tiktok ads research

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3 Product Research Methods for TikTok Ads (EASY TO FOLLOW!) | Jandy Cerezo

here we've done about 1400,today,and if we just have a look at the last,10 days,of this,we've done about 38 000,dollars and we're scaling quite nicely,this is about three to four winning,products from tiktok,if you haven't watched the video that i,created where we broke down how to find,seven figure winning products then i,said to you guys,watch that after this one today we're,going to be talking about three product,research methods that you guys can apply,straight away so that you can test on,tech talk in fact these three product,research methods that i'm gonna be,sharing today allowed us to find four,winning products within three weeks now,if you're new to my channel my name is,dandy cereto i own multiple seven-figure,ecommerce stores i am a digital,marketing agency and most importantly a,dad i drop weekly videos on drop,shipping e-commerce and paid advertising,today we're going to be starting our,product research method with the,tick-tock platform so if you just go to,ticktock.com we can actually utilize the,search bar and the usage of hashtags to,find winning products i've been using,this quite a lot as well and most,importantly you can actually find good,creatives as well if you find these,winning products that you want to test,and you find the winning creatives in,there you'll be able to replicate the,same creative for you to scale your,store what i typically search first is,the tick tock made me buy it keyword now,this keyword allows you to find,different waiting products for example,this one let's have a look tic tac made,me buy it,it's an automatic door closer for your,privacy,let's see if it works,this is a very catchy video,these kind of products are the ones that,you can actually drop ship now you can,see from here that they have about three,million views so you know that this,certain creative is actually working,and and the product is really nice as,well so you can scroll through here and,you can already see there are multiple,multiple winning products on this page,and,there's definitely ways for you to uh,find hidden gems in here now another one,that i like to search is amazon fine,so this one's really interesting because,you can see multiple winning products,within one creative now i also want to,touch another point which is what i call,the spiral effect method this is where,you go deeper and find other hashtags or,keywords so that you can find those,hidden golden winning products so if we,just click,on one of the videos right you can see,other hashtags on this uh particular,content,so,let's have a look at amazon must haves,again you're diving deeper into the,keywords and trying to find different,keywords where you can find those golden,winning products here you can see,straight away that there are a lot of,winning products so this one i'm sure,most of you guys have seen already this,one's popping off not just on tech talk,but also facebook right and that has 60,million views which is quite insane,again there are multiple multiple ways,that you can utilize this method and if,you just for example click this,we can do amazon must haves and here you,can see the levitating uh,light and i'm sure most of you guys have,seen this already this is the wireless,charger which is really awesome as well,which popped off a couple years ago and,there are a lot of views in here which,indicates that hey this is in demand and,the product is definitely good so you,guys will be able to test those straight,away now let's move on to the second,product research method that i use which,is the traditional and og method this is,the aliexpress method now again,aliexpress has definitely improved their,algorithm you can utilize the seo with,aliexpress especially if you've been,trying to find winning products on,aliexpress you'll often find on the home,page that there are other several,winning products that you guys can,attest straight away and surprisingly,over the last few years their algorithm,just keeps getting better and it's gonna,feed you those winning products which,you can test so if we just scroll down,here on aliexpress uh you guys have,probably seen at this one this one's,popping off in uh facebook and also tech,talk where it's a professional beer,dreamer and also,good for,shaving your hair,and um,and now you can apply this other method,that i like to use as well which is,similar to the spiral effect method that,i touched on for take top but this time,it's called a rabbit hole because,this one is you're just gonna go,deeper and deeper inside the aliexpress,recommendation so for example you you've,seen a winning product you put it on,your list so what you're going to do,next is scroll down the bottom and,you're going to find the recommendations,and often you'll find that there are,other winning products in here in fact,my latest winning product is i found,through this uh rabbit home method so if,we just scroll down here,there are a lot of trimmers in here um,here again another winning product which,is the uh tee

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok ads research

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$1K/Day TikTok Ads Product Research Method

