tiktok in feed ads specs

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What Are TIKTOK SPARK Ads? And How To Set Them Up!

how's it going everybody today in this,video we're going to be talking about,everything tick tock spark ads,now this is a new format that tick tock,just announced as you see july 20th 2021,um and in this video we're going to be,talking about what spark ads are how to,set them up because i know there's a lot,of confusion when they first came out on,how to set these up,and then also i'm going to talk about,why i think everybody should be using,this ad format,right now in your digital marketing,campaigns so let's jump right in into,what exactly a tick tock spark add is,so tick tock defines a spark ad as a,spark ad enables brands to amplify,existing organic videos,that fit into their campaign objectives,okay that's great but what does that,mean,essentially it's taking an organic post,and kind of promoting it in a way that,makes it look even more organic,and not like an ad and here's an example,of what that looks like so i created,this on this demo account on the back,end,i basically took one of my tick tocks,and i made it into a tick tock,spark ad now what makes this different,from a normal tick tock ad,is you'll notice here in this right hand,column that it still is showing,organically from my profile it looks,like it comes from there it's not,showing the logo of the advertiser it's,showing my profile inside of there so,zoco marketing and there's still a,little plus follow button,so if somebody sees this ad they can,still follow me as an influencer even if,another brand is promoting the video,also another benefit is it just looks,completely organic right,um there's a small little ad logo right,here and then a learn more button,where the advertiser can kind of control,where they send the traffic to,but besides that this is a very native,experience and goes right in with the,saying of tick tock's kind of business,model of,don't create ads create tick tocks so,this is the this this is a huge benefit,for any advertiser and,influencer out there because it's a it's,a win-win situation right you can run an,ad that also gets the the influencer,more follows and comes from their,profile but at the same time is,promoting the advertiser's product,so now that we kind of have a lay of the,land of what a tick tock spark ad is,i want to go through how to set that up,now there's two type there's two steps,to setting up a tick tock spark ad,the first one is on the creator's end,they have to go through and authorize,the video,and then give the code over to the,advertiser and then on the advertiser's,end they need to go into the tick tock,business manager and apply that code so,i'm going to show you both those steps,right now here are the steps you take to,create that authorization code if you're,the influencer click the top,right there then you're going to go to,privacy you need to make sure that ad,authorization is turned on after that's,turned on you're going to head back,over to your actual videos select the,video that you want to give,ad authorization to and then you're,going to select the click the three,little dots,and you're going to scroll over till you,see the add settings button,once inside the add settings button,agree to the terms and then turn on add,authorization,this is going to tell you that you can't,delete the video after you've authorized,it as an ad hit ok,and then you want to generate your code,and you can give it a certain,authorization period,and then the last thing is to copy that,code and send it over to whatever,advertiser might be running the app,so now once you have that code whether,it's sent over to email or however you,get it from the influencer now it's the,job of the advertiser to take that code,go into tick tock business manager and,actually set up the ad and here's how,you go about doing that so the first,step is you are going to need a tick,tock business manager account,if you need to just google tick tock,business manager and create that account,there,and then from there you're going to,notice you're going to come to a,dashboard that looks something like,this what we're seeing right now as this,loads over just give me a second here,and inside of this dashboard you're,going to see this assets,tab you're going to come over there and,you're going to go to creative you're,going to assets and then creative,and then once you land on this tab right,here you're going to notice there's a,few different tabs up here and one with,this new little feature for tick tock,spark ads so we're going to click on,spark ads here,and then you'll notice this will show,you all of the authorization codes that,you currently have for your account so,say you're working with 10 different,influencers,and they all sent you over,authorizations code this is where you,would plug all those in,and you could run you could run tests,against which influencer is giving you,the more,most return on ads pen so from here,we're then going to click for you it,might look a little bit different if,it's your first time applying a code but,you

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok in feed ads specs

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Creative Tools: TikTok Instant Page

