My TikTok Interview Experience in Singapore (and why I accepted their offer)
today's video is going to be a little,different,i want to share with you about an,experience i had recently,and i hope that it will be useful to you,a couple of weeks ago i was on linkedin,searching for a new job,and then i came across this role that,was posted by ticktop,talent acquisition specialist,i wasn't too sure if i wanted to join a,china-based company due to several,factors,one,cultural differences as i'm currently,working in a local company,and two,stability of operations as they had just,set up their office in singapore despite,these factors i also knew that i wanted,to,one work in a regional role,two,do tech recruitment,and three to find a job in the internet,industry,so i applied for the job,anyway,besides i found on glassdoor that they,paid pretty good money,about a week later i received a whatsapp,message from their recruitment,coordinator in china she scheduled the,interview with me over whatsapp and i,attended the first round of interview,the interviewer was a talent acquisition,lead based in singapore many of the,questions she asked were situational,testing for my problem solving skills,examples would be,if you had to hire 100 developers in one,year what are some of the metrics you,will use,if at the end of one year you have only,managed to hire 30 of your recruitment,targets what will you do next,what are some sourcing avenues you use,to higher niche positions,how will you roll out a staff referral,program,if your quantity or referral,applications are too high what will you,do to streamline the search to improve,the quality of applications,after the first interview,they contacted me again in about two,days,to arrange a second interview but the,thing is,they wanted to offer me a 12-month,contract role instead if i were to pass,the second interview,usually when companies do this,the likely explanation is that they did,not find my experience good enough for,their permanent recruiter role and they,have some doubts about hiring me for,that position,by offering a contract they can observe,my performance for a year,before converting me to a permanent role,this is a great solution for companies,if they have a candidate they are unsure,of,but they believe have potential to be,groomed,i was quite hesitant to say yes to the,contract role mainly because i didn't,want to leave my comfy government job,for something so unstable,but i actually went ahead with the,second interview in the end as i wanted,to find out more about the potential,renumeration they can offer,the second interview was pretty much the,same as the first and they asked similar,questions,a couple of days later i received,another message from their recruitment,coordinator in china saying they wanted,to offer me i waited two days for them,to get back to me and then to my,nightmare they wanted to arrange me for,a third interview with another one of,their talent acquisition lead they told,me the reason is that they have an,overwhelming number of candidates for,this role and we need one more round of,interview to decide,at the end all three interviews i,attended had lasted around 50 minutes,each,they were really thorough in their,questioning,one week later i received a phone call,from their partner recruitment agency,offering me the role,it was a one-year contract with plans to,convert me full time at the end of it,the salary it was a 20,increment from what i was currently,getting,i quickly jotted down the pros and cons,of taking up the row,the cons,it was a contract rule therefore dropped,instability,the benefits such as annual leave and,medical were way less than what i was,currently getting,i knew that this role would be a lot,harder and more hectic as the company,was expanding really quickly in,singapore,but what eventually led me to accept the,job and leave my permanent position,would be,one my boss said tick-tock she was,patient and kind throughout the process,when i voiced out my concerns regarding,it being a contract role and i'm pretty,confident that i would have a lot to,learn from her,number two it's an amazing opportunity,for me to step into the internet,industry,many of the fan companies i applied to,previously were not open to my,background as i did not have the,experience they wanted,and three of course the high salary,increment,it was a really hard decision for me,but eventually i decided that the pros,did outweigh the cons and i knew that it,was a step closer to achieving my career,goals,changing jobs is never an easy decision,to make,lay down your pros and cons like i did,and focus on your personal goals for,your career as cliche as it sounds ask,yourself where do you see yourself in 5,or 10 years time,overall i had an extremely pleasant,interview experience with tiktok and i,hope that this video will help you to,make your decision if you're currently,in a dilemma about changing jobs,you
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Revealing My $2.6M Winning Product With TikTok Ads (Shopify Dropshipping)
Revealing My $2.6M Winning Product With TikTok Ads (Shopify Dropshipping)
