fans from everywhere batman shopify

The Best Shopify Theme In 2022 (Industry experts have voted) which one is the best shopify theme in,

Coding with Jan - Shopify Developer

Updated on Mar 03,2023

The Best Shopify Theme In 2022 (Industry experts have voted)

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The Best Shopify Theme In 2022 (Industry experts have voted)

which one is the best shopify theme in,2022,together with our good friends at,storetasker we wanted to find out,exactly that so over the last week we,interviewed various experts developers,agency owners from our network and from,storetasker's awesome freelancing,platform link in the description,and to our surprise we actually found,out way more than we expected so if you,listen to this you will not only,discover which one was the most upvoted,theme but you will also learn what makes,a theme great from a merchant's,perspective like what to pay attention,to when picking a good theme and you,will also learn what makes other,developers want to use your theme which,is a very interesting angle if you want,to build themes yourself and then,potentially sell them on the theme store,so here's what we discovered,all right patrick i'm super excited that,you're here today and yeah i actually,can't believe that we didn't do this,earlier um so would you like to,introduce yourself really quick,thank you jan for the invite um yeah my,name is patrick i'm the founder of the,agency eshop guide we are the fastest,growing agency in germany uh 2 million,in revenue 35 people,it's crazy people and we love shopify,and i'm happy to talk about the themes,that's awesome um okay maybe before we,get there would you also like to share,one or two sentences about the clients,that you typically work with this is,like smaller businesses larger,businesses yeah just,uh yes so we usually work with,existing businesses that,migrate to shopify,on woocommerce shopper or whatever,or with businesses who come,traditionally from a b2b space um and,who are dipping their toes into the d2c,world and just need their first job,rarely we work with real real startups,because that's usually,for them it doesn't make sense to work,with a with an established agency,because of the pricing,okay that's great and yeah as you know,today we wanted to talk about themes um,so you also do quite a few store setups,per month um so the question would be do,you guys have a favorite theme,yes um,so there are trends uh it's it's,actually quite quite funny uh from turbo,to prestige but now our favorite theme,is impulse um from archetype,um,the the story behind archetype is that,uh people who used to work for shopify,actually and um they really built the,themes,that you want them to build they they're,just awesome and they have good support,they've um they're,rather um fast in terms of performance,the themes they have a lot of um,features and they're usually,like right on top of the technological,curve what's possible with the themes,however at the moment because you you're,probably aware of that uh shopify 2.0,came out and with that um,shopify released a new standard theme,don,which really breaks records in terms of,performance and speed,and we don't see those numbers yet with,the um,paid themes,also not with imports,okay so yeah let me just wrap this up so,okay so you basically have,two favorite themes let's say impulse as,a paid theme done as a free theme,um yeah since we have a long friendship,you can have two votes,i mean impulse if if you don't have,coding capabilities uh use impulse if,you do have calling capabilities and can,customize the theme a little bit then,you can use storm,okay that's great and yeah my follow-up,question would have been why in,particular so you said okay dawn in,terms of page speed impulse in terms of,aesthetics features and everything and,yeah because they they think about what,merchants need what developers need um,okay i think that's a great perspective,um yeah patrick thanks so much for,joining today and yeah we see each other,very soon i guess thank you for the,opportunity see ya,um all right jay then thanks so much for,taking the time today um would you like,to introduce us have a bit,yeah my name is jay i'm from cincinnati,ohio i originally went to school for,accounting and philosophy,uh but got bored out of my mind with the,accounting so started building websites,in my free time,it's been about a decade since so i've,been building websites ever since,uh built around 500 plus shopify stores,websites not just exclusively shopify,other cms's as well actually uh but on,500 plus stores helped companies do,about 100 million in online sales,uh i've done a lot with the shopify,ecosystem in particular i've been a,speaker on their blog i've been a guest,speaker at amazon so really just lived,and breathed in commerce the past decade,i describe myself as a,boutique agency so i have a small team,it's me and seven other people time,uh so we have a small crew and we do,everything from store design development,seo ad campaigns uh really just kind of,ecommerce full stack so set up landing,pages help them convert drive more,traffic to them help them retain,uh and upsell existing customers all,that fun stuff so okay yeah sounds very,impressive,awesome um and uh okay so this is like a,full service marketing agency or not,only marketing ecommerce in general you,said um 500 plus websites that's awesome,um do you usually,like build custom sites from scratch or,do you use any uh pre-built themes and,then customize from there yeah good,question you know i would say this is,probably