people ladies and gentlemen welcome back,to another,video i know it's been some time but i,am so sorry man,life hit me and i got knocked out for,some time but i am back now,i got some more videos this one is gonna,be a short video i'm just gonna show you,guys how to,um pretty much add a uh,added image to your custom content i,haven't seen any video,on youtube showing how to do,this and it's fairly simple,but i i spent some time trying to figure,this out but,i'm gonna show you guys how to do it and,what i mean is if you came into here on,your shopify account,and you're like oh custom content boom,like this stuff if you want to put like,an image in,like this it,it's actually simple but that's what,took me a while,to get down so i'm gonna show you guys,how to add an image,to your thing first let me uh let me,delete this,because we're gonna make it again anyway,so it's like what's the point of keeping,it but all right um,let's get into the video so first,if i can go back one page okay so first,we're here,and at this point you're just going to,be in the online store section,and i'm going to i'm not going to be,working within the live version but it,shouldn't matter,to be honest uh the main thing we have,to do,is add your uh files so we're going to,go down to settings,and right here we're going to click,files and this is where all your image,is going to go so you can,upload some files let me see what i want,to upload,uh,i could just pick any random image um,okay you know what let's do something,better i'm gonna go to one of the,websites that give you free images,let me just take one of these we're,going to take a,i want something horizontal,let's say flowers we're going to look at,flowers,and we're going to look up the,orientation,we're going to keep it horizontal so,it's not too big we're going to get this,picture,save let's save this to my desktop,okay so that picture's safe so what you,do is come back here,click upload and from here,we are going to go to desktop and,where's that image,okay here's the image,so all it's going to do is upload,mine's uploaded but i just got to,refresh it to see it,and it should pop up in this list all,right so here's our image,so what i'm going to do is click copy,link,link copied and then we're going to come,back to online store,and come down here to where we're making,the theme if you're up here in a live,you can just come to customize,i'm doing the customize on my duplicate,and what you do is you click add section,and from here custom content select,and then you got custom text but we're,not using this,so we're going to delete that and,now this is where all the fun is so,you're going to type in,img source equals,and then quotation marks,and then you're gonna paste in,your link close it with a quotation,and then this um,forgot what they call it i'm just going,to call it an,arrow and from there,you're done so if you look on the home,page,we have this at the bottom but you can,come back here,to this section and drag this wherever,you want it,in the content so it's like if i want to,put it right here i can,so it's right after her uh,another thing is you can add a link to,it so if you guys want to add links to,this,all you do is go back into this and,in the beginning instead you will do,this arrow thing,then type in href equals,and then you could just put your link in,that you wanted to link to whether it's,your home page i'm gonna just do,,to make things easier and then you gotta,close it and what you do is come all the,way down to the end,and do that to close the whole thing and,what do you do now,you save so,if we want to,if we go here and you come up here you,will see that,it's clickable now you'll have this like,icon now so it's clickable,like once you come off this would be for,text,you got that like i for text and you,come here clickable,so we can actually click on this and,it'll take us,wherever but um i guess the,didn't work,but um if you're linking this to,your website just do that just type in,um,i guess let me give you guys an example,of it so i guess like if i want to come,to here,i would just copy the link come in here,just so you guys know it works,paste save,and then you come back come back up come,back in here,and click it and it takes me to the page,that i linked it to,so i'm guessing whatever you link it to,um it has to be,on your website maybe there's a another,way to do it but for now this is how i,i can do it and get it done the way i,need it to be done,so um yeah that's pretty much it i hope,this helped you guys,um thanks for getting me to 700,subscribers i meant to say it at the,beginning i really appreciate you guys,getting me to 700 now the goal is to get,to a thousand,i'm about to be back on this grind i,just got to keep coming up with content,keep posting it for you have a bunch of,helpful videos,um i really appreciate you guys for,watching this share this with somebody,who might need help or somebody who,wants to start up their business,and look out but alright guys that's it,like subscribe leave a comment if this,helped and take care people
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