the look of your store is key if you,want to drive sales then a polished,good-looking store,is a must it's not like real life dating,you don't have time to woo,your customers with your charming,personality i'm sorry to break it to you,but it's all about the looks so you need,to be able to customize every bit of,your store to match your brand you need,to be able to place each app where it,looks the best,and where it's most efficient,unfortunately that isn't as easy as it,seems,but i may have a solution for you hello,again welcome back to the channel,as always my name is christine and today,i'm going to show you one very cool,feature of vitals that will make your,life easier,and your store prettier and that is the,vitals editor the great thing about the,vitals app is that you have the,option to customize the position of most,apps on the page,so without further ado let's get to it,you can find the editor on the left hand,side,all you have to do is click it and,you'll be taken to a new page,here you have a preview of your store,let's go through the layout real quick,on the left you have a list of all the,apps you have activated in vitals that,are compatible with the editor,please be aware that not all apps show,up in the editor pop-ups show up over,the page,so there's no point in adjusting the,placement here an announcement,bar for example does not show up even if,it's active,as it's either over the header or,floating for the apps that aren't,compatible with the editor,you can find placement settings within,the apps themselves,another point here is that only the,active apps show up in the list,just to keep things neat and tidy so the,countdown timer is currently active,if i disable it go back to the editor,and refresh the page,it's gone from the list moving along,here at the top you can select on which,page you want to make,the changes either on the product pages,or on the home page,as you can see once i switch to the home,page the list on the left automatically,updates,and you're only left with the apps that,work on the home page,you also have a save button and you can,also preview your changes on the store,rather than seeing them in the preview,below let's go back to the product pages,since we have more available apps there,and see how the editor actually works in,the preview,you can see where the apps are currently,placed in order to change an app's,position,all you have to do is click on it and,you'll automatically be taken to its,current placement,now we have three options we can select,the placement of the app,either near the add-a-cart form,add-a-cart button,product description or product end,section the at a car button and the,product descriptions are,self-explanatory,the at a car form is this area around,the add-a-car button,that also includes the option selectors,the quantity field,this will allow you for instance to,display the stock scarcity app,right after the price on this page,the product ends section is that,sidewide section over here,that sits after this main section that,includes all the information related to,the product,pictures names pricing the add card form,and the product description,as you can see once you click on any of,the options the position moves on the,page,once you select your desired position,you can set the app to show up either,before or,after so we placed it near the product,and section,and we have it set before it thus it's,on the top of the section,if we move it after the app will jump,below the product end section,the last option allows us to choose if,the app should be a part of the section,we selected,or as a separate section now this may,sound a bit confusing but it will become,clear once you see it,so right now we have the app set on the,outside as you can see,it is not within the dotted lines which,represent the margins of the end product,section,if i move it inside this is what happens,see,the app is now within the dotted lines,so it's a part of the end product,section,if we're happy with our placement we can,save the changes and preview them on the,store,the stock scarcity app should be the,very last thing we see,yep here we go the three options are,standard among all apps,depending on the placement the inside,outside option might or might not show,up,for example the product end section has,both of them,the add to cart button though only has,before and after since you can position,apps inside of the add carbon,that's how the vitals editor works it's,straightforward and an awesome tool to,customize your pages,it's worth mentioning that if you'd like,an app to be placed in a position that,is not,present in the drop down list you can,always reach out to our support team,and they'll be happy to help they're,only a click away available 24 7 via,email and,chat with that i'd like to thank you for,tuning in today and for thumbing up the,video and subscribing,until next time take care
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