very often in the e-commerce space we,see screenshots of Shopify dashboards,and crazy Revenue numbers but we never,get to see what's going on behind the,scenes so what is a very successful Tick,Tock brand actually look like hey,everyone Dylan here in this video I'll,be revealing A 2.6 million dollar one,product Drop Shipping Store of mine that,I've scaled with Tick Tock ads only if,this video gets 1.5 K likes I'll be,dropping a in-depth media buying scaling,video revealing literally all these,strategies that we have used to hit 100K,plus days with Tick Tock ads also if you,guys have any questions please make sure,to comment them down below and send me a,DM I'm going to try to answer as many,questions as possible alright so let me,go ahead and refresh the dashboard just,to show you guys this is legit here,and as you can see 2.6 million dollars,in sales so if you look at the sales,graph over here you see there hasn't,really been much consistency with this,brand and that's because this is really,just like a side project for me I run,this brand by myself but nowadays all,the brands I run are with my partner Ben,so this brand doesn't really get much of,my attention with that being said every,couple months or so I'll come in and,refresh the creatives maybe put some,more time into it and that's when things,usually start ramping back up so before,I review the product I want to explain,to you guys how I found it so this,product was a very big winner on,Facebook at the time it was extremely,saturated but it wasn't really on Tick,Tock keep in mind this was an early 2020,so The Tick Tock ads platform was I,don't even think it was in its beta,stage at the time however I chose this,product for Tick-Tock Organics,specifically so just like most of the,other winning products on Tick Tock this,product had a very big wow factor it was,scroll stopping and it serves a very,broad audience combine all that with,creatives that are very native to the,platform and an irresistible offer,you're able to really scale things up,with Tick Tock this product is priced,above 45 dollars and we've had roughly,like a 50 aov throughout the lifetime of,the store however we've only maintained,a 60 gross margin and that's because,I've tested increasing the price a lot,but the conversion just dips off so hard,about fifty dollars so like I said,earlier I started out this product as a,tick tock organic brand and I hit,multiple uh high five figure days I've,done that with some other products as,well and I'll show some of the organic,and influencer videos very shortly I,didn't start running ads with this brand,until June of 2021. once I started,running ads it was working so well so I,just stopped doing influencers and,organic videos so when I found this,product there was really only one main,competitor on Tick Tock and they were,doing well but they just weren't posting,that often on their page so I knew if I,came in and I posted a lot more and I,also posted better content that I could,do a lot better than them alright so now,the port you guys have been waiting for,this is the product reveal it's the,Galaxy projector and the brand name is,juice LEDs so here's my Tick Tock page,right here with over 250k followers and,9 million likes with this brand I've,really only ever ran Tick Tock ads I've,had short periods of time where I ran,some Facebook and some Snapchat but it's,been pretty much Tick Tock and just to,proved you guys that this is my brand,this is literally my face in a creative,of mine,so yeah also this brand has one of the,most viewed and liked ad creatives on,the entire Tick Tock platform with a 114,million impressions so the funny thing,about this brand is pretty much all of,the content has been made by myself,there was a period of time in early 2021,when I was paying someone to make some,organic content and they did pretty well,but it didn't last that long the,creative I just showed you guys that had,a 115 million impressions was literally,made in my bedroom myself that just,shows you guys you really don't need,much to be able to scale with Tick Tock,ads so as I said earlier we did multiple,high five figure days with Tick Tock,organic on this brand and I'll go ahead,and show you guys a few of the videos so,this was a video that was actually made,by one of the people I hired to make,organic content for the brand product,itself was the wow factor we didn't have,to do a lot of external things to the,videos to like make them go viral so,that's why it converted extremely well,and here's another video that I did,extremely well with Organic all we had,to do was really show off the products,and pair that up with you know clean,transition and trending audios and most,of the videos would go really viral so,as far as the product page goes I've,always kept that like extremely Simple,and Clean and haven't had too much of a,problem with the conversion rate I,definitely prioritized page speed and,also pricing and testing cross-sells so,we've tried having a on
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TikTok Ads vs FaceBook Ads ($1,000 Experiment... Who Won?)
TikTok Ads vs FaceBook Ads ($1,000 Experiment... Who Won?)
