White Label TikTok Ads Fulfillment Services Now Available in The Fulfillment Store
hey everybody what's going on chad from,dashflix and i am so excited to finally,bring you,probably one of the most requested,services that we've been asked for for,months now and it is live,right inside of your fulfillment store,and that is tick-tock ads white label,fulfillment services so we're super,super excited to bring this to the,dashboards ecosystem so i'm going to,give you a quick overview of kind of,what is involved with this tick tock ad,service first and foremost as always if,you click on,the app drawer and you go to the,fulfillment store you'll see tick tock,ads is now in the left sidebar under,manage services now,if you've ordered uh ads or fulfillment,from us in the past,this service is actually very very,similar to the facebook ads white label,fulfillment services there's four plans,pro plus premium and platinum the prices,are exactly the same as facebook ads or,google ads it's 199 a month uh starting,out for the pro plan and then 199,one-time setup fee and then it's just,1.99 a month from there,this usually is pretty good for i see,most of the campaigns that a lot of the,agencies are running but let's actually,go into learn more so just as all of our,other products you can click on learn,more and actually enter and see more,information okay first and foremost we,do have a brand new onboarding document,just for tick tock so you can see what,that looks like that's over here is a,preview button for you you can also,compare all of the plans as well and see,exactly what is included in tick tock,ads now one pro tip if you're going to,be going out and selling tick tock ads,unlike facebook or other platforms tick,tock ads actually does have a,requirement which is a minimum daily,budget per ad group which is 20 per day,so,you need to spend at least a minimum of,six hundred dollars per month in order,to run tick tock ads so just kind of,throwing that out there and that's going,to be for one ad group if there's,multiple ad groups it's going to be 20,per ad group per day so hopefully that,makes sense if you have any questions,feel free to open up a live chat or team,will explain more but hopefully that,does justice you can also kind of hover,over here if you want to see what's,included we go into a little bit more in,depth um just like anything else,if you also,download you can also download our white,labeled pdf which will,essentially download this in a beautiful,graphic version which is completely,white labeled with no dashlex branding,and that's pretty much it we obviously,have our faqs uh information about the,services and highlights we are going to,be coming out in the next couple of,months with some case studies,and also,some galleries of some you know,tick-tock videos and stuff like that,however we don't have that yet we're,going to be gathering those over the,next couple of months,we'll be able to provide you with those,so hopefully that helps you can now,resell tick-tock ad services you can,also purchase tick-tock ads uh services,for your agency if you're looking to run,like lead gen campaigns or anything like,that tick tock is an amazing platform,probably one of the most popular social,media platforms to date,running right up against facebook and,instagram um so this is an amazing,opportunity for you guys to actually go,out and actually start adding fake,tick-tock ads to your service offerings,all right so hopefully we got you,excited today i look forward to seeing,you guys use the product and hopefully,we get your feedback soon and we'll see,you inside of the dashboard have an,amazing day everyone bye
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Confronting The SMMA White Label Gurus (USA's 1,268th Fastest Growing Company)
Confronting The SMMA White Label Gurus (USA's 1,268th Fastest Growing Company)
how did you decide on your pricing,um it's so good like it's so good I was,gonna say too with why you should do SEO,and Google ads and Facebook ads and,websites and do different things too,because you it's just like investing you,know you really want to be Diversified,you know we try to really help our,partners because we want them to be you,know taken care of and we try to meet,all their needs and how it's the best we,can all right everybody welcome to,another interview on the channel here,we're super excited I'm personally very,excited to have Eric and David from,agency elevation uh one of the top white,label providers for agencies everywhere,with a hundred percent uh North American,fulfillment it's very unique and they,actually recently hit the Inc 5000 is,that right guys,yeah that's right,pretty cool and not even just thing 5000,like you weren't four nine nine nine you,were like the top quarter of the five,thousand so one of uh the nation's,fastest growing companies right here and,uh the two partners,um here to discuss all things white,label fulfillment today guys thanks for,coming on,thanks for having us we're really,excited to be here,yes thanks Keaton super excited yeah of,course uh so why don't we I want to,start with a little background on both,of you guys because,like just in my experience using agency,elevation we haven't been,um partnered for a really long time but,over the last few months,uh I'm it's obvious that you guys know,what you're doing like very systematized,very put together company not only on,the systems like working with your,partners which are agencies but also in,the systems of actually you know running,the ads doing the SEO all those kinds of,things that you provide so let's hear,how did you get to this point where uh,you have everything dialed in so so well,sure so long story short I'll try to,make this short of my YouTube into the,weeds uh too deep Eric and I met many,many years ago uh we both worked at an,agency together and he was