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My TikTok Interview Experience in Singapore (and why I accepted their offer)

today's video is going to be a little,different,i want to share with you about an,experience i had recently,and i hope that it will be useful to you,a couple of weeks ago i was on linkedin,searching for a new job,and then i came across this role that,was posted by ticktop,talent acquisition specialist,i wasn't too sure if i wanted to join a,china-based company due to several,factors,one,cultural differences as i'm currently,working in a local company,and two,stability of operations as they had just,set up their office in singapore despite,these factors i also knew that i wanted,to,one work in a regional role,two,do tech recruitment,and three to find a job in the internet,industry,so i applied for the job,anyway,besides i found on glassdoor that they,paid pretty good money,about a week later i received a whatsapp,message from their recruitment,coordinator in china she scheduled the,interview with me over whatsapp and i,attended the first round of interview,the interviewer was a talent acquisition,lead based in singapore many of the,questions she asked were situational,testing for my problem solving skills,examples would be,if you had to hire 100 developers in one,year what are some of the metrics you,will use,if at the end of one year you have only,managed to hire 30 of your recruitment,targets what will you do next,what are some sourcing avenues you use,to higher niche positions,how will you roll out a staff referral,program,if your quantity or referral,applications are too high what will you,do to streamline the search to improve,the quality of applications,after the first interview,they contacted me again in about two,days,to arrange a second interview but the,thing is,they wanted to offer me a 12-month,contract role instead if i were to pass,the second interview,usually when companies do this,the likely explanation is that they did,not find my experience good enough for,their permanent recruiter role and they,have some doubts about hiring me for,that position,by offering a contract they can observe,my performance for a year,before converting me to a permanent role,this is a great solution for companies,if they have a candidate they are unsure,of,but they believe have potential to be,groomed,i was quite hesitant to say yes to the,contract role mainly because i didn't,want to leave my comfy government job,for something so unstable,but i actually went ahead with the,second interview in the end as i wanted,to find out more about the potential,renumeration they can offer,the second interview was pretty much the,same as the first and they asked similar,questions,a couple of days later i received,another message from their recruitment,coordinator in china saying they wanted,to offer me i waited two days for them,to get back to me and then to my,nightmare they wanted to arrange me for,a third interview with another one of,their talent acquisition lead they told,me the reason is that they have an,overwhelming number of candidates for,this role and we need one more round of,interview to decide,at the end all three interviews i,attended had lasted around 50 minutes,each,they were really thorough in their,questioning,one week later i received a phone call,from their partner recruitment agency,offering me the role,it was a one-year contract with plans to,convert me full time at the end of it,the salary it was a 20,increment from what i was currently,getting,i quickly jotted down the pros and cons,of taking up the row,the cons,it was a contract rule therefore dropped,instability,the benefits such as annual leave and,medical were way less than what i was,currently getting,i knew that this role would be a lot,harder and more hectic as the company,was expanding really quickly in,singapore,but what eventually led me to accept the,job and leave my permanent position,would be,one my boss said tick-tock she was,patient and kind throughout the process,when i voiced out my concerns regarding,it being a contract role and i'm pretty,confident that i would have a lot to,learn from her,number two it's an amazing opportunity,for me to step into the internet,industry,many of the fan companies i applied to,previously were not open to my,background as i did not have the,experience they wanted,and three of course the high salary,increment,it was a really hard decision for me,but eventually i decided that the pros,did outweigh the cons and i knew that it,was a step closer to achieving my career,goals,changing jobs is never an easy decision,to make,lay down your pros and cons like i did,and focus on your personal goals for,your career as cliche as it sounds ask,yourself where do you see yourself in 5,or 10 years time,overall i had an extremely pleasant,interview experience with tiktok and i,hope that this video will help you to,make your decision if you're currently,in a dilemma about changing jobs,you

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5 TikTok Video Ideas For Your BUSINESS