tick tock ads versus facebook ads,which one is the clear winner what,should you be doing,is tick tock ads and the platform,crushing it right now,is it the worst thing ever in this video,we're gonna find out,so a couple of weeks ago i shot a video,together with you guys,showing you exactly how i was setting up,our first ever tick-tock,ad campaign together remember that so,once we created that ad as well as the,creatives,when we ran the ad some of you asked so,what happened so this,is what happened okay today in this,video i'm going to walk you through an,exact apple to apple comparison meaning,we literally took the same ad put it on,tick tock and we took the same ad,and we put it on facebook by the end of,this video you will know,exactly what it is that you should be,doing and exactly what you should not be,doing,when it comes to tick-tock ads so let's,talk about,what happened the numbers which is the,winner,and you're gonna be able to see exactly,what it is that you need to be doing,i was really curious like are they gonna,buy are they not gonna buy,are they just a bunch of kids are they,gonna have my ideal audience so let's,take a look and first talk about the,numbers okay and into,to understand how numbers work i'm first,gonna head over to the whiteboard,i'm gonna walk you through exactly what,it is,that we did first before we take a look,at numbers okay so real quick,what were the traffic and the audiences,where were they headed the example,that's gonna be utilized over here,is a webinar funnel so a webinar funnel,that,we sent people to this the first step of,the funnel was,registering for the webinar,and then after they registered for the,webinar this would be the webinar,confirmation page,and after they register for,it that is when they would,attend this live webinar,and after it's live this was an,automated webinar,um and after they attended that is when,they would head over to the checkout,page right so a simple,four-step typical webinar or,presentation funnel,so what we did was we created,an exact ad campaign with the same ad,creatives same video one on facebook,okay and then the next thing that we did,was we ran the same thing with the same,video same write-up same,ad creative on tick-tock okay which is,basically,the thing that we did together if you've,watched that video where we were,creating that tick-tock,video together and this ad over here,sent people to this,funnel okay so let's take a look at some,numbers,now that we understand the big picture,of the sales process,so on the screen you will see that this,ad campaign this is literally a new ad,account right so i'm literally,discovering this together with you guys,so that you can learn through,my mistakes and you don't have to go,through the usual trial and error,and you can see that on this,five day window we have spent about 2,600 now this is in ringgit malaysia is,the ad account where we created so for,those of you outside of malaysia that's,about 800 us dollars converted no wait,that's about 650 700 right,so in this five day window i'm gonna,walk you through the pros and cons and,some of the things that i discovered,i'm doing this okay let's talk about,pros and cons first,advantage of doing and setting this up,is that you will see it's actually very,simple to use and it looks like,facebook right the entire setup,literally looks like facebook so if,you've ever done facebook ads you'll,know that it's exactly,like facebook ads where you have to,campaign ad group and ads,okay so so that's like the first,advantage so you pick up really,easily if you've ever utilized uh,facebook ads before that being said,you also see that the targeting is also,very similar facebook,it's just based on interest broad,look-alike and,ultimately if you take a look at this,number here which is the most,important number you can see it says cpa,now what is cpa it's basically your cost,per action,how much did it cost you to get a,specific action now this action could be,a sale it could be a lead it and in this,case here because of the,the funnel that i showed you this the,action was basically registering,for a a webinar okay so this is,basically about,eight dollars okay so heading back over,here,we can see that the action that we set,the conversion,for tick tock is approximately,eight dollars and by the way if you stay,till the end of this video you'll know,exactly some of the things that should,be doing and shouldn't be doing so make,sure you watch the entire video,it's gonna save you a ton of money when,it comes to running these ad campaigns,profitably,so the next thing that we need to do to,make sure that it's an,apple to apple comparison is we went,over to facebook and here's the downside,of tick tock right now it's it's really,weird but because,they literally just started to roll this,out,you can it sounds ridiculous i know but,you can literally only target the people,that you created your ad,account in yes i know it sounds like,they absolutely hate money,so that m
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Instant Page Tiktok ke Whatsapp
Instant Page Tiktok ke Whatsapp
