how do you get paid flippa shopify

Shopify Website Design Tutorial 2020 | Earn Money Flipping Shopify Stores at my name is f


Updated on Mar 22,2023

Shopify Website Design Tutorial 2020 | Earn Money Flipping Shopify Stores at

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Shopify Website Design Tutorial 2020 | Earn Money Flipping Shopify Stores at

my name is fahad and welcome to stats,guru online academy,so today we will touch an interesting,topic,where i will show you how to create a,shopify drop shipping store,using a verlo i will link that store,with the below,fetch the products to show you how it,works how the whole process works,and then we will flip that store on,,the whole process works in a way by,finding a domain name,then creating a store with that domain,name,and then extracting the products on the,free trial version of,and then link your store,to oberlo and then we will use that,store,with drop shipping model and,do flipping for that specific store,now we will move on to step by step,i will show you all the steps that is,required in order to flip your store,start from fetching your domain until,the selling,on now this process takes,probably a day or two when you get,familiar with this,but all depends upon your,product quality product research and,your domain values,so in this model you will actually,able to flip your stores every two or,third day,based on how good your domain name is,how,good is your product hunting,so we'll go step by step and we'll see,let's move into the practical world,now the first part is creating your,gmail account,now for this video in this session we i,have already created a gmail account,just to,show you the whole procedure so we'll,use that account and we'll i'll show you,basically how to create it,now if i i just need to start a free,trial you don't need to actually pay for,a basic,subscription to shopify in order to flip,your store,if you need to carry on with your store,with the top drop shipping model,then it's fine you can start your,starter or the basic package of 29,dollars a month and you can go ahead,with that,but we are focusing on flipping the,store,today so we'll start off with clicking,start free trial,now i just,i just created,a random account on,gmail for this specific purpose,so let's go i'll just give a random,store name,okay so this is available probably,and i'll just simply create my store,for this now,while it's just as simple as this you,need to create your gmail account you,need to,find a store name and you are good to go,with your shopify store now once you are,inside the shop first store,we basically need to give a brief,i'm just selling just not online you can,click,based on your experience,when would you like to launch your store,okay these all questions doesn't have,any impact on your selling capacity so,you don't worry about,what you choose but be as natural as you,can,based on your experience so probably,will be,setting up a clothing store probably and,i'll just select,you can say yes i'm designing for a,development,but i'll just keep it like that,so you can put your name,address,okay,you can select based on your region i,just put california based on,most of the users are from us or,you can for instance i'm from dubai so,i'll just select dubai,you can put your phone number and this,is optional,and if i'll just put my i'll just wait,out,etc,okay so we are inside this so we'll fill,all the details required,and then we'll go to the store restore,and i'll show you,what needs to be done at the first place,so first of all we need to go to into,preferences and we need to add our,custom domain,now for this tutorial i'm just not,attaching any domain,for for our,educational purposes now we just need to,link the shopify store link,and just give me a second i think got,some problems in the page reloading,now you just need to give your home page,title so for example your website,is fashion centric and you can give any,name,so i can give,that fashion,i know it's not a good name to go with,but,just for an example uh this is your,google analytics,uh you once you create your google,analytics account,they will offer your code and you need,to paste your,code from google analytics over here and,in that way you can track your listings,and track your campaigns,and link it with shopify,this is for the facebook pixels once you,create your advert account on facebook,once you create your,business manager there is a facebook,pixel,code that you can integrate facebook,pixel can integrate directly,with shopify stores with their uh,automatic uh,api configurations so it's very much,pretty much just,straightforward thing we are not going,into the details in this,tutorial this is,so now your store will be password,protected until you buy a plan,in your free plan basically you are not,allowed to disable the password and not,make your store public,so that won't hinder us basically to,selling or flipping it on flippa,basically,uh whoever we are selling to actually,gets to review the store from our,password that we will give it to him,and then basically he will actually,promo carry on paying it from his pocket,when he purchased the store so basically,we are doing,uh giving him a turnkey solution,with our store products and all the,configurations intact,and he will just take that as a starter,template and,build a business on top of it so,this is we'll just save it we just have,given the,home page