We Gave TikTok $1,000 To Boost Our Post | This is The Results! 2022 TikTok Ad Experiment
wow that's uh that's a lot of views hi,everyone oh i fixed there everyone my,name is nick and welcome back to getting,social with nick now for today's video,we're going to go over tick-tock and,boosting your posts now it's semi new,not really kind of semi new is that tick,tock added a feature where you can boost,your posts just like instagram very,easily now it makes sense for tick tock,obviously because they get more money,and also makes sense for the creator as,well to get your work out to more people,so a couple clients asked us to dabble,into boosting posts so we allocated a,thousand dollars each for five different,companies to boost posts on tick tock so,here's how to do it and the results are,you ready let's go all right now to,boost the post it's uh it's super super,simple essentially it is just like,instagram's boost post feature so,uh what you're gonna do is uh you're,gonna open up tiktok,oh an ad,all right then you're gonna go to your,account and then there's the three bars,in the top right hand corner and then,you're gonna click creator tools and,then once you do that um you're gonna,click the little fire promote button all,right so once you do that you'll you're,gonna see the public videos in the first,bar that that tick tock is allowing you,to boost now for me there's like 30,posts so why was there only two right,here well it's because of the music now,some music they allow you to promote and,do whatever you want with other music,you cannot so you got to keep that in,mind when you are trying to boost a post,you got to be very aware of the music,that you're using because it'll just it,won't let you so after that uh you're,just going to click promote at the,bottom now the next screen is what is,your goal now for my clients the goal,for all of them was to get their media,in front of more people so we wanted,more video views but you can also do,more website visits um and then also,more followers now each one of these is,is how tick tock is going to show your,ad more video views obviously they just,want to show the video more website,visits there's going to be a little tab,where you can click to go to your,website and then also for more followers,there's going to be a quick follow,button on your ad,so for us we just wanted to do more,video views and then after that it goes,your custom audience now,never,let tick tock instagram youtube facebook,never let them choose which audience to,put your stuff in front of they don't,know you they don't know your product,they don't know your company you do so,make sure you choose which audience you,want to be put in front of this is,beyond important do not overlook this do,not just let tick-tock do its thing,because they don't care they just want,your money,so after that you're gonna go um,uh to click next and then you're gonna,go to your budget now,this is gonna vary obviously by the,person and what you're trying to do with,the post now this is where it was kind,of frustrating um as a social media,manager it's because it's not,straightforward now,the subtotal says 316 right,self-explanatory except it's not in,order to uh boost your post or do,anything through tick-tock you have to,buy their coin and their coin price,fluctuates heavily so you need like,essentially 30 000 coins for 300 right,so if you do that similar math uh as you,can see at the bottom,16 000 coins,is uh is essentially half of what you,need right or a little more but that is,240,so if you double that that's 500,that's not even close to the 300 point,so this was really really frustrating,but it's a learning curve with tick tock,and with the consumers like us we've,already figured out some ways to do this,a little more efficiently and after you,do that all you got to do is boost your,post now once it's boosted um you