i've been reading books of all,the legends and the myths achilles and,his gold,hercules and his gifts spiderman's,control,in batman with his fits,and clearly i don't see myself upon that,list,but she said where do you wanna go,how much you wanna risk i'm not looking,for somebody,with some super human gift some,superhero,some fairy tale bliss just something,i can turn to somebody i can kiss,i want something just like this,i want something just like this,i want something just like this been,reading books of,old the legends anime,the testaments they told the moon and,its eclipse,and superman rolls a suit before he,lifts,but i'm not the kind of person that it,fits,she said where do you wanna go how much,you wanna risk,i'm not looking for somebody with some,super human gift,some superhero some fairy tale bliss,just something i can turn to somebody i,can miss,i want something just like this,i want something just like this want,something just like this,this night is cold in the kingdom,i can't feel,could you find a way to let me down,slowly,a little simple fear i hope you can show,me,if,i,could you find a way to let me down,slowly,a little simple fear hope you can show,me,if you wanna go there so lonely,falling,myself,baby let me,baby let me down slowly,in your eyes there's a heavy blue,want to love and want to lose,sweet to fight a heavy truth,water and wine don't make me choose i,wanna feel the way that we did that,summer night,night drunk on a feeling,along with the stars in the sky,i've been running through the jungle,i've been running with the wolves to get,to you,to get to you i went down the darkest,alley saw the dark side of the moon to,get to you,to get to you i've looked for love in,every stranger took too much to ease the,anger all for you,yeah all for you i'll be running through,the young girl i've been crying with the,rules to get to you to get to you,to get to you,to get to your,your fingertips trace my skin,to places i had never been,break down these walls and come on in,i wanna feel the way that we did that,summer night,now,alone with the stars in the sky,i've been running through the jungle,i've been running with the wolves to get,to you to get to you,i've been down the darkest always on the,dark side of the moon to get to you,to get to you i've looked for love and,every stranger took too much to ease the,anger,all for you yeah all for you,i've been running through the jungle,i've been crying with the wolves to get,to you,to get to you to get to you,to get to you,i've been running through the uncle i've,been running with,wolves to get to you to get to you,i've been down the darkest alley saw the,dark side of the moon to get to you,to get to you i've looked for love and,every stranger took too much,leads the anger all for you,all for you i've been running through,the jungle i've been crying,with the walls to get to you to get to,you,to get to you,baby life was good to me but you just,made it better,i love the way you stand by me through,any kind of weather,i don't wanna run,don't wanna make it worse just wanna,feels like nobody ever loved me so,you love me feels like nobody ever,touched me so you'd touch me,baby nobody nobody,to you,baby,you never know what's missing till you,get everything you need,when you feel the world is on your,shoulders,don't wanna make it worse just wanna,make us,work baby tell me how,to whatever it,feels nobody ever knew me until you,knew me feels like nobody ever loved me,until,you loved me feels like nobody ever,touched me,to you touch me baby,nobody nobody,cause i,oh,feels like nobody ever,nobody nobody,nobody nobody,until,hey,and i've,this,the way that i'm feeling every day,it's all my fault cause i said i need,a space,this can't be the way we're supposed to,be,i keep saying no there's gotta be a way,to get you,close to me now i know,the way that i'm feeling every day,no no no no there's no home for the,broken heart,no no no no there's no hope for the,broken,heart,here's to the ones that we got cheers to,the wish you are here but you're not,cause the dreams bring back all the,memories,of everything we've been through toast,to the ones here today,toast to the ones that we lost on the,way cause the dreams bring back all the,memories,and the memories bring back memories,will stay the same now my heart feel,like december when somebody say your,name,cause i can't reach out to call you but,i know i will one day,yeah everybody hurts sometimes,everybody hurts someday,here's to the ones that we got cheers to,the wish you are here but you're not,cause the dreams bring back,all the memories of everything we've,been through,toast to the ones here today toast to,the ones that we lost on the way cause,the dreams bring back all the memories,and the memories bring back memories,there's a time that i remember when i,never felt so lost,when i fell off the hatred was too,powerful to stop,all my heart feel like an amber and it's,lining up the dark,i carry these torches for,memories,memori
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TikTok Conversion Ads for Spotify
TikTok Conversion Ads for Spotify