$1K/Day TikTok Ads Product Research Method

what is going on guys Noah Brewer here,back again with another Banger of a,video and welcome to quarter four spark,series part two I am starting this,series to give you everything that you,need to know to make an absolute bag,make money this quarter four so listen,up the reason you are probably watching,this video is because you think I'm,gonna give you a magical product,research strategy that is going to have,100 success rate magic in the air and,that is sadly not how it works but I am,going to be giving you a proven strategy,that you can follow and also the,information that you need to follow,along with it in order to find true,winning products with Tick Tock ads one,of the reasons I'm telling you that,there's no product research strategy,that's going to have 100 success rate is,because it doesn't exist,real,product research is not what actually,brings you success and allows you to,actually go out and find winning,products your ability to select good,products is what determines your success,rate when testing not the actual,strategy that you use to find the,products now knowing things like niches,to stay away from and criteria to follow,can definitely help with this but I just,want you to understand that the actual,way that you find products doesn't,really matter like there's no strategy,that you can follow out there that you,can just basically get a list of good,products to sell and every single one of,them is going to be a winner it just,does not work like that but there is a,way to use this to your advantage which,is what we're going to be going over in,this video Now product research is,actually the way that you go out and,find products and basically just put,ideas on paper you're essentially,following a method like scrolling,through AliExpress or scrolling through,Tick Tock which we will be covering in,this video to look for products that you,think could be cool that is so cool that,you think could perform well and just,putting them on paper now I encourage,everybody who's in e-commerce full time,to do a lot a lot of product research,get as many ideas down on paper not only,does it document your process and allow,you to put your ideas down but then you,can go back later on look at that list,and then choose out which products,you're actually going to test and this,is why I say that product selection is,much different than product research,because if all you're doing is product,selection you're not giving your brain,the separation between looking for ideas,and coming up with ideas and deciding,what's actually good to test and this is,very very important product selection is,the skill that you're actually going to,use to make money that's where you're,going to hone in your abilities and,build the skills truthfully the only way,that you're going to build the skill of,selecting really good products to sell,is you have to select products and then,see how they perform you have to,formulate an idea or stumble upon a,product make the conscious decision to,actually go and test that product for,whatever a reason and then see how it,performs and the more products you test,that end up not working and the more,products you test that end up do working,determines your skill level your,confidence level and your ability to,actually select products that have a,high chance of working if you look at,somebody like myself who has had many,many students and clients I've literally,done hundreds of thousands of products,you know scrolling through Google Sheets,that I hire va's to build whatever,tested literally thousands of products,just in the last couple of years it's,just so many of them not even entirely,just recently finding hundreds of,winners right my filter and my product,selection skills are very very optimized,meaning that whenever I do product,research it doesn't matter how I do it I,can do it whatever way I want I can take,a walk through Walmart and do product,research that way but when it comes to,my product selection I'm very very picky,and I have a very good eye when it comes,to picking good products so you have to,do the product research do the product,selection and then test out out your,product selection skills in order to,actually get good at selecting products,it's something you have to actually do,or you can be like Jimmy over here hey,Jimmy who joined my mentoring program,and basically got a fast track to,building his product selection skills in,my mentoring program all of my students,do the product research on their own but,the product selection is done by me I,tell them which products are good and,which products are bad and then they use,that judgment to not only for one,increase their level of skill but for,two to actually test products and find,Winners without testing products that,I've already tested I already have,experience with I know are saturated,just based on my own experiences now,with that said I am opening up spots in,my mentoring program right now to help,more people find a winning product

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How I Find $10k/Day Winning Products (Full Strategy)

