i've been reading books of all,the legends and the myths achilles and,his gold,hercules and his gifts spiderman's,control,in batman with his fits,and clearly i don't see myself upon that,list,but she said where do you wanna go,how much you wanna risk i'm not looking,for somebody,with some super human gift some,superhero,some fairy tale bliss just something,i can turn to somebody i can kiss,i want something just like this,i want something just like this,i want something just like this been,reading books of,old the legends anime,the testaments they told the moon and,its eclipse,and superman rolls a suit before he,lifts,but i'm not the kind of person that it,fits,she said where do you wanna go how much,you wanna risk,i'm not looking for somebody with some,super human gift,some superhero some fairy tale bliss,just something i can turn to somebody i,can miss,i want something just like this,i want something just like this want,something just like this,this night is cold in the kingdom,i can't feel,could you find a way to let me down,slowly,a little simple fear i hope you can show,me,if,i,could you find a way to let me down,slowly,a little simple fear hope you can show,me,if you wanna go there so lonely,falling,myself,baby let me,baby let me down slowly,in your eyes there's a heavy blue,want to love and want to lose,sweet to fight a heavy truth,water and wine don't make me choose i,wanna feel the way that we did that,summer night,night drunk on a feeling,along with the stars in the sky,i've been running through the jungle,i've been running with the wolves to get,to you,to get to you i went down the darkest,alley saw the dark side of the moon to,get to you,to get to you i've looked for love in,every stranger took too much to ease the,anger all for you,yeah all for you i'll be running through,the young girl i've been crying with the,rules to get to you to get to you,to get to you,to get to your,your fingertips trace my skin,to places i had never been,break down these walls and come on in,i wanna feel the way that we did that,summer night,now,alone with the stars in the sky,i've been running through the jungle,i've been running with the wolves to get,to you to get to you,i've been down the darkest always on the,dark side of the moon to get to you,to get to you i've looked for love and,every stranger took too much to ease the,anger,all for you yeah all for you,i've been running through the jungle,i've been crying with the wolves to get,to you,to get to you to get to you,to get to you,i've been running through the uncle i've,been running with,wolves to get to you to get to you,i've been down the darkest alley saw the,dark side of the moon to get to you,to get to you i've looked for love and,every stranger took too much,leads the anger all for you,all for you i've been running through,the jungle i've been crying,with the walls to get to you to get to,you,to get to you,baby life was good to me but you just,made it better,i love the way you stand by me through,any kind of weather,i don't wanna run,don't wanna make it worse just wanna,feels like nobody ever loved me so,you love me feels like nobody ever,touched me so you'd touch me,baby nobody nobody,to you,baby,you never know what's missing till you,get everything you need,when you feel the world is on your,shoulders,don't wanna make it worse just wanna,make us,work baby tell me how,to whatever it,feels nobody ever knew me until you,knew me feels like nobody ever loved me,until,you loved me feels like nobody ever,touched me,to you touch me baby,nobody nobody,cause i,oh,feels like nobody ever,nobody nobody,nobody nobody,until,hey,and i've,this,the way that i'm feeling every day,it's all my fault cause i said i need,a space,this can't be the way we're supposed to,be,i keep saying no there's gotta be a way,to get you,close to me now i know,the way that i'm feeling every day,no no no no there's no home for the,broken heart,no no no no there's no hope for the,broken,heart,here's to the ones that we got cheers to,the wish you are here but you're not,cause the dreams bring back all the,memories,of everything we've been through toast,to the ones here today,toast to the ones that we lost on the,way cause the dreams bring back all the,memories,and the memories bring back memories,will stay the same now my heart feel,like december when somebody say your,name,cause i can't reach out to call you but,i know i will one day,yeah everybody hurts sometimes,everybody hurts someday,here's to the ones that we got cheers to,the wish you are here but you're not,cause the dreams bring back,all the memories of everything we've,been through,toast to the ones here today toast to,the ones that we lost on the way cause,the dreams bring back all the memories,and the memories bring back memories,there's a time that i remember when i,never felt so lost,when i fell off the hatred was too,powerful to stop,all my heart feel like an amber and it's,lining up the dark,i carry these torches for,memories,memori
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TikTok Mod Versi 27.2.4 No Watermark
