tiktok ads to google data studio

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Connect your TikTok Ads data to Google Data Studio - Automate your reporting in seconds

this one is probably my favorite social,media platform,and the reason why it is uh because i,spent a lot of time scrolling and,consuming content in this platform,and if you are an advertiser you,probably are thinking,um create campaigns here to address the,right communication to the right,audience every single minute so this,time we're going to understand what are,the most relevant metrics to integrate,in a social media report when talking,about tick-tock ads,with this report you can understand and,visualize the most relevant metrics to,determine the success of your tick tock,ads campaigns you can also share this,dashboards,daily weekly or monthly to make better,and faster decisions around your ads,strategy,this sick talk at overview report for,google data studio is comprehensive and,it covers from the most meaningful,information around what are the contents,and its performance and obviously the,performance in terms of cost and spend,this template contains a conversion,funnel here where you can see the money,or the budget that you have and how it,uh,how it has been spent and also the,impressions obtained and obviously the,conversions then you can also see the,audience that you are targeting the,gender of your um,consumers of the content and obviously,the impressions by age here you also,have information about the content,itself so here you have the reach of the,content and you also have video play,actions and,this metric that is too relevant for me,and this is the average video play,this is probably my favorite part of,this report because here we can see the,information of every single piece of,content so here i have also the,thumbnail of the content that i shared,on the social media obviously the text,because probably we are doing um some a,b testing so this is really important to,have not only the thumbnail but the text,also the impressions obtained by every,or by specific piece of content also,have uh clicks cost and impressions and,obviously you can display cost clicks,impressions campaign objectives,this one for example is the cpm and you,can switch between the metric that is,more relevant for your business or for,your content,strategy,now i'm gonna show you uh how i got here,to this report and how you can integrate,your data and a really comprehensive,visualizations like this,i just typed portermetrics.com on my,explorer and one here to the,through the resources tab and here on,templates then uh i look for this,specific section that is,focused on tick-tock ads and download,this report then you only have to follow,the steps here you can start by,downloading this template and if you,need extra help you can also contact our,support team there is also another way,to go here and create your first report,with tick-tock ads,so here if you are on google data studio,and you look for,this data source you can,start typing here tick tock and you will,see this little blue cat,and you can just click here and start,connecting with your accounts if you go,to the gallery you can also see,different visualizations of this metric,around tick-tock ads so here if you go,and explore you will see there are,different,visualizations you can use to get,inspired and obviously if you want to,save time when creating your first,report,there is one thing more with google data,studio you can integrate different data,sources for example i have here,different social media i integrated here,um some information about my twit my tic,toc ads and this is the perfect,transition to explore our next connector,twitter

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✅ Google Data Studio Connector for Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest...

✅ Google Data Studio Connector for Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest...

make only one wish said the genie in the,lamp i wish for a connector for data,studio to have all the social media data,under control i replied wish granted so,the magic happened although it hasn't,been that simple and there's no magic,involved we have what you want the,metrical connector allows you to bring,all the data from your social networks,or those of your clients to data studio,anyone with access can see what happens,in real time and connect this data with,other data sources such as analytics or,search console the metric cool connector,allows you to make dashboards like this,one using as a data source the social,platforms connected to your account,facebook facebook ads instagram twitter,linkedin tick tock tick tock ads youtube,google my business pinterest metrocool,makes it easy for you and your pocket,the average price for this type of,social media connector is around 50 per,brand and social profile that is for,each social network and each company you,have to pay a fee with a metrical,connector that is included in the team,15 plan you pay 35 dollars per month and,you can use it for 15 brands with all,their social networks associated in,other words for 35 you have more than,100 data sources in data studio look at,the simple comparison with metrical 15,brands with their social profiles,associated for 35 dollars per month in,addition to the connector you have,access to all the premium features with,other connectors one brand and one,social profile for fifty dollars if you,start adding up networks you can end up,paying a lot of money every month if you,want more than 250 social media data,sources access to unlimited historical,data from the first day the metrical,connector gives you everything you get,more for less so in addition to saving,time and money you get all the data with,no historical limit you can compare,previous periods or trends whenever you,want from the beginning you can request,your historical data you control access,to data obtaining specific data sources,allows you to have greater control over,the data when you share reports with,collaborators and you can boast about,your reports complete dashboards to,share with collaborators clients or,superiors plus ready to use default,templates let's flick through how to use,the social media connector for data,studio with metrocool the first thing,you need is a team or enterprise account,with metrical if you don't have it go to,the video's description and use the,coupon we've left for you to enjoy a 15,day free trial set up at least one brand,in your metrical account and connect the,social networks associated with that,brand now in the connections dashboard,you can find the button to connect data,studio if you click here you will see,the option to create a data source that,will direct you to the metrical,connector in data studio if it is the,first time you do it accept the,permissions by pasting the token of your,account to access your metrical account,and all the brands connected choose the,brand and hit next once the brand has,been chosen select the intelligent,connector option to access the data of,all the social profiles connected to the,brand in a single data source if you,prefer separate social profiles you can,also choose a brand social network and,specific type of data you can repeat,these steps to add as many data sources,as you want to your data studio report,and display data from different social,networks in the same report data studio,and the metrical connector are the,perfect match so forget about magic,lamps don't waste a wish to ask for a,connector with all your data you already,have it with metrical until next time,metrocooler and don't forget to hit the,like button comment and subscribe to our,channel see you soon