Creative Tools: TikTok Instant Page

hello everyone today we will be talking,about the custom instant page also known,as tiktok's native fast loading landing,page instant page provides users with a,very immersive experience when browsing,ads from creative video to site we,segmented instant page and added a,creation tool to the platform to enable,advertisers building an instant page,from zero to one on tick tock ads,manager to get better delivery results,want to know how to use it,alright let me show you step by step,to start using an instant page let's,first select conversions under,conversion this would allow the auction,advertisers to optimize the on-site,button click event go to the promotion,type section in ad group level ticktock,instant page is a pixel that the ads,platform produces for the customer in,this way you will deliver an instant,page and optimize the on-site conversion,events on it at the ad level you can,click on the create tab to decide what,elements you wish to include for your,instant page so a custom instant page is,chosen at the ad group level it will be,with a silently generated pixel for,tracking data as well as optimizing the,delivery effect,a custom instant page provides flexible,components for landing pages advertisers,can customize the instant pages as they,want you can use templates if you want,to create the page immediately we have a,number of presets for different,advertising scenarios if you choose to,use a customized template you may add,more components for your instant page,you can adjust the main color theme of,your page,choose light or dark color background,depending on which works better for your,brand color,for the header section write your brand,name or upload your business logo next,upload one picture that represents your,product or detailed brand information,you can also link the picture to some,urls which you can choose for either,view website or install app purposes for,the text section you can write some,introductory text or brand message that,you wish to share with the viewers,instant page also supports carousel ads,you can select up to 10 images here we,recommend using square pictures so it,fits better visually one of the best,parts of using instant page is that you,can upload videos as well,whether it's a product or service,introduction video a walkthrough or,customer testimonials it's totally up to,you we would recommend you to post a,video that's under two minutes with,captions so viewers can engage even,without audio for the button section,that's where you add actions for your,viewers the text here are totally,customizable but you must link the,button to certain urls for either view,website or install app purposes you can,also fix the button at the bottom of the,page to make it more visible the clicks,of the button can be optimized as the,conversion target for a better delivery,effect and it's a must have in general,you can freely order the components in,any positions but the header must be,fixed on top that's everything you need,to know for creating your own instant,page give it a try today and we hope,this will help you better understand the,platform and make your campaigns more,successful happy tick-tocking see you,next time

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TikTok Campaign Objectives

TikTok Campaign Objectives

unless this is your first digital,advertising campaign you're probably,familiar with campaign objectives,because most of the platforms have them,basically when you create a new campaign,you opt into a campaign objective that,tries to tell the platform what you're,trying to achieve with that campaign,some of them could be around brand,awareness they could be around traffic,to your website or conversions there's a,lot of different ones to choose from and,tick tock is no different so with this,video i want to walk through the handful,of campaign objectives available on the,tick tock ads platform as of january,2022.,in the tick tock ads manager when you go,to create a new campaign the first thing,you're going to do is choose your,advertising objective and here at the,top we can see the different categories,of objectives that we'll end up going,through today we're going to go in order,from left to right so we're going to,start with the awareness campaign,objective which is reach and then there,are five different campaign objectives,for the consideration stage and then,there's one for conversion so let's go,ahead and start off with the reach,campaign objective,effectively what we're trying to do with,this campaign objective is to show your,ad to the maximum number of people that,we can on the tick tock ads platform,once we've selected that campaign,objective we can scroll down and adjust,any of the campaign settings down below,here we can adjust our campaign name,you'll see that it defaulted to reach,and then a bunch of numbers you can,create a split test with this campaign,and you can also set up a budget limit,or no limit if you would like to do that,overall the campaign settings are pretty,limited for a reach campaign as we go,through future campaign objectives,you'll notice there's the option for,campaign budget optimization where you,provide a campaign level budget and tick,tock will determine which ad group gets,the budget based on performance on any,given day trying to maximize the,objective that you're reaching for reach,campaigns are one of two campaign,objectives that do not have campaign,budget optimization available the other,is going to be video views as we go,through the other objectives i'll talk,about this a little bit but i did want,to give a heads up that reach does not,have the ability for campaign budget,optimization let's go ahead and click,continue and get to the ad group,settings the first option we have is to,choose the placement that we want our,ads to show up on tiktok has a number of,different placements available but reach,campaigns are only eligible for,tick-tock on the main app in a later,campaign objective that has the full,rundown of all of the placements i will,give more insight on placement targeting,and refer you to another video where we,give even more detail on how to choose,those but for now just know that reach,campaigns can only be shown on tick tock,which likely is what your goal was,anyway so as we scroll down now we can,start to get into the creative type,which we have the option to have,automated creative optimization this is,going to be a setting that is across all,of the different campaign objectives so,i'm not going to go into that similarly,i'm not going to talk about all the,targeting available for each of these,different campaign objectives they are,all the same you can add in your,audiences based on the lists that you've,created you can adjust the demographics,based on country gender age languages,and then you can layer in any interests,and behaviors to your heart's content,based on how they interact with certain,videos creators all that good stuff as,well as different devices what i'm going,to focus on for this video instead is,going to be the specific differences,between the campaign objectives i've,stopped on budget and schedule but,mostly that was just to catch my breath,because all of this is going to be the,same for all the different campaign,objectives as well you'll be able to,choose your budget schedule and any sort,of day parting for all of the different,campaign objectives that we have,available the section that i do want to,discuss is this bidding and optimization,portion because this will be different,based on the different campaign types,that you use on a reach campaign the,optimization goal is you guessed it,reach which again is trying to show your,ad to the maximum number of people and,the next setting we have available is to,try and curb any of the worries that,people have about trying to serve your,ad to the maximum number of people,that's a frequency cap reach campaigns,are the only campaign objective on tick,tock with a frequency cap and we have,three different options you can show ads,no more than three times every seven,days effectively three times a week or,if you're going to look at a frequency,number on facebook let's say that number,would be no more than three anytime you,look at the last seven days worth of,data you can also choose to s