in this video i'm going to go over how,you can use a tiktok conversion campaign,to promote your music on sites like,spotify apple music etc all the,streaming platforms just like how i do,it on facebook ads and i'm also going to,show you how you can set up the tick,tock pixel on your landing page so,let's let me share my screen,so here we have tick tock ads if you,don't have tick tock ads manager just go,to ads.ticktalk.com and make an account,it's entirely free to make the account,obviously it's not free,to run the ads so i'm not going to cover,how to make the account here but once,you have it you can start right back in,this video now before we make a,conversion campaign,you're going to want to make a landing,page service and not every landing page,service,that you can use here i'm using feature,fm that's what i'm going to use for this,video,various platforms like toneden and hyped,it and maybe link fire also support the,tick tock pixel now each of those,services are going to,make these pages slightly differently,but also implement the tick tock and,facebook pixels in a slightly different,way so keep in mind if you're not using,feature fm,things are going to be a little,different they should be able to work,but it's going to be different so i'm,just going to be using feature if i'm,here so i made this page for my most,recent song that i've dropped,and we need to be able to track what,website actions actually occur,on this page and so to do that we use,the tick tock pixel,so over in here i can go to assets,and events and inside of this events,page is where everything with the tick,tock pixels,actually live i'm going to use website,events,now in here you're going to see i have a,bunch of pixels because it took me a,long time to figure this out and tiktok,changed how they do their pixels a bunch,of times in the past year or so they've,had this ad platform available,but i'm using this feature fm pixel,in here,so the pixel itself is just this number,or series of numbers and letters so you,can just copy this,and that is what we're going to install,on feature fm so when you edit your,feature fm page you can install all,these retargeting pixels so here's my,facebook one you're going to want to put,the tick tock pixel in i don't know what,plan you have to be on feature fm to get,the tick tock pixel so make sure you,check that if you want to use feature,time for tick tock but if you want,future fm to try it out i do have a 30,discount code uh for any one year plan,in my description,so i have my tick tock pixel that's just,the same number that we had over here on,tick tock ads,and now i can just save that,now you don't just want to blindly trust,that everything's working you want to,make sure it's working so to do that,we're going to go to test events,and i was doing a trial before this,video so that's why i already had it,there what you do is you just paste your,feature a family so i could just come to,feature fm,and i could grab the link for this site,and paste it here and then we click,generate qr code and i don't know why,tick tock doesn't like this facebook you,don't have to use a qr code in your,phone,but tick tock requires you to do it so i,just take out my phone camera and i just,scan that little code and open it up and,now it's opening up,the landing page that we have on my,screen this is just the feature from,page now we're not seeing anything on,tick tock test events tool yet but as,soon as i click on spotify,it'll take me to the song and start auto,playing and on my screen now we get a,bunch of events that popped up so,there's a bunch of click buttons i don't,know why it's firing all these button,clicks there must just be something with,the way that feature fm is passing data,over to tick tock ads but we do get one,view content and so essentially,what feature fm does is when someone,converts on your landing page and you,know clicks through,they're firing a view content event and,so,if we flip back over to the ads manager,we can actually make a campaign,that's going to become very important,when we decide what to actually optimize,our campaign for because we don't care,how many people click our link we don't,care how many people land on the page,we only care how many people click that,button,and go to spotify or whatever streaming,service in this case now some of you,might be thinking why wouldn't you just,use a traffic campaign sending people,directly to spotify and if you're,wondering that it's the same reason as,it is for facebook but i do have a video,right here that you can learn from to,see why i don't just use traffic it's,exactly the same problem on tick tock,ads as we all experience trying to use a,traffic campaign on facebook ads so,we're just going to use the website,conversions objective,i'm just going to call this test you can,call the campaign whatever you want,then i'm going to click continue,and this is going to take us into the ad,group and by the way i'm going to be,making more content ab
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Tiktok Ads For Music - Worth Trying?
Tiktok Ads For Music - Worth Trying?
so over the past few months i've been,playing around with tick tock ads,because,you know a couple months back they were,running facebook campaigns trying to,promote the fact that you could now,join the ads platform and there were,some requirements back then you had to,be spending x amount of money per month,in ads and,and even now there's some limitations,you might not be able to sign up right,now but i think they've opened it a bit,so um we'll go through it so in this,video i just want to kind of,introduce you to tick tock ads short,story,it's not like it's not doing better than,facebook and instagram ads i haven't,gotten anywhere near the results of,coming in facebook and instagram ads,i'm not going to go through all my,failures in this video i might go,through some,um so let me know if you want to see the,video and everything i've done that's,failed,um this video is kind of want to,introduce you to the platform because i,think,it's going to get better over time it's,pretty new so,let's just do it this is tick tock ads,and you'll notice that if you're,familiar with facebook ads it's,essentially the same kind of deal,you have campaigns you have ad groups,which are just like facebook's ad sets,and you have ads you can have multiple,ad groups in a campaign and multiple ads,in an ad group,and create this big structure of stuff,that that works,now i don't know if