistant with InfluxDB and Grafana

Statistics in Home Assistant with InfluxDB and Grafana

welcome to our next video,in this video we will take you through,setting up influx db in order to store,statistical data from home assistant,along with grafana which lets you create,dashboards to display this data,it can be used to give an overview of,the state of your house and can show,changes over time,first we will set up influxed db,as you can probably guess from the name,this is a database engine that is,installed in addition to your home,assistant database,in order to keep your home assistant,database lean and therefore responsive,there is a limit on the history kept by,home assistant the default is 10 days,it is not recommended to keep older data,in your main home assistant database,therefore we use a separate database,engine to keep this data and we can set,our own retention period without,affecting the performance of homer,system,you can install influx db as an add-on,in home assistant or you can use a,separate database server for simplicity,we will use the add-on,to install go to settings add-ons,and click the add-ons store,scroll down the list and click on influx,db,click on install,when it is installed enable the watchdog,and show in sidebar,click start,it can take a few moments to start up,the database engine,go to the log and check for the word,capacitor in large ascii art,refresh if you don't yet see this,when it's running click on influx db,this will bring you to the influx db,dashboard,the icons on the left of the screen are,the main menu,we are looking for the influx db admin,option,click it,we need to set up a database,click the create database button,when prompted name the database and,click the green tick,the retention policy is set by default,to infinity this will log data without,deletion,if you wish to set a limit click on,autogen and modify it,click on the users tab,click create user,enter a username,and a password,click the green tech,we now need to set up permissions of,this user,move the mouse to none and click the,drop down,select all,then click apply,we now need to tell home assistant to,record data to this new database,click file editor or your editor of,choice,open configuration.yaml,add the following lines to the file,these are also in the description below,change the ip address under host,and the database name and credentials,save the file,we need to reboot home assistant click,on developer tools,click on check configuration to ensure,everything is okay if you get an error,check the configuration.yaml,if all is well click on restart,upon reboot click on influx db,click the explore icon second from the,top,you should see an entry,homeassistant.autogen or similar,click on this,if you can see expandable entries under,measurements and tags then influx db is,now storing data,you can explore data here to confirm,if all is well we can now install,grafana,to do this click settings,add-ons,and add-on store,scroll down and click on grafana,click install,enable the watchdog and show inside bar,click start,check the log to make sure grafana has,started,if all is well click grafana,you'll be presented with the welcome to,grafana dashboard,click on the cog icon and select data,sources,click add data source,from the list select influx db,in the http section enter the url to,access your influx db instance,this will be http colon backslash,backslash followed by your ip,then colon 8086,don't use localhost or the loopback,address if it's hosted on your home,assistant server,scroll down to the influxdb details,section and enter the database name and,credentials,for http method select get,finally click save and test,go back to gravana by clicking the icon,at the top,you are now back at the welcome to,grafana dashboard,this provides links to information to,help you use gravana including help,articles,to remove these click on the panel title,drop down and click remove,click remove again,do this for each panel until you have a,blank dashboard,at the top right click the add panel,button,click add a new panel,this brings you to a query builder,in the from section click select,measurement,we're using a temperature sensor as a,demonstration so we'll select greasy,click the plus after where to select the,device select entity id,click select tag value,then select the temperature sensor,the graph above will refresh with the,data for this sensor,in the select section click the plus,button,select last so we'll always have the,last value of the sensor,we now need to format the chart and,we'll use a section on the right to do,this,first we want to change the panel title,to something meaningful so we know what,the panel represents,the description is optional,the change is updated immediately,for this chart we want the dots to,always be connected to make it clearer,we can change the interpolation a curve,looks more natural for this type of data,we can also modify the legend we'll add,the last recorded value,click save to save the dashboard,give it a name home already exists so,we'll name this home dashboard,w

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Meet Grafana LOKI, a Log Aggregation System for EVERYTHING