can,check back periodically and see how it's,doing or you can just wait until the,boost has concluded now for the results,so we're we're just gonna do averages,i'm gonna bring it up my phone real,quick i can't get into too specific of,statistics uh for client privacy but uh,we're gonna go over the averages now per,thousand um dollars invested the video,views total was just over,153,views per thousand dollars so if you,extrapolate that out essentially if you,want a million views on your video it's,five thousand bucks now comparatively,when we've run um similar ads on youtube,the same amount of dollars equaled about,a hundred thousand views so you're,essentially getting a third more through,tick tock now a lot of people go back,and forth of what's a more valuable,viewer but we're just we're throwing out,the stats and then after that a couple,more stats that we're going to go over,there was just under um,1500 profile views which means 1500,people went to the profile and checked,it out and watched some other videos we,also had just around 280 comments,per thousand dollars and then for shares,we had around 3 700 shares per campaign,and then the final statistic that i'm,gonna go over is that
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I Tried TikTok's 'Promote" Feature To Get More Followers (Here are my results)
I Tried TikTok's 'Promote" Feature To Get More Followers (Here are my results)
so takedown released this brand new,feature called promote that allows you,to promote your videos to get more views,more followers and more traffic to your,website,so in this video i'm gonna show you my,results after using this brand new,feature with two different videos so i'm,gonna tell you whether or not it's,actually worth it to use this feature,if you want to get more followers and,more views or even more traffic,from tech talk hey guys welcome back to,the channel my name is lester diaz in,this channel we talk about making money,online,building online businesses social media,so if you're into that consider,subscribing,okay so let's talk about tech talk as,you guys know in my channel i have a lot,of content,on growing on facebook youtube and how,to make money from social media,but in this case i want to dive into,tech talk because,right now is one of the biggest and,fastest growing platforms out there,if you want to build a brand if you want,to become an influencer,if you want to build a following tick,tock is definitely,one of the fastest ways to do that and,the main reason why this is happening,you're seeing people,come out of nowhere basically have a,million followers on tech talk in a,matter of a few months,and that's mainly because of the,algorithm that tech talk is using to,push your videos organically and in a,nutshell this is how it works you,publish a video on tick tock even if you,don't have any followers whatsoever,and tick tock will promote that video to,a small group of people,then tick tock will start tracking your,watch time how many people are sharing,the video,liking and engaging with the video if,you're getting an above,average engagement on that video most,likely tiktaa will take that video and,promote it to a bigger,audience and so they test your videos,with multiple audience,little by little to see how they respond,if the video continues to perform well,then they'll promote it to a lot of,people and this is why the more you post,on tech talk the more videos you upload,on a daily or weekly basis the more,chances you have of going,viral but let's say you're trying to,grow your profile you're not actually,growing,as fast as you want it and you want to,use this promote feature to get more,followers,or get more views for your videos well,i'm going to give you the results of my,own case study,of my own account that i've been testing,this on so you can see,whether or not it's actually worth it,and of course this is