what's happening guys some mate back,here and in this video I'm gonna show,you exactly how to set up multiple,pixels on one Shopify store all of that,coming up right now so many of you who,are asking me how do you do it how do,you set up multiple pixels on one store,you say you can have mini merge,collections with one pixel how do you,fire a pixel for a group of products how,do you fire pick multiple pixels so,you're gonna have one pixel for this,collection one pixel for this collection,you can have dog pixels you can have,single design pixels you can have all,the pixels you want on a single store it,seems so easy to me but I guess a lot of,people don't know how to do it so I,wanted to make a quick little video,showing you step-by-step exactly how to,do it now the funny thing is there's,step by step tutorials how to do this,already if you just listen to me when I,tell you to go get the app that does,this the app that does this is called,tracker 5 he's got step by step videos,for this already but whatever I'll make,a quick I'll make a quick tutorial for,this so let me pull up my screen share,so that I can actually get show you this,stuff right okay so step one number one,is you want to install the track of 5,app the track of Phi app if you don't,already have it is right here it looks,like it looks like this one at rectify,pixel app and Facebook audience builder,okay first don't get that app I don't,know how much it cost I think I pay $30,a month I don't really know actually I I,think he's increased the prices have no,idea what it cost now so anyways okay so,definitely get that app if you want to,work with multiple pixels on one store,in the future I'm gonna make a video,about how you work with multiple pixels,outside of a store what you can use,selling funnels and you can put pixels,into different sales funnels I'm gonna,show you that too but this video is how,to have multiple pixels on one single,store so the first thing is get that app,next thing you want to do is go to a,product so here's a product or awesome,dollar sign wallet case okay so awesome,dollar in wallet size and the first,thing you want to do so this is the,second thing actually the second thing,you want to do and not go to collections,you want to add a tag it doesn't matter,but you have to call it underscored,track track are our underscore track,okay,underscore and then this is the part you,can type whatever you want if I want a,niche I want to put multiple products,whether that's multiple designs of,wallet case or a mug a wallet case a,watch that all have - hound dog right or,husky dog I can make a husky a husky tag,I can make a general dog tag of just dog,products I can make winter wonderland I,can make whatever so basically it does,not matter what you type in this box,what you're doing is you're putting a,tag onto this product and this product,is now part of that tag and then if you,want to organize you classify other,products with the same tag and what's,gonna happen is you're building a,classification however you want there's,no right and wrong way to do this you,just build a classification around,niches or on products so if I wanted to,do wallet case as a product and fire,only one picks fire a single pixel for,only wallet cases no matter what the,design I have maybe 200 wallet cases on,my store and then I want at one pixel to,fire four just wallet cases and then a,different pixel to fire right if this,was a watch watch right watch then this,is how you do it but then you have to,make sure you add this art art track or,underscore track underscore watch to all,of the watches on your store okay not,just the one product all of them and for,example on this one if I was going to,classify wallet case okay I'm setting up,all my wallet cases with a single pixel,okay so just to be clear I'm doing it,only one time on,video with only one product however you,want to do it on all of the products if,that's your classification if you're,gonna classify with cat lovers or dog,lovers or whatever do it for whatever,products and whatever designs our cats,cat design or cat products on your store,okay this is 100% up to you I just want,to make it clear you make the,organization the classification how you,want I'm gonna just do it at one product,right now so what I have wallet case,here ok boom wallet case I hit save it's,saving and saving and saving it's saving,it's still saving I don't know if I have,slow internet I don't know what's wrong,whatever okay so while this is saving,I'm going to go over to what is called,the product page for this okay so the,product page I'm gonna refresh I'm gonna,refresh the product page okay so i,refresh the prior page just so I know,that the new tag is gonna fire on that,product I did it in canítö window just,so that I don't know the cast is clear,or whatever so i refresh the page now i,believe there's a view content on this,product it should be you know it should,fire for that tag okay so then they're,going to go to the you're gonna go to,the track of phi app which looks like,this okay and the next thing you want to,do is gonna go track a phi and you're,gonna go out tags i think you have to,have premium mode for this tracker fide,premium is allows you to add