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$0-140k Without Posting On Your TikTok Feed

$0-140k Without Posting On Your TikTok Feed

how do you go zero to a hundred thousand,dollars in sales without posting a,single thing on your tick tock feed i'm,gonna tell you guys right now,what's going on guys welcome back to,ecom street the best channel for,ecommerce content,here with your boy anthony paler here,giving you some value straight from the,mind from the knowledge,little noggin here okay this is some,awesome value that you guys are gonna,get and,very very simple i'm gonna make this,video really short because i rather just,tell you straight to the point than,giving you a whole backstory about how,things are done and just getting you,straight to what you need to do to,actually go from zero to a hundred,thousand,on tick tock recently we've been,experiencing high order volumes just,from tick tock influencers,and i know what you're thinking,influencer marketing does that still,work do people actually do that,yes it's probably better than anything,else that you've ever,ran in your life tick tock influencers,is huge,and i'm not talking huge huge i'm,talking ginormous,it's ginette it's it's i don't have a,word for it to describe how powerful it,is we've been implementing tick-tock,influences for our brand and we've,literally skyrocketed,and i'm going to tell you exactly in the,easiest way that you guys can do that,without you even having to post a single,thing corey and i reached out to an,agency and,there was a person that we hopped on,zoom with and they basically said that,they're going to close and reach out to,as many influencers as they can for us,and they set a specific limit of what,they're going to close and what exactly,they're going to do they're going to,close 18 to 20 influencers a month for,us by reaching out to them via email,grabbing their emails,and sending them a long message detailed,about what the program's about how they,can make money,posting videos for us and now when we,have these 18 to 20 influencers we're,going to schedule them out literally,every week so if there's 20,influencers that we're going to be,dealing with we're going to be posting 5,a week because five times four is twenty,everyone,quick maths right so we'd be posting,about five months in influencer posts a,week and keep in mind that,each influencer that we're looking at is,generally a thousand to two thousand,dollars so that means that our budget is,anywhere between twenty thousand to,forty thousand,just strictly on influencers but let me,tell you why it's so much,and the reason being is because the,reach and the powerful,views and likes and just traction that,you can gain from from tick tock is,incredible,the actual value is worth more in a,tick-tock video than it is on instagram,because of all the traction that you can,really get so we've actually worked with,a couple influencers that we've paid 500,dollars for a post,and it will get like 200 or 300 000,views just for 500,500 and it will generate like 10 to 20,000,in sales in just one day it's ridiculous,it's it's crazy now keep in mind that,you got to find the right influencer you,can't just post on a random person's,page and expect it to work,that's why we're hiring someone to do,the work for us because we've already,done this all of our our lives with this,brand like we've reached out to multiple,influencers ourselves and done the dirty,work,now we're able to afford someone to do,it for us and they're already trained,they already have all the knowledge to,do so and now,they can just do it themselves without,telling telling them we have a pretty,high budget and you don't have to have a,high budget like you can find,influencers that are very small they get,10 000 to 20 000 views,they won't cost that much they'll be,anywhere from maybe like 50 to 200,a post which is very reasonable because,your roi is going to be much greater,than what you paid for the post okay,and i'm not kidding like if you try it,you will not regret it i promise you,tick tock is the new wave for influencer,marketing and i generally believe,that it's not going to be like this for,a long time i do,think that eventually things are just,gonna shut down just like instagram and,facebook where,the algorithm isn't as boosted and it's,not as engaging as,you know but it's what it is right now,and it's just gonna be like crap like,instagram and facebook where they don't,show anyone's posts and,no one gets likes on their posts so,that's why we're going to reach out to,the top-notch,influencers that have millions of,followers they're going to get millions,of views on their videos,and again guys think about it this way,you spend a thousand dollars on facebook,ads let's just say in a week's time or,even a day's time,let's just say for example a thousand,dollars will get you maybe maybe like,fifty thousand like,not even like thirty thousand views to,like good quality countries and we're,talking like usa,like canada like the t4 countries if you,post,get someone to post a tick tock a,thousand dollar tick tock but they're,gonna they're guaranteed at least

