how to rank shopify store google

How To Rank On FIRST PAGE Of Google | Shopify SEO in just a few minutes i'm going to show,you how yo


Updated on Mar 28,2023

How To Rank On FIRST PAGE Of Google | Shopify SEO

The above is a brief introduction to how to rank shopify store google

Let's move on to the first section of how to rank shopify store google

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How To Rank On FIRST PAGE Of Google | Shopify SEO

in just a few minutes i'm going to show,you how you can rank your shopify store,on the first page of google fast with,all this free traffic to your shopify,store you can sell promote and market,whatever product you like,welcome to the ambitious channel i make,content around drop shipping ecommerce,seo and web development so if you'd like,to see more content like this please,subscribe to the channel i publish,content a couple of times every month,shopify is a great ecommerce platform,but if you want to get some free traffic,you need to do some seo on your site so,there's a few things you can do with,your basic shopify store that helps the,first thing you want to do is go to your,products page and scroll right down to,the bottom when you get down here you'll,see this section that says search engine,listing preview what you want to do here,is edit both the page title and the meta,description so with our page title we,want to get the total characters in this,title between 55 and 70 characters,generally this means in shopify,shortening this section,just here so,i might shorten this one to say instead,of yay pay i might just do yp and then,dash contactless it just shortens this,down and that helps it be seen on,different devices when it appears in,search results without being cut off the,next section here this meta description,this will take it from the product,description but usually it's well beyond,the character limit that is optimal so,we want to cut this down so it's between,130 and 155 characters to do that,basically we're just going to take a big,chunk out and you can see here it's,giving you your character count or down,to 157,maybe we take it back to here and,ideally i would word this strategically,and include maybe a couple of keywords,these are the kind of things you need to,do on every product page and your home,page and any blog page if you haven't,done that with your shopify store that's,a great place to start next let's take a,look at some apps that can help optimize,your seo,if you're looking to do seo for your,shopify store or any other website,whether it's wix wordpress square,whatever it doesn't really matter it's,really good to have a couple of tools,that help speed up the process the first,tool is semrush they do have a free plan,there's a link in the description and,it's enough to get you started if you,want to follow along you can grab it and,we use it in this video the second tool,is surfer seo surfer allows us to,optimize content it tries to basically,mimic the algorithm to show where your,content is going to rank on google so,there is a link for surfer in the,description they don't have a free trial,but they do have some sort of a money,back guarantee for seven days what i,would recommend is if you're doing this,kind of stuff use surfer you can just,use it for a month if you're not using,it just cancel the subscription but it,definitely helps get your content,optimized and that allows you to get,free traffic,so in this video i'm going to show you,the steps and the processes that i,followed to get a website called,,to rank on the first page of google now,photo lite is built on shopify like a,lot of shopify stores you know it's,mostly products and product descriptions,and so i'm just going to run you through,that process that allows it to get,ranked very high on google the first,thing we do once we've got our semrush,account we go over to this keyword,overview section in the keyword research,and what i did is i was looking for the,main kind of word that i think you know,people searching for the kind of product,that sold on photolite would be looking,for and that keyword is or key phrase is,photography lightbox and once we put,that in and hit search we get a bunch of,data so here we can see for,for the phrase photography like box for,australia we get a reasonable amount of,volume and these figures are per month,so we've got 400,odd or 390 say 400 searches every month,for the keyword difficulty it's saying,here that it's possible this is a very,competitive keyword but we need,well-structured content and unique,content to be able to rank high for it,so you know this is this is doable the,other thing to take note of over here we,can see cpc,so this is the cost per click in google,ads that people are paying to rank for,these actual key phrase going down a,little bit we can see variations on this,keyword questions around it related,keywords everything around this this,phrase that we that we need to know so,this kd which is keyword differently we,can see that you know it is competitive,but,if we structure this right we should be,able to rank high so once we've used,semrush to find the keyword that we're,going to go after we then move over to,surfer seo and it will guide us on how,we're going to use that keyword in our,content to rank let's take a look at,surfer,just before we jump over to surfer seo,this is the website that we're going to,rank onto the first page of google,hopefully within the top four or five,positions this is, it's built on shopify it's,on the debut theme it's a pretty much a,stock standard shopify store if we,scroll down a little bit we've got our,collection area with six products and,the sort of standard type descriptions,we have another sort of a area here,where we highlight some of the key,features of why someone might want a,photography light box we've got the,customer reviews another featured,product area and just all your typical,kind of things another thing to note,just before we jump