How I Find $10k/Day Winning Products (Full Strategy)

tell me where are they where are the,winning products no that's trash,that's horrible just like yourself,you see Dropship man I just wanted to,see what you do and you didn't,disappoint you spent thousands on an AB,stimulator that nobody bought besides,your sweet old mother even to a guy like,me that's cold where are your wedding,products you free you see Dropship man,there are no winning products you're,lying,you just want me to quit dropshipping,what,and quit Drop Shipping I mean what would,I do without you go back to ripping off,suckers with my mrr store that they,didn't sign up to no no no no no no,you see these beginner drop shippers,they're morals they're code it's a bad,joke dropped at the first sight of money,they'll start an nft collection or start,selling feet picks on only fans as soon,as the going gets tough shut up you're,around Joker they're not as monsters as,you now where are the winning products,I'm not a monster I'm just simply ahead,of the curve where are they,don't worry I'm going to tell you where,they are I'll give you so many winning,products you won't even know what to do,with yourself you see the winning,products,they don't exist,only you make a product a winner a drop,ship man probably one of my more mundane,intros but yes let's get into product,research now when I am doing my own,product research I pretty much just rely,on two main tools now my favorite and,only product research tool that I use,right now is PPS and by the way I'm not,sponsored by them but they could throw,your boy back I mean geez I got kids to,feed I got bills to pay but my main,filters that I use with PP ads is United,States obviously drop ship so I can see,products like that shop now Shopify I,like to see ads that are recent I want,products that are blowing up right now,not a few months ago because typically,those are too saturated with ad,Impressions I typically like to see at,least a couple hundred thousand so if we,go here yep 100 000 works for me and,let's just scroll down I want to keep,this somewhat live without too many Cuts,because I know you guys are suffering,from your add but let's just see what we,can find here if we scrolling down okay,I can spot A Drop Shipping prior from,mile away so let's just mute this take a,look to crocodile,this one has sold very well I mean and,let's try to break down why so looking,at the actual website for this product,it is very catchy I mean this thing as,soon as you see it you can demonstrate,this and make it look super cool with a,great video now does it appeal to a,younger demographic 100 can almost,anyone use a lighter yes so there's a,lot of great things here and it doesn't,look incredibly cheap now to some of you,it might look cheap but when I look at,these images I don't really look at this,and say wow this is something that I can,get at a gas station for five dollars,legitimately it is a cool lighter now,for some people I know they like boring,products for me I like products that do,stand out to me so this is something I,would definitely consider selling but I,would say it's a little saturated so if,we scroll on down let's see what else we,got here tired of Shaving here,is that Charlie demilio I feel like she,shouldn't be making videos like this,until she's at least 18 but then again,she could be I don't really follow those,Trends so let's see okay yes another,dropshipping product we got a silky,smooth Hair Eraser by Pink Nelly wow,this looks pretty legit they got a,doctor and everything she looks like,she's is 18 years old so I'm sure,without his trustworthy but if we,scrolling down great graphics now would,I sell this product it is a problem,solver I would say the perceived value,is there and I actually have had a,decent amount of success with shaving,products beauty products in general do,really really well for me so yes I would,100 consider selling this now real quick,if you want a team of expert product,researchers to find winning products for,you then have a team of website builders,that build custom coded one product,stores for each winning product you test,along with having a custom content team,that films custom ads so that you can,maximize your chance of seeing success,with e-commerce then you can actually,get that by working with my agency blue,ocean digital where we do all that and,we have a full stack team that will find,products build your websites create your,ads and manage your ads for you until,you get to a thousand dollars a day or,more so if you are interested in working,with me you can click the link down,below and book a call so let's take a,look at this belt right here looks like,it has some sort of prayer or phrase,that can really motivate you so now,you'll always think of me when you take,off your whoa geez low ease what is,going on here I mean the,hypersexualization of our society,nowadays is absolutely out of control I,mean someone get your girl underline,this is ridiculous but I would say I,would never sell anything like this,because it

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$300+ Profit Per Day - TikTok Ads For Shopify Dropshipping (EXACT STRATEGY)