they're still doing,it now but last year they gave me like,500,in free advertising money it was 300 ad,credit just for signing up,and they were gonna match one to one,whatever you did so i think i i think i,did like 200 bucks so they gave me 200,bucks for free so they gave me like 500,bucks in free ad spend,which is pretty cool right i mean just,to sign up and use it,you know that that alone made it worth,it and it was good i got that because i,probably had about 500,worth of worth of uh failures and wasted,money,just testing it out so i i guess it made,sense why they did that,um we're just going to make a campaign,i'm going to show you how this stuff,works so,you get a reach campaign traffic,campaign which is kind of like,facebook's link click campaign,app installs video views and conversions,so,let's just go with traffic spoiler alert,i've never had anything,good with traffic kind of i did manage,to get something working with deep links,um but it was very hairy so i'm just,gonna,call this uh we'll start over test,youtube you can define your budget at,the campaign level,you actually define it at the ad set,level but you can kind of cap things,here,so i'll just leave that at there for now,i'm going to click continue,and this is going to bring us into the,ad groups now my window's a little small,so that's why this thing is over here,but um you can see the structure just,like facebook and over here we can see,the audience size so i'm going to stick,here,now we're going to be sending people to,a website,and you can run on automatic placements,if you click select placements you can,see you can run a tick tock,news feed app series helo and pango,these are just other,apps that this company owns i've been,doing just tick tock i think i might,have tried this for other ones,if one campaign but i i feel like tic,toc is the one that most of us care,about,um user you can let people download or,you know comment on your videos if you,want,you can do automatic creative,optimization like testing out different,combinations of videos and headlines and,stuff like that,and now we get into targeting so this,stuff is like retargeting,and custom audience and look-alike,audiences because that stuff's all here,you can do custom audience retargeting,and do look-alike audience just like on,facebook,so that is cool locations are a little,bit limited,um they do have a few so like i've been,doing the us and now canada,i believe so some countries if you,select,them you can't run in a language,so i think japan has english but like i,think if i select like saudi arabia,um i think i have to have a version of,my ad,that's in their language and not every,country is the same and they might have,changed this since then but,you can't run to just any country you,want so i've just been doing canada in,the u.s,you can choose by gender you can choose,by age ranges,and then you can go to interest now this,is one of the biggest downsides of tick,tock ads,in my opinion another one will come up,don't worry,but this is one of the big ones that is,disappointment the interests are very,limited so if you just type in like,music,um you get music games culture and art,music music and instruments,musicals and singing and music,competitions,so um that's it and,if you type in pop or something or like,rap,photography or hip there's nothing,hip-hop,and so essentially what you end up doing,when you're running ads for music,is you just scroll down to culture and,art and you do,music can't pick genre and you can't,pick um if they have spotify so so,that's kind of a,that's kind of a limit right you can,click beh
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NewJeans (뉴진스) 'OMG' Official MV
NewJeans (뉴진스) 'OMG' Official MV
那么听听下一位的故事吧?,刚开始唯有困惑,我是谁 这是哪儿 无从知晓,开始分不清别人口中的我和真正的我,不过终究找到了答案,其实…我是iPhone,我为了你而存在,只要你呼唤我
无论何时何地 我都会奔去,为你呈现你想看到的,为你诉说,为你歌唱,你想从我这里得到什么呢?,
你想从我这里得到什么呢?,我满脑子只有这一个疑问,对我曾经的困惑感到惭愧,我是谁已经不再重要,我为了你而存在,所以你的意思是…你是Siri?,对 没错,这首歌 it's about you baby,Only you,但我不是病人啊,You you you,You you you you,当我感到疲惫,当我想要流泪,当我觉得已经,没有任何力气,It's you 担心我,It's you 让我笑,不必多说什么,Boy what do you say
(They keep on asking me, "who is he?"),无论何时何地都奔向我
(They keep on asking me, "who is he?"),你总会出现不佯装忙碌
(They keep on asking me, "who is he?"),如此不可思议让我诧异
(They keep on asking me, "who is he?"),你啊,He's the one that's living in my system baby,Oh my oh my God,我曾预想,I was really hoping,That he will come through,Oh my oh my God,只有你,Asking all the time about what I should do,No I can never let him go,我只想到你 24,我真是个幸运儿 I know, I know,在我遇见你之前,一切都毫无意义,我的心像无底洞 I know, I know,I'm going crazy right?,无论在哪,无论几次,There ain't nothing else that I would hold on to,I hear his voice,Through all the noise,片刻也别放下我的手 no, no,毫无忧虑,'Cause I got someone,独自一人也无妨,'Cause I love someone
(They keep on asking me, "who is he?"),无论何时何地都奔向我
(They keep on asking me, "who is he?"),你总会出现不佯装忙碌
(They keep on asking me, "who is he?"),如此不可思议让我诧异
(They keep on asking me, "who is he?"),你啊,He's the one that's living in my system baby,Oh my oh my God,我曾预想,I was really hoping,That he will come through,Oh my oh my God,只有你,Asking all the time about what I should do,No I can never let him go,我只想到你 24,我真是个幸运儿 I know, I know,在我遇见你之前,一切都毫无意义,我的心像无底洞 I know, I know,你和我,My heart is glowing,It's glowing up,只要与你一起 我便无所畏惧,填满的 全部填满的(变红的),My heart is glowing, it'd be glowing,'Cause he,Oh my oh my God,我曾预想,I was really hoping,That he will come through,Oh my oh my God,只有你,Asking all the time about what I should do,No I can never let him go He's right there for me 24
- 姐妹们 你们在说什么呢,No I can never let him go He's right there for me 24
- 我们现在不是在拍MV嘛,我真是个幸运儿 I know, I know
- 我们现在不是在拍MV嘛,对吧,在我遇见你之前,一切都毫无意义,怎么办,My heart is glowing, it's glowing,My heart is glowing up,So I can't sleep at night,你们真的不记得了吗?,不是 我们是NewJeans啊,好了 到此为止,今天就到这里
回到各自的病房吧,好的,[这次MV题材 只有我觉得不舒服么?