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Analyze the hottest TikTok Trends right now using Python & Google Data Studio (Beginner-Friendly)

Analyze the hottest TikTok Trends right now using Python & Google Data Studio (Beginner-Friendly)

if you have ever used tick tock you've,probably seen a few users using trend to,get on a foil page and go viral,if you want to take advantage of the,strength yourself in this video i will,show you how to build a dashboard to,help you track tick-tock trends in your,country very easily using python and,built-in studio so let's start okay so,for this video we're going to use a tick,tock api by david,feeder i've already used it in previous,video to build a tick token scraper so,if you more info on how to set it up um,you could check the video that,is appearing in the cards right now,so um today what we're going to do is,that we're going to use the,get trending api because what we're,looking for are the trends in,uh under for your page so what i'm doing,is i'm just copy pasting the example for,my unit api and i just have to tweak it,a little bit and add the verify fp,cookie,so that i'm able to uh well use the api,um,one,thing i'm also going to do is that i'm,going to change the loop,because i don't want to,print the description uh what i want to,do is to,print the entire tick tock so there we,go,i'm just,so building a data frame,and then,saving the file to cmv so that we can,just check uh,what are the fields that are returned,and that we can see what fields we'd,like to select okay so here you can see,um,all of the fields we are getting return,so we have the video id the description,uh,duration the stats and so on and so,forth so as you can see the results are,returned in,a dictionary so what we're going to do,is use the get method to get,to retrieve only the fields we're,interested interesting,so,what i'm going to do is create an empty,list i'm going to call data,and this is the list we are going to use,to add the data we're retrieving,in,uh well,another a new data frame,and then i'm creating a loop,uh so that i'm able to retrieve uh the,information i want from the,python dictionary,since the list field i'm interested in,getting this pretty lengthy i've um i'm,just going to do a quick copy paste so,um,as you can see we're retrieving a lot of,stuff we're retrieving the video id the,description the first date the views the,like account the share count and well,you can read so i'm not going to,do the entire list but these are all the,films that we are going to get,now the next step is to well um,get the fields are not available,right away so for example the hashtags,um i would love to retrieve the hashtags,from the description so,uh to do this i'm going to use a simple,regular expression using the read,library,and,all i'm going to do is just use the,final,expression able to achieve all the,hashtags,so this is very,simple,then the next thing i want to get and,then it's not available right away,is the video link,and,the,the link of the username so uh in the,that's it we're getting uh we're getting,the video id and username,and if we go to uh well tick tock right,now you can see that uh the structure is,pretty simple so you have,tiktok.com,username and then,for the video is it's the same but all,you have to add is the video plus the,video id,so with that in mind you're just going,to be able to create a new string,using the join function,so as you can see here i'm,creating first the user link using,well the tick tock string and then the,user name,and,then i'm creating,the link of the video,using the same structure,that we've seen,on tiktok before,and so what we're going to the next,event we're going to add all the,information with cathode in so this,empty list we have created before,so,to do this i'm going to use the data,append method,and all i have to do is we'll add the,different fields,and create the name of the columns okay,so now that we have um,added all the,fields to the data list we can go ahead,and create a new data frame,so one thing we're going to do though is,that we're going to apply a filter,using the,create time,field so this is a date but it's a date,in unix,format so what i'm going to do uh since,i only want to retrieve the current,trends i'm going to go ahead and choose,to only,retrieve the videos that were posted in,december i'm recording this video um,in december 2021 so i only want to get,the,video that i've been posted this month,so this site april converter that's very,useful to get well the create time,the equivalent of december first or in,unix,format and so now what we have to do is,to create,a filter using um,the query function so what i'm just,going to do,is to,well um,use it,in order to only,save data frame,the,videos that were created,after the data frame so the,after the create time,i'm going to use it to only get to the,videos that were created after december,1st so to do this i'm just creating a,data frame tf2,okay so let's run this code and see what,we get so as you can see uh well we have,our results,because we apply a filter instead of the,10 results that we ask we're only,retrieving five results but that's okay,and now uh one thing that i'm,going to do,is that i want to be able to

