tiktok ads for ecommerce

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Tik Tok Ads For Shopify Dropshipping | Learn Tik Tok Ads In 30 Minutes

so tick-tock ads is the new king in town,tick-tock as a social media platform is,the number one platform i'll be in,facebook and instagram by a considerable,amount and that's why it's so important,that you guys know how to use tick-tock,ads,for your drop shipping or e-commerce,businesses hey guys welcome to the,youtube channel my name is camille sidon,is the econ king and in today's video,i'm going to be giving you guys a,completely free,step-by-step tutorial on how to use,tick-tock ads,for your dropshipping or e-commerce,business i'm going to be taking every,single one of you guys from the starting,point of tick tock ads,what products work really well on them,what are the requirements needed,how to actually set up the tick tock ads,platform i'm also going to be showing,you guys how to,launch campaigns how i structure our,campaigns for tick tock ads,i'm gonna be showing you absolutely,everything so after this video you guys,know exactly what you're doing with the,new tiktok ads platform now i'm sure a,lot of you guys are thinking why did you,not bring me this tutorial a lot quicker,the reason why is because i've been,learning tic toc ads now for quite a,while,i've been learning from actually one of,the people i actually taught facebook,ads to,he's actually now teaching me tik tok,ads and he's completely crushing it and,i'll leave some of the results that he's,been able to achieve with tick tock ads,on the screen i have even created a free,google doc sheet with,every single step-by-step following,tutorial and all the links that you're,going to need to make this tutorial as,easy as possible,and once we hit 2 500 likes on this,video i will leave that free google doc,sheet in the description and in the,comment section below now make sure you,get your laptop or your computer because,you're going to want to follow along,with this video because it is going to,be a long tutorial,but it's going to be one of those value,bombs that you guys must have,in your toolkit,quickly go over what the pros and cons,are of using the tick tock ads platform,so you know exactly what you're getting,yourself involved before you commit to,the platform,so the pros are it's a very similar,interface to facebook ads,so if you're somebody that's very very,used to facebook ads which i know a lot,of you guys are,it's a very easy transition over because,the interface how to use the actual,dashboard,the ads manager it literally looks like,a spitting image of facebook,so to be able to move over to this,platform is a lot easier,than moving over to for example youtube,ads moving over to youtube ads and,google ads,from a facebook ads user can be very,very hard so that's why i love this,platform because it's an easy transition,over,now the next pro is it's very easy to,manage so actual,management of the campaigns the ad sets,now tick tock ads call them ad groups,they're very very easy i'll be covering,that a little bit later on,now another pro is it's an unsaturated,advertisement platform which means,you're going to get cheaper results and,cheaper costs,now these are a couple of the biggest,cons that are involved it is an,expensive platform to use and you'll,understand why in the next few moments,and overall the barrier to entry is a,lot higher which means the costs,involved,are higher now there are some teething,issues because it is a new ad platform,there are little teeth and issues that,will happen that will occur,that you might not be used to with other,platforms that are more established but,as long as you're willing to commit to,it then you don't need to really watch,now let me cover what are the best,suited products for this platform,viral products or products that have,been viral have gone viral,that works really really well on tick,tock ads hacking products or products,that can do hacking tools,are really really cool now when i say,hacking tools i don't literally mean,hacks from each computer,i mean that are really really good,products that are hacking so beauty,hacking products that can help get rid,of,if you've got a spot like me right here,and excuse a spot if there's a beauty,product that can help hide that that's a,hacking tool,so stuff like that problem solving,products are very very good on tick tock,and wow factor products as long as your,product falls into one of those,categories,then you're going to have a great,experience on tick tock out now these,are some of the requirements that i'm,going to recommend to you guys before,you commit to this platform which is you,need at least,1 000 to 2 000 as a budget for,this platform now you're going to need,one to three tick tock friendly video,ads,for this platform now with this platform,it's just like facebook,the better the creatives the more,creatives the better you're going to,achieve on this ad platform,but not only that but the videos that,you might use on facebook or youtube,will not work on this platform,the actual engagement the way people,interact with this platform are a lot,diff

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok ads for ecommerce

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TikTok Ads for E-commerce (Step-by-Step) in 2022