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IU Best Songs [Playlist for Motivation and Cheer Up]
IU Best Songs [Playlist for Motivation and Cheer Up]
세상에,목소리가 부정하게 가버린 걸,지껄이었어,별 하나 보이를,요일함이,얼마나,아름다운지 어려운,발자국 바다 이어진 별자리 그,사람들은,오롯이 너를 만나러 가는게,그래도 가면 돼,겸손을 따라,잊지 마이 오랜,겨울 사이,엄청,멀어질,뻔히,얼마나,아름다울지 마렴,잃어버린 것 같아,이대로는 모두 사랑하고 싶지 않아도,기억 속을,여행해,그림자 없이,함께,춤을,좋아하는 이별 다 비는 없어,아름다운 그,기운의 남아야죠,시간이지나 보여줬네,어쩌면 그곳,에,태어날에 그림자 없이 하게 정말,좋아하는 영가,필요 없어,아름다워서 그대 안에서 만,지금,다른 사람과,함께하지 않아 나도 너를 생각 중,뭐야 내 몸은,손가락으로,장미꽃을,피워,향긋하고,내가 한 번개를 써,흥미로운 일 작품,매장에 어쩜이,관계에 가입을,까 오늘,손가락으로,널 풍선을,띠고,금세,들 것 같아서 어지럽고,요즘엔 뭔가요 내가,탐색하는 볼펜,사랑인가요,제가 저런 옷을 좋아한다,기분을 알 수 없는,표정은 뭘 하나 내가 다진 거 아무,스트레스 때문인가,걱정이야,그를 위한 누군가,기도하고 있나 봐,숨 죽여,산 사람 시간,낫게 들리는듯한,너에게로 선명히,날아가,늦지 않게 자리야,길을,홀로가 없는 너의 뒤에,생쥐,어디야,그치지 않으리 노래 아주마,귀 기운,유난히,익힌,밤을 감는,널 위해,부를게,또 한 번 너의 세상에,별이 최고 있나 봐,숨 죽여 삼킨,눈물이 여기,흐르는듯한,할 말을 잃어,고요한,마음을,기억처럼,들려오는,목소리,홀로,걷는 너에 대해,우린 노래 아주,높이는,우는,법을 위해,하긴,그래도,여전히,걸리는만큼 좋더라,진한 보라색을 좋아해,넘어져라,갈 수 있는,파자마자,당신이 있어,하는 거 알아 할까,반드시 자른,단발이 좋아,하긴 그래도 좋은,날 부를 땐,참 예뻤더라,조금,촌스러운 걸,좋아해 그림보다,빼곡히 새로운 팔레 이렇게,잠들었던 시간,당신은 가까이,돈을,켜요,떠올려,그럼,언제든,눈을 감고,가장,먼,곳으로 가요,난,파도가,머물던,모래 위에 적힌 글씨처럼 그대가,멀리,사라져 봐,그리워,그리워 여기 내,마음,속에 모든,말을 다 꺼내어 줄 수는,사랑한다는 말,해요,어떻게,나에게,그대란,행운이 온 걸까,지금 우리,함께 있다면,얼마나,줄까요 그대가,멀리 사라져 봐,린 것 같아,그리워 더 그리워,나의,일기장난해 모든 말을,다 꺼내어,줄,순 없지만,사랑한다는,그날은 반딧불을,당신은,가까이,뛰어가요,안녕 오랜만이야,물음표 없이,참나다,목소리,정해진 규칙처럼,늘 똑같음,내 자리,사다로 잘 먹어 다,지나가니까,헤어전처럼,잠도 잘 자게 될 거야,진심으로,빌게,너는 다,행복할,사격이 있어,그런 말은 하지만,그 말이 더 아픈 거,살잖아 사랑해,줄 거라면,다 보여,어떤,마음을,준 건지,나는 너를 거야,외로웠던만큼,너를 보러 보자,사랑해 줄 사람,꼭 만났으면 내,강이라서 우리 안,해주는게,쉽지가 않아,그런 말은 하지만,그 말이 더 아픈 건,알잖아 사랑해,줄 거라면,어떤,마음을,준 건지 그,마음을,솔직히 말해,줄,너라면 다 믿는 거 알잖아,그대로,언젠가,나도,나 같은,너구나,사랑 받게,될까,기다리지 않기로,했잖아,울지 않을 거라고,그랬잖아 너무,원하진,밤이야,어 너무,긴이,별이여,잠시만 더 이렇게 있을까,그래,잊혀져,버릴,국미의 심한,눈을,감마 마지막,잠을,재워,줄게,게 무서운,꿈은,없을 거야,끝나지 않는,긴긴 하루를,이제는 그만 보내주렴,가만히,끌어안고 있을까,어느 사이에 끝나가는,꿈이지만,마음,너와 마지막,노래 불러,줄게,my,hellove by,baby,se를 무서운,꿈은,없을 거야,끝나지 않는,긴 긴 슬픔은,이제는 그만 보내 주렴,잠들지 못해,지친 숨소리가,찾아낼 때,사랑아 너의,밤을,지킬,게요,항상 내,곁에,있을 거야,만날 수 없는,지난날들도,이제는 그만,떠와주렴,마이 하루 바이스,메이비 모두의,정도 돼 다,괜찮아,괜찮아,너와,자꾸 눈이 갔네,하얀 그 얼굴에,슬쩍 웃어 줄 땐,정말 미치겠네,아 좀 그리 예뻐,베이베 노래까지,기억은,널 보면,마음이,절여 없네,빵은 나에게,예쁜 그대를,내게로 가려워,난 너 같은,능력은,너는 나도,된다,내,품에 숨겨두고 나만 볼래 나만 볼래,어린,마음에,하는 말이 아니야,결혼할래,생명할 수 있을까,있기만 해도,예쁜 그대,를 너에게로 걸어와,난 너잖아 몇,번을 말해 줘,너무 좋아,아직 너만 알고 있는 그,지병 그 목소리로 노래 부를 거야,난,나훈아 나훈아,그 마음이 같네 나,정말 미치겠네,이른 아침,작은 새들 노래,소리,들려오면,언제나,그랬듯 아쉽게,잠을 깬다,창문 하나,햇살 가득 눈부시게 비춰오고,서늘한,냉기에,재채기 할까 말까,눈 비벼,베컴이,창밖을 내다보니,삼삼오 아이들은 제일 잘 되면,학교 가고,산책 갔다 오시는 아버지의,양손에는,효과를 알 수 없는,약수가 하나 가득,딸깍딸깍 아침 짓는 어머니의,분주함과,엉금엉금 냉수 찾는 그 아들에게,울음이 상큼하고,깨끗한,아침의,향기와,우수하게 받는 그는,냄새가 어우러진 가을 아침 내겐 정말,커다란 기쁨이야 가을 아침 내겐 정말,커다란 행복이야,음성만 부렸던 내겐,파란 하늘 바라보며,커다란 숨을 쉬니 그 높은 하늘처럼,내 마음 편해지네,텅 비난을 언제 왔나,고추 손잡이 하나가,잠들게,엉성이,토닥토닥 빨래하는 어머니의,분주함과 동기 동기,기탄지는 그 아들의 한가함이,심심하면 저 되는,괘종시계에 숨소리와,시끄러운 조카들의,울음소리,아우라진 가을 아침 내겐 정말,커다란 기쁨이야 가을 아침 내겐 정말,커다란 행복이야,음성만 부렸던 내게,가을 아침 내겐 정말,커다란 기쁨이여,겨울에 침대에 정말,커다란 행복이야,뜬구름 쫓았던 내게,이른 아침,작은 새들 노래,소리,들려오면,언제나,그랬듯 아쉽게,잠을 깬다,창문 하나,햇살 가득 눈부시게 비춰오고,서늘한,냉기에,재채기 할까 말까,사랑해야,하는 건 아냐,하루,정도는,행복하지 않아도,괜찮아,그럼에도,역시,완벽하고 나의,여인,여전히 무서운,빈칸들이,끝없이,헤매듯해,풀리지 않는,얄미운 상자를,쌓아,나와,마치 하려 하루가,진짜 헤어진 장난 같아,달릴수록 내게서,여전히,무수한,질문들이 있지,이만해도 들린 듯해,아주 사소한 다시 하나의,차이라,나우마,마치 하루하루가 그런 동그라미 같아,도망쳐도 여기로,비틀거려서 모두,난 나의 보폭으로 갈게 불안해,돌아보면서도,별 큰일 없,이,지나도,언제,나,이번에도,그래,볼게,그럼,모두가,우리 아버지도 몰라 어쩌면 너름대로,내게,느린 보장춘 지금인데도,참지도 몰라,아무에게도,고백하지 않았던,향기를 들려주면,큰 눈으로 나는 묻지 않아 와우 와우,와우 나,싫은 말야 저기야 독한 미래로부터,날아왔어,사실 바보들 두성이야,아름다워,입을,건너리는,정말지 않을 거야,거짓말처럼 무섭게,깜깜했지,태양은 뜨겁기는 커녕,피코프예요 바라볼,매일매일 제멋대로 휘파람,겨울을 봐서 만든,그래서,조금만 돌멩이야,빛이,그,아이들은,영원히 살 수 있지 않을까,안녕 나의 주인공,그래 너를 만나러 한다,찾아 놓아,우리는,끝나지 않을 거야,서로를 닮아 기울어진 삶 소원을,잡아 차오르는 달 하려던 마음,과로 속에 말 이제야,어디도 다치는 나의 다,넌 영원히,도착할 수 없는,섬 같아 이제야,기록하지 않아도 내가,널 전부 기억할테니까,기다려,바깥에서,과거를,멈춘다면,낮에도 받지 않은 나의 밤,끝없는 밤 남겨우 순간,넌 어떨까 나와 같을까 알 수 없음에,아파지던,날아 멀리 자유 그 위로 가자 내일이,우릴,잡지 못할 곳에서,기쁘게 만나,이제야 한눈에,찾지 못했던 돼,내가 너를 알아볼테니까,기다려,기어이어리가,만나면 시간을,차들이 바깥에서,과거를 먹지 않고서 보면,숨이 차게 춤을,죽겠어,만나러,꿈결에도 있지 않았다,여래졌다 너의,이름을 불러,줄게,기다려,잃어버렸던 날,되찾으러,귀한 너 시간을,겨울이야 미래를,찾지 않을까,숨이 차게 달려가겠어,귀여워서 살을 거쳐 비로소 저절로,잡혀,두려움 땅에 일 없어,서로를 감아보게 여신상,그들을 가만 내려보는 달,여전히 만나고 싶은 말,우리 손봐,꼭 하나 감자