definitely,different for everyone it just depends,on the type of videos you're promoting,depends on the audience but i just want,to show you my results,from what i did and i'm going to break,it all down for you so you can see,for yourself what happens when you use,this promote feature,okay so the first thing you want to do,is you want to go to your account,and you're going to tap on this three,little dots right here on the top and,then what you're gonna do,is go to creator tools and click on,promote this is gonna show you,all the videos that you can use to,promote,using this new feature now keep in mind,that if a video has,copyrighted music or something like that,tick tock it's not going to let you,promote it,if you want to use a video that you want,to promote,and get more followers more views make,sure that it doesn't have any trending,sounds or music,because that could definitely limit and,and can definitely block you from using,this feature,so as you can see i have a list of,videos here that i can promote,and all i have to do is simply click on,promote,and what's gonna happen is tick tock is,gonna ask me okay what you want you,wanna get more views more website visits,or,more followers and you go through the,different steps and basically once you,select what you want click on next and,you can let,up tech talk choose the automatic,audience they'll promote it to whoever,they think,will watch your video or you can select,a custom audience,you can select you know i just want to i,just want to promote this video to,only men uh in this specific category,and that's going to give you a little,bit more flexibility,in the type of audience you want for,your video now if you don't want to do,that,all you have to do is click on next and,then you can choose,how many coins per day you want to spend,now in this specific case because i'm,using the tick tock app,uh you can basically recharge your,account or,buy coins through the app store,basically and once you do that you,simply click next and it will go through,a review process to see if it qualifies,for this promotion so i want to show you,the first video that i promoted and,what were the results with that video so,the first thing i did,is i selected my goal as more followers,i wanted more followers,for my page then what i did is i let,tech talk decide,what was the best audience so i chose,automatic i didn't want to choose a,custom audience i just wanted to see,what happened,as you can see i spent about 20 bucks to,buy,up the coins with tick
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របៀប Boost Tiktok លើទូរសព្ទ័ដៃ
របៀប Boost Tiktok លើទូរសព្ទ័ដៃ
D3 chủ tịch Trung Hoa có được Nhật Bản,boromir tâm ai bom hot girl Tik Tok 2n,to Goodbye bạn ở,3 trên cao xuống và,miễn HD này thì chanh cho rằng ngài là,ai còn lại nhấm liên kết thúc thì đó,chưa nhận quá thì,qua làm Yên đã áp để trồng khác thích,khác 21 là tự sát đại bán để chỉ nhằm,làm rõ ai khi ngâm tay anh gặp cài đặt,hiểm tai nạn ở hoặc điện thoại ngày là,mối về nức đẹp mà đòi lấy gì mà đòi ngay,bạn chẳng thứ mất làm bậy bột,A rare thu sạp bày bán à chanh bà Phạm,Thị tự sản bỏ nhóm nhỏ bằng hai chữ A,ở những chủ tịch cọc máu,bắt thần thái bà,mẹ,video được ban nhạc được viết lại bạn,khóc another of jafar mà,bạn là love vàng hay nè thằng nhóc nhí,hết Cho thằng lớn đẹp và,nhạc là cái Hà mặc size nào cho bay cái,này là nó và tò mò gió business letter,thu nick là ba này,ai nên thích thật đẹp nek mà đi chậm đám,profarb middle Indonesia,trang điểm cho bình xu thế cho bạn ạ,ngọt mình created date of birth in Japan,tour morning,ngày bạn ngon hơn IQ Tâm à Dạ thu xa bay,rồi mẹ từ họp nghiệp 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t
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Promote Your Videos On TikTok - New Ad Feature On Tiktok
Promote Your Videos On TikTok - New Ad Feature On Tiktok
