Find TikTok trending sounds for business account fast! EASY SHORTCUT
if you have less than a thousand,followers on tick tock you may have,heard that you can get that,all-important link in bio right away,with a business account,true you might have also heard that you,can't use trending sounds in a business,account,not true but you can't use all the,trending sounds and figuring out which,ones you can use that are going to help,make your video go,viral can be tricky but i've discovered,a little shortcut that will make it,quick,and easy for you to make videos on tick,tock business,hey everyone i'm tiffany and i have a,couple of youtube channels which brings,me to tick tock because in 2021,i think that tick tock is a great way to,drive traffic to your youtube channel or,your business website or anything else,you got going on it's powerful right now,and you still have a chance to grow,fast recently i started a tick tock,account for a youtube,channel a home improvement channel that,i run with my husband,and we thought let's do a corresponding,tick tock account so i have some,experience here going back and forth,between creator and business,i actually went deep on creator versus,business in a video that,i'll link to up here and down there if,you want to check that out so before we,get into,my easy little way to find trending,sounds to use on your tick tock business,account let's just kind of get the lay,of the land here there are,three different types of accounts on,tick tock there's personal which is your,default as soon as you sign up for tick,tock you're going to have a personal,account and if you're just using it to,consume entertainment,that's great that's probably all you,need but if you're a creator,and you're interested in the analytics,you want to promote your business,then you're probably going to want to,bump up to a professional account,and there are two different types of,professional accounts one's a creator,account,and one's a business account the creator,is a lot more fun it has,all the trending sounds with the,business account you can get a,link in your bio right away you don't,have to wait to a thousand followers,like you do in creator but,business has less of those trending,sounds and they're kind of a hassle to,find,so if you're anything like me you,probably want the best of both worlds,right,and you can have it i'm speaking to the,people who have,less than a thousand followers maybe,you're on personal,maybe you're on creator but you want to,go over to business so you can get that,all important link in your profile and,then you want to be able to use trending,sounds,so you can get those views and get those,followers and get the heck,out of there so to show you how it all,looks and walk you through,this shortcut of mine let's jump right,into my computer okay,so here we are in a tick tock account of,mine that i've pretty much,abandoned i started it a few months ago,and made barely any posts i have barely,any followers and,then i got really busy on a bunch of,other stuff,it's a kind of a classic example of,if you chase two rabbits you will catch,none that's the expression my youtube,mentor,sean cannell loves to say all the time,and i gotta say he's right so,i moved on away from this but i'm gonna,use it today for the sake,of my example oh and if you're,interested in learning more about,sean cannell's video ranking academy,i've got a link to that,below so check it out if you're,interested in bringing your youtube,channel to the next level but meanwhile,back,to tick tock i am in the personal,account,and i'll go up to these three little,dots,on the right hand corner and then next i,will click,on manage account now here it shows you,just one choice pro account sounds kind,of,intimidating also sounds like it might,cost you something but don't worry,it's free and you're not committing yet,click the arrow and go to the next page,and then you will see you have two,choices here,one is creator and a lot of you might be,on creator,i was actually using the clear mind,account,on creator but i switched back to,personal for,the purpose of this example in creator,if you're not familiar with it it sounds,pretty appropriate for most of us,but we're not going to do that because,we are,laser focused on business because that's,what gets you that lincoln bio right,away,it sounds pretty high level best for,brands,retailers organizations and service,providers,well my little old meditation,channel is none of those but it doesn't,matter i click,next and we've got lots of options,meditation is i i think it's health and,wellness so,i'll select that next and then,look at that it was as easy as that,and because i had already entered my,website before now it's,automatically populating in,my profile amazing right so now,i can head right on over to the business,website,which in the rabbit department i haven't,been able to market or promote very much,but here it is my meditation shop that,sells,meditation inspiration clothing,small items i have a direct link,now from tick tock heading right to the,b
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How To Upload Music To TikTok