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TikTok Ads API Tutorial: Getting access

TikTok Ads API Tutorial: Getting access

in this tutorial i'm going to give you a,practical introduction to the tick tock,ads api,so at first we're going to learn how to,get access to the ticktack ads api then,we'll examine your account campaigns ad,groups and ads,then you'll learn how you can report on,your ads and lastly how you can find the,best performing ad by ad spend,so this tutorial is targeted,at marketers,who,run some type of tick tock ads and,should be ideally comfortable in a,somewhat technical environment so,maybe you're a spreadsheet pro or you've,dabbled with some,some sort of apis before,maybe you have some programming,experience um,yeah but you must feel somewhat,comfortable,with these terms and,with accessing your tick tock ad account,programmatically,but this introduction will guide you,step by step through how you can do this,yourself,so before we get started,we need to get access to the tiktok ads,api and,if you watched one of our other,tutorials on the facebook ads api it was,very straightforward to get an access,token by creating an application and,then working with a facebook graph api,explorer,on ticktop on ticktalk it's not so easy,so,in order to,make your first api call through the,ticktalk ads api what you need to do,first is register as a developer,then get approved which usually takes a,few days,and then,use your credentials to create an access,token but let's get started,so first of all um you can go to,ads.ticktalk.com,marketing api,and you could should get to a page that,look uh looks some something like this,um this is the home page uh over here,and if you have not created a tick tock,account before there should be a button,here saying register as a developer,and once you've registered as a,developer so you go through a few,different steps here,once you've registered as a developer,you can go and create an app so i'm,going to go to my apps over here,and as you can see i previously already,created,two apps one that we actually use in our,business the kitchen io app and then we,have the kitchen i o demo app which i,specifically created,for this tutorial,i will just run you through how you can,create your own app as well,so first of all let's go over here,create new so,first we need to give it a name so i'm,just going to call this the kitchen,aisle demo at,number two,and yeah,we need to provide a short description,um,we want to,pull some reporting data,all right that did not work,kitchen io demo app number two,pull some reporting data,so these two things are fairly,straightforward now we have two more,points that may,are not so straightforward for you,so we have the advertiser redirect url,and we have the scope of permissions,the advertiser redirect url,is the place where ticktalk will send,advertisers after connecting their ad,account to your app,of course in our case we just want to,create an app that we use ourselves so,there is no advertiser connecting their,ad account this is just us,connected on our own account so you can,just put your home page here i'm just,going to put hours as well,and then we need to select some scope of,permission so in order to protect,advertisers which again in our case is,not so relevant but technically in order,to predict advertisers from accidentally,sharing crucial information with a third,party app like the kitchen io app,the api access is broken up in different,scopes that means if you want to build,an app for other people to use that can,create ads or that can report on ads or,upload assets or something like that,then you can specify what type of,permission is relevant in our case,we can ignore the ad account management,part this would only be relevant if you,were building an app that was about,sharing access to your accounts or,something like that in our case we just,want to do ad management so we want to,read out campaign information etc,we want to be able to report so all of,the reporting levels are relevant and,then,if you,also want to create an ad we also need,creative management in order to upload,videos or images,and that's it so as you can see there,are a bunch of different,scopes of permissions here as well so,for example things like automated rules,things like add comments etc and those,are not really relevant right now,for us for this intro tutorial but feel,free to select anything or everything,as you please and then,once you hit confirm i'm not going to do,this now but once you hit confirm um you,will see that your app will be pending,and this usually takes two to three days,um so,if you're hitting confirm now,stop the video right now and get back to,us in uh two to three days,hopefully you're back and,watching again after two to three days,after being approved so this is what,this should look like for you you'll see,an app id over here,a verification status and a secret and,let's,now,go through the steps of,generating an access token,from our credentials,so i'm going to go open up the this app,over here and what we can see now is,that we have an app id we have a sec

