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How To Fix Tiktok Ads That Are Not Spending

so we've all been there we finally found,a winning product spent days perfecting,our ads and our store and have never,been more excited for a smooth launch,into profits using tick tock ads and,then we wake up the next morning just to,find out that our tick tock account,didn't even give us a chance but after,spending multi-six figures on tick tock,ads networking with seven and,eight-figure tick-tock drop shippers and,talking to tick-tock representatives i,finally figured out the fix to this,problem i know exactly why this happens,and i figured out the most efficient way,to fix it so that you can relaunch again,and find success what's poppin youtube,welcome back to the channel my name is,nathan and i'm a 21 year old ecommerce,entrepreneur just before we jump into,this here i do want to announce the,weekly giveaway all you have to do is,subscribe to the channel comment one,thing down below and go ahead and smash,that like button those three things and,you're automatically entered the winner,will be announced at some point in next,week's video and the giveaway is for a,custom built shopify drop shipping store,equipped with the winning product and,everything built by my team and i at,outright econ now diving straight into,this there might be a few different,scenarios as to why your ads aren't,spending but regardless the reason,stands the same your ad account is not,optimized and tick tock actually doesn't,want to see you throw away any money,without getting any type of results he's,got to be an idiot to put those on,social media remember tick tock wants to,take your money as much as possible but,why would they take just 100 from you,when they can take 10 million let me,explain so what i'm saying here is they,want you to succeed they want you to go,ahead and spend a ton of money on their,platform and achieve great results and,in doing so you'll keep coming back and,you'll keep spending and if you're not,set up properly you won't get any,results thus they don't want you to keep,spending because then you're just gonna,leave the platform now with agency,accounts or accounts that i've already,spent thousands of dollars on i,typically never have this issue because,tick tock knows that i know what i'm,doing and they give me free rein to go,ahead and spend my money how i want it,we'll touch on agency accounts just a,bit later the issue of your ads not,spending typically happens on a brand,new tick tock account that hasn't,achieved any spend or results yet so yes,you're probably thinking this is all,common sense and you're probably already,wondering what you can do to set,yourself up for success and not have,this problem upon launch and here's how,you do it so much like facebook tick,tock actually has a learning phase as,well and to exit this learning phase on,a conversion campaign you have to show,tick tock that your campaign can,generate at least 50 conversions within,one week or seven days but for tick tock,to even want to spend your budget they,have to first believe that you can,actually achieve those results and hit,those metrics to exit the learning phase,and if they're not spending any of your,budget it's because they don't believe,that you can do so i'm sorry it's not,going to happen so what you need to do,first obviously if you believe that your,campaign's going to be successful is you,need to show them that you can hit those,conversion metrics on a lesser event so,what you need to do to show them that,you can actually exit the learning phase,and hit those conversion metrics is you,need to choose an easier objective first,like page views or add to carts now the,proven strategy that has worked for me,about eighty percent of the time has,simply been opening up a brand new,traffic campaign and just spending,twenty dollars on it for the following,day after you've done this the next step,is to simply go to sleep and watch your,ad account burn through twenty dollars,the next day with likely no results but,don't worry your account is still,gathering very much important data that,it can later use and it's also getting,you ready to launch that conversion,campaign the complete payment objective,which is obviously what you're looking,for now like i said this will fix your,account spending issues about eighty,percent of the time if your account,still isn't spending and yes this has,happened to me as well then again spend,another 20 the next day but this time,the conversion objective set it to add,to cart and repeat that same process,every single day just getting closer and,closer to the event you desired which in,this case is complete payment if none of,that worked for you the next alternative,that's easiest and most likely to work,is to simply open up a brand new tick,tock ad account now for the rest of the,cases it's likely due to your creatives,themselves some of these small things,that i'm about to break down right now,actually affect the algorithm and don't,ask me why the tick tock algorithm is,wildly complex and it's

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TikTok Ads Not Spending?! | Fix TikTok Ads Payment Issues

