A city in crisis: How fentanyl devastated San Francisco - BBC Newsnight
san francisco is one of the richest,cities in the world,but below its gleaming buildings lies a,humanitarian disaster,we have had you know more overdose,deaths,in,one year than we did,of covet deaths in our city,every day on average two people die from,a drugs overdose here,in december mayor london breed called,for a state of emergency in a notorious,district called the tenderloin,we've been told it's,simply too dangerous to bring our,cameras,here so we are filming on our phones,black market arty works for a charity,called urban alchemy,there is a lot of open drug use i mean,it just happened literally right now,right here,urban alchemy aims to get drug dealers,off the street and helps addicts find a,way to drug services,good morning good morning you okay,are we about to come through and clean,up okay,who all want coffee,let's go,how you doing brother we immediately,came across a street with so many people,doing fentanyl it was hard to get by,could i support your smoking sir,fentanyl,the local drug dealers had delivered the,fentanyl about half an hour before we,arrived,some were openly taking it on the street,seemingly unworried about the police,there you go there you go seeing this,firsthand is pretty shocking,he trying to make it up there you go bro,you got it bro,fentanyl was developed as a pain,medication it's used as a recreational,drug though has exploded due to its low,cost it's 100 times stronger than,morphine and even a tiny quantity can,kill,yeah this is like this every day every,day,there's evidence of drug use,everywhere they've got one has been used,two three these are pulled out a needle,as we were filming a woman approached us,do you guys know where we can get any,free tents at around here,free tents beth and her partner jay have,been in san francisco for a year,so are you doing fentanyl like like,today or every day every day yeah really,what's it like living here,uh lawless,yeah,in december the democrat mayor of san,francisco made a spectacular u-turn on,previous progressive policies she had,advocated defunding the police now she,was refunding them more aggressive,policies on law and order,it is time for it to come to an end,and it comes to an end,when we take the steps,to be more aggressive,with law enforcement and less tolerant,of all the that has destroyed,our city,san francisco is falling apart the,right-wing media in the u.s has become,obsessed with san francisco the,tenderloin i didn't think it would but,it's actually gotten worse the city is,covered in filth and homeless,encampments apart to many republicans,the city is a sign of everything that's,wrong with the left,a town ruined by liberal drug laws and a,lack attitude to crime and the,figurehead for that is this man democrat,chaser boudin the elected district,attorney for san francisco,dean is a yale educated public defender,who has never prosecuted a case fox news,has mentioned your name more than a,thousand times in written content in the,last year well it sounds like you're,paying more attention to fox news than i,am and my sympathies for that,we come together today because of that,chaser boudin is a radical part of a,wave of liberal da's that have been,elected in cities across america,he's responsible for which crimes get,prosecuted,his detractors say he simply doesn't,prosecute enough and that he's soft on,crime,this is an issue we can't prosecute our,way out of the history of the war on,drugs tells us that we need real,investments in housing,in treatment on demand on mental health,services on harm reduction and,doubling down on a failed war on drugs,is never going to solve those problems,but london breed argues that the city's,compassion has been mistaken for,weakness we have services,if you look at what we spend,in san francisco,per resident compared to any other,major city in this country,i bet there is no comparison,so we're making the investments the,investments alone are not going to,combat the challenges that continue to,exist,in the city and especially in the,tenderloin,these two politicians are the most,important in the city both democrats,remember and yet they simply don't agree,on how to solve san francisco's issues,i was very surprised frankly to see,london breed publicly call for moving,more than 100 million out of the police,budget into other areas of the budget,and while the politicians argue about,how to tackle these problems some worry,that time is running out for their loved,ones,jackie's son corey is living on the,streets of san francisco,i know that he's,overdosed before i've been revived with,narcan so,just one little mistake,jackie hasn't seen or heard from corey,in two months she's come to the,tenderloin to try to find him,those are dealers over there and i don't,see him up there let's go this way,i'm looking for my son today have you,happened to have seen him,look,they've been out here for a while yeah,he has been we're not having much luck,but then a glimmer of hope i'm looking,for my son who's out here
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"A Message From the Gay Community" Performed by the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus
"A Message From the Gay Community" Performed by the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus
