how to add featured collection on shopify

How To Feature Collection In Shopify (How To Add Product Collection Shopify) hey everybody my name i

Marcus Stone

Updated on Feb 16,2023

How To Feature Collection In Shopify (How To Add Product Collection Shopify)

The above is a brief introduction to how to add featured collection on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to add featured collection on shopify

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How To Feature Collection In Shopify (How To Add Product Collection Shopify)

hey everybody my name is marcus stone,and in this video i will show you how,you can add,and also feature your collection,in shopify because there was a question,right now in a comment,let me show you,in video i made that how to add and,display to featured collection,there is no one on youtube showing this,so what you need to do,is just click on product and the product,you got,let's go this one and,you're gonna see right here the,collections and i'm going to,add it to this collection i have home,page,i will click save i will click again to,collections,you can create a new collection if you,want to,pretty simple pretty easy and now,what i will do is i'm going to click on,my store,then i will go customize my store,and now right here in sections i'm going,to add a section,and then i'm going to add featured,collection,and add select collection,home page and voila here we got it,so we can have the grid here,or collage so this is really important,if you're gonna have like collection,here let's create something,so this is how we add a collection i'm,going to create a collection now,summer collection,okay,we have the conditions here if the,compare product title contains,summer i can just add it straight away,it's like really simple or manual,one by one or automated it's up to you,so,when i'm going to click save now,i'm going to click on all products,and let's say that i want to add these,two t-shirts,add the collection summer collection,nice and again when i'm going to open my,store,i'm going to customize it,the same style same thing add a section,featured collection click add,collection select one summer collection,and voila here we got it pretty simple,pretty easy,and everyone can do it so thank,everybody if you have any questions guys,ask me down below in the comments i'm,really happy to help you and provide you,some guidance support,have a great day and goodbye

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