$300+ Profit Per Day - TikTok Ads For Shopify Dropshipping (EXACT STRATEGY)

what's up guys welcome to the channel in,this video I'm going to tell you how I,was able to go from losing almost 18 000,in my first six months of Drop Shipping,journey to now making two to four,hundred dollars profit every single day,with one product using Tick Tock ads,stay tuned,welcome back guys welcome to the channel,my name is Jacob wikowski and in this,channel I'm documenting my journey of,starting brand new drop shipping stores,and trying to find my first winning,product so basically on the beginning of,this year 20 and 22 I decided to devote,most of my time and most of my money,into building and trying to succeed with,Drop Shipping to see if Drop Shipping,really is that easy,especially in 2022 so like I mentioned,before for the first six months of me,trying to build the drop shipping stores,trying to make it big I've tested,probably 20 different products I've,spent like over eighteen thousand,dollars and I didn't make any money it,wasn't until a couple weeks ago where I,actually found my first true winning,product and now I'm able to make two to,even four hundred dollars per day in,profit pretty consistently using Tick,Tock ads and in this video I'm going to,go into more d details on what strategy,I'm using to make it work for me now in,the first six months of my dropshipping,journey I mostly used Facebook ads to to,to be successful that didn't really work,for me however in those six months or,almost seven months actually I have been,trying to use tick tock as well and it,never really worked for me like probably,on the beginning spent like 500 maybe,even more trying to sell products on,Tick Tock it didn't never go anywhere,again until I started using the strategy,that I'm going to tell you about right,now and of course part of the success is,me finding this actual winning product,and it's worth to mention that this,winning product I first found out about,it and seen potential with this product,on Facebook and then this is where I,decided to take it to tick tock and see,if I can make money with it on Tick Tock,and surely that was great idea so let's,hop on to my computer and I'm going to,show you all the numbers and then break,down this entire strategy so this is,basically the store I'm talking about I,have started running ads to this store,probably,so that was July definitely July maybe,15th not even a15 so as you can see it,was like only literally a couple weeks,ago that I started working on this,product,so 20th,was my prologue first sale yeah so the,9th 20th of July this is where I had my,first sale with this store so this is,about one to three weeks or so,three weeks and so far I was able to,generate eleven thousand dollars uh,eleven thousand and eighteen dollars um,in sales today alone I already had,um 181 dollars in sales it's actually,one order less because one order today,came from me personally because one I'm,testing new private agent I want to see,you know how fast I'm actually going to,get the product and then test the,quality of the product etc etc but I'm,also using a new tracking system with my,Tick Tock ads and that's another thing,to talk about because when you're,running ads on Tick Tock what I've,realized is that oftentimes people will,see your ads and when they see your ads,instead of clicking on shop now button,they will actually click on your profile,button right to check out your profile,and then go to your home page from there,and when that happens a lot of sales,don't actually get assigned or tracked,properly inside tick tock's ad account,so for that reason today I decided to,invest in a tracking software called,hyrus I highly recommend ended it is,quite expensive because you pay 350,dollars for the lower package if you,like but it tracks everything so if you,see my ad right now,and you watch it,and then go to my profile in even couple,days later decide to directly go to my,shop this app somehow still is able to,track and see which ad you've seen first,which ad you decided to click on and,everything else it's it's very Advanced,tracking uh software hence the price but,I think it's really worth it because,right now for the past what three weeks,I've realized that whenever I was,testing ads the sales would go up I had,days where I had like 420 dollars in,pure profit from sales and then I would,the next day go into my ad account check,which ads they actually gave me sales,again a lot of sales were not even,tracked and then I would switch off the,ads that were not showing any sales the,next day I would see drop in my sales,because probably I have switched off,some ads that did generate sales but,they were not assigned and showing in,inside of you know Tick Tock other camp,in my in my head if I can pay 350,dollars per month and be sure that I'm,not switching off the working ads and,scaling them then that's just going to,be pay for itself that's no brainer at,all so that's what I'm using it's high,Ros app I'm going to leave the link to,hiros down in the description highly,recommen

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BEST TikTok Ads Winning Product Research Method