TikTok Ads for E-commerce (Step-by-Step) in 2022

in this video you are going to learn how,to set up a tick tock ads campaign to,drive conversions for your ecom store,regardless if you're selling on your own,store or you are doing drop shipping now,tick tock advertising is more important,than ever today,because facebook advertising and,instagram ads have become quite,expensive and they're not as effective,because of the ios 14 change that,recently happened now i have invested,over 75 million dollars of paid social,ads running thousands of campaigns over,the last 10 years working with global,and fortune 500 brands and working with,very large global advertising agencies,so as i show you,the different elements of the tik-tok,ads manager and as i show you how to,build a conversion campaign i'm also,going to give you tips,and best practices that you want to soak,up,make sure to pause this video as you,follow along if the information becomes,too overwhelming and then just come back,to it also lastly before we get started,super important that you watch this,from start to finish because i've seen,advertisers lose as much as eighty,thousand dollars in one single week just,because they clicked on one wrong,placement one wrong setting now that,said let's get started and if you want,to follow along make sure to visit the,link at the top go to,ads.ticktalk.com and before we create a,campaign there are going to be a few,prerequisites now in in i'm not going to,cover all those prerequisites in this,video you should do that on your own,time and that's first of all creating an,ad account,um you want to also create a pixel and,put that on your ecom site or you know,whatever site you're using to drive,conversions,and you're also going to want to set up,a billing method um like a credit card,or a debit card for your business so,this is super important so that you can,follow along but even if you haven't,done so you can still follow along in,this video that said let's get to it,okay so the first thing i want to do is,give you a tour of the ads manager now,the place where you will spend the most,amount of your time is this tab right,here called campaign here you will be,able to see all the different campaigns,that you build,um this ads manager for tick tock is,structured very similar to facebook so,if you're familiar with facebook,advertising you know that you have a,campaign level where you have certain,settings you have an ad group level,where you build your different audiences,and that's where you do you know all of,your targeting and your bids,and then you have an ad level at the,bottom,and your ads live within your ad group,and are also connected back to that,original campaign group so it's very,similar,um not too different but there are,nuances at each one of these stages and,we're going to go through all them,another tab that you might spend some,time in is under assets,specifically with your creatives so you,can see the creatives that you've,uploaded as well as your audiences,this is again very similar to what,you've seen in facebook ads if you're,familiar and towards the end of the,video we'll do a little bit of deep dive,towards that,as you can see here there's already some,metrics,um some some custom columns that you can,actually create so you can see how much,money you're spending you could see what,your average cost per clip,or any other,key performance indicators i imagine,that conversion and the cost per,conversion is going to be super,important to your business,so,should be very familiar if you've done,any facebook advertising now that said,let's go to hit that create button and,see what we have,so there's a few different types,of objectives that you'll see here and,again if you've advertised on facebook,some of them are going to be more,familiar now for 99.9 percent of you,watching this video conversion is going,to be relevant but i want to take a,quick second and just talk about some of,the other objectives and what scenarios,you might use them,so if you were doing brand advertising,um reach campaigns might make sense,because you're just trying to get in,front of as many people as possible if,you're doing ecom sales,not relevant please don't use this,if you have an app and you're trying to,get people to install your app because,you're trying to sell people,on a subscription service app installs,might make sense,um if you have a b2b business and you're,trying to drive leads lead generation,might make sense for your business and,you can collect leads within the,platform very similar to as you've,probably seen with facebook ads,traffic is one that might be relevant to,you as an ecom advertiser especially,when you're starting off because you,might not have a lot of conversion data,on your pixel but again for 99 of you,probably don't want to start there we're,going to start with a conversion,campaign there's very few scenarios,where as an e-com advertiser you want to,run a traffic campaign and that's either,a brand new website or brand new pixel,and you might want

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19 ans et 400 000€ grâce à TikTok ! Il nous dévoile sa stratégie

