tiktok ads safe zone

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FREE Crop and Safe Zone Template for IG Reels and Tik Tok Videos

hey everyone michael here with film,bodega and in this video i'm going to,show you a really easy trick for you to,preview how your instagram reels will be,cropped for the feed so i actually use a,series of guides inside of premiere pro,if you're not using premiere pro i also,have some png overlays that you can use,in final cut pro and davinci resolve,i'll leave a link down below so you can,download those and use them so you can,preview how your videos will get cropped,and make this a little bit easier for,everyone so here i am inside of premiere,pro and i am editing a instagram reel so,if i check my sequence settings this is,a 1080 by 1920 video which are the best,settings you want to use for reels and,tick tock 9 by 16 ratio what's cool,about instagram now is that the reels a,preview of your reel the first 30,seconds or so will now show up in the,instagram feed but the thing is they're,going to be cropped automatically to 4x5,that's 1080 by 1350 so to know where,instagram is going to crop this i,created my own guides to just turn on,and off now if you haven't seen the five,hidden tips and tricks in premiere pro,video i've covered these guides and,rulers before if you don't have these,icons you can add them here and then add,them to your little menu bar here but,what they do is create this photoshop,style,grid so you can bring in your own,guides to create things and line up and,see where text and things like that are,going to be placed but you can also,create custom guides so if i go to view,and i'm going to clear the guides i have,here and now i'm going to go back to,view,and if i go to,guide templates i've created my own,series of guides here so i have one for,my instagram reels uh and one for the,overlays for tick tock and instagram so,if i click this crop this is gonna apply,where instagram will crop out the video,inside of the feed so i can come in and,make sure that character's head doesn't,get cropped off or text or anything like,that that it stays in the safe space for,those first 30 seconds so if i just kind,of like scrub through this real quick,you'll see that his head's always in,place,and it looks pretty good and then you,can easily turn these off you just come,down to this menu,turn that off turn it back on and you'll,know where your crop is it's that simple,now it's very easy to make your own so,if i went to,go ahead and clear these out and you,want to make your own guides to save you,can just bring them in,and then you can go to view guides,template and then you can make your own,and save guides as a template i'll,include a link for you to download these,that i've made so you can just install,them and have access to them yourself so,to install these make sure you go into,your program monitor select it turn on,guides and rulers and then go to view,guide templates,and manage guides,then you'll just click on the import,button,go to the downloads find the guides and,then just select your guide layers and,open,you can rename these so they're easy to,find when you're done just hit ok,and so now if you go to view,guide templates you'll be able to see,all of these guides and just click and,turn on any of them if you look at let's,say let's add the,tick tock overlay what this one's,telling me is your real safe space is,here this is where most people on tick,tock and as well as instagram reels can,see what's happening in the screen and,then down here you'll have your captions,and your hashtags and the user interface,and then you have all your buttons here,so all of this area gets covered by,different ui,inside of the apps so you really want to,make sure that you're in this area with,your main subject now if you don't have,premiere pro i also have a series of,guides that i made as pngs so let's hop,over here to final cut pro and so here,we go we have our same vertical video so,i'm just going to import these pngs into,final cut and then i'm going to drag,them on top of my footage and so now i,can kind of just scrub through and see,where these videos will get cropped you,can also adjust the opacity on these so,you can just kind of turn them down and,up if you want to see through them a,little bit more,the downside of using these pngs is you,need to remember to turn them off so,either delete the layer or turn the,opacity all the way down so that when,you export your video the guide's not,there,that's not something you have to worry,about in premiere but,in another app if you're using these,overlays make sure when you're done with,them turn them back off or just hide,that layer hope you find that helpful,i'll leave a link down below so you can,download these guides and install them,in premiere pro as well as a link to the,png overlays i made so you can use these,in final cut and resolve see you in the,next one,bye,you

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Steal your competitors creatives!? 👀 [FACEBOOK & TIKTOK ADS)

