guys I hope you are working we are,working out here okay we are working we,are almost to a thousand subscribers if,you're new make sure you subscribe,what's going on guys welcome back to,Malik Mufasa channel I think this is,episode number 58 so today we're gonna,talk about how to set up your Facebook,pixels,alright guys let's get this video to a,hundred likes if you're new make sure,you subscribe don't forget to hit the,notification bell so you get all the,updates on all the videos when I release,them now let's get straight into the,video alright guys so I'm gonna teach,you guys exactly how to install your,Facebook pixel okay so what exactly is a,Facebook pixel okay so a Facebook pixel,is what you put on your site so that you,can get data and collect data from your,audience okay so whenever a person views,your content when a person as the car,initiate checkout search purchase all of,that right and then you can use you can,target those events so that Facebook can,grab all the right people and thought,solve the right puzzle so that you know,you don't have to be spending I know,blindly on ads and all that stuff so,Facebook pixel is so important,especially when you're starting off with,Instagram influencers which I recommend,that you start off so you can build data,and then you can you know start using,your Facebook pixel to your advantage so,as you can see this is the beat season,store keep in mind I don't focus on the,store this is just for YouTube so that,you guys can learn and you know do all,that stuff is just documenting whatever,this store does but I have three other,stores that I use my Facebook pixel on,and you can see all the events when you,scroll down here so you have your page,view your view content your add to cards,your add payment info even your purchase,so as you can see we have a couple of,purchases just from running some,Facebook ads and probably testing some,products or whatever but um we had about,37 add to carts and 800 view content so,I mean it's not bad so you know you can,really study your data and see what's,really going on in the,back in your store and that's why a,Facebook pixel is so important in the,later in the future you can actually,target those customers and you know run,you know maybe a retargeting ad for Add,to Cart people and you know not for the,purchases so maybe if you want to run an,ad to purchase you can do a upsell to,them or you know we can say that thank,you for purchasing our product you know,maybe you want to purchase this so you,know it's a lot of different key factors,that you can do with Facebook pixels so,I teach all of this in my course I,actually took a class on Facebook ads,and stuff so you know the course is,really gonna be revamped on the Facebook,section and if you're interested make,sure you get in before the price rise,because this is gonna be some firefigher,content with Facebook ads and so because,you remember you want to start off with,Instagram influencers and once you get,to Instagram Instagram influencers and,you transfer to Facebook ads that's when,you start scaling okay so it's gonna be,crazy,alright so but in today's example we're,actually going to be talking about how,to install your Facebook pixels so you,can get started with all these events,down here okay also guys you can,actually do a lot more things with the,Facebook pixel so you have custom,audiences and custom conversions so a,lot of people are wondering what the,heck is a look-alike audience what the,heck is a custom conversion well you can,actually use your pixel and let's say we,want to make a look-alike audiences for,all the people that actually purchased,on our store so let's say we have a,hundred people that purchase and we can,actually make a look-alike audience in,facebook so that Facebook can make the,exact you know features of those,purchases okay and then I can run an ad,with the look-alike audiences and then,send it send my ad to those people so,it's very very powerful okay and also,with custom conversions you can actually,create different conversions and look at,your data and see what's actually,working for your store so it's very very,powerful Facebook pixel if you don't,have a Facebook pixel on your site you,are wasting your time okay you are not,you know serious you're not in the,ballgame,with this dropshipping Shopify all this,no ecommerce stuff you really need to,have your Facebook pixel on your site,okay it's that simple guys so how do you,install your Facebook pixel well once,you go and make a new you know Facebook,Ads manager or whatever your business,manager right then you're gonna come,down to pixels okay so you're gonna go,to pixels and then it's gonna take to,this page and then you know if you have,not installed your face because I was,gonna say create your pixel down here,it's gonna take you to the same page but,in this example I'm just gonna click,setup and it's gonna take you to this,page it's gonna say install your pixel,code okay so what you want to do is,actually integrate within Shopify so it,gives you a manual option or you can do,an email to a developer or whatever but,the easiest option is to install on your,Shopify store so you click Shopify then,this button is gonna come up is so easy,what we're gonna do is actually go to,our Shopify store so then you're going,to go into your Shopify store and go to,online store and scroll down to,preferences okay you just click,preferences it's gonna take you to this,section right here so as you can see I,have my Google Analytics set up and then,I have my Facebook pixel okay so what,you needed to do is actually it's gonna,be blank for you so all you have to do,is actually get the code pixel ID from,the Facebook manager is either gonna be,right here or you can actually get it,from right here okay so you can copy,that just copy it and you just paste it,in here okay so once you paste it then,it's gonna you just hit save and then,your Facebook pixel is installed alright,so now what you need to do is actually,go on your site and register an event so,you can actually click this you can go,on your Shopify store and let's just,click a product so as you can see we,have our pixel helper up here what you,need before you do anything make sure,you have your Facebook pixel helper,installed okay this is a Google Chrome,extension so you can actually see that,when you know what's really going on and,if your pixel is actually working,correctly okay so make sure you go to,the extension,have to do just click this three dots go,to more tools than extension and then,you could just search it you can,actually search it up here and all you,have to do is just say Facebook pixel,okay,once you click Facebook pixel then it's,gonna be the first one Facebook pixel,helper you just download it and then you,can actually go to your Shopify store,and then you can have your events and,see what's really happening and you know,register it okay so you just click Add,to Cart one time and you go back to your,Facebook manager pixel then you refresh,it and it should register the event and,your pixel should be ready to go okay so,it's simple it's easy you know it's not,that hard it's not that complicated just,do if you have not installed your,Facebook pixel go ahead and do that,right now okay do it right now and you,know you'll see you can start running,ads and you know studying your analytics,and you know doing all that because you,want to be studying your stats and your,analytics this is how you get to that,next level guys so I explain all of this,in my course you know if you really want,to you know take your game to the next,level and really know how to you know,run ads how to run proper ads and,studying each you know event and what's,you know what's so important and knowing,all these things right you can actually,get into my course it's $37 it's the,best deal you're ever going to get okay,so don't take it for granted so I hope,this kind of helped you guys you know,understand that you know Facebook pixel,is so important and you know there's so,many things you can do with the events,and adding custom conversions and look,like audiences just have to implement,all these things so that you can be,successful and get to the next level so,if you want to get into the course I,actually teach all of this in my course,and more you know if you want to run,proper ads if you want to get you know,the proper conversions and add two cards,and view content and all that we go deep,into detail with all this so if you,really want to get into the course the,course is still at $37 this is the best,deal you can ever get guys so all you,have to do is just click the link in the,description or hit me up on Instagram or,you can email me on my website so,at the end of the day your boys still,here peace out
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