Meet Grafana LOKI, a Log Aggregation System for EVERYTHING

over the last couple of weeks i've been,looking for a better logging system i've,used many different logging systems,either at work or at home in my home lab,and having a mix of virtual machines,other devices containers custom code has,made it a little bit challenging to find,the right one and while i thought my,last logging system was the one i was,going to settle on i decided to move to,something else so i've recently switched,over to grafana loki grafana loki is a,scalable highly available multi-tenant,log aggregation system like prometheus,it's designed to be cost-effective and,very easy to operate so there are a lot,of similarities between loki and,prometheus and that's why it's been,coined prometheus but for logs one thing,they share and one thing that's really,awesome is that they both use grafana,now grafana is a way to query and,visualize almost anything which seems,like a great fit for logs as well so if,you're already using grafana or,investigating it loki will fit right in,so how does this work well there are,three parts really to grifana loki first,there's the agent the agent's name is,prom tail and prom tail works in a push,configuration and not a pole,configuration so that means the agent is,going to push logs into loki rather than,query devices and pull it and so this,one or many agents which is pushing logs,will push them into loki itself and loki,is where all of these are stored but,once your logs and data is inside of,loki you can then use grafana to get it,out to query it and to visualize it i,know this might sound a little,complicated and hard to set up but,actually it's surprisingly easy so,that's what we're going to cover today,so first we'll configure loki and get it,up and running so we can accept some,logs then we'll install our agent prom,tail so we can push logs into loki and,then we'll get grafana up and running,and we'll configure the loki plugins so,we can start querying logs and after we,get all this working we'll explore a few,different ways to get logs into our,system we'll talk about scraping logs,from a machine and then we'll talk about,scraping logs from a docker host which,is really awesome because all you have,to do is set it up once and you can,collect all the logs from all of the,containers running on that machine and,it only takes a small amount of config,and then we'll touch briefly on how to,set up a syslog endpoint so you can send,logs from any device that supports this,log and then we'll also touch on how to,send logs from a whole entire kubernetes,cluster but i'll go easy on the,kubernetes i don't want you to fall,asleep and if any of that sounds good to,you don't forget to give this video a,thumbs up and subscribe if you haven't,already and like all of my videos i'll,have a link in the description to my,documentation site where you can copy,and paste all of this config so what do,you need to get started really you just,need a machine that can run docker that,can be a windows pc or a mac or a server,or even a raspberry pi any of these are,fine to run docker to be able to spin,these containers up and if you need help,setting up docker or docker compose,that's also in my documentation so once,you have daca running you'll just want,to make sure it's working by running,docker dash v,see that you're good next make sure,you're inside of a directory,i don't know where else you would be but,just make sure you're in the right one,so we're going to create three,directories one for each of our,containers,so first we're going to do a mkdir prom,tail and that's our agent for our logs,then we'll make a directory for loki,then we'll make a directory for grafana,next we'll want to create a docker,compose file for all three of these,services so we'll do a touch,docker-compose.yml for yaml and then we,can edit this file so what goes in the,file inside of the file goes our loki,stack so now when i say loki stack i'm,referring to prom tail loki and grafana,and here's the configuration that we're,going to use so let's talk about it real,quick so this is a typical docker,compose file we're going to use docker,composes api's version of three then,we're going to create a network called,loki now this is important because all,three of these containers inside of the,stack are going to share this network,name so the first service is called loki,and the image we're going to use is,grafana loki and then we're pinning it,to the latest version then we're going,to create a volume for it so this volume,can be anywhere on this machine that,you're on but i'm saying that mine is in,home slash server admin slash docker,volume slash loki and then we're mapping,that to the inside of that container,that runs,at c loki then we're exposing some ports,3100 on the outside 3100 on the inside,and then we're saying restart unless,stopped and this helps if the container,starts crashing next is a command when,this container starts up and we're,saying dash config.file equals etsy loki,loki dash config.yml now t

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Beautiful Dashboards with Grafana and Prometheus - Monitoring Kubernetes Tutorial