19 ans et 400 000€ grâce à TikTok ! Il nous dévoile sa stratégie

son but de tik tok c'est ne jamais,montrer deux fois la même vidéo à un,même utilisateur,parce que c'est cher pour l'utilisateur,c'est la dopamine sais je vois des,nouvelles vidéos tout le temps et je,reste accroché à l'application,alors par l'intimé de des stratégies,aujourd'hui donc nous a parlé de tik tok,tu n'as fait quelques teasing par,rapport à tik tok même pas organique,cliquez dans deux mois je fais organique,et donc les super donc pas d'un petit,peu de ça comment tu fais alors en fait,moi ya pas si longtemps que ça donc,c'était cette année même je commençais,un peu à m'intéresser justement à tik,tok mais c'était un peu c'était un peu,en second plan en fait je regardais un,peu et je voyais en fait qu' il y avait,il y avait moyen de faire des vidéos des,vidéos avec qui pouvait devenir virale,en fait donc j'avais commencé avec un,produit j'avais commandé moi quand,j'étais sur paris et à j'avais fait des,creative moi même je n'ai pas fait de,vente mais il y avait des vidéos qu'ils,emile 2002 etc et donc je me sui bat yam,réunion diriger les gens vers un site en,fait ça se faisait déjà à cette époque,là c'est il ya quelques mois donc il ya,plein de gens qui faisait déjà et du,coup j'ai dû commencer à regarder pareil,sur youtube plein de contenus je suis et,où et au fur et à mesure j'ai lancé des,produits comme ça en organique et quand,ça fonctionne quand ç'a fonctionné,pendant que ça prenait donc il y avait,des vidéos qui devenait direct je,relance et les mêmes créa en had où les,claques étaient différentes et même,produit en fait et des fois ça,fonctionnait des fois pas je comprenais,pas trop au début est en fait au fur et,à mesure je suis arrivé à un point où,maintenant je vous lance genre plein,plein de chréa tout le temps j'ai,quelqu'un qu'il est fait pour moi c'est,plus moi mais je paye la personne et,elle fait en fait plein de créa en,organique elle a vu que je suis moi je,suis un marché uk c'est un peu compliqué,de poster quand on est en france sur le,type tokyo klein que certaines,techniques et du coup lui là il a son,lit à son téléphone et ils postent les,créatives en fait directement sur sur,tik tok et je crois il doit faire entre,8 et 10 créative par jour en organique,et ensuite qui fonctionne moi j'essaie,de relancer en est d'accord je pense,qu'on va pouvoir aussi décortiqués en,détail donc tes premiers pas dans le,monde de tik tok ça ressemble à quoi,donc tu découvres la plata en tant,qu'hôte qu'on utilise à terre justement,j'étais vraiment j'avais pas du tout,type tout à fait j'avais l'impression,c'est un peu un truc un peu bête genre,d'accord est bête et méchant et je suis,maintenant je crois j'ai vraiment j'ai,installé très très tard tik tok est en,fait c'est quand j'ai installé que j'ai,commencé à voir des vidéos qui en fait,c'était par rapport au nombre d'abonnés,des gens et les bus qui faisait il ya,des gens ils avaient des abonnés il est,des vidéos il avait fait 30 la vue,etc après j'ai commencé un peu plus tard,à m'intéresser justement à ça et j'ai le,premier truc que j'ai fait moi c'était,comme je dis j'ai lancé une créac'h moi,même j'avais fait avec des lettres que,j'avais acheté sur amazon pour voir si,ça faisait des vues en fait carrément,que tu as acheté des led de l'amazone,tout à fait l'idée de livrer le produit,chez toi ça et à le filmer la vie des,autres quand elle s est plaint,dizaines moi j'ai fait quelques ventes,évidemment ce que j'ai mis le lien lien,dans le sur le contient toc mais ce,n'était pas faux ce que ces deux,classiques et après j'ai fait plein de,trucs ok alors tu as créé un conte,tictoc spéciale pour la boutique pour,produits ou pour c'était pour la,boutique en fait j'ai lancé des produits,qui étaient de la même niche après par,rapport aux led etc c'était un tick tock,que tu as créé en france ouais c'est ça,c'était marché français et quand tu,filmes la créative bas comment tu fais,parce qu'un produit physique peu de,personnes en fait en fait en gros j'ai,regardé beaucoup ce qui ce qui se,faisait déjà sur sortie toc donc il y,avait pas mal de gens quand même qui est,qu'ils aient déjà çà et là en ce moment,c'est en train de 120 quartiers encore,tu t'es inspirer d'autres personnes des,fois je copiais simplement je faisais la,même chose et j'ai vu que c'était,d'écrire après l'enquêté sur la chaîne,us je pense la même chose et je faisais,les mêmes références et comme il ya des,trains etc à suivre je faisais les mêmes,règles mais je le faisais en france et,en fait ça fait ça sauf que ces taux qui,filmait avec l' arrêt avec ta propre,autant propreté les fans en fait,utilisés quels types d'outils pour les,montages qui les jus de pickton que,j'utilisais tik tok et après il ya,quatre ans donc et pas mal aussi il ya,plusieurs trucs qu'il y avait un éditeur,/ sur iphone dont j'en ai testé plein,mais honnêtement je crois que les créa,quand je les ai moi même ça a duré je,crois un mois un mois et demi et après,je commençais justement à déléguer,surfer d'abord je trouve d