5 TikTok Video Ideas For Your BUSINESS

Smartphone, $1,500. Laptop, $2,500.,Latest haircut, $300. Being an early adopter on TikTok:,priceless. So,,you want to be one of the first mover and shakers on TikTok,,but you have no idea what videos to actually post,,especially as a business owner so that you actually grow your business. Well,,you're in luck because in today's video I'm sharing with you five TikTok videos,that you can create for your business to actually grow it.,And stay tuned until the end where I'm going to share an embarrassing dance,video of myself.,So the first type of TikTok video you can create for your business is what I,call Yup, Nope. Let me show you an example.,Nope, Yup, Nope, Yup,,Nope, Yup, Nope, Yup.,So the idea here is you go ahead and film yourself doing the yup, nope thing.,And then on screen you pop up text where you're saying yes or no to certain,things about your world.,Now of course you're not going to make it all about business.,Make some of it personal too.,But this video is a great way for people just to get to know you a little bit,more. I've made my very own Yup, Nope video, so check it out.,No, Yup, no, yup, no, yup, no, yup.,The second type of TikTok you can make for your business is what I'm calling the,before and after story. So it's pretty straight forward.,You're just going to film yourself alongside a song that you really like.,And then using the text on screen,,you're going to illustrate what your life was like before your business and what,it's like after. So I found an example, and this is what it looks like.,So the idea with this one is for your followers to get to know you in 15 to 30,seconds, like we're talking really succinct. That's the whole point of TikToks.,So you really need to distill your story down quickly.,So one to two sentences of where you were at before and then the transformation,that you've experienced because of your business, your product, your service,,whatever it is that you're offering. I gave this one a shot.,So here's my example.,The third type of TikTok is called get to know me. However,,this one's a little bit more like answering a common misconception that people,have about you or your business.,So if there's a question you get all the time or there's a common belief that,people have about you that's wrong.,This type of TikTok is perfect for you to set the record straight.,Here is an example of the get to know me TikTok.,And of course I've made my own version of this TikTok.,So go ahead and watch this and get to know me.,The fourth type of TikTok for your business is jumping on what's already,trending. You might not know this,,but there is a discover page on TikTok similar to the explore page on Instagram.,So I recommend pulling up your TikTok,,hitting the discover tab and check out what hashtags are trending.,So right away I see something called maple syrup day could be really relevant,for me as a Canadian.,There's also a hashtag called morph and that's a trending challenge.,So it looks like people are blending their pictures together to show their,transformation. There's another one called holiday covers, never zero.,Not sure what that is, but let's look into any one of them.,Let's check out morph,,and I can see that this hashtag has 42 million views.,So let's check out this Ariana morph and just to get an idea,,So it's pretty straight forward.,There's obviously a feature built into TikTok called morph that allows you to,mesh your photos together. So this may not really be an explicit,,you know, invitation to your business,,but it just might show your evolution as a human.,Maybe you can throw a few business-y pictures in there,,but really the point of this one is just to jump on the trending hashtags so,that maybe your TikTok goes viral. I, of course,,jumped on one of these trending hashtags, and this is the TikTok I made.,The fifth TikTok you can make for your business is just a fun dance video,because let's be honest,,TikTok is heavily about the entertainment and if you're really going to be a,TikTok user, you should be creating TikToks that are just for fun.,They can't all be about business.,So if you're ever looking for dance inspo just head to the home on your TikTok,app and you're going to see so many trending dance videos and hopefully one of,them inspires you.,I've seen so many from a solo dance performance to a partner dance performance.,Some of mine are called ride it and coincidance and I'm going to show you an,example of that one right now.,And of course I can't finish this video about TikTok without creating my own,funny dance video on TikTok. So go ahead and check out my coincidance.,If you liked this video,,go ahead and check out my other TikTok videos here on YouTube.,This one right here is called TikTok for Business,,and this one is How to Make Money on TikTok. And of course, if you're new here,,thanks for joining me on my channel.,Be sure to hit the Subscribe button and the bell so that you don't miss any,future videos just like this one. To ease and re

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Living In A Minivan - With A Full Time Job - #abiyahbina #vanlife