the you know,paid ads director I was the SEO director,and actually they created like an,overall digital marketing director,position and they ended up going with,Eric over me,and I ended up quitting because uh I was,like you know I just like my path of,progression was gone Eric you know beat,me out for this position but we it was,never personal it was just like you know,it was one of those things where Eric,and I had always jived really well,together because I handled SEO and he,handled the paid ad side of everything,and we you know stayed friends and,stayed in touch and I went on to work,for and I ran several other agencies you,know after that,quite a few of them got acquired you,know in the past you know 10 15 years,and then I just started getting clients,on the side and you know I started my,own thing and then I was like dude all,my clients are asking for paid ads and,I'm like I only do SEO and they're like,well you need to do that or,we're gonna start going with another,agency who offers both blah blah so I,kept hounding Eric and finally after a,amount of time you know he was like all,right we'll work together on some,projects,and then things just kind of naturally,shifted to White Label because you know,we had Direct clients that we were doing,work for getting great results,but because of all the contacts him and,I have had over the years and all the,agency experience we have,we were getting people who run agencies,coming to us saying guys I just need,help fulfilling like nobody can do it,right can you help us and the white,label kind of took its its own shape and,form and then it just snowballed and we,decided you know several years back I,don't remember the exact timeline,um to Pivot just a purely white label we,don't take any more direct client work,we just do white label,and it's been one of the best decisions,we've ever made you know so I want to,say white label kind of found us,um we never like had some you know,inclination to go into it it just found,us and we ran with it and because of our,agency experience together it just works,so well so we've divided the company up,the same way I run and oversee the SEO,side Eric oversees everything on paid,ads and um it's been a tremendous,partnership and obviously the company is,growing because of we have an amazing,team of course but everything just kind,of works in Synergy so,that's the long story,um anything to add to that Eric,pretty well said yeah I think that's,summed it up um just uh,the white label thing too I think has,worked out well because we having worked,in agencies so we understand what,agencies like of course we are an agency,ourselves but having worked in more,traditional agencies we understand what,traditional agencies are facing which,has really helped us properly shape our,offerings and how we go about what we do,because we know the pain points and,agency owners experiencing who's working,with the right clients so,um that's been helpful and then I think,like David said just bei
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[Case Study] $570k in 5 days Shopify Dropshipping (TikTok Ads)
[Case Study] $570k in 5 days Shopify Dropshipping (TikTok Ads)
in this video I'll be breaking down the,product selection process the ads the,store building and much more of a store,that did five hundred and seventy,thousand dollars in sales in just five,days with Tick Tock ads only before I,get any further into this video over the,next few months I'm going to be dropping,tons of case studies in-depth tutorials,I'm even going to be revealing a few of,my own winning products from the past,I'm going to be giving out tons of,Industry secrets and strategies that are,hidden behind most people's courses or,paid Discord groups and I've took these,courses and I've been in the paid groups,people still hold information back I'm,just going to give it all away on this,channel just in case there are any,Skeptics out there I'll go ahead and,refresh the dashboard just to show you,guys this is legit,and um yeah this was mainly all through,Tick Tock as you can see here in the,sales by social Source we didn't even do,any retargeting at all this was,literally just all tick tock ads and one,more thing before I get started this,store was actually ran with a partner of,mine named Ben Harvey we are 50 50,Partners on the soar I left his,Instagram in the description so make,sure you guys show him some love as well,first and most importantly I'll be,talking about product selection this was,not a black hat scammy subscription,offer type product this was a real,product that we're actually sending to,customers those are not methods I will,be teaching on this YouTube channel at,all with that being said if you're the,guy who is somehow able to Source this,smart high-tech table for four dollars,please let me know your supplier is I,will pay a lot of money for access to,that the product in this case study was,attached to a very short-lived but,really large trend on Tick Tock the,audience for the product was a very,passionate audience and we saw this in,our aov when customers were buying all,sorts of other products related to the,main product which really helped our,margin a lot and and when we found the,product there were really no competitors,at all another thing is this product was,extremely simple very easy to source and,it was low ticket we were able to Source,it for under ten dollars and there was,no customizations done at all in terms,of how we found the products we actually,found this on Amazon's movers and,shakers and this is the movers and,shakers page pretty much it's the,biggest gainers and sales rank over the,past 24 hours so this is definitely a,great way to keep an eye out on like,really hot trending products and this,product in particular I'm not going to,say what category it was in but it was,one and two,on the movers and