how reliable is shopify

How Reliable is Shopify? Find out here. good day folks and welcome to the,frustrated drop shipper,in

The Frustrated Dropshipper

Updated on Feb 12,2023

How Reliable is Shopify? Find out here.

The above is a brief introduction to how reliable is shopify

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how reliable is shopify catalogs

How Reliable is Shopify? Find out here.

good day folks and welcome to the,frustrated drop shipper,in this video i'm going to cover the,question of how reliable is shopify,now i know a few people are going to,argue with me that shopify,is not worth the cost especially that,there is a,a monthly fee associated with shopify,and depending on which plan you choose,it can run into over a hundred dollars,per month and,that's a lot for a lot of people just,getting started out,however i do recommend that you use,shopify,um i've run stores in the past,i've used a few of the open source,scripts,to run e-commerce stores i've tried,with the wordpress blog i've used os,commerce i've used magento i've used,prestashop i think was the other one and,i had all of these running on my own,server,but to be completely honest with you it,was never an,enjoyable experience it's always,something going wrong,with something you need to fix and i end,up just,shutting it down closing down my stores,and uh and not bothering with it it was,just,it wasn't worth the hassle so uh just,last couple years or so i've been using,shopify,for all my stores obviously it does get,a bit expensive when you're running,multiple stores but hopefully once you,get up and running you'll start making,enough money to cover your monthly,expense it's not too bad it's only 30,dollars a month u.s,i believe is the base rate so,only takes a few sales during that so i,think it's worth it anyway,getting back to your question of how,reliable is shopify itself,well first and foremost it's used by a,lot of big,brand name companies such as hasbro,and many others so you obviously just,that alone should tell you that it's a,reliable platform,if these big corporations are using,shopify's platform for their stores,then it must be reliable just it's just,common sense,in saying that there are ways that you,can check and see how reliable it is so,if you're on the fence to,decide if you want to get shopify why,not just uh keep an eye on their uh,status page so right here under,shopify this is their server,status page so this,shows you the sys all systems,and the current status uh at any given,time,so if you think uh or not if you think,but if you're considering getting,shopify and you want to see,how reliable it is why not log in here a,couple times per day,and have a look and see if you see any,issues so as you can see right now,there's no known issues across their,admin reporting,api which is the programming for the,back-end kind of stuff for apps and,things that nature their support system,to check out the storefront the third,party,and the point-of-sale system so they,have they keep,status updates on all of these and if,there's any,uh slowness they'll put it in as,degraded,if there's stuff not working it'll be a,partial outage and if it's completely,down it'll be a full outage,so i would recommend coming back here,every once in a while having a look and,seeing how,often you see problems in my opinion,i don't think you need to it is a fairly,reliable system but,if you are the type that wants to check,that this is a perfect place to see how,reliable,shopify is as well you can always use,third-party,websites as well this one here,,you can go there services live shopify,and you can go and look at the history,of shopify,over the last few months so for this one,here,it shows you obviously you can see in,the calendar all the times that has been,up and how many times has been down take,this with a grain of salt like you might,look at this and say,that it looks like there's been a,problem every single month with shopify,why would i want,to use shopify many of these areas may,not be anything,uh severe it may not be anything that,affects your store or sales,like obviously on november 24th the,admin,section was down but it's only for some,store so there may be ten thousand,stores and only five of them cannot,access their admin page and that might,not even be,necessarily shopify related it could be,a bad cookie or something on their,computer that's,causing the website to crash there's,many factors to cause it,so um that's it i don't i don't want to,make this video go on for too long,so my biggest recommendation is if you,want to know how reliable shopify,is just look at the other big companies,obviously if they're using their,platforms got to be reliable that's just,they wouldn't use it if it wasn't uh if,you want to keep an eye on it yourself,go to the shopify status page,and have a look there and see if you see,how often it goes down,and last but not least you can always,use a third-party,service that watches websites online and,see how often it goes down and what kind,of problems is so if you sign up for,their,service here you can go back and look,over the last five,years of shopify history and see how,often the,it went down and and the what kind of,problems it was,for me as a shopify owner there's two,areas that,are the only thing i'm concerned with,are you able to,display my web page to my customers and,can i,get in there and fulfill orders that's,it that's all i need really need to know,is,can you take the payments from my,customers and get the orders,and can i fulfill those anything else,i'm not that concerned with if it's a,running a bit slow because they're,having a problem okay it's a bit it's,frustrating but it's not a big deal and,as long as it's not down and i can get,my work done then i'm happy,but all in all i think shopify is a,reliable,platform and i think you should use it,and that's it,i hope you found the video useful sorry,if i ramble too much,if you like this type of video go ahead,and subscribe it really helps my channel,really helps me and i plan on releasing,a lot more,shopify related videos as well as,other business related videos and,anything to do with drop shipping as,this is a drop shipping,channel so if you've got any questions,post them below i'd love to hear from,you,have a great day and see you later

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