one of the single biggest,questions or concerns that come up when,i talk to a new client it's like what,theme are we going to use what theme are,we going to use,my preference is to keep it pretty,simple and bare bones and use the,shopify native ones so previously that,was debut now that's dawn 2.0,i like to just keep it as,minimal bloat as possible,and then typically my process is to,come up with a design concept for,desktop and mobile do that in like,photoshop figma,xd files confirm that and then build off,the base template of uh like lately it's,done 2.0 previously it was you know okay,yeah i think that's a great choice,especially oh we can we can actually,talk about that um so why would you say,is the dawn theme or why is it great in,particular do you got any do you have,any preference so why not use any,premium theme or yeah you could you can,just,think it's because,i'm apprehensive to pick other third,party themes just because you want,long-term congruence so it's something,that's safe and secure of like hey this,is the built by shopify and recommended,uh like de facto one that they provide,it's,pretty sound infrastructure to build on,top of you definitely don't like choose,a really indie theme and then have them,disappear or just not compile with,update so that's a that's part of like,the framework of thinking about,long-term,uh viability with it,um and then i think it just comes with a,lot of minimal bloat so it comes with,all the main core features and upgrades,that you would want that shopify is,offering and providing,but without having a lot of extra bells,and whistles that can,negatively impact your speed,um just might not be necessary so i try,to keep it very minimal where possible,uh and just remove bloat whenever we can,okay so okay so you said site speed is a,concern um keep it as lean as possible,and long-term maintenance by the vendor,or by the creator which is shopify,namely,um okay that's that's good reasons um,would you also say john dawn is a um,good general purpose theme or do you,have like uh different theme preferences,for different niches and verticals um,not really especially now yeah i mean uh,just seeing like what websites convert,we do a decent amount of cro and things,like that like it is pretty well set up,outside of the box that you don't have,to do a lot of customization uh having,the meta fields and things like that is,nice as well,um but we still it ultimately is a,case-by-case basis so i mean we've,worked with tons of different,products and services all across the,board and,as you work through and with them with,those uh entrepreneurs like one-on-one,get to know their business like we do,try to provide a custom experience,and so sometimes we will modify that,just to really facilitate that but by,and large you know you kind of have the,same general mold or concept that you're,working through,okay cool j that was awesome um thanks,much for your opinion and yeah do you,got any any last words you want to share,with the audience no,thanks for your time as well i'm just,really huge fan of shopify it's a really,solid ecosystem and,a good place to place your chips for the,long run and thanks for having me today,once again my name is jay with lantern,soul lantern uh happy to have a,conversation anytime,okay hey tyler um yeah some of you may,already know you from the channel from,previous videos but would you like to,introduce yourself really quick,yeah sure so my name is taylor page i am,a freelance web developer um and shopify,expert,and i am based currently out of,springfield missouri area though i'm mid,process of moving to be closer to family,in ohio so i help merchants and um you,know also marketing seo agencies as a,web developer so primarily with custom,theme development is usually how i term,that um so if people need design or,functionality built into a theme,and then also,obviously just you know integrating an,app,or even things with store configuration,and settings those are those are all,just a couple of things that i do,okay that's awesome and what would you,say is like your typical client is there,one specific or all across the board,would you say,yeah i mean it's hard it's kind of,across the board because i have i have,one very large client that i work with,on a regular basis that has multiple,brands but i also sometimes work with,folks just starting off or helping,people migrate from something like,woocommerce um so they might they might,you know be a much smaller plan like,something like even the basic or,standard plan compared to somebody i,have probably,um you know five plus clients um but,then in between that is some different,folks from there,okay perfect and okay you also mentioned,um that you oftentimes build custom,themes or you do migrations pretty much,er everything yeah everything from from,setups i guess to customizations and,optimizations,um,and today's video topic is regarding,your favorite theme so yeah do you have,a favorite theme that you oftentimes use,uh yeah i mean well so it it does depend,i know we've talked about that kind of,by the merchant i typically what i will,do is i'll make recommendations and i,always make recommendations for arch,type themes,i think they do a excellent job across,the board so one of my favorites out of,them,out of theirs that they do is impulse,theme,that's a great one yeah yeah okay and,okay yeah we we can't just leave it in,the room like that um so why is that in,particular is there anything special,about this theme or anything you like in,particular yeah absolutely i think it's,it's really well