title,then we just need to go into the domains,now you can see sorry you just need to,adjust this,uh so in this you can see currently the,domain name is typescript,,so if you go,to this domain,so basically it will give you a bit,a great structure of our store that is,currently,uh have nothing intact but we'll show,i'll tell you how to import your,products out to play around with the,themes,and what needs to be done in order to,fix the store,properly so then you just need to go,into,okay now if you have a custom domain,already available with you,then you can just connect your existing,domain,or you can transfer,your other shopify store domain,or from any other hosting services to,shopify as well and you can buy a new,domain,in on shopify as well so let's i'll show,you how,how this process works so let's suppose,you want to buy,dot okay so now this,domain shopify is offering us for 14,per year for this you can simply buy it,from here,and connect your domain with your store,or you can connect your existing godaddy,uh name cheaper from any other domain,provider and you can link it from here,basically you just need to point the,shopify dns,in your uh provider's dns details so for,example if you are a godaddy,if your domain is from godaddy in that,domain section you just need to,point your godaddy dns to shopify dns,and that's it so once your domain is,connected so we are good,good to go with this now there are three,basic,facts or three major things that you,need to configure in order to make your,in order to make the back end of your,store pretty much aligned,so there are three things one is your,products,the other one is your collections and,the last thing that you need to actually,focus upon in building,which consider to be a building block of,your store is,your navigations,now we'll review it one by one but,before,going into more details i will,extract one application that we will be,using,basically in order to make our store a,drop shipping clothing so,and this is we need to go to the,applications,shopify has their own application store,app store where,people build applications and put it for,display some of them are free to use,some of them are,basically paid versions so we'll be,using a free,shopify app named as oberlo,that has been used over,let's search for it a verb like,thousands of people for drop shipping,purposes,now you can see if i uh this is the,first product that i,get and it has more than two three six,zero reviews,and it's by far the best drop shipping,app,in the market that runs with shopify,and they have a more they have so much,content,here lined up you can simply go there,watch the videos how it works,but i'll just give you a walk through of,the whole,session of the whole portal as well i'll,just,add this app,so the free plan is available there they,have the prepaid plans as well but,as a starter flipping site i will,recommend you to go with the free plan,i'll just install the app,okay so i'll just give a password,for the store any password you can give,based on there so now we are in aberlo,we have we have opened,collections navigations,and we are on our main home page,so these are the ingredients that we,need in order to make,basically and one more thing that sorry,i forgot is your themes,so i'll just open that that one as well,okay so now uh shopify offers so many,free themes and so many,exciting good uh customizable,paid theme as well so in order to move,forward,my recommendation is for a basic,uh shopify store go with the free theme,that your motive is to flip the store,basically,in a very low cost i'm talking about 100,to 300,for a one flipping so your cost,in making this store basically is,nothing except for uh advert cost,that you are giving to that,is 15,for per listing for seven days so,this is up to you but you are not paying,anything for shopify,yes you are paying for a domain custom,domain but,this is this is what i'm assuming that,you already have like certain domains if,you don't have yet then,add that cost into your basic cost that,means fifteen dollars plus,twelve dollars on average for a domain a,good domain name like uh,i will tell you some of the good domain,name slides,and i'll put it into the description as,well for your reference,actually they are like sites which gives,basically a park domains or some some,very good names,who are who failed to actually renew,their,yearly subscriptions they actually again,went into the marketplace and uh,they actually get sold for way less than,what they actually worked for,so i'll i'll put those links in the,description as well,so now we we are up to this point here,we have opened all the tabs that we,required so,i'll just show you how it works so you,need to go to search products,on a below,so you need to give your username and,sorry i used,the other,sorry i use one of my others account,which was saved,i'll just refresh it to see,okay so,so now we are in we'll go to search,products,and here we have it's basically at the,back and it's connected with aliexpress,and,now we we can have,so many options here to find out,and the best niche products actually,they also,represent the best sellers and you can,see the reviews,and the ratings and basically there are,two factors you need to count on,in upper low you you need to check the,number of,imports done and the number of orders so,the higher the number the probability of,getting your sales is much higher,you can see