Beautiful Dashboards with Grafana and Prometheus - Monitoring Kubernetes Tutorial

today we're gonna set up grafana and,prometheus to monitor our entire,kubernetes cluster the easiest and,surefire way out there the holy grail of,every kubernetes cluster is getting,beautiful and meaningful charts filled,with glorious,data in grafana grafana is a single,plane of glass to visualize your data,wherever it lives whether that be on,some servers in your home lab some,raspberry pi's in a cluster or even a,kubernetes cluster in the cloud it's,able to do all of this without ingesting,data from some back-end store or locked,away in some database it uses prometheus,which is an open source monitoring and,alerting system to create and store time,series data this data is scraped from,metrics endpoints using the pull model,over http which makes it really easy to,get that data and then it stores them on,the prometheus server from there you can,visualize it with grafana and even set,up alerts using alert manager and that's,where the challenges start it's been,kind of rough setting up prometheus,properly in kubernetes with grafana,there are so many ways to do it and not,to mention how challenging it is to set,up grafana with charts that work look,good and help you visualize meaningful,data well over the last week i've set,out to solve just that i wanted to,create a repeatable way to install and,configure grafana and prometheus and,gather logs from all of my nodes and,workloads and that's when i found the,open source project kube prometheus,stack this helm chart installs a,collection of kubernetes manifests,rifana dashboards and prometheus rules,as well as alert manager rules to,completely monitor your kubernetes,cluster and there's no guesswork,involved i've already created a,configuration that should work on your,cluster that will give you the same data,as i'm able to collect but,before we get started i just wanted to,give a huge thank you to our sponsor the,tree for making today's video possible,how many times have you applied a,kubernetes configuration only to realize,later that it was misconfigured not,configured according to best practices,or just plain wrong these types of,misconfigurations can create engineering,churn and possibly even downtime that's,where the tree can help the tree is an,open source tool that prevents,kubernetes misconfigurations from ever,reaching your kubernetes cluster it does,this by scanning objects against,essentially managed policy this policy,comes with kubernetes best practices,built in but it's flexible enough so,that teams can customize this policy,according to your organization's needs,and a tree isn't just a simple yammel,enter along with yaml validation it does,schema validation as well as checking,against your configured policy the tree,also comes with a fancy dashboard that,is backed by great documentation to help,you fix errors fast it installs in,seconds and can be run from a cli from,coop control in your ci and cd pipeline,and even as a kubernetes admission hook,that can intercept and test kubernetes,manifests even in this last mile to sum,it all up the tree can help prevent,kubernetes misconfigurations from,happening in the first place so help,empower your engineers by installing the,tree today be sure to see the link in,the description to get started with the,tree today to monitor our kubernetes,cluster we're going to need a few things,first of all we're going to need a,kubernetes cluster up and running now if,you need help setting one up i've,created an ansible playbook that does,this automatically for you using ansible,in k3s you'll want to run a command like,coupe control get nodes to make sure,that you can communicate with your,cluster this should return all the nodes,in your cluster now i'm doing this on a,clean kubernetes cluster when i just,spun up with ansible but you can do this,on an existing cluster and it'll work,just fine but if you are going to,install this with k3s and possibly with,my ansible playbook there are some,additional flags you'll need to pass,through to k3s and these additional,arguments are listed right here now i'll,have these in the documentation and you,can find that in the description below,but prometheus will still work if you,don't have these arguments you'll just,have less metrics which means less,charts so you'll want to add all of,these arguments to get the most data,inside of your charts now with k3s you,can re-run and bootstrap this again,using these arguments or you can update,a yaml file and then restart your notes,i'll have that in the documentation too,and if you have no idea what i'm talking,about totally fine you can take care of,this later you just won't have some data,in some of the charts but once you,enable these flags you will so if you're,getting hung up on this don't worry too,much about it and if you need help from,a ui that's totally fine i totally get,it a lot of things are easier to,visualize with a ui than it is in a,terminal i'll be providing the cli way,to do it but i'll also be doing some,stuff in lens l

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Best SIEM Dashboards - Grafana Install and Dashboard Creation