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How To Run TikTok Ads in 2022 - Beginners Tutorial (Complete Guide)

How To Run TikTok Ads in 2022 - Beginners Tutorial (Complete Guide)

today we're going to cover everything tick-tock  ads we're going to go into shopify we're going  ,to link our store we're going to make sure the  pixel is set up properly we're going to make  ,sure that you can get amazing tick-tock results  for those that are new to the channel i'm davey  ,foggerty my shopify stores have done over 400  million dollars in sales in just four years tick  ,tock ads is the new kid on the blog usually we're  heavily reliant on facebook because it's such an  ,incredible marketing tool but lots of people are  getting heaps of success with the new entertaining  ,nature of tick tock ads so it might be perfect  for your brand this video is perfect for beginners  ,we're not going to skip any steps but i'm also  going to go into some advanced things around  ,content because that is so important to make sure  that you make tick tock ads work the first step  ,you're going to want to do is set up your shopify  store if you haven't set up your shopify store  ,just pause the video click the link in my bio and  set it up now we've got one set up through our  ,lemon scrub series so it's got most of the things  ready we're just going to make sure that we set up  ,tiktok properly so the pixel is firing once you're  in shopify the best way to go is go into apps and  ,just write in tiktok simply download the official  tiktok app and click add sales channel this is the  ,exact same as facebook nowadays this will bring  up this little tick tock section down on the left  ,hand store of your shopify store if you don't have  shopify still carry on watching we're going to get  ,into the nitty gritty in a second once this is set  up we can click this section here setting up the  ,pixel the next step you can see that it's saying  connect tick tock for business this is where you  ,need a new tick tock account already have a tick  tock business account you can just click connect  ,but today we're gonna have to create a brand new  one so i'm just gonna click create new at the top  ,enter my email address get the verification code  sent into the verification code here agree to  ,terms and conditions and just click sign up you  can click connect down the bottom right and that's  ,now created an ads manager business manager under  that email we can click create new ad account and  ,we can select the country and the currency that we  want to be built in this is generally the region  ,that you want to be targeting change the business  name to something a little bit simpler click sign  ,up and connect you'll come to this data sharing  section which we've touched on a few times in my  ,previous episodes just click enhanced or maximum  providing you've got the terms and conditions set  ,up for something and then click confirm maximum  is obviously preferred this is how shopify shares  ,data with ticktock this is referred to as capi  which is a partnership between shopify and the  ,advertising platform click set up enter your final  details make sure you connect automatic payment  ,click confirm and you should be ready to go now  to create tick-tock ads we're actually going to  ,have to go back to the tick-tock ads manager so  we can go ads.tichtalk.com you can see that our  ,ad account has already been created to make sure  that we do have the pixel set up properly what i  ,do recommend is going to your website and just  like facebook there's something called tic toc  ,pixel helper and it's a chrome extension that you  can download and check if your pixel is firing  ,on your website if it's not you may need to go  and fix that initially just download the chrome  ,extension and you can see that our tick tock pixel  is set up here shopify set it up for us and it  ,should be firing this is a page view because we're  on a page when you add a product to cart it should  ,fire the add to cart pixel or if someone purchases  you can test a purchase and it will also fire that  ,pixel in the exact right way so now we're in  the tiktok ads account we can go ahead and  ,create our first campaign campaign structures  are really important to talk about it's what  ,separates good advertisers from bad advertisers  that alongside really effective marketing content  ,the basic structure is you have a campaign which  is what objective you are striving for if you've  ,got something like a real estate business  it might be leads you're trying to collect  ,leads but we've got a e-commerce business  so we want to get purchases then you've  ,got the ad set level which is basically the  targeting that you're setting up to complete  ,that campaign objective then finally you've got  your ads that live within each of those ad sets  ,these ads are different creative types that  you think are going to convert your customer  ,so head to campaign when you're in campaign all  you need to do is click create here and you'll set  ,up your first campaign you'll get prompted with  two options you've got simplified mode and custom  ,mode we're going to w