Living In A Minivan - With A Full Time Job - #abiyahbina #vanlife

oh,my God,oh,two three,good morning guys welcome back to my,channel,it's early in the morning it's probably,about 6 30 in the morning I have to be,at work at 10 30 today,and I'm just gonna have some coffee I'm,gonna do some journaling this morning,um today,um,is my first day that I'm going to be on,my own at work,so we'll see,um how today goes I went to the grocery,store last night after work and I bought,an easy simple dinner,um like broccoli and beef and broccoli,stir fry type thing Frozen so,should be an easy simple dinner,shouldn't take long because I'm not sure,what time I'm gonna get off and it looks,like my water is ready,yeah so we're about to pour my coffee,oh that's hot,that is hot,yeah so,today I'm gonna be on my own,doing these deliveries,today,I should be all right,there's my oven mitt I do have one,okay,yeah so I'm just,trying to find a new Rhythm I guess with,Van life and with living in a van with a,job this time,um,yeah it's a different ball game with a,job but it's doable,it's gonna be doable for me I don't have,a choice at this hour,at this point it's going to be doable,you know oh sorry about that,yeah so,just trying to find my new rhythm,you know to this to this journey of mine,with the with the full-time job,um,because where I work at,you know it's an area that I'm,unfamiliar with and,the places that I normally be at in,Missouri is at least 40 minutes from my,job,so to save on gas and all that stuff,it's best to start a new life out here,where,in the area you know in a close,proximity area of where I work at,so,and the great thing is I only work four,days a week,three days off,so,I did map out,I think five areas five places so far,that I can park and rest in the evenings,you know because I'll leave in the,morning Park and rest in the evening go,to work I work a 10 hour shift so that,takes care of 10 hours throughout my day,after work,um depending on what time I get done,um you know head to one of my locations,and I'm in you know,so it's a different ball game,um but it's doable and I just remind,myself this morning I had to do that,girl you're working towards a goal,you're working towards a goal,yes I am working towards a goal so,I'm working with purpose I'm not working,to turn this into a career no no no no,no no,no no no no no no okay working towards a,goal so,uh make some money,save some money,then we'll see what life takes us I do,have goals I do have plans,um for the near future,I'm giving myself six months,hopefully if you know hopefully in six,months I should be able to,I should I hope and pray about it I,should be able to have reached my goal,so it's one thing about this life I'm,you know it doesn't take a lot of money,well you know I'm gonna take that back,it doesn't have to take a lot of money,to afford this lifestyle,the amount of money you spend is going,to be based on you based on,you know how do you camp do you do you,stay up camp do you Boondock do you go,to RV parks do you go to paid,campgrounds or free campgrounds do you,um how often do you travel,um that's going to determine how much,gas you spend how do you eat out a lot,or do you go to the grocery store and,buy your own food and cook your own food,um,you know do you go to,events and things that cost money you,know I know I know for myself like when,I'm boondocking or out in the woods I,spend a lot less money because I'm,parked and I make use of everything I,have versus when I'm in the city I spend,more money than I am when I'm out in the,woods so,it doesn't have to cost a lot of money,in this lifestyle it just mainly all,depends on you,and what you want out of this lifestyle,so this whole journey now,um,with working is to stay safe save,money towards my goal,so,that's the goal I don't want to work,long,yeah but we'll see where the good Lord,takes me,foreign,um it might rain today,I will pack my raincoat,in case I need it,I went and bought me a,a work backpack,and I've already learned that,bring in your own lunch,is ideal for this job bringing you stuff,to eat,so I'm gonna show you guys real quick,what's in my bag,Lysol wipes okay guys,um I cleaned the steering wheel,and all that stuff because I know people,sneeze in their hands and touch the,steering wheels,I have some dry roasted almonds I love,almonds,it's a good source of protein and fat to,keep you going,um,I have some work gloves,okay,because I still kind of want to keep my,hands looking a little feminine,okay,put my calluses and all that,so,this was gifted to me,some work gloves,and they have their own little pouch to,keep them together,what else do I have in here oh my,camping light,definitely how does this work,this is definitely gonna help in the,evenings they gave us another light too,but I don't like it because it's kind of,like you gotta it goes around your neck,or I don't like it this one is out the,way and,you just click it on and there it goes,okay so got that light,and it's been kind of warm,so I haven't but these you know I think,the temperature is su

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The Jeff Gerstmann Show 031: What’s Good, TikTok?