as we celebrate pride on the progress,we've made over these past years there's,still work to be done,so to those of you out there who are,still working against equal rights,we have a message for you you think,we're sinful,you fight against our rights you say we,all lead lives you can't respect,but you're just frightened you think,that we'll corrupt your kids,if our agenda goes unchecked,it's funny just this once you're correct,we'll convert your children,happens bit by bit quietly and subtly,and you will barely notice it,you can keep him from disco warn about,san francisco,make him wear pleated pants we don't,care,we'll convert your children,we'll make them tolerant and fair,at first i didn't get why you'd be so,scared of us turning your children into,accepting,caring people but i see now why you'd,have a problem with that,just like you worried they'll change,their group of friends,you won't approve of where they go at,night,to protest but when you'll be disgusted,when they start finding things online,that you've kept far,from their site like information,guess what you'll still be all right,we'll,and the world's getting kinder genzie's,gayer than grinder,learn to love learn to vogue face your,fate,we'll convert your children,someone's gotta teach them not to,for hate,we're coming for your children,your children will care about fairness,and justice for,others your children will work to,convert all their sisters and brothers,then soon we're almost,is,because the world always takes a bit,more pride no you don't have to worry,because there's nothing wrong with,standing by yourself,is,you'll forget you were ever upset,we'll convert your children
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silvana mlbb
silvana mlbb
if you want,peace prepare for war initiate retreat,i will defend the monument empire,to the death an ally has been slain,turtle resurrecting soon an enemy has,been slain,for the people i shall never back down,the team destroyed a turret,the lord of light stands with us,the light shall be my sword,if you want peace prepare for war,i will defend the monument empire,to the death,you have slain an enemy,the lord i treat stand with us,i will find you my dear brother,the enemy has slain the turtle,an enemy has been slain an enemy has,been slain,you have slain an enemy,our turret has been destroyed,a diesel demon you are doomed to perish,my face is rock solid,if you want peace prepare an ally has,been slain,an ally has been slain,i will find you my dear brother,my faith an ally has been flamed,an enemy has been slain,i will defend the monument empire,to the death initiate retreat,killing spree,shut down initiate retreat,i will defend your team destroyed a,turret,our turret has been destroyed,if you want peace prepare for war,for the people i shall never back down,the lord of light stands with us,lord resurrecting sight shall be my,sword,an enemy has been slain,an enemy has been played,shut down triple kill,wiped out,you are doomed to perish,request backup request,backup,an ally has slain lord,my faith is rock solid,your team destroyed a turret,initiate retreat,if you an ally has been slain you have,slain an,enemy,for the people i shall never back down,your team destroyed a turret,a diesel demonstrate destroyed a turret,my maniac,shut down
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we're ready to rock here on hacker,tick-tock community creativity and,controversy,so with that we have a moderator over,there on the table,and um,i'll let y'all take it away,thanks welcome,hi everyone thank you for getting us,started my name is kylie robison i'm a,reporter at business insider i'll be the,moderator too,today um,today our panelists are going to be kyle,tobner uh serena aka she networks she's,on zoom and um make it hackin andrew,um today we're gonna be talking about,tik tok and um,our security professionals and their,content that they make on there tik tok,is best known for being a dancing app as,you know,uh animal videos all that,but they have decided to make security,content on there and quite successfully,so,we're gonna get into that um,without further ado some introductions,we'll start with kyle,different ways that hackers start with,serena network let's talk about dhcp,dhcp is a protocol that allows your,computer to dynamically receive an iep,address without you having to manually,enter any information it does this by,broadcasting requests out to a dhcp,server and the dhcp server will grab an,iep address out of its pool and assign,it to you an attire can continuously ask,for iep addresses until there's no more,addresses left in the pool to give out,and this is going to cause a problem,because now real people who need,addresses aren't able to get any and,this is going to cause a denial of,service this specific attack is called,dhcp starvation the next attack is dhcp,spoofing and when your computer is,broadcasting out and asking for an ip,address everybody on the network can see,it so this means anybody can respond to,it,the attacker can sit there and say hey,i'm the dhcp server here's an ip address,and you should send all of your traffic,through me i'm the gateway and this is a,type of man-in-the-middle attack,serena,introductions hi,um should i talk now can you hear me yes,please okay cool,um hi so my name is serena um i am,currently a tester at black hills,information security but previously to,that i was a network engineer at cisco i,worked in tac for uh cisco ucs and i was,on,a i