suited from anything,from medium to large size merchants so,they cover a lot of ground with a lot of,the functionality that they have,and it's just really well designed so,they implement a lot of like really good,things like some subtle animations uh,things that are normally you know kind,of do you know hard to do like,implementing like site-wide if somebody,wants something like that um it just,kind of comes in out of the box they,also do some really nice things like,they have a really really good option,for like filtering right out of the box,as well even before we had like the,medical option too right,and so they they do a lot of those,things really really well um and then,obviously for my side of things as well,i think they nail,um documentation like they knocked it,out of the park too so both for,merchants and then for developers um a,lot of folks that is something uncommon,that they do that a lot of other theme,providers don't do is they even have,documentation for things like javascript,events for developers so if you're,having to build in something like,listening for when a variant changes or,something's added to the cart,rather than having to build your own or,go through the theme and figure it out,they have just documentation that makes,it way easier to implement,okay yeah i think that's a great angle,we've also talked about this during the,theme accelerator program which was for,like building themes and then how,important it is to document your theme,for merchants and developers um so yeah,thanks for your for your take on that i,think that's great advice,yeah thank you,yeah hi robin awesome that you took the,time today um would you like to,introduce yourself a bit,yeah first of all uh jan happy to be,here and to have this opportunity and of,course yeah i want to introduce myself,my name is robin i'm a,freelancer,shopify focused and working at shopify,or for shopify,merchants,around,two years now,three years yeah around three years now,and um since the beginning of this year,i have started to,employ my first full-time employee and,one part-time employee and we work for,several merchants and help them grow in,shopify,awesome so yeah right now i mean since,we're friends i know that you're,starting your own agency right now so,things are looking good and would you,also like to share a bit about like what,types of clients you usually work with,this is like smaller startups enterprise,companies,a bit of both yeah you can let me know,uh in germany we would say uh straight,through the bank,yeah,so um we we have,little merchants who,just start right now on shopify and um,yeah started to sell their first,products and we also have bigger,companies uh so-called um,house cult in germany we say um,mid-level companies or something like,that so not big ones the really big ones,but the,average company is successful companies,yeah small smaller than average,businesses yeah yeah a small medium,sized business right yeah on point okay,and we have them,had them building shopify apps we have,them building shopify themes adjustments,in their themes and we also built custom,software solutions for their production,systems,if they have a production internally for,customized products that's something we,do,okay that's great and now that you,mentioned themes like you know this is,also like the topic of our video today,um so,do you have a favorite theme when doing,these store setups for example,definitely for setup projects it's most,it depends um if we have a customer who,just,a merchant who starts with shopify,we prefer to use the dawn theme since,it's os 2.0 already,it has,a very very,um understandable code structure for,developers so if you want to to start on,something that is highly adjustable and,easy to understand dawn theme is,definitely the way to go,and if the merchant is able to invest a,little bit more money then nothing,we,in the teach team which is one of the,more functional themes in the store and,also,more or less easy to adjust on code wise,it's not as easy as the dawn theme since,the dawn splitted up all the,functionality in different,components and sections,and the prestige has for example one big,js file where you have to find all the,functionalities and make adjustments to,but it's more easier than other themes,out there,okay yeah so to wrap this up so you said,as a free theme it would be the dawn,theme for performance and,maintenance or customizability if that's,a word,and then as a paid theme it would be,prestige,for maybe the default aesthetics and,yeah it's also extendable but not as,easy,as you would think or as it is with the,dawn theme let's say,yeah absolutely but uh the prestige,theme already comes in with so many,functionalities that it's most time not,necessary to update it,on code yeah perfect yeah one of my,favorite themes,awesome,okay yeah robin then uh thanks so much,for taking the time today um i think,these were great insights and yeah we're,gonna see each other very soon i'm sure,of that,you're welcome see you,all right brent then thanks much for,joining today um yeah we've just talked,about how we already have a,well-established report in text form so,it's awesome to finally meet you in,person and would you like to introduce,yourself a bit to the audience,yeah absolutely so my name is brent and,i run the agency only growth uh we're a,shopify plus agency who focuses on,conversion rate optimization through ux,changes uh you know building out tech,stocks for brands as well as custom,development uh basically we try to use,proven growth strategies to help grow,brands and