The Jeff Gerstmann Show 031: What’s Good, TikTok?

hey bro,what's going on,the Jeff gerstman show is live,and here we are,it's January,you made it,and uh it's all downhill for me and I,don't know what's going on hey uh hi,we're still in this weird lull where uh,you know people some people probably,went back to work yesterday but,not a lot happening starting to get some,pre-ces,information,around but uh not not really yeah I,don't know we're still in this this kind,of quiet period it's nice uh because you,know I didn't really take a break per se,um because I didn't want to I'm like you,know hey I'm Gonna Keep streaming and,keep doing my thing I I like,doing it uh,but yeah you know yesterday it was,pretty quiet uh you know had a had a,pretty quiet New Year around these parts,um you know the kids go to bed early so,there's no like,yeah I don't know and and and we all,wake up super early so right now,well I've been up since four in the,morning,which is actually not that abnormal for,me these days,um you know sometimes sometimes the boy,goes back to sleep sometimes he doesn't,so sometimes I get a little bit of sleep,after 4am sometimes I don't,um,yeah so the idea of like hey let's stay,up until midnight and and whatever,whatever,I saw the ball drop in New York at nine,o'clock our time and um,and that was enough that was I was good,I was good I stayed up for another hour,to watch it hit midnight in New Orleans,and uh and so on and so forth but um,you know,I found myself going like who it's it's,just literally just another day,this whole new year thing is a scam,but uh yeah I don't know I think a part,of that is you,get to a certain well I think I think it,is the parenting honestly I was gonna,say you get to a certain age but you,know I think it is just yeah these these,kids wake up when they wake up and,they're not gonna be like oh you stayed,up till midnight so you could watch TV,okay we'll sleep in and be good like no,no none of that so,um,crates yeah uh yes they didn't yes this,is this is true,uh Rec roulette says they didn't even,let Anderson Cooper get drunk this year,and I feel like I I witnessed his,protest I don't know if you caught this,I don't know if you were watching I I,don't know if you're watching the CNN's,awesome New Year's coverage,um,but like,so they had Brian Cox the actor of chain,reaction Fame you may know you may know,him from such hit films as what uh chain,reaction and uh Glimmer Man,um I love chain reaction,a fine it is one of my favorite Keanu,Reeves films,and uh you know more relevant than ever,honestly uh we I we love we love Brian,Cox here at the program,um,and so he's there as like they're doing,the count he's like they're maybe not,not long after midnight but he's like,that's their guest so like they got,Brian Cox out there in New York to be,like yeah I'm Brian Cox what the, you want some come at me,um,and uh,and he said like at one point,Brian goes hey uh yeah so,um,you know I told my wife I'd mention it,you know that the the things happening,in Iran are terrible you know and you,know people are being hung and and you,know like a serious moment like hey you,know the world is and it was like oh,yeah man okay cool,but Anderson Cooper,gets this information and instead of,going like yes you're right it is, terrible,well it is absolutely awful what's,happening,he then proceeds to be like and then,when they hang people they do this and,like proceeds to like go into like you,know it's like 1205 he's like hey happy,New Year like and when they hang people,they really they let them they do this,and so they don't die immediately so,it's like a really extra painful type of,hanging there's like what the am I,watching,what the am I watching,it's like and I don't mean to detract,from like yes that's a real issue,obviously that's the real thing that's,happening I'm not like yeah yes,definitely but it was just like such an,insane pivot to be like hey happy New,Year all right listen,I'm Anderson Cooper I know how people,get hung,uh it was it was ,and and so like I watched that and,thought like yeah they should let him,drink that was that was I came away from,it going like yeah they should,absolutely,um they should absolutely let these guys,drink on the air again because that's,wow,um it was really it was it was really,it's some amazing little bit of tape,there,um,and uh yeah so I I don't know you know,the whole the whole new year thing,is uh,I don't know I like it but you know it's,it's it's entered into the pantheon the,same way I used to really like the,Fourth of July and now I'm kind of like,a little soft on it um,it is literally because you know like we,got kids and I don't want fireworks to,wake them up and like it's hard enough,to get them to go to sleep and and you,know and my wife is a very light sleeper,as well and and so,you know now I've come to be like ah, fireworks God damn it,I suppose that's a Penance of sorts for,the number of years uh on those holidays,that I was like let's go it's and,someone says you realize it's 2 30 in,the morn

