tiktok carousel ads

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How To Use TikTok Ads For Your Brands - 5 Different Ad Formats & Tips

hello everyone welcome to technic four's,learning in the previous videos i've,talked about the tick tock ads the,basics and benefits of advertising on,tiktok and i've showed you how to,advertise on tick tock step by step now,let's take a look of the different ways,to advertise on tick tock let's get,started,let's get into what tick-tock ads,actually look like tick-tock offers a,variety of different creative ad formats,for brands and businesses to explore,you've likely seen most of the different,types of your daily tick tock scroll up,here are five types of tick-tock ads we,have in feed ads brand takeover top view,branded hashtag challenge and branded,effects,with a variety of different options to,choose from it's hard to know which ad,format is best for your brand which is,why we dive into different types of,tick-tock ads and how they can work for,your business first in-field ads are the,video ads that appear in between user,videos as you scroll through your for,you page if you are unfamiliar with,tick-tock and the for you page in feed,ads are very similar to the ads you'd,see while tapping through instagram,stories you can get super creative with,inpeed ads you can include multiple call,to actions and make your video anywhere,between 9 to 15 seconds,having the opportunity to include a call,to action is a huge advantage for,example you can encourage users to shop,now download your app or visit your,website right from tick tock one thing,to keep in mind is that like any other,video on for you page in feed ads can be,scrolled past or skip pretty quickly you,only have about two to three seconds to,catch your audience's eye before they,keep scrolling in feed ads should be,full screen and should be enticing,enough to stop users from scrolling past,your content another positive to infeed,ads tiktok users can like comment share,and interact with your video just like,any other video on the for you page,here's a quick tip work with influencers,for your in feed ads,next we have brand takeover,have you ever opened tick tock and,receive an ad right away if so those are,brand takeover ads,brand takeover ads appear upon opening,the app presenting a full screen video,to your targeted audience they're one of,tick talk ads best option for delivering,mass awareness and driving direct sales,since you can place your messaging right,in front of your target audience not,only do this ad show up as soon as users,open tick tock but they can also appear,on the forum page as still images gifs,or videos including a clickable link,driving users to a landing page or a,hashtag challenge within tiktok brand,take over ads are exclusive to their,category which means that tick-tocks,make sure users don't see more than one,brand take over per day with brand,takeover ads you can expect a lot of,eyes on your content with a little,competition if you're just starting out,with tick-tock ads brand takeovers may,not be your first choice because while,super effective brand takeovers do come,at a high cost if you're a bigger brand,with a large marketing budget they are a,great option for fast growth and,reaching a large group of tick-tock,users next we have top view,top view ads are new advertising options,that builds on brand takeovers what,makes top view ads different is that,unlike branded takeover ads tick-tock,users aren't bombarded with an ad as,soon as they open the app tab view ads,are the first in-feed post after three,seconds it shows up at the top of your,forum page tick tock's most premium real,essay with up to 60 seconds of full,screen video with autoplay and sound,then we have branded hashtag challenge,branded hashtag challenges are,one-of-a-kind advertising opportunity,exclusively to tick-tock you've probably,seen branded hashtag challenges,displayed on tick-tock's discovery page,similar to regular hashtag trends and,challenges on tick-tock branded hashtag,challenges offer both organic and,sponsored opportunities for brands,they're a great way to encourage user,generated content and build brand,awareness the best part about brand,hashtag challenges you can have a ton of,fun with them they are an awesome way,for brands to collaborate and seamlessly,integrate themselves into the tik tok,culture and community,and lastly,branded effects tick tock now offers,branded shareable stickers ar filters,and lenses in their advertising mix,similar to snapchat's branded lenses,tick tock's branded defects allow brands,to design their own custom filter on the,app branded effects can be live up to 10,days at a time and are an awesome way to,encourage users to directly interact,with your brand in a fun way,and there you have it different ways to,advertise on tick tock have you tried,tik tok what are your thoughts so far,leave it on the comments down below and,before this video ends did you know that,you can run live on-demand scheduled,webinar replays with hands-free,automation and the breakthrough sales,getting features with no hosting,required,and has d

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok carousel ads

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Facebook Ads - Collections vs Carousels (In-depth explained)

