how to add a top var in shopify?

Free Shopify Top Bar, No app required hey guys how's it going so in this video,tutorial you will lea

Atiqur's Web Hospital

Updated on Mar 17,2023

Free Shopify Top Bar, No app required

The above is a brief introduction to how to add a top var in shopify?

Let's move on to the first section of how to add a top var in shopify?

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how to add a top var in shopify? catalogs

Free Shopify Top Bar, No app required

hey guys how's it going so in this video,tutorial you will learn how to add a,nice pop up in your Shopify store,without using any app and without,spending any penny all right so let's,get started anyway so you need to log,into your Shopify dashboard and then,navigate to themes and then in your life,thing click on actions and then edit,code all right and lastly you need to,create a new section let's call it top,bar okay so this is the new section and,I'll leave this link copy everything,here what you have okay so just test it,here all right so we don't need this as,well it's fine so so far so good save,this and come to the stop bar text go to,your theme that liquid and then right,below this body okay right below this,body tag I don't need this so you need,to write this section top bar okay,so what does this do so these cause the,section that he created here okay so,let's say this so we're trying to meet,Lee so now if we go to customize team we,will see the proper section section,right here,I believe the sheet material yes there,is a top bar now in,change the text there's a free shipping,world white ok so just save this and,let's relive this for styling we will,write some CSS you can directly copy it,as I typed so I had an issue now it's,fine so I reload it ok so this you know,inspectors and then dev top rewrite CSS,here so first of all we need to make,them center-right so text-align:center,ok and then we need a background so,background let's say it's blue or black,like a smile and then the color needs to,be white ok so this doesn't work with a,minute I'll do it later and we have a,paragraph chain here so we will write,that color for the paragraph as F and F,okay so we need to increase the font,size so font size let's say 18 pixel,okay we need some spacing at the top and,bottom so we are going to add some,padding so padding top click Save 5,pixel and then padding-bottom it's a 70,0 so it's fine ok so now we are gonna,make them uppercase so this text text,transform Marcus and then we are gonna,make it a little bold okay so it's going,to be formed wait,is it bold or when so 600 is fine so if,you don't need to it just unchecked case,or renal case you know I I don't really,think that that Andre is needed so it,looks fine like this and that X I don't,think and remove that anyway so I'm,going to copy those cases from here and,just before the schema tag and the,creative style style so the CSS is here,you can pause the video and write them,on your own,Sadie I don't need clothing I thought,okay so if you can exactly copy these,and write this single line in any of,your team any of your team ain't in that,liquid find the body tags and right,below it this is the closing tag of this,body so right below this clothing you,need to write this and then in the,sections you need to add a new section,called,topper and copied everything that we,have here and then you will have an,option like this you can edit text here,and you will have something like this,you can adjust color here you can put,any color adjust font size spacing we,think so you can also adjust up,background color here so that same thing,is so much for watching if you like this,video please do a like and subscribe and,if you have any other Shopify jobs you,can reach me don't forget to send me an,email my email is rocky to m07 at, I will leave the email in the,video description so thank you

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