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so of course you guys know what Tick,Tock is how about Among Us Tick Tock you,have to gain likes by dancing what use,those likes to go invisible do the,Running Man and drain people's cell,phone battery guys this is interesting,stick around for my turn to be the,Imposter this gets good and also if,you've ever watched a tick tock video,hit the like down below the video,what hit the Subscribe button hope you,enjoy alright boys like Oh I'm a Creator,look game likes to become a Tic Tac,stars,look at us Pat look we got phones dude,oh God I gotta grow lights do we get do,we get likes for tasks I think so I,don't know do we get likes right now,dude welcome back to among us this is,Tick these are likes okay look I have,zero likes right I have 200 guys hit the,like button 200 times hey so how this,mod works I'm a crew member right so of,course we gotta get all our tasks done,for you new guys if we get all our tasks,unlike that and in the green bar fills,up we win there is one imposter on the,map right and how this works People Come,Dance With Me Come Dance With Me Over,Here Come Dance With Me Come Dance With,Me Oh Why,okay so every two seconds that we dance,we get 100 likes but we still gotta get,our tasks done dude so the more likes we,get you can see down here we have all,these abilities that cost likes so if I,want to do duet I need 2 000 likes only,a 1500 I'm literally washed I'm,literally dog water,wait somebody's going viral viral,oh another Dance Floor let's dance let's,dance,let's want more lights I want to be able,to use something okay I can use duet,soon and again all these abilities are,even better as the Imposter stick around,for my turn of the impossible we're,gonna dab on some people okay okay hold,on let's get a few more likes we can,drain people's battery we can do the,running man I just need more likes if it,happens when you go viral uh it's really,good you want to do viral like over here,come over here and do a viral over here,wait,whoa,oh no someone's going forward,s get his lights get his legs get his,legs,5200 likes boys oh no so he died it,forces him to dance really fast and they,get set on fire oh no wait I can go,viral which means I drop a ton of likes,on the floor so I need to go somewhere,so I will be the only one to pick him up,I'm gonna go viral up here,give me all the lights just stay still,stay still a little more full let them,awful and then I'll come pick them up,okay 400 likes,2000 three thousand five thousand seven,thousand eight thousand ten ten thousand,likes guys you have one hour to get ten,thousand likes on this video,okay so Kate is currently drained on,battery which means she can't do,anything and if they imposter tag you're,with trains she'll die,oh no no no no no no no no no,so what are you guys drained her okay,guys,I don't like this,wait wait wait wait wait wait wait,I almost took a selfie with us and now,we're kissy facing Purity why is he so,close to me wait wait no guys that's not,the dance I was trying to do no need,no my points didn't either so it's,neither of us it's none of us I'm,running man running man running man I,was,I was Pat Pete,Pete that's true you were yeah,yeah and his points didn't go down it's,either Biffle or loaf take a selfie with,me,uh what happens,what's happening right now,okay I know who the Killer is what's,happening boys Biffle had points right,yes yeah okay yeah I think he just,drained sigil's battery and sigils did,not die which means Biffle cannot be the,killer which means it's low,it's low low far you're so nervous,you know I I hate you guys,whoa dude,hey loaf you are actual water all right,boys let's wait till we're the Imposter,Tick Tock I'm a foot,question why do we look so angry when,we're looking at our phone we just look,very man,oh no I don't like this anymore okay,Boys I Am The Tick Tock Superstar so how,this works oh I gotta go dance I gotta,go dance wait where's the dancers oh I'm,top okay so how this works as the killer,all my buttons are the same I can do a,duet like I I didn't show you but you,actually go invisible it's really Opie,hey can I dance with you you'd like to,win you why do you have 1200 points,dude,okay all right give me some of your,likes give me some of your likes no no,no they're my life guys go still sizzles,likes to give them to me you know we've,been friends for a long time okay in,person okay we've never gotten a selfie,together oh no don't make it,why I don't want to do the kissy I don't,want to do the kitty face yeah,okay okay I need to get at least 2500,and then I can do the viral thing and,get a ton of likes I'm just a very good,like this is it this is it this is it,this is where I lit yeah this is where I,dab too,okay so I can hack people as well,5000. he's doing viral up here,think about likes give me all the likes,pad,yeah you're not positive okay okay so,let me watch he needs to run away give,me this pile of likes okay I need to I,need to hit somebody I need to go viral,and then I need to build up a l
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