shakers for probably,two weeks at least and here's the search,volume for the main keyword for the,product by the way I'm using helium 10.,if you guys don't have this tool I'd,highly recommend it you can see Amazon,sales data search volume all sorts of,other things which is really insightful,for drop shippers clearly a huge spike,in search volume around early July and,that's right when we ran the products so,we got in Just In Time the main Amazon,listing was doing around 800k a month,which we were able to check that through,helium 10 and then once we found the,product we checked on competitors as I,said earlier there was literally no,competition at all we checked on all of,the ad spies there was only one store,running ads to this product and they,were using Solon creatives we then,ordered the product on Amazon and tested,it literally next to next I'll be,talking about store setup we use debut,theme and this was a very simple branded,store let me show you guys a few,examples of what I'm in mag flare is a,great example our page was very similar,to theirs,very short description Luke's reviews of,course and just make sure you're not,interrupting the customer's journey to,actually buying the product where,Felicity is another great example of,just a really clean and simple product,page don't create something that looks,scammy create a very nice branded page,with just one or two color themes I also,wouldn't worry too much about putting a,ton of photos and gifs within the,description,another great thing to have on your,product pages or your own custom images,now since this product was a very,short-term product we just scaled with,images straight off AliExpress and we,did completely fine with that our,conversion rate was very high but if you,have a more long-term product I would,highly recommend getting you know nice,high quality custom photos showing off,the products so we actually did test a,countdown timer it was actually an,inventory kind of fomo bar,um it said like there's only X units,left in stock and it worked extremely,well make sure if you do a countdown,timer or an inventory bar or whatever it,is that it looks really clean it matches,the branding on your site and it just,doesn't look scammy that's really,important we kept the offer very simple,it was just a 50 or 60 o
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How We Went Viral On TikTok In 14 Days Shopify Dropshipping (WITH NO MONEY)
How We Went Viral On TikTok In 14 Days Shopify Dropshipping (WITH NO MONEY)
this is how we went viral on Tick Tock,with a Shopify dropshipping business,getting over 10 million views under 14,days spending zero dollars and this was,a game changer hey guys,hey girl my name is Camille Simon as the,Ecom King and in today's video I'm going,to be teaching you exactly step by step,how we went viral with a brand new tick,tock page in under just 14 days getting,over 10 million views and to tell you,how valuable that is you can get up to,ten thousand dollars per million views,so if you do the math that can be an,absolute Madness now in this video I'm,actually going to be revealing The Tick,Tock page am I even going to be using it,as an example when I teach you guys how,you can recreate the success that we've,done now the formula that I'm going to,be teaching you guys is proven to work,because we've been using it now for the,last year and a half and we've been,going viral multiple times with our new,tick tock accounts and other people that,we've been teaching have also been going,viral now I want to make this extremely,clear I believe that Tick Tock organic,is the biggest opportunity in Shopify,Drop Shipping right now and for the next,one to two years because you can spend,literally zero dollars get millions and,millions of views one of our Pages has,got over a billion views there's gonna,be people watching was thinking while,I've got money to spend on Facebook ads,Google ads Tick Tock ads why would I,want to do organic because the profit,margins are insane they're around about,50 to 70 percent and if you can achieve,a hundred thousand dollars if you do the,math you're not going to be able to,achieve that with paid ads within the,same time frame it might take you months,and months and months to achieve the,same results now in this video I'm going,to be teaching you what metrics you need,to understand when doing the strategy,I'm also going to be teaching you what,makes a viral product how you can find a,fast viral product and then I'm going to,be teaching you guys how you can,actually find these products identify,them and then recreate them I'm also,going to be teaching you algorithm,tricks that actually helps improve the,chances of going viral and a lot of the,information in this video you've,probably never gonna hear anywhere else,because people don't know about it now,what I've also done for you guys I've,created a free Google doc sheet that's,going to be step by step that matches,the strategy so when you watch this,video with the Google Doc sheet it's,going to really help you understand how,the strategy works if you want to get,access that free Google doc sheet let's,make sure we hit 2 000 likes on this,video and it'll be in the pin comment,and in the description below,as you guys can see on the computer,screen I'm on Tick Tock and this is The,Tick Tock page that we went viral with,in under 14 days it's called Frosty pad,you guys can follow this page as much as,you want and if you actually scroll down,to the bottom and look at the day that,we posted this video and then look at,the last date we posted this video,You're gonna be able to see that it was,over a 14 day period and this page has,got over 8 to 10 million views and the,reason why I'm showing you this is so,you understand that this is completely,real and it can happen as long as you,understand the formula that I'll be,teaching