How To Upload Music To TikTok
how to get your music on tick tock i'm,on tick tock here i have my profile,everyone's posting music how do i get my,music how to get your music,on tick tock i'm going to show you,exactly how to do this my name is,charles clayne i'm also an indie,musician i have my own music on tick,tock and,this channel is about music production,and music marketing so we teach you how,to,write songs and make songs produce songs,and i'll just show you,how i'm producing my music how i'm,making my music and how i'm marketing my,music so if you like that kind of stuff,feel free to subscribe,let's go get our music on tick tock,today and i'll show you,exactly how to do this there are a,couple ways we can do this on tick tock,one we can just,upload it like how you would upload any,other sound,and then you can have your music on tick,tock and someone can use,that sound that's super easy to do and,we're going to show you that now,but also the more official way if you,want your,song catalog like in the music search in,tik tok,i'm going to show you how to do that too,so let's do these both ways right now do,the first way which is the easier way,and the fastest way,tic tocs functionality means that,whatever song,or sound you upload with any video,someone can go and use that sound,so for example let's say this song i,have better right,now this is an official song i have on,tick tock however i have the file on my,computer better so i can just go and,make a video,with my phone whatever and have that,song in the background then once i,publish that to tick tock someone can go,and just use,that sound from this video so let's do,that now so in order to do this i would,recommend,filming on your phone or whatever we're,going to go to,here i am right now you can see me,talking and i'm going to go to upload,here are all my videos obviously you,know how to do this just find the video,that you made on your phone,with the sound you want to share click,that video,upload it then post it to tick tock now,when that video is on tick tock we can,use that sound so this is a video of,mine,you can see it has the original badge,here that means i was the first person,that uploaded that sound,i can click on the video and you can see,in the bottom right here i can do,use sound and now i'm seeing my face,again and i can create a video,with that exact sound that was yours,used in my first video,and then that's how sounds can go viral,if you have a really cool video that's,funny or memorable or whatever,that has the potential to go viral then,some people are just going to use your,sound,so technically tick tock is a music,distributor in its own way,where you can upload your music for free,to tick-tock you don't necessarily have,to use a music distributor,which we'll do next by the way but you,don't actually,have to use a music distributor you can,just upload your music for free to,tick-tock,and try to get some virality going that,people will use your sound so that's the,first way,free and easy make a video with your,sound and then,make that sound shareable so people can,use that sound in their videos the,second way on how to upload our music to,tick tock,involves using a music distributor and a,music distributor is just the middle man,between you and tik tok,so it's a company you may have heard,some of these companies before some of,them are distro kid tombcore,cd baby there's some other free ones,there's paid ones there's a lot of music,distributors not to get bogged down with,all these music distributors but what,you need to know is,the music distributor is the middleman,between you and tiktok and they're going,to get your music officially indexed to,tick-tock,so when you go to tick-tock and search,your music your official songs will be,there,and yes people can go and use those,songs and listen to your songs,the same way as we did in the first one,i fall back on two distributors tombcore,and distrokid they're just the ones i'm,comfortable with and the,and the easiest to use so if you're,interested there are two,discount links for tunecore and district,in this description,you can use those if you like but you,don't have to so i'll quickly walk,through how to get your music on tick,tock with using tunecore and then,distrokid,it's really not that simple we can do it,quite quickly it's actually it's,it's really not that difficult it's,actually quite simple you're on,,just head over and log in use an email,and password core will only charge,you when you want to release music so,create an album if you have an album or,create a single,click let's just do a single create a,single and then you're gonna have to go,through just a,three two two or three pages that you'll,need to fill out,information regarding your singles the,important pieces are the song name the,artwork and the actual,mp3 sorry wav file of the song and then,you'll choose a release date for your,song,i recommend trying to upload your music,so it is available on tick tock at least,four we
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Tiktok Ads For Music - Worth Trying?