Facebook Ads - Collections vs Carousels (In-depth explained)

now what's the real difference between a,collection and carousel ads when should,you use them and what type of business,they work for these are some questions,that we will answer in this video let's,start with collection ads so first of,all what are this this is an ad format,that people interact within facebook and,instagram ecosystem meaning is that when,they click on that ad when your,collection ad they're gonna have this,pop-up with first of all where the main,picture where the main video that talks,more about your product,or about your brand and then once they,are scrolling they're going to see these,organized,kind of sections with products from your,website collection ads use your catalog,that means that these products shots,they are going to be usually on a white,background so they are taken from your,website what are the advantages and,disadvantages of collection ads first of,all i'm going to say that the both,collection and carousel ads they work,quite well for e-commerce brands for,brands that sell multi-products because,here you're displaying a range of,products from your catalog now a huge,advantage of that has collection is that,it qualifies your customer much better,because when someone clicked on that,collection they're gonna go very very,quickly it's easy to go and read through,and digest all your products in a very,short period of time and that is going,to qualify that potential client ever he,or she is interested to click on that,product and go to your website where if,he or she is not then he'll simply skip,and this is a good thing because you,don't want to bring,very low quality potential customers on,your website because that is affecting,your facebook pixel one more advantage,that collection ads have and i really,like is that it emphasize more about,certain things about your business or,about your products so the first thing,that people see is that the video or,that image they mean like creative then,they will be able to see the products so,with that video word image you could,talk more about your product about some,benefits what people can get and so on,and so forth with carousels that's all,about more images and you don't really,have much time to educate your customers,and talk more about your brand but there,is a disadvantage of most of the time i,noticed that carousels might outperform,collection when it comes to running ads,for ecommerce brands but again this is,something that you have to test on your,own because every single business is,different when it comes to social media,advertising so i highly recommend if you,have not tested this ad format go ahead,and use that on your own and use that in,your ads manager now with carousels you,could have up to 10 pictures and there,you are displaying again you could have,one product or multiple products and,advantages that by giving multiple,options of your products with a carousel,people or your potential customers,will see something that might resonate,with their needs with their wants with,their wishes and that will make them,more willing to click on your ad and,find out more about your business so,essentially it helps you to resonate,with a larger pool of people,and on top of that i usually see with,carousels that your cost per 1000,impressions your cpm is much lower,because with carousels people are,spending much more time on them while,they are swiping through those images,through those slides that is a very good,signal for the algorithms that people,like your ad so they are going to lower,your costs when to use each one the,reality is that if you have a,multi-product business based they both,work quite well but just from my,experience and from my observation i,noticed that carousels might outperform,collection but again if you have not,tested collection nor carousels i would,highly and highly recommend give it a,shot so test them alongside and see,which one works best for your brand,every question that you might have like,arches should i use this text or this,text for this color or what color my,answer is going to be pretty much you,have to test that because you will,simply not know without testing at the,end of a diva marketplace is going to,say eva is working or not the customer,is the marketing genius not me and not,you my job is to create the better and,more compelling ads but have higher,chances to convert but are we going to,convert this is something that the,marketplace are going to tell us i get,these questions from brand owners and,they tell me like i,kind of hope that my ads are going to,work because i believe that my ads my ad,creatives are great they look awesome,and then they run that ad and when they,don't get those results and when they,say oh it's because i don't have the,right account structure it's because i'm,not using the right bit strategy so they,don't judge their ad creatives they,judge the tool which is the facebook ads,manager so this is why we cannot really,say whether an ad is going to perform or,not unles

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Canva x TikTok: Boost your TikTok Ads with Canva

