add mini site map to show where you are shopify

Image Sitemap For Shopify — Screencast welcome to image size math screen,alright here we are we've i

William Belk Apps

Updated on Mar 22,2023

Image Sitemap For Shopify — Screencast

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add mini site map to show where you are shopify catalogs

Image Sitemap For Shopify — Screencast

welcome to image size math screen,alright here we are we've installed the,app and what we're looking at here is a,shop that's had the app installed for,some time so we get a nice kind of,overview of the historical data so keep,that in mind while we're reviewing all,this that your dashboard when you,install the app will look a little bit,more sparse and you can see that this,specific shop has had pretty massive,increase in indexing so going from you,know around zero percent indexed up to,near 100 percent over a matter of some,months so not all shops do this,I know specifically this shop had a lot,of work done to it for optimization and,testing and double-checking what was,happening with the indexing so you know,this was a very very targeted kind of,project in the sense that the developer,really really focused specifically on,indexing from the start and will start,out right at the top of the page so we,have a big graph that shows the,historical indexing over time you know,to show the total submitted total,indexed and the associated percentage,and then when we move down the page we,have indexing percentage by type so we,have all images in aggregate we have,product images blog images page images,and we have the total amount of URLs,that were submitted to Google so images,associated with those URLs we show the,average image height of the images,submitted file name similarity,calculation what we call black outs and,we'll talk about that in just a minute,we showed the last time we submitted to,Google on your behalf and we show the,last time that we got an event saying,that your catalogue was updated and then,towards the bottom of the page there's,some articles that I would really,recommend that you read there's four of,them and they kind of go from the,inception of building this app and,what I've learned over time and there's,a lot of good things to think about in,there so if you are having problems,whether you're indexing please please,read every single article send them to,your developers there's some technical,stuff in there as well and then here on,this page we show the average image,height of all the images that are,indexed and then you know that's really,a way for you to understand what's going,from your code on your page to Google so,if you're submitting an image that's 200,by 200 pixels instead of something like,900 by 900 Google might not like that,and that's just a simple example of why,you might want to use that data in the,future and moving down the page here you,can see that we do a file named,similarity analysis across all of your,product images and what we want to see,here is a really close relationship,between the product handle which is like,the ending of the URL and between the,file image names on the page and so,Google sees that close relationship and,they say oh hey hmm we think that these,images are quite related to this page at,least from a metadata perspective so,ideally that will result in better,indexing so you know if you have file,names like IMG 7000 versus you know,black hooded sweatshirt size small with,XYZ graphic you know automatically you,can see that you've gone from almost no,metadata whatsoever about that image to,a whole bunch of you know relevant,metadata right inside of the file name,and then here we move on to what we call,black outs which are pages for which it,seems there are no images that are,indexed by Google and you know you can,see in the case of this shop they don't,have any black outs which is really,great but they're a really good,indicator of how broad your indexing is,not so much how deep it is but how broad,it is so you know for a shop that has,many many black out pages that's very,bad,and you know that's a good indicator,that people need to get in there look at,the code see what's happening look at,the image quality you know all the,different things that I talked about in,the articles that I referenced earlier,so those articles are you know available,and listed on the home page they're,available on my medium page which is I,believe medium at WBE lkw Belk and those,are also emailed to you when you install,that so you know what keep keep those,close because there's a lot a lot of,data over for articles and then you know,your problems are in there somewhere you,know there's there's optimizations in,there somewhere that will help you for,sure,and now we're gonna move to the next,page this is more of like a kind of,backend ish technical page so here we,can specify which images we want to,submit to Google so there may be a,category of images that we don't want to,submit and this is the first thing you,do when you install the app so that's,actually the first prompt that you will,see you know obviously we recommend that,everyone submit all their images but you,may have a good reason not to so that's,fine that's why we set it up that way,and then next we see this is what we use,to verify your site so this allows us to,submit data to Google on your behalf and,pull that data as well so this is just a,simple metal verification tag we insert,this automatically into your layout,slash theme dot liquid file and then we,put it here as well just so you have it,because you know a lot of people will,run some sort of version control on,their code base like with git they may,have some automated deployment,infrastructure so it's good to just take,that put it into your theme and this is,also a really easy way for you to revoke,our access so if you remove that that,meta tag then we lose our access to,submit on your behalf so it's really,easy,uninstall remove the the meta tag and,you're done and next we see product page,error check,and what that is is we run a check on,the first product in your catalog every,21 days looking for browser errors so we,want to see if there any hardcore code,errors on the page any sort of response,errors failed requests those sorts of,things and these are things that can,really negatively affect your SEO across,the board depending on how problematic,the error is because you know when the,google scraper gets to your page,sometimes their JavaScript errors that,may trigger something and Google will,look at that and say oh I can't trust,this page so you know a good example,would be too many insecure requests so,you're requesting you know either a,JavaScript file or something like that,that Google thinks is insecure because,you're not including you know HTTPS in,front of the request so that's a really,simple example where Google might see,five of those and say hey we don't trust,this site we don't even want to index,the content here because there may be a,deeper issue here you know and this,could especially be problematic if,you're requesting you know Java external,JavaScript files that are not secure you,know that doesn't happen very much,anymore but that's a really good example,of if you have code errors in the,console inside of the browser you know,Google can definitely demote you and,they could definitely let's say the they,put together the pieces in their own on,their side and they say we don't trust,this site we don't want to show their,content because the user may click on,this content and go to the site and the,site may present a problem for the user,from a security perspective like I said,that's rare but you know it's definitely,definitely something to keep track of,and the last feature of the screencast,that we're gonna look at is after you,become a paying customer we provide you,with the latest XML files that we submit,to Google on your behalf so you always,can check amount snoop around you know,see what we're doing see what data is,going to Google see how we're,approaching the problem and that's,always there for you it's more of a,technical thing or kind of you,if you're curious type of thing but you,know that's the that's the file that we,submit you know at all times,and we submit that every time you update,your product catalog so you know within,I would say anywhere between 30 seconds,to 10 minutes you know that updated data,on every single catalog change will be,with Google so that every time they they,scrape your your catalog they'll have,all of the most updated data and that's,a wrap this screencast is over if you,have any questions email us reach out no,problem we'll get back to you right away,Thanks

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