وعندما سمعت عن هذه الميزة الجديدة ، قلت يا رجل دعني أجرب ذلك في مقطع الفيديو هذا الذي أعرف أنه,رائع جدًا ولكن نظرًا لأن الخوارزمية قد تغيرت ، فأنا أريد أن أدفعها أكثر من ذلك بقليل من 486,اليوم بعد 30 دقيقة فقط من قفزها على طول الطريق إلى ما يحدث ، أنا رائع ومرحبًا بكم في فيديو اليوم,، سنتحدث عن أحدث ميزة تم طرحها من خلال ترويج فيديو tick-tock,الذي سمعته بشكل صحيح ، لذا إذا كان لديك عدد مرات مشاهدة منخفضة ، فإن مشاركات,منخفضة لايكات مقاطع الفيديو وربما لم يتم دفعك إلى صفحة المنتدى ، فهذه هي,فرصتك للاستفادة من هذه الميزة الجديدة الساخنة التي سنتحدث عنها في غضون دقيقة,إذا كنت تريد معرفة كيفية تقديم النصائح والبرامج التعليمية والميزات الجديدة من tiktok تأكد من الاشتراك,في هذه القناة لأنني سأستمر في تقديم هذا النوع من المحتوى لك ، لكن أولاً أريد أن أعطي,صيحات للفائزين بالتعليقات على مقطع الفيديو الأخير الخاص بي ، أريد أن أصرخ على,هذا وذاك shelly lamonde و ananiah سكين هذا هو اسم مثير للاهتمام ، شكرًا يا رفاق على,التعليق على مقاطع الفيديو الخاصة بي والبقاء على اتصال إذا كنت ترغب في أن تكون مميزًا كفائز بالتعليق ،,تأكد من التعليق على هذا الفيديو مع مخاوفك بهذه الطريقة يمكنني الإجابة عليها وآمل أن أساعدك,على مقاطع الفيديو التي تقوم بإنشائها على توك توك الآن هذه الميزة الجديدة ظهرت للتو وستساعدك في,الحصول على عدد كبير من المشاهدات ، مثل المشاركات والمتابعين الجدد على قناتك إذا كنت لا,تستخدم هذه الميزة ، فأنت نائم وتحتاج إلى الاستيقاظ الآن نعم ، من الواضح أن هذا مثل,Facebook و instagram حيث يمكنك تشغيل الإعلانات أو يمكنك الحصول على مقاطع الفيديو الخاصة بك برعاية من,خلال وضع الأموال خلفها الآن ، الشيء الرائع على عكس تلك المنصات الأخرى هو أنها تستخدم,بالفعل طريقة الدفع التي لديك في ملف مع تيك توك ، لذا مهما كان ما تستخدمه عند,إرسال العملات المعدنية والهدايا إلى الأشخاص عندما تشاهد حياتهم ، فإنه يخرج من نفس,الحساب حتى لا تضطر إلى إضافة طريقة دفع جديدة أو بطاقة جديدة على ملف لنا نفس,الطريقة التي تستخدمها بالفعل الآن بالنسبة لي عندما قررت الترويج لمقطع فيديو سأعرضه,لك هنا في غضون ثانية يتم تحميله على حساب iTunes الخاص بي ، لذا ربما يكون هذا هو الحال بالنسبة لك ،,لذا كل ما لدي ما عليك القيام به هو النقر المزدوج على جانب هاتفي ، حيث يقوم بشحن ما فعلته وهو 19,، ثم بالطبع في غضون يومين يخرج من حساب iTunes الخاص بي ، اسمح لي بالمضي قدمًا وأظهر لك,هذه الميزة وسأعرضها لك ما هو الفيديو الذي روجت له وسأعرض,لك بعض النتائج لأنه بدأ بالفعل في الحصول على المزيد من المشاهدات والمتابعين ، لذلك أنا,متحمس لذلك قررت الترويج لمقطع الفيديو الأخير الخاص بي أه كان عيد الأب فيديو,بيني وبين ابني الأصغر الآن ، سترى ما إذا كانت لديك هذه الميزة إذا تم طرحها,لك ، فسترى تمامًا في الجزء السفلي حيث يحتوي على رمز تعبيري للنار ويقول إنه الترويج ، وانظر ، لقد حصلت,بالفعل على إعجابات هذا الفيديو الجديد من سامانثا في الجزء العلوي ، حسنًا ، لذا قم بالترويج الآن,عندما تذهب إلى هناك " سيقول لك ما هو هدفك ، ما هو الغرض من الترويج لهذا,الفيديو ، لماذا تريد الترويج لهذا الفيديو ، هل تريد المزيد من مشاهدات الفيديو ، أو المزيد من زيارات الموقع ، أو المزيد من,المتابعين ، لقد قمت شخصيًا بالنقر فوق المتابعين ، وانتقلت إلى الشاشة التالية اختر,جمهورك الآن ، هذا هو الشيء الرائع لأنني أتذكر القيام بذلك على Facebook وقمت بعمل,فيديو صلاة. أنا مسيحي وأؤمن بالله أحب الرب ، أردت فقط نشر هذا الفيديو,للأشخاص الذين كانوا مسيحيين والذين أنت تعلم أنك بحاجة حقًا إلى التشجيع ، حيث حصل الفيديو على أكثر من,1200 إعجاب ، وهذا يذكرني بذلك لأنك تختار وضعه أمام الأشخاص الذين,يحبون نفس أنواع المحتوى التي يريدون رؤيتها على صفحتهم اختر,جمهورك الذي تعرفه في ذلك الوقت تلقائيًا ولكن بعد ذلك عدت,واخترت مخصصًا وأتاح لي اختيار كل الاهتمام واخترت أنك تعرف أم التعليم الترفيهي أم قمت بتغييره من الكل,واخترت ما أريده لتكون عليه يمنحك خيارًا لعدد العملات المعدنية,التي تريد إنفاقها على مدار اليومين المقبلين ، يمكنك تغييرها إلى أكثر من 30 يومًا أو أقل ،,لذلك انتهى بي الأمر باختيار 1200 قطعة نقدية في اليوم والتي نراها هناك ، أعني أنها تخبرني بذلك أنا,ستعمل الحصول على حوالي 712 وجهات النظر وأنا أعلم ما هو نوع من أشرطة الفيديو لجعل الحصول على وجهات النظر التي سوف تهبط,على لك صفحة في الآونة الأخيرة قد تغير خوارزمية حتى الآن بالطبع أواجه لتكون أكثر