BEST TikTok Ads Winning Product Research Method

hey guys my name is benny and i'm the,founder of glitch media in the glitch,court it's obviously named after the,tick tock ads glitch if you're not,familiar essentially in november of 2021,i found a glitch on the tick tac ad,system,and basically it let us get millions and,millions of impressions and made a lot,of people millions of dollars basically,by raising the budget slightly on,campaigns,and the campaigns would have,significantly more ad groups than the,total campaign budget and basically when,i released this there were just a ton of,fakers a ton of people that pretended,that this was literally their strategy,i'm recording this because obviously,this is going to be set proof that of,course i had this earlier before they,actually come in and start releasing and,start you know it's just i'm used to,that process and i really don't want,things to go the way that they did,before and likewise i also want to help,you guys because we are going to go,through the entire process start to,finish of making a shopify store finding,a product,in any particular niche i don't even,know yet i haven't even started looking,um and we're also going to be running,the glitch but we can also start running,other campaigns as well we're going to,go through the entire process together,and likewise i'm really excited to be,showcasing this glitch for the first,time on youtube,so let's get into it,first things first i just created a new,shopify store i had an extended free,trial um and so that's really cool i was,actually able to get a free trial until,january of next year and at the time of,recording it is currently july 2022 so,essentially the free trial that i got,it's about a year out from today or like,a little less probably about nine months,out or seven months out so should be,perfect essentially one thing that i,incorporate on every single store i,always always always,import next day processing uh it's it'll,come in handy later um but yeah that's,just the only product i wanted to import,just because it's super super easy so we,have pp ads here and i'll show you my,filters so my filters for pp ads i,usually raise popularity a little bit,sometimes over a hundred it doesn't,really mean much,it usually just means,that you're only going to be selecting,products that there was at least a,decent interaction with,impressions i like a good amount of,impressions just so we know they weren't,just testing it and we're actually not,really looking to copy what they're,doing i'll show you what i'm trying to,do here,then uh ecom platform,uh i usually set that to shopify,and at the period for first or last,scene i like to do a last scene in the,last few months and this will give you a,good idea of what people are running,right now a lot of them will be real,brands,and it's hard to compete with brands,that already have like their logo on,stuff to me it's always been better to,just look through here until you find,something that,you feel is is a good niche or something,that you want to go with i've been,noticing there's a lot of people running,in germany and other areas so let's,actually set the country and region to,the us,i mainly like to run the us just because,i get such cheap traffic anyway the one,thing about product research especially,on tick tock is you you just really,can't,get annoyed or bored,i i really just i feel that a lot of,people they give up too soon when they,could have been like right there let's,keep looking,a few moments later so,this is a really cool feature of pp ads,is you can look and see actually like,how well uh people's ads are doing,now obviously like they're running it up,a little bit more right now,it doesn't necessarily mean that it's,doing too well,but a good,methodology for when you see this,is just to go and check on aliexpress,let's look up,cause i'm not sure if it'll say cause,slides,or actually let's just look up slides,wrong kind of slides elmo slides here we,go,eight dollars six dollars so from a good,supplier you'd probably look be looking,at around probably the same amount,probably eight dollars per pair so,unless you could sell them significantly,more than that it wouldn't really be too,worth it,um,now i'm intrigued though so we're gonna,keep that as an option,let's keep looking,this company is crushing it,shop gold,so they've spent 6k on this ad i'm sure,it's doing good,now what we could do,is we could go look,and just see,oh yeah they're spending a lot on ads,now one thing about shop gold though is,they are just an absolutely insane,company like,they they are always printing on their,ads so we can't really,compete with them per se,but we can,definitely try to find stuff in a,similar niche so i'm going to keep that,up as well let's try to find one more,example,why is nobody,so one thing that i'm always looking for,when i'm trying to find a product,is uh i always look for a super high,margin i feel like that's kind of what,separates my tests from a lot of other,people's,is ultimately like if it's not

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$3K/Day Product Research For TikTok Ads & Shopify

