how do you enable endless amount of blogs to be seen on shopify account

Creating a Blog in Shopify (The Easy Way) getting better SEO results from your,Shopify store doesn't


Updated on Mar 15,2023

Creating a Blog in Shopify (The Easy Way)

The above is a brief introduction to how do you enable endless amount of blogs to be seen on shopify account

Let's move on to the first section of how do you enable endless amount of blogs to be seen on shopify account

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how do you enable endless amount of blogs to be seen on shopify account catalogs

Creating a Blog in Shopify (The Easy Way)

getting better SEO results from your,Shopify store doesn't have to be,time-consuming or complicated in this,video I'm going to show you how to set a,blog right on your Shopify store and how,you can optimize it and most importantly,get more revenue and traffic from your,store stay tuned,hey guys now we're over here at my,computer I just want to run through real,quick how you can actually set up a blog,through your Shopify stores admin so,what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go over,to online store once I've logged in and,then I'm gonna go to blog posts and once,I'm in blog posts I am going to go to,add a blog post now if you haven't added,any blog posts yet on your store this,will just be a screen that just sort of,says add blog posts that'll be your only,option so we're gonna go add a new blog,post and you're gonna want to make sure,that you switch the location to where,you want it to go so you haven't created,a blog so the default is called news on,Shopify store and the URL that that will,show up on is your store name slash,blogs slash news if you want to change,that you can go ahead and create a new,blog for now we're just gonna keep it at,in ages you can also add tags you can,think of tags as sort of like categories,category links very similar to you know,what you might see in a wordpress blog,so you can do that you can add a,featured image which is sort of like the,thumbnail in the blog row roll page and,you can also set a specific publish date,so if you want to publish sometime in,the future then you can schedule this to,be posted whenever you want so you'll,notice here this is very similar to,anything you might see on WordPress you,know it's just standard WYSIWYG editor,you know so you can add a title here so,let's put a little title there you know,and this is where you put your body,content,now you can change the text right so you,can you can make some text headline you,can change the color on text so if you,want to make it red or whatever color,you can do that you know there's a bunch,of different formatting options for your,text so again very similar when you see,in WordPress,protip here and obviously you're gonna,want to make sure that you use don't use,headline one for any of your headlines,in here obviously that's just a standard,SEO tip for normal headlines I'd,recommend using heading two just for SEO,purposes if you want to use heading 3,for less important headlines that's fine,but again just any you know standard you,know blog editor contents in there you,can insert images in Texas is really,simple this is just single column stuff,you know this is not this is nothing in,here it's going to be super advanced but,it gets you you know gets you started,and blogging and it's an easy way to,kind of get started you know with your,blog I'm really important thing to keep,in mind down here is the search engine,listings review this is where you're,going to edit your SEO elements so this,is where you're gonna want to make sure,you're putting in a really captivating,headline that helps you you know convert,so clicks through search cause he,something like yeah obviously something,that's catchy Meta Description you want,to make sure you're using your keywords,now you want to make sure you're using,your main keywords you know just you're,sure you know run-of-the-mill blogging,controls and then here obviously you can,see the URL so it's going to end up in,the subfolder slash blogs slash news and,then post name that's the format if you,want to change this if you don't really,like to do is and you think you'd like,to change that to something else like,you can create a whole new blog category,and you know you can name that whatever,you'd like you know for now we're just,gonna go ahead and keep ours at news and,then when you make that change it,actually populates right there and so,this will actually be once we publish,this post this will actually be our URL,that will be live on the Internet,so you want to make sure that you're,happy with this before you publish I'm,usin so that is you know that's that's,kind of a simple version of it that's,Shopify's very basic blog section once,you start getting some traffic to your,store using the basic Shopify blog,feature you're gonna want to take your,content to the next level,that's where it comes in in this next,clip I'm going to show you exactly the,type of content you create on your blog,using Shogun and how it can benefit and,ultimately drive more revenue and sales,to your store,now that we've shown you how to you know,your very basic blog editing in the,Shopify blog editor I'm gonna jump over,now the Shogun and show you the dynamic,content that you create on your blog,using our page builder so I've already,downloaded