Tiktok Ads For Music - Worth Trying?
so over the past few months i've been,playing around with tick tock ads,because,you know a couple months back they were,running facebook campaigns trying to,promote the fact that you could now,join the ads platform and there were,some requirements back then you had to,be spending x amount of money per month,in ads and,and even now there's some limitations,you might not be able to sign up right,now but i think they've opened it a bit,so um we'll go through it so in this,video i just want to kind of,introduce you to tick tock ads short,story,it's not like it's not doing better than,facebook and instagram ads i haven't,gotten anywhere near the results of,coming in facebook and instagram ads,i'm not going to go through all my,failures in this video i might go,through some,um so let me know if you want to see the,video and everything i've done that's,failed,um this video is kind of want to,introduce you to the platform because i,think,it's going to get better over time it's,pretty new so,let's just do it this is tick tock ads,and you'll notice that if you're,familiar with facebook ads it's,essentially the same kind of deal,you have campaigns you have ad groups,which are just like facebook's ad sets,and you have ads you can have multiple,ad groups in a campaign and multiple ads,in an ad group,and create this big structure of stuff,that that works,now i don't know if they're still doing,it now but last year they gave me like,500,in free advertising money it was 300 ad,credit just for signing up,and they were gonna match one to one,whatever you did so i think i i think i,did like 200 bucks so they gave me 200,bucks for free so they gave me like 500,bucks in free ad spend,which is pretty cool right i mean just,to sign up and use it,you know that that alone made it worth,it and it was good i got that because i,probably had about 500,worth of worth of uh failures and wasted,money,just testing it out so i i guess it made,sense why they did that,um we're just going to make a campaign,i'm going to show you how this stuff,works so,you get a reach campaign traffic,campaign which is kind of like,facebook's link click campaign,app installs video views and conversions,so,let's just go with traffic spoiler alert,i've never had anything,good with traffic kind of i did manage,to get something working with deep links,um but it was very hairy so i'm just,gonna,call this uh we'll start over test,youtube you can define your budget at,the campaign level,you actually define it at the ad set,level but you can kind of cap things,here,so i'll just leave that at there for now,i'm going to click continue,and this is going to bring us into the,ad groups now my window's a little small,so that's why this thing is over here,but um you can see the structure just,like facebook and over here we can see,the audience size so i'm going to stick,here,now we're going to be sending people to,a website,and you can run on automatic placements,if you click select placements you can,see you can run a tick tock,news feed app series helo and pango,these are just other,apps that this company owns i've been,doing just tick tock i think i might,have tried this for other ones,if one campaign but i i feel like tic,toc is the one that most of us care,about,um user you can let people download or,you know comment on your videos if you,want,you can do automatic creative,optimization like testing out different,combinations of videos and headlines and,stuff like that,and now we get into targeting so this,stuff is like retargeting,and custom audience and look-alike,audiences because that stuff's all here,you can do custom audience retargeting,and do look-alike audience just like on,facebook,so that is cool locations are a little,bit limited,um they do have a few so like i've been,doing the us and now canada,i believe so some countries if you,select,them you can't run in a language,so i think japan has english but like i,think if i select like saudi arabia,um i think i have to have a version of,my ad,that's in their language and not every,country is the same and they might have,changed this since then but,you can't run to just any country you,want so i've just been doing canada in,the u.s,you can choose by gender you can choose,by age ranges,and then you can go to interest now this,is one of the biggest downsides of tick,tock ads,in my opinion another one will come up,don't worry,but this is one of the big ones that is,disappointment the interests are very,limited so if you just type in like,music,um you get music games culture and art,music music and instruments,musicals and singing and music,competitions,so um that's it and,if you type in pop or something or like,rap,photography or hip there's nothing,hip-hop,and so essentially what you end up doing,when you're running ads for music,is you just scroll down to culture and,art and you do,music can't pick genre and you can't,pick um if they have spotify so so,that's kind of a,that's kind of a limit right you can,click beh
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How To Download TikTok Ad Library Videos | Save TikTok Ads Video
How To Download TikTok Ad Library Videos | Save TikTok Ads Video