Best SIEM Dashboards - Grafana Install and Dashboard Creation

hey Defenders welcome back in this video,we are going to learn how to take our,raw logs that are being stored within,our Wazoo indexer and beautify them a,little bit and create visualizations and,dashboards that are actually useful to,our sock analysts and that will allow us,to visualize the data in a much more,human friendly way in a way that is,logical and makes sense to us so that we,actually get good insight into what's,going on in our environment so we're,going to take our data from something,that looks like this for example into a,beautiful dashboard that is actually a,value to us and actually gives us the,insight into what is going on within our,environment grafana is going to be the,visualization tool of choice so we will,install grafana we will connect it to,our Wazoo indexer so we can read the,data and then we will actually walk,through how we can build our own,dashboards so stay tuned and let's get,into it alright so for those who want to,follow along I will link the blog posts,in the description below you guys may be,asking you know why are we using grafana,rather than the Wazoo dashboards which,essentially is just the forked version,of Cabana,personally I think Cabana is kind of,slow uh grafana I don't know what it's,doing under the hood that's different,because essentially it's still just,making the same API calls to our Wazoo,indexer that Cabana or the Wazoo,dashboards are doing but grafana just,loads it a hell of a lot faster so in,terms of speed I think grafana blows,Cabana out of the water uh rafana also,allows us,much more customization when it comes to,our panels our widgets and our whole,dashboards kind of overall grafana,allows us to add our own branding and,touch as well with custom HTML and CSS,and in my opinion grafana just allows us,to be so much more flexible we can also,create different organizations within,the within grafana so if you're looking,for a multi-tenant type of approach,grafana is also a perfect solution for,that grafana also gives us much more,unique data sources that we can plug,into so Cabana is very limited to only,being able to read data that's stored,within elastic where grafana allows this,to not only read that data but also,maybe I have data stored in a mySQL,database that I want to load and build,dashboards around maybe I just have a,local CSV file whose data I want to use,to build panels and widgets that will,populate a dashboard and there are so,many possibilities grafana can even plug,into like a German monitoring or Cloud,watch it can plug into influx DB which,we'll get into later for system metric,collection and fun is just much more,versatile when it comes to what data,sources I can plug into which really,makes it great because now I don't have,to I don't have to worry about oh I had,this data in a CSV file but I need to,write that to elastic first so that,Cabana is able to read it and grafana,just supports much more flexibility out,of the box and from a security,perspective you know wow yes we would,love if all of our data was stored in,one common spot uh in the real world,that's usually not going to happen I may,have my security logs right into elastic,maybe my threat Intel is being stored,within a mySQL database maybe I'm,storing computer names and they're,distinguished locations in a CSV file,and rather than having to try to get all,that into elastic I can now we now have,various data sources that graphana can,plug into and that's all just built out,of the box which is really beneficial,when it comes to the security team so,first things first let's go ahead and,actually install grafana grafana is,fairly easy to install in this demo I'm,going to be installing it on a Debian 11,machine so I'll just copy my few,commands here's where we are going to,grab a few prereqs and then we will grab,our the grafana repository and actually,install grafana itself so I'm just going,to copy the series of commands here I,like that Medium updated and now the,code block is actually a lot more user,friendly than it was before I didn't,really like what they were doing before,so shout out to uh to medium that's kind,of nice,all right and so now we have just,installed grafana I am installing the,OSS version of grafana there is a,grafana Enterprise Edition that uh off,the top of my head I don't know what,more advanced features you may get with,the Enterprise if you pay for the the,kind of next tier vysing but everything,that we're going to be doing not only in,this video but throughout the rest of,this series will be is available through,the open source version of grafana All,right so we have grafana installed so,let me go ahead and go into the rafana,directory here and you'll notice a,config grafana.ini file and this is the,file this is our configuration file of,grafana so all of our config changes,will need to go here there are a ton of,settings there are a ton of config,settings we can make within here from,the authentication mechanism whether,it's just a a local authenti