these like 24 000 imports,and 338 orders so probably this is,something you,cannot you should not go for,this product is the,brushes it has a lot of now i'll,show you a tool which is kw,finder dot com this is basically,helps you i will i will put the link,my affiliate link of this tool in the,description as well,if you take this to i may get some,commission out of it as well so it's up,to you if you buy it from my link,uh so for example i'll just,start a 10 day free trial this is for,the keyword,density you can find out how how much,volume of a certain product has been,searched over the on and you can get to,know,the prospect of that specific niche,so for example i put,i'll just create an account,sorry i,you want to receive the product of place,you are welcome to go ahead with this,so i'll just create an account here,now this part of aberlo product hunting,and this,is similar to each other so,i just have a confirmation email,let me search now this parts are,interlinked,so your product research and key uh,keyword finder,is basically complement each other so,this is a very important,part of hunting a product so if you hunt,a good product,and display your store for sale,people who have actually,the know-how and the outlook analysis of,the market they will actually get to,know the worth of your store,so for example i,so for example i just uh,there's so many accounts has been logged,in so sorry for,that because i'm using another account,so web dev,seo,so now we are into our gmail account,i'm just adding that,yes so i have basically,i'll confirm this account,and i'll confirm my,shopify account as well,for my shopify account as well now,this tool kw finder gives me,10 days free trial,it's not a free tool it's a paid tool,and,it this is one of the best in the,business currently,so i'll tell you how it linked with,oberlo,so for example you are,we are making a niche specific store so,for instance we will do,like yoga mat okay and,let's see we were using for clothing but,let's go with yoga mat because it's a,high,targeting niche nowadays so for instance,we have those products lined up here,okay,so these products basically,uh i'll just change it to,us,oh sorry i'll just change it to,us,because it connected to uae website,so let's just change it to us and see,now sorry the sub category was selected,was wrong,okay so you can see,it's most of the products here,doesn't have much imports and,selling sellers are not that much great,so we'll do one thing we'll put,without any search filter and,it will give us the best results based,on our,based on our niche so for example we,will go to,women's clothing and accessories,okay now here you can see there's lots,of products that we can fetch from,now the point is for example if we want,to,touch any product we just simply need to,press this button add to import list,for example if i select this,if i select this,you have all kinds of items lined up,here and if we,add certain,products from men's category,now for example we can add this product,to import list,and this this one for example,now how these two are interlinked,we'll just go to seo tools we'll go to,kw finder and now here,suppose we are actually our motive is to,style in us,and we will do for them,clothing and,we'll do it for united states,so basically i'm putting a random,broader,keyword that actually we want,to know what people are searching on,google for that specific keyboard,so i'll do a find keywords,now this is basically based on the,statistical analysis of what people are,mostly searching,on google for that so now if i,show you sorry if i show you,now the keyword difficulty is very hard,so we don't need to rank our products,based on,women's clothing but our main motive is,to get to know,that which dresses are actually in,demand,so for example,this method has we can use it for so,many things we can get to know,our seo to seo meta tags we get to know,our,all the keywords that we want to rank,our store,on but our today's motive is not seo our,today motive is not,anything about ranking because this we,will cover it,in some other lecture our today motive,is to know,what kind of dresses basically people,are searching over the internet,so this is a broader term woman clothing,dresses,dresses for women but here you can see,we are actually getting into the niche,specific,products so this is maxi dresses,cocktail dresses,plus size dresses you can see,the volume search volume here,it's like 219 thousand,one eighty four thousand plus size,dresses,then formal dresses party dresses now,what we need to,do actually in our drop shipping store,we need to actually,get one or two high,volume keywords with low keyword,difficulty,now here you can see there is a tab for,keyword difficulty kd means keyword,difficulty,so 48 means that you have a chance,actually to rank those items,organically as well using doing seo,so this is uh another topic but,this is something a very good,selection that if we need to incorporate,so we'll go for maxi,dresses and,cocktail dresses so we'll go here and,overload,we will go to home,and we will search for this max,addresses,again we'll see if a bundle is given,now you can see we got,so many so many,items to get to our store now this is,i'll import it because it has a good,imports and orders,uh most of them are not,now for instance if you do this search,here,you will not get to know the worth of,this niche,unless or until you run it kw