TikTok Ads Not Spending?! | Fix TikTok Ads Payment Issues

hey welcome back this is just going to,be a really quick short video i've had a,few comments from some of you asking,about the payment issue on tick tock ads,so in this video i'm just going to take,you through the issues that i've had the,issues that i've faced and the solutions,that i've found so far,and obviously you can go ahead and try,all of these i'm not sure whether,they're all going to work but some of,them worked for me,so the main issue that a lot of you are,referring to is the fact that your tick,tock ads aren't spending so,first thing that i recommend you do when,you get a new tick tock ad account this,is a new one that i created my last one,got suspended from the challenge that,i'm doing so i've put that on pause for,a bit and i'm testing out this new,account,and,same thing happened first day ads,wouldn't spend so here's what you want,to need here's what you need to do to,get ads to spend so you've just created,a new tips i've had account it's in,whatever country and currency you've got,your card linked and you want to set up,some complete payment ad sets but those,ad sets aren't spending you know usually,what happens is this is because either,it takes a while for them to approve,your ads and sort of verify that you're,a trustworthy person or it's because of,some issue with the fact that your ads,aren't yet approved even though tick,tock says your ads are approved what i,recommend you do is you create new,campaign,much like this one so this is just a,normal campaign i think this is just a,conversion campaign yeah it's just a,conversion campaign but the optimization,of these ad sets are different so,usually obviously we'd be going for,complete purchase so a complete payment,you can see this one i've gone for view,content and this one here is an add to,cart conversion so neither of these two,are the final one that i want to be,going for and you can see,out of the two the view content was the,one that spent the most and then the uh,add to cart one didn't start spending,and then it took a while and then,gradually it's got a bit of spend,um,so what's actually happened here is,for some reason i don't know why it,pushes it through tick tock's algorithm,quicker so as soon as you get a view,content one spending then the add to,cart one will start spending once that,started spending you'll then see the,complete payment ones started spending,so to give you an idea,of when all of this happened i think it,was towards the end of last week,i set these ads up so we'll have a look,on the must be the 27th,first day of having this account,27th to the 27th,and you can see in the first day ten,dollars were spent 2.25 and if we look,at the other campaigns that i had set up,so this here is a complete payment,complete payment campaign so out of the,two this audience this started spending,759 dollars by the end of the day it,started spending a bit more budget,if we look at the cbo test that only,spent five cents that's at fifty dollars,per day,uh and what i did to get that up is i,then set up this traffic campaign as,well so i was just testing out multiple,different things so you can see i spent,uh almost nine dollars on traffic uh,which is this is just a traffic,converter it's not conversion it's just,traffic uh we'll have a look here,it's just a traffic ad,um so that's set up nine dollars and,then also the ad to cart one also spent,about 12.87 and a little bit on the um,view content uh and then obviously after,that started happening then the spend,started to increase so the 28th which is,obviously the friday let's have a look,at the results for this day,okay so on this day you can now see i,turned off these initial campaigns and,there wasn't any point keeping the,spending,uh and then on the next day the,conversion rate um,sorry the complete payment audience test,started spending now this is 20 per day,so it's only spent 10.45 so it's still,not reaching its maximum spend but it is,spending some money they also the cost,per click was horrendously high for this,day,you can also see the cbo only spent,three dollars on this day so it's still,pretty poor performance but we are,starting to get some spending happening,we look on the 29th,around the 29th,and you can see here now we're starting,to get to the realms where things are,actually working a lot better,so third day,the audience test 14.76 spent out of the,total twenty dollars uh good cost per,clicks now good cards good checkouts i,think there were a couple of conversions,but nothing actually tracked on ads and,that could have come through organic,traffic from my our last um,ad account,so,that's obviously started spending and,then the cbo's also started spending and,then i think uh yesterday i actually,turned off the ads uh just because the,performance wasn't the best but at least,that was tracking yeah so i turned off,the ads so yesterday they didn't run but,that gives you an idea of how things,worked out uh obviously if you're,getting spending issues that's what i,re

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My TikTok Ads Are Not Spending (SOLUTION)

My TikTok Ads Are Not Spending (SOLUTION)

