how long does strip take to process in shopify aliexpress

Do NOT Use Aliexpress to Dropship (NEW 2022 Method) Drop Shipping is dead,this is a phrase that I've

Nathan Nazareth

Updated on Mar 03,2023

Do NOT Use Aliexpress to Dropship (NEW 2022 Method)

The above is a brief introduction to how long does strip take to process in shopify aliexpress

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Do NOT Use Aliexpress to Dropship (NEW 2022 Method)

Drop Shipping is dead,this is a phrase that I've heard,countless times over the past few years,it has caught so much confusion and it's,time for me to clear this out selling,things on the Internet isn't going away,what's popping YouTube my name is Nathan,Nazareth welcome back to the channel,I've been doing e-commerce and drop,spring for over three and a half years,doing multiple seven figures in online,sales but like I said there's a whole,host of problems doing things this way,the reason people have this common,misconception About Drop Shipping is due,to scammy looking websites low product,quality long shipping times and all the,other major hassles that you have to,deal with when you're working directly,through a product page on AliExpress to,fulfill your orders and one of the most,important if not the most important,things that I learned along my journey,was to establish a private supplier,right from the job establishing a,relationship with a private supplier has,never been easier yet people are still,doing it in very very incorrect ways so,I'm going to be clearing all that up and,showing you guys exactly how to get a,private supplier in this video to Jump,Right In AliExpress sucks as a supplier,using AliExpress simply limits your,growth and will not satisfy your,customers two main reasons why,AliExpress fails to be good supplier is,won the long shipping times and two the,poor product quality customers just,don't want to wait three to five weeks,for their product to arrive at their,house anymore I don't blame them we're,in the era of Amazon Prime where things,are literally showing up the day people,order them now not only will these long,shipping times overcomplicate the,process causing you more money since,customers will constantly be emailing,and you'll have to respond taking your,time or hiring somebody to respond to,all these issues but they'll refund,orders along the way they'll open,chargeback requests which will not only,charge you fees but they'll also hurt,your payment processors which means that,they'll essentially start holding all,the money in which will really start to,inhibit your scaling potential another,main issue about going through,AliExpress is that there's pretty much,no reliability you're using this one,product page and you'll be left never,knowing if your orders went out on time,if the boxes were all damaged if the,products were broken if the consumers,actually received the product that they,paid for this is exactly why Drop,Shipping gets a bad name when I first,started dropshipping I ran into,countless issues on multiple occasions I,found out the supplier actually shipped,the product to the wrong address and,when I would reach out to them about it,they would either deny it or not answer,me altogether,punch you on the face so bad right now,another common issue these suppliers,will get you on is actually sending,lower quality products to your consumers,they have little incentive to,communicate with the people who buy from,them so in other words they're kind of,just sending out whatever to your,customers because they don't care,they've already made the money terrible,business now that I've gone over why,AliExpress is just not sustainable in,the long run and it's potentially,holding back your business from getting,to the next level I think we should talk,about some of the key benefits that come,along with having a private supplier and,why you literally need one right now so,starting off with a private supplier you,can achieve shipping times much much,faster in many cases you can actually,get two to five day shipping which is,typical for domestic suppliers in other,words suppliers that hold your inventory,in the United States if that's where,you're selling to or in Europe or in,Canada and so on and so forth another,bonus of working with these private,suppliers is usually the potential for,white labeling for custom packaging logo,those and just creating an overall more,unique and branded customer experience a,private supplier would also be willing,to negotiate with you for lower prices,for faster shipping for cheaper shipping,depending on how many units you are,actually selling that way the more,successful that you become and the more,volume you start pushing through the,supplier the more likely they are to,reduce some of the costs per unit thus,increasing your profit margins over time,you're going to need it now at this,point you're probably saying okay I'm,sold but how do I actually find these,private suppliers to work with now this,can be a tricky task if you don't know,where to look and there's lots of,misinformation on it and also many,suppliers are reluctant to work with,drop shippers especially relatively,inexperienced drop shippers that aren't,pushing a lot of volume however there,are a few crucial methods and things,that you can do to increase your chances,in working with a top tier supplier,right off the bat firstly you can try,reaching out to suppliers that,specialize in a product that you're,already selling these suppliers are more,likely to be familiar with the niche the,industry that you're selling