hey everybody welcome back to another,video and today i got a pretty,depressing title you know,um yeah so,this time around shopify actually banned,me and not just banned they actually,blacklisted me so this is something that,probably don't happen to like every,other dropshipper you know this is a,very unique situation and it's my first,time experiencing it so i want to share,with you what actually happened and how,shopify banned me the things that i did,wrong because i'm not going to be like,the guy that'd be like oh you know what,i'm totally innocent i woke up one day,and showed me why i started my stores,nah i mean i made some mistakes and i,learned from them and um hopefully by,actually,you watching this video you don't make,the same mistakes that i did and,um you know don't get somebody's,position because it's a really really,shitty position so let's get into the,video all right so basically what,happened for me um if you actually,follow me for a while right i made a,video like one year ago sharing how,shopify actually banned me,so one year ago already you know i was,really having issue with shopify but,above time shopify will only be banning,like one or two of my stores and what,will happen is when i have,you know when i set up like a store and,when i enter like a certain table mentor,using like my card they'll just,instantly shut down the store because i,think they blacklisted the card or,something,so even when i was setting up my paypal,account to collect payments from my,customers when i entered this particular,um email address they immediately just,shut down the website and this happened,like so many freaking times,there was one store that i had over like,500k in sales you know it was a great,store we were selling i was making a lot,of money from that then i decided to,actually um i don't know what i was,thinking right i disabled a paypal,account and then i entered a different,you know paypal email address to collect,payments from our customers and,immediately the,shopify site got taken down i was like,holy what has happened that really,shocked me i tried to contact support,and unfortunately they did not actually,help me out um so i kind of got like you,know messed up from that situation i'll,share a link like what for,on on a particular incident one year ago,on what happened so you can also learn,from that particular incident but,today's video it's a bit different,because this time around shopify decided,that they not only banned me but um they,blacklisted me meaning you know at about,time it was just with one store right,now it's literally any store that i deal,with shopify they just get they just,shut me down all right so,i want to share with you a little bit of,like um,what actually is happening with my,current situation so right now all right,um,in the bus uh during this year um i was,facing a lot of shopify issues they were,just like shutting down my store so i,thought that you know i can actually,circumvent the situation because you,know i'm like and i've been doing this,for so long i'm so used to like,circumventing like different situations,and i thought i'd be able to get this,over and done with but unfortunately you,know like i i've been battling this for,like three months or like two to three,months or so right i have because i have,like a few stocks that i want to test,and every single time i launch these,stores um,the the funny thing is shopify they,don't immediately ban me,so only after that one or two weeks of,like getting sales then they banned me,so it was really really you know messed,up because every time i thought oh you,know what this store is finally gonna,work i'm not getting any issues finally,then they'll just literally ban me and,then i also have like some older songs,that was running like there were banners,all the stars as well and i was like,damn this this is crazy it was like,going too far so after getting like over,10 stars shut down,um you know you can say i'm a little bit,stupid because i've been like you know,testing over and over i,the same thing was happening over again,but i wasn't like you know doing i,wasn't like making any like,course corrections then i decided like,you know what i gotta do something about,it so that's when i spoke a lot of,friends and they actually recommended me,to like get a new macbook like you know,get like a new boxes of i actually tried,a lot of things right i tried like the,new boxes of server like a new ip,address but now that actually works,so the great thing about shopify they're,really interesting about shopify is they,actually have a very very strong,um you know they they they they have a,very strong what they call it like a,threat frog prevention system right so,if they kind of like got a mark on you,right they blacklisted you right then,you're basically you know it's like,really tough i can't get around it,because for me right i i tried like,basically everything i got like a new,bare metal card i use like a new wi-fi,network i even got like a new laptop i,use my friends like you know card i use,my friends like i'm building address and,everything,um,eventually they still crack down me and,um they managed to like shut down the,stores and that's when i kind of had,enough so right now i'm moving on to,like different platforms so now that you,know my story i want to share with you,like what i actually did wrong because,i'm not gonna you know act like i didn't,actually do anything wrong so the,biggest mistakes that i made um that,actually led to me getting shut down by,shopify to the extent where they,actually put me on this like crazy,blacklist is because,um,in my lifetime you know i have around,right now i currently