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Configure Grafana With Zabbix Tutorial

Configure Grafana With Zabbix Tutorial

hey guys and welcome to the first video,this year but before we actually start a,video itself I wanted to say a huge,thanks to everybody who watched these,videos who click the like buttons who,subscribe to the channel posted the,comments posted their feedback what they,do like or maybe what they don't like or,want to see a different I really try to,listen to you just because of you in the,last year when I actually started this,channel we managed to achieve already 90,subscribers at this moment when I am,making this video which is I know for me,it's huge I'm super excited about these,numbers I didn't expect that we might,get that many in that short period of,the time I actually didn't expect that,we might have so many people that are,willing to watch zabbix related videos,online but there we go and just to sense,about the future this year I plan to,make more videos of course I will still,be making videos about a zabbix how you,can configure all of the great stuff,step by steps tutorials to make your,life easier hopefully but additionally I,I hope that I will make some videos,about let's say the monitoring idea,itself and it might not be related as,exactly to do sabich's if you are using,some some other monitoring tools it,might be still quite interesting to talk,about some important stuff like what,should you monitor what you need to,monitor how should you figure the,thresholds,how could you escalate the problems or,automate the resolution of those perhaps,about some new stuff of the technology,and some new things that should be,monitored and possible benefits that we,could get out of it so there's really a,lot of information to cover and,hopefully this year we'll have a lot of,videos and a lot of good stuff together,but to continue this one as you already,see on this,today I want to talk about a graph on ax,and if you work with zabbix you should,already know what Griffin is it is a,free open-source you don't need to pay,any money as we already used to it is,just a data visualization tool on the,first place so it is third-party tool,which we will integrate together with,our zabbix instance to visualize already,collected data what's the benefit of the,graph on ax why sometimes and pretty,often it is reasonable to use it,that's the ease and the pretty graphs,that you can get inside here so there,are examples like just Google graph on,ax and you see all of these well that's,the true we are not able to get this,thing's in the zabbix front end,currently the zabbix team is doing their,best to improve all of the data,visualization and I know I think we are,on the correct way like in the 4.0 the,new graph widget is pretty cool I really,like it,but still I must say that this does,looks better and yeah the functionality,is also better in the graph on ax so,that's why I'm still creating a video,how to use it with a zabbix we have a,graph on accom opened and we will use a,couple from here a couple of stuff to,actually install it from my previous,versions I have again a CentOS 7 virtual,machine as zabbix installed here it is,sadok's 4.0.2 maria DB database and yeah,apache I have my front end right here,just one single host I believe sabic,server it is being monitored locally by,agent so now let's install graph on ax,and it's it's really simple no worries,it will take like I don't know less than,5 minutes probably,so what do we need to do let's find,let's click get Gravano here clicking,then there are two options we can run it,on our machine and we will do that,because it's 100% open source we don't,need to pay any money we keep all the,data so it's absolutely secure for us,option number two would be get a graph,on ax as a service provided by graph on,a company you decide this video will be,about how to install and configure it on,your premises so click download button,then since I have a Santa Selena I'm,choosing the Linux then an installation,of them - no Red Hat and CentOS,installation guide there we go and,scroll down,installing via their young repository so,this is what we need and basically we,need to copy/paste this just as it is,copy then go to our CLI then use V I,let's see yum repos D graph on ax dot,repo I am basically creating a new file,I don't have this file right now I for,insert and copy/paste oh the thing that,I copy it from here that's it then,escape save the file,that's it we added a repo off the graph,Anna,now let's yum install grifone ax,let's search for it I'm not sure if we,did everything successfully so yum,search graph Anna and in the end we,should have a graph on a server,available for the installation why is it,taking so many there we go,first of all we need to get to obtain,the key from our newly created repo so,doesn't matter will you write a young,surgeon Ravana or yum install grifone,'you will have the same same output and,yes you need to click yes retrieving the,key from graph on a repo the virtual,machine is very slow there we go,we have agra fauna package available so,yum install graph on