Canva x TikTok: Boost your TikTok Ads with Canva

hi,welcome to canva live with design school,and a very warm welcome to our workshop,today,my name is shelly and i'm a partnerships,marketing manager at canva i'm joined by,cherie creative partner manager at,tiktok,thank you for the intro shelly hello,everyone it's wonderful to connect with,you all i've been at tiktok for almost,two years and i'm looking forward to,sharing some tick-tock creative,knowledge with you in the session today,back to you shelley,thanks sheree we'll also be hearing from,ej our motion art director at canva a,little later as well,today in collaboration with our partner,tiktok we present boost your tick-tock,ads with canva,in this session we'll be covering four,parts first fury from tiktok will be,sharing knowledge on tried and true,creative best practices then we'll jump,onto the canva editor with ej and see,him work his magic in creating a,tick-tock video ad,lastly we'll walk through how to share,your design content onto tiktok and,share some helpful resources you can,take away after the session,so before jumping in i want to start off,with a quick icebreaker question,what do you find most challenging when,designing your tick tocks,awesome seeing some really interesting,responses,so now i'll pass it along to shari to,share some tick-tock creative best,practices,thank you shelley are you ready to find,out what some of the creative best,practices to help boost your ad,performance,today i'll be taking you through some,creative tips and tricks to help you,achieve performance results you've been,wanting to achieve for your campaigns,when it comes to advertising there are a,lot of different elements you need to,take into consideration to ensure the,decisions that you make for your assets,that you produce will help achieve the,ultimate campaign success,so at tiktok we have analyzed the,creative data to help us understand what,creative elements are needed to ensure,great performance results for your,ticktock campaigns,with the information we have gathered,from the analysis we have developed,universal creative best practice guides,shoot high-res,when it comes to the quality of creative,we advise you to use creative with a,minimum of 720 pixel resolution,when advertisers use creative with a,minimum of 720 pixels we have found that,there's a 312 percent left in,conversions compared to creatives below,that 720 res,go big full screen,we highly recommend you use a 9 by 16,aspect ratio to ensure you maximize the,surface area of any device for maximum,creative performance,assets that use 9x16 aspect ratio had a,91 conversion lift compared to those,with other aspect ratios such as the,16x9,rally them to act we found by adding in,a clear cta within the creative there is,a 152 lifting conversion so make sure,you put in that clear cta for your,creatives,make some noise,include audio of any type to your,creatives the more relevant sounds you,use the better it'll be for example,let's say you're selling some healthy,homemade freeze-dried snacks adding in,the crunch sound of the snack would be,useful or like a sound to complement the,overall creatives will be super handy as,well,by adding in sound we found that there,was a 16 lift in impressions compared to,assets with no sound elements,keep it short and sweet,on average we found if the video length,ranges between 21 to 34 seconds it,helped drive a two percent lift in,impressions and a whopping 280 percent,lift in conversion,the shorter and catchier you make your,creatives the better the overall,performance will be,here is a quick little summary of the,universal creative elements outlined,all you need to do is remember these,five universal tips and tricks,create a resolution minimum of 720 pixel,resolution,ensure you embrace the power of sound,and have sound elements,have a clear cta within the creative to,prompt the user to take action,and keep your videos short and sweet,between 21 to 34 seconds,and finally have your creative in a,vertical format so the 9x16 to maximize,your device screen,now i'd like to take you through some,more fun and exciting creative best,practices for our ecommerce advertisers,and market,mix up your creatives,we found that there is a 38 lift in,conversion when advertisers used a,variety of different scenes in their,assets compared to a continuous shot,where products were showcased,having elements of transitions give the,creative a more exciting fun effect,which will keep your users more engaged,leading to a better campaign outcome,get them to act,use closed captions through an on-screen,text that is clearly displayed with an,offer or a cta,we found advertisers to do this had a 16,lift in impressions and an 80 lift in,the conversions for the campaigns,voiceover and an offer winning combo,by adding a voiceover describing the,products with potentially an offer can,help you deliver some great results,we found that there was a nine percent,lift in impressions and also 87,improvement in conversions when the,creative had these elements in