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the best short books you can read in one day

the best short books you can read in one day

I have gathered you here today to talk,about some books which are small But,Mighty these are some short books that,can help you get back into reading get,out of a reading slump or just help you,get into the routine of reading more,regularly because very important and,professional and serious psychological,research which I have not conducted,basically I just have a theory that if,you read short books you get this like,satisfaction of feeling like you've,completed something and that can really,help you get back into the flow of,reading and so I've drawn up a list of,23 books for 2023 that can prove to you,that it's not size that matters it's,what you do with it these are 23 books,that I read pretty much in one day,because they're so good they're so,addictive they have the perfect pacing,they're wonderful and I wanted to share,them with you guys and I'll also share,the page count so you can get a rough,idea of how long each book is first and,foremost if you're still crying over,call me by your name instead of reaching,for some tissue use reach for this book,instead and just continue to cry cry,more lie with me at just 160 pages long,is a heart-shattering coming-of-age,novel about this beautiful and tender,First Love and it broke me it really did,another book that is incredibly moving,again at 160 pages long is Giovanni's,room both of these books document a lost,love this is all about passion and death,and trying to Grapple with both your,head and your hearts Giovanni's ruined,by James Baldwin is just a masterclass,in writing and right from the first line,it had me it had me gripped so those are,both quite sad queer love stories but if,you want something happy I would,recommend a Heart Stopper this is a,series of graphic novels the first one,is 304 pages long but you absolutely fly,through it you get this great Ensemble,of comfort characters who are at school,and falling in love and you're just,really rooting for them you feel like,you get this new found family it's a,really lovely story and stunningly,Illustrated now on a totally different,note because it's all about range we,have the dangers of smoking in bed at,208 pages long this is a short story,collection of Argentinian horror which,is what the french could call the World,Cup final hey and anyway it's so great I,think that short story collections would,be great to read if you're like someone,who commutes to work because you can,probably read a story each Journey,although I will warn you these are quite,disturbing at times next we have open,water again at 160 Pages apparently,that's like the golden number and this,book is one of the most vulnerable and,lyrical pieces of fiction I've ever,encountered I could not put it down once,I started it's about the early stages of,a relationship just completely,soundtracks with music if you're a music,lover you will adore this and also a,really really gorgeous exploration of,both masculinity and existing within a,black male body next at just 112 pages,long we have assembly this presents a,portrait of a black British woman who is,considering the ways that she has,constructed herself and her life,reflecting all of modern society's,values and yet she still doesn't feel,fully assimilated into that culture it's,about the Assembly of a person but also,a literal assembly where she's talking,to young kids and this causes her to get,really introspective and think about all,of the things that she has done,essentially to like please other people,and she thinks about who she's really,trying to prove that to next we have,recitative which is a short story at,just 45 pages long it's a great,introduction to how wonderful Toni,Morrison was as a writer and there's a,great introduction from zadie Smith and,it's a story about two girls one black,and one white but Toni Morrison never,tells you which is which and it's Genius,Next normal people this is 300 pages,long but for me it's the book that got,me back into reading after I finished my,degree it's about miscommunication and,growing up and University and almost,everyone I know who has read this book,said that they read it all in one,sitting it's about growing up in a small,town and having one person who you were,just like magnetically attracted to,Connell and Marianne are these,intricately crafted characters and the,dynamic of their relationship is so,carefully considered and analyzed and,I love this book and of course once,you've read that book you can also then,watch the series over on BBC iPlayer,where there are loads of great shows,that you can watch and if you're looking,for something even more dramatic allow,me to recommend to you my childhood,favorite show Waterloo Road when I was a,kid I was obsessed with this show we,would all talk about it in the,playground and that Obsession has,continued well into adulthood I'm still,obsessed it's a School drama with,brilliant storylines explores love and,family and friendship and so much more,of this great characters for me it's,such a trip

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Best TikTok Ad/Brand Campaigns You Should Know