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TikTok Ads Tutorial Shopify Dropshipping ($0 to $100k Month)

TikTok Ads Tutorial Shopify Dropshipping ($0 to $100k Month)

so whether you like it or not tic toc,ads have been crushing in the ecom space,lately with not only the paid marketing,side but also the organic side,especially with facebook bands getting,out of hand high cpms and high cost per,clicks tick-tock seems to be the,all-around solution and in this video,i'm going to show you exactly how i,start and run my tick tock ad campaigns,to get sales like you hear in the,background so over the past few months,i've generated quite a lot with tic toc,in terms of revenue and in profit and,this is just one of the stores i'm,currently running and you guys can see,the active visitors we have 1.1 k as,well as 30 000,in sales just for today and here's also,one of the other stores we did around,60k in november and going on into,december we pulled out around 130 000,and this was all about around a 30,margin overall so if you ask me that's,not bad at all this right here is the,store that i pulled off 30 000 just for,today's sales in and you guys can see,the tick tock ads manager we have quite,a lot of campaigns because this product,definitely is in the scaling phase but,putting all this aside let's get right,into the tutorial the first thing you're,required to do is create an actual,account you guys can use the link below,and for the business name we're just,going to pretty much put our business,name i'm just going to put subscribe now,because that's what i recommend you,highly do right now if you're not,already for the industry we're going to,go ahead and put e-commerce and scroll,down all the way to other right here now,for the time zone i'm gonna put los,angeles now this one will defer you want,to put your time zone of course then go,ahead and check this box right here and,click register now after this you should,be taken to a page that looks something,like this so right here you're just,going to fill out your business website,put in your address and all that,information that's going to ask you for,a credit card and all that but once,you're filling all that out you should,land on a page like this so this is an,existing ad account i have obviously,we're going to want to go ahead and,select conversions right here and then,for the campaign name you're going to,put whatever the product name is but i'm,just going to put one for the sake of,this video and then you don't want to,touch any of these these are for,different strategies and actually do use,these options but we're not going to do,that in this case specifically so we're,gonna hit continue right here and once,we are on this page the ad group name is,basically the interest name so whatever,you target let's say you target dog,owners or cat lovers you're gonna put,cat lovers or dog owners or whatever,interest you target but for tick tock,specifically i like to go broad so i'm,going to leave this as broad and then,i'll show you guys how to target,interests later down the line so for the,website we're going to want to create a,tick tock pixel i already have two,pixels right here but if you created a,new ad account you won't have a pixel so,we're going to want to create one and in,order to do that you just want to click,that button click set up web events or,create pixel tick tock pixel click next,and you want to name your pixel i'm,going to put three and then click this,second option right here click shopify,click next and you should be taken to a,different page where you're just going,to spam next a bunch of times so,complete setup and we should be good to,go now in order to install this you can,actually get an app called tick tock on,the shopify app store and then just,pretty much log in with your tick tock,account details now personally on some,of my stores i don't even install pixels,and i just go based off of different,metrics like the ctr cpm cost per click,but if you want to install a pixel you,guys can pretty much do it through,shopify or by installing it with code so,now once our pixel is set up you guys,can go back to the tick tock page right,here open this up and we have our third,pixel that we just created right here,for the optimization of that we want to,click complete payment we don't want any,other people who just go to our site to,add to cart or view the content we want,actual purchasers hence why we choose,this option right here now we want to,scroll down right here and click select,payments and uncheck these two random,ones i mean we don't need panel or news,feed app series we want tick tock that's,where the money is at at the end of the,day for user comments we're going to,turn this off and then for video,download we're going to turn this off as,well now for this option be aware people,can still download your videos so you,want to make sure that you add a,watermark on all your videos before,uploading them or creative type there is,some strategies i use which include this,checked but for this specific testing,strategy we're not going to have this,checked right now so scroll down and for,the location i always start

