how to best calculate weight on shopify

How to weight your product for shipping| calculate weight and shipping for Shopify hi guys welcome b

Mimi Julien

Updated on Mar 22,2023

How to weight your product for shipping| calculate weight and shipping for Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to best calculate weight on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to best calculate weight on shopify

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How to weight your product for shipping| calculate weight and shipping for Shopify

hi guys welcome back again to my channel,if you're new here you already know,don't waste time just go ahead and,subscribe we drop videos every week and,turn on your post notification and also,click the link down below for more,information on all my ebooks okay guys,so many of you was in my dms asking me,for a discount code because i ended the,last one and then you wanted to take,advantage okay so i'm gonna provide you,guys with a new code so you can,enjoy this sale that's going to last,today only so i put the code up here,it's also going to be in the box down so,click it and enjoy okay guys welcome,back again to my channel so i wanted to,make um this quick video for you guys,because i haven't gotten some dms,because people wanted to know how to,you know how to determine shipping,because you know a lot of you,you know you just put your product on,your website and then shipping is the,same price for everything,like i see some of you have seven dollar,shipping,and it doesn't matter if you buy like a,combo set like let's say i went to,somebody's website okay she's like,somebody who wants to work with me but,so basically if you go to her website,you get like a combo okay that's just an,example shipping is seven dollars,that's how she put it,and then if you get,just the treatment for example,it's still seven dollars,and this is my smallest product this is,a haitian black castor oil it's also,seven dollars,for me is that,you are losing out on money,because if you go to the post office,and the combo set is definitely more,than a pound,and the customer pays seven dollars for,shipping let's let's say and then you go,to the post office it's like ten dollars,you are losing out three dollars so you,have to weigh,your product correctly,so i'm making this video once and for,all for the people who's been dming me,they don't know how to calculate,shipping they don't know how to,you know weigh their product,so that they are not losing out on,shipping you cannot just have one price,for shipping for everything let's say,someone ordered like seven products,like let's say someone order seven,products and then you charge them only,six dollars but when you go to the,post office they're gonna make you get,one of those priority boxes the price,for priority,and then the price for first class is,two different things first class,packages are cheaper than priority so,therefore you have to,properly,um where your product so that you can,enter it on your website and your,shipping information so that when the,customer purchase they'll know,um the,the system should already calculate um,the price of the shipping me i use,shopify for that's the e-commerce,platform that i use,um and i use the carrier that i use to,ship up my packages i use,the,usps which is the united states post,office and i use dhl for international,shipping so what you're going to do,you need to get yourself a scale you,need to get like a piece of paper,or you can get um let me just enter my,password,and like,i have like a notepad for example,um this is the castor oil this is the,combo set stimulating black soap,conditioner and scalp moisturizer so,basically i'm gonna take the weight of,each product and i'm gonna write it down,so when it's time to go to my website,so that i'll be able to plug it in so,that i'll know how to,calculate shipping properly and i'm,gonna i want to use shopify guys so i,don't use um wicks i don't use um,big cartel godaddy or woodpress i only,use um shopify so i'm familiar with,shopify and i'm gonna show you guys how,to,enter,um how to,let's say i'm adding a product how to,enter the weight,um of the product on the website okay so,you need to you need to get yourself a,scale,this scale is literally i think it's,under,20 dollars i think it's 20,or 19. it might be cheaper actually let,me check,let me check um how much this scale,i'm gonna go to amazon right now,i'm gonna,dump type scale,okay this is the one that i have guys as,you can see,oh it's not focusing,but,this one right here i got it from amazon,it is only 22 dollars okay is it can you,guys see it,is it only 2 it's only 22 dollars you,need this,this is a life saver okay so let me show,you how you want this,we're going to turn it on,as you can see it's on but the lighting,the wing light,you can't see but it is on right now,the weight of the castor oil this is the,haitian castor oil i just don't have a,label right now,and you're gonna place it,you see if i move it the number is,moving right here right here this is,what you see right now is on zero and,make sure you set it to,a sun pound and ounces,okay so let me put this down,okay,so this castor oil guys is four ounce as,you can see the four is right here,it's because i'm using the ring light,you can't really i have to turn the,light down so press this you press and,hold and it's gonna take it to zero,so this is four,ounce point four,so you're gonna write it here,gonna go to your notes you're gonna put,four point,it says three or four i don't know,so,arms,now i'm gonna go to the combo sets,make sure this is at zero every time you,weigh a product you take it out make,sure it's at zero,okay,so now we're gonna do a combo set for,example on my website i have a combo,which is a conditioner,a shampoo,um scalp moisturizer put it somewhere,here and then my oil,okay,so you guys can see,this is,three products so this you guys don't,mind my nails okay so this combo set is,one pound,and 13 ounce okay as you can see it's,right here you see the one,this is the one is in front of the lb lb,stands for a pound and all these 10 4,ounce as you can see,one pound here and point 13 ounce you,don't have to worry about that four,there,it's one pound here,13 ounce,i'm taking this information so that i,can go,and put it on my website okay,so this is a combo set because you gotta,have the right,um,wait guys for your product,and let's do the oil let's see this oil,here,this oil is literally,it's also four ounce,yeah the oil,four ounce,so i just put it here,and um,i hope this helps guy because people,have been asking me i'm just,helping you,well this cup moisturizer is 5 ounce as,you can see 5.2 but you can just put 5,ounces it doesn't really,matter so just put five i just write it,down as a note like i said,five ounce,as you can see so that when it's time to,like enter everything i can have this as,a reference,and this one here,is nine ounce,this is the hair mask,oh actually it's 10 ounce,it's 10,ounce okay,and of course i'll condition this okay,this is the