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This 2023 TikTok Ads Strategy Breaks All the Rules - But Works 10x BETTER

This 2023 TikTok Ads Strategy Breaks All the Rules - But Works 10x BETTER

in this video you'll see for yourself,how to get your Tick Tock ad results to,go from this to more like this by,following a simple to execute five part,formula and breaking one common rule,that most gurus out there are spreading,that actually holds most Tick Tock ads,back there's this misconception out,there but it's total garbage this is,Matt Johnston and he knows what works,with Tick Tock ads he's produced and,overseen over 2 000 video ads that have,generated well over 10 billion video,views and millions of dollars in sales,according to Matt and his data he's,cracked The Tick Tock ad code with this,exact strategy and that's not fluff he,literally 10x disc click-through rates,going from one half a percent all the,way up to five percent and an overall,five times return on ad spend as a,direct result of the strategy and in,under 15 minutes you'll have all the,pieces in place to be able to replicate,his results for yourself so Matt why get,in on Tick Tock ads right now why not,stick with Facebook ads or Instagram or,YouTube Facebook ads definitely still,work but they're getting tougher and,they're really expensive the data is,obviously awful because of iOS 14 and,then the aftermath but also people are,just sort of vacating the platform,Google ads have always been expensive,and YouTube ads are getting quite,expensive so it's cheaper and more,effective when you get in on it earlier,right because Tick Tock will eventually,be there as well but that makes this,moment and probably for the next 18,months or so the moment to get there and,it's sort of like a land grab at this,time but it's a profitable landcraft and,because I know some of you are thinking,it no Tick Tock is not just a way to,advertise to teenagers and people who,still know who the musical guest on SNL,is ladies and gentlemen Megan the,stallion,what the point is tick tocks users are,aging up it might have been true if,people were like it's just the kids but,that's crap now everybody is on it I,just got off a sales call that I booked,through Tick Tock ads and this guy was,50 years old and ready to rock and roll,most of the people that I have closed,from Tick Tock have been over the age of,40. and that's not just Matt's,experience the data backs him up here so,53 percent of tick tock's users are over,30 and that's just going to continue,maturing over time so how can we get,results like you get from ads on Tick,Tock like what's your secret I think,that there's this misconception out,there that the best ad creative should,be native to the platform you know,that's some sort of like general rule,but it's total garbage in fact it needs,to be the opposite if you want to make a,YouTube ad that has the best chance of,converting you probably should shoot it,like a selfie video because the rest of,the content is extremely well shot with,great depth of field and amazing cameras,because that's what everybody's doing on,YouTube so you get the opportunity to,pattern out which is the most important,thing you're going to hear that term a,lot in the rest of this video so let's,just Define it real quick so pattern,interrupts are a scientific concept that,come from neuro-linguistic programming,and it just involves switching up a,repetitive pattern to basically snap,someone out of the days they're in since,most people consume social media,completely zoned out you need to shake,them awake so to speak because it,doesn't matter what you say in your ad,if you don't pattern interrupt nobody,will ever see it so on Tick Tock,everybody came in that was trying out,Tick-Tock ads at the beginning and we're,still at the beginning saying that you,got to make tick tocks you know the best,thing is native so selfie type videos,that look like,ugc for lack of a better term and that's,how you did Tick Tock ads but man that,does not work I mean it may work for,some but in my testing when I was first,trying that regular tick tocks that,simply had Direct response bent edited,in tick tocks shot like tick tocks I was,getting you know like 0.5.6,click-through rates and I could not,break through as soon as I started using,this scripting methodology and some of,the production stuff around it I'm,looking at five percent click-through,rates and I feel so confident in it like,I feel like I've totally corrected at,this point so how do you recommend,shooting these ads if if not like,standard organic tick tocks high,production values not like you'll spend,a bunch of money I'm saying use a good,camera and have like the YouTube,aesthetic you got to think like YouTuber,like get a nice camera or figure out how,to shoot with cinematic mode you know,and like make it look good do stuff like,depth of field lighting and stuff like,that so it's clearly like like a normal,Tick Tock it sticks out in the feed now,to be clear here Matt isn't saying make,it look like an ad either making,something that looks like this or this,is probably the worst thing you could do,so he's only saying that you need to,bump up the qualit