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YouTube In-Feed Video Ads Tutorial 2022

YouTube In-Feed Video Ads Tutorial 2022

what's up everyone welcome to the,Surfside PPC YouTube channel today I'm,going to be going over YouTube in feed,video ads so this is one of the most,popular video ad formats and one of the,good things about this format is people,actually have to click on your video,thumbnail before they watch it so it's,not going to be shown to people as,they're watching videos it's something,that people have to interact with before,they ever even watch your video so if,you're not familiar with these they can,run in three different places one is on,the YouTube home page so if you go to,the YouTube homepage sometimes you'll,see an advertisement right here this,isn't actually not an example of it this,is just a standard search ad with an,image extension so all three of my,examples they just came up with search,ads but sometimes you'll see videos here,and these would be considered in-feed,video ads so the other one is let's just,say I go to YouTube I search how to make,pancakes so you might see one up top,here an advertisement these again are,both just search ads with this one is,with sitelink extensions and this one,has an image extension and these both,bring you to the website rather than,directly to a YouTube video last but not,least let's say I do click on one of the,videos for how to make easy pancakes,over here on the right hand side what,you're going to see is a smile direct,Club advertisement so these are not,actually examples of in-feed video ads,but these are where these advertisements,would show up and I'm going to show you,an example of what they look like as we,create a campaign,so let's come back to our Google ads,account and let's show you how to create,campaigns within feed video ads so when,you click on the plus sign to create a,new campaign in your Google ads account,what you want to do is come down and,click on the product and brand,consideration objective,the next is going to be to select our,campaign type the only option here is,video and then for campaign subtype you,want to click influence consideration,and you're going to see influence,consideration with skippable entry ads,or in-feed video ads so that's what,we're going to do here is influence,consideration click on continue,so we have our video campaign we can,name our video campaign so let's just,say I want to advertise for example I'm,not in my Surfside PPC Google ads,account I'm in my beachfront Decor,Google ads account but let's say I want,to promote my new YouTube ads tutorial,so I want when people are searching for,how to how to create YouTube ads or,trying to reach people who might have an,interest in YouTube advertising let's,say I want to reach them across YouTube,with my YouTube ads tutorial so let's,say I want to run this campaign let's,say we'll start at September 16th and,we'll run it for two weeks so we'll do a,campaign total budget and let's just say,we want to run it 500 over the course of,two weeks so that's about a 33 daily,budget,so let's say YouTube ads tutorial,in feed video ad campaign,okay so for our bid strategy the only,option we can choose is maximum cost per,view so we're willing we're going to set,how much we're willing to pay each time,our ad is viewed so when someone clicks,on our advertisement that's going to,count as a cost per view so anytime,someone clicks on your infeed video ad,so we're going to keep scrolling down,Networks you're going to see YouTube,search results YouTube videos so one,thing you're going to see down here is,video Partners on the Display Network,campaigns that are eligible for in-feed,video ads now run on both YouTube,networks to expand where you can reach,potential customers so if we come down,here and we enter our video so our,YouTube video down at the bottom we'll,come up and do some targeting as well so,we're going to copy our URL and we're,going to come over here and we're going,to paste our URL right here okay now,what you're going to see right here is,to select a video ad format this will be,used for the rest of the ads in our ad,group so we choose in feed video ad now,this is an example of what they look,like when they show it here so they have,mobile and desktop it looks exactly the,same basically for all three of these,you're going to see YouTube search so it,might show at the very top after,somebody makes a search in YouTube,YouTube home looks exactly the same it's,it's just going to be one of the videos,as people are scrolling through videos,on their YouTube home screen with a,mobile device and then YouTube watch,next so these actually appear on the,right hand side the YouTube watch next,now it's much easier to see if we do a,desktop so for YouTube watch next you'll,see it over here on the right hand side,headline Surfside PPC and then our,thumbnail so if we also do YouTube home,you're going to see here the infeed,video ad format will only appear in the,YouTube mobile home page so we could,also do is YouTube search and you'll see,if someone makes a search it's going to,show right here f