off this one is this,photography tips section and this is key,to what we're doing if i click onto here,there's this big article that talks,about photography and a bunch of steps,that might be worth following to get,better quality images for your store,anyway for now let's jump over to surfer,and see how surfer is going to help us,get this site ranked on the first page,okay so if you have got yourself a,surfer seo account you should get to a,screen that looks like this now with,shopify the way we use surfer is a,little bit different than maybe some of,the other videos if you've watched them,around seo and how i use it normally the,process i go through is i use the,content editor to build some content for,a page out i keep sort of getting,feedback on what extra words what type,of content i need to include to improve,this this content score but for shopify,i,solely use the audit function and i'm,going to take you through how i use that,now this isn't a step-by-step tutorial,on how to use surfer if you'd like a,step by step on how it works there's a,couple of other videos i've done i'll,put a link to the most popular one above,here and i'll put the others at the end,of this but for now,what we're going to basically do is we,run the audit across our,home page for photo lite and also the,page that has got our photography tips,page i have run the audit function on,both of these pages so here is the home,page and here is the page that's got 12,product photography tips so let's take a,look at the home page first and see how,it ranks okay so you can see here that,the content score for the home page now,this is after i've done the optimization,of it we've got a score of 72 and it's,telling us we should be ranking in about,position number seven on google for,australia,so,that's a that's a pretty good score and,the way i did that was basically once,the shopify store had been built i come,into this section here and i sort this,by search volume and i start including,these kind of terms where they can,appropriately fit,and i add them in in line with the,suggested,amount of times or frequency that they,should occur so for example led light,they're saying on the home page here it,should appear two to four times you know,all good etcetera so you basically just,work through this process of getting,these words into your product titles,your product descriptions your meta,title your meta description and this,score will continue to to increase a,couple other things you can look at,further down without going right into,the detail in this video this is the,title and meta description we talked,about these will have a big impact on,your overall score so do make sure you,get the the word limits in the right,range for the title and the description,okay now let's have a look at the other,page so now we're looking at the,photography tips page on this shopify,store and it's actually,in terms of shopify it's a it's a blog,page so to run the audit on that we just,go to this page we copy the url then we,go back to surfer and we would put that,url in here and our keyword is,photography lightbox and once we hit,this and create an audit we get this,output here so this is the audit output,for photography lightbox against that,photography tips page now if we go in,there and take a look you can see that,this one is not as highly optimized as,it potentially could be having said that,it's still showing as ranking quite high,on on google and you can see here we've,got 63,and 63 these are,both within the photo like domain and,we're coming up in in six in the six,positions so we still should be ranking,very high on google for this page so,we've got two pages now that are ranking,higher on google so that gives us a very,good chance of appearing in in many of,the searches not only for photography,lightbox but for other related words,this is really how we use surfer to,optimize our content based around a,keyword we get from semrush we can do,this on shopify and my approach is to,use the audit function rather than use,the content feature where you write the,content within surfer and then copy it,over to shopify i prefer to you know,write the article within shopify blog,section then run the audit on it and,then iterate it to improve it to it,until it's sort of indicating here that,i should be ranking quite high on google,so the next step now is to take a look,at where we're appearing on on google,for our for our search term,so for our shopify store on the debut,theme here we have optimized the home,page and this photography tips page we,selected our keyword or key phrase using,semrush and we went after a sort of a,word that had decent volume and a,difficulty factor that we think we could,probably achieve so there was a bit of a,spoiler alert here i didn't scroll down,fully when i was in the section before,because this has been filmed well after,i optimized the content but if we do,scroll down a little bit further,in semrush we can see here photo light,is actually ranking,in the number four position according to,semrush and you can see for in australia,we're above kogan which is one of the,biggest retailers also about amazon and,this type of equipment so following this,process can get you,well above some of the major competitors,and retailers so let's go over to google,and see where we actually appear if we,run this today so i'm just going to copy,our,key phrase here jump over to google,paste it in,and we will scroll down a bit and there,we are actually in the third position so,that's not too bad,it's probably worth spending a few,dollars and a bit of time to get that,content optimized if you would like full,details on the step-by-step process on,using surfer have a look at one of our,other seo videos you can find them at,our channel thank you for watching if,you like the video give us a like drop,me a comment hit the notifications,button and i'll see you in the next,video

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