drive more revenue for them,and our basically our main clientele is,anyone who kind of is driving between 5,million a year in revenue to all the way,up to about 15 million a year revenue so,yeah that's kind of a high level,overview of what uh we do at only growth,wow that's very impressive so so you,only work with enterprise clients or,yeah for the most part so enterprise,clients or people who are showing like,basically a lot of growth very rapidly,uh that's kind of who our top client is,uh that being said you know if you're,someone who's reaching out and you're,maybe not quite at that point we're,always happy to help kind of direct you,in the right spot where to look uh we've,been around the space for seven years,which you know in the long stream of,things it's not a long time but in,shopify you know that's almost since the,beginning of when it started to kind of,take off so we do have a lot of,knowledge and we're always happy to help,our main goal is to you know get any,brand some sort of growth so uh yeah our,main focus enterprise brands but,anyone's welcome to reach out and always,have to kind of help guide them in the,right direction,okay that's awesome and yeah as you know,today we kind of wanted to talk about,themes and maybe your favorite theme,um,now that you mentioned enterprise,clients is using themes even a thing,that you still do or do you only build,custom themes yeah you can let me know,do you have a favorite theme yeah so for,my agency we actually still focus on,using the shopify theme as the base so,what we always kind of say is we want to,start with one of the premium themes,from the shopify store and that will get,us about 70 of the way there there's,never gonna be a theme that kind of has,you know 100 of the features right out,of the box um we find that's a really,good base to start with because when you,start doing fully custom themes when you,start integrating different apps and,different solutions it can become kind,of messy and then you really you know,let's say we build a theme for someone,and we all of a sudden um you know run,into a couple issues and we need to,reach out to an app developer or someone,to kind of help solve it and then if,it's not the standard kind of process a,lot of shopify stores set up,um it just can become a little bit,messier so we still do like to use uh,you know a premium theme as the base and,we just kind of build on top of that and,then the answer question about the,favorite theme so we kind of you know,depending on,what new theme developers are bringing,out and what they're kind of offering we,kind of switch between a couple,different theme developers um for kind,of like your favorite one to go with,right now we're using the theme called,expanse and it's by archetype themes and,that's kind of like our go-to right now,for a lot of our brands that we're,working with,okay and why is that why is that in,particular is there anything special,about the theme or anything you would,like to highlight,yeah so there's a lot i can highlight i,could probably bore you with all the,things that we do like about it but i'll,kind of run you through like my top five,reasons why we do like it um one of the,main things like i kind of said is the,theme developer so we've been in the,space long enough where we have like a,pretty good idea of like you know who's,been building things for a while and who,has you know a really good rap for you,know good support uh you know quick to,get back to when you have questions and,ideas and that's our idea and they're,really good so archetype themes who is,the theme builder of expanse um we've,been working with them and their themes,for a while they're they're great to you,know bounce questions off of they're,great to,have just like any sort of conversation,around the theme as well as just you,know we know that we're getting a really,good product from them they've just,built so many themes and perfected their,themes over the last you know four or,five years that uh we know that we're,kind of getting a solid product with,them that being said there's obviously a,lot of new theme developers who are,coming into the store just recently they,opened it up to more submissions and,we're not trying to take anything away,from them it's just more we're not as,familiar with them at this point so it's,just kind of you know,we like to go with someone that we know,builds really good themes and they can,always be trusted um the other thing,that we really like about this theme is,it's very versatile so it's geared,towards having a medium to large,inventory and it does like a really,good job with catalogs that are,relatively large but we have built a few,stores that you know have like 15 or,less views on them and you can still,have a lot of flexibility so we find,that you can really cover you know any,size of catalog with that theme where,some do really focus on really large,categories and if you have like a small,amount of skews they don't really gel,really well and vice versa we find,there's some themes out there that work,great for a small,amount of skews but you know not so,great with the large amount of skew so,that's also like a really good feature,we like about it um as well as you kind,of heard me talk about earlier,we kind of like this have the idea that,a theme will get you seventeen percent,of the way there and when we kind of say,that we mean we want to look at the big,stuff like when you're coming and doing,theme customizations you know you don't,want to be touching like the navigation,you don't want to be touching me with,like