was a data center uh technical lead,for,customer success and yeah i make videos,on tick tock about networking and cyber,security,thank you serena yeah,right who do we have next,right make a hacker it's a piece of,information that you learned that feels,illegal to know,i studied physics in college and one day,we learned about faraday cages which are,metal structures that block radio,frequency signals and i thought don't,stores put rfid tags on things that are,expensive and if you walk through the,door,the alarm goes off well all you got to,do is use a faraday cage like a piece of,aluminum foil,wrap the foil around the tag,and now the alarm doesn't go off,that's uh educational purposes only,folks okay,um i'm andrew make it hack in i was a,theater major and i also studied physics,too uh army veteran i'm a nerd i drive a,star wars car,and i love electronics reverse,engineering and i have a cat,thank you andrew,what's a piece of information that you,like,last but not least,tell me you're a hacker without telling,me you're a hacker,i want to read this new york times,article but i don't want to pay for an,account,so i go to the url bar,at a period after dot com,and i'm in,educational purposes only,hi i'm i'm kyle tobiner,i am a head of security at a software,startup i spent a long time at,salesforce on their security team,and i try to make educational security,content on tick tock,thank you kyle,tell me your,serena,okay,so next we're gonna get into creativity,so,i don't think i would have ever expected,security informational videos to be,going viral on tick tock especially,kyle's i remember watching that or um at,the,show me you're a hacker without telling,me you're a hacker would have never,expected that but it they blew up,they're quite viral,they've been quite creative and i wanted,to know,precisely why tick-tock uh where there's,dancing videos and not necessarily,the great the best place for enterprise,security content uh why tic talk,um so the reason i got started on tik,tok was during the pandemic,and one of my friends got me into it he,was on it back then i think it was more,of a dancing app or at least starting to,change a little bit and he convinced me,to start creating some videos,and it didn't start off as security,content i was just kind of posting,random stuff had a chick-fil-a video go,go viral but after that you i kind of,saw the growth and then,eventually made a new account to do the,security content so i like it just,because it's very easy to grow,get your name out there get your content,out there,so this is slightly dramatic i apologize,but last time i was at b-sides about two,years ago presenting i just found out,two days prior i had cancer it was kind,of a very tough time for me and during,chemo tick tock actually was one of the,things that made me really happy it's,very easy to use there's silly
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pointe shoe fitter reacts to DANCE ACADEMY
pointe shoe fitter reacts to DANCE ACADEMY
disappoint you a weapon,is point you a weapon,hey it's josephine from the point shop,we are reacting we who are we i am,reacting to dance academy i don't know,the context so i don't know what's going,on i don't know if you watch it do you,like this show i don't know let us know,here we go,yeah um let's mine sprinkle toast you,can put your shoes,in there,why don't we hit him with that point,shoe,this is kind of weird to me that like a,lot of boys get made fun of for being in,ballet and then in return these are all,dance academy kids right and they're,making fun of other boys that are in the,dance academy that seems kind of weird,to me that's kind of weird i don't know,you shouldn't give what you get,i feel like we've all done this,variation,every single one of us it's actually,giving me anxiety to hear this i have,ptsd from this song,heritage,what do you think you're doing,as well as anyone if you believe that,you must be delusional,your feet were sloppy you lost your turn,out and almost dislocated your knee not,to mention your ankles there was a,complete lack of coordination between,your upper body and your arms shall i,continue,but i was just trying if you're gonna,stand there and argue with me,or worse still,cry,you can get out of my class,right now,guys come on,this is so sad oh my gosh she pulled off,a point,training and then she showed up to,variations in point shoes,okay so,in context,you shouldn't do that but that was still,really mean,but point work is dangerous so if you're,not approved to go on point you,definitely shouldn't go on point but,that was kind of harsh that was a lot,that was a lot,tara's such a sweetie i really do feel,for her,can't wait for you to tell us why,obviously they had a query of country,kids to fill which is the only reason,they accepted her in the first place but,once they saw how far behind she was,they had to ask her to leave,i mean it wouldn't be fair to the rest,of us being dragged down like that i,wouldn't say she was dragging anybody,down i thought she'd dance at solar,pretty well yeah,and what would you know,and do you have to hang out in the girls,dressing room i mean how much of a freak,do you want to be,okay no one's actually this mean that is,horrible this is so dramatized i feel,like this is like so much,abigail my mum taught me that if you,can't say anything nice don't say,anything at all,tara,i thought you'd be packing why,i'm not