own around 130,plus domain so i probably have,um i probably created like 100 stores,with shopify right and i generated over,like 5 million dollars in revenue i,think that's just with shopify alone,right so i i i that's a lot of stuff to,shopify i ran a lot ads for them and all,these 100 stores i i don't i'm not a,perfect dropshipper and sometimes i'll,let the grid get the better of me right,there's some products that i know i,shouldn't be selling but because it's,make me money in the moment i kind of,get caught up with it and i'm like you,know what,um i'm just gonna deal with the dispute,screw it i'm still gonna sell the,product and many times because of the,mentality right the it led to my shopify,payments account getting shut down and,then they telling me that they don't,wanna work with me again and um,then and above them they wouldn't bend,my shopify like,my shopify website but i think because,this happened like over and over again i,may be like five or six times i had like,a few five or six products off like,maybe 20 i'm selling shopify they were,like kind of like low quality they were,getting high track rate rates that they,were like okay you know what this guy is,doing these guys up to something here,and they perhaps assume that maybe i,wasn't like running across my customer,they thought i was like you know about,like some sort of like fraud network so,they decided to like blacklist me all,right,so what you can actually learn from the,experience is number one okay i learned,this the hard way and hopefully for you,don't actually make the same mistake i,did so,don't value short-term profits over your,quality of your business and here's what,i mean right,in the past for me when i was running my,drop shipping business i was very profit,driven right now i'm still very profit,driven but it's coming from a different,place right,so i'll go it will go to the extent,where if a product was like doing really,well and i know that maybe there's a low,quality product that might give me some,issues with processors i will still,continue selling off like great off like,you know,everyone wants instant gratification,everyone wants the money right,but what this actually happens is over,time you keep doing this over and over,again not just shopify right even like,the payment processing network they will,notice you and um,this is a separate situation but for me,i also got blacklisted by a payment,processor um,you know stripe shopify payments and,anything under the um the financial,institution uh called wells fargo,basically it's like the backing of all,these big you know um networks of,payment processors they kind of like,blacklisted me as well just because of,like the the,the you know issues that i explained to,you guys earlier that i was like selling,20 products with high chargebacks and,stuff right so you don't want to do that,so initially my thing like you know what,it's just,a few products but over time it's gonna,kind of like build a habit and you're,gonna,you know you're gonna have to face a lot,of troubles and it's really not worthy,and if you keep getting like disputes,first thing first you're not gonna,actually make a lot of profits from the,product just because every single,dispute that you get you're gonna have,to like be a dispute right and then,secondly you're gonna develop a very bad,you know reputation with your payment,processing network and your you know,even like the platform that you're using,right because both of them are but they,are kind of like responsible for,whatever actions you take right,so,you gotta develop a bad relationship,with them and eventually they're not,gonna want to work with you and if you,get to the point where,i am currently at right now it's um i,don't think it's not a nice place to be,at right where i'm at currently right,now um i figured like a few solutions,around this because there are always,solutions you know in a game no matter,how bad things seems to be there always,ways around it right but you don't,really want to get into this situation,because i,like literally this,um issue of like shopify and like,getting my payment processor shut down,by next drive my shopify payments,getting like a ton of money held by,them like thirty forty thousand dollars,you know,it's it's,it's you know it's it's really stressful,that's that's that's for sure and,secondly like you really backtrack me so,much you know because because i was,battling like the platform right i was,just trying to build our stores we,wasn't able to like profit constantly,you know we wasn't able to update our,business and,because of that i kind of like backtrack,like three months right and this three,months i could probably make so much,more money i could probably move someone,forward so much could probably,you know like find like five to six,different popular websites and have them,running consistently on google ads and,can make me like true to 5k a month on,each store and profit i could have done,all that but because of these issues,that i faced like i wasn't able to do,any of that so that taught me a very,valuable lesson in business which is to,focus on,you know for don't just focus on like,what you can actually make in the moment,focus on the long term right focus on,the long term game plan right and if you,want to be in a game for long you want,to make money consistently you got to,think about not just for you you got to,think about like your customers you got,to think about the payment processor,they are using,so right now what i'm doing is every,single product that we test right,i i do my best to make sure that this is,a product that's not going to give me,the high you know traffic rates