you today so as you guys can,see on the screen this is the free,Google doc sheet that we're going to be,using and following along with so you,can understand how things works the,first thing that we need to understand,is the metrics and the minimums required,to make the strategy work so the first,thing that you need to understand is you,need to have at least two to three hours,a day to commit towards this strategy,because if you don't then you're not,going to make this work and it's not,going to be effective the next thing is,you need to understand how many dollars,you should even per the amount of views,so we say between per million views so,as soon as your video gets a million,views you should be looking at between,one thousand and three thousand dollars,so if you get 10 million views you can,do an average math based on those,numbers now it can even go up to ten,thousand dollars per one million views,but that's a very rare case that happens,I like to tell people that your best,average is going to be between one,thousand and three thousand dollars per,million views now the next thing that,you need to understand is how does ugc,content work and how does POV content,work now ugc stands for user generated,content and POV stands for point of view,content now these are two types of,content that works the best on Tick Tock,when it comes to actually creating the,content now don't worry if you don't,understand how these two types of,content work when you get familiar with,the tick tock platform you'll naturally,understand how it's all done now we need,to understand what makes a fast viral,product on Tick Tock and this
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5 Things to Know Before You Run TikTok Ads | Gerardo Perez
5 Things to Know Before You Run TikTok Ads | Gerardo Perez
today we're gonna be addressing the top,five myths on tiktok i'm gerardo perez,and over the past two years i've managed,over 2 million in ad spend on tick tock,and i've actually garnered over 100,million views across all accounts,myth number one i can actually recycle,my content from other platforms onto,tiktok look we're gonna go ahead and,bust that right off the gate tick tock,is its own environment it's its own,language people communicate in a certain,manner if you analyze the different,comments sections you'll actually notice,that the entire language and the,community itself is drastically,different obviously tik tok is also a,platform that's optimized for video,please don't ever try and like upload a,photo slideshow or something along the,lines of that it's just a foolish effort,that being said i do implore you to,maybe reframe the way you think about,content or switch up your content,strategy and optimize for tick tock,first then repurpose onto other,platforms,myth number two tick-tock is only for,teams yes definitely teens are on the,platform but currently the fastest,growing demographic on tick tock is 25,to 35 year olds if you take a step back,and look at basically all social media,platforms throughout the year they start,off very young and they continue to age,up tick tock is at a point where there's,already mass adoption and we're starting,to see those older demographics actually,hop on the platform as well how do you,do fellow kids myth number three,advertising on tick tock is just like,facebook or instagram i think this kind,of ties in to myth number one in a sense,yes the experience of the ad platform is,very similar to facebook or meta but,when it comes to the actual content that,you use within your ads well that's,drastically different what works on,other platforms doesn't necessarily,translate over to tick tock but funny,enough what works on tick tock actually,translates super well into other,platforms number four you can't make,money on tick tock that's absolutely, ridiculous look where attention,goes the money flows think about it this,way throughout the years advertising has,been a game of meeting your customers,where it is that they actually spend,time it just so happens that they choose,to spend time on tick tock now,even more time than on facebook,instagram and even netflix which is,absolutely baffling simply said yes,people do buy stuff on tick tock five,you need to make professional looking,videos on tiktok dude,bro i've literally been using this thing,to create videos for the past few years,and never really had a high-end camera i,think one of the coolest things about,tiktok is the low barrier of entry when,it comes to actually producing content i,do suggest maybe investing a little bit,into your lighting i think it's,important but even if you don't want to,do that you can literally just stand in,front of a window on a bright sunny day,myth number five busted bonus myth going,viral drive sales one of my favorite,things that i tell clients all the time,is don't go viral for the wrong reasons,yes obviously if your video did,phenomenally well simply because you're,showcasing your products then you will,actually drive sales but if you just,decide to upload a cute dog video and,it's totally irrelevant to what your,messaging is or what your product does,then you won't be making a single penny,so make sure to be very intentional with,your content and who knows you might,even sell out your store with one single,video,so now that we address tick tock's top,myths there's literally no excuse to not,get started on tick tock if you enjoyed,this make sure to check out my free,master class with founder where i go,more in depth on all things tick tock,i'll see you there hey founder fam did,you love this video if you did you can,join us right now and attend a free,training session with today's founder we,will go even more in depth,click here and we'll see you soon
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Reviewing 10 Best TikTok UGC Ads in 5 Minutes! (Copy THESE Ads!)