Steal your competitors creatives!? 👀 [FACEBOOK & TIKTOK ADS)

what is going on guys welcome back to,the channel as you can tell by the title,of this video we're going to be covering,just two simple things in today's video,but firstly and most importantly sort of,the overarching uh aspect of this video,is gonna be how to spy on your,competition if you own an ecommerce,brand right if you're in the e-commerce,space at all this video is going to be,perfect for you because like i said,we're going to be covering exactly how,to find out what ads your competitors,are using right now what creatives,they're using what ad copy they're,testing out a million other things and,i'm going to show you how to do this on,two different platforms facebook as well,as tick tock i hope you guys like the,new agency sign in the background i'm,actually going to be moving to a new,apartment with my girlfriend by the,beginning of april mid-april so we'll be,in a bit of a different office setup in,the next few months probably in the next,video knowing uh that i'm uploading,these usually once a month at this point,because we're just so busy but,regardless let's hop on into the video,and i'll see you guys into the computer,now we're on to the what's called the,facebook ad library if you go ahead and,search this up this is obviously native,to facebook you can go ahead and find,this on google anyone can access this,it's totally free but there's a lot of,different things that you can do within,the ad library and it's really cool,really really useful in terms of like i,said finding what ads people are using,what content what ad copy and a ton of a,ton of different things as well so let's,go ahead and start things off guys if,you go ahead and just search up the,facebook ad library or the meta ad,library as things are now what's gonna,happen is you're gonna bring you it's,gonna bring you to this page it's gonna,look something like this it's gonna have,your default country here and add,category now you obviously can go ahead,and look by your individual country,right and find out what ads are being,ran here but just to be safe i think the,best thing to do guys is always just,switch this to all countries and then,add categories so facebook sort of,switches categorizes their ads by two,different ad categories right and,there's actually a few other ones but,listed here they're all sort of listed,into two different sections right that's,gonna be all ads every single ad that,there can be and then just issues,elections or political types of,advertisement so obviously we're gonna,go ahead and switch to all ads here it's,gonna actually sort of reload the page,if you guys don't notice that and then,two things here you're gonna notice it,says you can search by keyword or search,by advertiser this is really really cool,and really important because it actually,has a ton a ton of benefits in terms of,what you're looking for and what you can,actually find within the ads manager so,if i wanted to just go ahead and search,up any keyword here i have skin scrub if,we were working with a few skin care,brands you can see if i just search up,skin right it's going to give us a few,more examples of advertisers but it's,going to give us generally just a few,that facebook chooses chooses rather and,you can go ahead and click on them and,see all of the different ads that an,individual brand is running right so,kylie skin you can see they're running,upwards of 110 individual ads they're,definitely spending quite a large budget,i would say you know upwards of probably,six figures a month on advertising and,then what's really cool here guys is you,can see all of the individual ads that,they're running the creatives right the,videos right you can see what sales they,have going on so this is awesome right,and just like as a tip as a consumer i,do this all the time which is funny,because you know during black friday,cyber monday that you know any sale,christmas whatever if you're you know,you have your favorite brands and maybe,you didn't get their email or you,haven't seen what sale they have going,on particularly you can go ahead and,search up in the ad library their brand,find out exactly what ads are running,find their best sale and just go ahead,and use the code that way uh something,really cool as a consumer but this is,really awesome from an advertiser's,perspective or a brand owner's,perspective because you can see exactly,what these bigger brands are doing in,terms of what type of content are they,using right some not necessarily user,generated content here but obviously,having the models and the products in,the same video you can see how they're,actually highlighting in terms of having,text on these videos you can see 9x16,sort of like a story ad where it's just,like a gif right really no music behind,it or no audio at all so this gives us a,lot of insights right you can see all,the different ad copy that they're using,as well as guys you can click on the,links and see where these individual ads,are being linked to right so are t