conditioner,it's nine,pounds i can say nine ounces 9.7,9.7,ounce,in the black soap guys the number i'm,looking for is right here this is zero,so it's zero pound,but ten ounce as you can see i'm looking,at these two numbers here right here,there's no number so i'm not worrying,about this number because it's zero so,right now it's 10,10 m's,okay that's one so,let's say on my website i sell,the conditioner,and the shampoo together,so i'll put this here this is one order,okay this is one combo so this combo is,is one pound,let me put it together to see is one,pound,and four,ounces okay,so i'll just write that down,okay so i have the conditioner,and,shampoo conditioner and shampoo that's,one pound and,four ounce okay,so that's basically how you calculate,um how you determine,your um,your weight,so basically if you have 10 product guys,let's say you you have one two three,four five six seven product you have to,take,um the weight of each product,individually by themselves and you enter,it on your website,but if you sell a combo set a combo set,meaning you sell,multiple products together let's say,four products together you have to take,all that full product and weigh it,together because that's one order if you,go to my website for example,so let's say,you go to my website,um hold on guys let me go to,let's put a divine kinky,okay i know you're not seeing my face,but,so let's say you go to my website that's,my website you see i have,one combo i have a combo here i have a,combo there,and another combo here so i have to make,sure i take,the weight of this whole combo here that,has six products,in it so i put all the six product here,and i'll look to see if it's one pound,or two pound and i'll do the same thing,for each combo,because this is what one order,when someone order they're ordering this,kit so this kit,the the weight of this kit is not going,to be the same as let's say someone buy,on oil for example so you have to make,sure you weigh out all your products so,you're not missing out on shipping so,you're not losing money like i said i,went to somebody's website,and,let's say you're buying an oil the,shipping price is the same as if you,were buying like a whole combo like,you're missing out clearly it's like,the more they buy the,higher the shipping could be so you have,to make sure you're taking the weight of,all your product,okay,let me know if you guys have any,question,so guys i'm going to show you guys a,little demonstration on my phone,again this is for shopify because i only,use shopify i'm only familiar with,shopify if you use any other software i,cannot help you if you use like wigs,wix i don't know if i said if you use,wix if you use big cartel if you use,wordpress if you use godaddy i cannot,help you because i don't use that um,e-commerce platform i use shopify so i'm,gonna show you guys how i'm gonna act,like i'm entering a new product,and i'll show you guys how i do that for,shopify okay,i hope this video helped you guys and i,decided to make this video because i,don't want to keep answering questions,the ideas like i said i have people,who always ask i mean this video is also,for my mentees as well so they can,always come back and come to this video,if they have any questions because i,also see it and also for anybody on,youtube okay i hope this video was clear,enough i wanted to show you guys,how i do this so that i don't miss out,on shipping,and you always want to add an extra box,on your shipping because you want to be,able to,um,to cover,the cost of the boxes that you're using,the tape that you're using let's say,regular shipping is six dollars you can,add another two dollars on it that make,it eight dollars so that you can cover,for the boxes for the tape,for everything that you're using so you,guys make sure you guys are wise when,you're in business make sure you count,your time um you've always got to cop,your time and pay yourself and make sure,that you're not losing okay,so i'm going to show you guys a little,demonstration on how i'm going to enter,a product okay,so you guys um this is the note that i,took this is the weight of this product,so i'm gonna go,ahead and show you guys a little um,screen recording on how i would enter,a product okay,bye thank you guys for watching and,don't forget to click the link in the,video guys i have four e-books,um available for you guys i have the,beauty brand i have the beauty,blend blueprint i have the,you know how to build business credit,that's two i have the one where,you if you want to get private label and,formulation done,that's another one,and i have,another ebook where,where to buy packaging and stuff what's,the fifth one guys i don't remember,i don't even remember,oh my god,what is the other ebook that i have um,this miss,guys one second hey my name is russell,brunson i want to see your free copy my,brand new book called funnel stuff go to,my,thing,and then the other way yes grow your,business um word business using social,media,yes so go your business using social,media i have,all my ebooks are here actually,oh where the hell are they,um,now all my ebooks are here one two three,four five so grow your business using,social media because it's important to,social media for your business um the,beautyblend blueprint um business 101,because it's important to start building,business credit,um,and private label,to be able to start your haircare and,skincare,how to get formulation and all that yeah,so click the link in the video guys and,i'll see you guys next time thank you,for watching,okay guys i'm gonna act like i'm adding,a product to my store so i can show you,guys where to go to add the weight of,the product again this is for shopify so,as you can see i added the combo set,that i have on my website and i just,named it convo kit or combo package,whichever you want to call it,and just put a little description,because you have to describe the product,what's in it what is it for what does it,do,and now you're gonna go to price i'm,just picking any price because i'm just,demonstrating um to you guys how you go,about adding a product you can add,inventory,um you can add,shipping information,i think there's a place here okay,because i have to cut it because my,address,okay,now as you can see where it says,shipping information it says zero pound,you see that little van that um and to,the right you can see where you can,change it to pound kilograms ounces and,now we're gonna put it on,not ounce on pound because we're doing a,combo set the combo set was like one,pound and 13 ounce,i think that's what it was,if i'm not mistaking i don't have the,note in front of me as you can see,weight,use the,kalki,used to calculate shipping sorry guys,so i am putting the weight of the combo,kit was one pound,and,13 ounce okay so this is how you,add the weight of your product as you,can see now shipping isn't entered now,you can add inventory and everything,else let me know if this video was clear,if you need any information leave me a,comment

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