Reviewing 10 Best TikTok UGC Ads in 5 Minutes! (Copy THESE Ads!)
so in today's video i'll be reviewing,the 10 best tick tock ugc ads in under,five minutes so let's start the timer,right now my name is justin and i'm the,founder of voiceover media an e-commerce,marketing agency specializing in,elevating thriving brands by simplifying,e-commerce growth before we get started,make sure to leave a like subscribe as,well as turn on post notifications to be,one of the first to know about these,cutting edge e-commerce marketing tips,posting on our channel every week,so in today's video i'll be utilizing,the addison software which is great been,loving that app in the past couple of,days been using it a lot when it comes,to advertising and making sure that i,couldn't create swap files so let's get,started with the first ad i'm just gonna,put that on mute real quick and let that,play right here so this is a very,interesting ad i mean anything that,talks about sex on facebook or on tech,talk i mean always converts you know sex,is sort of the old the oldest form of,creating desire essentially within a,audience so that one first of all is a,little bit you know my parents left me,this fancy chocolate is is pretty,interesting and again keep in mind that,is a six,second video so it's a super super quick,video right there that gets straight to,the point and what is nice about,utilizing under seven second videos on,tick tock is that usually people don't,get the points within six seconds but if,you can make it very interesting they'll,probably rewatch the second time which,increases watch time a lot which for the,algorithm they like that that kind of,flags to the algorithm that this is a,great video so it'll push it to more,people so essentially just playing that,one right there as soon as he says you,know my parents left me this chocolate,you seen eggplant emoji you see like a,little water emoji you see a peach emoji,so again kind of instant sex so it is a,bit of a funny angle like my parents,left me this but it talks about you know,it's some sex stuff you then see a kid,or you know young adult at least you,know presenting that product and you,know it's reminded to read ingredients,before you eat stuff guys so anyways it,just leaves you with a little bit of a,smirk in the face and wants you to,actually go ahead and check it out and,second one right there it's just a meme,right it starts with the meme starts,with something that's been pretty you,know accurate in the past couple of days,the meme of you know again will smith,sort of slapping chris rock and tells,you know this is better than that and,here's a quick switch over to the actual,main point of the video where he talks,about you know getting money essentially,those proof shows again it uses a green,screen effect so it actually looks like,it was a real organic tick dock and not,just an ad looking at this one right,there that's an a minute and eight,second ad that i really recommend that,to anybody to go to that length when it,comes to ad but that one was a,masterpiece i mean that guy basically,did a skit it was a pretty interesting,and funny skit and you know you can kind,of see at this point here that there is,a big focus on a specific product so it,does you know you know it's an ad but,the fact that it's funny and the fact,that it's well placed i would personally,want to keep watching that so he,basically did a skit with that and made,something relatable essentially for this,his type of audience of you know just a,kid working during the weekend with his,dad on you know constructing something,and i want to quickly go over it this is,you know it has the text-to-speech audio,in the background which you cannot hear,right now text-to-speech works great,just shows you know fast cuts every,second shows how quick it is shows a,quick way for you to try out you know a,bit of a tattoo first that is within 60,minutes you know ready and looks pretty,real so love how fast-paced this is,again they're using text-to-speech which,is great that one right there again it,kind of looks like it was just somebody,recording a regular video setting up you,know drinking furniture kind of looks,like a vlog a lot of people are doing,these style of videos on tiktok where,they kind of showcase themselves doing,something around the house it kind of,shows like she's doing chores,essentially but at the end of the day,they're actually selling the furniture,that is being showed in the video but it,just is a pretty satisfying video to,watch and it's also a very nice house so,kind of has this lifestyle aspect to it,that essentially helps create some value,and desire out of that video darwin is a,very nice thing that i see quite a lot,there's a second one of those in the,next couple of seconds but it's more,about the style of ad he responds to a,comment and makes an ad out of that so,that is a spark ad right there but again,it just looks real it looks like a,regular organic post because he is,responding to an actual comment and you,would see the same thing here with that
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10 Best TikTok UGC Ads in 5 Minutes! - PART 2