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good morning morning ladies and,gentlemen Kevin it's a pleasure to see,you my friend good afternoon ladies and,gentlemen today hopefully I'm hoping,that me Nick swag and cloak can get his,nuke for him all I'm gonna say is if,you're excited for this today drop like,in Southern ring a bell whether you're,on the VOD Channel or maybe you're on,the main Channel watching this now all,right soon I'm sending the content all,right hopefully today's the day with uh,you know good little buddy 510 and,trying to get his nuke for him so we,need it bad honestly the whole group but,before I really get into anything today,I do want to say this at the very front,uh talk series for a minute,um,crazy stuff last night man,um I saw I saw that uh Ken Block had,passed away last night,um I I some of you,I I'm sure most people here know Ken,Block I reacted to a lot of the hoonigan,videos and he was a incredible driver,man and he,apparently it was a,snowmobiling accident,so he passed away yesterday so he rests,in peace and much love to,him and his family I,I couldn't really believe,yesterday was crazy man it's like but,between that I saw that yesterday and,then also,what happened with Demar Hamlin is crazy,and,I can't even wrap my head around,like that whole situation as well man,and obviously prayers to,Ken Block's family and friends and on,top of that for Demar Hamlin and anyone,you know family friends and the teams,man I I can't even,uh it was wild,it was like seeing that and what,happened is just uh I don't I can't even,wrap my head around it literally so,um,it's crazy man life can change so fast,you know what I mean and last night I,was really thinking about that just like,I mean life can change with a snap of a,finger man it's unbelievable and,just you should have hug someone,else someone you love them I say that at,the end I say that the intro and every,one of my videos but you really it's,just crazy to think how fast things can,switch man so,you know obviously hope the best for,everyone in both of those situations man,um and then I'm pretty sure as well,and forgive me because I'm probably,gonna say his last name wrong Jeremy,Renner,Hawkeye right I I I heard this yesterday,as well that he's in a,he's in critical condition or something,like that it's just like and that was,from like a snow plow accident or,something like,I don't know man it's just insane to,even think about bro,so,I hope the best for him too you know,what I mean like because he's as well in,a in a tough spot,whips just said that he's an ICU,recovering from two surgeries so I,didn't even know that I saw I saw that,it was,there was an accident but that was like,the extent of what I saw about it man,it's crazy bro,it's unbelievable,like I said man just,I was thinking last night I was like man,life can just switch,in the FL you know in a blink of an eye,so,just hug someone man I you know be,grateful that we all have today we're,all here today and uh obviously anyone,in any of those situations,um,all I can say is prayers and I hope the,best man that's all I can say,unbelievable,unbelievable,so I wanted to uh I just wanted to talk,about that at the beginning before,before we get into the day and start,having some fun I wanted to start off,with just kind of,uh talking about that a little bit and,being serious for a minute so I hope you,guys didn't mind that but,um,we're gonna we're gonna get into the day,here all right so,got like a some in my throat or,something,okay,um,what we're planning on doing today,is uh,it's like I said man we're hopefully,going to be able to get Nick marks his,nuke today uh this has proven to be one,of the hardest things since me getting a,fall guys when it seems and um,and uh,hopefully we can do it today man we'll,we'll see what I mean bro we'll see,my lazy eye is lazier than your brother,thanks Oliver for lighting in the mood,man I appreciate that,I'm glad that we can glad that glad that,my eye could be the transition that we,needed thanks man,um,and leave it up to chat bro I like you,I'll take care of this,nice lazy eye Tim thanks guys,um apparently twitch is down,is that,switch not TV slash cloak I mean it's,working for wait it's not working for me,wow everything's plugged in and working,great over here on YouTube man that's,weird crazy,wow crazy man it's pretty nuts,everything's smooth sailing over here in,1440p so that's uh it's worse it's,working just let everyone know over,there that it's working over here right,now so you can tell me we said that,um,uh,five,I do have to say man crazy crazy,football games this weekend huh between,uh College,I couldn't can I be completely honest,with you guys man I couldn't not I could,not believe that TCU game,I I really couldn't I uh that was,unbelievable,unbelievable that TCU game was crazy I I,would have if I'm honest I would have,bet the house on Michigan I'm not even,kidding and I mean there's a lot of,there's a lot of debate with that about,the catch me personally by the way I,think that's a tou

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How We Make TikTok A Safe Advertising Platform