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100% sure you will cry😢Sad songs playlist 2021
100% sure you will cry😢Sad songs playlist 2021
loving and fighting accusing the night,i can't imagine a world where you're,gone the joy and the chaos the,i'd be demons lost if you left me alone,you locked yourself in the bathroom,lying on the floor when i break through,i pull you in to feel your heartbeat,can you hear me screaming please don't,leave me,hold on i still want you,come back i still need you,let me take your hand i'll make you,right,i swear to love you all my,driving a nightmare i can't escape from,helplessly praying the light isn't,fading hiding the shock and they're,chilling my bones took you away on the,table,i pace back and forth as you laced him,they pull you into feeling your,heartbeat,can you hear me screaming please don't,leave me,i still want you,come back i still need you,hold on i still need you,i don't wanna let go,i know,i'm not that strong,i just wanna hear you,saying baby let's go home,let's go home,yeah i just wanna take you home,hold on i still want you,come back i still need you,there,is a swelling storm,and i'm caught up in the middle of it,and it takes,control,of the person that i thought i was,the boy i used to know,but there,is light,in the dark,and i feel its warmth,in my hands and my heart,but why can't i hold,because on comes and goes in ways,it always starts,it always dies,and we watch as our young hearts fade,into the far heart,into the flight,and the freedom,falling,and i'm trying hard to let go but it,comes and goes,oh it comes and goes in ways,and carries us away,through the wind,and down to the place we used to lay,when we were kids,the memories,of a stolen place,were caught in the silence,it always,starts it always starts,and we watch as our young hearts fade,into the,heart,into,it slips through,my fingers and i'm trying hard,i've watched my wild youth,disappear in front of my eyes moments of,magic and wonder,it seems so hard to find is it ever,coming back again,is it ever coming back again,and take me back to the feeling where,everything was left to find,as it comes and goes in,cause it comes and goes in way,and carries us away,so,there is a house built out of stone,tables and chairs won't buy,this is,is a place,for you,for me,until,disappeared,is,so,the seas,by the cracks of his skin i climbed to,the tower,i climbed the tree,to see,the world,how long is,me,oh,for you,for me,summer after high school when we first,met,we'd,used to steal your parents liquor and,climb to the roof,talk about our future like we had a clue,never planned that one day i'd be losing,you,in another,us against the world,so i don't have to say you were the,cash never one without the other we made,a pact sometimes when i miss you i put,those records on,someone said you had your time to remote,saw your downtown sing in the blues,never planned that one day i'd be losing,you,against world,all this money can't buy me a time,machine,i should have told you what,cause,against the world,in another,life,i would make you stay,so i don't have to say,you were the one that got away,the one that got away,do,put a price on emotion,i'm looking for something to buy,you've got my devotion,and i can hate you sometimes,i don't want to fight you,and i don't want to sleep,will be a fine line,we'll be,taste of my patience,my hands,i'll try to shake this,you,we'll be,will be a fine,will be,will be,will be,so,foreign,so,and i'll use you as a warning sign,that if you talk enough sense and you'll,lose your mind,and i'll use you as a focal point,so i don't lose sight of what i,want and i'm more farther than i thought,i could,but i missed you more than i thought i,and would use you as a warning sign,that if you talk enough sense and you'll,lose