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Facebook Carousel Ads

Facebook Carousel Ads

Facebook has a number of different ad,formats available but one of the ones,that I like quite a bit that I don't,think very many people take advantage of,are Carousel ads so in this video I,wanted to focus on just Carousel ads in,Facebook I want to talk about how you,set them up some of the different,customization pieces and then discuss,some ways that you can use Carousel ads,to tell stories to engage with your,customers and be a little bit more,interactive than maybe some of the other,formats on the platform,we're going to start off by being in a,Facebook ads account and I'm just going,to run through the setup of a carousel,ad as you can see I've already skipped,through all of the other setup processes,I've already got an ad name for sample,Carousel I've already chosen the,Facebook page and Instagram account,unchecked branded content that's for a,different video I've even gone through,the ad setup piece so let's go ahead and,scroll down a little bit you can see,here I'm going to create a new ad and,I've already chosen the ad format of,Carousel one thing I don't want to skip,over but do want to call out for this,video is the Creative Source for today,I'm only going to cover the manual,upload option where you can upload,images or videos to your Carousel ad I'm,not going to use the catalog option I'm,not going to run through it because,usually when you use that you have a,much better chance of being able to,create a more Dynamic and engaging,Carousel because you already have a,number of different product shots in the,mix what I'm hoping to help with today,is getting people who are a little bit,stuck and don't have as many ideas out,of a rut so utilizing a catalog is a,little bit of a cheat for that there's,certainly a lot that you can do and if,you're interested in customizing your,catalog ads whether it's for Carousel or,single image we do have a video that you,can check out at the top of the screen,right now but for today I'm only going,to be talking about the manual upload,option and what we can do with that now,that that's done let's jump into the,meat of this setup and go down to the,add creative section here's where we're,going to customize the majority of our,Carousel ad so the First Alert you can,see is that we need to add at least two,cards to a carousel if you only have one,card that's just a single image ad so,let's start by adding our first card,just come over here click the drop down,and you can see there are a handful of,options available for creating,individual cards within a carousel you,can create image cards video cards you,can create a video or you can add cards,from previous ads I'll go through each,of these just so you can see what each,of the setups look like let's start off,by adding an image card now because Joe,and I don't actually run any Facebook,ads our account got disabled so I've,already filtered all the images here for,the Instagram account that way we don't,have to blur any client images but you,can see up here in this top navigation,right next to my arrow that you can find,images from all sources that you've,uploaded to the account images that are,recommended from the business itself,from the Instagram account or from the,Facebook page each of these sources is,going to be just fine they're going to,let you utilize any image available so,for right now I'm just going to click,any of these images to get something in,the mix once I clicked an image now you,can see I still have up to 10 available,that I could add so I'm going to go,ahead and add one more now we'll just,click continue now I have two cards out,of ten which you can see up here in the,total count and I need to review the,errors in cards one and two because,there's no other information other than,the image itself so to adjust a card we,need to come over here to the pencil I'm,going to scroll down just a little bit,and now you can see that we have a,headline a description and website URL,available one of the key benefits of,Carousel ads is that you can actually,have different headlines descriptions,and website URLs for each of the,different cards within a carousel ad,more often than not I see advertisers,utilize the exact same headline and at,least website URL for each of these,cards but that's leaving a lot on the,table there's a lot of customization,that you could put in here to make sure,that you're being compelling with each,of your cards and trying to make the,message Diversified so that if one,message doesn't resonate well maybe one,of the other ones will I'm just going to,add in some sample information here my,headline now highlights that this is Joe,from Paid media pros and the website URL,is for Joe's videos don't go to that URL,that's not how we have our videos named,on the channel but you can at least see,that there is a specific URL for that if,I wanted to I could click apply to all,cards but again that leaves a lot of,customization on the table you'll notice,I didn't put in a description just yet,because I

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How To Use A Photo Carousel On TikTok (New Feature!)

How To Use A Photo Carousel On TikTok (New Feature!)