How We Make TikTok A Safe Advertising Platform

hi,everyone welcome to joining today's tick,tock happy hour,this is our webinar series where tick,tock employees talk about their live,work and personal perspectives i am,select from vulnerable integrity team,and i will be the host for today's,episode with a topic as,how we build a safe advertising platform,this is a topic i,actually personally have most passion,for and i also have two,amazing teammates here that will share,more insights and,experience with me today so hello arjuna,mike and guys i just,noticed like we just chose black,t-shirts together right,it's a good look it's always meant to be,lying exciting,cool thank you so much so i journeyed,why,i'm wondering like if you can help to,introduce yourself a little bit,as well as like your rose and team maybe,mike you can go first i know that it's,quite late for you how is texas,texas is great it's hot it's beautiful,i'm based here in austin and i'm from,denver colorado,uh the fact that we're all wearing black,is actually like a 90,chance of me wearing a black t-shirt my,wife is a nurse and she works a night,shift so i have a drawer,where i know everything in this drawer,matches everything else in this drawer,so i can get dressed in the dark,when we're trading places in the night,so i'm pretty much in a black t-shirt at,all times,but um it's it's beautiful here in,austin and i'm really excited to be here,i work on the ad policy team and we're a,part of,monetization integrity and our focus is,understanding risks and harms on the,platform,and designing policy to keep users safe,cool thank you mike and adrian i know,you are dealing in singapore right,yep that's right so well uh as always,it's a bright sunny morning here in,singapore,and i won't be surprised if this,transforms into a very cloudy rainy day,uh as the day progresses so hi folks my,name is arjun,uh i was born in india grew up in west,africa and singapore has been home for,the last uh 10 years,i'll leave the monetization integrity,operations team globally,i've been with tiktok for about 11,months and i'm based here in singapore,uh the fundamental role of my team is,ads policy enforcement,and we moderate all types of ads using,an in-house as well as an outsourced,team,cool thank you arjun so to help the,audience,know more about you maybe we can share,more about the personal,interest so the next question i will be,i will be interested is like,what's on your tic tac for your feed so,i personally got music,dance piano pads those are all my,interests,and i'm wondering like arjun what is,your setting there,uh well recently i've got exercising at,home uh,for the last one and a half years which,i think is pretty uh fair and natural,uh i've got innovative cocktails which,is also reflective of the fact that,we're always at home,uh can't go out in singapore uh sports,is something i've been getting,throughout and most recently i'd say,babies as,soon as a month back i started getting,how to get rich videos,so i'd say the talk in my feed really,understands my passion and my mood,cool how about you mike yeah so um i'm a,musician i love producing music i get a,lot of,um content creators who are showing how,to how to produce music,but my favorite stuff from my feed is,all these really eccentric,comedians like people taking the format,to the,max of how to spend 45 seconds,creating an eerie weird sketch like my,there's an account pd usa is one of my,favorite creators he plays every,character in this house and he just,interacts with himself,in these super bizarre short form movies,and i love that tiktok gives people the,ability to create content like this,because i don't know how it would be,created otherwise,so mostly weird esoteric comedy,cool thank you so much so um,as everyone know that monetization,integration is a global team we have,different offices and team members in,austin mountain view dublin london,singapore tokyo right a lot of locations,so how to help the audiences to better,understand our team,i'm wondering like maybe a journey mike,you can share more about your,understanding of our,mission and vision and maybe would you,mind to go first,yeah sure maybe i can start with the,overall uh mission of the monetization,integrity then i'll move into operations,so at the core for monetization,integrity we unblock and unlock good,revenue,uh while we continue to focus on user,safety advertiser experience and our own,brand safety as well,and from an operations perspective you,know we we moderate,all of these ad contents uh on our,platform,so we have round-the-clock moderation in,all of our monetized markets,which essentially means taking the right,decision at the right time because,quality is,one of our most important and critical,metrics to support our users and,advertisers,i see so mike would you mind to add more,maybe delicately from the policy,perspective,sure yeah um,advertising gives people an ability to,reach a large audience,beyond what users would naturally um,uh be exposed to in in the course of,your

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Amazon Advertising on TikTok and Why You Should Start Right Now in 2022

