hello everyone so in this video we will,learn how to create a post on instagram,after a product has been made on your,shopify store now these days more and,more ecommerce sellers are using,instagram to promote their products,and frankly i believe you should also do,it but the problem is there is no,integration between shopify,and instagram so there is no data flow,between them,so in cases like these we have to bring,a third up to properly connect them both,so in this video we will be using fabry,connect,to integrate shopify and instagram and,the best part of using public connect is,there is no need for coding skills or,programming knowledge it can be done,easily,so what public connect does is when a,new product is made in shopify,it will send this data to instagram so,that it will automatically add a post,now this little integration can be done,in few easy steps,let me show you on my screen okay so to,begin the process,first type pablo.com in your browser,pably.com,press enter okay so this is the website,of pably.com,here hover on protects and at the bottom,you will find the option called as,connect,click on connect and then click on,sign in okay so this is the dashboard of,public connect as you can see i,already have made an account in public,connect you can also create your own,free account in just two minutes,here i would like to mention one more,thing that public connect offers a plan,where this integration can be tried out,absolutely free,so you just have to clone the template,of its workflow which is available in,the description box,once you clone the template you will get,immediate access to this amazing,workflow in your account,okay so scroll down and at the bottom,you will find connect,just click on access now,now at the top right corner you will,find a button create workflow click this,our dialog box appears in front of you,it is asking you to give a name to this,workflow,i am going to give it as shopify to,instagram,sharpify to instagram,and then just click on create,okay so when you click on create a,window appears in front of you,this is called as the trigger window so,in the choose app how about we make it,as,shopify because we want to send the data,from shopify that is why,now in the trigger event how about we,make it as new product,okay so new product is basically a,trigger event so your obvious question,is what is a trigger event,trigger is basically a if statement it,asks a question if the condition is met,what should be done for example if a new,product is created then what action,should be taken by the system,actually there are many more trigger,events like new checkout new collection,new customer new refund order,fulfillment and so on,all of them are bunch of trigger events,now in case if you don't find the,trigger,of your choice you can make a request to,our teammate admin at the ratepublic.com,to custom build and trigger event for,you,but at present i just want to send the,data when a new product is made in,shopify,okay so basically the gist of the,process is we are just trying to,integrate,shopify to public connect so let's have,a visit to shopify,okay so this is my shopify account first,of all we are going to click on this,part called as settings at the left,bottom you will find the option called,as settings,click this and then just click on,notifications,okay so this is the notifications page,scroll down,and here you will find the option called,as webhooks just click on create webhook,click this okay so a box appears in,front of you,so in the event we have to make some,changes how about we make it as,product creation okay this is because we,want to send the data,only if a product is made in shopify now,the format will remain as json,now coming to the part called as url,let's go to public connect and copy this,this is the webhook url you want copy,this and simply paste it here,okay so we have entered the url now,comes the part called as,the webhook api version it will remain,same as 202101,okay so just click on save webhook,okay so it is showing the webhook has,been added successfully so basically at,this point we have integrated shopify to,public connect this means anytime,our new product is created in shopify,public connect has to capture the data,so as to ensure that public connect,captures this data let me go to public,connect and click on this button capture,webhook response click this,okay so it is showing it is waiting for,the data so what i'm going to do here is,i'm just going back to shopify,okay then i'm going to just click on,product so we are going to create a,dummy product,okay so just click on this green button,at product,okay so the title of the product is,iphone,okay so this is the product name and the,description well we can add some,description,medium screen,4gb or 16gb ram,16gb ram,okay so just a small description okay,and,now coming to the media part so we are,going to add the,image from url so i'm just going to,click on add media from url,okay so i'm just going to paste the url,url of the image,so basically this is the image url so,this you can,actually see so let it load so this is,the image,okay so this is the image i'm sorry yeah,this is the image,okay so basically we have pasted the uh,url of this image okay,and just click on add media okay so as,you can see the same image has been,uploaded in shopify,so the price that is it is 1000 10 000,and the price we are giving is 9 000,okay no charge no tax on this product,no need for that okay so basically we,have entered sufficient detail so,just make it as active and just click on,save to create a product,okay so our new product has been created,and,the product is iphone excellent so what,i'm going to do here is,i'm just going to check in public,connect whether it has captured the data,of this particular product,okay so let's have a look okay so as you,can see the webhook,response is showing some kind of data so,this is the,title that is the product name that is,iphone okay,so we have that and then we have the,price and the we have the compared price,that is 9000.,okay so this is the time at which it was,created,so the most important thing that i want,to check is the,image url okay so as you can see this is,the image url so what i'm going to do,here