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Which TikTok advertising format for your business

Which TikTok advertising format for your business

hi everyone i hope you are holding well,this is alex from shopify tips and help,channel,today we are going to talk about the,different tick tock,advertising format,first a little reminder of what tic tac,is,tiktok is one of the most popular apps,of recent years,the app was founded in 2018 and,it already counts nearly 150 million,daily active users but how,it is so popular tiktok allows users,users to view music videos but,also to film edit and share their own,clips,in less than two clicks editing,short videos with this app has become,super easy and fun,which appeals to many people a real,phenomenon,as the application is continuously,gaining,marketplaces it really shook up,the marketing world with its end,precedent virality,which is why this application should not,be,overlooked as a potential advertising,network by immersions,you are probably already aware of the,recently established partnership between,shopify,and tech talk this partnership aims to,help merchants get started,in this new sales channel,yes thanks to this as the connection,between shopify source and,tick tock for business accounts is now,very facilitating,this partnership also automated the,creation of shop videos,to promote products as you can see this,is an opportunity to not to be missed,that's why i made this video,i will now introduce you to the,advertising format offered by t tech,currently techta confirms five different,advertising formats to promote products,a brand or even,to develop its community first,we start with the top view for math top,view is,relatively long video format for tick,tock,up to 60 seconds that is displayed in,full size on the application,what is this format best for this format,is particle,particularly adapted to the presentation,of,brand it notably allows,well worked out storytelling or to,present a product,in detail this format helps it to,capture,the attention of users thanks to,automatic playback,and sound moreover the,user can only skip the ads after about,five seconds,if you want to get started in this,format the first few seconds of your,video is therefore crucial,and must be visually but also musically,attractive,in order to retain the user,now for the hashtag challenge tiktoric,users are very active and they love,trying,all kinds of challenges thus the idea,here is to,offer them a new creative challenge,related to your brand,by sponsoring the hashtag related the,advertiser increased the,visibility of the challenge and,centralized,all the con the content generated by the,users,the sponsorship of a hashtag is,possible for a period ranging from three,to six days the hashtag challenge format,is mainly made for brands that want to,quickly gain notoriety and engage their,community,the third one is the infield ads format,in-field advertising is the most popular,ads on the platform,shopify merchants can install the tic,tac apps,on your store to create infinite apps,directly from your admin interface,this adds formatted sponsored cost and,that is in the middle of users,for user like for the top used format,the advertiser has up to 60 seconds to,express,himself on camera and presents his brand,or,his products the difference in this,format,is at the advantage of not being too,intrusive for users,as the app is integrated from,into the stream of other publication,once again it requires being very well,through,in order to capture the attention of,your zips,with this format user can also like,comment share,or reuse the music just like a,traditional publication the difference,with a,normal publication is the possibility to,add a link to a webpage,now let's discover the brand takeoffs,format,with this video the goal is to quickly,catch user attention,thanks to an attractive and especially,impactful,visual the advertiser has only a few,seconds,to convince users to click on the app,the advantage of this format is that,it's possible to publish a simple image,in gpg formats are and,you can choose to launch a very short,video,of three or three to five seconds,it is therefore necessary to be,consistent,impacting and creative for sure,and lastly we have the bread effect from,us,in addition to the challenges that,punctuate the life of the community of,tito,users can also vary attached to the,creative tools,and effects available on the platform,with brand effects tic tac allows you to,create,effect related to your brand and to,promote them,this effect can take the form of,stickers,filters or special effects,this type of advertising requires a,good dose of creativity and knowledge of,the target population,and you now know all the advertising,formats of tic tac application,this network is very promising,especially if you're doing,drop shipping so don't hesitate to start,now,to complete this presentation of tik tok,advertising,for math let me tell you that you will,soon be able to discover a video about,launching tiktok at some pace,i hope you enjoyed the video for sure,don't hesitate to like comment,and subscribe if you have any que