Gom,Eh tapi Yuni video simple untuk buat,apa kamu sok coolnya tiktok,jatuhnya macam,saya buat kawasan nih,tentu masa ada dua Steven saya babita,nego,seluruh kasih ini,timah abaten keyboard menitip batunya,diklik dalam gamers ebla pistol-pistol,kalau,masih tidak lebih ya cantikkan 17 pindah,oke ya,banyak kos Pekik mateni agak murah so,WhatsApp usai tak suruh tunggu repot,dipakai oleh staf isu pagi ya'riful jadi,karena buatnya simple,diklik Grey kita ambil commission ke,Halo,Mbak,Len Leni biasanya tebak yang paling,simpel continew,Hai ikut ni tenaga-tenaga whatsapp,telestar sayur nama mahram contoh,hm sudah selesai dengan SLE Nikita,method Tito is the best,time badan sudah biarkan itek baigo,baper button Click Andy akhire di punya,berapa kos berkeliling,lesmen Saya memang kambe kita sejarah,sepakbola penghidupan lain dia menaruh,kek,kritis Saya memang freefoam ini kita,beli masukkan 10 ke-20 video sekaligus,tadi teh buat nabi apapun boleh out,metabolik tas tetapi timbul ih tetapi,Tini mananya blissett ah umum nih macan,ia boleh semacam Nih pasti boliche,interes boleh ambil internasional Hai,Translate telah anakna Spike cosmedic,ampunilah kalau nabi kasih kembali,beauty,udah beres ini ketipu,Hai,vc pergi,beautiful skin cuacanya kesini ya,tapi wajah saja Saiful ambil outdoor ya,suhu tapi korang boleh Terima namanya,pembeli tray,desa yang bisa enak s-club,Sabah Serawak sebab setan agak coba,Kyojin tapi senangnya markesa pesawat,sangat besar Bayu memang ramai kali kau,kan gede ramai sangat,dikatakan Citizen Polrestabes Awas,highlow,akan untuk WhatsApp kalau masalah,WhatsApp boleh tetap miss you demulih,Hai,episode semua Oke,warna b o b o b a b Inggris x-intercept,semua,ya Ning boleh on naon boleh tanaman,pembeli sebagi akan pergi lebih ini,kecuali akan pergi lebih daripada ini,Ati Tolonglah,Annaba membeli,Hai aaj letak Lubuklinggau ke,Hai Ki Neng juga saya,akhirnya biasa suami tewas ini saya guna,siapa lagi sekali wes saya ambil di Toys,tempe Oke semen MB talk,tapi automake di Hotel mediation tapi,timbul dipakai custom atau otomatik,tapi saya Bigfoot mati semuanya mesti,Academy 3,itu mitsutada lagi ya Ah gender ingin,tersebut semua tuh,eh ambil Jokowi Central salah,suhu kita begini next,Hai,Kenny aku dewasa ini dia,displin m itu yaitu the real,oleh nah pakai mana-mana pemulih,kita miliki sendiri ini akan keluarga,sini,Hai,nugget enak buat eh,Hai,wajah lebih cerah glowing Kampung boleh,keluarga sini,eh pastu kita video cerita upload saja,dekat punya kreatif tuh kalau yang belum,Battle target ikatan aplikasi ini boleh,senyawa upload navlog boleh tapi saya,membaca sia-sia ada kritis saya ini,kadar Calibre,biasanya saya kasih ke select a yang,klik lebih tinggi,di masa depan jalan sebagai belum,peninggalan kerajaan udah sayang kasih,LED,12345678 puluh tak,teknik-teknik murni,ini mulai 9,10 Oke komkom,ini sampai 20 video yang bisa lebih,murah,waktu teksturnya keluarga sini itu tulis,Hai Hah papajo pendek juga boleh 10,patahlah Maximum,A Thousand Suns,ke-hack,meilleur kuning,cerpen,coba hidup untuk,cerahkan,kulit,dan HPnya Laut,Panjang tak pergi keluar,kalau handphone tubes ada saling keluar,sampai 3 baris,ini kalau 41,bab2 sini melihat namanya recommended,metode kuliah Banyuwangi Indah setel pas,tuh aku otoy's ini memang saya suka,Pakai,stendec ah nah ataupun,intro Strike kontek bos ke,account Facebook lispap masuk asae Nah,Inggris tetap memilih sewa tadi itu,state ok,Hai Nur Adli Adli akan masuk ke tepi,hitam,Suruhlah sekali is the best key tepis,nih Saya sudah buat saya tolong kurang,Susune Grace tepis,ambil yang stendec punya,oleh Nabi di punya tempe pembeli tapi,Sasuke stendec punya,matching stope Sayu dapur susun,siap-siap rasanya,kayak gampang saya susul korban MB nanti,oke,eh bank-bank ntar ane ngechat sebenernya,waktu bagi Bella sekarang bodohnya,enggih sonagi,baten letak bawah sekali tipe letak,komponen kita semua gampang-gampang,tripoli hahaha,688 gambar kita peletakannya banyakkah,kita lafalkan,Hai keselek,hai hai,hai 234567,I love panes,Hai badan bahwa sekali,ke iMesh,move,it upon,select,gambai yang,Hai Firda Uli,my god Cecil tadinya mau pengen desktop,dengan,M2M,Wih tipis Ada sosok siap tempat Tama,Hai,kok Fame,yo yo,Hai itu masuk pagi semoga Mbak Cesa gitu,buat besok mau belum,itu,tepanyaki banyak selainnya 11-5 tapi 8,nih Belina,gitu,sambil website-website yang,hai hai,hai hai,hai hai,ER6,hai hai,Hai wushu,hai hai,286,The,Lucky siap gambar,baten,ama orang penembak immense cepete inilah,claims Mania konokene bakambang,matte Nih saya tulis kali,untuk WhatsApp,sekarang,Kiki itu masih sekarang pembeli,kiri untuk,mendapatkan promosi Om boleh,welny kurang boleh ambil Kalian pakai,WhatsApp bisnis Hilux pakai 5-9 buat,terus avitex tuh kalau macam,kalau sayup-sayup kepakai waddling,kningo tak full,hai oke hai nama keren Nama saya si,rahila,lagu9 minat dengan,Pepy uweni,Hai,oleh Kapten,cantik ibu,dan,ibu,dan saya enak label harga promosi,Hai,jauh center Abis lu dekat ke bawah sini,saya suku Baduy TNI b
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Call for Covid boosters before wave of Chinese tourism | Thailand News Today