Tick Tock is a brand new feature that,now allows us to use a photo carousel on,the platform let's take a look at how to,do this button for button but keep in,mind not everyone has access to this,just yet if you do not have access to,this it is okay it is slow to roll out,it could take days weeks months or,sometimes longer for everyone to get,access to this so let's take a look at,how we can be doing this once you are,inside of your Tick Tock and you have,pulled up the tab to create your video,or create your post you are then just,going to go to upload content so you're,going to use that little square and go,up to the content and then you're going,to click over from all to videos to,photos once you are in photos you have,the ability to start tapping on the,photos that you want to share so let me,go ahead and just add in a few of these,so that we can show you what's going on,with this you can pick a very high,number if you want but we suggest you,keep it to under 10. I have tried to go,higher than that and it does allow you,to do that it will automatically set,this to music and then you can adjust,from there so I've just picked six of,them here I'm going to go ahead and,click that next button when I click the,next button it takes me over to a,slideshow and there's two different,modes to do this so you can see up at,the top it automatically selected a song,I have the ability to go in tap on the,song change the song change where the,song starts change the volume you know,the drill now with this setting we're in,video mode in video mode this acts as,one video that it just Scrolls through,you can then tap on your text and we can,type test one here this will then stay,on your screen throughout the duration,of this video so that you can keep it,there and people can just kind of watch,through it now if that's not what you,want to do let's go ahead and move that,to delete I'm going to look at the,bottom of the screen see how it says,switch to photo mode we're going to,click on switch to photo mode,and when it switches to photo mode now,it's more of a swipey type thing again,it's set it to music you can adjust it,up there but when you type on text it is,going to pull up test one and this test,one is just going to stay with that,particular slide now I can say test two,so if you are doing some form of,educational content or step content you,can actually show people what it is and,those are attached to those specific,images that you have now put up so this,is a very easy process for you to create,a carousel on your Tick Tock and at the,bottom you have the ability to put it on,your photo or put it on your stories or,put it on your main feed as well,depending on if you are in photos or,depending on if you are in that video,mode if you have questions on how to do,this go ahead and let me know down below,and I'll be bringing you more updates on,this once we learn more details about,these features and how it works so if,there are any updates I will be letting,you know down in the comments below so,check their first for any updates on,this feature make sure you hit that,subscribe notification Bell because,every single single day we're dropping,content to help you level up on Tick,Tock Instagram YouTube live streaming,and with the tools and resources you,need to save time creating your social,media content so you can make more money,online to spend less time doing it so,you get back to running your business,and living your best life we'll see you,for continued updates because Instagram,just dropped a really cool new,monetization update that I'm going to be,reporting on tomorrow for you so we will,see you for tomorrow's

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Best TikTok Ad/Brand Campaigns You Should Know

Best TikTok Ad/Brand Campaigns You Should Know

hey everyone welcome back to filmora mvp,youtube channel today we will introduce,you to top 10 tick tock ads tick tock,brand campaigns examples worth looking,at,then let's get started,netflix wins with user generated content,netflix is the second most followed,brand on tick tock it has a massive pool,of original content such as interviews,with actors humorous skits and video,clips from the latest shows,averagely three posts per day gain over,1 million followers monthly their user,generated content has worked very well,the hashtag what's your power ar branded,effect got used by over 112 000 people,it is likely the most significant amount,of ugc for any brand on tick tock so far,elf cosmetics sets trends with tick tock,live,cosmetic brand elf is a front runner in,the best beauty brands on successful,tick tock campaign examples it is one of,the first beauty brands to market,through tiktok the beauty brand recently,created an nft collection that promotes,cryptocurrency and the group launched,its twitch channel,amazon track sales through tick tock,ambassadors,amazon is the third most hashtag,challenge brand on tick tock they,recognize influencers potential which is,why they partnered with over 40 micro,and mega influencers in a single amazon,fashion campaign as one of the best,tiktok campaign ideas to carry their,hashtag pajamajam challenge to the next,level,gymshark sets the bar for fitness on,tiktok as an early adopter,the brand posts high quality videos,consistently and has a good,understanding of its audience's desire,it shares workout videos motivational,content and a solid mix of memes which,have helped them earn over 3.3 million,fans on tick tock,marc jacobs perfects tick-tock duets,marc jacobs mastered the art of,tick-tock duets and tick-tock brand,campaigns and propelled it to be one of,the most followed brands on tick-tock,the company launched branded hashtag,challenges in the form of tick-tock,adverts and each time the tock duet,feature is utilized their hashtag,perfect as i am campaign which,constituted duets with ricky thompson,and other three influencers in summer,2020 end it with 10.4 billion views the,challenge aimed at encouraging self-love,celebrating pride and individuality,three massive tick-tock influencers jojo,siwa bretman rock and ricky thompson,were featured,over 13.7 billion views and more than 2,000 ugc accumulated from their campaigns,duncan warms up to gen z with charlie,dimigio,duncan is undoubtedly one of the best,food brands on tiktok it has more than,21 million likes and over 3 million,followers its popularity with gen z on,tick tock comes from their endorsement,with tick tock star charlie demilio in a,smart move a long-term sponsorship with,charlie solidified their influence since,she was already a proud duncan patron,duncan beverages appeared in over 120 of,her tick tocks mostly unsponsored,products,flighthouse is a content powerhouse,the most followed brand account on tick,tock is flighthouse running one of the,successful tick tock campaigns it has,over 30 million followers and it,specializes in producing viral social,media content especially on tick tock,videos from this brand have more likes,than any other branded account ranking,it fourth amongst the most linked,accounts on tick tock for comparison,flighthouse has over 1 billion more,likes than michael lee a tick tock star,with 50 million followers so far,flighthouse has produced 4 300 tick,tocks a greater content volume than any,other brand on the app,readable bolsters brand awareness with,suspenseful footage,red bull is one of the largest branded,content producers with over 2,60 videos which is much higher than,charlie dimiglio and addison ray its,consistent unique and humorous content,helped the brand receive around 1.2,million likes on tick tock every month,they share a hilarious flop for every,terrifying trick,the trick has far been effective at,ensuring their audiences still has,attention for them,blue diamond almonds shows brand it's,not too late to try tiktok blue diamond,almonds brand hasn't been presented on,tiktok till june 2021 this time they,launched an enticing food challenge that,highlighted their new line of spicy,almonds after partnering with three food,influencers the hashtag 28 extremes,challenge got promoted the sponsored,video with food creator at colin creates,received 322 likes and over 10.1 million,views thus becoming his most viewed,video ever so far it has received over,11.6 billion views,dick's sporting goods makes a game time,decision with tick-tock ad features,dick's sporting goods does not have the,most considerable tick-tock presence as,it only has around 42 100 followers,until they launched their first branded,hashtag challenge hashtag new fit felin,involved six influencers and inspired,1136 pieces of ugc it came to pass,without using any branded effects they,utilized tic tock's branded effect,option during their second campaign,welcome back the campaign had,accumulated 7020 ugc despite being