استراتيجية,حول هذا الموضوع وانها كانت مختلف قليلاً بالنسبة لي ، قلت إنك تعلم دعني أجرب هذا,وأبدو جيدًا بينما أقوم بهذا الفيديو يا أخي ، أنت تعلم أن إبداءات الإعجاب بالفيديو قادمة للتو ، لذا من الرائع حقًا,بينما أقوم بعمل هذا على ما يرام لذا أذهب إلى هنا يقول أنك ستحصل على,تقدير حول أنك تعرف 700 مشاهدة ، ليس لدي عملات كافية ، لقد تقدمت وأضفت,المبلغ كما ترون ، هذا هو الجمهور الذي اخترته لتعليم الأطفال الرضع ملابس وإكسسوارات العناية,الشخصية للأطفال الذين أعتقد أنهم موجودون فيها من المرجح أن هؤلاء أه هذا النوع من الجمهور,ستعرف أنهم يشاهدون الكوميديا وستكون كذلك اظهر هناك من أجلك هنا ، فهو يعطي المبلغ الذي,أريد أن أختاره ، كان بإمكاني اختياره فقط لإنفاق 330 قطعة نقدية مقابل 4.99 لكنني أعلم أن لدي 20 قطعة ،,لذا اخترت 1321 قطعة نقدية وسأفعل ذلك على مدى في اليومين المقبلين وبالنسبة لي,كما ذكرت أنه يخرج من حسابي في iTunes ، قمت بالنقر نقرًا مزدوجًا عندما انتهيت من ذلك ، وقلت أنه تم القيام به في,الأسفل وقلت إنك جاهز الآن ، ما عليك سوى الجلوس والانتظار وما حدث بعد ذلك التي,تقول انها بخير هل تريد المضي قدما والبدء في الترويج لذلك أنا النقر على,نجاح البداية وبعد ذلك يقول في الجزء
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nghe rồi quay tiệt hả Cầm,thiện ý cho ta khả năng truy lùng có bán,cho tao này cậu bé này tao không nghe ba,que MK mới hả bà thế Ok hay vào tao một,tiếng nữa ta khiết,12 bài tập hoàn thiện nó khi lập in Châu,Tấn Ok mày đang bị sẵn được cho mình,tham gia liveshow đi Mày đang tiêm,không Tại ba sẽ qua đi phân tích đ,ba ngày tới nay tao không điều,tra,vì ai nên mua Mary II,hai chân tôi mơ về tập bài tập unit is,a khuẩn chú ý thì em sang chơi 2 bài tập,mát này đã khiến cho ở nhà buồn lắm có,bán chưa tới trắng mà mỗi cười chưa từng,qua đám này k một ký để tịch trọng hay,tiêu phí Cứ sự ngày bọn lý Cư chia các,bạn đầy bùn tiện bay clancy Pink lại,nhạc hơn cả bạn dừng đã làm bùng lên tới,tao cho mày thằng k bột lời cảm ơn anh,lại nơi ấy cả một người cảm trầm khuôn,YouTube cùng tồn thì vô tính tổng rời xa,ta Vì muốn cười Dương là phản hàm bool,và các bạn tha là cao tam tòng đa việc,mà trong video của bà này cả 4 tỉnh a,cho tôi chất este trong có cả một tâm lý,ok200 hiện là bố là đọc nghe cho ta,thật nhà bộ cũng đang hái vật không có,nước Nhật oxyt your posts and testament,yuullen ý,à à,I had your name in kidman bạn like share,không anh hai năng ở kẻ chơi frofile đặt,hàng trắng đấy Ok,hai cái nick Gucci độc hiệu Đại Việt ở,những ván cờ vietsense ngày đầu tiên đặt,nặng 2 trụ điện là để cho giọt bộ Trang,đang hãy ghé tai dẫn bún trên trang này,cho này quên em chỉ ra bây giờ có đại,dương ai bút ban chân rồi là khó khăn cứ,nhận đã bị suy nghĩ nó,Ok anh sẽ là do phụ kiện này đây giờ,chẳng biết ý,chị khen nên xông giờ được thiệp mời này,cho,tao nói tiếp tôi ư,Ừ,ok like some điều kiện If I,Xin,chào thực hiện đấy cứ mơ tới Nguyễn Thị,Tiếp tin da trắng càng Đường du học bất,kỳ ai đang bàn thờ luôn đấy à,32 dân trần lệch máu O,Ừ Ok hai vợ chồng mang tiếng Anh,Ừ Ok hay và taman tiết tôi lớn mơ thì,coi ca bạch huyết Tìm mua phiên bản thôi,trước cháy-tp dùng thừa bạn hơi thì bây,có phía Đông Nam Á cả bạn đã dâng này to,quá trời dầu quýt hả nhé thằng đấy mẹ,tao nữa,Anh cảm ơn em đã cho tôi Nghe Mùa Xuân,Về,Ừ,ok khamenei nezic thể điều khiển điều,kiện là cha mẹ đang có 3 này nó ra ta ai,chơi Spider sát,dịch để tớ trẻ tôi cho muối nó mày Nắng,nghe đó nên bà chăm cho nó phang cloud,đăng ký đi cho tiện này tất cả tạo hóa,lên cho điểm này phải trong phần trăm,này chúng nó chị buồn á cho nên chạy Bon,đang nào người ta mày Đang ổn ra mờ phía,thằng cao cao về miền các bạn nghiêng,chẳng biết ai được có bằng bông trắng,thì ta càng làm thịt Bây giờ mệt mà qua,ATM,ở lại lý có dân tộc lập FIFA vô FIFA,Khmer năm tại sao không đẹp đấy à,I,get shot máy nâng từ xa ông nè à,Ừ,Ok,bạn thấy hay Trúc Nhân bảy tám hạnh phúc,ngày đó hai giờ chắc cái đầm maxi làm,lạnh tại Đắk Rông đóng vai Xem đền bù,đất bà này,Ừ,ok lại nick ưu Chừng nào bà đó chừng