the card as much you want to just,be like doing like little tweaks here,and there and we find with the expanse,theme they cover all the big things so,you know we have a really good,navigation like a really good mega menu,to start with um they have a drawer card,which we really like to use with all of,our brands i'll give you a lot of,opportunity to have you know like,cross-sells and upsells in your cart as,well as just adding more information in,there um and they just kind of do a lot,of like you know there's a lot of good,with like sub collections and the,ability to come to collection lists,everything's kind of just nice and,aesthetically pleasing around those kind,of like big features um and then as well,as like what the big features they do,all the little things right so with some,of the small features on the store those,are the things where you're not maybe,thinking about when you're buying the,theme you're kind of looking at the big,stuff and then we find a lot of brands,that get into the theme they're like oh,like i want to add an extra button here,or i wish my announcement bar had the,ability to have you know two scrolling,messages or you know all those little,things and we find that expanse,actually includes a lot of that and it's,one of those you know you get in there,you can add just some different like,custom form fields to your um contact us,page like just like really small things,that typically a developer would need to,come in to do um you can kind of take,care of yourself so we find there's like,a lot of flexibility there and then just,kind of my last point is just like,overall aesthetics and like the mobile,friendliness so,obviously i'm sure you and your audience,know that you know anywhere between 70,to 80 percent of traffic comes from,mobile nowadays so to have a theme like,out of the box that has a really good,mobile friendly view uh with like you,know easy to use navigation uh the,ability to put like two by two grids so,you're not necessarily stacking,everything on top and causing a lot of,scrolling um all those types of little,features as well is really well done,and we just find like i said kind of out,of the box there's a lot of good stuff,and we're able to utilize a lot of it,without having to add like custom,custom work to kind of finish the rest,of it,okay that's awesome i think this was,some great input um so yeah let me just,quickly wrap this up so it would be,archetype themes um actually they they,received a lot of good feedback on the,series already,and you said okay great for medium to,large size catalogs mobile,responsiveness um the code,yeah the the heavy code features or code,extensive code features however you want,to call them ajax card mega menu are,fine already um and yeah it gets you,seventy percent to turn the way they are,um so yeah i think that's an amazing,theme and yeah thanks so much for the,perspective,yeah no absolutely thanks so much for,listening me talk about my favorite,theme,hi hum austin that you took the time,today so would you like to introduce,yourself a bit to the audience,all right sure hi anne and hi everyone,i'm humeiyapp so people call me ham,i am a shopify ninja,i built killer stores uh no kidding,aside um i am an i.t corporate dropout,um,turned full-time freelancer so because,after eight years of doing corporate i,realized that,corporate being a corporate employee is,not scalable,uh i'm also a self-taught web developer,and uh right now i'm currently handling,um shopify plus accounts so one of my,longest clients actually is making,thousand dollars per month in revenue,organic,wow that's awesome,yeah yeah i also know that you're uh um,you're also actively in a like in a,freelance community is that something,yeah you wanna touch on,yes yes i am so i am part of i believe,it's the largest freelancing community,in the philippines like well for me,i love it so much so yeah i'm part of uh,freelance like the best freelance,community in the philippines and i'm,i'm a tribe leader there so if you're,interested if you're in the philippines,join us,okay i'm sure we can get in touch,okay sounds great and um yes you,mentioned um shopify plus clients for,example but you also work with like,smaller startups or smaller yeah of,course yes yes like especially in the,philippines um mostly they're like,startups because they're in the,philippines they're only transitioning,to like digital so,yes mostly startup in the philippines,okay cool and yeah as you know today we,wanted to talk about shopify themes,so,tell me like what's the favorite or,what's the best shopify themes in,general,for me personally um i haven't actually,um gotten an experience with a lot like,tons of,themes but,with my experience my favorite is,actually don,so the reason for that is because,dawn is very clean,um it's well optimized so which makes it,fast,all the sections are made by components,well of course it's already an online,store 2.0,um,so yeah it's it's it's highly,customizable for me i think i think like,for um shopify developers like using the,very basic and free theme,is the best theme to use to customize,that's my personal point of view okay,sounds good so you set up okay so first,of all because it's free and that's like,ideal for startups as well yes you need,to bootstrap things obviously and then,okay performance is a big one,customizability and super clean code,which makes life as a developer a bit,easier is that right yes yes that's,correct okay awesome i think that's a,great perspective and um yeah thanks so,much for tuning in hope to have you back,on the channel one