Amazon Advertising on TikTok and Why You Should Start Right Now in 2022

In this video, we'll be talking,about TikTok, advertising on TikTok.,So our guest Lazar Zepinic from,Sellers Alley, from Sellers Alley Agency,,he will share with us how,you can advertise your Amazon product,on TikTok platform and how to,unlock the potential of your brand,and increase the profits.,I would like to introduce few,sponsors of this session.,So the first one is GETIDA.,They help you, help Amazon sellers,with FBA auditing and reimbursements, and,to get money back from Amazon,,which Amazon owes to Amazon sellers,check the link below to their,service.,Perpetua is also sponsoring the session,and they are an eCommerce advertising,software and they help to optimize,and automate advertising campaigns on Amazon,,Walmart, and few other marketplaces.,Also Helium 10 is sponsoring the,session.,It's all in one suite for,Amazon and Walmart sellers check their,offer below in the description.,And Zee is another company supporting,this event because this is a,Seller Fest online, virtual summit.,It's a series of different different,sessions with different experts and Zee,is sponsoring this session as well.,They are full service in compliance,,customs, and logistics.,So if you want to expand,your business globally, they can help,you to do it as a,one-stop shop service.,And finally, last but not least,unybrands is an Amazon FBA aggregator.,If you want to exit your,Amazon or Shopify direct to consumer,brand, talk to them and they,might acquire you and they will,grow your brand further.,So all the links to all,the sponsors you will find below.,Also during the session, if you,enjoy the content, don't forget to,click, like also make sure that,you subscribe to our channel red,button below, or maybe it's not,red anymore, maybe it's grey.,And this session, I will be,hosting with Lisett Lees.,She works with Amazon brands.,Hi everybody.,Hi Augustas.,I was happy to be here,and let me introduce you.,Our today's guest Lazar, so hi,Lazar.,And before you start teaching us,,why sellers should you TikTok to,advertise their products, then could you,please introduce yourself and tell us,what you do in Amazon space?,Hey, so my name is Lazar.,I'm the owner and founder of,Sellers Alley.,We are an Amazon advertising agency,and also partner of TikTok.,So we do a lot of,stuff when it comes to TikTok,,we're official partner with them, we're,testing all the new campaign types,,testing, a lot of cool features,that are not yet publicly released.,So we have a lot of,backend experience when it comes to,TikTok.,Okay.,Sounds really good.,So you are really the right,person to be here with us,and tell us about this advertising,strategy.,Okay.,So guys, today, I'm gonna talk,about TikTok tips and tricks.,And so basically why TikTok all,the numbers that you can see,in any presentation when it comes,to TikTok, they're changing so fast,and they're, they're like growing so,fast as a social media platform.,So in September they had like,59 million installs, but like the,,the real number is that now,TikTok is used by more than,1 billion users with a B.,So it's a massive platform.,And when it comes to TikTok,it's overtaking some other platforms as,well, and last year, they overtook,Google as the most visited website,on the internet.,So that's something that is pretty,interesting.,And why, why is this phenomenon,like that? Why are they, why,are they not like some other,platforms? So basically when it comes,to TikTok, it's about being so,addicted to TikTok, so addicted to,TikTok.,So basically what's all the fuss,about 85% of users of TikTok,are not having any other screen,turned on while they're on TikTok.,So basically it's so engaging everybody,that is using TikTok at that,point is fully committed to the,platform.,They're not really doing any other,stuff.,They're not watching TV.,They, they don't have Facebook turned,on.,There is no Netflix.,They're consuming the content from TikTok.,And why is that so? Well,,basically when it comes to TikTok,,it's pretty interesting that our brain,works in a manner that we,need to understand what's gonna happen,in the next five to 10,seconds.,And that's one of the reasons,why TikTok is becoming so addictive,because every couple of seconds you,swipe to the next video and,your brain tells you that you,need to swipe more and swipe,more because you don't know what's,gonna be the next thing on,TikTok.,And that's something that is pretty,interesting and TikTok is doing pretty,well job when it comes to,their algorithm.,So TikTok algorithm works in a,manner that when you, you can,obviously share, subscribe to comment on,videos and so on.,And basically what happens there, algorithm,their algorithm, checks all the videos,that you interacted with and they,check all the frames and the,algorithm is so good when it,comes to recognizing the content inside,of the video, basically.,And like when it comes to,that content, like they can recognize,,for example, if you're watching a,content that has puppies and so,on, and if you're looking at,some