your,mind found love where it wasn't supposed,to be,right in front of me,it took some sense to me,and i,found love where it wasn't supposed to,be,right in front of me,were talking some sense to me,and i'll use you as a makeshift game,of how much to give and how much to take,oh i'll use you as a warning sign,where it wasn't supposed to be,right in front of me,not in front of me,foreign,so,right in is of me,right in front of me,you made me feel,then you smiled over your shoulder for a,minute i was long cold sober i put you,closer to my chest,and you asked me to stay over i said i,already told you i think that you should,get some rest,i knew i loved you then but you'd never,know me cause i played it cool when i,was scared of,let go,i'll wake you up with some breakfast in,bed,i'll bring you coffee with the kiss on,your head,and i'll take the kids to school wave,them goodbye,and i'll thank my lucky stars for that,night,and i swear that every day you get,better you make me feel this way somehow,i'm so in love with you and i hope you,know me,just say you won't,i wanna live with you,even when we're ghosts,cause,now everybody knows,that it's just you and me too,just take,oh,i'm going under and this time i feel,there's no one to save me,this all or nothing really got a way of,driving me crazy,i need somebody,somebody to know,somebody,it
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WARZONE 2: Top 5 BEST SMG LOADOUTS After Update! (WARZONE 2 Best Setups)
WARZONE 2: Top 5 BEST SMG LOADOUTS After Update! (WARZONE 2 Best Setups)
foreign,ladies and gentlemen hey hi how you,doing welcome back to the channel thank,you so much for stopping by the SMG,category here in Warzone 2 is extremely,competitive like honestly you can make a,case for every single SMG being a very,solid and competitive option right now,but today I wanted to narrow it down to,the top five best SMGs we currently have,in the game and we're starting here,first at number five with the mx9 the OG,SMG version this is definitely the,highest skill Gap SMG in my opinion and,I say that because it's magazine,capacity is terrible just outright 32,rounds is the Max magazine capacity here,which means you have to be very smart,with how you approach engagements but,those who can utilize this weapon well,are going to thrive because it's ttk,it's ease of use it's Mobility,everything about it is really really,consistent so first up here I do have,the Cronin mini pro I just can't stand,the iron sights on this gun you'll see,for the other SMGs who are basically all,Iron Sights this is not the case the,iron sights are atrocious in my opinion,I got for that blue dot I tuned that for,the furthest eye position and it's,slightly faster ads in there too which,is a nice sort of balance to that con,there so that works out well behind the,face cam I'm actually using the C11 comb,Riser this is going to help out with,your ads and your Sprint to fire,obviously all the SMGs you want to,capitalize on their movements because,that's what's going to make them you,know very competitive you got to bridge,the gap to those close range engagements,so these can Thrive and I tuned this for,the better ads then also slightly better,recoil stabilization in this case just,to keep it nice and balanced you could,also go for aim walking speed though on,that left slider if you wanted to like I,said you gotta use the 32 round mag this,is a must have also it got a buff for,the last update so it's going to make it,nice and consistent really fast as well,which is pretty convenient I got the,rr40 suppressor on here you'll see this,on basically every single SMG set up,here today it's the best close range,suppressor because it's only hurting,your ads and your stability not anything,else that's you know too crucial for uh,close range based setup so that's nice,and ideal it does help out the Velocity,in the range