hey guys happiness here welcome back to,my channel and we are back again with,another shopify game overview,and in today's video we are going to do,some review or an overview about,boundless shopify theme so this theme is,free and so i am going to show you a,background of it what this theme,actually has so you can see and knows if,this uh they will be perfect for your,shopify store i'm just gonna help you to,save your time just to add this um theme,in your store and then you're gonna end,up not liking it just because of its,feature and things like that so i'm,gonna show you in detail what this,bundle is theme is for what is meant for,and showing you what does it require or,what does it has so you can have an idea,if this will be a good fit for your,store so as you can see here this is our,bank bankless theme,and it is actually a store that is meant,for all minimal things so it is a,minimal name and if you have like a,really really good photograph that they,are going to stand out this name is for,you because the theme will make your,pictures your photos they have to be,really really good picture though,they're gonna make it stand out like,even your customer won't have to read,your uh description just about your,stuff,just because of how the photographs,looks like so as you can see here it,says this is a minimal theme that puts,your photographs front and at the center,so yeah so these are the features of the,boundless theme it has an optimize for,large images so when you add your images,on this boundless theme your images,they're going to be like so large like,to have that really good picture,so your customer can see a story of the,picture like when when they see the,picture your customer will really love,your product that you're selling so they,have a showcase of high-resolution,products so if you're really good on,photographs product this theme is for,you they have also a slideshow with,fading effects so you have an option to,add multiple products or brand images on,your slideshow homepage they also have a,sticky navigation i'm gonna show you,when i'm starting to review the demo,like what i meant by the sticky,navigations and they also have a single,product galley which is going to feature,like a really large and high uh high,resolution images,and also they have a full with,collection images in the homepage video,so you can add your videos on these um,boundless themes so let's go and view,the demo so you can see what i meant by,all these features so let's go back here,and they this theme has uh different,presets they have a black and white,which is this one and they also have a,vibrant which is this one so i'm just,going to show you how the black and,white demo store looks like so let's,click view demo style,so this is one of the things that i was,talking about they have um,they have a showcase for a,high-resolution product imagery,throughout your store as you can see,here this,image is like wow like i'm like wow it's,like a really good resolution it's very,clear very clean to display how your,product is looking like and you have um,a slideshow you can slide um and you can,add like as many as a slideshow as you,want i will also show you behind of,behind the scene of your settings on the,shopify admin page so you can have that,um,an idea of it and the menu section here,is really really simple,and very clean but they don't have a,drop down menu just like other shopify,themes so it's just like that,just very clear like when you click here,it's going to take you to the women's,section men's section other store or,other shopify then you'll see that if,you have like a woman's section you'll,have like a drop down menu that will,show you like with different tops,dresses patterns and stuff like that but,this boundless theme doesn't have uh the,drop down menu so if the drop down menu,is a really big factor for your theme,that you're picking for your shopify,store then about less than one b for you,because it doesn't have a drop-down menu,section but overall the menu section,looks really clean as i said before um,this theme is for only minimal things so,no many complications only minimal staff,also on your product section these are,the products that looks very really,different than other,uh themes as well like other themes you,can find that they have um,like a product,and then they have like a real,real product description next to it or,underneath it but this boundless theme,doesn't have it so basically like when,you are like doing like these like,you will only see the name of the,product and the price of it it doesn't,have like a really really um product,description and these products they also,have,um a fitting effect so as you can see,here you really can't see the product it,has like this is called the fighting,effects and also it has a sticky,navigation so basically this is our main,menu up here and if you keep scrolling,up like you're going up like this,navigation keeps um,keeps sticking around it doesn't um hide,so this is the sticky navigation feature,and when we click um when we click one,of our product,you can just see the image,wow it's like wow this is one of the,best thing i love about a boundless,theme the pictures the photograph,they're like so minimal and very clean,fresh very modern like,when you see the product of the picture,on the bottomless theme you can see that,you really don't have to be convinced,just to read the description of the,product and just go and buy the product,because the pictures they're really,really good so if you have like a really,good professional,photograph then boundless theme is for,you because it can showcase your product,like really really good with the good,high isolation so just,when you're thinking about about list,theme think about your photograph you,really don't want to have like picture,that they don't have like a clear view,like this one then blacklisting is not,for you,well i'm in love already with,boundlessness so anyways let's move,ahead so this is how your pictures,they're gonna look like,and down here you're gonna have a,description,um your social media icons and different,sizes and different colors of your,product and the price and the call to,action that you can buy add to cart so,here you can add to cut and buy it now,so this is how,about less themes looks like on the,desktop screen and when you check on the,mobile this is how it's going to look,like so let's go on our shopify admin,page and see how boundless settings,actually looks like um behind the scenes,so um let's click customize and um,it's gonna take us so this is how,boundless homepage menu sections looks,like,it doesn't have like so many things,because this is a very minimal um,shopify them,and this is where you can add your,announcement by section,and you can add your sidebar here and,your announcement is going to appear,here you can change the color here you,can put anything,um you want to like links and you can,type any anything you want to tell your,customers,and they also have a header section,so on the header section here you can,add your logo,um let's go back and here you can add,your slideshow so on the slideshow here,you can add as many slideshows as you,want by clicking like add slideshow and,your slideshow will be in added here so,so far we have two slides i can add,another slide and i can have like three,slides and this is an action bar which,is this one here,you can also edit here,and reach text so on the rich text you,can talk about your brand it's same just,like,other shopify theme and you can also put,your featured collection here your,newsletter section and your footer menu,so this is your footer menu here you can,add so many things just like,here you can add your shipping policies,your sizing information,your social media icons your payments,gateway they can only they can all go,here,on your footer many sections so it's,just really simple,and you have your search button here in,your arctic card section,so yeah that is how boundless theme,looks like it's a very simple very,minimal it doesn't have like,so many things,but the best thing i love about this is,that the product images they are on,point so if you are planning to use,boundless theme make sure your,photograph level is like really really,good that your product has to be like,really really good i think this is the,main point about boundless theme so yeah,guys i hope you liked today's video um,let me know down below on the comment,section what you think about boundless,theme and if you want me to make a video,about how to customize a boundless,shopify theme let me know down below on,the comment section just leave me a,comment down there so you can let me,know if i should go and create um a,shopify tutorial on how to customize,bandwidth's theme so don't forget to,give me a big big thumbs up for this,video leave me a comment down below,and subscribe on my channel for more,video like this and i'll see you guys on,the next video
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