all right so i've spent a lot of money,on facebook ads not quite as much on,tick tock but it's a platformer scaling,super heavily right now spending about,40 000 a day across a few different,brands now i want to actually show you,the sales here inside of one of these,stores i i've already shown this,once i believe depending on when this is,being posted so far almost like 3k today,this is actually like super upsetting,and i'm gonna break down why because,this store i'm gonna break this down and,show you a monthly chart here was doing,over ten thousand dollars a day and if,you're running tick tock ads this video,is for you i've noticed that tick tock,facebook never had this issue because,they just want to take your money tick,tock sometimes will randomly just stop,spending on your ads and i'm not talking,about when you're first launching you,have spending issues that's another,problem and by the way how you fix that,is just relaunch change the budgets a,little bit maybe go in and directly,change the budget open up your audiences,so they're targeting a bigger broader,audience,those are some things you can do but,here's the monthly view on this store so,i'm going to show you kind of why i'm,upset on this uh and what happened this,is the store that i'm doing a 45 day,challenge type deal on where i want to,scale it to 100 000 a day in 40 days so,we got a 10 000 a day like the first,like eight days which is great but you,can see it died yesterday right there,you can see today's sales so far um,yesterday was like a thousand bucks and,it was a thousand and sixty dollars,which is really upsetting because it,only spent a couple hundred dollars so,out of like the four thousand dollars a,day in ad spend that was scheduled it,only spent like four or five hundred so,the ad performance had dropped itself,and it stopped spending money now here's,how you solve that problem so far today,we are somewhat back on track they're,still not back to 100 spending we'll,probably do,five and a half k today 6k later in the,day is always the bigger sales volume,for this brand um and yes this is a,brand it's not drop shipped i'll talk,more about it in the next update by the,way drop drop a like if you like you,know simple little lower quality like,but just basic updates that are just,like open at all cause if you're having,this problem here's how you solve it,number one instantly instantly reach out,to tick tock support thankfully tick,tock has support unlike facebook that is,absolutely terrible so i reached out to,support multiple times multiple tickets,dumping it in if you have a rep this,account has not been assigned an,advertising rep yet if you have a,representative's contact info blow them,up not like in a rude way but you know,very strict and then stern and just,seriously hit them up and get the,problem solved every single time this,happened to me twice so i have two,points of data for this,every time they're going to say there is,no problem there's no problem with your,ads oh maybe you should try this,optimizing performance thing maybe you,should try opening up your audience oh,you got too many ad groups inside your,campaign i told a person i'm like,there's no problem with having 15 ad,groups in a campaign,what and they're just being idiots for,lack of better terms and,it's really frustrating they're gonna,continue telling me there's no problems,but about on that second day when they,reply,suddenly the spend starts coming back so,it looks like they do some sort of,internal review or something happens,they'll never admit it is what i think,but reach out to support and one thing i,also do i go and i change some budgets i,turn off a bunch of stuff and i launch,new stuff inside of a new campaign so,that's how i try to get some spending,back on track again today so far i'll,turn the brightness down so it'll focus,on a little bit easier here,you can see today should do probably i'd,say five let me focus this in here again,later in the day is always the bigger,sales volume but uh you know decent,consistency and the margin is not as,good so it's just like what used to,happen on facebook or facebook would,disable your ad account a few days later,this is i think it's the same thing,they're ripping facebook off a few days,later facebook would re-enable your ad,account and guess what happened it would,always get re-enabled at like nine,o'clock ten o'clock at night spend,through your full budget so for me it's,been like thirty thousand dollars and,the results wouldn't be the eighty,thousand i'm used to it'd be like twenty,or thirty thousand so it actually lose,like fifteen thousand dollars that's the,same thing that's happening today today,the spend is back but it's spent about,three thousand dollars doing three,thousand in sales so probably lost 800,bucks so we'll see what happens later in,the day it might dilute out because it's,usually a better sales time but,ridiculous kind of annoying kind of,frustrating so,to summarize this short simple v

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How to get the AD AUTHORIZATION code in TikTok | TikTok Ads & Sponsored Content