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How To Make Money With Chat GPT (Open AI)

How To Make Money With Chat GPT (Open AI)

chat GPT is taking the World by storm,and people are starting to realize the,true power of AI chat gbt chat GPT it is,blowing my mind literally almost do,anything for you,but for someone with a business mind,like myself the first thing I thought is,how can I use this tool to make money so,in this video what I'm going to do is,give you some great ideas on how you can,use chat GPT a free AI tool to start,making some extra money so that's you,and you're looking to make some extra,cash these are some pretty simple ways,to do it now I've made over 20 million,dollars in my business Revenue not,profit over the last many years and as,crazy as it may sound that number would,be at least double if I had this tool,along the way it's crazy and with more,access comes more competition right if,everybody has this you need to really up,your ante and be on The Cutting Edge,side because there's going to be a lot,more people trying to do this I will,leave a free newsletter it's like one of,four that I'm subscribed to it's the,favorite one I have called synthetic,mind it's just a free newsletter that I,found that goes through AI updates more,practical use case all of that really,cool tool I'll leave a link down below,let's dive in so this is chat gpt's,homepage and this is what the AI looks,like itself we can ask it anything we,want have a conversation it can scrape,the internet for basically all data and,get you accurate answers for just about,anything you want some side hustles I,can start to make some extra money now,it's going to give us a lot of,individual ideas freelancing if you have,a specific skill renting out a spare,room obviously we didn't specify should,these be online side hustles or not the,first side hustle number one in this,video that I want to give to you is,actually using chat GPT for freelance,services so this is like a full,workaround the AI will never tell you,this but freelancing if you have a,specific skill you no longer need the,skill because you have the AI think,about that for a second if you wanted to,write emails it'll do it in a minute if,you wanted to write an essay for,sentence everything is immediate and it,is perfect and there's never a spelling,error you want to write sales copy a,video script you could have it script,videos for marketing for YouTube,whatever so post it on platforms like,freelancer.com upwork Fiverr all these,things make a bunch of posts for script,writing for product descriptions website,design in terms of AD copy video scripts,emails whatever it is writing essays for,school all of that stuff you can do for,free which is absolutely incredible and,you can have immediate delivery so,here's the real strategy if you want the,actual secret you are going to post your,job so cheap on all these platforms,undercut everybody have great,communication deliver it super fast,you're going to build your portfolio I,know Freelancers who make 50 000 a month,they charge a premium you're gonna be,able to get there if you use this tool,but you have a bigger Advantage because,you can do it on not just one skill and,you're not the one fulfilling it an,automated intelligent spot is doing it,for you so you can pretty quickly start,scaling this to five ten fifteen twenty,thousand a month who knows what the,upside is but it's safe to say that,would be a pretty easy side hustle to,get to a few thousand a month just using,a tool like chat GPT now there's a lot,of different ideas on here again renting,out a spare room probably not something,you're going to want to do let's dive,through the selling products online you,can start an online store and sell,products through platforms like eBay and,Etsy and all this stuff okay well it,does Drop Shipping,still work let's go ahead and ask it,starting an online store that's how I,got my start in business done over 20,million bucks with that and a bunch of,other money with other businesses now,Drop Shipping is going to go ahead and,explain what it is as a result the,merchant never sees or handles the,product which is you right it can be a,viable business model but it's important,to do your research and carefully,consider the pros and cons I'm going to,build off for this for you now if you,want to start an online store the,easiest way to do that with the lowest,amount of cost which means the lowest,risk which is what I want you to do you,need to do what's called Tick Tock,organic so as we've all seen Tick Tock,had a meteoric rise to success people's,videos explode left and right all you,really need is a U.S phone number to,create an account with it and you can,then obviously if you're in a different,country I would recommend logging in,through a VPN you're going to have a,us-based account which has a much higher,chance of just absolutely exploding and,you're going to start posting two to,five videos every single day about your,product and you're gonna be like well,Hayden wait a minute sir that right,there is a lot of work welcome to,business my friends okay it's goi

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