how to add page to menu shopify

How to add pages to your store and navigation menu - Shopify 2019 hello Shopify store owners and wel

Shopify How To

Updated on Feb 10,2023

How to add pages to your store and navigation menu - Shopify 2019

The above is a brief introduction to how to add page to menu shopify

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How to add pages to your store and navigation menu - Shopify 2019

hello Shopify store owners and welcome,this week I want to show you how to,create and add pages to your Shopify,store and also how to add them in your,menu in order to create pages you need,to go into your admin panel then online,store pages and if you have no pages,here you can just click on add a page,you will give it a title you can also,choose the visibility option so it,should it be visible right away or you,want to have it hidden for the moment,you can still preview it if you want but,it will not be available on the front,and for your customers or you can set a,specific publish date in the future if,you want to launch it at a certain time,in the future quick interruption here,last week I did the draw for a monthly,free contest so if you did participate,the weeks before go and check that video,to see if you are one of the winner just,click somewhere top right or bottom left,to be redirected to that video if you,two want to participate in this contest,and it's absolutely free just watch the,video or go straight to the end of the,video to learn and know how to be part,of the contest so you can also win a one,hour consultation with me five hours,worth of work time all value got $575,it's simple it's easy and quick so thank,you guys in my case I'm just selected to,be visible right away then you will have,your continent your description if you,have different templates for your page,you can select here a template I'm just,gonna leave it for the standard page and,we click Save and like that my page is,created you can also play with the SEO,which is always recommended to add some,keywords to your page page title,description and also maybe some more,keywords in your url you can click here,to view the page so in my example I'm,just using the standard minimal theme,and this is how the page will look like,we have the page title and the,description now let me show you if I,want to add it on my menu go back to,your admin panel and just below pages,click on navigate,do select your main menu so I would like,to add it let's add it at the end click,on your main menu and then go and click,on add a menu item link select pages and,just select the page you just created it,will take the same name as the page or,you can give it another name like in my,case instructions just because I don't,want it to show that wide that big click,on add and if we save it let's refresh,it's gonna be in the menu right here you,can do the same if you wanted to add it,as a drop down menu so let's assume that,my instruction here I want to add it,below about us so just drag and drop you,drug and you drop below then you will,see the arrow which indicates that the,instruction it's now part of about us,menu and if we save and refresh here we,will see it in about us instructions so,this is it if you if you have any,questions please use the comments below,the video to ask me anything you want to,know about this video about this process,I will I will take the time to answer,also don't forget to Like subscribe and,comment in the video I will draw for,free one hour consultation and five,hours worth of work time value that five,hundred and seventy five dollars each,month so by subscribing liking and,commenting on this video you can win,five hundred seventy five free value,that I will draw each month so please do,that and see you next time

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