Call for Covid boosters before wave of Chinese tourism | Thailand News Today
welcome to Thailand news today this show,is brought to you by tigerdeals find the,best deals in Thailand on tiger deals in,today's news tybot and Singapore dollars,battle for the strongest Regional,currency call for covet boosters before,the wave of Chinese tourism and,Tick-Tock video of nurses drinking in,hospital Spurs investigation all of that,coming right up in today's program,China is reopening its borders pushing,economists to predict an influx of,Chinese tourists to Thailand will Propel,the Thai Baht into Southeast Asia's,reigning currency in 2023 but the bot,has one Regional competitor the trusty,Singapore dollar Thailand's economy,heavily relies on tourism Revenue in,2019 Chinese tourists made up of over 40,percent of the 40 million tourist,arrivals in the Kingdom,beijing's strict zero covid policy kept,Chinese tourists away from Thailand for,three years devastating the Thai economy,but things are finally changing,if December inflation numbers revealed,that the Consumer Price Index or CPI is,rising as economists predict the bot,could get a nice Head Start in the race,to be the Region's strongest currency,the bank of Thailand expects to keep,hiking interest rates in the next six,months all currencies in the region are,expected to appreciate against the US,dollar amid deceleration interest rate,hikes from the U.S federal reserve,the Singaporean dollar was the only,currency to appreciate against the U.S,dollar last year making it a strong,competitor in the region Singapore is,also expected to benefit from China's,reopening but it is the predicted,downfall of several other major regional,currencies that make it a real rival of,the Thai bod,tiger deals your One-Stop shop for the,best deals on medical procedures Beauty,clinics entertainment and restaurants in,Thailand visit,to prepare for an influx of Chinese,tourists the tourism authority of,Thailand or tat is encouraging all,employees in the tourism sector to get a,covid-19 booster shot China has,experienced a giant wave of infections,since it abandoned its zero covet policy,but the mainland still intends to open,its borders to allow citizens to travel,abroad next week many people are very,wary that this may usher in a new major,outbreak of coronavirus infections in,Thailand and surrounding countries,to be safe tat Governor Yuta saksupassan,is calling on all workers employed by,tourism businesses to get a covid,booster anyone who works in a hotel,especially as a reception staff or as a,driver or tour guide for example is,encouraged to be safe as they will be,near many tourists including Chinese,Travelers he also reminded everyone that,safety and health administration,standards set out to certify hotels and,restaurants during the pandemic must be,strictly adhered to,and the end of this year the target of,10 million tours was met and surpassed,with around 11.5 million foreign,Travelers arriving in Thailand in 2022,the government has set a 2023 goal of at,least 50 percent more tourists this year,the National Committee for a,communicable disease is saying that,Travelers coming in from China will be,required to have health insurance as,well as covet vaccine proof they,previously reassured eager tourists that,arrived from China will not be required,to take a covet test in the airport,saying that risk was still at manageable,levels,and lastly officials responded after,Tick-Tock videos went viral showing,nurses in a hospital drinking and,partying the hospital was not named but,the Thailand nursing and Midwifery,Council or tnmc announced that they were,launching a probe into the incident,after several video clips were uploaded,to the popular social media app,the video has since been removed but,many shocked and outraged people online,saved the clip and circulated on other,social media platforms as well the,videos featured nurses at an,unidentified hospital later confirmed to,be in ayutaya province in what appears,to be a break room,in the video the nurses are celebrating,at a small holiday party on shift later,confirmed to have taken place at 5 pm on,December 30th they can be seen dancing,drinking from beer bottles and pouring,what looks like whiskey into plastic,cups to share in total three videos were,posted to tick tock though now delete it,the tnmc took quick action after the,embarrassing video got traction and went,viral the director of the hospital,announced that 17 medical personnel,involved in the party have been,suspended from work the hospital has,also issued a public apology for the,incident and the staff's inappropriate,behavior,the nurses in the video have also,expressed regret,the party and nurses Behaving Badly was,not just inappropriate it was illegal,the alcoholic beverage act prohibits,selling or consuming liquor in hospital,the presence of alcohol on the premises,could put the hospital at risk of fines,and Punishment,drinking alcohol in a government or,medical facility can carry a fine of up,to ten thousand Baht and is even,