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muy buenas bienvenido bienvenida a un,nuevo vídeo a mi canal mi nombre es hugo,lópez y hoy contamos con una lección más,del curso de tip tocas en esta elección,nos vamos a centrar en uno de los,pilares a la hora de tener éxito en,nuestras campañas de publicidad éxito,que es el anuncio vamos a ver todos los,tipos de anuncios que podemos lanzar,dentro de 'tik tok' y además os voy a,dar una serie de consejos para que tu,mismo crees los mejores anuncios hago,mucho hincapié en la parte de los,anuncios porque hacía acabo es el,contacto entre el trabajo que nosotros,hacemos como media bayern creando,nuestras campañas con el potencial,cliente con el usuario nosotros creamos,anuncios para impactar al usuario para,que realicen una determinada acción se,anunció falla todo lo demás como hemos,estructura la campaña la segmentación,como la hemos configurado las audiencias,que hemos utilizado todo no tiene,sentido sin un buen anuncio así que,vamos a ver todos los tipos de anuncios,que hay y te voy a dar consejos muy muy,muy top vamos con ello bueno pues vamos,a ver todos los formatos de anuncios de,los que puedes disponer en tick tock,hasta además al final veremos consejos,para que puedas quedar los mejores,anuncios todos basados en mi experiencia,profesional en primer lugar el primer,formato que tenemos es el brand take,over básicamente es un anuncio en el que,aparece que aparece en la pantalla,completa al abrir la aplicación es decir,tablets la aplicación de tick tock y,automáticamente se te abre el anuncio se,pueden segmentar estos anuncios y se,puede incluir un enlace para dirigir al,usuario a una web a la derecha vamos a,ver una previsualización de cómo,quedaría este tipo de anuncios,veis que ha abierto la aplicación y,automáticamente ya de golpe no te sale,el feed para que pueda seguir yendo por,el contenido puede seguir haciendo,scroll y yendo por el contenido,simplemente ya te aparece de golpe este,tipo de anuncios es tipo anuncios para,que lo sepáis va bajo demanda es decir,te tienes que poner en contacto con tik,tok a través del túa como manager y hay,una tarifa por este tipo de anuncios ya,habéis visto que es un anuncio muy muy,muy intrusivo y que ahora mismo la,verdad es que está destinado únicamente,para grandes marcas pero es importante,que lo conozcas porque oye si en algún,momento estás en una posición para crear,ese tipo de anuncios pues debes conocer,todas las opciones en segundo lugar,tenemos el top view es básicamente este,anuncio es el primer post en el fit del,usuario igual que el anterior formato,que hemos visto se reproduce la pantalla,completa vale es decir te quita todo,absolutamente se reproduce un anuncio en,pantalla completa con auto play es decir,se empieza a reproducir automáticamente,y con sonido además incluyen una llamada,a la acción para pues mandar a una,descarga mandar al usuario a la página,web etcétera etcétera a la derecha vemos,una previsualización,pero veis es un anuncio que,automáticamente se empieza a reproducir,otro tipo anuncio que tenemos es el,brand en efecto básicamente es que aquí,con nosotros como marca podemos crear,pegatinas filtros y efectos especiales,de realidad virtual exactamente en los,filtros que nosotros nos dé la gana a,medida para compartir dicto y que sea a,nivel de anuncios que el usuario pueda,utilizarlo es decir utilizar las,pegatinas utilizar los filtros los,proyectos que a nosotros nos dé la gana,es un formato que realmente también está,pensado para grandes marcas porque el,principal objetivo es que el usuario,utilice pues uno de los elementos,creativos que nosotros hayan que,nosotros hayamos utilizado es decir no,es una es una son campañas más,orientadas a marca ya el propio nombre,del anuncio te lo marca brander,más que al performance no más que la,respuesta directa para que el usuario,por ejemplo de geolit o realice una,compra directa,sí,y,el siguiente formato anuncio es el plan,de hashtag silence que también es un,anuncio un tipo de anuncio que está,destinado también para grandes marcas no,os preocupéis porque luego ahora en nada,vemos los anuncios más para mortales que,los llamo yo además para nuestro día a,día entonces los grande hashtag charles,básicamente es un tipo de campaña en que,la marca presenta los usuarios un reto y,les anima a,intentar cumplirlo vale ya subir el,vídeo a sus redes sociales con un,hashtag determinado aquí ves una,previsualización vale ya tenemos por,ejemplo aquí el hashtag be active y,tenemos un anuncio para que el usuario,para que nosotros le digamos al usuario,incentivamos al usuario a que utilice,suba un vídeo a la red social a tic toc,con ese hashtag para yo que se para,participar en un sorteo para participar,en un concurso para cualquier cosa,básicamente el propio nombre lo indica,brand es un hashtag que suele estar muy,muy muy asociado a una marca a su vez,suele ser una acción potente brand,enough y acabó tampoco es un anuncio,orientado a la respuesta directa a la,conversión de libido a la conversión de,venta directa