nào,nó nghe tao không nên chắc lại mày các,bạn đáy ao chắc kẹt ôm chồng mới nắng dù,khi bạn chưa cài được card for bao giờ,để con nào Việt đây thì mỗi,mơ,thấy tai nạn cả mút cưới thì trong bọng,nó thấy đại nữa à,ừ ừ,ô tô,à à,ừ ừ,ừ ừ,ừ ừ,ừ ừ,Ừ ok Channel Jun r a,Ừ Ok từ từ cho con nít à,à à,Ừ,anh hai đã viết thư cho mỗi lần đọc hiểu,tiếng em sẽ lấy,hết hoàn quản trong ban tặng con chẳng,để tác nghiệp lại gia tăng các bạn,Em nạp tài liệu bằng số đài chánh lên à,ừ ừ,ừ ừ,ừ ừ,Ừ,ok à,Ừ khi nào đóng Tinh Anh vô tập 35 Ký,A2 Lite,ở,các loại ni cư chia chồng luôn,chị xem luôn lôi Trời tập 5,Chỉ riêng cấp 5 Làm thế nào để,sang đường quân ta là ngư dân bạn trăm,bề mặt chẳng còn mặt bia của bạn nè đây,thì ngày hết bác thế mà chăm chỉ của bạn,đấy hết rồi chắn,rằng các bạn anh chị mua đi cập nhật hết,pin rồi cũng Ngọc lỗi đã đưa lên và đi,Hàng Bún thích tổng đang kìa cái đó Tiêu,rồi chẳng rằng cứ bản năng tăng dần 300k,mạng VT ê a a a,ừ ừ,ở nhà tại đầu cho mỗi khi mua thì quý,mặt chằm cắm mặt liệt kê hai chị bay có,riêng 300 cũng nạp gia của bạn ấy chạy,xe nhà to thế,gian giờ tập khả năng bạn hơi hai,thứ ba này à,à à,e-vietcombank bernanke 35 ý,ở,Hải Dương Trạch nào để tóc nghe à,à à,Ừ ok Việt Nam là cái này này là Dương,Cầm luôn rồi kìa,bạn ạ,ở t
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TikTok Changed.. The NEW Way to Get Followers FAST in 2023 (NEW ALGORITHM)
TikTok Changed.. The NEW Way to Get Followers FAST in 2023 (NEW ALGORITHM)
in this video I'm going to share with,you exactly how you can Skyrocket the,amount of followers that you're getting,on Tick Tock right now because if you,haven't heard yet Tick Tock has changed,and the things that you need to be doing,the analytics you need to be worried,about the content that you should be,creating and the topics that you should,be using within your Niche have all,changed and if you don't adapt to these,new things you're going to see both a,decrease in the amount of views and the,amount of followers that you get but if,you simply make the changes that I share,with you in this video you're going to,have a Skyrocket in the amount of,followers that you're getting in fact,these strategies work so well that since,2021 for the last almost three years,I've helped almost 200 000 people grow,on Tick Tock and I want you to be the,next person in fact this Creator gained,a million subscribers in just a few,months by implementing these tips this,Creator over 800 000 in this Creator,over 500 000 followers in the same exact,thing can happen to you because all,these creators had two things in common,one they were struggling before they,implemented the tips that I'm about to,share with you in this video and,secondly they all now make a full-time,living from Tick Tock which I'm sure you,want to happen to you but before we,could dive into those things I need you,to smash that subscribe button if you,want to grow quicker on Tick Tock,Instagram or YouTube I literally upload,a video every single day about how to,grow on these Platforms in addition to,that I created a free Tick Tock growth,course you can get at the link in the,pin comment below it's going to share,with you thanks the best hashtags to be,using right now and what time you should,be posting in 2023 so please make sure,you get into that at the link in the pin,comment below it is 100 free I don't,know what you're waiting for finally,here's my phone number please hit me up,I want to help you grow quicker on TED,Talk step number one is actually,understanding what Tick Tock cares about,and essentially they only care about,three things right now you guys are,focused on all the wrong things if,you're not focused on these three things,the first is the type of content you're,creating the second is the topics that,you're choosing third is the analytics,that you're paying attention to if you,fail to do any of these three things,it's the reason