$3K/Day Product Research For TikTok Ads & Shopify

what's going on guys no brewer here back,again with another video and today we're,going to be talking about the exact,product research methods that i've used,to scale multiple stores over 3 000 per,day and countless stores to over a,thousand a day over the last 30 days so,i hope you guys are excited for this one,as i am and stay tuned till the end,because the tips that i'm giving in this,video may very well help you find a,winning product this quarter or even,this month or even this week let's get,right into it so we all know that there,are many ways to find a winning product,you got scrolling through aliexpress ad,spy tools like creative center or a,service like pp ads you got scrolling,through your for you page scrolling,through hashtags on tick tock you got,you know finding previous winners or,current winners from other platforms or,different locations you know whichever,you're doing but today we're gonna be,focusing on the top two product research,methods that i've used over the last 30,days to take numerous stores to over a,thousand bucks per day and a couple,stores over three thousand dollars per,day so let's get right into it so before,i actually show you the two ways of how,i find products i want to show you what,you should be looking for because i can,definitely show you how to find products,but if you don't really know what you're,looking for then it's kind of all,pointless so i usually like to start off,by running through my criteria and,giving you the best explanation that i,possibly can as to why i look for these,types of products and the types of,products that i'm actually looking for,so the first one is a cost criteria,which basically states that we're,looking for products that we can sell,anywhere between fifteen dollars and,eighty dollars with at least a fifty,percent gross margin this means that yes,you can sell a product for seventy,dollars however you want a profit margin,of at least thirty five dollars on that,product and ideally you have a profit,margin of more than fifty percent which,will just allow you more room for,profits uh because keep in mind that you,will have ad spends so a 50 margin is,great but it could be better um as i've,had a lot of success scaling with 60,margins 70 margins even 90 margins on,certain products so another piece of,criteria is a product that solves a,problem for a broad audience there's two,main things that i want to cover here,number one solving a problem i,definitely noticed that on tick-tock,function is a little bit more important,than form what i mean by this is if you,have a product that just looks cool it,might not be enough to kind of push,people over the edge to actually go and,buy the product you may need something,that actually has a real function to it,that solves a real problem and actually,creates desire inside of your customers,aka if your product is the same as,something that is already available out,there and it just looks a little bit,better it may not fit my criteria for,being a winning product another key part,of this is broad audience the reason i,say this is because targeting on tick,tock is terrible and we've seen the most,success uh with products that kind of,fit a large demographic of people,meaning it's not tailored towards a,specific niche so for example the,fishing niche i'd probably stay away,from on tick tock yes you can have a,fishing niche winner on tiktok i'm just,saying that i would probably stay away,from it because not everybody is into,fishing as opposed to you know let's say,a shower product almost everybody has a,shower so even though you have like the,bathroom niche and the fishing niche one,of them is applicable to only a small,amount of people and the other one is,applicable to almost everybody so please,keep this in mind when you're doing your,product research that you want a product,that solves a problem for a broad,audience of people the next examples are,kind of hard to explain but i'm just,gonna say them and hope that you,understand what i'm saying so number one,is something that's native and fun and,something cool and easily sellable in,the tick tock format so essentially if,you can see yourself making great,content funny content entertaining,content whatever in the tick tock style,format then there's a good chance that,that product might perform good on tick,tock ads and like i said this is very,hard to explain but you pretty much just,have to use your imagination here and if,you can't picture yourself making a good,tick tock ad for that product it might,be worth to just skip over it entirely,because tick tock is a very creative,based platform and if you don't even,think that you can make good creatives,for the product that you're trying to,sell you're pretty much doomed from the,get-go so that's why i added this to the,criteria because you have to be able to,sell the product in a tick tock native,style advertisement because that is what,works the next one is keep an eye out,for products that have a tick toc

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[Case Study] $570k in 5 days Shopify Dropshipping (TikTok Ads)