going anywhere one bad class you,don't honestly think that'd be enough to,make me quit,well,if you're not leaving i'll be making an,official complaint i don't see why my,training needs to be compromised by some,country hick who smells like a sheep and,think she has,she did what we all wanted to do,so,but still shocking,i like how she is shocked too,she got a bloody nose from that come on,you guys come on,you're my teacher and i have to trust,you,that is the correct response,that was mature even the teacher was,really mean,tara,you have unusually good feet,they're just not ready yet,i'll give these back when they are,oh so this is our week week zero,and i figured out my place,the thing about being at the bottom is,there's nowhere else to go but up,oh that was actually kind of sweet i,like how that ended and wrapped up i,never watched the show so i don't know,what the context is but i think that was,actually a pretty uplifting,good message,that's very sweet i know i like it have,you guys seen it let us know
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My First 30 DAYS Renting Cars on TURO (REALISTIC RESULTS)
My First 30 DAYS Renting Cars on TURO (REALISTIC RESULTS)
what's up everybody today I'll be taking,a step away from crypto and talking,about how I earn income using my,beautiful car,you might have heard that purchasing a,car is one of the worst Investments you,can make because cars depreciate in,value well it's not necessary to,purchase a car that costs you 700 a,month when you can find a great steal,for 200 or so dollars per month after,all getting from point A to B is what,matters most but today I'm gonna tell,you how you can turn your money second,car into a revenue producing asset and,you don't need a fancy schmancy car for,this and many people on Twitter often,assume that I have a very luxurious car,which is why I'm able to produce extra,income with tarot but the truth is my,Honda Civic is a thing of beauty in this,video I'll be covering how Turtle Works,how much I've made from turo so far and,my general thoughts on this business,before we get down to business for those,of you that are new to the channel my,name is Summer and I'd like to welcome,you to fire hustle where it's my mission,to tell you everything you need to know,about crypto passive income and side,hustles in the shortest amount of time,possible if you want to help this video,reach a wider audience please hit that,like button and don't forget to,subscribe to the channel and turn on,post notifications so you can take,advantage of all the work I've done it,really helps the channel and I would,also really appreciate it and remember,none of what I talk about is financial,advice my videos are meant as a tool to,learn about how to make income whether,or not it's related to crypto now let's,talk about tarot tarot is the world's,largest car sharing Marketplace that,operates across 7 500 cities in the U.S,Canada and UK If you're a user of the,app you can book a cart of your choice,wherever you are and at your convenience,as long as there are people hosting in,that specific area and there's 1300 plus,makes and models to choose from whether,you're looking to go on a road trip,you've just landed in a new city or you,need a temporary replacement for your,car while it's at the shop there's an,option for everyone turo is a great,alternative to booking rental cars from,businesses such as Thrifty Enterprise,Hertz and more but how exactly can you,use turo to make money well you can,think of tarot as the Airbnb for car,rentals the average car owner can simply,create a profile on turo take pictures,of their car right out a description,with all of the car's features and,listed for people to rent when you list,your car you can either set your own,daily price or turo can adjust the price,for you automatically so that you can,get more bookings thus maximizing your,earnings so if you're someone who,doesn't drive much or you have a,secondary car then you can consider,putting your car up on turo I've,personally even rented cars from hosts,that have full fleets of 20 plus cars,and operate a full business now a,question that I get pretty often is what,happens if someone damages your car well,this is also one of the biggest reasons,that stops people from posting the car,on turo now you can either think of your,car as your precious baby that no one is,allowed to touch or you can earn big,bucks every month the choice is yours,but personally I strictly think of my,car as an asset that can produce,additional income if there's any damage,it can always be repaired now it's,easier to put your car on turo knowing,that they do have you covered in Canada,they've partnered up with economical or,ICBC in British Columbia to offer a,standard protection plan that covers up,to 2 million dollars in liability in,insurance and in the U.S they've,partnered with Liberty Mutual you can,opt into the turtle protection plan,which includes contractual protection,against physical damage with no,deductible and you can get reimbursed,for car repairs up to your car's actual,cash value there's also Around the Clock,roadside assistance and aside from,insurances many thoughts that may cross,your mind such as not knowing anything,about the person that you're renting,your car to well Terrell also takes care,of that by screening all of the guests,before allowing them to book there's,also two-way reviews so both the guest,and host can view ratings before,deciding to accept a booking or rent a,car from a certain host now this isn't a,completely passive way to earn income as,you do need to complete a cleaning,checklist and clean the car and take,images of your car before and after,every single trip and personally I take,as many pictures as possible so that,every angle of the car is captured so,there's no surprises for myself or the,guests so how much have I made so far,well the average host in the United,States earns up to ten thousand dollars,per year per car and you can rent a car,for a low amount of 25 dollars per day,since starting to host my car on August,16th of this year I rented out the car,for around 31 days in total my car is,listed at around 49 USD or s