multiple,pixels to a store but here let me show,you this so the tags i'm gonna go to,tags and we're gonna refresh that and,there should be our our underscore track,underscore wallet case okay so there you,go it showed up still loading okay so,here we go this is these are the tags,that are are our track all of the are,our track tags that are on my store is,showing up here inside a track if i okay,so i got our on this go track wallet,case that's the one that and then here's,the count how many times the view,content fired so i refresh the page,twice view content fired twice because,that you saw me refresh the page twice,okay if I had that on multiple products,anytime those other products were view,the content view contents were viewed or,the products are added to the cart you,would see the numbers here so that's how,you know these tags are working based on,whatever products they're on ok so now,how do you do,pixels for this our our trick take so,now you know the tags working you head,over this pixel tab and you can see,right here are our underscore track,underscore wallet case has no pixels,assigned to it so what I want to do is,I'm going to edit this and then I can,paste whatever my Facebook pixel is that,I want to optimize for people that buy a,wallet cases I'm gonna put that pixel,here make me maybe I make a new pixel,for my in my ad account use the main,pixel you can you add another pixel,whatever but these are extra pixels here,this tab is for extra pixels if you,already have a main pixel well you would,have a main pixel on your store ready,these are extra pixels on your store ok,not just the main one the main ones are,always in a fire but this is an extra,pixel that fires for certain products or,certain situations however you have it,set up right now I have it set up on one,single product but I had named it wallet,kiss so technically I should set up on,all my wallet case products and then,whenever someone views the case or adds,a wallet case to a product card or buys,a wallet case though the tags gonna fire,and then this pixel if I set it up right,here I can pick a Facebook pixel name so,what basically what you name the pixel,here whatever you want so I'm just gonna,name it,RR underscore track underscore wallet,case it doesn't have to have the art,underscore track right doesn't have to,have that name I just keepin it simple,you name it the same thing as the tag,name just to be the same right and so on,hit my save and boom now it's gonna try,to fire it says this even though this is,not a pixel it will attempt to fire that,pixel ID when this product is viewed so,how do I do that let's refresh the page,again and let's view this it says no,pixels found on this page let's let's,try that again,it well this is should have my normal,pixels some something's not working on,the incan needle mode let's try,let's try this,no pixel so I think I broke it or,something I think I broke it with the,with this thing so I'm going to delete,this one I want to see if I can get it,back so maybe don't put a fake pixel in,there okay so I deleted this one I,deleted this one now I want to make sure,my pixels are firing I'll refresh the,page there we go so you could see it,fired my pixels so basically I put a,fake pixel in there and it broke it but,if I put a real pixel in there it would,it would have fired it would fire the,view content of the main pixel and it,wouldn't have another one underneath for,the second pixel called wallet canes and,that would have fired the second pixel,on this product that's how that works,okay you can set up as many where is it,you can set up as many tags as you want,and you can assign each of those tags a,new pixel inside of tracker fine you can,have as many pixels on your Shopify,store as you want to track and optimize,however you want on your store now let,me preface and say to keep things simple,I personally like single product stores,with multiple niches and then this way I,don't have to do this even though I have,this set up on some things you can see,here that I was messing with having,single country pixels I had a couple of,the United States versions Canada UK,Australia worldwide I was messing around,with that recently it's seen if if I can,optimize better by having single,countries and I will tell you this the,what do you call I'll tell you the,consensus on that later in a future,video still testing and whatever just,make sure and I did this test before a,few years ago and it did make a,difference I wanted to test it again to,see if that still holds I don't know the,answer yet so just bear with me of that,but that's why I have our our tracks,based on countries right here because I,was testing pixels based on country,that's the end of this video guys that's,how you add multiple pixels to your,store and like I said I will show you,how to set up multiple pixels inside,different sales funnels on a future,video how do I set up that that's my,preferred way of selling is selling with,funnels because it converts way way,higher I'm gonna give you guys goods and,show you how to do all of that so stay,to hit that like button hit that,notification Bell subscribe and I will,see you on the next video
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