the video is full hd so let's just pause,it right now because we are finished,hello everyone and welcome to on how,channel my name is ennis and i'm working,for you so if you have any video,requests or any questions you can find,my instagram in the description box or,just drop me a comment below i do reply,to each comment and i do reply also to,each message on my instagram and first i,want to say sorry guys i wasn't posting,a lot lately because i was a little bit,sick and i didn't have the power to make,more videos and for that i didn't post,for almost three weeks now and that's,actually the first time since i have,created my channel and hopefully that,won't happen again so please if you are,watching this video hit that like button,that will motivate me a lot to make more,videos each day and share the knowledge,that i have with you guys and without,any more checking let's get to our video,today which is how you can download the,videos from tech talk ad library and yes,as you heard it's not actually facebook,ad library because i did make a video on,how to download videos from facebook ad,library and i did get a lot of good,feedback about the video and a lot of,comments on messaging my instagram,saying that that's actually a cool trick,and the reason why i'm making this video,for tech talk i library for two reasons,the first one the tech talk ad library,did have really some attraction in the,last couple of days people a lot,searching on it and discovering it and,the second reason is they did add some,new future to the platform and i know,that since the beginning because the,platform was fairly new so they will be,adding more future as the time goes and,the tricks that they did add right now,it's not something really big but they,are really helpful and i will show them,first and after that i will show you how,to download the video from tech talk,idea already so without any more talking,let's get to it so the first thing,you're going to do is scroll down,description box and access the tech talk,at the library website and after you,access it you will see this webpage,right here so just scroll down and you,will see this option top ads or,trend discovery or showcases and click,on top ads and after that scroll down,and click on find more button right here,and also make sure you guys disable the,ad block extension if you have it,because ad blocker will obviously block,all the videos and ads on this platform,because this is all advertisements and,also make sure to sign up for an account,here because it did not let me scroll to,the videos so i did have to make an,account on it so after you did access,the website as you can see this is all,advertisements right here,so the option that said they did add,which is right here below the each video,you see you see the the country for the,video when the video was targeted on and,also there is an option on the left of,it here it says reach and the second,video says conversion and the third,video says video views so that's really,obvious right now right this is actually,the targeting method for the ad set this,video is targeting for reach so they can,expand the reach for the video and the,second one conversion which is the,targeting people for conversion so they,are selling a product or something and,the third one which is video views so,they are basically just spreading the,word as they say they are just they are,just paying tech talk for the views so,they get more exposure to their brand or,something and that's the case for the,most ads that's targeting video views,and other than this there is no changes,here anyway so the first thing here is,the region australia or whatever country,and by the way there is not every,country here only the countries where,tech talk ads is available uh the second,one which is the end screen here as you,can see and the third one i just said,the,the conversion the campaign objective,sorry which is up on stars or,conversions lead generation reach,traffic video views and so on and the,last one which is the source for the,where the video was coming from if it,was uploaded directly here or the,creative toolkits or techno creative,exchange and others and also the,duration and the format for the video so,right now let's just get to the main,objective with this video which is how,we can download this video because for,example if we did click on this video,right here so after we did access here,let's just play it,as you can see this is the video right,here and there is no download button,anywhere here,and also the right click does not work i,do right clicks right now on the video,player but it will not work so as you,can see the video is really high quality,so if i want to download the video how,can i do that well it's pretty easy if,you did see the video on how to download,videos from facebook ad library well,it's the similar trick so just the first,thing you're going to do is close the,video page so to download this video the,first thing you're going to d
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How to Use Commercial Sound on TikTok - Solve Problem With Sound Usage
How to Use Commercial Sound on TikTok - Solve Problem With Sound Usage
hi guys and this is a new cool tutorial,about the tic tac application so today,we will show you how to fix the fix the,problem when you can not use the,selected sound on tic tac,so guys if you have some problem,or when you want to choose to use the,selected sound and think tag but this,music isn't available on your device as,an example you have no option to save it,to your favorites or to record video,with,this sound with this recording so as an,example we have this problem here so we,don't have any special button to add,this sound to the favorite list and of,course we don't have any button to start,recording with this music so what to do,in this situation when you just cannot,use,your favorite,favorite recording your favorite track,we have a cool option a cool solution,for you,so maybe probably,most likely,your account is,business account,you have this business mode turned on,and right now we will show you how to,switch off this option to be able to use,any sound you like and prefer on