day very soon,yes of course uh thank you as well jan,it's an honor because i'm such a,follower i'm a follower of your um,video channel youtube channel so thank,you thank you for having me appreciate,it awesome,all right stuart awesome to meet you um,yeah would you like to introduce,yourself a bit to the audience,hi jan thanks thanks nice to meet you as,well um i'm an independent web developer,and a shopify partner,and i work on client stores through,storetasker and i help them customize,their their stores and make their,sort of visions for the front end of the,store come to life essentially,okay that's pretty cool and uh like like,what what kind of clients do you work,with if i may ask is this rather,startups this is people in a specific,country or yeah you can just let me know,it's,interestingly it's it's a range of,clients from across the globe i mean,they they ask for,a range of different um,tasks really i mean some of them want,sort of custom sections built for their,theme some of them prefer to integrate,an app and they want the app to work a,certain way with the theme,and,others,have a vision for some styling they want,to do or anything like that,and in terms of size it can be an,independent,founder running on their own an,independent merchant it can be quite a,large organization it can vary quite a,lot to be honest so it's interesting to,see the spectrum okay that's awesome so,all across the board all over the globe,basically,absolutely i don't discriminate,that's awesome um and okay so as you,know today we wanted to talk about um,different themes,so yeah stuart let me know do you have a,favorite theme,i do indeed so i would recommend,archetype themes broadly i really like,their themes um i like the features they,offer the prices are good um,specifically i like the motion theme,in minimal it looks really good it looks,really clean and simple they also have,impulse they also have one called,expanse which in the modern style is,really nice as well,um,there's a few reasons why like i said,they they cover all the bases i mean,they,they're fast they're a good price they,include all the features that you would,expect in terms of,sliders um featured collections and,products and obviously now with that,with os 2.0 online store 2.0 they're,very customizable in terms of what,building blocks you want to fit in where,so that's really good as well and,they're up to date with that,in terms of speed it's good the lazy,loading is there for images um images,are high resolution or scaling to them,to the size of the viewport of the,screen you're looking at it on so,they're quite well optimized for that as,well now my favorite feature about them,is a little bit selfish but not really,i'll explain what i mean is that,they're really developer friendly in a,way that most other themes aren't,so when you are,requested by,a merchant a store owner to make a,customization on a theme,let's say that they want to cross-sell a,product for example which by the way is,a feature of some of these themes but,let's say they want to do it a certain,way and they want it custom built for a,certain product and you could have meta,fields to um,link products together and there are,different ways that you could do it but,um,essentially you want to cross sell let's,say,you might be selling a skateboard and,you want to sell like spare wheels that,go with it as like um an accessory,product or maybe there there are dresses,and there's a handbag that complements,the dress or there's jewelry and there's,a necklace and the earrings that go with,it in a set for example well you might,want to display that on the same product,page and you can do that,but then with certain themes you might,want to add the second product when the,add to cart button is clicked,and um,have that show up in the ajax cart for,example the asynchronous cart that will,slide out like a draw from the side for,example,and with certain themes there's no way,to talk to the code to do that,but with the archetype themes they have,um javascript events for develop for,developers which are really really handy,because it allows you to both trigger,and listen for certain events so in the,case i'm mentioning in this example you,could say cart um colon build and that,after you've added the product to the to,the cart with the with the shopify,api then you can you can call that you,can trigger that event and that will,fire off to the theme the theme will,listen for it and it will update the,cart and then you can display the add to,cart so you can make really really,customized experiences that integrate,really nicely with a theme without,messing with or,breaking the theme code in any way so,it's really harmonious and useful in,that way i would say okay that's that's,so interesting you say that because just,a couple days ago,i was i was on an event for um,developers who are building new themes,and they were asking about like what,makes a theme great and then uh our,advice was basically to not only build,for merchants but also for developers,like great documentation extensible,theme code these types of things and,yeah that's exactly what you just,mentioned um so yeah totally on the same,page with that,absolutely a lot of um clients and store,owners you know they have their own,vision of what they might want it to,look like or a certain section that they,want to build in or anything like that,or sometimes it's just,a b testing or data driven or it comes,back from their clients that a a lot of,um customers who buy a product also want,to buy product b for example and so they,want to