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Scaling Tiktok Ads to $10K/day with Affiliate Marketing

Scaling Tiktok Ads to $10K/day with Affiliate Marketing

hey guys welcome back this is pretty,much a second part of um the tick tock,ad strategy that i have made the first,video you probably most likely watched,the video if you're listening to this,video,so in that video what i mainly did was,just gave you guys an intro how to get,things set up,and so there's some of you guys that are,you know doing like 50 bucks now 20,bucks you know some couple conversions a,day,um but pretty much what i'm gonna do,here is i'm gonna split into two videos,uh sorry two sections the first one is,going to be how to set up rules,it pretty much helps you scale and then,number two is how to scale,but before we get into scaling,the ad that you started running on the,first video you have to let that run for,at least five days i know i didn't make,that very clear at least five to seven,days just let it run if it's losing you,money it's fine let it run the pixel,needs to learn pretty much the pixel,understands who clicks on it who,converts on it and the more conversions,you start getting even though you're,losing money tick tock is understanding,okay i need to deliver this ad to people,that are 45 and are looking for a loan,right so it kind of figures that on your,own so you kind of have to give it a,little bit of grace and do a little bit,of investing in order to really see some,results so after that period this is,what you're going to do now so you've,made a tick tock you ran you got,conversions it's been five days now,you're kind of breaking even making,money that's exactly where you want to,be so now this is what we're gonna do so,the first part is pretty much,um,setting up rules,and um let's actually get into the setup,rules and then i'll dive in to do a,little kind of what's going on in my ad,account so,pretty much when you what you want to do,with rules,is,what they're meant to do is pretty much,making you from stop losing money,um setting,up your ads to,reset every day so i mean like here,so here's the first rule no results stop,loss so,pretty simple it says if the total cost,of the ad group,is greater than ten dollars,and the results is less than one turn it,off so what it's saying is like hey if,you spent more than ten dollars on an ad,group and it's not bringing you a,conversion so it's not bringing you any,money turn it off and usually ten,dollars is enough to understand if it's,so this is i mean here i'll edit it just,so you guys could see so pretty simple,remember you want to do this,all active ad groups,right you know here i could just even go,to create one,so i'll do all active ad groups,if total cost of each object today so,you want to specify this today is,greater than ten dollars,and,the results so you don't want to turn,everything off that spent more than ten,dollars you want to turn off everything,that spent ten dollars and didn't get a,conversion so now you go to results,so results today is less than one pretty,much which is zero,and actions notify me you want to turn,off so any all active ad groups if they,reach these conditions turn off and you,want to run this every 30 minutes,and no don't notify me unless you want,to get a ton of emails,and then rule name,what i call this is no results,stop,loss,at 10,and just hit complete and then save i'm,not going to hit that because i already,have one,now,so the second rule is called false,negative so what will happen now is,let's say your campaign is running,it spent ten dollars,got zero conversions and the rule turned,it off but then five minutes later,it got a conversion so somebody that,pressed on it took a long to fill out,anyways it got a conversion now so now,you know now your rule is like hey this,cam ad group is actually good and so,your rule flips it back on i don't know,if that makes sense so,i'll kind of so pretty much if today if,total cost today is ten dollars,and cost per result is under eight,dollars turn on so this is pretty much,it here i'll create one,so again this is gonna be to,inactive ad group so it's like hey the,ad groups that already got turned off,let's see if they're profitable again,so total cost of each object today,is,greater than ten dollars,but,the cost per result,today is,less than eight dollars so if it's,saying hey if a campaign spent ten,dollars,it's getting cost per results under,eight dollars turn it on,right and then you want to turn on,run this every 30 minutes don't notify,me and you could call this false,negative,eight dollar cpa complete right i'll,just create another one just,name exists,one,complete and then make sure you hit,confirm,bam it creates automatically created so,see i have two here but i'm gonna turn,this one off because i already have one,now what you want to do is create a stop,loss,um,so,what this is pretty much if total cost,today is,by the way sorry for the echo and the,noise i'm not using any mics this is,just my macbook,audio so i apologize for that,so what this is saying if total cost,is greater than 10,but the cost per result,is,also greater than 10. so it's pr