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hola amigos como estan bienvenidos,nuevamente a mi canal gracias por estar,aquí el día de hoy les tengo el vídeo,que yo sé que muchos de ustedes han,estado esperando y que yo les prometí,que iba a subir este vídeo pues bueno me,tomé el tiempo y dije tengo que hacerle,el vídeo a todos los amigos de aquí de,youtube que todos los que les interesa a,lo que es la limpieza de casas y pues,bueno ahora sí me tomé el tiempo y dije,pues manos a la obra agarra el teléfono,o la cámara o lo que sea para grabar,este vídeo sí pues aquí estoy muchachos,bueno sé que muchos de ustedes quieren,empezar este negocio de casas y algunas,no les ha funcionado lo que son hacer,tarjetitas de casa o los flyers o,ponerlos en sus redes sociales o equis,cosas para conseguir casas a veces es un,poco difícil conseguirlas pero yo te voy,a dar,y de cómo puedes buscar tus propias,casas a la mejor muchas de ustedes ya,conocen esta aplicación oa lo mejor no,pero cuestión aún así se los voy a estar,compartiendo,esta aplicación se llama next door',néstor es una aplicación que tú puedes,bajar desde tu celular puede ser ya un,teléfono appo en android en samsung en,cualquier tipo de celular me imagino que,si se puede bajar y es totalmente gratis,la aplicación es totalmente gratis,porque sé que muchas hay muchas,aplicaciones las cuales te cobran un,cobro para promocionar tu negocio o para,conseguir casas hay aplicaciones que,dice te vamos a ayudar a buscar casas,pero no tienes que pagar un 15 a un 20,por ciento,de dinero verdad y pues bueno esta,aplicación extra es totalmente gratis,simplemente ve a tu teléfono donde tú,bajas todas sus aplicaciones ahí la vas,a bajar y es súper fácil y sencillo de,utilizarla no tiene ningún pierde les,prometo que esta aplicación,es 100%,segura ok por el momento a mí no me ha,fallado yo bueno para hacerles honesta,yo esta aplicación solamente la baje por,curiosidad porque siempre que yo iba con,un cliente nuevo siempre yo les,preguntaba que ellos como me contactaron,a mí siempre me mencionaban la,aplicación está next ahora al principio,yo no agarraba la honda inicia pues que,es néstor néstor cuando iba en otro,cliente en héctor que tienen en export,yo deseamos que es lector hasta que me,atreví a preguntarle a uno de mis,clientes y le dije bueno como es que me,contacta test o te tienen en la,aplicación next ahora entonces me dio,empecé a buscar y dije bueno entonces vi,que pues ahí me tienen en export,por eso es que yo yo decía de dónde,salen tantos clientes muchachos después,de next fall next fall bueno yo me metí,a baje la aplicación lector cuando yo me,metí a la aplicación lector a la baja,ahí te pone te pide a tu información tu,dirección tu número de teléfono tu email,te pide que hables un poquito de ti,cuando tú pones toda esa información,ahí donde ellos cuando te vas a ver un,lugarcito donde te pide que hable sobre,ti en esto yo no puse nada así como que,de mi familia ni de mí yo simplemente,puse lo que es mi negocio me gusta,limpiar casas soy una mujer responsable,tengo este,tengo recomendaciones de mis clientes,soy una persona que soy dedicada a mí o,100% que lo disfruto bla bla bla,etcétera etcétera lo que tú quieras,ponerle ahí eso es en lo que es toda tu,información,ahora esta aplicación extra básicamente,te va a ayudar a buscar casas a lo que,es tu alrededor o sea lo que es tu,código postal no te va a ir a buscar,casas a una hora sino que te va a ayudar,a buscar casas cercas de ti para que tú,no tengas que ir a manejar una hora o,una hora y media muy retirado,básicamente va a ser como a tu comunidad,donde tú vives ahora si tú vives en un,lugar que tú dices no pues es que aquí,no hay negocio no hay muchas casas de,altas si me entiendes crear casas de,ricachones y todo eso pues puedes pedir,si tú tienes una amiga en otro condado o,un amigo o un familiar si tú tienes un,amigo que es que tú sabes que viven,cercas,dado donde hay casas que,necesitan limpieza de casas de los ricos,ustedes saben o de medio,pues pídele la dirección a esa persona,que si te pueden ayudar que si puedes,poner la dirección para que te descargan,casas de ese lado pero recuerden cada,dirección que tú pongas si tú no quieres,gusta tu dirección y si quieres usar la,dirección de alguien más,recuerda que va a buscar casas alrededor,del código postal que tú pongas no es,que te va a ayudar no va hasta cerca de,tu casa o simplemente va a ser en el,código postal no sé si me entienden,ahora muchas tienes que cuando tú pongas,tu número de teléfono ay esa es cuando,tú pones tu información cuando yo puse,en información hagan de cuenta que en,ese instante me está ningún cliente,porque ellos ven cuando tú abres esta,página al extra ellos el básicamente,cuando tu padre perdón ya me diste de,jason todo el trabalenguas,cuando tu cual es toda tu información lo,que es tu teléfono dirección y todo eso,básicamente ellos muchas de las personas,que usan esta aplicación se dan cuenta,que tu abriste esta cuenta y se dan,cuenta o ella limpia casas te mandan a,mi nu