finder,ahrefs,or any other seo tool which gives you a,keyword difficulty and the search volume,of the product,so i will add this product i will add,this product,i can add n number of products and,number of products and i can import it,to my store,now for example,for example i imported those products,it's in my import list you can do n,number of products,now these all products are in your,currently in your import list,now what you need to do is you need to,click those items,or you can do it one by one or you can,you can select it for example you have,selected it,it has 56 variants you can,edit it basically,while before your import list or even,after in your,once it is imported in your store also,you can do it after that as well,so you don't have a collection you can,simply put,these products into your collections,directly,so what you need to do,import all to store and we imported four,products,so now these four products are getting,imported,i always urge that you need to change,your descriptions,because this is from aliexpress change,your description,see your listings thoroughly,check the images what you need what you,don't need,because in order to keep the tutorial,as short as possible i'm not going into,the depth of these things,so now we'll move to our store,back again so we were in the navigations,we don't need to go into navigations,so for example we'll go to the products,and we'll see what happens so now we,have four products,in our store that is exported,from avalo now what we need to do is,we need to go to the collections we need,to create a collection,and we'll see,just copy paste the same word,that we have selected now this,description is very important basically,for your seo the collection image is,important,so i'll just select manual and save it,automated is imported when you are,actually extracting the products based,on a certain,word but maxi dresses doesn't have that,so i will just put it,select all the products and add it to,my collection so it is,added to my collection now i just need,to go to online store,i need to go to navigations and,in the main menu,this is this is what we will see on the,top bar,of the of our store so instead of,catalog,i will just name it as max addresses,so people see our store,and instead of all products i will link,it to,collections and i will link it to the,maxi dresses collection,now this is the basic structure that we,have constructed for our store now,this is the same thing that you need to,do for,other products categories and then,putting into navigation,there are so many things apart from this,here we,can discuss it and the next lectures,how discount works how how the blog post,works how you manage your pages,but today we are focused on flipper,now once we are once we exported the,products once we had those,categories in line we simply go to,theme selection now there are so many,free themes there,the one that i like the most or for like,a smaller,basic store is minimal,so we will go to this theme,minimal and,this year and we can add the theme to,library,all right so so we'll add this theme to,library,and this is the minimal the name of the,theme is minimal,currently we have debit install in our,theme store,we can go ahead with debut as well,or we have so many or you can buy,a theme from a theme forest for a,one-time cost with the refill,rights or if you have any other,store or if you have any options to buy,a paid theme,this will create a good impact in your,listing on,flipper so for example my,theme minimal is added so,i will just publish it,so it will come to our,and we'll just customize the theme now,we'll go to the customize,customization,and i'll just show you,now this is this section is,basically theme settings,sorry for that,now for example uh,this is your theme structure how it,looks like,now,in your header you can put your logo,or you can put the,store name as a logo so i'll just keep,it as a store name,if i need to announce something on the,top so,i'll just put free delivery,and,and i can link that as a as,something as a hyperlink to any of my,product as well,so for example i link it and,i just save it,here you have so many options you can,put a slideshow,so i will just put a random picture,so if you go and you can search for free,images,here or you can check for images,for on or,any other marketplace that gives you a,reseller rights as well so i'll just,select,two three random pictures,for example one,just to show you i'm just selecting,so overlay opacity means like how you,want the text to be,opaque or is it so i will just put,best sellers and button label,i will put by now,and i will just link it to a product,for all product so this is how it looks,and i can create multiple slides,here based on how many,so i can remove the contents remove the,content,and from so i'll just keep one slide,and you can play around based on your,slides as well,so i'll just save it,you can see this maxi dresses is coming,here so this is,what we have put in our navigations tab,so now we have down we have so many,options to put,uh i just want to put one collection,so so let's,service i put and i will link it to max,addresses,okay now these collections,i don't have it right now you can create,your collections,and you can you can basically,build a store around it so for example,i have put one collection,and a select maxi traxxas now once you,click over here,it will show you the products that is,inside