sell them together and,you can just get those next level of,customizations if you can integrate more,deeply with the theme and the theme code,in that way,and it's also,possible to do it in a way that doesn't,cause breaking changes when the theme,needs to be updated for example so it's,it's just across the board better for,everybody yeah absolutely,absolutely okay so yeah let me let me,wrap this up really quick so you said,archetype themes and then you mentioned,um yeah pretty much all of them,but now let's do it if you had to pick,one which one would it be,i'm gonna say motion minimum,all right okay uh awesome i think this,were like this was great input great,advice um yeah thanks so much for,joining today and have a wonderful rest,of your day,it's been a pleasure thank you so much,john have a great day,hi dominic awesome to meet you um would,you like to introduce yourself to the,audience a bit,yeah sure so my name is don taylor,i'm a uk front end web developer i've,been working with shopify for the last,four years i guess now uh prior to that,um,i was doing a lot of word,work in,uh woocommerce,and,um i was,and i'm coming from a digital marketing,background and then i sort of,transitioned more into,front end web development work in the,last few years,i've got a mixture of agency experience,and client-side experience,um i lived out in australia for a bit,and i worked for quicksilver,and then after leaving that job i,decided to go um self-employed,okay that's awesome and,with with what type of clients are you,typically working with is this like,startups enterprise companies,a bit of both,um,yeah so it's a bit of both really um,i,i generally like to work with smaller,businesses,but sometimes i do work with larger,brands because larger brands it's like,when you're doing certain activities,like digital marketing then it's a lot,easier to,say you know get um,to manage their google ads campaigns etc,um but yeah,there is a whole broad um uh broad remit,of clients i work with usually so okay,yeah yeah totally understand and,yeah since you know today we wanted to,talk about um themes,um so the question would be,do you have a favorite theme,out of all of them available,i do um my favorite theme currently i,mean this is subject to change but at,the moment it's dawn,dawn 2.0,this this is because it's very easy to,it kind of reminds me of um,uh slate,and,just bare bones you know scaffolding of,the other theme it's got all the,essential elements that you can,expect with with a shopify theme it's,very easy to,get set up,um the fact that it's os 2.0 um,compatible,uh very easy to work,with app in beds,sections anywhere obviously,and for the most part it does the job,very well it's very performant as well i,find compared to some of the other,things even premium themes,it always scores uh very well on,the core web vitals audits,and it's actively maintained on github,so you can see a lot of um collaborative,uh,you know a lot of i think there's 36,currently and currently on version,version six,so it's actively maintained they're,always updating the repository,uh,yeah,okay okay yeah just to wrap this up so,you said the dawn theme as one of the,three themes um os 2.0 compatible,heavily maintained or actively,maintained,tons of great features performance,integrates away with other apps um yeah,so that summarizes it pretty much right,yeah yeah and to give you an example,recently i was working with clients uh,redevelopment um and i went with dawn um,because they didn't want a whole load of,like complex functionality they wanted,to tweet little bits like with the,announcement bar they wanted to show,a custom message during,office hours,and weekdays,so i was able to do that quite easily,with,uh it gives you an house and by it gives,you predictive search,um and stuff like this and like the,ordering is already already set i,believe so product should always feature,before,uh,page content um,but yeah,okay sounds great,yeah,so yeah i think that was a great,recommendation i also like dawn a lot,and yeah thanks so much for the,perspective and thanks for joining today,no worries okay,thanks jen,all right and that wraps it up pretty,much,lastly i just quickly want to add my two,cents so currently my favorite paid,theme is prestige there are a ton of,great themes out there and i also really,like the ones from archetype but if i,had to name just one then it would be,this one because yeah i think it just,looks awesome it has great features out,of the box and if you were to use a free,theme instead and then hire a developer,to build all these features from scratch,it would cost you way more but that's,how the pricing is justified but yeah if,you have to bootstrap things then dawn,is the way to go,it's also the unbeaten champion in terms,of performance you might just need a,developer or some custom coding to,extend it,and that's it for this video so here's,one last look at the final results,it really seems that experts like dawn,as a free theme and in terms of paid,themes we have a draw between prestige,and impulse,also archetype themes in general they,received a lot of great feedback,throughout this video,so there's definitely something to learn,from them and they must be doing things,right,also let us know your favorite theme in,the comments and if you're a developer,looking for work or a merchant looking,for help with your store don't forget to,check out storetaska link in the,description and yeah then have an,amazing wonderful rest of your day i'll,catch you next one bye,you

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