How to get the AD AUTHORIZATION code in TikTok | TikTok Ads & Sponsored Content

if you're watching this video there's a,very good chance that you're working,with a brand,a client,or a fantastic partnership where you,have been asked for an ad authorization,code or the ad code for your tick tock,videos i'm going to show you exactly how,to do it today and after i share exactly,how to do it step by step i'm going to,share with you a few things that are,really helpful to know about,partnerships sponsorships and working,with clients who pay you for your,content especially on tick tock so the,first thing you're going to do is pull,up your tick tock profile,you're going to go to the three little,lines in the upper right hand corner,and you're going to click on creator,tools,from there you're going to go ahead and,scroll on down and you're going to,select ad settings so at the very bottom,you see how there's that thing that says,setting add settings make sure it is,turned on because this is going to give,you account access to being able to,generate those codes,then you're going to select the video,that you want to authorize for ads now,keep this in mind and i'll talk more,about this in just a moment but if there,is copyrighted music,in your video it may be difficult or,even impossible to run an ad to it don't,try to skirt that rule so if this,doesn't work there's a very good chance,that particular video is not being,approved for running ads all right,so what you're gonna do is you're gonna,pick the video that you wanna run ads to,i just pumped out a ton of videos this,week so i'm going to scroll on down to,one that has done better for me,i'm going to scroll on down and let's,pull it up beautiful,so i'm selecting this particular video,as a tick tock that could have an ad now,keep in mind there is copyrighted music,in this so this one i wouldn't actually,run as a true tried and true ad as a,sponsored piece unless i had purchased,the rights to run it as an ad so i'm,gonna go ahead and select those three,little dots underneath uh on the on the,right hand side the three little dots so,as if you were gonna pin the video save,the video duet the video or copy the,link,i'm gonna scroll all the way on over,to add settings right before delete just,be careful here that you don't,accidentally hit delete alright,so i'm going to go ahead and turn on the,add settings,you can decide whether or not you want,to show this only as an ad so it never,shows up on the for you page i probably,don't recommend that unless you're in a,special contract for that but i'm going,to go ahead and select add authorization,and turn it on once i have,agreed to the advertising content terms,of service i'm going to turn on that,you're going to see the video status,change it says the video status will,change from private of or friends to,available for ads so that the authorized,ad teams can view your video super,important note,do not use this if you don't want your,video to be public unless it only shows,up as an ad but keep in mind it's still,going to show up to people so you can't,prevent your friends or family from,seeing it or the high school bullies all,right so i'm going to hit okay,and then from there i'm going to click,or click generate code i get to,determine the length of time that that,is uh generated for so you can authorize,it for seven days 30 days 60 days or 365,i'm really glad they added the 365,option,so i'm going to do seven days and i'm,going to click authorize now i'm going,to blur out my my specific code for this,because i don't want you guys to see it,actually you're not able to see it here,which is kind of nice you can delete the,code you can copy the code or you can,extend the authorization period so if,the period runs out for the,authorization to use it as an ad and,your client or sponsorship wants to,extend it this is where you would extend,that length of time so i'm going to go,ahead and hit copy code and then it is,going to be good to rock and roll for,the next seven days,give that code to whoever it is that,wants to run ads and you are all set to,go but here are a few more things that,you need to know about running ads,especially if you're being sponsored if,you have been looking for sponsorships,so number one you don't want to use,copyright and copyrighted music in,videos that are going to ultimately be,ads we've actually come up against this,many times this being a recurring issue,even with some of the audio that tic toc,has said is approved for ads we've,actually had issues with it so i,personally use a tool that's i think,like 200 bucks for the year called art,list you can go to artless.io,and pay for the annual subscription so,you can get unlimited access to,copyright free royalty-free music that,you can use potentially depending on the,song's terms in your tick tocks with no,issues for ads the second thing i want,to share with you is that if something,is going to be an advertisement it's,according to the ftc's regulations you,actually have to disclose that it is an,ad even if you're not being paid for