your,collection selected now to make our,store,pleasingly,viewable currently with one collection,only,so i'll just remove this section as well,and i will add a section basically,which states featured collection,featured collection will give you,a view of mexi,presses it gives you basically overview,of,one collection with all the products,inside so i will,i want to show four products in one row,and i will have probably two rows,so i will say show product vendor,if there is a sale put a sale circle and,if it is out of stock should so,out of stock and center text under that,so we are good to go and we just need to,change it to,max addresses this is how it looks,i know it will be difficult if you are,doing it for the first time but,it's very easy straightforward process,if you do it,properly now i can just simply drag and,drop and put it,on top of newsletter so our team will,look like this,i just want this maxi dresses to be up,so it will give a good discrete look to,our store,newsletter is very important for your,retargeting email retargeting you have,so many sections here you can play,around with these sections and make your,store,a perfect one,now if you need to change your power by,shopify you just need some coding to be,done,you you can go to the code section and,you can just remove that,or i will just show you how it works if,you go to,edit code you need to go,to footer dot,liquid this section,and you just need to control f,and you select powered,by shopify,it will give you powered by a link,so you just need to do one thing,you just need to,you just need need to,actually delete that function calling,where function is called,so basically what happens actually it's,calling a function,but so my asset is saved,so let's let's,preview our store,so now let's tap queue online,okay here you can see it's removed so,now,i think there's some kind of issue while,saving the theme,because of we didn't save after,after selling it after saving it let's,save it,and we'll do ctrl f5,and now this is our store,now quickly,we'll go to,,so for example i'll just,add,i'll go to,i'll select sell now,i have created a store but obviously you,need to add probably 200 products or 150,products in order to make it look,pleasing,pleasingly good for the viewers,so you just need to sign in,i'll just sign it with google,i will select,i'll select my,i'm looking to sell,i just referred from facebook ad,you protect you give your number and all,the details,and,and i'll create my account,so once the account is created you need,to verify,it by putting your id and all that,because the,verified sellers have the more selling,ratio,so you select sell now,and you select here starter website,you put your website link,so for example i'm putting you you need,to put your custom domain link so for,example,you put that your store link, it will take us to buyer,section,i'll show you the websites if you go to,websites all website,if you go to e-commerce drop shipping,website,now if you see over here,you need to select age,ages like if you are just flipping it,it's fine you can put one or two months,or okay i'll just show you the recently,sold websites,basically most of the websites are,having no net profit no monetization,and nothing was there and it was sold,for 250,dollars most of the websites are having,a monthly,income and monthly on a drop shipping,model,now this website been called, it sold for 699,it's a starter website this is also a,starter website,this is also well it's like,20 dollars a month it doesn't have any,value basically,in terms of organic traffic so if you,can see over here there's so many,websites,that is getting sold for even 45,1555 387,these are all the new specific websites,basically so,you can come over here you can put your,website here and you can earn,a hefty amount of money by just simply,flipping,startup websites okay for example i'll,just uh,show you from here as well you can get,an overview from this,as well,the market weight is probably 100 to,100 to 300 for a good starter website,so you need to make sure you can create,a good website,based on this model and flip it,as soon as you can so,once we are done with it adds placing,on to flippa they will charge us 15,and we can keep that store for 14 days,as it is and once we you receive a bid,from the buyer,you just give that username and password,even everything,to that buyer even the email the shopify,details,make sure that you you don't use your,personal email or,any email that actually you need in your,future,because this is actually the whole,digital shop that you're,actually selling it to the buyer so,your email if you have any social media,accounts,just create it for this specific store,that's a,added advantage and your shopify,credentials for this tool,you will pass it to that person he will,just select the plan,and start paying for that and all the,grassroot work has been done and,completed by your side,finding and key finding the good niche,products,you have already done for him so it's,like a turnkey solution you are creating,so that's it for today's lecture and,tutorial on shopify drop shipping,and the next time we'll talk thoroughly,about,amazon affiliate website creation,and how you actually create,your own shopify based amazon affiliate,site it would be interesting and,we will be using some apps till that,time thank you,have a nice day goodbye,you

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