Shogun so it's right here so,I'll click on Shogun page builder got a,little promo for our new features here,so I will click try now and then I will,just exit out of this to go to our home,page now here in our home page you'll,notice that I've got some pages that,have already been published so what I'm,going to do is I'm going to,you create a new page and I'm going to,choose blog post as the page type okay,so instead of starting with a blank page,which is totally fine by the way,I actually prefer to start with a,template and so we've got a lot of great,templates here in showing that come out,of the box when you download Shogun,since this is a guitar store our sample,store is Shogun guitar so I'm gonna go,ahead and I'm gonna choose this ten,flakes I think this template looks,pretty interesting and here in this,section you want to go ahead and assign,a page name to to this page so I'm gonna,go ahead and call this our new blog and,I'm going to choose to assign it to the,news I think that's that's fine for now,alacrity page and show them here just,takes a sec to load up so we'll let that,just load up there and you know here,you'll notice the blog title is now,populated along with the date and author,name and that can be you know headed,obviously so what we're gonna want to do,now is we're going to want to just,explore what you can do here in Chauvin,you'll notice it we have multiple,columns here we've got separators you,can use there's a lot more features here,than would be possible with just these,run-of-the-mill Shopify blog editor and,we really created this with content,marketing in mind and SEO online when we,when we book this out for Shogun so I'm,just going to run through a few the,different elements here and what you can,do,you'll notice this header header image,here you know I can do things like make,this a full width image so it fills the,entire,container I can really easily add,overlays to the image I can you know,align vertically top middle bottom it's,a lot that you can do here with just a,few clicks here with Shogun it it's,there really is a ton of different,things that you can do so as we scroll,down here obviously you know we can edit,the title and add you know our different,text in here and whatever images you,want you know there that are available,and here's the really interesting thing,guys so for the for this section you can,actually insert products within your,blog post now this is super important,because you want your content to rank,well but you also want it to actually,drive sales for your store that's the,main goal now with shows we make it,super easy to add your products to your,content pages to help you actually drive,more sales so I'm gonna go ahead and add,a product here and so we're gonna do is,we're gonna change the product and I am,going to search for the product our,store now it's Shogun we automatically,pull in your catalog from Shopify so you,can actually find your products,automatically in your Shopify store and,easily insert them on a page so I am,going to insert here the December's the,bass guitar and I'm going to select the,default title and you'll notice that,this now is populated with our product,and the price and Add to Cart button,there so this immediately creates,shoppable experience for your customers,that end up on your blog so you know,here we're going to go ahead and change,the product out here we're going to,search for more guitars that we have I'm,going to add the sunburst electric,guitar with the default title and you'll,notice there,it sounded with that new product you,know we can kind of just go down the,list here I'm gonna change out this will,add another guitar in there now maybe we,want to throw in the let's see some of,those sixties style that sounds cool,silhouette do you fault tempo confirm,them and you'll notice that these,products then populate here so this is a,really great way to drive more sales,from your blog than you could just using,the native Shopify experience there so,that that's it guys I'm not going to go,to advanced into this this tutorial this,is just a very simple sort of overview,you'll notice here you could have a,section to drive these customers to,previous posts or other recommended,content that you've created you can also,drive them to a product page from here,we've got social icons down here back,button so you'll you'll notice that we,you know we also pull in your themes,header and footer to keep the style and,consistent so I'm not going to go over,everything that children can do right,today but I just want to do this quick,overview and show you what's possible,using our page builder and if you want,to take your your content to the next,level and drive sales you're gonna want,to use something that's a little bit,more advanced than the native Shopify,blog experience alright guys now that,only we can do is show and I want to,give you just a little bit of,inspiration before we in this video,here's where k-swiss was able to do,using just the show,and no external coating now you're not,gonna be able to do this right off the,bat so they take a little practice in a,little design i but that's where we come,in and further videos I'll show you,exactly how you can create this awesome,compelling content like brands like,k-swiss have with Shogun stay tuned for,those until next time,you

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