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e fala pessoal nesse vídeo vou mostrar,para você como é que você cria por céu,no dia que tô 500 nas suas campanhas tá,e dessa forma você provavelmente não irá,levar bloqueio por causa de URL meu nome,é Vanessa Nunes e nesse vídeo eu vou,mostrar passo-a-passo como é que você,vai fazer um,E aí,bom então pessoal para a gente fazer o,nosso pincel aqui no Tik Tok é diz a,gente utiliza apenas uma imagem tá ok é,dessa forma que eu tô subindo variedades,de campanhas dentro de que toque OK e,reativando em questão de minutos ou,horas ta dependendo do criativo e do,produto que você vai anunciar eles,demoram um pouco mais para analisar,normalmente dessa forma que eu vou criar,o por céu aqui né URL para mandar para,páginas de vendas ou para um WhatsApp é,a forma correta é a forma que está,funcionando no momento Ok então bora lá,primeiramente eu abro o campo ó tá não,vem aqui no kamba,kamba. Com o carro é gratuito tem a,versão provas ele é grátis você vai vir,aqui ó em Story do insta talvez o seu,esteja mais atualizado vai tá história,do insta ou algo assim do tipo Ok então,tem que ser de,1920 por 1080 no caso ao contrário em,modo retrato ok,bom,então vamos criar um novo projeto aqui,tá,bacana pessoal aqui tá em branco né a,gente vai dar um nome aqui ó vou colocar,Corcel Corcel,eu,não sei se tá escrito certo oficial,várias pessoas escrevem nenhum jeito que,eu já vim de várias formas de se,inscrito Tá mas vou deixar dessa forma,de estar aqui em elementos pessoa a,gente vai procurar botão tá ok a gente,vai pesquisar botão aqui você pode vir,nesse aqui eu nesse o que mais te,agradar eu vou vir nesse primeiro ok vou,criar aqui ó com aquele mais centralizar,vou aumentar tá ó a gente vai criar a,imagem simplesmente uma imagem que vai,redirecionar um link tá ok mas o link,tem que ser de uma forma diferente para,você colocar lá dentro tá bom o almoço,aqui para vocês então vou criar um puxão,aqui ó vou vir aqui colocar a cor Eu,normalmente eu coloco amarelo tá onde eu,coloco Amarelo as cores mais vivas assim,dizer eu acho que o Tic Toc tem mais é,probabilidade de ativar lá rapidamente,pode ser um verde tá então eu vou fazer,com verde aqui para bom é bem simples,vende Amarelo gosto muito do Amarelo vou,colocar Amarelo mesmo tá E aqui pessoal,no texto eu vou colocar o seguinte vou,colocar simplesmente aqui ó tudo certo,e como certo,simples mas vou fazer o seguinte vou,deixar bonito tá vou fazer um texto,bonito não fazer de qualquer jeito não,ocorre tá aí que esse certo aqui ó,cortava deixando tudo tá achei ele bem,grandão aqui em cima vou usar uma outra,fonte não tem fonte,apropriada para isso pode ser qualquer,uma tá então te esperar aqui que a,internet tá muito boa né,ele aqui novamente,eu quero que seja em fica bacana,mesmo tudo só que eu deixo dessa forma,aqui eu vou duplicar tá esse texto eu,vou colar o certo aqui dentro só que o,certo vou deixar menor,E você tá me deixa manual deixa eu no,cantinho assim tudo certo tá vou colocar,Amarelo também,céu e aqui pessoal colocar um efeito tá,colocar um efeito de sombra,sombra escura,como é que o efeito não ficou bacana,desfoque,e só vão ficar assim,Eu,acho que isso é feito assim tá bacana,não é,é o seguinte vou tirar esse efeito o vou,fazer com a planeta tá vou copiar Vou,deixar um pouquinho aqui para cima essa,aqui eu vou deixar mais,um amarelo mais escuro sozinha e,Olá,tudo certo,que ele mais,assim achei,o,ponto certo que também pa sim,e o,Ah tá bacana,aqui é o botão vou colocar o seguinte,vou colocar continuar a,e pode ter essa forma mas se você quiser,colocar Acesso aqui Ir para o site,oficial Você que sabe tá eu vou fazer,bem simples bem creme mesmo bem bem,Limpo tá,para não correr risco nenhum,e eu vou Branco um amarelo que tem que,ser mais escuro,um laranja,E aí,a continuar,você preta também a cor da fonte Você,que sabe mas vou deixar desse jeito que,o principal vai estar dentro do Tik Tok,lá na hora tá último aqui ó ó,e,não se passa nas letras,o Ok olha só e aqui pessoa embaixo eu,vou colocar uma certa tá eu coloco aqui,a seta,ó elementos que a gente pegou no campo,mesmo tá é uma certa um igual certa mais,bacana aqui ó,é só tem gift também se fosse fazer uma,imagem gift eu acho que também,provavelmente pode dar nunca testei,ainda tá você pode fazer o primeiro,teste aí,então hoje é esse aqui ó certinho que,corte bonitinha e deixar no 90 graus,aqui,Tá,ok vou colocar certinho aqui bem,centralizada para pessoa primeira dando,um sinal mesmo para pessoa clica ali no,botão,eu posso te chamar ela aqui,olha só e pronto pessoal nosso pro céu,literalmente tá pronto para o Tik Tok,dessa forma aqui,Olá,pessoal dessa forma você já consegue,colocar dentro Tik Tok Então bora para,conta de anúncio do Tik Tok que eu vou,mostrar subindo,Então pessoal tô no outro usuário aqui,já pronto para começar a mexer com os,anúncios aqui no Tik Tok Tá ok então é o,seguinte eu vou entrar na minha conta,aqui vou vir no Chrome tá vou vim aqui,vamos bora entrar no Tik Tok aqui é o,seguinte pra gente está criand

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6 Reasons Your TikTok Ads Suck (The TRUTH!)