is,i'm just going to check whether it's the,correct url i'm just going to copy this,and open this in a new tab,okay,yeah that's the same image excellent so,basically now we all we have to do is,we have to just map this particular data,into instagram so that it can create a,post,now to do that all you have to do is,just click on this plus button,okay so when you click on this plus,button another window opens up,this is called as the action window so,in the choose app how about we make it,as instagram,instagram so as you can see we have two,action types that is instagram simple,and instagram for business,now i have an account called as,instagram for business,okay so i'm going to select this one but,in case if you are working with,instagram simple it won't matter because,we have,the same kind of action events for both,the instagram and instagram for business,but at present i'm just selecting,instagram for business if you have a,simple instagram account you can go with,this i'm selecting instagram for,business,okay so now in the action event about we,make it as publish photo,video hash legacy okay so just click on,connect with instagram for business,in the new credentials just again click,on connect with instagram for business,okay excellent so it is showing the,authorization is successful,just press ok ok so in the x instagram,account to use it is already by default,showing michael kors,this is because this is the instagram,account that is it is uh connected with,so this is the account okay michael cars,and this is uh,the username michael angelo101 okay this,is the profile name,so basically this is the same profile,now comes the part called as photo video,id so basically we have to get the photo,video id,so your obvious question is how i'm,going to get that,so to it's actually pretty easy so first,of all just,click on this plus button okay now again,in the choose app let's make a,it instagram for business okay this time,we are just going to click on create,photo legacy,then click on connect with instagram for,business in the new credentials just,again click on connect with instagram,for business,so basically we have to get the id of,this particular photo for instagram,so it is showing the authorization,successful just press ok ok so in the,instagram account we use it is showing,michael carris,now comes the part called as the photo,url so basically all you have to do,let me introduce you to this button this,is called as the mapping button,so when you click this you will find all,the data that we have received from,shopify,so let me just scroll down and enter the,data,the image url okay so this is the image,url i'm just going to click this and the,data will be mapped okay so this is the,url okay,so it has been mapped now comes the,caption we are just going to add the,title so that is,iphone okay so we have entered the photo,url and we have entered the caption,so when i just click on save and send,test request it will fetch me the id,that we want here,okay so let me do that let me generate,the id,okay so the api response is showing an,id so basically this is the id that we,want to just,map it here okay we just want to map,this particular id here,now before we do that all we have to do,is just click on connect with instagram,for business so that we can,refresh it okay so this is the recent,setting just click on save,okay so just click on this button and we,can map in the id,so let's just scroll down okay and this,is the id we want just map this,okay and when we just click on save and,center as request it will post,this particular image this particular,image into instagram so let me show you,let me just click on save and send test,request,okay so the api response is showing,another id so let's have a look in our,instagram do we have,the data do we have the image of this,particular iphone,yes we do have the image so this is the,image okay,and this is the caption iphone excellent,so the presence of,this post in instagram shows that we,have successfully integrated shopify and,instagram with help of public connect,so how about we double check if our,integration is working fine or not,but before we do that let me go to,public connect and let me explain you,the whole mechanism in a nutshell,so what i'm going to do here is i'm just,going back to public connect and,minimize this action window,okay so i'm going to minimize this,action window i'm going to minimize this,trigger window,okay so basically this is the whole,process in a nutshell,first you integrated shopify to public,connect and then you have,integrated instagram for business or you,can also integrate,simple instagram but i'm working with,instagram for business and basically you,have created a photo id,and then you have used the photo id to,create a post in instagram,excellent so now there is a perfect flow,of data between shopify and instagram,so what i'm going to do here is i'm just,going to make one more product,okay so product it is,add product okay so in the title we are,going to add a samsung,samsung phone the last time we have,added iphone so this time we are adding,samsung phone okay so description is,16 gb 16 gb,and then we have the storage as 256,gb okay and then we have the media url,so i'm going to enter the media url,okay so just click on add media so this,is the phone,okay okay so how about we just enter the,price so this is the price,ten thousand 9500,no tax okay so this is a physical,product,just click on active and just make,click on save to build a product,okay so our new product has been created,excellent,so let's have a look in instagram do we,have uh the image concerning the same,okay so after a wait of one minute we,have got the image so this is the image,and this is the caption samsung phone,excellent so our integration is working,absolutely fine this means anytime a new,product is built,in a shopify it will be reflected as,supposed,in instagram not just these two apps you,can integrate up,plenty of applications using probably,connect if you have any queries contact,us at,admin the ratepublic.com our dedicated,team members will help you to automate,your workflows,or better just visit our website www,baby it's awesome thanks
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