Best TikTok Ad/Brand Campaigns You Should Know

hey everyone welcome back to filmora mvp,youtube channel today we will introduce,you to top 10 tick tock ads tick tock,brand campaigns examples worth looking,at,then let's get started,netflix wins with user generated content,netflix is the second most followed,brand on tick tock it has a massive pool,of original content such as interviews,with actors humorous skits and video,clips from the latest shows,averagely three posts per day gain over,1 million followers monthly their user,generated content has worked very well,the hashtag what's your power ar branded,effect got used by over 112 000 people,it is likely the most significant amount,of ugc for any brand on tick tock so far,elf cosmetics sets trends with tick tock,live,cosmetic brand elf is a front runner in,the best beauty brands on successful,tick tock campaign examples it is one of,the first beauty brands to market,through tiktok the beauty brand recently,created an nft collection that promotes,cryptocurrency and the group launched,its twitch channel,amazon track sales through tick tock,ambassadors,amazon is the third most hashtag,challenge brand on tick tock they,recognize influencers potential which is,why they partnered with over 40 micro,and mega influencers in a single amazon,fashion campaign as one of the best,tiktok campaign ideas to carry their,hashtag pajamajam challenge to the next,level,gymshark sets the bar for fitness on,tiktok as an early adopter,the brand posts high quality videos,consistently and has a good,understanding of its audience's desire,it shares workout videos motivational,content and a solid mix of memes which,have helped them earn over 3.3 million,fans on tick tock,marc jacobs perfects tick-tock duets,marc jacobs mastered the art of,tick-tock duets and tick-tock brand,campaigns and propelled it to be one of,the most followed brands on tick-tock,the company launched branded hashtag,challenges in the form of tick-tock,adverts and each time the tock duet,feature is utilized their hashtag,perfect as i am campaign which,constituted duets with ricky thompson,and other three influencers in summer,2020 end it with 10.4 billion views the,challenge aimed at encouraging self-love,celebrating pride and individuality,three massive tick-tock influencers jojo,siwa bretman rock and ricky thompson,were featured,over 13.7 billion views and more than 2,000 ugc accumulated from their campaigns,duncan warms up to gen z with charlie,dimigio,duncan is undoubtedly one of the best,food brands on tiktok it has more than,21 million likes and over 3 million,followers its popularity with gen z on,tick tock comes from their endorsement,with tick tock star charlie demilio in a,smart move a long-term sponsorship with,charlie solidified their influence since,she was already a proud duncan patron,duncan beverages appeared in over 120 of,her tick tocks mostly unsponsored,products,flighthouse is a content powerhouse,the most followed brand account on tick,tock is flighthouse running one of the,successful tick tock campaigns it has,over 30 million followers and it,specializes in producing viral social,media content especially on tick tock,videos from this brand have more likes,than any other branded account ranking,it fourth amongst the most linked,accounts on tick tock for comparison,flighthouse has over 1 billion more,likes than michael lee a tick tock star,with 50 million followers so far,flighthouse has produced 4 300 tick,tocks a greater content volume than any,other brand on the app,readable bolsters brand awareness with,suspenseful footage,red bull is one of the largest branded,content producers with over 2,60 videos which is much higher than,charlie dimiglio and addison ray its,consistent unique and humorous content,helped the brand receive around 1.2,million likes on tick tock every month,they share a hilarious flop for every,terrifying trick,the trick has far been effective at,ensuring their audiences still has,attention for them,blue diamond almonds shows brand it's,not too late to try tiktok blue diamond,almonds brand hasn't been presented on,tiktok till june 2021 this time they,launched an enticing food challenge that,highlighted their new line of spicy,almonds after partnering with three food,influencers the hashtag 28 extremes,challenge got promoted the sponsored,video with food creator at colin creates,received 322 likes and over 10.1 million,views thus becoming his most viewed,video ever so far it has received over,11.6 billion views,dick's sporting goods makes a game time,decision with tick-tock ad features,dick's sporting goods does not have the,most considerable tick-tock presence as,it only has around 42 100 followers,until they launched their first branded,hashtag challenge hashtag new fit felin,involved six influencers and inspired,1136 pieces of ugc it came to pass,without using any branded effects they,utilized tic tock's branded effect,option during their second campaign,welcome back the campaign had,accumulated 7020 ugc despite being

