to add discounts in shopify you want to,come first to the shopify dashboard,and then we want to come and find the,discounts tab so it's right there for us,and as you can see my store doesn't have,any discounts right now,so you can come and press create,discount code or if you do have,discounts they will be displayed here,and you can come to the right hand,corner and then press create discount so,let's do that,and there are two options that you have,when creating discounts within shopify,either creating a discount code or,creating an,automatic discount that customers can,get when they are,checking out customers cannot use both,of these at the same time so an,automatic discount,is pretty easy it essentially just,creates a complete discount,for the amount in their car so the first,thing you have to do is,create a title for the discount,something memorable for you,and you can also brand this as well,because customers can see this,in their cart so maybe black,friday something like this so it is a,themed,discount then with discounts there are,three ways to give automatic discounts,you can either do it as a percentage of,their cart,a fixed amount so this is maybe five,dollars or ten dollars,and then buy x get y which is basically,like a buy one get one free deal and you,can,do all of the different criteria for,that so if we go to percentage first,you can literally just give a 10,discount for the cart,then you can go through and essentially,apply it to anything you like do you,want it to apply to all of the products,in your store,so if you have like 100 products do you,want a 10,discount store wide then you can do it,on all products if you want to,click on specific collections you'll see,that this box comes up right here,so i can go and search some of my,collections that i have i can click on,browse,and i've got three collections of,products in my store i have a coffee,beans collection i have bunch of flowers,collection so,let's say i want to apply a 10 discount,on my coffee beans collection,i can click add right here and then,that's done if you don't know about,collections or need any more information,on collections,i'll put my tutorial on adding,collections in shopify,into the description you can go and,check that out to see just how you can,add and edit collections in shopify but,that's really great we can put a,discount on a specific collection,and then down to specific products you,can literally just browse the,specific product that you want to,discount so right here i have men's hats,and i have different variants i've got,medium large different colors,you can actually specify which,individual variant of a product that you,want to discount,maybe you have a color that isn't,selling very well well you can do that,right here and discount it,so you can add that to the discount if,you want i'm just going to press cancel,but you can see you can really be,specific in what you're discounting,what's great here as well is the minimum,requirements maybe you want to give a 10,discount but the customer needs to spend,50 or 50 pounds to get that and then you,can also add a minimum quantity of items,as well,if you don't want them to have a minimum,dollar amount,you can then set the active dates for,your discount which is really great so,maybe you have a sale for a week you can,do that and it will just expire,automatically,maybe you're running a black friday deal,and it's only like a weekend deal,so you can do all of that here you can,see that they cannot combine this with,other discounts,so this is absolutely fine for me and,i'm just going to click on save,and then that discount is created if for,some reason there's an error,you can come and disable the discount,right now you want to disable it,no i don't for now but you can do that,here let's come back to the discounts,page,go to automatic discounts and you can,see we have our black friday,discount 10 off men's hats specific hat,right there that i added,that's really great but how about,discount codes as well maybe you want a,fresh discount code that people can,input when they're checking out,let's go and create that then so create,discount and we want a discount code,right here,you can then put the code in so maybe,it's you know,oct 10 or something like that so you're,giving 10,off in october you can then choose,percentage fixed amount,even free shipping with a discount code,as well which is really cool,so maybe you're running a free shipping,discount for the month or the week,and then buy x get white as well you can,set that up,just like we did previously let's go,back to percentage right here,you can put the 10 in there like that,do you want it to apply to all products,or specific products,let's do a collection and search by,coffee,there it is it's found it for us so we,can add that,are there any minimum requirements just,like before and who,is eligible for this discount this is,really great so if you have a lot of,different groups of customers,on shopify then you can obviously group,them and you can search for them right,here just like we did with our products,and our collections,you can even group them by zone or,country as well so,maybe you have a selection of people,that are in a certain country or a,certain state,or whatever you can be really specific,in terms of who gets the discounts,then you can limit the usage of it so,maybe you're offering a really good,discount but you know it's only one per,customer otherwise it would get crazy,well you can do that right,here and then you can just set the,active dates as well once you're happy,with that discount of course you can,save it and that will also be applied to,your store so let's go back to discounts,right now,you can see we have discount codes and,we have automatic discounts as well i'm,just going to go to this discount and,click on it and what's really great is,that you can promote this discount,you can actually get a shareable link,for it but you can also do email,campaigns,in the marketing tab in shopify as well,with the discount code,that's for another tutorial though as i,said way more in the description you can,go and click on those links and find out,more,if the video was helpful please give it,a thumbs up subscribe for more,and i'll see in the next one
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