your,profile,so let's go to the profiles to the to,your profile and tic tac,i need to pick here from the discover to,the profile,and right now we will show you how to,get access to the settings which can,help us so let's tap on the three lines,icon at the top of the screen and choose,the settings in privacy option and right,now you can check,if you have this business account,activated because if if it's true if you,have this account,you will have the special options like,business suit,so if you have this feature let's,disable the business account after going,to this to the last option,later you need to choose the manage,account option,and pick on the switch to personal,account feature,later you just need to confirm your,choice after picking on the switch,anyway,and right now as you can see we have the,special already notification that right,now our account is,private so let's check it after,going back,using the,arrow at the top,i will click on this arrow again and,refresh my profile page,so let's go to this song,i show you before,so it was on our channel don't forget to,subscribe also,on our hardware dot info channel and it,was the sound so let's check it i need,to tap on the sound icon at the bottom,of the screen and right now i have all,of the option to use this sound or to,add this track to my favorites,without any troubles so um if you right,now know how to fix your problem how to,use the selected and the sound you,prefer,don't forget to subscribe to our channel,to find out in even more cool tutorials,about the tic tac application and more,are the programs,guys thank you for watching good luck,bye bye,you
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How To Use TikTok Ad Library To Find Winning Products
How To Use TikTok Ad Library To Find Winning Products
hello everyone and welcome to on how,channel,my name is anas no more con for you so,if you have any tutorial requests let me,know in the comments i will be happy to,do a video for you,otherwise let's get to our tutorial,today which is a really special one,because i will show you how you can find,winning ad set or winning products on,tech talk at library,yes as you heard it's not facebook ad,library but tech talk ad library,i don't know if you know this or not but,tech talk lately they did introduce,their new platform,for ad library where you can see all the,currently running ads on tech talk,platform,and it's not like facebook ad library,it's much better because they do have,some really cool features to filter out,the ad set,not like facebook ad library because on,their platform,you will not be able to see the ads,that's currently running for a specific,page or,profile or anything like that unlike the,facebook ad library,on tech talk ad library you will be able,to see all the,ad set that's currently running for a,particular niche,not the profile or a page and you can,filter out this ad set,by the click through or the view rate,and also filter out the ad set,by the niche for example you will be,able to see all the ad set that's,currently,running for clothing or technology or,markov chain,or whatever your niche is and the next,best option,in this ad library for tech talk is you,will be able to see the ad set that's,currently running for a specific country,yes you will be able to see all the,advertisements that's running,in australia or canada or united states,or wherever your niche is and this is,really cool right and without any more,checking,let's get to it so just scroll down,description box and you will see for the,link for the ad library for tech talk,and after you did access it you should,see this page right here and by the way,make sure to log in to an account and i,wasn't able to login into,this platform through my tech talk,account i had to create a new account on,this particular platform,it seems like the tech talk account does,not work on this platform,and also make sure to disable adblock,extension if you do have it because the,platform will not work because the ad,blocker will block all the content,inside this,website and after you did access the,website you should see this option right,here which says popular trends,showcases and top ads and i guess you,know what you click on,right simply click on top ads and after,that you should see the ad,type auction ads and that's currently,the only,option available for tech talk platform,and below it as you can see it says,filter here,and region and if you click on it you,should see a bunch of options here just,like you see right now,and keep in mind that not all the,countries are available,in this platform i guess they only pick,the country where tech talk is famous in,so right now pick the country that's the,best for your niche,whether it's australia or canada or,wherever you're niche in,so for this demonstration to have more,options i'm going to keep it blank,and by the way if you do want to search,on all worldwide on all countries,just keep it like that do not select any,country,and on the right of the option you,should see industry here click on it,and you will see a bunch of options here,just like you see right now,as you can see the first one electric,appliances agriculture automotive,chemistry areas says closing here,accessories i'm going to click close,pick a clock chain accessories and by,the way you can pick multiple options,just like you see right now in my case,i'm going to go just for a,clutching and accessories and after that,you see this option right here it says,seven days time frame,what this option means basically is the,ads that's currently running,in the specific time frame if we did,pick seven days that means they will,show us,the ad set that was running or was,running,in