that you're not getting,views if you've seen a decrease in views,or you're just not able to get views,like your competitors get it's because,you're ignoring one of these three,things or you're only doing one of them,you're only doing two of them because,you need to be doing all three of them,I'm warning you right now if you don't,Implement everything that I share with,you in this video it's going to be the,reason that you're not successful in,Tick Tock during the easiest time ever,to grow on Tick Tock and The Best Time,Ever to become part of the Creator,economy and make money literally from,your phone or from your laptop without,having to go to work this might mean,that you could quit your job it might,mean that you could drop out of college,and the difference between you being,able to do that and you being,unsuccessful is you focusing on these,three things so for starters let's talk,about the analytics because this is an,incredibly important piece of the puzzle,first thing is you need to make sure,that you have seventy percent of people,still watching after the first three,seconds of your video now if you're able,to achieve that that's great you need to,extend that as long as possible because,essentially there are three watch time,metrics that you need to be hitting that,I'm going to share with you later on in,this video depending on how long your,content is it's going to tell you,exactly what percentage watch time you,need to be hitting because if you're not,hitting that well you're just not going,to have success on Tick Tock but like I,said the first thing that you need to,get down is over 70 of people still,watching three seconds into the video,now the reason that this is going to,happen is because your hook is going to,be great you're going to have great text,on the screen you're going to have,energy you're going to actually wake the,person want to watch your video or,you're going to stick out if you look at,videos that go viral on Tick Tock their,videos that stick out their videos that,stand out or they're participating in a,trend which hooks somebody in because,you guys need to understand something if,you're not solving a problem for,something doing something that they're,curious in or participating in a trend,which naturally just kind of captures,people attention well then that's going,to be the reason that nobody's watching,your Tick Tock videos and the way that,you focus on this is by focusing on,honing in the first three seconds of,your videos and this is going to make,you a lot more success on top of that,yo
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TikTok Commerce Solutions for boosting sales in 2022
TikTok Commerce Solutions for boosting sales in 2022
hey everyone welcome to the webinar,booster 2022 sales with tiktok commerce,solutions,my name is mikel i'm the head of,marketing at shaker and i'm the host of,today's webinar,the webinar will be about 15 minutes,long and it will be recorded so you can,watch it later or share with anyone who,would benefit from the contents of the,webinar,before i dive into the webinar content a,few words about shaker,shaker is a creative automation platform,and we have made it our mission to,enable brands to be able to produce,amazing creative at scale,we call it creativity times infinity,our creative automation engine enables,creative and marketing teams to connect,relevant data sources with video,templates in order to scale creative,production for platforms like tick tock,facebook and instagram,with the ultimate goal of achieving,relevance at scale across platforms,and we are officially badged tick tock,marketing partners and meta business,partners formerly known as facebook,business partners,over to the agenda firstly i will,briefly mention the hashtag ticktalk,made me buy it,secondly i will show an overview of,recently released commerce solutions,that go away