which is sort of added,benefits there while still keeping you,off the compass and I tuned this for,that faster ads then also the better,velocity as well then lastly I go for,the Bruin s901 Barrel which will,increase the range in the velocity which,is nice but also the movement speed and,the hip fire accuracy so this thing is a,really good barrel for an aggressive,player uh you're going to get some,mid-range out of it but also enhance,your close range even more and I tune,this forward Mobility for the better ads,speed and the better aim walking speed,as well so all around this thing for,some close range and potentially even a,little bit of sniper support is really,reliable now at number four I've got the,mini Buck this thing again has a lot,going for it uh it's got the large,magazine by default so unlike some of,these other SMG options where you have,to go out of your way to use that,magazine attachment you don't have to do,that here it's already got that covered,so you can use that attachment elsewhere,to increase maybe some controls some,Mobility something like that which is,really convenient also has really good,damage and very low recoil in general so,this thing is one of my favorite SMGs,right now just based off of how it feels,in game but it's also very lethal in the,right hands too so uh first up here I do,go for the True Tech grip this is for,better ads and Sprint to fire again just,to help out with that General mobility,and I tuned to maximize that for the,better Sprint to Fire and for the better,ads as well I also use the uh I don't,know how to say this,otrazette stock it's the stock that,increases your aim walking speed so your,strafe speed and then also your spring,speed this is a nice sort of like this,is what I'm getting out of not using a,magazine right you don't have to use a,stock you could always switch this to an,optic if you don't like the irons or,maybe something else but truly I feel,like the other stocks that hurt your,control aren't going to benefit this gun,so this one with minimal cons and the,ability to actually tune for even better,Mobility here with the better stability,in ads I'm actually a really big fan of,just makes the gun a little bit more,aggressive and a little bit more lethal,up close in this case for the laser I'm,trying out the PEC box 4 this is just,for better ads speed of course though I,always talk about the Olay laser this is,never a bad choice but both of these,will help out the ads speed uh the Olay,does do Sprint to fire as well so keep,that in mind but either of those would,work just fine I've got the 279 Barrel,this is for slightly better range and,velocity and hip Fire
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What the f-,Move, Momo. I'm not in the mood.,I didn't want to have to make this video. Okay. I'm just minding my own business on YouTube...,What the freak is thi-,Let me watch a little Vsauce.,Michael here. It doesn't who I watch, what I watch or when I watch it.,Tik Tok will make itself known. With the sergeants...,Of these "so called" TIK TOK ads,,You know, I heard a little bit at first, you know.,"I got a Tik Tok ad, what the freak." Whoa, anybody getting a lot of Tic Tac ads recently?,I said TIC TAC ads. (laughs).,I thought it was just some isolated cases, you know.,But then I start getting hit with 'em.,I don't need a 14-year-old twerking when I'm trying to watch Vsauce!!,First, we had musical.ly,,and I've already proven I would have been the best musical.ly-er.,I dropped my phone.,I-I dropped my pho -,But this Tik Tok,,Its's going to the next level. And I thought, since Tik Tok want to make itself known in my life,,"I'mma just beat it to the punch.",We're gonna do a WHOLE video on Tik Tok.,Now before this video even starts,,Listen, if you're a Tik Tok user, I ain't calling you,,cringe. I mean, first of all, let's not act like I've never done anything cringe.,*Look at the top of his head!