the last seven days so as i said you,have more options for this demonstration,i'm going to go for 30 days frame and,after that the option on the right of it,it says search by and this is really,cool option,none of those platforms has it yet just,click on it and you will see,sit there impressions and six seconds,video,view rate so the first one means click,through,so for example if the ad has a click,through of 15,that means that 150 percent out of,1000 viewers they do click it on the ad,set,and that's really cool right if you do,have a click through of 15,that means that people are really,interested in that ad set and they do,click on it,and the option below it is impressions,and this option it basically will filter,out all the ad set,based on the impressions that each ad,set has,and i don't recommend to go for this,because if the advertisements have,more impressions or viewers it doesn't,mean that,it's actually successful and the last,one which is six seconds video view rate,which means if the viewer watches the ad,set more than six seconds because,this is really co
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How To Create High Converting TikTok Ad Creatives (FREE COURSE)
How To Create High Converting TikTok Ad Creatives (FREE COURSE)
tick tock ads are starting to become,really popular in the digital marketing,community and it only makes sense as to,why so many brands are literally,switching over from facebook ads,snapchat ads youtube ads and literally,going to tick-tock because there's so,many conversions happening on the,platform and with all of that attention,gives you lots of opportunities to be,able to get sales with tick tock and,that's exactly what we're going to be,covering but most brands and businesses,are missing this one key mistake that,they continuously make and i want to be,able to show you exactly what you can do,to be able to get high converting tick,tock ads,what's up y'all it's chase chapel here,your favorite digital marketer and we,literally cover content online and help,some of the biggest brands and creators,in the world that you know and follow be,able to generate successful results,using facebook ads and tick talk ads and,even google ads online,and we literally have hundreds of,students taking our online trainings and,programs where we have 600 plus six and,seven figure earners who have literally,taken our trainings and been able to,scale their actual brand or business,using these platforms and by the way if,you haven't already make sure to like,and subscribe because it truly does help,the algorithm so let's go ahead and get,into this video,all right so we're going to be covering,high converting tick tock ads and we've,literally spent 600 000,on tick tock through testing this far in,the last 90 days on the platform and,literally all of our insights in today's,video are recommendations we're making,purely based off of data none of our,personal opinion is in this video it's,100 backed by the actual science and,data that we see with the testing that,we're actually doing on tick-tock with,our platform and being able to,understand what makes the most sense for,our clients business and being able to,generate them results and through that,we're able to identify what tick-tock,ads are really converting best and be,able to give those insights to you so,that way you can be successful as well,you can quite literally see that the 600,000 that we've spent in this amount of,time has literally generated over 147,million impressions 2 million clicks and,we're literally getting cost per clicks,of 30 cents a click these days that is,far and few between on other platforms,so you can definitely see the,opportunities that you have on tick tock,alone so let's go ahead and go through,some of the ads that actually don't work,on tick tock and what we're seeing so,these are just some examples of tick,tock ads that don't work there's a,common misconception that people have,it's that they're running facebook ads,they're getting good results and then,they want to use the similar content,that they have there on tik-tok because,they think it's just copy and paste and,to be honest with you it's not like that,using images or gifs on your actual,tik-tok ads are not going to increase,your conversions if anything it's,actually going to decrease your,conversion rates and actually raise your,overall cost per cpm,and you know you don't want your actual,tick tocks to look like ads and a big,motto that ticktock has is make tick,tocks not ads and that's the main,premise here you don't want to be,creating content that looks like this,where you have these overlays or these,big call outs of the you know specific,offer and like red you know these red,circles here or having you know the,branding on the side of this those types,of ads just don't work on tick tock,people scroll right past those you want,the content to look native you want it,to feel like user generated content in,fact i'm actually going to be covering,ways you can get ugc later in this video,but specifically right here you want to,make sure to avoid you know templated,content even some of the biggest brands,in the world have fault prone to this,where they actually you know use the,branding and they use these basic videos,and while they get engagements they're,not really resulting in conversions so,if you're really looking to drive actual,sales and increase your actual,conversion rate and get more people to,actually convert from seeing your videos,and feel that they're actually a part of,the brand then you're going to want to,create tick-tock ads that are actually,native on the platform and have these,key conversion metrics driven behind,them and so these are just some examples,of tick-tock ads that do convert you,want to focus on actual vertical video,and fast cut you know jump cut videos,that are you know no longer than one to,three seconds per clip maybe,six seconds at the absolute most we're,actually clipping throughout the video,so that way you can keep people's,attention throughout the actual tick,tock tick tock is very fast-paced and,you want to keep that you know flow,going so people stay engaged and this,allows you to deliver way more,information about your product or,service in a much s