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[EASY] My $8k/Day TikTok Ads Strategy In 2022 Q4! - Shopify Dropshipping

[EASY] My $8k/Day TikTok Ads Strategy In 2022 Q4! - Shopify Dropshipping

foreign,guys really quick wanted to add this,into the beginning if you guys are,interested in a free pdf going over this,whole strategy in writing step-by-step,word for word and how to fix those crazy,one to three dollar cpcs we are all seen,in 2022 Q4 join up on the Discord it's,free and without further Ado let's get,into it in this video I'm pretty much,just going to be going over how you can,take a store from literally zero to a,couple hundred bucks to 5K Plus in just,a few days and for 2022 Q4 this strategy,is literally indestructible and you can,literally scale it to any amount on any,winning offer there is no cap it doesn't,fall off at any it doesn't fall off the,results don't taper this is gonna be the,8K day Q4 2022 strategy I did one of,these last year and you guys absolutely,loved it it actually changed it changed,so many lives since I've seen it,um but yeah times are evolving Strat you,know the way these accounts work it's,evolving so I'm pretty much going to,give you guys everything show you inside,the ad account so if you guys are new,here please make sure sure to subscribe,because in this video I'm going to be,giving out tons of free value and just,the best way to possibly scale your ads,again this method is literally too easy,you can do this you can do this in one,day you can slowly do this,um as you guys saw you know I had a 35,000 one week video This is actually,using the same exact strategy I'm just,showing you guys in a much more,aggressive way how this can be done,because everything with Tick Tock is so,time sensitive so I'm trying to get this,out to as many people as possible change,as many lives as possible so please I,hope you enjoy but yeah without further,Ado let's get into it so as you guys can,see here you know before this we didn't,have any sales so I just wanted to show,you that there were no sales on this,store prior whatsoever I think it was,just some bot traffic or whatnot and you,know just trying to get as approved but,um yeah so pretty much as you can see,here in the three days you know we were,able to take a store from zero to um,eight over eight thousand dollars a day,now again this is a brand new brand this,is something I haven't ran what I love,about showing these a bit lower scale,strategies is this can literally change,people's lives so please pay attention,I'm going to be telling you everything I,did in every single day so before you,run the strategy you have to spend one,day running this testing CBO campaign,the purpose of this campaign is not to,make money the purpose of this campaign,is to build a relationship with the ad,account throttle the ad account properly,and get rid of those crazy two three,dollar cpms that everyone's seen right,now at Tick Tock ads don't get caught up,in that because if you do if you just,try to scale cbo's right off the bat,which a lot of people do it's what I do,I was getting caught up and I had to,find a solution real quick those cbos,with those two three dollar cpms you can,try to scale them but they will just,burn you they're not going to treat you,nicely so we gotta use so instead of,just doing that we use them to our,advantage so as you can see here we're,gonna create for day one it's a test 50,CBO this is going to be mandatory and it,needs to run for at least 24 hours okay,now don't think you're just throwing,away fifty dollars here what you're,doing with this is again building that,relationship with the ad account it's,like a nice little meet and greet hey,nice to meet you and it will ultimately,get rid of those crazy metrics so as you,can see here on September 30th we did,153 dollars right so I spent 50 bucks,did 153,um and that was with a two to three,dollar CPC,um you know ad campaign it was bad very,bad it's always gonna be very bad on,that first day now it's it's just what,Tick Tock is there's a you know surplus,of advertisers rushing in this Q4,um and they're they're not gonna have a,good time I'm just gonna tell them to,tell you that right now they're all,probably going to get this you know,those crazy cpcs this crazy cpms are,like 20 bucks get discouraged fail and,probably leave the platform so but this,happens like every Q4 on every,advertising platform so just be ready,for it kind of always forecast for it,because,um you know with years of experiences,how I how I view it now so,um there's gonna be that first day where,you just run it and then here we go,there's really to get it up to that 8K a,day Mark or whatever Mark you want again,that 8K was only generate was generated,using 1000 dollars so that means we're,running at an 8.5 or Os now the reason,being is we're taking it we're taking,advantage of AD cost here and AD costs,are generally a lot higher right now,even though the ads are still performing,good because hey I I have you know,products with two to three dollar cpcs,right now on cbos that are that are,profitable so it's pretty crazy right,now what's going on with ad costs but,using this we can reduce our cpcs do