10 Best TikTok UGC Ads in 5 Minutes! - PART 2
in today's video let's do a part two of,finding the best top 10 ugc ads in under,five minutes so let's start the timer,right now,so i went over on my foreplay.co account,and i've actually saved us what i think,are the top 10 best ugc ads so if i,first put this first ad on mute and hit,play so what you can see from that it's,watch this if your mattress doesn't do,this essentially and then you can see,somebody jumping on a mattress and a,glass of water not spilling so that's a,pretty nice hook right there as again,it's pretty rare that you know if you,would jump on your mattress whatever the,chances are that a glass of water would,not spill so again kind of grabs the,viewers attention then you know is this,the best you see the box of the mattress,right there then you have somebody,talking about their experience with the,product opening it up so essentially,you're talking about the delivery,process and then right afterwards if we,kind of keep going they're talking about,the unboxing process how satisfying it,is and that's pretty much it so looking,at that one right there why is this good,it first shows off the use of the,product and then goes into the unboxing,which is good to grab the viewer's,attention the second one right here she,replies to a comment it says they don't,know what a universal can cooler is and,it's basically a skit that lasts about,one minute where basically this guy kind,of talks to himself but it kind of looks,like two people right there and,essentially he's actually shown how,their product is better than the,competition it actually shows what a,typical can cooler looks like and what,are the flaws of that can cooler and,what are they fixing with their unique,product this third one right here,actually says,8760 hours to try the deepest sleep,which technically that's just 365 days,so basically that is a year to try their,product policy but again a lot of,companies say one year or 365 days but,when you put that into hours it actually,looks much bigger so again very strong,hook at the beginning so you kind of,notice a recurring team in this video,that all the highest performing ads on,tick tock all have a very strong hook as,keeping up the with the engagement rate,on the video is key to having an ad that,works well then a little bit like the,first ad they show the unboxing process,how easy it is to uh to unbox then,basically you know 4.99 and accessories,blah blah blah kind of show how it looks,like in person show the box that you get,it in and then shows the whole family,enjoying the bed at the end the fifth,one where tears says tick tock made me,buy it that is actually a trend right,now currently going on with tick tock,ads a lot of people use tick tock maybe,buy it or amazon fives or amazon made me,buy it edit this works well to prime the,users to actually want to buy your,products so then it basically kind of,showcases a little bit the product,afterwards as you're gonna see it,basically it shows how easy it is to use,and then that's pretty much it get your,starter to set today shipping is on us,so clear call to action at the end clear,you know body during the video showcases,the product fully so great ad overall,that one right here is just for the,mission actually shows a very nice water,dispenser right here or actually water,filter in this case and says that it,keeps 300 single use plastic bottle out,of the ocean so again makes the viewer,feel good and probably make them want to,align themselves with your mission that,one right there show this to someone who,has a pet and see their reaction so this,actually prompts the people to actually,share that with a pet owner that they,might know of and it actually showcases,all of the features in under 15 seconds,so 11 seconds you see all there is to,know about the product so quick to the,point and a must have all pet owners so,the prime for sharing which is going to,increase engagement and is a must-have,for anybody who has a pet that one right,there again replies to a comment can you,show me how to make it this is my dream,ring so this is very good because they,actually browse through the website,showcase exactly what the buying process,is which primes the viewer for a,purchase because tick tock's purchase,intent is not always the best so priming,the viewers for purchase is definitely,key to increasing conversion rate that,one way there's a comparison once again,between the competition and their,product so regular beach towel versus,their towel then it basically is a,pretty intense situation right they kind,of put an extreme scenario as if you,would wet your whole towel but it,showcases the point point comes across,that their towel is better because it,essentially repels the water and dries,much quicker than the competition same,brand right here if you live at the,beach like me you need this towel from,scentcloud they say right here they're,much bigger than other towels they're,resistant to scent then they showcase,actually many areas where someb
After seeing the sixth section, I believe you have a general understanding of white label tiktok ads