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How to Run TikTok Ads 2022 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)
How to Run TikTok Ads 2022 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)
what's up guys jordan here today we're going to
be going through tiktok ads step by step the a to ,z everything you need to know to launch your first
ad on the platform today now we're currently using ,tick tock in our marketing agency the affluent
agency and we're generating a ridiculous amount ,of new revenue for our clients at the moment using
the platform i cannot wait to bring this to you ,guys today it's been a long time coming i've got
a presentation ready for you we're going to jump ,onto it in a second but before we do i want
to announce a quick competition on this video ,now for every one in 100 people that comment down
below with their goals for running tik tok ads ,right now i'm going to give you the chance to
win a completely free strategy call with me for ,an hour where we'll run through anything you want
to run through we break down your strategy how you ,can increase your revenue how you can increase
your roads on whatever platform you're using ,we're gonna jump on that call we're gonna make
that happen for you so enter that competition ,let's get started with this no bs implementable
training but do me a favor stop what you're doing ,right now whatever it is shut down your tabs take
some notes and pay attention and take action on ,what you learned today let's get started okay
so tick-tock ads training first of all let's ,start off with some data we need to understand
the opportunity here now tik tok was the most ,downloaded app in 2020 with 850 million downloads
okay tiktok has 1.1 billion active users worldwide ,with 90 of users using the app multiple times per
day so we can get ourselves in front of our ideal ,customer multiple times a day on average now as
of january 2021 tick tock raked in 128 million in ,user spending marking an increase of 380 from its
january 2020 revenue so it's growing year on year ,almost 4x in user revenue now take top ranks
as the second biggest app in consumer spend ,above youtube disney plus and netflix this
is probably the uh the biggest stat on this ,screen ranking above youtube and netflix in
consumer spend is absolutely ridiculous so ,it's a monumental opportunity for people and
businesses to sell their products on the platform ,how many times have you spoken to someone they've
said ah i found that product on tick tock it's ,happening a lot these days so let's jump on to how
you can actually make the most of that so this is ,the tick tock ad structure so at the top we have
tick tocks ad manager then we have ad campaigns ,we have ad groups we have ad creative and then
landing pages to break these down one by one tick ,doc ads manager is where you manage your ticktock
advertising account similar to the facebook ,ad manager now a ad campaign is the foundation
of your ad so we're setting up our advertising ,objectives and formats we then have ad group which
is target audiences ad placements budget and the ,bidding then we have the ad creative which is
the text and the video that will appear on our ,apps what we're physically seeing then finally our
landing page and this is the destination url that ,we are driving our potential customers too this
is the place where they will actually buy our ,products or service so when you actually have your
tick tock ad account up and running this is kind ,of what the format will look like we have our ad
manager at the top we have campaigns beneath that ,then inside an ad campaign we would have multiple
ad groups so we'll be testing out multiple ,audiences and inside those audiences we may even
be testing out multiple different ad creatives ,as well so what are the actual creative the the
creative formats that we can use on tick tock well ,we have top view on the left hand side here which
is like a full-size video which shows up when we ,launch the app we don't have brand tank takeover
now these are the most expensive tic toc ads and ,very large brands use these and again these come
up right at the start of launching the app and it ,takes over the entire screen then have in feed ads
this is what we're going to be going through today ,and what most businesses are actually using
to generate the most revenue from tick tock ,we have branded hashtag challenges so if we
want to launch a challenge on the platform and ,then finally branded event so we want to have our
own branded stickers on uh on tick tock itself so ,people can use them when they're creating their
own content but as i said in feed ads it's the ,ad format we use for our tiktok ad clients
at the affluent agency and we're literally ,generating hundreds of thousands in new revenue
from infeed ads alone so that's what i'm going to ,show you today so without further ado let's jump
straight on to the tick tock advertising platform ,okay so the first thing we're going to do is
go over to forward slash business ,i'm just going to zoom in here so you can see
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