how to add schema to shopify site

How to Add Rich Schema Markup to Shopify Store hello and welcome my name is amul and,you are watchin


Updated on Feb 09,2023

How to Add Rich Schema Markup to Shopify Store

The above is a brief introduction to how to add schema to shopify site

Let's move on to the first section of how to add schema to shopify site

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how to add schema to shopify site catalogs

How to Add Rich Schema Markup to Shopify Store

hello and welcome my name is amul and,you are watching,tubemint in this video i'm going to show,you how to add,json ld rich snippets schema markup to,your,shopify store so let's get started,so suppose this is your shopify store go,to your admin area to make any changes,to your shopify store go ahead and log,in so that's the first,thing the second thing before you get,started go,ahead and customize the,json ld schema markup so let's suppose,you are a local business,it could be anything right you simply,have to,search this schema type of schema that,schema markup that you want to add to,your,shopify store so simply search here,you can have a look at the type of,available most commonly used,schema that are here so it could be,local business restaurant,any event okay creative a lot of people,doing creative work,these days and they are trying to sell,it on shopify,so in this case in this video i'm going,to use organization,it could be any type of organization you,simply need to customize,the json ld for your,organization specific organization so we,will go with the json ld format,go ahead and copy it this is recommended,format,by google otherwise there are many,formats that you can use,okay so go ahead and copy this json ld,format which is recommended again by,google,and go to your shopify store,one thing before you get started this,needs to be customized,okay so this has to be your address,organization address postal code street,address,email fax number,type alumni,name and telephone number,okay now to add the schema markup,you go to your shopify admin area and,then click,customize theme make sure you are under,home section and then click customize,theme now we need to go to,edit code section okay so,either you click on here actions drop,down menu,and go to edit code,which i'm going to open in a new tab,so this looks like this or,you can simply click customize,and then go to theme actions,click on these dots and then click edit,code,you will be landing on the same page,either uh whether you use,the actions from here or go to this,theme actions all right so,let's go ahead and add,json le schema markup,to your shopify store so if it's a kind,of,generic schema markup that you want to,add to your store,you can add to,layout or header section,so if you go to layout you need to go to,this theme dot liquid,and once you are in here you can simply,go ahead and paste your schema markup,under this head,part so go ahead and,just paste in here so you can already,see i have added this json ld,markup that can be replaced,with the new one okay,so i'm just going to copy sorry paste,the,latest customized one,for my organization it could be for your,organization,and save it,okay so that's the first way to add json,only schema,markup to your shopify store,through layouts using theme dot,liquid the second one is you can go to,sections and look for header dart,liquid,and you can see that they already have,added,the shopify team has already,added,these uh json ld,schema markup which is basically for,organization on social media platforms,okay they also have,another section here which is for,website,so either you can place,in the theme dot liquid or js sorry,header or liquid the only thing if you,have multiple json early schema that you,want to add,to your shopify store make sure you are,putting them,in their distinct script,tag okay you cannot combine two schema,markup in,one script tag,so let's say i have to add another i,will go ahead and paste in here,and that is going to be within this,sorry,script tag and then i'll quickly go,ahead and save it,this will be a duplicate if i save it,here so that's why i'm not going to do,it,once it's saved we must verify,whether google is going to recognize it,so what we need to do we need to look,for,google schema checker,so they have structured data testing,tool which is freely available,go ahead and copy that shopify store,and paste the url in here,run the test,so you can see we have two organizations,so one was already added,and then i added one so this is why,we've got two,so if i go ahead and click here you'll,see,it will tell you where it's added so,that was added in the head part,sorry headed out liquid section which is,by shopify team and then,if i go ahead and click the this bar,which was added by myself,so this is going to be on the very top,which was added in theme.liquid,the other one which is a website was,added by,shopify theme which is in the,header.liquid,the other part people like to do the,other,most important schema that every,shopify store should have is the product,one,okay so the product is basically,under sections,and you will have to look up for product,dark liquid,so let's see,product template product,let's see i think i already have one,collections,let's check under product template,so i simply need to look up for json,ld we already have something here json,no ld,i don't i don't think so so,i think i'm not,i'm not on the right uh file here,so we have article template these are,templates,they should have product.liquid,somewhere,so let's see snippets under snippets we,have snippets here,and,comments these are small snippets,um layouts we don't have anything,templates okay here we have,under templates we have product dot,liquid,so you can see they already have json ld,which is for product time,so you don't need to have a like add,product schema marker,on your shopify store this is dynamic,schema for each product that you're,going to add,to your shopify store okay so don't need,to customize it,however i'm not sure if it's available,for articles let's see,articles.liquid now there,should be already,oh they already have it you see so you,do not,need to add any article schema markup or,any product schema markup,okay so that's these are already added,and,also these product and article schema,markups are,dynamic for each article and product,that you're going to,publish on your site so that's it for,this video guys if you have any,questions suggestion leave in the,comment below i will try to answer it,asap thank you for watching,bye for now

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