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Facebook Ad Video Size (& Best Practice)

Facebook Ad Video Size (& Best Practice)

if you're looking for facebook ad video,size and best practice you've come to,the right place because my name is,sydney and today i'm going to be talking,about facebook ad video size and best,practices,so before we get started if you don't,know who i am i am an agency owner at,vertex marketing agency and we do,facebook ads,and if you haven't subscribed to our,youtube channel you should definitely do,that right now and if you get value from,this video definitely give it a thumbs,up and i really appreciate it alright so,let's talk about facebook ad video sizes,and best practices so if you go over to,facebook.com and look at their guides,section they have all the information,that you need to be able to tell what,you need for your videos but,i have a little bit of a,tip to give you guys,so of course you can use mp4 mov or gif,files gifs are not very good quality so,you can't although you can use them,they're not very good quality now the,recommended ratio for videos on both,facebook and instagram they say here is,a one by one or a four by five for,mobile only because on stories is in,1920 by 10,ratio which is a 16x9,of course here it does say the,resolution should be at least 1080 by,1080 which make it a one by one and for,a four by five i like to put it at 1200,pixels by 1500 pixels,now the way that each of these are gonna,look is going to be a bit different,obviously so a 1080 by a 1080 it's going,to be a square right 10 to 10 and 80 by,1080 now when a square goes into a story,it doesn't take up that much room and,best practice is to be taking up as much,room as possible now this right here,this example is only a still image i,don't want to be too distracting so just,head into the video okay and i'll,actually have a tip,for if you only have images for your,brand for a client's brand what to do,with that and how you can turn it into a,video the problem with making all of,your creatives square is that when you,put it onto a story then it's not going,to be optimized for that position,although it used to be best practice to,just make videos 1080 by 1080 and even,the 60 by 9 which is a little bit even,smaller is what they used to say in the,past was the best size but because of,stories now it's actually completely,different,um now again stories you know is a,really great placement to have you can,see a lot of conversions in this area,because people are so used to that swipe,up feature but what happens is that if,you make a video that is specifically,for stories when you try to put it on,news feed which is actually the best uh,placement to get conversions your video,is either going to be smaller,because it has to cut the corners to the,top and bottom to make a square or,you're gonna have to add some padding to,the outside so that the video fits,which on stories it can look amazing but,i've found that when i'm working with,brands or with businesses that don't,have a huge budget or a huge production,team or time even to make videos,specifically for stories and,specifically for news feed and what i've,found to be the best solution is to make,every,video that you have in a 4x5 ratio which,would be 1200 by 1500 pixels and this,will allow you to have a really great,view while it's in story and also a,really great view while it's in on a,news feed,and both instagram and facebook support,the 4x5 ratio,in,plain images instagram only supports,1080 by 1080 at the moment currently,august,2021,so if you're using just a still image,then you would have to use a one by one,ratio for instagram but if you turn it,into a video if you have a still image,just like this one and you want to turn,it into a video all you need to do is,add animation to that image such as text,you know typing things that come in,maybe the logo appears and then,disappears maybe you have some little um,animation like fireworks coming out if,you can add some sort of animation into,your image then it will turn it into a,video and then on instagram and even,stories it'll take up more room and,it'll have that motion to uh to move it,the reason i recommend another reason,that i recommend the 1200 by 1500 or the,4x5 ratio is because you always want to,be making your content mobile first so,although here says that the 4x5 is only,for mobile first what happens when that,video the 4x5 ratio shows up on a,desktop on facebook is going to add a,little bit of a black space but on each,side of it to make up for that space,mist because unfortunately facebook,doesn't have the power at the moment to,actually just make it the whole screen,like it does on mobile so that's the,only downside and when you do make a,video that is 9x16,it gets even smaller right and although,it does look like something that's taken,on your phone it is mobile first,i just find that if they are on desktop,which people are typically on,desktop on facebook not so much,instagram on facebook and if they see,that,i just i find that a lot of black space,can be distracting and you want to be,taking up as much

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