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Facebook Carousel Ads vs Video Ads (Facebook Ads Testing Strategy)

Facebook Carousel Ads vs Video Ads (Facebook Ads Testing Strategy)

hey what's up guys ali here from,mysocialyou.com and welcome back to my,channel in this video today,we're going to talk about the importance,of testing when it comes to facebook ads,for your,business before we jump into it you know,what to do subscribe hit the bell icon,and also,like this video all right now let's jump,right into this i'm logged into one of,the,ad accounts that i manage and i always,talk about,hashtag abt always be testing and you'll,see why,i'm going to show you behind the scene,the data and this is why you should,always be testing your facebook ad,campaigns now,look at this so we have two different,campaigns and basically we're promoting,the same thing it's black friday coming,up,so we're promoting black friday it's a,black friday campaign for one of our,clients,and we have two different campaigns,running video campaign,and then the carousels carousels are,different images,collection of images that you use but,look at this right here i want to point,this out,so first of all and we'll go right,inside these campaigns and,show you uh everything but the main,thing i want to point out,is let's see if i can make it bigger,looks like i cannot but,right here so with the video campaign so,we launched the video campaign first,let's see the launch date it was,launched on november 2nd so just,for like a week ago look at how much,we're paying for the landing page view,62 cents per landing page,view and this is not per click this is,per landing page view so someone who,clicks and then goes to the landing page,and actually that,lets that let it load um,now then we launched carousel ads just a,couple of days ago and look at this so,30 cents per landing page view so if we,had not tested between videos and,carousels guess what we would not have,found,out that we're actually paying twice as,much actually more than double with the,video ad,how crazy is that so and actually this,doesn't happen with every single,campaign so in some campaigns and for,some,ad accounts i do see video outperforming,ads,and also carousels but in some cases,like this one,we're seeing carousels outperforming the,video ad but we would not have,known this had we not tested it so let's,actually go inside this campaign i want,to show you,what this looks like and how it's,everything else is same,similar and obviously we're going to,either we'll either,pause the video campaign or we'll take,the budget from video campaign and move,the budget to,what's working that's that's always what,i preach and teach people,that you test in the beginning of your,campaign maybe spend 10,or 20 of your budget on the testing and,once you know,based on the data what's working you can,double down on what's working,and pause what's not or reduce your,budget,so here's the video campaign right here,and let me see if i can expand this so,you can see,yep so here you go this is what the,video campaign looks like on the mobile,and on the desktop,there you go so when people click on,let's see if i'm able to click,on not right now so this is the landing,page,the black november's deal right here,we're using the same,landing page on the carousel ads when,people click on this,they go to that page and it has all the,appliances and electronics,uh that we have on sale for black number,so,that's the video ad now let's go back i,want to go back,to my carousel ad so,inside there let's go inside carousel,and we're testing two different carousel,but it's very similar between those two,that's another thing we want to test two,different types of carousel ads but it's,very similar 28 cents for landing page,and then 33 cents so,between curacao it's very similar but,when it when we compare it with video ad,it's half the price so let's go inside,one of these i want to show you what,this looks like,i'm going to click on edit,and then let this thing load and here,you go,let's do let's see if i can expand this,or we can just open,view on desktop news feed because i want,to show you what this ad looks like and,it's how it's exactly,almost same actually we're using the,same text too so the only difference is,use a video versus,all right let's scroll down here is the,app right here this is the carousel ad,and it's the same black remember same,url when people click on this,they go to the exact same place as the,video ad,right here so what we wanted to test was,just the video,versus the results and look at this so,here are different images of,products that we're using,right here how cool is that so,let's go back,so this is why and obviously like like i,said,we launched a video about a week ago and,we launched the carousel let me show you,i think just a couple of days ago so two,three days ago right here just very very,new but still that's enough data for us,to,uh make our decision so this is why it's,super important to test your facebook ad,campaigns,uh before you double down before you,spend a lot of money obviously in our,case,we're gonna reduce the budget off video,ad and then put more budg