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Why I just quit my Product Manager job at TikTok
Why I just quit my Product Manager job at TikTok
hi,i just quit my job at tick tock let's,talk about it,yesterday was my last year tick tock as,a lead product manager and i'm gonna,talk about why i left if you're new here,hello i'm chloe welcome to my channel,here i talk about career tips as well as,vlogs about my adult life i also post,regularly on instagram so be sure to,follow there for some life updates,before i dive into this all i just want,to say that my goal here isn't to bash,on people or the company i've actually,met a lot of phenomenal people leaders,directors that i do want to keep in,touch with forever and they know who,they are i also think that tick tock is,a very successful company and there's a,lot that the industry can learn from,them i thought a lot about whether i,should share this publicly because it's,so sensitive and risky to my career it's,always safest to say nothing but the,truth is a lot of tough things happen,our careers and we rarely talk about it,and so the same mistakes get made over,and over again and it doesn't help,anyone and let me tell you i have gone,through my fair share of toxic,unbelievable work experiences and i've,never spoken up about them and i really,regret it so in this video i want to,share why i decided to leave tick tock,and i hope that my perspective can help,someone else out there who might be,going through similar things so let's,get started for some context i joined,end of last summer as a third pm hire,the two pms before me quit i quickly,became the most tenured pm of the,department a lot of things happened but,it ultimately came down to four main,reasons number one lack of support in my,career growth i'd always been very,strategic with my career development i,have this whole template and i'm excited,to share with you on this channel so,stay tuned for that i also always have,these conversations proactively and i,ask explicitly i don't beat around the,bush i take my career very seriously and,i have the results to show for it too,how i normally approach this is that i,usually have a formal career development,conversation with any new manager that i,work with in the first month and then i,have that conversation every two months,after so in this case i had many career,conversations with the senior leader i,was working with and they were always,like oh yeah of course i will support,you and so two months before a,performance review cycle,i popped the question do you and the,leadership team feel confident in,nominating me for promo this cycle and,this person dodged my question for four,weeks in a row and finally in the 11th,hour they were like oh actually i can't,nominate you this other person has to,then i talk to the other person and when,asked the same question they were like,no your output is not enough and i said,can you clarify what is enough and in my,head i knew i was the highest performer,on the team so where was the disconnect,they said and let me read this i cannot,describe what output is the next level,because i didn't look at the leveling,rubric i cannot describe the work you,need to do because i don't know it you,should know it then convince us and,explain why it's important then launch,the project and when performance review,comes we look at your outcome and see,whether you are worthy for promotion my,last tip to you is don't pay attention,to your job level just do the work i,said i get it i'm all about that,entrepreneurial spirit but leveling is a,very real topic to discuss previously at,facebook i had sponsorship from a,manager but i got blocked by hrbp,because of leveling issues and i just,don't want that to happen here and then,they said without a beat maybe hr had a,different reason they couldn't tell you,maybe it's that you haven't demonstrated,the capability i said the vp of product,herself was sponsoring me and was going,through the hr hoops it wasn't an issue,of capability,a lot of other things happened but after,discussing with leadership about it we,concluded that it just wasn't a good fit,and they advised me to look around,internally for other teams and that they,would give me all their support,ultimately having been on the team,longest and talking to numerous,colleagues about this,i just didn't see any signal that things,would change even after a stay for,another year levels were not defined,clearly three senior managers told me,three different processes for promotion,nobody knew it was actually the right,process and managers were there just to,judge performance they weren't there to,lift the teams and elevate them to the,next level even some of the most,talented colleagues who we all knew,internally carry tick-tock they also,faced many challenges and weren't,promoted into leadership positions so i,felt that support in my career growth,was non-existent number two culture,to give you a sense of what work is like,tick tock is owned by bite dance which,is a chinese company that is about over,a hundred thousand people you might have,heard of 996 culture from china which is,working 9 a.