my products,in and you can immediately start talking,with them and asking them questions,which makes you seem more experienced,and makes you seem like you're already,pushing units or you're ready to start,selling thousands of these things and,remember they're going to get excited,about that because they want to make,money just as bad as you do you can also,try contacting some smaller suppliers,they might not be as reputable yet but,typically they'll be more flexible with,their terms and willing to take on new,partners as they are trying to seek out,as many new clients as possible because,they're just getting their business,going also if you urgently need private,suppliers and you want to shortcut some,of the time involved with actually going,out there and finding a list yourself,you can click the first link down below,which will be an application link to my,mentorship program inside of my,education company in here we have lists,of vetted suppliers that I've worked,with for years and built up amazing,relationships with on top of that you'll,be seeing a holistic picture into how I,do Drop Shipping in 2022. we only have a,few spots left so hurry down there and,see if you can pick one know now when,you're just starting Drop Shipping it,can be difficult to go straight into,finding a private supplier the easiest,way for people just starting out is to,actually go ahead and get their hands on,an agent an agent essentially works as a,middleman and has experience working,directly with all these different,manufacturers and suppliers this will,save you a ton of money and hassle in,the long run because the agent will be,able to get the best quotes for you for,tons of different suppliers and they'll,essentially do all that work that is,really time consuming on your end,oftentimes these agents or even,third-party platforms that do this,service for you will actually try to,drop ship on top of that and add more,additional costs along the way so it is,vital to speak with multiple agents and,making sure you're not getting drop,shipped or further ripped off along the,process if that makes sense now when,trying to find one of these agents there,are a few different websites for example,Alibaba where you can start going and,just messaging every single supplier,though more often than not that's how,you're going to find the actual,suppliers and manufacturers so my,preference is to use Auto DS which will,actually connect you with an agent,associated with the supplier themselves,or you can go to an agent directly who,will go to their suppliers and find you,the best deal for your product now,autods actually aims to be a full,service automation dropshipping platform,but like I said one of the best things,about using the platform Auto DS is that,they can easily integrate and connect,you with some of their top suppliers and,get you the best quotes I've personally,saved thousands of dollars from working,directly with autods especially when,starting on a brand new store they,actually assign you a private,representative from their company that,you can work directly with and so you,can usually ask this person and be like,hey you know I'm seeing the product is a,bit expensive can you do a little bit,more digging for me can you do some more,research on the suppliers that you guys,have and they'll actually go ahead and,do that for you that way you know you're,getting you know a really solid price,for the product moving forward now the,other method which is going straight to,AliExpress or Alibaba and just messaging,as many suppliers as you can especially,with Alibaba another issue comes into,play when where there's typically,minimum order quantity which makes it,pretty difficult to actually start,working with that supplier right off the,bat even calling them and asking them to,see the inner workings of their Factory,what kind of products they're currently,moving and stuff like that but of course,one of the biggest advantages to using,this method is you can quickly and,easily build up your list of suppliers,negotiate have the leverage because,you're communicating with all of them at,once and basically find the cheapest,cost with the fastest shipping and the,overall best reliability quite quickly,because you're able to compare between,tons and tons of suppliers very very,quick in addition I really urge you to,make sure you spend some time building,that relationship looking into any of,these suppliers that you do get because,they're in many instances people have,been ripped off people have been scammed,people have sent thousands of dollars to,suppliers that they found on the,internet and products have never shown,up please please please when you're,using suppliers on these sites when,you're building your list when you're,building relationships just be very,cautious going into it all now with that,I believe you have all the tools,necessary to go out and find your very,first agent or private Supply fire and,you won't have to worry about the,problems associated with working,directly with the sellers off of the,product pages on AliExpress that way of,Drop Shipping I'll tell you right now is,dead but again if you want to cut your,learning curve if you want access to all,of my suppliers that I've built,relationships with for years and if you,want to apply for a mentorship program,first link down below if not thank you,so much for tuning in I hope you got,some value please smash a big thumbs up,for me and I'll see you guys in a couple,days love you peace,thank you,foreign

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