6 Reasons Your TikTok Ads Suck (The TRUTH!)

you've got an e-commerce brand you want,to start leveraging tiktok ads to their,maximum potential you want to drive more,sales through the platform but for some,reason your Tech talk ads just don't,seem to hit consistently well you're in,the right place because in this video,we're going to break down six reasons,that your Tech talk ads suck hi everyone,my name is Mark I run a tick tock,marketing agency and we help e-commerce,Brands to set up and scale their Tick,Tock ads today we're breaking down six,of the most common areas that e-commerce,Brands fail on when they're trying to,scale their Tick Tock campaigns these,are things that we've learned after,working with numerous different,e-commerce Brands as clients after,making content ourselves after growing a,tick tock account into over a hundred,thousand followers we've learned these,experiences through doing and through,trying and battling and learning from,our own mistakes as well we've tested,all these for ourselves and now we're,going to share it with you let's jump in,the first area that we see Brands trip,up on is not using vetted creators over,the last six months there's been an,influx of Pokemon quality just simply,terrible,ugc creators it's like the new Forex,where people selling courses on how to,make money online how to record ugc for,Brands and there's an inbox of people,who have literally never uploaded a,video to social media and they're now,trying to charge you 200 for the,privilege I've seen it time and time,again where brands that we work with,have fallen into this trap of paying,somebody who has no concept of what a,good ugc videos no concept of marketing,no concept of copywriting they've done,one course or seen a couple of tweets,and they're now trying to become a ugc,Creator and the difficulty is that the,good creators are swamped in amongst all,the bad ones it's not like there's an,easy badge on Twitter that says good,Creator bad Creator you've got to go out,there and try and find the needle in the,haystack to pick out the best craters so,how do you choose the best of the best,well number one you can either just go,straight to an agency and just use their,creators because chances are if they're,getting good results they've got a bank,of good creators already the second,thing is have a very strict,qualification process when you're,choosing ugc creators break down all,their portfolios don't just skip through,it quickly because it's another task on,your to-do list take a little bit of,time to analyze the videos they're in,are they authentic do they use a good,hook do they have any data or metrics,from previous videos that they've done,that shows they can actually get,attention hold it and sell a product as,time goes on the viewers on Tick Tock,are becoming aware that ugc content,exists they're starting to realize that,these are ads and over time it's only,going to get more important to do this,vetting process number two and the,second reason Brands don't crack their,Tick Tock creatives is because they're,simply not captivating Tech talk is all,about holding attention on the organic,side of it the biggest metric is watch,time is how many people do you get,through to the end of your video,likewise on the advertising side you,need people to get through your video if,you want to sell them a product there's,no good hooking someone for the first,five seconds when your call to actions,at the end nobody's going to hear the,call to action if they swipe way through,everyone online talks about the hook,about the first three seconds get people,stopped and yes I'm not saying that's,not important that's a crucial first,step of a good Tick Tock ad but nobody,talks about the other 90 of the video,you still have to hold them there as,always with all the content I put out I,want this to be as valuable as possible,for you so I'm not just going to give,you six rough ideas of why your ads,might not be performing we're going to,give you the Tactical action items you,can actually Implement as well so how do,you hold people to the end of your video,there's a couple of different methods,you can use and a couple of different,styles everyone talks about tech talk,about having high energy Fast Pace Quick,Cuts every two seconds and that is one,strategy the reason people tell you to,do that is to hold people to the end of,the video if it's fast if it's high,energy there's Cuts every two seconds,you don't give someone the chance to,scroll and get bored so yet the reason,people tell you to do that and to,implement that strategy is because of,this is to get people to the end but,that is only one style of tech Talk,video you may have seen those videos on,Tech talk where people are telling a,story there's no Fast Cuts they're just,sitting holding the phone in front of,them talking to the camera and running,you through a story it's not high energy,it's not high Pace it's not every two,seconds but you're hooked on the aspect,of the story you're bought in you want,to hear how it