because,i,i've been in a game for quite a while so,i kind of got a sense of like what's the,product that's gonna like be really bad,and what's the compromise it's gonna be,good to sell so i typically wanna look,for products that i know is not gonna,get me any issues with bm processors,because that's the main thing right if,you don't get any issues with like,payment processors then you're probably,not gonna get any issues on the platform,um especially if you're using a platform,that supports the payment processor like,shopify payments and shopify you know if,you get into issues with shopify,payments that's gonna put your shopify,platform account on jeopardy so you,don't really wanna you know do that so,they really told me to like just,prioritize being patient in business,don't just like be greedy because it,never really works out and so what if i,can't make like all these profits right,now it's it's fine right it's fine you,know because i'm gonna make it in the,future anyway you know it's still gonna,come to me,and the cool thing is if i actually,build things up the right way um,at least,i know that it's gonna stay right it's,not gonna be something that i feel like,it's gonna,you know just like kind of like screw me,over like how screw myself over you know,getting the high charge back rates and,uh,getting a lot of angry customers and,returns and it's just not a good,business to um,to work with so,the,the other thing i was going to share,regarding shopify um that i feel is a,little bit of a,kind of like drawback especially if you,are very rely on the platform you know,shopify itself is a great platform the,usability is like probably the best,among i tried so many different,platforms,it's probably one of the best give all,the functions that you need it's like,perfect for any like new drop if you are,new in the e-commerce space you want to,start business shopify is the way to go,right but it's also a downside shopify,all right so just now speaking from a,very you know personal experience but,objectively um i'm gonna be very honest,shopify it's not you know they,they don't really um necessarily care,about merchants as much right,what i noticed them is you know if,you're facing issues a lot of times,right the support they don't actually,help you with your stuff um i was like,messaging this guy back and forth so i,was trying to get him to help me but,this guy was like straight up just um,acting like he was helping me and then,he just literally just ignored me and,customized like what the is going,on,the support team is not great and unless,you can really get like a rep to work,with you on shopify like someone that is,working inside a shopify that is,managing your accounts and making sure,that things are going well for you um if,you can get to the point i think it's,great otherwise i feel like it's you,know because i spent so many times my,life and i see like so many people that,work with whom are doing these hundred,percent legit,they also got their stores shut down by,shopify for no reason literally no,reason as it just happens with them you,know it's just very unfortunate but it,happens and when it happens you probably,won't get your website um because they,are like such a big company they,probably don't really care about you you,know that's just a wrong guy compared to,them right so the other lesson that we,can learn from this is not to be so rely,on the shopify because for the past four,years i've been only using shopify i'm,so used to platform i saw attached to,them and when this happened i was even,though i knew that i should probably,move on from shopify they kept banging,me over and over again but i kept,holding on to them just because i,thought like you know what um,a part of me thought like you know this,is like the best platformer,probably still the best platform but um,you know i i was afraid i wasn't able to,get other platforms to work as well as,shopify right so you really taught me to,not be too rely on platform and when i,actually went and tried other platforms,like shop base which is really great one,woocommerce,um although it's a bit hard to use but i,still you know it still works really,well especially with a lot of e-commerce,experience because it's kind of like,tough to use in terms of the,functionality usability,there's also like you know weeks,e-commerce but wigs generally i don't,really like it i tried it,short-based is great the shop is one of,the platforms that i'm using right now,to do my new e-commerce drop shipping,websites and they're really supportive,for you know drop shipping so i really,recommend them right now,but the point being is you still want to,you know kind of like be be more,flexible and if someone's you know what,if like shopping performance take you,down it's fine you know learn how to use,another platform don't be too attached,to them and that's it um yeah that's all,i have for you guys in this video you,know i hope um this brought you guys,some value don't make the same mistake,right there and if you do intend to make,the same mistakes that i'm gonna make,learn to be more flexible involve other,platforms so you can actually continue,your sketchy e-commerce business online,and uh if you like this video hit that,like button and uh yeah let me know if,you have any questions regarding this,because i know a lot of you guys may be,worried and maybe some of you actually,have dealt with this issue before let me,know what you thought about this video,in the comment section box below and if,you are new to my youtube channel,subscribe to my channel that will help,me a lot i love you guys see you in the,next one
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