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Create Better Ad Reporting Systems (With THIS Free Tool!)

Create Better Ad Reporting Systems (With THIS Free Tool!)

in this video i want to show you a full,step-by-step tutorial on how you can,create a better ad reporting system for,your ecommerce brand or again any,business that is advertising right now,on pretty much any ad channel so this is,a completely free solution that we use,at the agency to make incredible and,very nice clean reporting systems for,each of our clients if you don't know,who i am my name is justin and i'm the,founder of wesley media an e-commerce,marketing agency specializing in,elevating thriving brands by simplifying,e-commerce growth before we get started,make sure to leave a like subscribe as,well as turn on post notifications if,you're not the first to know about these,cutting edge e-commerce marketing tips,post on the channel every week,so for this tutorial you're actually,gonna need three things the first one,actually is going to open up google data,studio on your ad okay anybody that has,a google or gmail account will be able,to access this platform okay so you need,to log into datastudio.google.com,and then log into there and go to their,template gallery which you're gonna see,on the recent page at the top or by,clicking on templates here on the left,bar okay so that's the first one second,step is you're gonna have to create a,new google sheet right there for again,where you're going to have all of your,data pulled into,from your platform that you are,advertising on at the moment okay and,lastly is you want to download this app,that is called adveronics okay download,this to your google workspace or to,again your account and you'd be able to,use that in collaboration with your,google sheets again so first things,first you want to head over to your,google data studio and pick the type of,dashboard that you like okay,lucky enough for you if you are doing,marketing they already have this form of,dashboard available to you obviously you,can make a fully custom dashboard which,is what we did at the agency we built it,from scratch essentially to have,something that fits more our style of,advertising and our clients essentially,at the agency but as you can see right,here they have a lot of different style,of dashboards right google ads they have,uh at the top google or ecommerce ppc,for the sake of this video the one that,we like the most is the google ads,overview i would recommend that you pick,that one would you be using google ads,or not it works the same with facebook,ads i believe this is one of the best,dashboard templates that google data,studio has available for the use so,first things first when you click on a,new report you'll have at the top you,want to use your own data so basically,when you first click on it only thing,that you see right here is essentially,the default dummy data from google so,yes you're going to want to use your own,data and you're going to want to,authorize data studio to connect to your,google ads account if you want to do,that for your google ads account okay,now again this is a part of google's own,algorithm so it's pretty easy to link it,up between google ads and google data,studio what i'm going to show you in,this video is actually more for facebook,ads pinterest ads or for tick tock ads,as an example so any other app platform,than google's because google again those,are two google apps so they integrate,very easily into one another so if you,want to use other data just go edit and,share at the top and then click add to,report now from there what you're gonna,see right here is a bunch of little data,sources and then when you click on each,of them what you're gonna see here in,the right is data source and then sample,google ads okay so they're putting data,basically as a sample file that google,kind of gives you by default when you,hop on their ad platform or actually,when you start using this marketing,dashboard so what you're going to do is,now head over to your sheet that you,made and start laying it out basically,start creating columns that make sense,based on the metrics that you would be,using with your specific ad platform so,as an example this essentially would be,a sheet that you could make right i just,quickly made that up essentially for the,videos so essentially this is the type,of sheet that we would use with our,clients right as an example this is,probably the type of view you would use,with facebook to pull the data into,google data studio okay so let me just,quickly fill up with some dummy data the,sheets and i would recommend you do the,same on your end essentially so again,take take a screenshot of this right now,on screen you want to have essentially,all the dates essentially from a full,year which i recommend you have right,there and then basically these columns,right here if you're doing facebook it's,pretty similar with tick tock and,pinterest again slightly adapt the,columns if you are on other ad platforms,to what makes most sense for these ad,platforms and then here is the formula,for it to calculate the cost per link,click so again

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This NEW Tool Is Key For Ad Reporting!