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Hai di sini usahakan temannya itu pilih,yang bagian akun yang sudah di otoritas,kan lewat pusat bisnis berarti di sini,kita gunakan yaitu,1436 setting dibagian sininya itu 1430,temennya,14.30 seperti ini terus kita pilih ya,Setelah itu kita pilih ya Nah kalau,misalkan kita pilih yang selesaikan,pembayaran Saya yakin dia check-out dia,langsung bayar ini saya yakin ya berarti,jika ini akan dikagetkan ke orang-orang,yang langsung ngebayar produk yang kita,promosikan,Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi,wabarakatuh Halo semuanya Selamat datang,kembali di channel saya di video kali,ini saya ingin membahas kembali seputar,tiktok softcase di video Sebelumnya saya,sudah membahas Bagaimana caranya ngebuka,pintu software secara gratis dan kali,ini sesuai request and teman-teman saya,akan berbagi tips bagaimana caranya,berikan menggunakan software chest di,tiktok es sebenarnya untuk berikan,ditiktok es menggunakan software situ,hampir dengan iklan sepatu Vans akan,tetapi setelah saya mencoba berikan,menggunakan software chest ternyata ada,beberapa perbedaannya satu perbedaan,yang paling umum Ika menggunakan,software chest kita tidak wajib memiliki,website yang wajibnya kita perlu,memiliki produk nah Sedangkan untuk ikan,sepaket situ kebalikannya disini kita,harus punya website dan ini penting,kalau misalkan gak punya website iklan,gak bakalan Jalan Nah dari sini jelas,temennya untuk perbedaannya selain,perbedaan dari cara kerja ikannya ada,hal yang harus teman-teman ketahui juga,Hal ini penting agar iklan So pucat,teman-teman itu bisa berjalan Nah apa,aja sih perbedaannya dan apa yang halus,teman-teman ketahui cetakan simak video,ini sampai selesai kalau misalkan,teman-teman mau berikan menggunakan,software test dan kita langsung saja,mulai bahas untuk menjeda nah sebelum,Saya bahas Kerinci videonya disini Saya,ingin ngasih tahu perbandingan iklan,yang sudah saya buat menggunakan,software chest di sini ada dua Champions,yang pertama SPG shopping dan yang kedua,tes video live untuk tes videos Bisa,tentu melihat dari mulai serta biaya,sampai paling ujung tuh di bagian cpa ya,Nah di sini kalau misalkan kita,bandingkan dengan live streaming,temennya kalau misalkan video shopping,itu total biaya itu sekitaran 133000,lebih tv-nya itu cuman dapat 2000 kan,cuma si ini gede sesungguhnya cepatnya,gede gitu terus untuk klik yang itu cuma,dapat 62 dan cacarnya 0,7 persen intinya,ini merah tapi di sini kita bisa,mendapatkan kompresi dan CP nya itu,hampir sama dengan biayanya ataupun,tetap biaya ikannya Nah untuk video live,streaming disini total biayanya itu,66352 ini saya jalankan selama dua hari,dengan live streaming kurang lebih dua,jam kalau masalah tentunya untuk type,c-nya ataupun cost per kliknya itu cuman,dapet 500 perak Rp100 ini kecil temennya,dan lumayan banget gitu terus untuk,likenya ini jauh lebih besar,dibandingkan video shopping nah disini,saya mendapatkan klik sebesar 132 CTR,nya itu lepas yang lebih tapi disini,Saya tidak mendapatkan kompresi sama,sekali babi yang salahnya disini adalah,hostnya mungkin ya host-nya harus bener,diperbaiki dan harus pendek mungkin,untuk mempromosikan barangnya nah ini,sebagai perbandingan untuk teman-teman,yang pengen tahu data iklan dari sophos,itu kayak gimana dan nah selain dari,bagian tiktox Manager analisis iklannya,teman-teman juga bisa analisis di bagian,tiktok pusat bisnisnya jadi sini Kita,juga bisa analisis dari sini temennya,Nah itu mungkin ya untuk punya pertama,yaitu perbandingan data iklannya untuk,yang kedua di sini kita top-up Oke untuk,top-up mungkin kalau misalkan,teman-teman baru coba ya software itu,beda ya sebabnya tepatnya itu enggak,bisa di bagian tiktox Manager tapi di,sini kita harus top-up menggunakan Tik,Tok pusat bisnis ataupun tiktok Bisnis,Center nah chatnya gimana dan,teman-teman pergi ke bagian Keuangan,trus klik kebagian pembayaran nah disini,silahkan tambahkan saldo seperti biasa,ya untuk hariannya itu 200.000 untuk,SpongeBob saya untuk iklan dan untuk,memilih metode pembayarannya itu hampir,sama seperti tiktox Manager disini item,itu bisa menggunakan dana shopee untuk,pembayaran tetap untuk metode pembayaran,manual seperti bank kartu kredit itu,bisa digunakan jadi Silahkan pilih dan,bisa disesuaikan disini saya menggunakan,dana dan kalau misalkan teman-teman udah,top-up menggunakan dana nanti saldo,iklannya akan masuk ke bagian sini dan,kalau misalkan saldo ikan yang udah,masuk ke sini sampai kampung akan masuk,ke bagian,scorenya barulah disitu kita bisa,beriklan Nah di sini kita langsung saja,mulai bahas Bagaimana caranya baiknya,menggunakan software Chase teman-teman,tinggal klik saja buat kalau misalkan,udah ada data kayak tadi ya di sini kita,langsung pilih yang bagian software,Chase nah disini kita akan masukkan nama,kampanyenya tes iklan 27 pastinya tes,ikan tanggal 27 itu telah ya untuk,namanya nah terus di bagian sini seperti,biasa kita harus atur di bagian gitu,iklan nah itu grup iklan disini kita,akan memilih dua tipe ikan tipe ikan,yang pertam