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$100K TikTok Ads Strategy For Shopify Dropshipping In 2022 | In 30 Minutes

$100K TikTok Ads Strategy For Shopify Dropshipping In 2022 | In 30 Minutes

this is my brand new 100 000 tik tok ad,strategy for 2022. hey guys welcome to,the youtube channel my name's camille,sutton is the ecom king and in today's,video i'm going to be teaching you guys,my brand new 2022,100 000 tick tock ad strategy that we're,currently using in our shopify drop,shipping stores now this video is gonna,be a complete step-by-step tutorial and,i'm gonna start off by teaching you guys,the best account structure for the best,success possible on the tick tock,advertisement platform and then i'm,gonna be teaching you guys my testing,strategy and i'm going to be giving you,two different testing strategies i'm,currently using right now then i'm going,to be teaching you guys how to audit,your running ads once you've set them up,in terms of what things need to be,turned off what needs to be scaled and,talking about scaling i'm going to be,teaching you two new scaling strategies,that we're currently using and the most,important part of this strategy is about,getting consistent results with,tick-tock ads because that's where most,people fall short when running tick tock,ads they're not able to get consistent,results and with this strategy it's,designed to keep consistency with your,ads then i'm going to be going over how,to make your campaign spend if they're,not spending now a lot of people are,suffering from setting up tick tock ads,but they're not spending and i'm going,to be teaching you six methods that,we're using right now if our campaigns,ain't spending now i know that's gonna,be a lot of information to go over today,and that's why i've created a free,google doc sheet that's gonna go over,all the step-by-step processes that i'm,gonna be showing you and teaching you,today so once we hit 2000 likes on this,video it will be in the pin comment and,in the description below now make sure,you join the free telegram group and it,will be linked in the description,because that's where we talk about,different topics that's where we answer,your questions and that's where you can,network with other drop shippers,now before we can get into creating some,campaigns and ads we need to go over the,best tiktok account structure so you're,gonna set yourself up for success now,you need to be able to target the usa in,canada and this will be an issue if,you're outside of the us or canada now,if you're in the usa this won't be an,issue but if you're outside of the usa,you won't be able to target the us and,canada because at the moment tick tock,won't let you and the reason why that's,a problem is because the best countries,to target on tick tock in my opinion are,the us and canada together now the best,way to get around this issue is by,getting an agency tick tock addicon and,this is the most preferred way to do so,because you get loads of benefits by,having an agency ad account like you get,to target all the countries that you're,outside of so let's say for example like,myself i'm in the uk but i'm able to,target the us with an agency ad account,you also get things like better support,less ad account ban so overall it's,better to have now in terms of getting a,tick tock agency account it's not as,simple and easy as just clicking one,button you do need to go to things like,reddit forums you do need to go to,websites you do need to go to discussion,groups to try and find them people will,basically rent them out to you so this,is how it basically works people will,rent you their tick tock ad account and,how it works is they'll normally charge,you a percent of the revenue or the,spend that you're spending on the,accounts now for example let's say you,spend a hundred thousand dollars or,let's say for example you make a hundred,thousand dollars they might want to take,between one and two percent now some,other companies will charge you a fee,for example that could be 500 up to 3,000 a month now for me personally i am,on an agency tick tock account and i'm,given the person that i'm getting it,from one percent of the revenue that i'm,currently generating and like i said to,you guys before in terms of finding,these you will need to do some,networking and things like discord,groups telegram groups you will need to,be looking on websites like black hat,seo to try and find companies that will,let you rent them now the second option,is by getting a vpn and i'd recommend,nordvpn and i'm not sponsored by them,and changing your ip address to a us ip,address and then getting a toll usa,number which converts your current,number into a usa number and it costs,like 10 to 20 dollars sometimes they do,free offers as well and then once you've,done that sign up to a tick tock,business manager and put in on your,nordvpn usa before you go to the website,once you're on the us ip address then go,to the website then fill out the,information and put in your toll number,which will be the us number and then,once you've done that now this isn't,working for everyone this does work for,some people once you've done that when,it comes to topp