This NEW Tool Is Key For Ad Reporting!

for today's video I want to go back to,one of my recent videos where I was,talking about creating better ad,reporting systems for your brand once,you're actually advertising up and,running so I've actually discovered a,new tool that was on appsumo not too,long ago which we've purchased in the,agency is actually very very good priced,even off of their appsumo deal so I'm,going to share with you today a new tool,that we've discovered that integrates,with Google data studio and Google,Sheets and can help you automate your ad,reporting process,ha,so if you haven't checked out that video,already I showing you advise that you do,this is a video to the left right here,create better ad reporting systems with,this Free Solution so I've actually,talked about a free way for you to,create that today is going to be more of,a paid way paid update to it again the,costs are going to be very cheap,compared to what some of these other,options out there which I'm gonna also,talk about in today's video by the way,disclaimer I'm not sponsored At All by,this company I don't even have an,affiliate link we are literally just,using that as an agency so I want to,present you to that software today so,two minute reports is pretty new in the,market they've actually have two,different softwares they have two minute,reports for Google data Studio they also,have two minute reports for Google,Sheets so with that being said it's,pretty simple you know get your data,into Google data Studio look this is,nothing new they're just not Reinventing,the wheel right here but they actually,offer better pricing than super metrics,which I feel are they're the right,competitors so if you take a look at,pricing right here it's actually it it,starts at five dollars per month which,is basically nothing you have access to,all data sources only one user included,but you can only actually connect two,data sources at any given point and,connect essentially two accounts per,data source as an example Shopify is a,data source so you can connect two,stores to uh you know to your account,and two data sources like Facebook is an,example you could have two Facebook ad,accounts connected to that so if you're,a single brand that actually might be,good for you so again that could be,something worth looking into then 19 per,month if you have 10 data sources and 10,accounts per data source honestly for,most agencies and Brands that's going to,be more than enough we've actually went,with that plan right here because again,it was available on appsumo not too long,ago for a lifetime deal that gives you,four users then you have unlimited data,sources unlimited accounts per data,source and free migration support from,Super metrics so they literally tell you,that you know their main competitor is,super metrics and I feel as though,they're doing a pretty good job right,now competing with them so looking at,the sources that it integrates with it's,pretty much every single app platform,that we use the agency the only one that,they're actually missing by Indiana we,do use it the agency is actually,Pinterest ads so they've actually don't,have that right now up and running,hopefully they will in the future but,for now it's Facebook ads they actually,go with Google ads Tick Tock ads,um Shopify funny enough LinkedIn ads is,there even though there's no Pinterest,ads uh included on that Microsoft ads is,there Snapchat ads is there so again I I,really do hope insurance as it's going,to come out eventually I've actually,just taken a look at the roadmap just,notice they have a public roadmap on,their websites and Pinterest ads is,actually part of that so Pinterest ads,is actually coming up next um calebio,they're also integrating that soon,Google my business Twitter ads um and,later woocommerce so again I'm also,excited to have YouTube analytics coming,up in the future because that might,become a platform where I might want to,use that for the channel as an example,and track our own analytics as again a,YouTube brand so once you make an,account once you log in pretty simple so,they're actually going to prompt you,with a bit of an onboarding process,which you can actually we Skip and do it,manually but just for the sake of the,video let's follow through their own,warning process so what would you want,to connect with so you select what type,of source they've actually got those,into sub categories right there so as an,example I can do Facebook ads then I go,up next then you would actually have to,log in with Facebook and then connect,the actual Source then once you've added,your source to it they actually ask you,what type of AD account you actually,want to link to your current report that,you're creating so every time you add a,new data source you actually have to go,through this process that I'm showing,you right now so 70 click one debut,because look when you've actually,selected a Facebook account they,actually kind of give you a couple,options so what type of attribution,window are you

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Automate your social media reports with Integromat, Google Sheets & Google Data Studio (for FREE!)