*,lady shows HUGE baldspot,laughing,why the music come all hard like, Somebody please. End my suffering.,Where are your parents?,Where...are your parents?,Parents, this is why kids don't need iPhones. I remember,,I was growing up. The first iPhone came out.,I wanted one so freaking bad like, "Mom, it plays music, too!" Remember how revolutionary that was?,You know what my mom got me?,I still got it.,Hold on a second., Look at this! You see this? You freaking see this?! A Boost Mobile.,This thing couldn't play music!,I couldn't play Tap Tap Revenge with this! But most importantly, I wasn't able to make,Musical.ly or Tik Tok videos with it.,Now, those things weren't out yet, but you get my point.,Plus, you know when I was on the phone with somebody and I got mad? (example) "'Tchu' you mean you ain't coming over, girl? I bought the popcorn!,Oh, okay." (slams phone shut),(another example) "Oh, so your mom said you can't come to the movies tonight?,Yeah, hold up--" Even though you said in the second period that we were gonna go see Saw tonight.",Nah (x3), don't even worry about--". You can't do that with iPhones.,Now, she goes by,"Twerk Queen". Tell me this girl ain't fourteen. "Twerk Queen"...,I respect ya hustle,,Get ya followers, girl!,All I'm saying is, let me catch my daughter doing something like this. She-- (starts laughing), She gon' be in her room.,She gon' be like, ,Twerk. Twerk. Twerk. (laughs),The door gon' open.(laughs),What the freak are--,Daddy... I was--,(slapping over music) ~I gotta hit that street, you gotta watch it...~,Freakin' get her in a headlock like this. "Oh, so you want to make videos, huh?",I mean if you're freaking 18 and older and you want to twerk on apps,,fine. This... Tik Tok, can we, like, not promote the 12 year olds?,Whoa! Whoa there, Nelly.,(wheezing laughter),Tik Tok, look what you're doing to our children.,My man at the bus stop, clearly,,uncomfortable making this video. Clearly!,But he feels pressured.,He knows that if he doesn't do the Tik Tok videos, he's gonna get ridiculed in class. So he's getting his daily Tik Tok--,Daily dose of Tik Tok-ing at the bus stop this morning, looking around making sure...,Put that tongue away, young fellow. Put it away.,Nah, this man got a full beard. This man got a whole,beard. Ain't no excuses for you.,I don't want to see no cringe from you, sir. I don't want to see it.,You know what, I'mma let that one slide.That was funny.,cory turns emo,You know,,For... there's some that I'm like, "You know, okay, whatever.",It's like if somebody want to get up there and, like, just voiceover some, that's cool. If we could just,,categorize the Tik Tok cringe. At the top,,it will be like... the twelve-year-old twerking, and then we got the ones where it's like, they,pretendin' to be ugly, they'd be like,,"Uugh my skin is so.. ugh acne.",Then they do a little reveal, you know, and they be like, (breathing),(*whispering seductively* ughhh, ohhh yeahh I'm so freakin' hot now.,that I wiped this lotion off my face.),Then we got the ones where, like, they're doing the memes, and,,those aren't bad.,And then I feel like the ones at the bottom where they're literally just singing and they're not doing nothin' extra.,Okay, maybe they just want to voiceover somethin'.,That's cool!,But why the only ads that I get personally, got me on the freakin FBI--,FBI: FBI OPEN UP!!!,*loud explosions, gunshots*,(while tapping) Yeah, I'm trans, I figured.,Yeah, you call me a girl, well I'm triggered,Takin' note, 'cause I'm a-glow...,I got a thousand fans and no you don't.,CORY: I actually have over three mil-,She don't even know the words!! Watch her mouth.,If you're gonna have a song playing, SING THE SONG!,SING IT! At least SING! Don't let the song play while you just-,No.....,This is
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