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This 2023 TikTok Ads Strategy Breaks All the Rules - But Works 10x BETTER

This 2023 TikTok Ads Strategy Breaks All the Rules - But Works 10x BETTER

in this video you'll see for yourself,how to get your Tick Tock ad results to,go from this to more like this by,following a simple to execute five part,formula and breaking one common rule,that most gurus out there are spreading,that actually holds most Tick Tock ads,back there's this misconception out,there but it's total garbage this is,Matt Johnston and he knows what works,with Tick Tock ads he's produced and,overseen over 2 000 video ads that have,generated well over 10 billion video,views and millions of dollars in sales,according to Matt and his data he's,cracked The Tick Tock ad code with this,exact strategy and that's not fluff he,literally 10x disc click-through rates,going from one half a percent all the,way up to five percent and an overall,five times return on ad spend as a,direct result of the strategy and in,under 15 minutes you'll have all the,pieces in place to be able to replicate,his results for yourself so Matt why get,in on Tick Tock ads right now why not,stick with Facebook ads or Instagram or,YouTube Facebook ads definitely still,work but they're getting tougher and,they're really expensive the data is,obviously awful because of iOS 14 and,then the aftermath but also people are,just sort of vacating the platform,Google ads have always been expensive,and YouTube ads are getting quite,expensive so it's cheaper and more,effective when you get in on it earlier,right because Tick Tock will eventually,be there as well but that makes this,moment and probably for the next 18,months or so the moment to get there and,it's sort of like a land grab at this,time but it's a profitable landcraft and,because I know some of you are thinking,it no Tick Tock is not just a way to,advertise to teenagers and people who,still know who the musical guest on SNL,is ladies and gentlemen Megan the,stallion,what the point is tick tocks users are,aging up it might have been true if,people were like it's just the kids but,that's crap now everybody is on it I,just got off a sales call that I booked,through Tick Tock ads and this guy was,50 years old and ready to rock and roll,most of the people that I have closed,from Tick Tock have been over the age of,40. and that's not just Matt's,experience the data backs him up here so,53 percent of tick tock's users are over,30 and that's just going to continue,maturing over time so how can we get,results like you get from ads on Tick,Tock like what's your secret I think,that there's this misconception out,there that the best ad creative should,be native to the platform you know,that's some sort of like general rule,but it's total garbage in fact it needs,to be the opposite if you want to make a,YouTube ad that has the best chance of,converting you probably should shoot it,like a selfie video because the rest of,the content is extremely well shot with,great depth of field and amazing cameras,because that's what everybody's doing on,YouTube so you get the opportunity to,pattern out which is the most important,thing you're going to hear that term a,lot in the rest of this video so let's,just Define it real quick so pattern,interrupts are a scientific concept that,come from neuro-linguistic programming,and it just involves switching up a,repetitive pattern to basically snap,someone out of the days they're in since,most people consume social media,completely zoned out you need to shake,them awake so to speak because it,doesn't matter what you say in your ad,if you don't pattern interrupt nobody,will ever see it so on Tick Tock,everybody came in that was trying out,Tick-Tock ads at the beginning and we're,still at the beginning saying that you,got to make tick tocks you know the best,thing is native so selfie type videos,that look like,ugc for lack of a better term and that's,how you did Tick Tock ads but man that,does not work I mean it may work for,some but in my testing when I was first,trying that regular tick tocks that,simply had Direct response bent edited,in tick tocks shot like tick tocks I was,getting you know like 0.5.6,click-through rates and I could not,break through as soon as I started using,this scripting methodology and some of,the production stuff around it I'm,looking at five percent click-through,rates and I feel so confident in it like,I feel like I've totally corrected at,this point so how do you recommend,shooting these ads if if not like,standard organic tick tocks high,production values not like you'll spend,a bunch of money I'm saying use a good,camera and have like the YouTube,aesthetic you got to think like YouTuber,like get a nice camera or figure out how,to shoot with cinematic mode you know,and like make it look good do stuff like,depth of field lighting and stuff like,that so it's clearly like like a normal,Tick Tock it sticks out in the feed now,to be clear here Matt isn't saying make,it look like an ad either making,something that looks like this or this,is probably the worst thing you could do,so he's only saying that you need to,bump up the qualit

