how to add barcode to shopify product

Adding Barcodes into Shopify POS i wanted to make this video because i,didn't know how to do this,an

More Than Bikes

Updated on Feb 12,2023

Adding Barcodes into Shopify POS

The above is a brief introduction to how to add barcode to shopify product

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how to add barcode to shopify product catalogs

Adding Barcodes into Shopify POS

i wanted to make this video because i,didn't know how to do this,and i just kind of figured it out and,there wasn't really a good video,um on the line so i just bought this,little register,and we own a bicycle shop in bloomfield,new mexico,and we're kind of new to this retail,thing i mean definitely new to the bike,shop thing,um see i was going to show you guys how,to put a barcode,into um your,shopify so you can use this little,scanner um,so i don't know how to do this so,basically whenever you are adding a,product,we're adding these crankbrothers mallets,you fill out your info and then when you,get down here,to inventory,you can put in the sku,i put that in that's on the website and,then for barcode,push that little button and then your,camera comes up on your ipad,and all you gotta do is put this,where it can read it,boom and you don't push nothing once it,like gets centered it,just does it um,and then it takes a little while for the,numbers to pop up in there,but that's it and then um,track quantity i have one in stock,keep editing go back um,shipping uh i believe these are like,pretty heavy uh i don't know,i think they're i don't know what their,grams are but,i'll just put,um i think they're 400 grams,that's what they are,and then collections,pedals is where they show up in my,website my online store,so i want no not platform puzzle clip,list pedals and pedals,that's it put my price in my cost,hit save,and then uh and that's it so,we um you can go home,kind of refresh this and then,now what we do we open up our point oh,so you do that inside of this app,and then your point of sale you use the,scanner is inside of this app,so when we were adding products we were,in this shopify app,which looks like that just a shopify,this one says point of sale,so we're gonna go into our point of sell,and uh that's it so if we're just here,and then the customer like bust these,off off the shelf and they're like hey i,want those,um this is it you just grab your little,scanner,boom there they are crankbros mallet,threes,just showed up so exciting i didn't know,it was that easy,uh i wish shopify would like i don't,know it took me a while to figure that,out,probably because i'm an idiot but anyway,thanks for watching hope that helps you,guys

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