hey guys it's Paul from become Swift and,today I wanted to and a packet drop,shipping product review you know as a,marketer myself I'm very wary of the,marketing tactics of the psychological,tricks that they use in their copy and,their images in there you know sale,price and their email newsletters I'm,aware of it all I'm aware that I'm being,sold and it's pretty hard to sell me,okay like I'm a consumer of course I buy,things but I'm very strategic with,buying things and I know how to make,that decision I know how not to get,convinced but um apparently not actually,because this company,I'm not sponsoring them I don't even,care if you purchase them this Instagram,added basically said they're going out,of business they're having a last,blowout sale like a hundred dollars off,their watches so I was like man this is,a pretty good opportunity to buy some,watches I was considering to myself I,was like okay this is a Shopify store is,this his drop shipping store and I was,like maybe it's not and the reason I,thought not is because it said Godfrey,since 1923 and I was like but since 1923,I was like okay they established 1923,they probably had a bunch of artisans,watchmaking artisans you know crafting,this thing all the way back in the,nineteen hundreds and there's like a,history behind it there's a brand and,the website and everything looked really,good I could trust it I never heard of,the brand before I interacted with it,with like two or three times on the,website before I bought this thing like,men this is a legitimate company you,know this is not a job shipping store,this is the actual brand that's been,around since a long time but they fooled,me they fooled me okay this is not a,positive nor negative review of their,watches itself this is a review of their,marketing and their tactics and their,branding and I think there are some,lessons to learn here so right when you,open it you are greeted with two very,premium looking luxury brands watch,cases watch boxes it's nice like it's it,comes to customer experience it makes,makes it seem like you've got a legit,really good quality thing so right when,you unbox it,you get greeted with this little car,thing,it's just really nice and like the,thicknesses is of an actual credit card,like this thing is not a cheap little,paper one thing I would change is the,grammar is like you can clearly tell,somebody,non-english wrote this thing but you,know it's a nice touch so got a nice,little protective sleeve thing and then,you're greeted with the actual watch now,you've got this little nice little,banner thing going up like that and it's,actually a very nice looking watch like,I'm not even gonna lie it's a stainless,steel all over silver and nice it's very,nice it's very flexible very thin and,this reminds me of like a Daniel,Wellington watch in terms of quality,definitely looks pretty good,you know the whole perception I have of,this is you know pretty high quality so,let's look at the second one the same,thing going on here and we got this one,right here so like I said if you guys,are familiar with Daniel Wellington this,is like the exact kind of style and yeah,the quality is very nice so these are,the two watches I bought they even have,the gold free sketching on the back of,this thing so you can clearly tell they,put a lot of difference to this so some,tips for branding and customer,experiences go the extra mile go the,extra mile like if you have a winning,product if you're still testing products,do not do any of this stuff,you're gonna waste money if you have a,winning product go ahead and invest a,little bit more into packaging like this,and like you know business car is old,flyers all you have to do is ask ask,your supplier because a lot of times,your supplier will have these resources,and will be able to do it for extremely,cheap for example I used to job ship a,comb a beard comb and it had silver,screws in the past I asked my supplier I,was like hey can I get these in gold and,they were able to do it for me it was a,little bit more expensive but the,perception of a comb with gold screws,rather than silver screws is pretty,significant you can charge more if the,perception is higher if you still want,to do the job shipping route you can,still provide the branding experience,just gonna have to have like automated,emails saying or manufacturing it right,and make it seem like it's a legitimate,thing however it was a very deceptive,how they tricked me and said that,they're going out of business which is,probably not true and it probably won't,bite them back in the ass when customers,see they're still advertising and,they're like hey you're going out of,business and then the description says,quartz watch and some Chinese letter and,this is a SKU I would say like the,actual branded watch name and no Chinese,letters no SKU and then over here at,value I will put the value of how much I,paid worth of how much the customer pays,for it this one says five that's the,actual Aliexpress price I would tell the,supplier to change this invoice and,forge the value of it to make the,received value a lot higher and you,don't have to pay any extra tariffs for,that if you're above a thousand dollars,or something in value then you have to,pay some tariffs but you know I'm not a,legal expert so don't count me on that,this is what I've done them whenever I,sold shops even products that were with,like $2 I told the manufacturer hey,price it at $50 we're like you know,something like that I didn't have to pay,any tariffs but yeah good job guys,if you're watching this this is not a,review I'm not even gonna have that link,in the description you guys really,convinced me especially with the subtle,since 1923 that is so subtle but it,actually works,we found this content useful then going,into the subscribe button upload videos,like this all the time especially with,e-commerce Shopify drop shipping that,sort give it a like button and leave in,the comments if you have any questions,and I'll see you guys in the next video,thanks for watching
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