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FULL TikTok Ads Strategy (COPY THIS)

FULL TikTok Ads Strategy (COPY THIS)

in the past 30 days i've brought this,e-commerce store to well over 10,thousand dollars per day using only,tick-tock ads now i think i've only said,this once in my youtube career which is,this is a video you need to watch all,the way through because it's basically,going to serve as a mini course giving,you a framework for any sort of,e-commerce business if you want to run,tick tock ads the right way i'm,currently spending about 200 000 a month,between two of my main brands and i've,been doing that for a while so if you,want the full breakdown at scale a level,that most people who teach on youtube,are not at themselves this is gonna give,you some of those strategies and a,little bit of insight into the ad,account i'm gonna actually show you,inside of it now if you stick through,this video i'm also gonna give you two,winning products and all the targeting,for it the pricing options the sourcing,costs the offer style everything that,you can do to launch it today but first,a quick story my tick tock ad account,was hacked somehow we're still trying to,work it out with tic toc somebody,scheduled 100 000 per day worth of ads,to run to their store some separate,random chinese store selling a t-shirt i,know now it's a little weird to say but,thankfully it only spent forty two,thousand dollars it could have been much,worse and that was in a six hour block,where a surprise surprise i wasn't at my,computer i don't know what i was,thinking golfing on a thursday but it,costed me 42 grand so i've definitely,got a crazy story coming for that once,it's resolved but that's not going to,stop me from moving forward in the,meantime so before i jump in and screen,record through here i just want to let,you know about the giveaway we do in,every video all you got to do is like,subscribe and comment below get entered,to win a free e-commerce course a free,custom built shopify store as well as,some cash in every single video let's,jump in so again this is one of those,must-watch videos i'm not saying that is,click bait or some weird stuff this is,just so much value took me a long time,to put this together so please drop a,like below and a pro tip play this at,1.5 x speed or 1.75 i know i talk fast,but i listen all my stuff on a faster,pace alright so my ad just on this one,main brand this is the one that got,hacked spending about five thousand,dollars per day this ad account is 47,roughly under tracking so about half so,for example if you see a cost per,purchase for you know 36 dollars in,reality it's about 18 because right half,of that so everything is doubled and,that's just because of some mistracking,issues we got a lot of different stuff,running here there's a lot of money,scheduled to be spent it just depends on,what's going on this kind of like the,last week timeline that you're looking,at here with probably 20 something,thousand dollars spent now to give you a,visual on top of that i know i already,showed you this is the month so far,built it from it's like 1500 a day kind,of hanging out towards the end of last,month and now it's consistently over 10,000 really between ten and thirteen,thousand dollars a day um it hasn't been,below about twelve thousand in the last,like week so that's great we'll ship,over four thousand orders this month and,probably about ten thousand next month,at least that's assuming no scale and,i'm continuing to scale so i'd like to,see this at about twenty thousand,dollars a day by the end of next month,and again that's only using tick tock,ads with the exact strategies that we,teach inside of our tick tock ad,blueprint which you can find links below,the test group for that just opened up,depending on when you watch us it might,be closed but we'll be opening to the,public shortly so here's three things,you absolutely need if you want to start,this and i'm just gonna give them to you,in this video okay number one is having,the right product i'm gonna give you two,full examples breakdowns of everything,the right ad strategy this is my,favorite topic so you know we're gonna,talk about it again our tick tock ad,blueprint just opened absolutely epic,the feedback's been incredible so far,thank you to everybody in the test group,number three the framework for your mind,this is arguably more important because,it is the groundwork that you have to,lay it sounds a little cliche but oh my,gosh this will make the world of,difference once you nail this down and,again more to come at the end of this,video i will talk about that in the last,slide product number one this thing is,so cool for a lot of reasons i'm going,to talk about the pricing that's why i,really like it but it's a digital lock,and it looks like a normal door handle,most locks that go on like a bedroom,door or something they're all big and,bulky and they got like a keypad and,stuff this you slide your thumb across,the digital screen and the numbers,appear or you can use the thumbprint so,super cool it's unique like that it's a,little more modern and

