how import shopify to amazon

How to Integrate Shopify with Amazon Using LitCommerce - 2022 Guide welcome to litcommerce the most


Updated on Mar 23,2023

How to Integrate Shopify with Amazon Using LitCommerce - 2022 Guide

The above is a brief introduction to how import shopify to amazon

Let's move on to the first section of how import shopify to amazon

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How to Integrate Shopify with Amazon Using LitCommerce - 2022 Guide

welcome to litcommerce the most simple,and affordable multi-channel selling,tool in this video we will show you how,to use litcommerce to integrate shopify,with amazon for optimal multi-channel,inventory management to begin log into,your litcommerce account and follow the,instructions to integrate your stores,choose shopify as your main store,now fill in some information like store,url api password to do so check out our,detailed instruction on how to get,shopify api key,next choose amazon as your sales channel,please provide your store name and,follow our guideline video on how to,connect to amazon,the first step is to import all existing,products and listings to litcommerce to,import from your main store shopify go,to all products and click import from,shopify carefully read the options and,click begin import after the import is,complete you should see all products,from your main store appear in the all,products section,in case you have products on amazon you,also need to import them to lit commerce,and link the equivalent products,together to avoid duplicates,go to your amazon listing page from the,left sidebar menu and click import,existing listings button,make sure you tick the option to auto,link products and listings by matching,sku if you don't set matching product,sku on different channels you will need,to link products manually the second,step is to list products from shopify to,amazon or vice versa to list products,from shopify to amazon,go to all products select products you,want to list and click list products on,channel and proceed to select your,channel,next go to your channel listing page and,you should see those products created as,draft click on each listing to edit,product attributes before publishing,them live on your channel after that you,should see the listings under the active,tab,to list products from amazon to shopify,simply go to your amazon listing page,and click the tab active,select listings and click create on,shopified your listing will be created,as a product on shopify immediately,the last step is to enable sync for,price inventory and orders,now go to your amazon listing page and,click channel settings scroll down and,you should be able to access the sensing,options enable price sync to,automatically update the price on your,channel to match with the price of,linked products on main store,you can choose to increase or decrease,the price of all since listings on the,channel by using price rules,just like price sync inventory sync will,sync the stock quantity on your channel,with the available quantity on your main,store,and inventory rules works in the same,way as price rules,lastly you can enable the option to,import orders from the channel to your,main store this way you can manage and,fulfill all orders from one single place,be noted that you can always add a new,channel by going to add manage channels,from the sidebar menu and click on the,channel you want,that's how you can easily integrate,shopify and amazon to reduce your manual,efforts when selling on multiple,channels,if you have any questions please refer,to our documentations or contact our,support team,we're always eager to help,go to and start your,free plan today

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