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Creative Tools: TikTok Instant Page

Creative Tools: TikTok Instant Page

hello everyone today we will be talking,about the custom instant page also known,as tiktok's native fast loading landing,page instant page provides users with a,very immersive experience when browsing,ads from creative video to site we,segmented instant page and added a,creation tool to the platform to enable,advertisers building an instant page,from zero to one on tick tock ads,manager to get better delivery results,want to know how to use it,alright let me show you step by step,to start using an instant page let's,first select conversions under,conversion this would allow the auction,advertisers to optimize the on-site,button click event go to the promotion,type section in ad group level ticktock,instant page is a pixel that the ads,platform produces for the customer in,this way you will deliver an instant,page and optimize the on-site conversion,events on it at the ad level you can,click on the create tab to decide what,elements you wish to include for your,instant page so a custom instant page is,chosen at the ad group level it will be,with a silently generated pixel for,tracking data as well as optimizing the,delivery effect,a custom instant page provides flexible,components for landing pages advertisers,can customize the instant pages as they,want you can use templates if you want,to create the page immediately we have a,number of presets for different,advertising scenarios if you choose to,use a customized template you may add,more components for your instant page,you can adjust the main color theme of,your page,choose light or dark color background,depending on which works better for your,brand color,for the header section write your brand,name or upload your business logo next,upload one picture that represents your,product or detailed brand information,you can also link the picture to some,urls which you can choose for either,view website or install app purposes for,the text section you can write some,introductory text or brand message that,you wish to share with the viewers,instant page also supports carousel ads,you can select up to 10 images here we,recommend using square pictures so it,fits better visually one of the best,parts of using instant page is that you,can upload videos as well,whether it's a product or service,introduction video a walkthrough or,customer testimonials it's totally up to,you we would recommend you to post a,video that's under two minutes with,captions so viewers can engage even,without audio for the button section,that's where you add actions for your,viewers the text here are totally,customizable but you must link the,button to certain urls for either view,website or install app purposes you can,also fix the button at the bottom of the,page to make it more visible the clicks,of the button can be optimized as the,conversion target for a better delivery,effect and it's a must have in general,you can freely order the components in,any positions but the header must be,fixed on top that's everything you need,to know for creating your own instant,page give it a try today and we hope,this will help you better understand the,platform and make your campaigns more,successful happy tick-tocking see you,next time

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