before going through each,one of them individually,the first individual solution is,tick-tock shopping,then i will talk about tick tock dynamic,showcase ads,fifth i'll talk about collections ads,sixth product links in tiktok videos,seventh live shopping and finally i will,share what you can expect from our,upcoming webinar,so let's firstly looked at the hashtag,tiktok made me buy it,tic toc's effect on shopping trends is a,powerful and well-documented cultural,phenomena one which arose organically as,people flocked to the platform to,express themselves exchange opinions,connect and learn from each other,with over 7 billion views and counting,the hashtag tiktok made me buy it is,arguably the clearest evidence that,ticktock drives commerce,tick tock made me buy it is a great,indicator of tick tock's role as a,powerful force within the world of,commerce however tick tock's position as,a commerce powerhouse has just started,on september 28th during the first ever,tick tock world tick tock unveiled a,number of new solutions to help brands,capture the untapped potential of tick,tock to influence purchase and drive,sales,today i will go through five commerce,solutions all which can help you boost,your sales in 2022 and beyond but before,i start do keep in mind that these,solutions are gradually rolling out and,may not be available in your country or,region yet,the first solution is tick tock shopping,which which turns your tick tock,business account into a storefront,letting people discover and learn more,about your products directly on tiktok,the second solution is dynamic showcase,ads which enables you to connect your,product catalog to the tick tock ads,manager and dynamically serve the right,product to the right people at the right,time,if you're familiar with facebook dynamic,product ads you will have a pretty good,understanding what the essay is,already the third solution is collection,ads which lets you include product cards,in in-feed ads when a user taps on an,item featured in a card they brought to,a fast loading instant gallery page,where they can browse through and,purchase items directly,fourthly product links make your organic,post,videos shoppable,product links call out specific items,within within a video so users can see a,product in action and immediately make a,purchase,and live shopping allows brands to,seamlessly integrate products from their,tick-tock shopping experience into a,live session,so firstly let's look at tick-tock,shopping,tick-tock shopping turns your tick tock,business account into a storefront,letting people discover and learn more,about your products directly on tiktok,if you take a look at this video you can,see that the miele cosmetics have a,shopping bag icon on the profile page,and when a user clicks on the shopping,bag icon they will be able to browse all,of the brand's products and check out on,mila's mila cosmetics home page when,they find something they like,the two easiest ways to set up tick-tock,shopping is a direct integration or,through a partner platform integration,other options would be a manual,integration or api integration for more,advanced needs,and as i mentioned before these commerce,solutions are rolling out gradually if,you're in the uk or indonesia you can,onboard with the direct integration,through the tick tock seller center,alternatively you can set up tick-tock,shopping through a partner platform,integration if you manage your e-com,business through bigcommerce easy with,shopify or square,the partner platform integration is also,rolling out gradually so connect with,your tick tock account manager or,support team at big commerce easy with,shopify square to see if your business,is eligible for ticket shopping and for,help setting it up,let's move on to the next solution,dynamic showcase ads,simply put dynamic
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