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Top 5 Reasons Why Your TikTok Ad Was Disapproved | Things To Be Aware of Making TikTok Ads in 2021

Top 5 Reasons Why Your TikTok Ad Was Disapproved | Things To Be Aware of Making TikTok Ads in 2021

all right youtube in this video we're,going to talk about is the top,reasons why your tick tock ad has failed,and,is in review and is not going to be able,to be run,on the platform so these will be the top,reasons why,your adwords was rejected so again when,it goes through this is very common in,many different atmospheres,of advertising so tick-tock is very,similar to,your facebook or your instagram of that,nature so,when we go through it there are a little,sensitive of a few other things so we're,going to go through the top,reasons why and we'll go through this,right now so as we go through this week,we're going to talk about this and i,will link this article below,but we're going to actually talk about,this so just like facebook or instagram,or,any other marketing platform just like,this so the ads,uh that you know are overstating our,claiming or,doing mis misleading claims or,performances that nature,will not be you know they'll go through,a review process,and they will fail to be reviewed,they'll be failed to actually go,into a successful running active,platform right so,as far as the ad itself right so when,you think about it this could be your,your text on your ad or it could be your,image or it could be your,your different things that you're,talking about you're overstating you're,you're you're claiming,it you know you're just claiming things,are happening right so it's a lot of,performance issues or claims and and a,lot of things go on with that and it's,it's really protecting the end user when,it comes down to it so when you think,about it,you know if you're getting an ad you're,seeing an ad you don't want to get,anything kind of misleading or you don't,want to get anything that's wrong,or you know causing harm to somebody,else or even taking,there's a lot of you know charlatan,schemes out there and stuff of that,nature,so again this is a protected agents,against that so they're gonna err on the,side of caution when it comes to that,now when you think about the next reason,okay so the next reason,is going to be your text and your,caption right so make sure you're,texting your caption is,done properly there is no kind of,there's no um,like weird instances of you know having,like uh different characters and stuff,of that nature that should not be in,there like false links,or something of that nature that would,give that false indication of that,right so tick tock does give the,variability to have your ad,in an ad quality of a video go directly,to your url if you're going to a landing,page or,something selling something that's not,like a product service,e-commerce or whatever the case may be,right so you don't,have to go ahead and spam the algorithm,of that nature so that's,what this is basically doing is saying,don't falsify stuff don't do,grammar mistakes and stuff like that,don't really indicate,different things so make sure your stuff,is done properly so when you make your,creative make sure that's done,right the next is going to be video,quality there are highly,obviously this is this is a video based,atmosphere right so video quality,and your image quality is going to very,much be,very important right so when it comes,down to it too the audio is something,that is very important when it comes,to that video so if you don't have any,audio,it's going to tell you hey we're not,going to do that right right,this is a this is a platform that is,here for the users it's here to give the,entertainment,it's here to get the best in the you,know user experience possibly for that,one of those two is going to be the,video and the other one is going to be,the audio right so just like youtube,if you didn't see here or you know go,through that you would the video,wouldn't be worth it right so again when,it comes down to it that is something,you need to be,very cautious of now again uh product,pricing,now they want you to not talk about your,product pricing again when it comes down,to it you know,giving different indications of oh by,the way there's going to be discounts of,this this and this,again an inconsistency um you know and,just relative to the product pricing and,promoting,on the page make sure what you're,promoting is what you're promoting on,your page and they too,do line up properly right so when it,comes down to it your price here,is your price here and that's end you're,not going to go ahead and say,oh by the way the price is here just to,get the click through and the price is,raised or is different than what it is,supposed to be,right so that's a very key indicator,right there,another one is uh your website itself,needs to have the proper indications on,here like this is,in itself you know website promoting uh,functions and stuff like that like,different things that will be,against local regulate uh regulations,and stuff like that right so when it,comes down to it,you want to make sure you don't have any,false claims on that as far as that goes,now what i do want to highlight too this,is kind of uh,no

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