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How I Make Passive Income From My Vending Machine Business
How I Make Passive Income From My Vending Machine Business
i got into the vending machine business,for a few different reasons mainly i,felt as though it was passive enough,for me to uh do while i was still,working with my first vending machine,what it ended up turning into,was about sixteen hundred dollars a,month from that one location but the,crazy part was i was only making sixteen,hundred dollars per month from work i,was like okay i'm only doing this for a,couple hours out of the week and i'm,getting the same thing that i'm getting,over here i should put more energy,into this,i am chief edwards and king's vending,company is my business,when i first started i was trying to,save up money so i looked into real,estate i looked into stocks i didn't,have the credit for real estate i didn't,have enough money you know for the,stocks the first machine i actually,brought um i couldn't put in the,building i brought a machine for a hotel,that i found downtown in philadelphia so,they drove the machine all the way here,got it into the building,looked at the space and said oh no it's,not gonna fit right there long story,short i ended up getting my money back,for the machine luckily,and i didn't end up getting another,machine until about a year later i ended,up getting into candy machines,which were the gumball machines they,would average about,around 50 a month per machine and i had,around 20 sub machines so it was equal,and also somewhere around a thousand,dollars a month and then i took another,whack at the vending machine thing with,my first vending machine i seen about 50,like that first week so i was kind of,you know excited what it ended up,turning into was about sixteen hundred,dollars a month from that one location,that one spot had two machines in there,it was a soda and a snack machine they,were doing about 800 per month,i have some locations,that do,upwards to like three thousand a month,you know and then there are other,locations that i'll see not that i,particularly own i see some as low as,like 300 you know then you have your,averages around 500 percent you can find,many machines on facebook market you can,find them on craigslist the best thing,to do is to get them from a distributor,machines usually cost around 1500,depending on the type you get they can,go up to 20 500 3500 if you get like a,combo machine just depends on the type,brand new machines usually start off,anywhere from 4 000 and range upwards to,like 10 000 just depending on the,machine location is definitely key in,understanding your consumer because,every location is going to need a,different type of product traditionally,your,apartment complexes are good your,hotels your motels your schools airports,you want to look at the operation hours,like how long is that place open what,days are they open foot traffic how many,staff how many people are coming in and,out where the machines are placed should,be placed somewhere visible and people,have access to it because you could have,a spot a little barber shop but only has,two chairs but if that place has,a high number of people coming in and,out you can still make decent money,you'll have situations where the,location will approach you they just,opened up an office space they're,calling different vending companies so,you'll come in and talk to them and if,they decide to go with you nine times,out of ten they just want your service,other times you'll run into situations,where you're looking for the location,and then that's when you could kind of,use the commission thing you know to,kind of push them over the edge to get,them to let you put the machine in there,but most of the time you don't pay a,commission it's more so about the,service,one thing that i struggled with,initially when i started my business was,finding my resources so what the app,does is it shows you,your resources in your area it shows you,where you can get the machines from it,shows you where you can get products,from pretty much nationwide and we have,now partnered with locators so whenever,they find a location they upload it to,our app and then anybody that's a user,of our app will be notified hey there's,a location,in this area near you then they have the,opportunity to reach out to the locator,and purchase the location if they're,interested my overall goal is i don't,want to own,a lot of machines i just want to have,you know a small,number of locations with high earnings,you know so that's more so my goal is,just being try to be efficient as,possible you all see myself doing this,the rest of my life maybe not just with,the vending machines i want to continue,to build and continue to um streamline,the machines and put my systems in place,until my kids get old enough,you know to take it over to step in and,kind of you know let that let it help,fund whatever dreams that they have
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