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The BEST TikTok Ads Scaling Strategy For Ecommerce

The BEST TikTok Ads Scaling Strategy For Ecommerce

oh good news you've been running tick,tock ads and you're actually successful,with your campaigns and now you want to,scale right you're bringing some pretty,good results at a small scale you have,somewhat of a decent budget and you want,to keep increasing it because you want,to make some more profits so with that,said in today's video i'll be showing,you a tick tock ads scaling strategy,that you can implement with your brand,starting today,so looking at the screen right now,basically the first thing you want to,ask yourself is does your ad set have,over 50 conversions so if that's the,case then that's a good thing you are in,a position to scale essentially if you,look within the last seven days does,this ad set have at least 50 conversions,so the answer is yes cool you can move,forward if not you're not ready to scale,meaning you don't have enough volume,currently with your ad set or with your,ads just to know whether or not this is,going to be worth scaling so,if the answer is yes is your cost for,acquisition below your target for the,last four days meaning let's just say,you know that your breakeven ross is,somewhere along the lines of three x row,s so with that said your average order,value is somewhere along the lines of 60,dollars so meaning your target cost per,acquisition is going to be 20,why because you just go essentially 60,aov,divided by your 3x row ass goal right,there which is going to equal your 20,cpa so this is your target so if we go,back to the graphic actually is your,target cpa below your target for the,last four days so meaning in this case,is your target cpa below 20 if that's,the case yes cool you can move forward,if you're like 21 and 22 then i would,say it's up to you right it's up to you,to decide if whether or not you feel,comfortable moving forward use your,judgment but nonetheless you should at,least aim to be right around your target,cpa okay so has it been less yes it's,been less for the last four days cool,let me move forward so do i want to,scale aggressively meaning do i really,want to scale hard,right now or am i a little bit,conservative and do i want to scale on a,slower pace if you don't want to sell,aggressively if you want to go a little,slower then essentially i would say,increase the budget of your ad set by 50,let's say the ad set has currently been,at somewhere along the lines of 100 a,day then increase it by 50,now i would say keep asking yourself,that same question so every week or so,right every about five to seven day,period do you want to scale aggressively,right there might come a point where you,keep increasing the budget of a singular,ad set and you really want to go hard,this time so if that's the case or if,you just want to scale hard from the,start then listen to this so what you're,going to do is scale horizontally,horizontal scaling is the best way to,scale right now on tick tock so vertical,scaling is not the best so if you're,looking at the bottom scenario where i'm,telling you to increase your budget by,50,doing that over and over and over again,won't be the best for your brand there's,gonna be a cap at some point where you,probably don't want to scale past a,certain point right where asset gets to,a point where it's daily budget is,around 500 or so a day you probably want,to actually start duplicating it and,scale horizontally rather than go,vertical scaling with these ad sets so,if you want to see a little harder you,want to duplicate that asset then you,want to launch with a higher budget and,optimized audience meeting you remove,basically you consolidate your targeting,and if there's any audiences that you,had included within your targeting but,don't really convert just keep it simple,stupid now here's this thing something,that's also working very well on tiktok,right now is not only to scale,horizontally but scaling vertically with,your ads meaning that added creatives,that perform very well you want to throw,as much span as possible onto these ad,creatives so there's a couple ways for,you to do that but the way i'm going to,actually recommend you do is that you,actually duplicate your ad set so you,basically have another ad set you remove,any of their creatives besides the one,that really performs the best and you,scale horizontally this way by basically,stacking spent for a singular added,creative so either you go that way you,could also try to scale vertically that,way so you duplicate that same asset and,then you kill all the creatives besides,the one who really performs well and,then you increase the spend on that,singular ad set again that could be an,idea i would say there's no right or,wrong in that situation try both and see,which one works best for you and that's,pretty much it you want to rinse and,repeat from there from what i'm seeing,essentially online we haven't actually,reached that point when any of the,client accounts yet but it seems like,the cap on tick tock is somewhere along,the lines of 20k per day in ad spend it,seems

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