[Case Study] $570k in 5 days Shopify Dropshipping (TikTok Ads)

in this video I'll be breaking down the,product selection process the ads the,store building and much more of a store,that did five hundred and seventy,thousand dollars in sales in just five,days with Tick Tock ads only before I,get any further into this video over the,next few months I'm going to be dropping,tons of case studies in-depth tutorials,I'm even going to be revealing a few of,my own winning products from the past,I'm going to be giving out tons of,Industry secrets and strategies that are,hidden behind most people's courses or,paid Discord groups and I've took these,courses and I've been in the paid groups,people still hold information back I'm,just going to give it all away on this,channel just in case there are any,Skeptics out there I'll go ahead and,refresh the dashboard just to show you,guys this is legit,and um yeah this was mainly all through,Tick Tock as you can see here in the,sales by social Source we didn't even do,any retargeting at all this was,literally just all tick tock ads and one,more thing before I get started this,store was actually ran with a partner of,mine named Ben Harvey we are 50 50,Partners on the soar I left his,Instagram in the description so make,sure you guys show him some love as well,first and most importantly I'll be,talking about product selection this was,not a black hat scammy subscription,offer type product this was a real,product that we're actually sending to,customers those are not methods I will,be teaching on this YouTube channel at,all with that being said if you're the,guy who is somehow able to Source this,smart high-tech table for four dollars,please let me know your supplier is I,will pay a lot of money for access to,that the product in this case study was,attached to a very short-lived but,really large trend on Tick Tock the,audience for the product was a very,passionate audience and we saw this in,our aov when customers were buying all,sorts of other products related to the,main product which really helped our,margin a lot and and when we found the,product there were really no competitors,at all another thing is this product was,extremely simple very easy to source and,it was low ticket we were able to Source,it for under ten dollars and there was,no customizations done at all in terms,of how we found the products we actually,found this on Amazon's movers and,shakers and this is the movers and,shakers page pretty much it's the,biggest gainers and sales rank over the,past 24 hours so this is definitely a,great way to keep an eye out on like,really hot trending products and this,product in particular I'm not going to,say what category it was in but it was,one and two,on the movers and shakers for probably,two weeks at least and here's the search,volume for the main keyword for the,product by the way I'm using helium 10.,if you guys don't have this tool I'd,highly recommend it you can see Amazon,sales data search volume all sorts of,other things which is really insightful,for drop shippers clearly a huge spike,in search volume around early July and,that's right when we ran the products so,we got in Just In Time the main Amazon,listing was doing around 800k a month,which we were able to check that through,helium 10 and then once we found the,product we checked on competitors as I,said earlier there was literally no,competition at all we checked on all of,the ad spies there was only one store,running ads to this product and they,were using Solon creatives we then,ordered the product on Amazon and tested,it literally next to next I'll be,talking about store setup we use debut,theme and this was a very simple branded,store let me show you guys a few,examples of what I'm in mag flare is a,great example our page was very similar,to theirs,very short description Luke's reviews of,course and just make sure you're not,interrupting the customer's journey to,actually buying the product where,Felicity is another great example of,just a really clean and simple product,page don't create something that looks,scammy create a very nice branded page,with just one or two color themes I also,wouldn't worry too much about putting a,ton of photos and gifs within the,description,another great thing to have on your,product pages or your own custom images,now since this product was a very,short-term product we just scaled with,images straight off AliExpress and we,did completely fine with that our,conversion rate was very high but if you,have a more long-term product I would,highly recommend getting you know nice,high quality custom photos showing off,the products so we actually did test a,countdown timer it was actually an,inventory kind of fomo bar,um it said like there's only X units,left in stock and it worked extremely,well make sure if you do a countdown,timer or an inventory bar or whatever it,is that it looks really clean it matches,the branding on your site and it just,doesn't look scammy that's really,important we kept the offer very simple,it was just a 50 or 60 o

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Scaling A New Ecommerce Brand From $0-$1.3k/Day In 6 Days With TikTok Ads (TikTok Ads Case Study)