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How We Make TikTok A Safe Advertising Platform
How We Make TikTok A Safe Advertising Platform
hi,everyone welcome to joining today's tick,tock happy hour,this is our webinar series where tick,tock employees talk about their live,work and personal perspectives i am,select from vulnerable integrity team,and i will be the host for today's,episode with a topic as,how we build a safe advertising platform,this is a topic i,actually personally have most passion,for and i also have two,amazing teammates here that will share,more insights and,experience with me today so hello arjuna,mike and guys i just,noticed like we just chose black,t-shirts together right,it's a good look it's always meant to be,lying exciting,cool thank you so much so i journeyed,why,i'm wondering like if you can help to,introduce yourself a little bit,as well as like your rose and team maybe,mike you can go first i know that it's,quite late for you how is texas,texas is great it's hot it's beautiful,i'm based here in austin and i'm from,denver colorado,uh the fact that we're all wearing black,is actually like a 90,chance of me wearing a black t-shirt my,wife is a nurse and she works a night,shift so i have a drawer,where i know everything in this drawer,matches everything else in this drawer,so i can get dressed in the dark,when we're trading places in the night,so i'm pretty much in a black t-shirt at,all times,but um it's it's beautiful here in,austin and i'm really excited to be here,i work on the ad policy team and we're a,part of,monetization integrity and our focus is,understanding risks and harms on the,platform,and designing policy to keep users safe,cool thank you mike and adrian i know,you are dealing in singapore right,yep that's right so well uh as always,it's a bright sunny morning here in,singapore,and i won't be surprised if this,transforms into a very cloudy rainy day,uh as the day progresses so hi folks my,name is arjun,uh i was born in india grew up in west,africa and singapore has been home for,the last uh 10 years,i'll leave the monetization integrity,operations team globally,i've been with tiktok for about 11,months and i'm based here in singapore,uh the fundamental role of my team is,ads policy enforcement,and we moderate all types of ads using,an in-house as well as an outsourced,team,cool thank you arjun so to help the,audience,know more about you maybe we can share,more about the personal,interest so the next question i will be,i will be interested is like,what's on your tic tac for your feed so,i personally got music,dance piano pads those are all my,interests,and i'm wondering like arjun what is,your setting there,uh well recently i've got exercising at,home uh,for the last one and a half years which,i think is pretty uh fair and natural,uh i've got innovative cocktails which,is also reflective of the fact that,we're always at home,uh can't go out in singapore uh sports,is something i've been getting,throughout and most recently i'd say,babies as,soon as a month back i started getting,how to get rich videos,so i'd say the talk in my feed really,understands my passion and my mood,cool how about you mike yeah so um i'm a,musician i love producing music i get a,lot of,um content creators who are showing how,to how to produce music,but my favorite stuff from my feed is,all these really eccentric,comedians like people taking the format,to the,max of how to spend 45 seconds,creating an eerie weird sketch like my,there's an account pd usa is one of my,favorite creators he plays every,character in this house and he just,interacts with himself,in these super bizarre short form movies,and i love that tiktok gives people the,ability to create content like this,because i don't know how it would be,created otherwise,so mostly weird esoteric comedy,cool thank you so much so um,as everyone know that monetization,integration is a global team we have,different offices and team members in,austin mountain view dublin london,singapore tokyo right a lot of locations,so how to help the audiences to better,understand our team,i'm wondering like maybe a journey mike,you can share more about your,understanding of our,mission and vision and maybe would you,mind to go first,yeah sure maybe i can start with the,overall uh mission of the monetization,integrity then i'll move into operations,so at the core for monetization,integrity we unblock and unlock good,revenue,uh while we continue to focus on user,safety advertiser experience and our own,brand safety as well,and from an operations perspective you,know we we moderate,all of these ad contents uh on our,platform,so we have round-the-clock moderation in,all of our monetized markets,which essentially means taking the right,decision at the right time because,quality is,one of our most important and critical,metrics to support our users and,advertisers,i see so mike would you mind to add more,maybe delicately from the policy,perspective,sure yeah um,advertising gives people an ability to,reach a large audience,beyond what users would naturally um,uh be exposed to in in the course of,your
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TikTok Ads Step By Step Tutorial | Beginner to EXPERT in ONE Video!