Automate your social media reports with Integromat, Google Sheets & Google Data Studio (for FREE!)

if you do social media marketing and you,want to save time in this video i will,show you how you can automate your,social media reports using integromat,and google data studio,so the first step is to well connect,social media to a spreadsheet with,integromat,so i'm going to start with connecting,instagram,and here um,you have to start by well adding a,facebook connection first and uh you,also have to start,with the user inside module,so even though we're going to use the,user info module,for some reason uh if you don't use the,user insights module you won't have the,necessary um authorizations so that's,why,here okay we connect it and then we can,go on delete this and move on to the,user info module to get the info we need,so there we go so it's very simple i'm,just adding my connection the page,because well you need to have an,instagram for business,account so you need to have a,business accounts,and you can only look for info for,business accounts as well,but yeah so here we go we have the,the number of followers,and all the,the insights we interested in and now,what i'm going to do is i'm going to add,a row in my spreadsheet,uh to be able to,well add the information spreadsheet,so here what i'm going to do is i'm,going to add a new row,because this is the first like the first,step of the scenario so every time it,runs it should add a new row so okay i,need to extend some permissions so,let's do it,okay,so now i'm going to find a spreadsheet,that i showed you earlier,okay so now i have to i will,select the spreadsheet so i've already,created,the spreadsheet,and one thing i'm going to do is i'm,going to add a date,uh because the goal is for this um,this,scenario to run every every every week,and so,every week every monday,i want to add a date of the week so that,then i can add it into this dashboard so,this is why i'm adding this,with the now function in the format date,and i'm just adding the follower account,to the spreadsheet so,let's check,it out,okay,well okay there we go as you can see we,have the,number of followers and the date,of the day,perfect,so now what i'm going to do also is that,i'm going to,store,the,well i'm going to store the the row,number because the thing is when you use,a water and a trigger mat well uh you,cannot use the the info in the other,branches of the scenario and here i need,to keep in mind uh,i need to remember i need to start the,row number,because then when i will i run uh the,other branches of the scenario,i need to update the same row uh and i,because i want everything to be,all the data to be in zero so that's why,here i'm using the desktop to be able to,um,well save this phone number for the,other,branches of the scenario and,and here what's very important i forgot,to do the first time is to add a key so,the key name is going to be row number,and then to check the box overwrite,existing record and this is because uh,well every time the scenario runs uh it,should be replaced with the new phone,number so,don't forget to add this,so what we need to do first is to get,the one number that we stored previously,and then we can open the twitter uh,the video module so this is a premium,module so it means that you will only,have access to it if you have an integra,my premium account so this is something,to keep in mind,and then here since we already created,the row uh,in the first branch of the module so,here what we're going to do is that,we're going to update a cell,and so,we know that the cell is c,but we have to use the row number that,we restored previously so that's why,i'm adding here,the,number record in datastore and so this,is going to give us the number and then,the value is going to be well the,followers so let's okay followers count,perfect,okay so now that we have this let's run,it first and see uh if it's working so,let's go,so as you can see uh well it's working,as intended so um,it can go on and now what i want to add,is,uh,my tiktok analytics,so this is a bit more tricky because,there are no uh ticked off module uh on,interior mats but what i'm going to do,is that i'm going to use a,zigzag api with a service called rapid,api so let's go ahead and see how this,would work,so,this api uh will,allow us to get info from the user feed,and it's three up to 20 requests a month,so since we're going to run this weekly,it's going to be at most,four or five requests so it's okay,so now uh,what we're going to do is that we're,going to use the,http module within the format and so we,need to get the response uh the http,response so that we can use it in the,module so here we go,so here we have an example of what the,the api returns,and so as you can see we we got the,follower account,okay so now i'm going to check what the,code snippets look like so that i know,when i need to add in the http module,okay,so we have the host the key,and the host again so now i go back to,integromat and i add the http module,okay not this,so let me add the correct module so http,module,uh perfe

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