Scaling A New Ecommerce Brand From $0-$1.3k/Day In 6 Days With TikTok Ads (TikTok Ads Case Study)

transformation,innovation,masturbation,undoubtedly you're here for one of those,three things or a golden nugget that,will help you unlock the tick tock ad,code in this new year,and as part of this new year i'm happy,to announce an outstanding case study,that will reveal step by step,how we took a client's new store from,zero dollars with no products to helping,them find their first winning product,creating ads for them managing said ads,and scaling them to 1.3k a day in under,a week if you adjust your eyeglasses,with me and take a gander at the screen,i'm now presenting to you you'll notice,that our clients marketing strategy was,visiting the websites by themselves,perhaps sharing it with their mother in,hopes that they'll pity buy one of their,products,but my friend,a strategy that's simple,is not scalable,and even sometimes your mother won't do,you the decency of buying your own,product so what we decided to do is we,tested a product,on december 26,with his clients,and as you can see the results were,nothing to write home about,but,this was just the tip of the iceberg in,fact the ads got approved on this date,now if we go to the next date,a hundred dollars a day on their,campaign,your pickle might be tickled,as our 100 turned into 539,the cool part about this,is that our client makes sixty percent,per sale,without the advertising costs,so their take-home from this,was 280 minus a hundred so 180 profits,a day,three thousand dollars a month,in the second day of testing this,winning product,now if we fast forward to the sixth day,and the reason why you're watching this,video,you'll see right here that on january,2nd,something miraculous happened,we took these winning ad groups and we,scaled them and i will show you exactly,how we did so later on in this video but,if we take a look,our conversion rate needs a little bit,of improvement but we're at 1.3 000 a,day all right enough of that voice and,tonality if you have any questions,though before we get into the details of,how we did this i do recommend hitting,me up on instagram i'm always active,there i'm always responding to questions,messages that you may have even say that,you came from this video and i will,respond to you so in this video i'm,going to share with you how i found this,product and what tool we ended up,finding it on along with the testing,strategy and how we scaled the store,from 89 to 1.3 k in less than a week and,oh,one more thing,we're going to cover how we're going to,scale this brand to 5 to 10 grand a day,by the end of next week,so first let's cover what's the criteria,for finding a winning dropshipping,product in 2022 so first off i always,say the product has to be unique or a,twist on a proven product with this one,that we are scaling currently for our,clients this is a twist on an already,proven product that's being scaled by,another big brand but we figured out a,way to make it slightly better and,slightly more affordable for our target,customer so if you're thinking of an,example there are the really expensive,galaxy projectors that cost 80 90 100,that have all these cool customizations,but there's also versions of that that,hey can have the same amount of features,the same amount of lighting modes and,all these cool little starry night,projections that it can do but if you,can sell it for half the cost and make,it more affordable for your target,consumer that can be a huge,differentiator so for us that's exactly,what we're doing because our competitors,are selling this same product for,hundreds of dollars in fact some cases,500,and we're selling it for 60,with the same amount of features so,that's our big differentiator compared,to everyone else selling this product we,have the same amount of features the,same benefits same everything it's just,a hell of a lot cheaper which makes it a,no-brainer for our target customer now,the next thing we look into is the,product isn't easily found in stores or,ebay amazon this is a very important,point i would again say that if the,product that you're really into is on,amazon,well that shouldn't be the biggest thing,that deters you because practically,everything is on amazon nowadays let's,be honest all drop shippers have access,to the same products they're drop,shippers on amazon drop shippers on etsy,drop shippers on ebay they're they're,everywhere,like little cockroaches so really the,main way you can differentiate yourself,if you see all these other people,selling it on amazon is it's got to be a,one product store because you need to,convince people your product is the only,product that can be bought,from your website so what i recommend,doing if you find a product you really,like and you want to beat out the people,selling it on amazon is build a full,brand around it have a custom domain,have a custom logo custom color scheme,custom everything and it's not that,complicated i know i'm saying custom but,literally if i'm selling a water bottle,right here i'm just gonna make the color,scheme b

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