TikTok Ads Step By Step Tutorial | Beginner to EXPERT in ONE Video!
imagine going back in time back to 2013,where facebook ads is relatively new and,everybody's kind of like no you should,stick with the good old google adwords,and,being able to be a part of that initial,wave where cost per click cost per sale,cost per lead and everything was cheap,in fact we don't even have to go back,that far,i feel that right now,if you're doing this right today in this,video i'm gonna be showing you how to,utilize facebook ads the right way,where you're gonna discover that the,cost per lead the cost per sale,is gonna be significantly lower than any,other advertising platform,hey this is ping jin here and today i'm,going to walk you behind the scenes to,the whole tutorial where i'm going to,log into my dashboard and show you,exactly how we create winning campaigns,where we how we started off from zero to,over a thousand dollars a day and why,this platform has got so much potential,and by the end of this video you're,going to be able to understand what,exactly does it take to build up a,winning ad campaign how to be tested how,do you scale it the right way,and generate leads and sales that is,significantly cheaper than all the other,platforms let's begin,all right so now i am in the ads manager,and you're going to see some,similarities with facebook and the first,thing that's going to happen once you,create an account is you're going to be,able to,see the advertising objective and very,similar to facebook the first thing,you're gonna do is you're gonna make,sure that,you are not gonna pay attention to,traffic app installed video views lead,gen why because all these right now does,not matter these are all for vanity,metrics the truth is,it all comes back down to conversions so,we're going to start off with,conversions okay because that's,ultimately what you want a conversion,for now what is a conversion a,conversion could be a sale it could be,an opt-in it could be a strategy call it,could be a lead right now in most cases,usually a sale and what we want is we,want to be able to train the pixel which,we'll talk about in a second to be able,to find more of what it is that you want,so depending on your sales process a,conversion is usually a sale or a lead,right in most cases so we're going to,utilize conversions first okay now,the campaign name what i normally like,to do and this is you know your a,personal preference but i normally like,to begin with the date of the campaign,with the funnel name so that i know,exactly whenever we launch different,split tests whenever we launch different,ad variations i know exactly when i,launched it together with where we're,sending people to okay so i'm gonna,utilize for the example of this one i'm,just gonna leave it as default but,that's not normally how i name my,campaigns and then i am going to,continue,now,i'm also gonna walk you through what i,wish i knew when i was first starting,out when it comes to tick tock ads,versus other platforms the first one is,first of all don't expect things to move,quickly like facebook right facebook,obviously has you know matured over the,years reviews are done very manually and,like on weekends i feel like there's,nobody working at all so nothing gets,approved over the weekend and,optimization is significantly lower so,you have to be patient with the platform,you can start small first okay so the,next thing that's gonna happen over here,is you're taken to like the ad group and,in facebook terminology this is like,your ad set right so over here you'll,notice it says tick tock pixel okay and,right now you can see that i have a,pixel uh created now what is this very,similar to a facebook pixel you want to,be able to create a pixel okay and you,can do so over here right where you can,create a pixel you haven't already done,so so for me because i've created one,all i'm going to utilize is the existing,pixel so if you don't already have a,pixel installed all you're going to do,is click on this button here that says,create now what's going to happen is,it's going to take you to this place,here where you want to create a pixel,okay so all i'm going to do is i'm going,to click on create pixel,and you will see that now it asks me,first of all to name my pixel so as you,can see i've got,my name is the pixel right you can call,it as your funnel or name of your,account okay so now you have two options,it says manually install pixel code or,install pixel code by third party tool,so,i do it manually okay i feel that,there's a lot more control over here and,it's in fact a lot simpler so all i'm,gonna do is i'm gonna click on manually,create code okay i'm gonna put in a name,my pixel okay so i'm gonna call this the,test pixel so i'm once i click on next,what's gonna happen is i'm gonna utilize,the standard mode,okay,and click on next okay so there's,standard mode in developer mode,once you click on next now this over,here,is,where they give you this bunch of code,right where it says you can actually,copy the pixel code over here,so j
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