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Why I just quit my Product Manager job at TikTok

Why I just quit my Product Manager job at TikTok

hi,i just quit my job at tick tock let's,talk about it,yesterday was my last year tick tock as,a lead product manager and i'm gonna,talk about why i left if you're new here,hello i'm chloe welcome to my channel,here i talk about career tips as well as,vlogs about my adult life i also post,regularly on instagram so be sure to,follow there for some life updates,before i dive into this all i just want,to say that my goal here isn't to bash,on people or the company i've actually,met a lot of phenomenal people leaders,directors that i do want to keep in,touch with forever and they know who,they are i also think that tick tock is,a very successful company and there's a,lot that the industry can learn from,them i thought a lot about whether i,should share this publicly because it's,so sensitive and risky to my career it's,always safest to say nothing but the,truth is a lot of tough things happen,our careers and we rarely talk about it,and so the same mistakes get made over,and over again and it doesn't help,anyone and let me tell you i have gone,through my fair share of toxic,unbelievable work experiences and i've,never spoken up about them and i really,regret it so in this video i want to,share why i decided to leave tick tock,and i hope that my perspective can help,someone else out there who might be,going through similar things so let's,get started for some context i joined,end of last summer as a third pm hire,the two pms before me quit i quickly,became the most tenured pm of the,department a lot of things happened but,it ultimately came down to four main,reasons number one lack of support in my,career growth i'd always been very,strategic with my career development i,have this whole template and i'm excited,to share with you on this channel so,stay tuned for that i also always have,these conversations proactively and i,ask explicitly i don't beat around the,bush i take my career very seriously and,i have the results to show for it too,how i normally approach this is that i,usually have a formal career development,conversation with any new manager that i,work with in the first month and then i,have that conversation every two months,after so in this case i had many career,conversations with the senior leader i,was working with and they were always,like oh yeah of course i will support,you and so two months before a,performance review cycle,i popped the question do you and the,leadership team feel confident in,nominating me for promo this cycle and,this person dodged my question for four,weeks in a row and finally in the 11th,hour they were like oh actually i can't,nominate you this other person has to,then i talk to the other person and when,asked the same question they were like,no your output is not enough and i said,can you clarify what is enough and in my,head i knew i was the highest performer,on the team so where was the disconnect,they said and let me read this i cannot,describe what output is the next level,because i didn't look at the leveling,rubric i cannot describe the work you,need to do because i don't know it you,should know it then convince us and,explain why it's important then launch,the project and when performance review,comes we look at your outcome and see,whether you are worthy for promotion my,last tip to you is don't pay attention,to your job level just do the work i,said i get it i'm all about that,entrepreneurial spirit but leveling is a,very real topic to discuss previously at,facebook i had sponsorship from a,manager but i got blocked by hrbp,because of leveling issues and i just,don't want that to happen here and then,they said without a beat maybe hr had a,different reason they couldn't tell you,maybe it's that you haven't demonstrated,the capability i said the vp of product,herself was sponsoring me and was going,through the hr hoops it wasn't an issue,of capability,a lot of other things happened but after,discussing with leadership about it we,concluded that it just wasn't a good fit,and they advised me to look around,internally for other teams and that they,would give me all their support,ultimately having been on the team,longest and talking to numerous,colleagues about this,i just didn't see any signal that things,would change even after a stay for,another year levels were not defined,clearly three senior managers told me,three different processes for promotion,nobody knew it was actually the right,process and managers were there just to,judge performance they weren't there to,lift the teams and elevate them to the,next level even some of the most,talented colleagues who we all knew,internally carry tick-tock they also,faced many challenges and weren't,promoted into leadership positions so i,felt that support in my career growth,was non-existent number two culture,to give you a sense of what work is like,tick tock is owned by bite dance which,is a chinese company that is about over,a hundred thousand people you might have,heard of 996 culture from china which is,working 9 a.

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