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How To Make Any Dropshipping Product A Winner With TikTok Ads

How To Make Any Dropshipping Product A Winner With TikTok Ads

can i tell you a secret,any dropshipping product,can be a winner,you just need to know what buttons to,press you see my friend i've had my,finger on the drop shipping pulse for a,while now i've seen the free plus,shipping offers i've seen the rise and,fall of gurus like kevin zhang,and i talked to some of the most,successful,and least successful dropshippers on a,daily basis and what i realized,is that any product,can be a winner now you're probably,thinking ethan did you finally lose it,did you hit your head down the stairs or,lose all your money on crypto horse,gambling and while i don't like to talk,about how much money i lost betting on,my prized doped up horse buttercup,let me ask you this,what competitive advantages does a pro,dropshipper have,versus a brand new one,assuming they have the same budget,and resources i mean is the products,well if they both have the same tools,then they're probably going to see the,same products as well i mean let's face,it everyone has the same idea of a,winning product it's wow factor it's,good margins it works it's like a lost,science at this point you just don't,change it so then is it websites well,the difference in conversion rate,between a ugly website or a,conventionally beautiful website,it's like a coin toss you never know,what's going to convert,better in fact my friend brooksy right,here he took a new store from 0 to 1.4,million and you're probably thinking,this website must be beautiful it must,have all the fancy gadgets but when we,take a deeper look at it and we go to,the homepage,he didn't even fill out,the short description about your,testimonials,it's like a bad joke it's so great in,fact when we look at the copywriting,stop being cold get a heated jacket it's,genius it's so bad that it works,so it can't be websites but what,about,ads,you figured it out because in this drop,shipping game where everyone is selling,the same products and selling on the,same platforms and getting the same,laughable results,you don't want to be like everyone else,you're better than that,you're ahead of the curve and you can't,get uncommon results by following common,methods so the main way you can,differentiate yourself from everyone,else,is by being,a better,marketer whoa that was kind of weird but,i guess we're talking about marketing so,how do you become a better marketer than,everyone else you're competing with well,i believe it starts with having a deeper,understanding of your customer and their,desires with your product than the rest,of the competition so let's say,hypothetically we're selling this,product right here and no it has nothing,to do with pregnancy you're not going to,see any big belly women today but with,this product this is a power scrubber so,cleaning tool now in general most people,when they come up with product,descriptions ads anything like that,they're gonna do two things one they're,gonna be super lazy and let's just go to,the website of our competitors let's,just copy everything here and boom we're,about to be a freaking trillionaire like,mr bezos or option number two you assume,you know everything about the product,and why someone would buy it because,you're an absolute genius and no one,ever questions you at all you just have,a bunch of yes men around you that says,yes boss that is exactly why they would,buy this product it's easy to clean the,bathroom it makes it super easy to do,and that's also the wrong approach see,when you're starting to write a,description or ads the reason why this,first approach doesn't work is because,most people that are beginner marketers,don't do the research so you shouldn't,be copying people that are doing,something the wrong way that's like,copying the stupidest person in the,class and assuming you're going to get,an a plus it's not going to happen buddy,so first off what you should do to be,original and get that a plus on your,product description is hop on over to,amazon look up your product and scroll,down to the reviews because this will,give you a great baseline as to what you,should be saying in your ads and,descriptions so let's just look at this,review right here i bought this to,remove the dirt that accumulates in,between the blah blah blah blah and my,kitchen it's great i use windex and this,charge lasts me almost two hours so okay,first thing that you should do identify,the most common benefits and things that,people are saying in their reviews over,and over and over again if this review,is just a one-off or this guy was like,oh yeah i use this to clean my dog then,you probably shouldn't be saying that in,your description unless everyone else is,using this power scrubber to clean their,dog so again that's where you're like,okay maybe i really didn't know why,people would use this product and you,never know until you do the research but,you should be looking at reviews and,saying okay what are the commonalities,what are the key words i'm seeing over,and over and over again what are the,phrases i'm seeing o

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