Continue the next seventh section about white label tiktok ads
3 White Label GoHighLevel SaaS Mode Services For Your Digital Marketing Agency
3 White Label GoHighLevel SaaS Mode Services For Your Digital Marketing Agency
if you are building your digital marketing agency
leveraging go high level SaaS mode I want to share ,with you guys three essential tools and services
that you've got to be going through and using to ,save you tons of time and help you make a ton
more money and if you are specifically looking ,to build a real estate digital marketing agency
I will share with you guys at the end of this ,video if you stick around with me here to the end
a fourth tool that's going to help you make a lot ,more money as well now for those of you guys just
getting into the game and you may not know what ,go high level is it is an all-in-one sales and
marketing solution for digital marketing agency ,owners and the thing I love about the software
is basically it has everything you need to run ,your entire business and it has all the tools
to run all of your clients businesses and you ,can bring on an unlimited number of clients
and you don't have to pay a single penny more ,for each additional client that you bring on so
when I transferred my business from what I was ,doing before to go high level I actually saved
over fifteen thousand dollars in annual software ,subscription so it was a massive savings for my
business and recently they released something ,called go high levels SaaS mode which I'll have
a link down below this video where you can get a ,free extended 30-day trial to this where it allows
you to take the go high level software and put ,your own logo connect to your own domain your own
stripe account and sell it as your own software ,platform so that is absolutely amazing now let's
get into these three core services that I would ,highly recommend you going through and exploring
and here's the thing a quick caveat you don't need ,to start with all these three services because yes
they are additional fees additional investment on ,top of what you'd be paying for go high level but
as you get to different points in your business ,these different Services just make sense and
looking back at my business when I first started ,my own real estate digital marketing agency I was
building out my software company and I was doing ,all of the marketing all the sales all the account
management all the support tickets and I've you ,know kind of just wearing all the hats like pretty
much any entrepreneur does in the beginning of ,their business and then got to the point where I
just couldn't handle everything I would just work ,overworked and I was just like burning out and
so I looked at everything that was going on in ,my business I was like look this support stuff is
taking up 80 to 90 percent of my time but it's not ,like really moving the needle as far as growing
the business and it's probably something that I ,can train out and find someone to go through and
take care of all this for me and pay somebody you ,know 15 20 bucks an hour and so I don't have to
focus on any of that so the first solution that ,I want to go through and share with you is a white
labeled go high level support solution called HL ,Pro Tools and all of these different softwares and
services I'm going to recommend I'm going to have ,links down in the description as well as in the
top comment yes there are my affiliate links and ,I would really appreciate it if you guys actually
go through and use my affiliate links so I can ,get a little bit of bonus and credit on that um
anyway so there are white labeled support so what ,does that mean if any of your customers clients or
anything like that they have questions they send ,an email in they will go through and they will
respond to all of your clients for you unlimited ,white labeled support and they're going to act
like they are on your team and the cool thing ,about this is It's only 297 dollars per month and
a lot of people might look at that and be like ,Oh 297 per month that's so much money well if you
look at the opportunity cost of you actually going ,through and continue doing support continually
running yourself into the ground because you're so ,tired and you don't have the energy to go through
and do everything and get more sales because ,you're spending all this time and support it's
well worth it right or if you were to go through ,and hire a VA a virtual assistant even if they're
overseas and you're paying them 10 bucks an hour ,very quickly you're going to hit that 300 per
month Mark right that's only 30 hours for the ,entire month and then as you start to grow you're
going to have to hire more support reps and then ,not only hire them but you have to train them
on go high level and train them on your systems ,whereas these reps are already trained on
go high level and then in addition to that ,if you scroll down here you can see obviously all
these testimonials but they also keep up to date ,with FAQs and all of the step-by-step onboarding
instructions and going through and showing your ,clients if t
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